East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 29, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    l$p child uri
Wmen as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys hjmiii the minil,
discouraKcsuiidlessensambitiou; l)cntityt
vigor nnu ciieeriui
ncss soon disapjicar
when the kidneys arc
out of order or dis
eased. Tviihipv trnnhlo hns
J become so prevalent
mat 11 is not uncom
mon for a child to be
Imrn nfllictcd with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates toooften, if the urme scalds
the ilesh.or if, when the child reaches an
aue when It should be able to control the
. " ..m:......i ...:n. ii. ...,
passage, 11 1 )Cl iiuiiLitit nmt imi-ii..-
ting, depend upon it, thecatiM.' of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to n diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people aupxsc.
Women as well ns men me nude miser
able with kiilnev and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild anil the immediate effect of
S wamo-Hoot is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in hfty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample lottle
bv mail free, also n
pamphlet telling all atwut Swamp-Koot,
including liumy of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
ninghamtoii, N. Y lc sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
hotel arrivals. I wmmmmtm mmmm
Itoow of Smp-RooL
Called to Lewisburg, Idaho, by Ill
ness Child Burned by Carbolic
Acid Activity In the Cattle Mar
ket Mrs, Davis is Seriously III
Ex-Marshal Gholson Is III Visitors
Returned to Falrhaven,
Emll Tatterman, Finnish sailor,
was convicted in New York of the
murder of Sarah Martin. The mur
der was one of the most brutal ever
known in that city.
Two largo bridges on the Kaw
river near Kansas City, Mo., have
been washed out by heavy jams of
ice. Thousands of tons of ice
Hwept down stream.
After discussion extending over a
period of many months, the New
York City Federation of Women's
Clubs has taken Melinite action 'o
ward the establishment of a club
house for women. It is to have all
the accoutrements of a men's club
and will cost $500,000.
At Cleveland, O., Timothy Quin
tan, switchman, gave up his life to
save a passenger tram on the Lake
Shore railroad. A switch was open
and he raced with the train to close
it. He pulled the lever and threw
the switch, but as he did he was
struck by the engine and was killed.
There were 100 passengers on the
At Philadelphia, since January 1,
the bodies of 27 babies have been
found on the streets of that city,
many of the Infants being only a few
hours old. In the closing month of
last year 60 bodies were picked up
in alleys and in curverts, and Coro
ner Dugan began an investigation.
His discoveries have been sensation
al. Four baby farms are under police
surveillance and implicated in the
affair are a number of physicians and
Athena, Fob. 26. Mr. nnd Mrs. S.
C. Stanton's daughter. Mrs. Frank
ltnlnville of Culdeanc, Idaho,, after
several weeks ut the bedside of her
father, have returned home.
MIsr Elsn ltosonzwolg went to
Wulln Walla Saturday, where she
joined her brother. Hurry. They
left for their homesteads near Klto
plu. Wash., Sunday.
Mrs. Stafford, mother of Mrs, Han
sell, has gone to I.owisburg, Idaho,
to attend the bedside of a grand
child, who Is dangerously 111.
Hev Crawford, pastor of tliu Chris
tian church of Heppncr. accompanied
by the two Misses Heed of Adams,
spent Sunday here the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William lteeder.
It. E. Stewart bought 12 steers
from V It. Taylor, paying 3 cents
per pound. Mr. Stewart Is buying
cattle to feed for the npring market.
Miss Jennie Mays and Miss Har
nett of The Dalles, spent this week
here visiting.
Mrs. Davis is seriously 111 at her
Bx-Mnrslial Rholsun has been dan
gerously 111. He is slowly convales
cing. Mrs. I. L. Simpson nnd little son
left Tuesday after several weeks
visiting here, for Falrhaven, Wash,
where she will join her husband.
Uen and Thomas Ogle of this city,
left for Pendleton this evening.
Thomas, to see a physician, while
lien will go to his stock ranch at
Willow Spring.
Death of Mrs. Vaughn.
.Mrs. F. B. Iloyu received the sad
news of the death of her nolce, Mrs.
Albert Vaughn. .Mrs. Vaughn Ir a
daughter of E. Kldenour of Weston.
Mrs. Vaughn died at her homo In
I'lne Valley, after a short Illness,
while she was visiting In th!s city a
year ago. her little child died at the
Hoyd home. Mrs. Vaughn's body -ir-rived
in Weston Monday and was bur
led In Weston cemetery today.
Burned by Carbolic Acid.
Ilennle. the Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Simonton, barely escaped
death Sunday evening, by mistaking
cnrbolic acid for sweet oil. Only a
few drops entered his mouth. The
remainder was spilled on his chin
mid neck, leaving an awful burn.
A grange with 4S members was
organized near La Grande Saturday.
