East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 24, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    NO. 4080.
Escape, Leaving No
x n rn i
of Stamps, While the Post-
Lost Cash and a Gold
-Watchman Was Bound an0
While in That Pllpht tndi-
and gagged and robbed, the
1 1 i I., l ,i
tho letters in the office in
mm irfitin Liit;u tr&LU u uuu
Flaack, tho poBtmastor at
came Into Pendleton last
who was to sleep in the
McNorny wont to bed at an
mil. niLiri imimir iifuivtu aii
doors and made the placo so
Hn v.'nnt in flionn. ana was
(!fl IIUK IllUIlllIlir UUUUI
by two men who were stand
covering him. As soon as
awakened he was blindfold
Becurely bound and gagged
Their work was a success, as
easy access to tho contents!
McNerny, after tho robbers
mauo goon inoir escape, sue
to go down stairs to glvo tho
Ho fell at the head of the
unable to save himself owing
n wnv no wna nnunfi in ni
succeeded in getting rid of his
s nnrt irnvo tho nlnrm but bv
time the thieves had vanished.
u ronnnrH fraincn across in liiu
the insldo. Thoy took their
at thu work and woro evidently
nanus at uio business, rrom uio
r Tnrmicrh fun nlnno Thn SF.II in
and tho watch woro tho prop-
of tho nostmaster. but tho rest
nn hnr,,.. hn nnirm t rt run mivn.iii
could bo given to tho sheriff
badly shaken up iy his fall,
bruised, but is otherwise unln
possibly more men were in tho
Tho sheriff has no clue at
SHUT llnnn nthlnl. Htn!.
H lln A H LI nM
J" u Mttl a fcVJ MltU) W MU t- V
a handkorchlof nbout his oyea.
iuii umu Wiiu u Hiuuo
u and rod faco.
Released the American, 4
ConntanMnnntA TT'nV M at
yrtessor Lenodjlan, of the
A""tlcan Collogo, who has
1""lhs despite protests, has
leen roleasod by ordor of tho
JlUn, This result was ob-
J,tt9a .after a vigorous Inter-
,V,ew wh tho sultan, by Mln-
! LoUhman, In which tho
a,ter Ib said to have mado.
Positive demand. LonodJI-
71 a naturalized Armonlan
tho table near the safe, as thoy fear
ed to handlo theso and risk being
caught. They took about $15 In
change and a good watch from Mr.
McNerny 's pockot.
John McNerny has been O. R. &
N. section foreman at Cayuse for
tho past 10 years, and Is one of tho
most popular employes on the lino.
This Is hiB first adventure with
thieves and ho says ho don't want
a government Job, if theso escapades
go with It. Ho has often accommo
dated Mr. Flaack by slocplng in the
house during the latter's nbsonce in
this city. Ho will remain In Pen
dloton several days, resting up from
tho shock and recovering from tho
severe bruises he received In hio
Grand Ronde Lumber Company Pre
paring to Cut 20,000,000 Feet.
La Grande, Feb. 24. The Grand
Rondo Lumbor Company, at Perry,
has arrangements completed for the
annual log drive from the lumber
camps up tho river. The Wanegan
boat and tho three bateaus have al
ready been sent up the river and
tho provisions and othor supplies
are on hand for tho work, and tho
drive will begin as soon as the
weather and the condition of tho
river will permit.
All but one of tho logging camps
have closed down for the season.
The camp still In operation Is tho
one above Starkoy where logs are
sent to tho river by a chute.
There will be 100 men employed
on the drive and tho amount of saw
logs to be brought down is estimat
ed to bo 10,000,000 feet. This is not
quite as large as drives of former
seasons, owing to tho fact tnat tne
company had 4,000,000 feet of logs
In tho river, above Perry.
Tho total output of the Grand
Ronde Lumber Company this year
will be 20,000,000 feet or an average
of 100,000 feet of lumber per day 'or
a period of 200 days.
They Lose Four Warships in Port Arthur Harbor This Will
Lose to Them All Previous Advantages.
