East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wmn is Well as Men Are Mafo
Ikerafete by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon tlic mind,
diitconragcsandlesscnsamDition; beanty.
vigor ana cneertul
ness soon disappear
when Uie kidneys are
oat of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
"born afflicted with
mt- Vilnevn- If the
child urinates toooften. if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, thecau-e of theditfi
cultv is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men ai e made miser
able with kidnev and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized, it is soul
hv druggists, in hlty- fd
cent and one-dollar i
size bottles. You may:
have a sample bottle
by tp" free, also a hsu
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer S: Co.,
Binghamton, X. Y.. be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, X. Y., on every
Rev. Glbbs is III With the Grip An
nual Meeting Rural Telephone Co.!
Visiting at Spokane VisitorRe-l
turns to SpoKane Late Arrivals
Prom Albany Will Purchase Prop-,
erty Here Mrs. Ella Mellor .Has J
The naval appropriation bill just
passed provides for a naval training
station on the Great Lakes.
Samuel Emrlck. a Denver police
man, has been Indicted on the charge
of murdering William E. Malone.
whom he shot to oeaiu.
General Zapats. of -ie rebel forces
in San Domingo, has been captured
and shot. Politically and industri
ally, the island is in chaos.
Joseph Soltz, editor of the Ma-i-nette
iWis.) Leader, was lound dead
In bed from heart failure. He was
one of the best known country edi
tors of his state
Corporations capitalized at $53.
TOO.OuO were organized in the East
era States during February- This
amount represents only those com
panies with a capital of Ji;n00.000 or
The Canadian government will
guarantee the bonds of the Grand
Trunk Pacific railway (the newly
projected transcontinental ) to the
amount of To per cent of the cost of
construction on mountain sections.
It is stated upon unimpeachable
authority that President Roosevelt
favors the admission of New Mexico
and Arizona as one state and the
fight for separate statehood has been
abandoned by the republicans in con
gress who favor it.
Milton, March 1. William H. J
Steen returned this morning from ,
Walla Walla, where he has been at ;
the bedside of his wife, who was;
seriously ill. She is on the road to'
recovery, and he will now attend to'
his duties with the Elam Hardware'
Co. :
Rev. G. H. Gibbs is suffering from '
an attack of the grip, and was unable'
to Bll the pulpit of the M. E. church.
South. Sunday,
i E. R Warren, who has been here
a guest at the home of A. M. Elam.
has gune for a visit with friends at
Portland, before returning to his
home at Spokane.
The Misses Lyila Neil and Jennie
Dykes went to Walla Walla over Sun
day night and were the guests over
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.. Stnal
ley. Dr. S. A. Fulton left Saturday
night for a visit with friends at Spo
kane. 1
The candy pull given by the Y. W. !
f A nf rnlnmiTa fViltA!-o n-nc a vaiv !
enjoyable affair.
Mr. and Mrs. S P. Garrigus. who
have been here visiting Mrs. Garri
gus sister. Mrs. L. B. Plans, will
leave this afternoon for Heppner.
C. E. Berry left yesterday morning !
for a business visit at Spokane. He j
is expected home Friday. j
J. F. Bingham, manager for the Pa-,
cific States Telephone Company at j
Walla Walla. Is here on business
connected with the company. i
Mr. and Mrs Robert Romine ir-
rived here yesterday from Albany.
They will purchase property and
make this place their home.
Trie Annual Meeting.
The regular annual meeting of the
Rural Telephone Company will be
heid this afternoon for the puroe
of electing directors and officers for
the ensuing year
Severe Case of Pneumonia.
Mrs. Luella Sterling of Cataldo.
Idaho, and Charles S. Mellor of Med
ical Lake, arrived here Sunday in re
sponse to a message announcing the
serious illness of their mother. Mrs.
Ella Mellor. about a week ago. Mrs.
Mellor was taken ill with pneumonia
and at this date is still in a critical
Hotel Pendleton.
D. P. Owen. St. Paul.
K. Holland, Portland.
C. P. Jackson. Portland.
Dan Norman, Chicago.
James Lusley and wife. Seattle.
G. C. Lunt, Moro.
O. Oppenheinier, San Francisco.
H. V. A. Ferguson, San Francisco.
R. D. McAusland. Omaha.
A. Blnnard. Kansas City.
G. W Powell. Spokane.
C. E. Cook. Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Coman. Portland.
W. D. Marks. Spokane.
W J. Moore. Spokane.
J. R. Smith, city
C. Epplnger. city.
W. M. Rice. Walla Walla.
O. L, Wordon. Portland.
J W Sklles. Spokane.
E. L. M. Taylor, Spokane.
T J. Bruner. Omaha.
J. B Hardy. St Paul.
Hotel St. George.
Wagner. Portland.
Savage. Denver.
George Harris. Portland.
C. K. Winter. Tacoma.
Georce T. Coyne. Portland.
E. E. Furbush. Tremont.
J C. Millis.
C. S. Whitney. Walla Walla.
John Budsele. Walla Walla.