Multnomah county prohibitionists
will hold a county convention on Sat
urday, March 5.
George Mclnturft. of Colfax, is in
jail for beating his old mother nearly
to death while he was drunk.
George N. Dow, for olght years
warden of the Utah state prison,
died at Salt Lake Saturday, aged C5.
A now rural delivery mail route
has been ordered established at
Thomas postoffice, Linn county, to
begin April 1.
A weeder factory to employ 20
people, will be started at Walla
Walla this spring, with Ben Holt :s
principal promoter.
The democrats, republicans, social
ists and prohibitionists will each
have a ticket in the held In Colum
bia county, this year.
The bodies of William Dwyer and
Isaac Abrahams, miners killed in
the Minnie Healy mine at Butte,
have not yet been recovered.
While a party of students were
pelting Lee Cannon with rotten eggs
at Drain, Or., Sunday morning, ho
turned and shot Frank Hill In the
thigh with a 38-cal!lre pistol.
Peter Keller, thought to be insane,
has been arrested at Ashland for at
tempting to burn the residence of
Mrs, A. H. Itussell, He made three
unsuccessful attempts In one week.
We have some propositions in
real estate which are worth your
time to investigate. Come in and
talk them over with us.
Office in E. O. Building. 'Phone
Black, 1111. P. O, Box 324.
tuppiiei ... moling ... cipfi niMirmg
W. O. Harriman and W. B. Mynatt
Accused of Wrecking Ranger Of
fice. W. O. Harriman, editor of the Long
Creek Light and W. B. Mynatt, a
barber of Long Creek have been ar
rested for complicity in dynamiting
the office of the Long Creek Hanger,
two weeks ago.
The cose has created the bitterest
feeling In that vicinity and more ar
rests ur expected.
C. E. Coe. owner and editor of the
Hanger received threatening letters
after his office wns destroyed, but in
spite of these threats against the
lives of his family, he has continued
to Issue his paper as best ho could,
the last Issue containing four col
umns of pi, or type picked up promis
cuously from the wreckage and was
one of the most novel newspapers
were issued in Oregon.
He issues the paper from his resi
dence and his enemies have threat
ened to wreck this building and kill
ItB occupants If he continues to puo
llsh. H. S. Selvage, of the Portland De
tective Agency, has been working in
the case and claims to have damag
ing evidence against the parties
Notice to Contractors.
cealed proposals will be received
at the office of T. F. Howard, archi
tect, room 17 Judd building, up to
ten o'clock, March JOth, 1904, for the
erection and completion of a two
story frame cottage, with stone base
ment for William V. Sturgla, accord
ing to plans and specifications now
on file In the ofneo of the architect.
The right 1b reserved to reject any
and all bids for the work.
February 25, 1904.
Weston Has 353 School Children,
U S. Wood, school clerk of distrlot
No. 19, has completed his census uf
children of school-going age In the
district. The figures are:
Males iso
Females 163
Total 353
The total last year was 330, show
ing a slight Increase In the school
population of the district, Weston
Hotel Pendleton.
J, M. Bedell, Wolla Wnlla.
C. E. Hoosovolt, city.
J. 1). llniily. St. I'aul.
E. J. Galbralth, Prulrlo City.
C. E. Hoy and wife, Chicago.
.1. W, Simmons, Portland.,,
C. Gnthrlo uml wife, Copelnnd.
H, A. Seeds, Spokane,
E. Guhloii, SpoUnno.
C. D. Hlilkor, Spokano.
H. F. Conner, Portland.
A. Nylandor, Portland.
H. F, Connor, Portland.
A. S. Carey, Spokane,
W, J. Homer, city.
A. C. Furlong.
F. W. Watte, San Francisco.
Don Davenport, San Francisco.
C. Vest, Seattle,
J. R. Forrest, San Francisco.
E. H. Burke, Portland,
E. A. Donaldson, St. LuuIb.
.1. P. Dohorty, Tncoinn,
M. U. Hoswell. Sail Francisco.
R. W. Hunt, Portland.
Al Barnes, Seattle.
H. BergBtedt, Spokane.
S. F. Williams, Snn Francisco.
H. H. Cnston. Spokane.
A. E. Mcllreon, Spokano.
O. M. Cleveland, Spokane.
George Stevens. Spokane,
F. M. Boll, Spokane.
M. O'Shea nnd wife, Spokane.
A. N. Shepard, lint Lake.
H. E. Hobs, Hot IjiUc.
J J. Ballery, Spokane
Hotel St, George.
J. .1. Burns, Portland.
J. C. l.onorgan, Seattle.
Al. Wnmberg. Oonver.
H. J. Knit, Hood Hlver.
H. S. Young, Tncoiuu.
H. A. Grant, North YaV-mn.
W. Al. Alosgrove, Athena.
Will .M. Peterson, Athena.