Europe Is Mostly Pro-Russian In Detail A Japanese-Korean Treaty Has
Been Made, Giving Pledges for Korean Independence The Amer
ican Government Will Lay Low and Avoid Interference and All
Possible Complications Great Depression In European Financial
Circles and Several Important Bank Failures Result From Depres
sion in Russian Securities.
Paymaster Short.
Manila. Feb. 24. Paymaster BIS'
coo, of the battleship Oregon, Is r.l
Iegod to be $2, COO short in his ac
counts, and has been ordered under
arrest by Admiral Evans.
C. W. Mallett, of Ontario, President
and T. G. Hailey, of Pendleton
Secretary Many Vital Topics DIs.
cussed Idaho Law, or Riparian
Rights Said to Be Latest, and Best
Portland, Feb. 24. The first meet
lug of tho stato irrigation commis
sion was held yesterday evening at
tho offices of Snow & McCammant,
In the Concord building, at which a
permanent organization was effected
by electing C. W. Mallett, of Onta
rlo, as president, and T. G. Hailey,
of Pendloton, as secretary.
The commission consists of C. W.
Mallett, of Ontario; T. G. Hailey, of
Pendleton; Zera Snow, of Portland;
H. F. Gates, of Hlllsboro, and Henry
Ankony, of Eugene, all of whom
woro .present at tho meeting.
The commission discussed brlelly
many vital topics to como before its
sessions later, but took no decisive
action on any phase of the Irrigation
Two of the most Important sub
jeets discussed by the) commission
woro the rocord of appropriation fit
water, and tho proof of use of water
by irrigators.
Tho riparian right camo In for a
brief discussion, upon which subject
tho commission accepted tho Idaho
law as tho latest and most lucid
crystallization of thought on that
phaso of irrigation legislation.
Tho commission oppressed satis
faction at tho unanimity of opinion
among the individual members on
tho general seeds of the state.
Smash on Southern Railway
Bridgeport Tenn.
Knoxvillo. Tenn., Feb. 24. A pas
senger train on tho Southern railway
was wrockod at Bridgeport, Tenn.,
this morning. The locomotive, mall.
baggage and one coach plunged from
tho bridge nlto tho river. Fireman
Allen was fatally hurt, Engineer
Clark seriously hurt, and six othors
painfully Injured.
Brockport Burned.
Brockport, N. Y Fob, 24. Firo
swopt tho business portion of the
town this morning. Loss, $110,000.
Polham Manor Is a swoU ladles'
somlnary near Now York City.
Burglars during tho noon hour, Feb
ruary 22, wont through a dormitory
and socurcd $3,000 worth of Jewolry.
London, Feb. 24 A dispatch from
Chee Foo to the Evening News de
clares the Russian consul there con
firms the statement that four Jap
anese warships have been destroyed
at Port Arthur. The battle occurred
early yesterday morning.
Rushing the Harbor.
.Another Chee Foo bulletin bulle
tin to London states that the Rus
sian consul declares tho Japanese
fleet began an attack shortly after
Passengers i.rrivlng from Chin
wangtao say continuous firing was
heard off Port Arthur between 1
and 4 In the morning of the 23d.
There was no moon uid the condi
tions were ripe for a surprise. They
declared that undoubtedly the Jap
anese were trying to steal through
tho entrance to the harbor when
they were discovered and defeated.
A Further Confirmation.
Copenhagen, Feb. 24. A report
from St. Petersburg this evening as.
Berts that four Japanese warships
were sunk off Port Arthur.
Japanese Protectorate.
London, Feb. 24. A correspond
ent of the Exchange-Telegraph In
Paris today, wires that advices are
received there that Japan has de
clared a protectorate over Korea.
Europe Mostly Pro-Russian,
London, Feb. 24. Careful Investi
gation shows that the European pub
lic as a rule favors Russia in the
present conflict.
France Is closer bound than ever.
Austria naturally favors the Mosco
vlte. Germany Is pro-Russian and
Italy Is bouud by the drelbund.
Spain favors Russia.
England is a staunch friend of
Japan, and Sweden Is beconil:i
more so on account of the Flnnliu
anti-Russian feeling.
Washington Trying to Lay Low.
