East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Under the Auspices of the Men's Resort
A Citib of 2 Men's Voices
In heavy choruses and light college glees, tmder the t
direction of Pr of. ti. S. fisher
The Specialty Numbers Are Very Fine
t. PROF. EDGAR S. FISHER, violinist and di
rector of the violin department of the Whitman
Conservatory of Moslc
J 2. MISS GRACE M. JONES, pianist, Instructor
In the piano
i 3. PROF. THOS. PENNELL, baritone and.'direc-
tor of the department of voice coltore
will uu AT
The Baptist Church, on Alta Street
Thursday, February 25
X Beginning at 8:15 p. m. sharp Admission .50c
ifi im i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i it it i:mn t khhihiiihh i i
For Particulars
By the
See It at Kunkel's Implement
Always Reronmber the Full igme
laxktave fronio Quinine JS plfjfy
CsBCoCoWfaOnoDay, OtaS Days-
Attendance Includes Some of the
Dest Educators In the United
States Will Discuss Courses of
Study, and Relation of World's
Fair to Educational Work Attend
ance From All Parts of the United
a ovary
Atlnntn, On., Fob. 23. A smnll ar
my of educators. Including college
president!, professors, superintend
ont8 nnil teachers, was present to
ilny nt the opening of the nnnunl cw
fcronco of the, superintendents' de
partment of the National Education
al Association. Every part of the
country was represented and ovory
branch of educational work from the
district school to the highest Institu
tions of learning.
The delegates assembled nt 9
o'clock this morning and listened to
cordial greetings from Hon. Hoko
Smith and Hon. Wtlllnm B. Mcrrltt.
state school commissioner of Geor
gia. After these formalities had
been concluded the rcmnlndor of the
opening session was devoted to a
general discussion of the St. Louis
World's fair and Its relation to edu
cation. The speakers Included How
ard J. Hogers, chief of the depart
ment of education of the exposition;
W. T. Harris. United States commis
sioner of education; P 1-onls Sol-
dnnn, superintendent of the St
Iritis public schools, nnd Albert U.
Lane, superintendent of Chicago.
The course of study In elementary
nnd secondary schools was the gen
eral topic of discussion nt the after
noon session. Some of the principal
speakers nnd their topics were ns
follows; William H. Elson, Oram!
Rapids, Mich., "The Superintendent's
Influence on the Courso of Study;"
Paul H. Saunders, University of
.Mississippi, "Athletics and Othor
Collateral Activities In Secondary
Schools;" Frank M. McMurry, Colum
bia University. "What Omissions Arc
Advisable in the Present Course of
Study nnd What Should He the Ba
sis for the Same?"
The conference will remain In ses
sion through tomorrow and Thurs
day. The officers In charge of the
gathering have arranged an excellent
program. Subjects which will bo of
special interest to those actively en
gaged in educational work will be
discussed during the morning and af
ternoon sessions. The evenings will
be devoted to lectures. The first of
the lectures is to bo delivered this
evening by President Edwin A. Al
derman of Tulane University.
Ninth Annual Session at
Decatur, III., Feb, 23. What prom
ises to bo the most successful meet
ing in the history of tho Illinois Far
mers' Institute was begun in Decatur
today, tho occasion being tho ninth
annual round-up of the organization.
The attendanco Is large and repre
sentative of ovory portion of the
stntc. Iowa, Indiana and other near
by states have also sent delegates
to tho gathering.
Tho meeting will continue throo
days during which time there will
bo class work on corn culture, live
stock, horticulture, poultry, dairying
and domestic science. Addresses on
practical farm topics will bo deliver
ed by a number of tho leading agri
cultural authorities of tbo United
States and Canada, Including sev
eral representatives of tho United
States department of agriculture at
There is only One
Genuine- Syrup of Figs,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
Tho full name of tho company, California Flu Syrup Co
In printed on tho front of ovory pnekoge of the genuine.
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the
kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed
by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge,
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs
It is the
Louisville, Ky.
S &j iTMvcisco, Cad .
lii-v ;:
Has Had Painful Siege With Threat
ened Blindness.
WaBhlngton. D. C, Fob, 23. When
tho United States supremo court re
convened today after a recess of sov-
eral weeks Justice Drown was tho o
clplent of many congratulations
from his colleagues nnd. others who
feared ho might nover uo able to rO'
sumo his actlvo duties because of
threatoncdl blindness.
