PAGE FIVE. GALL REV. VAN NUYS I HATS HATS HATS! LA GRANDE MAN MAY BE PASTOR IN PENDLETON. DAILY EAST ORE QONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1904. All the New Spring Shapes and Colors LONDON BROWN ELEPHANTS' BREATH and PEARL GREY The Latest Shades For Spring i9o4 See-display in north window. ILEE TEUTSCH'Sj BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTAJ City Brevities U C Rader. Get Sunny. Swell Bllppers at Teutsch's. Fresh fruit daily at Martin's. Best shoe repairing at Teutsch's Fresh taffy at Miller's, Court Furnished rooms at 407 Alta Boy wanted at this office to learn New ready made skirts arriving a iv ni reuiscu s. Two nicely furnished rooms to Children's school shoes that wear Good piano for rent. Address "Aclirav" linen uaner. tne latest. ou s hook ana notion more. smokers get satisfaction at now- Several loads of cinders for the 111.... Til ..I !..,,..,, ,.... In mlioln Eller Piano House, Court street. UllC W 1 II 1 .11 W l .1 L.I.J .1 . o " IT", I.I. Good second-hand organ easy terms. Auuress j, fine high grade piano eap, must ue tor casu. care East Oregonlan. megys' 222 East Court street. RATIFIED THE CANAL TREATY, (Concluded.) sailed from hero on the Mayflower today for the Carlhhean Sea. Isthmian Commission. Washington, Feu. 23. John Gat her, the mining engineer of CallfoT- nla, to whom Roosevelt tendered a place on the Isthmian canal commIs slon, declined to serve. Owing to this fact the sending of the names of the commissioners to the senate, which it was expected would he done to morrow, may be delayed a few days. Of the seven members of the hoard, the following have been prac tically decided upon: Rear Admi ral Walker, General Davis, Frank Hecker, of Detroit; Alfred Noble, of the Pennsylvania railway. The Irrepressible Conflict. Washington, Feb. 23. The au prerae court -today in the case from Alabama, Involving the right of a negro to register, declined to take the case under consideration, on the ground that no caiiBo for federal in terference has been Bhown. This leaves the Alabama constitution with Its provisions against colored voters, still In effect. Naval Appropriation Bill. Washington, Feb. 23. The house resumed consideration of the naval appropriation bill. Local Church Will Formally Invite Him Possibility That President Bleakney Will Resign Academy Affairs More or Less Uncertain. Rev W. S. Holt, of Portland, re turned yesterday evening from a trip to La Grande, and went this morning to Milton for a short visit, expecting to return this afternoon. This evening he will meet with the board of managers of Pendleton Academy, which will take up the discussion of the work of tho school for the rest of this year and map out a plan of future work for the Insti tution. For some time there has been talk of President Bleakney resigning, but it is thought now that he can Lo persuaded not to do so and to "e main here for tho coming year. It has been decided by the Pres byterian church that at their meet ing lo be held on Wednesday; a week from tomorrow a call be Issued to Rev. W. L. Van Nuys, of La Grande, asking him to come to this city and take charge o the Presbyterian church. Whether or not Mr. Van Nuys will accept Is not definitely decided, but it is thought that he will, in which event Pendleton will secure one of the most prominent divines In the Eastern Oregon and Washington dlS' trlct. for F., sale care for sale Address J. NOT A LUXURY An accurate timepiece is a necessity for the timing of the day's business. I he Waltham, Dueber and Elgin movements, in solid gold, gold-filled, silver or nickel cases. Best repairing at moderate prices. HUNZIKER be Progressive Jeweler 726 Main Street "Said Pasha" Very Good. The Olympla Comic Opera Com pand presented "Said Pasha to n fair sized audience at the Frazer last night. The company very ably piesented this comic opera and de' served a better house than they got. They played a week's engagement in Baker City and enjoyed n large pat ronage but the counter attractions here last night worked against them Sportsmen Attention. There will be a special meeting of the Sportsmen's Association at 8 p m., February 23, at council rooms. Northwestern tournament business to he -transacted. By order of S. R. THOMPSON, President, Full Feeding Cattle. W. L. Simonton, a cattleman of Gurdane, was in the city today for a short business trip. Mr. Simon1 ton Is feeding a number of cattle for the market, having them at a ranch near Milton. Superintendent of Telegraph, E. A. Kllppel, or Portland, the su perlntendent of telegraph for the O, R. & N., was a business visitor in the city yesterday, having come to look after the condition of the lines in this part of the state. A man cannot cover his woil's by condemning God's ways. One little group of supplies, Schilling's Best Cw baklng.powd.r coffM (Uvoriog litiull makes no trouble to you or your grocer. Moneyback. m4 CREAM OF TARTAR. We have to keep the chemically pure kind for medicine. The same kind is none too good for cooking. Many good cooks buy this article here to, 15, 30 and 60 cent packages. Our aim is to sell drugs and chemicals that are just a little better than you find in every drug store. KOEPPENS The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS A. C. Mills, of Echo, Is in the city for a short visit on business. B. F. Wells, the new postmaster at Meacham, is In the city today. J. W. Stamper, of Birch Creek, was in the city on business today. J. W. Davis, of Athena, was the guest of friends In the city yester day. Mrs. Lee Moorhouse left this morning for Athena for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Porter, of Meacham, are in the city today tho guests of friends. Mr. und Mrs. Gordon Menzles :e- turned this morning from their wed ding lour in California. Miss Celeste Llston, of Salem, re turned this morning after having attended the