Washington, Feb. 24. The reply
of the United States to Russia's pro
test against Japan is expected to be
nothing more than an acknowledge
ment of Its receipt. State officials
stll lannounco they will keep out if
the Imbroglio In the Far Eastern
situation as much as possible
Royal Family in the Fight.
Nice, Feb. 24. Grand Duko Cyril,
the czar's cousin, left for tho Far
East today via St. Petersburg and
will take up an Important naval
Japanese Navy Moving.
London, Feb. 24. A dispatch to
Reuter's from Wei Hal Wei states
that four Japanese battleships and
nine cruisers passed there today
bound east. The vessels aro evi
dently part of tho fleet which has
been concentrated about Port Ar
thur. Russian Bonds Decline.
There is a severe depression in nil
European government securities
again, reflected in a number of fail
ures here today nnd three In Paris,
due to the decline In Russian bonds.
Expressions of Russian Loyalty,
St. Petersburg, Feb. 24. Tho czar
today, replying to an address from
Irkutsz expressing loyalty, said
such expressions as theso, coming
from all parts of Russia, aro a great
consolation in times of trouble. Ho
concluded with expressions of opt!
inlsm and in Invoking divine aid.
Disease Among Russian Troops.
Vienna, Feb, 24. A Neu Frel
Press dispatch from Warsaw says
dysentery Is raging among the Rus
slan troops In Manchuria.
Japanese. Korean Treaty.
Washington, Feb. 24. The state
department this morning received
advices that Japan and Korea havo
concluded the negotiations of
treaty guaranteeing to Korea her in
dependence and integrity. It I
supposed that under Its terms Japan
Is allowed to temporarily occupy tho
country with troops, with tho under
standing that the close of tho w-ir
with Russia will bo tho signal for
their immediate withdrawal.
This move, coming as it does on
the heels of tho protest (lied yester
day by Russia, is regarded here as a
most effective answer to Russia's
representations that Japan violated
the neutrality and integrity of Ko
Banks Failing.
Vienna, Feb, 24. The Rossquan
uanK cioseu its doors today on ne
count of the depression In Russian
bonds. A failure is also announced
from Lyons, France.
Delegates So Far Elected Are
Instructed for Him.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. Moro
than a score of delegates nlreaJy
have been chosen to tho republican
national convention nnd nil havo
been Instructed for Roosevelt. To
day tho South Carolina republicans
meet In state convention to chooso
delegates to the Chicago convention.
Other stato conventions already
called nro thoso of Virginia, March
3; KanBas, Mnrch 8; Minnesota,
March 17; Missouri, March 22; Penn
sylvania, April 6; Tennessee, April
7: Nebraskn, May 8; Alabama, May
10; Illinois, May 12; Nebraskn, Mav
IS; Iowa, May 18; Michigan, May IS.
Over 500 In Eighth Annual Conven
tion at St. Paul.
St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 24. Moro
than 500 representative hardware
dealers of Minnesota nro attending
tho eighth annual conventon of their
state association, which began its
sessions in Elks' .hall today. Tho
presiding officer is W. H, Tomllnson
of Le Seur, ami tho secretary of tho
convention, SI. S. Mntthows of Min
neapolis. Various measures looking to tho
protection of. tho trade will bo dis
cussed nnd tho questions of insur
ance, tho parcels post, and Beveral
other subjects will receive attention.
The convention will remain In ses
sion until Saturday.
Umatilla County Boy Attempts Sul
clde In La Grande Lodging House.
La Grande, Feb. 24. Harvey Ad
nms, of Kamela, a eon of John Ad
nms, of Meacham creek, near Bins
ham Springs, . attempted to commit
suicide at the Blue Mountain house
last night by swallowing a bottlo of
He came to town yesterday even-
lng and engaged a room in tho lodg'
lng house and went to bod. Short'
ly after he came down ttalrs and
said ho had swallowed tho drug,
when pbyslclana were summoned
and pumped it out of bis stomach
and he Is resting easy today, al
though ho had a close call. He
fought against thu doctors and said
ho wanted to dlo.