Alter tedious and trying weeks
spent in a dark room, with his eyes
hidden under heavy bandages, he has
now recovered practically tho full
uso of his left eye. tho sight of which
seemed hopelessly lost two months
ago, and the sight of his right eye,
which had been usoloss for two
yearn, has improved noticeably un'
dor the treatment given the loft eye.
Deafness Can Not Be Cured
br local applications, a they cannot reach
tbe dlsead Dortlnn of th Mr. Th.r u
only one way to enre dearneM. and that
la by constitutional remedies. Deafneaa la
caused br an Inflamed condition of tbe
mucous lining or tne Koatachlan Tube.
Wben thla tube la InflimM vnn tut
mmbllnr sound or lfnrM-rffwt hMrlni. mnA
when It Is entirely cloeed. Deafness la tbe
muii, anu unless ine innammaiion can be
taken out and this tub rMinrM Its
normal condition, bearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, wblcb la nothing but
an Inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces.
We will Klre One Hundred Dollars for
any caae of Deafneaa (caused by catarrh)
Ihlt ann h. kiimJ K Hall's f ' - . V.
Cure. Bend Tor circulars, free.
F. J. CIIKNHY fc CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, 7c.
Uall'a family I'llla are tbe beat
Illinois Retail Merchants.
Pokln, III., Fob. 23. Tho notall
Merchants' Association of Illinois 'be
gan its annual meeting hero today
with tho largest attendance in tho
history of tho organization. Tho
proceedings will continuo until Fri
day and will includo a numbor of In
teresting papers and discussions of
general interest to tho retail trado.
Korea Is n mountninnus peninsula
with Mnnchurla nnd Siberia on tho
north nnd the Islands of Japan on
the south.
The people of Korea, about 12,
000,000 In number, are a semi-civil-Izeil
race of Mongolians, though not
closely related to cither tho Chinoao
or Japanese. Their origin is lost in
tho twilight of ages, and their more
modern history is unrecorded. They
are n tall, muscular peoplo, tho wo
men being noted for their creamy,
transparent skins, and for their un
usually small feet and hands.
Until quite recently they have re
fused to allow nny foreigner to travel
or reside in their country, being
simllnr in this respect to the people
of Thlbot. From tlmo to tlmo some
dnring prowler, stimulated by sub
lime curiosity, reached their terri
tory, but none lived to toll of its
As a nation among nations thoy
have lived the life of a hermit, ask
ing nothing and refusing everything.
However, nil this is changed nlnco
tho lato Chlno-Japancso war, nnd
these people now deBlro to seo nnd
know tho foreigner, Thoy aro still
decidedly prejudiced ngalnst his
ways, for, being of tho "outer king
dom," his works aro necessarily evil.
Little by littlo thoy aro adopting
now Ideas, nnd aro becoming more
communlcntlvo with tho outer world,
says a writer In tho Los Angeles
Times. This Is evidenced by tho fast
that our manufactured goods now
find salo there. Tho ono Import in
great demand Is kerosene, for, until
tho Standard Oil Company entered
tho field, It was indeed, a kingdom of
Now thoy havo electric lights nnd
an electric street railway in Seoul,
tho capital, Americans own and op
orato a steam railway leading from
Seoul 2C miles to Chomulpo, Its sea
port town; and tho Jnpnncso nro
building another railway from Fusan
tho southernmost hnrbor, through
tho heart of tho country, with Seoul
as an objective point.
Thero aro savoral thousand Jap
anese doing construction work on
thU road at tho present tlmo, nnd It
Is probablo that nearly all of them
bolong to tho regular army aB scouts,
and aro always ready to tako tho
Hold at an hour's notice. All main
camps aro constantly In touch with
tho war ofilco In Toklo, both by wiro
nnd by wireless tolegraph. Tho
above facts' indicate tho thorough
ness of the Japanese preparations for
The Emperor.
The government of Korea was
originally framed aftor that of tho
Chinese, and Is, therefore, bad from
nn occidental's jvolnt of viow. There
Is nn cmporor, whoao powor over the
life nnd property of his subjects ts
absolute, nnd thero nro two political
These aro called tho Ins nnd tho
nuts; both names aro duly suggest
Ivo. Tho Ins control tho person of
tho emperor, nnd therefore hold tho
reins of government. To discourage
opposition thoy assasslnatu tho lead
ing men of the nuts as fast as thoy
develop. Tho platform of tho outs
Ib equally simple. They plot
to assnHsInoto the leading men of
tho Ins and soizo tho government in
turn. Should tho coup d'otnt provo
successful, each party adopts tho
plntform of tho other and takes a
new start. ,
Stories of the Koreans.