Leon Goodman, Wnlla Walla.
William Dunn, Portland.
Al. O. Turley, Weston.
J. C. Baddley, Weston.'
J C. Coleman. San Fronelsco.
It. II. Cartwrlght, North Yuklnia.
P. F. Netiniun, Portland.
J. ,J. Sullivan. Portland.
Sco,tt Anderson unit wife, Wallace.
Armeua Young, Spokane.
George J. Reynolds, Cincinnati.
L. H Goodman, Seattle.
Hotel Bickers.
Robert Homine, Albany.
Lucy Homine, Albany.
AInggle Homine, Albany.
It. H. Dixon, Los Angeles.
.1 D. Tonoy. city
J. C. Butterlck and wife, city.
W. Loyd, Milton.
E. Doerlng, Juniper.
Miss Maud Doerlng, Juniper.
.Miss Aland Charles Spokane.
John Gagen, Sumpter.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
V. White. Weston.
Clark Wood Weston.
Charles .McCullougli. Spokane.
A. S. Savage, St. Joe.
J. Al. Hnrtnett, city,
George Clak North Fork.
H. Clay, Vinson.
Anti-Peddler Law Fails.
Idaho's eccentric, unlquo and alto
gether unparalleled supremo court
has not been In session for some
time past and nt least one member
of It is on his way o Tennessee, but
the clerk is still handing out decis
ions for publication periodically.
Last night he released an opinion In
which the act or thu Sixth Idaho leg
islature, approved .March 1C, 1901,
providing for the licensing of ped
dlers, hawkers und solicitors taking
order for goods, Is declared to be un
constitutional and an unwarranted
interference with Interstate com
merce in so far as it attempts to
impose such burden upon the author
ized solicitors and agents of citizens
of other states trying to introduce
and sell their goods In this state.
The question was brought before
the court through the orlglnnl peti
tion of Irven Klnyon, who was or
:e:i(eil. tried, convicted and fined in
Latah county for violation of the act
In question. Failing to pay his line,
Klnyon was committed to the coun
ty Jail. He appealed to the supremo
court for a writ of habeas corpus.
By consent the writ was waived nnd
the petitioner discharged. Boise
Capital News.
Nearly Forfeits His Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started a horriblo ulcer on the leg of
J. B. Orner, Franklin drove, 111.,
For four years It defied all doctors
and all remedies. But Bucklen's
Arnica Salve bad o trouble to cure
him. Equally good for Burns,
Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles.
25c at Tallman & Co.'o Drug Store.
The Rawhide Gold Mining Compa
ny, of Jamestown. Cal., has brought
suit to restrain the Jamestown
Miners' Union from perpetrating fur
ther acts of violence upon Its prop
erty. The company alleges $600,000
damage done by the union to its
works and buildings.
Disastrous Snow Slides.
Baker City. Fob. 29. George Eboll,
a well known rancher of the Pino
creek district waa In tho city ycBtor.
day and stated that within tho past
nay or two, threo or four heavy snowl
8lldea occurred front tha inoiuiiulns
surruunuing mo rino creek gulch. Ho
fir as known little, damage was dono
except tho loss of sumo stock. Somo
uneasiness Is felt over the continued
absence of a young man named Kel
ly and his partner who wore work
ing on their claim high up on tho
mountain, Search parties lmvo been
sent out to locate them.
Of Ilerplelde U in Giving It a Thor
ough Trial.
There Is only one test by which to
Judge of the efficiency of any article
and that Is by Its ability to do that
which It Is Intended to do. Many hair
vlKom may look nice and smell nice,
but the point l-do they eradicate Dan
druff and stop falling; hair?
No, they do not, but Ilerplelde does,
because It gs to the root nt the evil
and kills the germ that attacks the
papilla from whence the hair gets Its
Letters from prominent people every
whore are dally proving that Newbro'a
Ilerplelde stands the "lest of use."
It Is a dollghtful dressing-, clear, purs
and free from ol or grease.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in
stamps for sample to The Ilerplelde Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
F, W, 8chmldt, special agent
This Week Will Be Oar Opening Sale on Spring Waists
Our prices range from 50 cents to $5.50 For This Week Only we will give FRFP
waist costing $1.25 or more a nice nuck ribbon worth 25 cents. With each chca
,.. rihl.n ST?R OUR WINDOW DISPLAY for stvles and ' Wa,st 4 lo
Ok,IM IIUMWIII ' - - - - ' J I' llJ.
Mens' heavy fleeced underwear 50c. nnd 45c grades, special,.
Boys' heavy fleeced undi
Misses' fleeced underwear,
Calico, any price in house, toyards for 50c Colored Outing Flannel 10&
derwear 50c. nnd 45c grades, special
lerwear, 50c. grade.. .39c Ladtes' knit underwear, '50c'. grade
ar, 30c. grade special. .24c Bleached Muslin 7c. grade m a a
American Commercial Audit It. T.