(He Is well known in Pendleton
having lived most of bis life near
Bingham Springs and on tho Uma
tilla river. For several years past
he has worked In tho woods at Ka
mela. He Is a brother-in-law of
Harry Swart, O. R. & N. operator at
Bingham Springs.)
Six Hundred Feet of Track Burled
Ninety Feet Deep,
Salt I,ake, Feb. 24. Tho first e-
rious snowsllde of the coason tin
the Rio Grande & Western, took
place today on tho Heber City
branch. Tho track for 600 feet was
carried away and burled beneath 90
feet of snow, timber and rocks, A
special train of laborers was sent to
tho scone.
There a Press Censorship Main
tained In the Philippines?
Washington, Fob. 24, Tho houso
naval bill was again taken up in
tommiuee or tne whole.
Democratic Floor Leader Williams
today introduced a resolution call
ing on uie secretary or war to av
whether a press censorship is main
laineu in the Philippines.
A New Rear Admiral.
Tho president today sent to tho
senate the nomination of Captain
Casper to bo rear admiral. Casper
Is now commanding tho gunboit
Street Car Conductors Under Arrest
for Stealing Fares.
Spokane, Feb, 24. Sheriff James
A. Donholm, of Plerco county. Is in
tho city today to escort C. S. Ryder
oacK 10 tne scene or bis allegoj
crimes. Ryder, so tho sheriff saya,
is one or tne rour men who success.
fully managed to embezzle about SI.'
000 from tho Tacoma Street Railway
Company. All four of the actors
havo been arrested.
Their scheme was an Ingenious
ono. Tickets In Tacoma aro rung up
on tho transfer side. On ono day
the conductors would fall to rine jd
any tickets at all. On tho succeed
ing day they would ring up tho
tickets as transfers and pocket tho
cash. Marked tickets were their 11
nal undoing.
Big Berlin Failure.
Berlin, Feb. 24. Tho big firm of
Frankel Co., bankers, made an as
signment today, caused by the re
cent depression in securities,
Rudolph Taken to Missouri,
Lansing, Kan,, Fob, 24. Bill Ru
dolph was turned ovor to tho Mis
souri authorities this morning, and
left tho prison to answer tho chargo
of murder.
Fuel Deposits There Said to Be Gen
uine and Extensive,
Sumpter, Feb. 24. Anthony Mohr
and Lewis Walker returned yestor
day from tho lowor John Day, whoro
they havo been a few days on busi
ness connected with their coal prop
erty. Neither of tho gontlomcn en
tered into details of the work, but
said that everything at tho prcsout
timo was progressing nicely,
Tho work' in tho main adit has
been carried ahead on a largo seam
of coal showing It to bo qulto per
manent, and carrying u good grado
of fuel.
Ships' Crews Undergo Great Suffer
ing, and Many Men Are Drowned
Rescuers In Great Peril and Sus
tain. Loss of Life Much Property
Official Invitation Sent to the
County by Lewis and Clark
Special Space Privileges Can Be
Secured by Responding Early
Cities, Counties and Commerciil
Bodies Will Be Urged to Make
Commendable Showing Time for
Erecting Buildings Drawing Near
State Should Be Well Represented.
Thu Lewis and Clark Exposition
Company has sent out official Invi
tations to tho different counties of
Oregon to mako an exhibit and con
tract for space at tho fair.
Cities, municipalities and counties
are invited to tako actlvo part in
every city and organized commercial
body In tho Btnto will roceivo the
samo circular Invitation.
The official Invitation to Umatilla
county Is as follows:
Portland, Oro Fob. 21, 1904.
An official Invitation Is horoby ex
tended to Umatilla county to mako
a special exhibit, either In Its own
behalf or In connection with soma
other body, municipal or otherwise,
at tho LuwlR and Clark Ccntonnlil
Exposition to bo held In Portland la
1905. It Is tho purpose of tho ex
position to encourage comprehensive
exhibits by counties nnd by cham
bers of commerce, boards of trade
und-jotler commercial organizations.