A capital story has been told by an
America nmlsslonary, who hnB Just
arrived In London from Korea. Tho
difficulty of learning tho languago of
that country Is Increased enormous
ly, owing to tho largo numbor of
words which, with n slight inflection
of tho voice, nro used over nnd over
ngnln with nn entirely dlfferont
Tho missionary in question was
prenchlng to some natives nnd as
suring them that unlcrs they ro
pontcd thoy would go to a plnco of
punlflhment. Amazement rather than
torror was written on tho fnces of
his Orlontal listeners. Why on
earth, Jf they rejected his ntlvlco nnd
refused to repont, should thoy bo
dispatched to the local postomco.
On another occasion a loctiire was
delivered, In tho course of which a
beautiful moral wns being drawn
from tho gay career of tho tiny but
torfly which was suddonly cut short
in tne clutches of tho spider,
Tno siinllo, howovor, fell somo-
wbot short of its intended meaning.
and It wns not until tho laughter had
Hubsldod that tho lecturer .bocamo
awaro that the victim which had
been floundering amid
silken thrends of tho
donkoy, which in tho
guago, It nppoars, Ib
with butterfly.
Don't be satisfied to mow
along in the same old in j for
low wages. We can htlpjoo
carve out a successful ana.
Thouwuds have increaed their
(salaries by following our pita.
We can train you ImputliM
nnd ut small cot fur anjoftli
following KtiUou8 :
Maolii.tle.il. Ilvcttical.
or Clvll ICnulnncr. EleCtridU.
M. ArctlltecL Dnfr'
. . . . iiuitik,MnHr. t)tenoffr(&'
'r....iMi- Ktinw Card Wril
Window UreMHor, or Ad-WriU
Box 799
si. tt - fl.it Inftl TIBttUlU'
iic, T W. Bracking, ITIUnm
i'tndlelon, ure.
tho dainty
web was a
Korean Jan-synonymous
Prof. Leckenby Imports Wonderful
Machine From Europe,
A nleco of radium nhnnt tlm ai.
and shape of half tho second hand on
a laay s watch has found Its way to
Portland In what Ib known as a Bpln
thari8cono nnd Is nt thn
blazing away in tho pockot of Mr.
t.. v.. uuimauu, nuy a 1'ornaiid pa-por.
It Is encasod In nil snrlo nt nun-
Ings of metal and leathor to koop it
from exortlnir Its fnrcn !
Johnson!) clothes and making nn
ugly soro. It would do It, if It were
not properly cribbed and cabined
within tho spinthariscope
Professor A. B. Lockonby, former
ly of tho state nxnerlmnntnl utnii,...
at Union, passed through Portland
last wook ana ion tno splnthariscopo
with Mr. Johnson, Ho had had it
seni irom London. Tho dovlco was
invontod by Sir William Crooke and
jorms a pocKot edition of tho eighth
wondor of tho world.
On tho outsldo of the splntharis
copo thero Is n remark that tho ra
dium on tho insldo has nn nctivlty
of 300,000, This means that It doofl
things with about ,100,000 tiroes na
much forco ob anything olso, and
that when It is around It wakes tho
air 300,000 times moro capablo of
conducting electricity. Some pieces
of radium havo an activity of l,f00,-
Tho ontlro plant of tho Baltlmoro
News was burned February 7. To
day it Is prlntod from an entirely
now plnnt bought, set up and put la
operation slnco tho flro. It includes
throo qudruplo presses, 21 lino
typoH, etc., etc.
all descriptions. ff
Doors, Blinds, Met
ing, Building Ttf
Bring Your Bill to Us and
Get Our Figure.
Grays' Harbor Com-
Off. Wl OKJ.
Tf vi.r wheel to lD?2jS
1 usT Ve treat the wo :,,,
V aBdrtBtorethemtoBW
,. bicycle bonplW JW
Hlreet Is complete i no4 r (
' with the latwt appllwc-
Gorden W
Uleycle Mo!
All mu'
" ' ' ..tiiriu Ufa . twin 30t -'
l . iiao. round WiftT'
UVlfrSndUlP.',, prut
Office at Brock 4 Mcw