convention. Peter Taehello, one of the pros perous larmers east of the city, was a Pendleton visitor today, Mrs. Alice Kleth, of Albion, Wash., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nelson Swaggart, of Garden street. J, A. Gavltt, of Bluff -street, wno Is seriously ill with the grip, is re ported much Improved today. T. B. Swearengen was a business visitor In Echo today, going down on the delayed train at noon, W. J. Davis, of Athena, was a vis itor in the city yesterday on IjiihI ness, returning this morning. Ji A. Rockwood, tho president of the state Christian Endeavor Union, left this morning for Portland. Ezra, Kelty, one of the promt nent lanchers of Milton, Is In the city today for a short 'business visit. Miss Prudence Patterson, who has been attending the convention as a delegate from The Dalles, left this morning. Edward Thompson, of Walla Walla, returned to his home this morning after a short visit In this city with relatives. Miss Myrtle Smith has been con fined to her bed for several days with a severe cold and neuralgia, but Is now convalescent. Miss Laura Holm, of I -a Giande, visited Gair and Gertrude Huffman for a short time following the Chris tian Endeavor convention. Charles D. Gabrlelson, an Insur ance man, and a prominent resident of Salem, Is at the Pendleton for a short business visit In the city. Pletro Bellomo, a child of Italy, today filed his, intention of becoming one of the sub'jects of Uncle Sam, nt the office of the county clerk. Rev. W. S. Holt, of Portland, re turned to his home -this morning, after a short visit In this city to it- tend the closing day of the conven tion. W. M, Peterson, the lawyer of Athena, returned homo this morning after having transacted business in the city yesterday and attended the Christian Endeavor convention. Pete Smith, the day man at the Hotel St. George bar, is In bed again with a relapse of the grl,i, having gone to work too soon after having gotten up from a former attack. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Port land, and Miss Elizabeth Dalglesh, (f Salem, have returned to their homo after a short visit in this city at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-Court. SPRING ARRIVAL Dress Goods The Peoples Warehouse Instructor on the Piano, Miss Hazel Bickers will glvo In structions in piano playing to a lim ited number of pupils at her studio at Eller Piano House. Miss Bickers Is a very successful instructor and able musician, and parents having children whom they wish to have tike music lessons would do well to see Miss Bickers and have them en ter the class which she Is now starting. Stockholders' Meeting. The meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Building and Loan Association will bo held at tho office in this city Tuesday, February 23, 190-1, at 8:30 p. m., for the purposo of reducing the capital stock and to Imestlgato and make some changes In Article II, Sec. 2, regarding re ducing the reservo fund stock. R. ALEXANDER, Pres. C. W. BROWNFIELD, Sec'y. A. KUNKEL (D Co., Proprietors MENU 1 A la Barb Wire Leather uud Rubber Belting Hope SOUP Hog Wire kemsheb Lace Leather Poultry Netting Bolt Jackson Forks Ntlts TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablet!. All druxrlMi refund tbe money It It falls lo cur. E VV. drove', ilgnature on each box. 25c. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received to build a Hchoolhouso In school district No. 48, known as tho Hoguo pre cinct. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the East Or egoiilun. Bonds for amount of bid must be given. The right Is reserv ed to reject any and all bids. Bids must bo mailed to C. W. Brown, school clerk, not later than March 1st. 11104 Get Situuy. U ' Rader. Ladies' Introductory SHOE SALE To bring to notice tho now lino of low priced shoes received direct from the factory we have made the following price : $1.50. $1.75, $2.00 There is a surprise in btore for you just aasoon as you cast your optics on this meritorious footwear. Cable BOILED Rubber The Buggies with Cushion Tires Carriages with Leather Trimmings Surreys with Cloth Tiluimlug ENTREES Wllsou Mollne Buggies with Shafts Wilson Mollne Hacks with Poles J no. Deero Buggies with Tops. Jno. Deere Hacks with Brakes Mollne Wagon with Box & SeatChattanoga Wagon with Bolster Springs BOAST Jno. Deere Gang Plow Pie Broiled John Deere Walking Plows Boiled Jno Deere Dlso Plows, Caper Sauce Juo. Deere Lever Harrows with Jno, Deere Disc Harrow Fritters Murshroom Sauce Home Dreislug VEGETABLKB Forks Hoes Hakes Rolled Buggy Ciutliluua SALAD Wagon Jack Salad Wheelbarrow Salad DESSERT Minneapolis Threshing Machine Pie (Joiner Threshing Machine Pudding Deorllig Harvesting Machinery with Oalce Sickle Sections, Sickle Knives. Sickle Heads. Rivets. Repairs Anything else In our Hue furnished to order Repairs In season. I - f - !-'' The Boston Store Shoes and Clothing 4. Pierce's S a t s a p arilla The Spring Tonic Tones up ire system, clean ses the liver and kidneys, purifys the blood, builds up and strengthens the nervous system and imparts new life to the body. lie. best remedy made for Catarrh For Sale by ; Brock & McGomas Go Before Putting In Your sewer connection get prices from us on 4 and 6 inch vitrified sewer pipe. Complete line of Closets of different sizes, kinds and prices. Our plumber is the best workman in Pendle ton, and work entrusted to us is done right. GOODMAN-THOMPSON HARDWARE Company Succeuors to the Thompson Company 621 Main St. Its THE BEST THE MOBT WHOLESOME PROPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A BUPEIUOK BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD . SMOKE? Druggists Try "Pendleton Boqoet" and "Pride of Umatilla." M adeat home. A. ROHDE, Maker For sale at the Eat Oregonlan office Large bundi of newspaper, containing over 100 big paper, can be had for 25c a bundle. .