C. L. Downer. Spokane.
Eben Lima. Athena.
Charles J. Stone. St. Paul.
E. B. Prescott. Sf Paul.
C. E. Warde. Denver.
Horace Walker. Helix.
C. H. Barnes. San Francisco.
A. W Bennett. Walla Walla.
W. X. Stabl. Portland.
L. B. Sears. Portland.
L. H Pinkham. Portland.
Frank Drake and wife. Chicago.
Hotel Bickers.
W. M Loyd. Milton.
M. J McDavitt. Ella.
Mrs. Rush, Walla Walla.
Miss Annie Rush. Walia Walla.
J. P. Ganigrus and wife. Hoppner.
A. Conklin. San Francisco.
Roy Wilkenson. Boise.
J. M. Bedell. Walla Wafla.
J. W. McAdams. Oregon City.
R. F. McElroy. city.
W. J Horn. city.
Mrs C. M. Shields. Freewater.
Mrs. Annie Scit. Baker Citv.
T J Berger. Walla Walla."
R. X. Adams, city.
Frank Monahan. Echo.
An Umatilla in Skins, Feathers. Paint
and Blankets.
The British steamer Inverness will
leave Portland in a short time with
1.500,000 feet of lumber and 2.5fXi
tons of oats.
The winter fishing season on the
lower Columbia has been a failure.
The closed season began March 1
and continues until April 15.
Wisconsin capitalists will build a
sawmill on the Portsmouth water
front at Portland, with a capacity i.f
600.000 feet per day. in which 500
men will be employed.
J. B. Allison, a young mulatto, was
February 29 sentenced at Seattle to
20 years in the penitentiary for par
ticipating in the Ylllard House ta
loon hold-up at Seattle.
Arthur Stump, employed by the
Bridal Veil Lumber Company, was
killed February 25 by having a leg
cut off close to his body by a log
ging engine followed by a truck of
John McXair and Fred Sara were
injured In the East Gray Rock. Mon
tana mine accident of February 14.
In which four men were killed. The
two survivors have brought suit for
$50,000 damages.
In Montana the republican state
convection to elect delegates to the
national convention, will be held in
Helena April 12; to nominate a state
ticket will be held at Billings some
time in September.
William Emmons, a middle-aged
man with a wooden leg, February 29
Blaahed Frank Fltxpatrick with t
knife for calling him -peg-leg."
Fitz pa trick was painfully, but not
dangerously bun. Emmons is on
trial at Seattle.
We have some propositions in
real estate which are worth your
time to investigate. Come In and
talk them over with us.
Office in E. O. Building. 'Phone
Black, 1111. P. O. Box 324.
!MkaM.6aJtft.BEN&et iiixhwim
aafabtt KMrtiH Enwtft BeMfrim
Half-Sister of Oregon Sunshine, the
Famous Trotter.
T Oleson. of the Queen Chop
House, has bought of Carl Jensen, r.f
this city, the 2-year-old filly. Priscel
li J., and will send her to Walla Wal
la to be trained for the track.
The colt was sired by Bonner X B,
dam Eugenia Eddy, and is a half-sister
to the famous Oregon Sunshine,
vhich made such a record for her
self ar a 2-year-old on the Oregon
track, hut died soon after being
brought home at the end of the season.
Mr Oleson's colt has not yet been
The Indian is civilized in part, at
least, and it is seldom that one of tbr
old-time pictures Is brought before
the eyes of the public of today, but f buen. rut Is a beautiful little thine
this morning the people at the depot and gives promise of being a speedy
saw one of the relics of the days of j animal when put under the harness.
long ago.
One of the Umatlllas was starting Tragedy Averted,
on a visit to some of his brethren "Just in the nick of time our little
dowi- the Columbia, and in honor of boy was saved." writes Mrs. W Wat
tot journey had togged himself out kins of Pleasant City. Ohio. "Pneu
in the dress of his tribe. Blanket i monia had played sad havoc with him
and fettbers were all there, and ;n and a terrible cough set in besid'js.
his hand was the bow and quiver of i Doctors treated him. but be grew
arrows that have almost passed- out worse every day. At length we tried
of memory except as curios. The Dr King's Xew Discovery for Con
fa w was gaudily painted, and the ir-1 sumption, and our darling was saved,
rtiwt! were feathered and tipped with j He is now sound and well." Every-
oooy ougnt to Know it s the only
sure cure for coughs, colds and all
lnng diseases. Guaranteed by Tall
rem & Co.. druggists. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottles free.
fli.it. being very pretty and interest
inf The Indian was the center of
quite a crowd.
Utah People Engage in Mercantile
. Business on Large Scale in La
La Grande. Or.. March 1. A new
corporation has been organized in
La Grande, known as the La Grande
Mercantile Company, composed of
the following business men, most of
whom have come in from Utah with
in the past several months: Alex
Nibley. F. S. Bramwell. J. C- Xlblcy.