Oruenur of Vladivostok, Siberia, bus
sent the following Intensely Inter
esting notes to the department of
commerce nnd labor on tho commer
cial regulations In forco In that
country. The letter Is us follows:
"Iloglnnlng Janiinry H, IWH, tho
Russian poHtomco undertakes tho
delivery of valuables an dniunoy let
ters ami trnnsfurs of money not
above $100 -at the houses of tho ad.
drosses, letters C. O. 1). are ex
cluded from this privilege. The
Hcntlor must prepay o cunts for this
ncromniodntion. The delivery Is lo
be made to the addressee in person.
The receiver must not bo nn Illit
erate. This reform Is to be Intro
duced all over the Kusslan empire.
"Tho head of the commercial firm
of Rothschild is mild to be connected
with the organization of a largo Joint
stock company to exploit the naph
tha springs 011 tho shores of I. uke
llalkul, In eastern Siberia.
"Owing to the low third-class rutes
the traveling from Western Europe
to the Far Knst by the usual trains
has become exceedingly chenp. The
cost of transporting u third-class
passenger from Humhurg to Shung
liai by the Slberlnn and Mnnchurlan
railroads amounts to $51.50, inclus
ive of food, whereas the cost of a sea
voyage Is about $154.50. Tho Gor
man government consequently has
determined to transport Gorman sol
diers to the Far Kast and return by
way of Siberia.
"The American llrm of ClnrkRon &
Co, In Vladivostok, have substituted
Husslnu laborers for Chinamen in
their coal mines. The Russians are
working co-operatively, by tho Job.
The output has increased. Thu firm
states that the coal dug by cheap
Chinese labor coatB them D cents u
ton, but that by employing Russian
miners, nt higher wages, a ton nt
coal costs only 2 cents.
"The cotton goods manufactures
of I-odz, 'Western Russia, applied
recently to have the duty on foreign
cotton reduced. The government de
clined to nccetle to their request.
"A very rich quarry of lithograph
ic stone is sltunted In the vicinity nf
the' city uf Kootnls. Notwithstand
ing the prallt that Its exploitation
would yield no one seems to cure o
undertake tho business.
"Commencing on October H, In
St. Petersburg, telegrams need not
be presonted nt the telegraph olUces
hut may be dropped Into any mall
box. The prepayment Is by nfllxing
Hiilllclent postage stumps.
"In U'02 a Russian association for
breeding hogs and cattle on u farm
within two miles of Harbin- was
started. The object Is to raise neat
cattle of good breed and in particu
lar Yorkshire pigs. Of the latter
they have already 900, and thoy In
tend to gradually Increase the num
ber up to 7,000 head If they Biieeoed
In getting the lease of the necessary ,
laud. They propose to manufacture
preserves, smoked hams and dry
sausages llUenTr
regulation nnv..r u"
elgners from exploUh,Ten 1
within CO miles nr TDf. oli "l
111 ino mar tlmo ,,,17 6
Htead of helng rel, " Z
for by som forclirn L was hol
already paid a "ri Z bo 1
done before tho taLff fo.r
confirmed. Ri.saan jrw
engage In sur-h mi,uT". MB i
have the right to lta, U
Jewish settlerL,. "Te
Vladivostok. filhrercW A
Warrti More Trip.
L. P. Fosli.r Sin f....--..
Fob. 2nd. vmT wVt,
enclosed draft for J15U.00. Snd
One dozen treatmnntn r "r.iki
druggists here sav tnoir
In they can't get filled. Why is Hi
I took Trlb myself last June 1
never felt better In my life tita
uo now. 1 nave gone Uown In rel.
to mo pounds and never Hint
liquor or tobacco any more. 1
of 25 cures you could gel refe
from. If von rare tn wrll In,
lie sure to snnd me IwpIvo Trlk
once; I want to send them to KV
All persons knowing tbemstl
Indobted to W. T. Doynton will kli
ly call and settle at once, u I us
tho money. W. T. D0TNT0N
Humanity is now dtvlsloned I
two classes, to vlt: Vera dot ride
tomobustups und ilcm dat do
I Great Alteration Sale
Furniture Carpets
Workmen will soon be crowding tss for room to
remodel oar store building. We must make
room. The stock must be reduced. Come
and help us and you will be sure to help your
selves. We are overstocked, especially on
Iron Beds, Mattresses, Carpets
In these we can show you bargains not found
elsewhere. Make good your opportunity and
save money while you can. See our 3 -piece
bebroom suit, golden oak, swell drawer, French
plate mirror, f jr $19. A new line of Folding
Go-Carts just received.
Yours for Bargains
Undertaking Parlors in Connection