For oxhlhlts of this character, Il
lustrating tho resources, Industries
nnd progrosB of communities, the
following regulations havo boon pro
vided: First. The preparing nnd install
ing of exhibits by counties or or
ganizations will bo loft to tho coun
ties or organizations In whoso name
or under whoso authority tho ex
hibits nro made. Counties or organ
izations mny erect noparnto build
ings, or may liiBtall their exhibits
In tho Htnto building of tho Btnto m
which tho county or organization s
Space will bo provided on tho ex
position grounds for all buildings
erected by counties nnd organiza
tions nnd no chnrgo will bo niado
Now York Fi'li 24 in n Iiohvv merrror. 1'ians aim speculations
mist off tho Now Jersey and lng f"r hucIi buildings shall bo auhmlt-
Island coasts this morning, tho , ,u" lo l" "irecior-Koiiorui jur nis
schooner Cromwell, Indon with lum-. approval,
her, was wrecked on tho bar oft Boll- Second. All collective oxhlhlts
iMjrt. Seven mnmbnrH nf tl.n rrow . 'nndo by counties and trailo organl-
clung to tho rigging, wlijlo llfesnvors zat'' will bo pormltted to parllci-
t unln lt (in imtinpiil nnm tint 1 1 .
cnticavornii valiantly to rescuo tucm
from a heavy sea. Tho inaats final
ly wont over, carrying tho men In
to tho sea. Only ono was rescued.
Another schooner, name unknown,
went ashore near Egg Harbor, Now
Jersey, Llfesavora havo gone to tho
Ijitor The last namod BcKoonor
turns out to havo been the Plmllco,
en route from Jupiter Inlet. Her en
tire crow of 17 mon was lost, either
by being drowned or freezing bofoio
tho rescuo party could roach thorn.
Zlmrl Wlnchell, one of tho rescuing
party, succumbed to chill and heart
falluro and died In the lifeboat ho
fore it reached shore.
Must Stand Trial for Responsibility
for Fire.
Chicago, Feb. 21. Tho special Iro-
quois grand Jury this aftornoon
brought In five Indictments as fol
Manager Davis, for manslaughter:
Assistant Manager and Treasurer
Noonan, for manslaughter; Stage
Carpenter Cummlngs, for man
slaughter; Building Commissioner
Williams, for malfeasance; Building
Inspector Laughlln, for mnlfeasanco.
Fourteen Have Arrived and Will Be
Put In Their Places 8oon.
Pendleton Is soon to have some
now mall boxes as a new year's gift
from Undo Sam. Tho postofllco has
received notification from Washing
ton that they can install the boxoi,
somo 13 or 14 In number, at tho
places asked for, Tho boxes aro
now at tho Nagel blacksmith shop,
where thoy aro being furnished with
locks. As soon as the repairs are
mado thoy will bo painted and thsn
put In place.
pato In tho gonurul competition;
that Is, ho both collective und com
petitive. I desire to onllBt your co-oporatiorr
and support In this movement, and
respectfully to urgu early considera
tion nf tli I h Invitation so that, If fa
vorable action is taken wo ma7
allot tho necessary space mid glvo
you ample time to proceed with
preparations for your exhibit.
Whatever may bo tho decision up
on our Invitation, I am satisfied .ve
can shapa our plans so as to har
monize nil efforts to tho end that
your exhibit may bo highly crodita
blo, not only to your progressive
community and statu, but to tho ex
position ub well.
Wo feel confident that tho ar
rangement wo proposa will offer to
counties an exceptional opportunity
of demonstrating tholr potentialities
at tho Lewis and Clark exposition
In 1905, and that tho result of ox
hlhlts mado In this way will bo boa
eflclal to all. j
Very respectfully,
The stato lcaguo of Iroquois clubi
of California, by a voto of 42 to 18,
has refused to Indorso the demo
cratic national platform of 1900, vr
any similar platform adopted since.
Christianity Is Just as good to live
by as it Is to die by.
Has a Malignant Growth,
London, Feb. 24. A Man.
Chester dispatch today says it
Is learned from high author-
lty that a malignant growth
In the kaiser's throat js tho
causo of gravo apprehension,
and says tho worst news may
be heard any day, Tho papor
adds tho slncoro hope exists
everywhere that tho reports
aro erroneous, but unfortu
nately there la llttlo ground
for hope.