W. W. Berry. F. P. Hammond and H.
P. Kimball. The directors of the
company are as follows: Ale: Nib
ley. H. P. Kimball, F. S. Bramwell,
C. P. Ferrin and J F. Nibley. F. P.
Hammond will be general manager
and JF. S. Bramwell will be secretary
and treasurer.
This company will deal in ladies'
furnishings, dry goods and notions
exclusively, and have purchased the
entire dry goods stock of the J. 11.
Berry Mercantile Company in this
city. This new enterprise will be
opened March 12.
Boise Wants Players.
John J. McCIosKey. manager nf
the Boise baseball club, writes from
Salt Lake, under date of February
27, that he is hustling hard to get
players, which he says are scarce,
owing to the tact that it is getting
late and most of them having sign
ed. However, be says that he has
signed a few and will have some an
nouncements to make soon. He said
be would leave on Sunday for Chi
cago, St. Louis, Louisville and Cin
cinnati, where he hopes to land the
men he wants. Boise Capital Xew.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danfortb of La Grange. Ga.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg, but
writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve
wholly cured it in five days. For ul
cers, wounds, piles, it's the best salve
in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only
25 cents. Sold by Tallman & Co.,
Large Turnout of Very Thriving Order.
San Antonio, Texas, March 1 The j
state convention of the Knights of,
the Maccabees, which opened here!
today. Is the largest meeting in point'
of attendance ever held by the order
In this part of the country. Dele
gates are In attendance from all the
local branches throughout the state
and In addition a number of the su-.
preme officers of the order are pres
ent. The reports of the several state of
ficers show that the order is in a
flourishing condition in Texas, both
as regards numbers and finances. The
sessions are to continue through to
morrow A delegation from Houston
is on hand with an invitation to the
order to hold the next state conven
tion in that city. j
Twenty cents per pound for Cor
vallls hops Is already offered for the
next crop.
lut Have Lnwlul ui Gloaay Hair,
X Matter IVaat Cater.
The finest contour of a female face, the
sweetest aralle of a female mouth, loam
aomethlnc If the head Is crowned with
cant hair Scant and falling hair. It U
now known. Is caused by a parasite that
burrows Into the aealp to the root of the
hair, where It saps the vitality The lit
tie white scale the germ throws up In
burro wine are called dandruff. To cure
dandruff permanently, then, and to atop
jailing; hair, that germ must be killed.
Newbro's Herplclde. an entirely new re
sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys
the dmdruff eerro, and, of course, stops
the falling hair, and prevents baldness.
Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. In
stamps for sample to The Berpldde Co
Detroit, illch.
F. W. Schmidt, special agent.
Ten Automobiles Free
This year the Royal Tailors of Chicago, are giving automobiles to their customers. You have ns
good a chance to get one as anybody.
The man who guesses the nearest to the number of paid .dmlsslons to the World's Fair at SL
Louts, will get the best Automobile, worth $5,000.00. They will .give away Ten Automobiles and you
have a guess for every $1.00 Invested In a suit or garment made by the Royal Tailors. Twenty guesses
for a J20 suit, etc Call at the Fair Store where orders are taken for Royal Tallor-Made Suits for
either Ladies or Gentlemen, and they will explain fully the plan on this guessing contest.
This is no graft or gambling scheme. You simply buy a sulL and register a guess for each il of
the price of the sulL The one who guesses nearest the number sets the best automobile, the next
nearest the next best machine, etc.
Call and Investigate tills at once.
s0 i rK
Man Who Was Willing to Try and
Was Ccnvlnced.
A. 3". Burroughs, Baker City. Ore,,
Dec. 15. 1902, wrote: "I have been a
very hard drinker for twenty years,
few people drank more than I. If
your TRIB is a cure I want.iL" On
T.'ny 15, 1903, Mr. Burroughs wrote:
"It is a pleasure for me to recom
mend TRIB as a cure for the liquor
habit. It has now been six months
since I completed a cure with TRIB.
I have never hnd better health. I eat
well and sleep well. I believe it is
the best cure for the liquor addic
tion yet placed upon the markeL"
One thousand laborers on the
World's Fair grounds at St. Louts,
have struck against a reduction of
A Wholes ale Deal.
Mr. Centerpede "Let me have two dozen pairs of gloves, please."
Manufacturers of Rlgby-Clove
Structeral Iron for Brick
Buildings, Sash Weights
& Castings of all kinds
Repair work on all kinds of ma
chinery and general blacksmlthing.
Great Alteration Sale
Furniture Carpets
Workmen will soon be crowding us for room to
remodel our store building. We must make
room. The stock must be reduced. Come
and kelp us and you will be sure to Help your
selves. We are overstocked, especially on
Iron Beds, Mattresses,
and Rugs
In these we can show you bargains not found
elsewhere. Make good your opportunity and
save money while you can. See our 3 -piece
bebroom suit, golden oak, swell drawer, French
plate mirror, for $ 1 9. Avnew line of Folding
Go-Carts just received.
Yotrs for Bargains
Undertaking Parlors in Connection