?AGE FIVE. : U A TC H A TC H A TC I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1904. CONVENTION OF ENDEflVORERS (Concluded.) AH the New Spring Shapes and Colors I LONDON BROWN ELEPHANTS' BREATH and PEARL GREY The Latest Shades For Spring i9o4 See display in north window. LEE TEUTSCH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA City Brevities U c Railer. Got Suuny. Swell sllnpors at Teutsch's. Fnsh fruit dally at Martin's. slied brlHtleB. Nolf'B. wo mteiy luiujHiieu ruuuib iu $10 J oil ii 8on street. llfllt'Il H HITIllJtll nilllH Llltll. VtKJl luuk well at Teiitsch's. care East Oregonlan. 'g. formerlv Hees' clear store. or item rour-iuum uuuse near Academy. Apply at this ofllce. office d at Joerger's, li!G West can; leiiiib, uuiena j r., iuiu line high grade piano for sale care East Oregonlan. in liats cleaned and Jiloeked; s cleaned and pressed. J. J. acres of land in Monterey coun- California, have heen temporal'- withdrawn from settlement and be declared a forest reserve. PERSONAL MEHTIOH, W. L. Strang, of Condon, Is in the city for u short visit on business. W. E. Woods, or Athena, is in the city visiting friends lor a short tine. Mrs. Ella M. Porter, of Welser, Is the guest of friends In the city for a few days. ieiry E. Muller. a prominent res ident of Joseph, Is In the city on a huslness visit. C. C. Darr, one of the prominent citizens of Adams, is In the city on business today. Misses Nellie and Lula Stanton, of Helix, are the guests of friends in the city for a few days. S, V. Knox, the veteran attorney of Weston, was a visitor In the city yesterday on legal business. Ralph McDonald. Is laying off from the O. R. & N. yard crew for a few days. John Lally Is working In his placp. W. A. Jones, of Wlllard, Or., is i gueHt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fletcher, Mr. Jones Is a well known young man of Marlon coun ty, and Is In the city to attend the convention. Mrs. Walter Wyatt, formerly of this city Is now visiting in Baker ' City, and will join her husband soon i In Juneau, Alaska, where he has se ' cured a permanent position on the Ji.neau Dispatch. NOT A LUXURY An accurate timepiece is a necessity for the timing ,of the day's business. The Waltham, Dueber and Elgin movements, in solid gold, gold-plled, silver' or aickel cases. Best repairing at moderate HUNZIKER be Progressive Jeweler 726 Main Street Name Corrected. The name of the musician taken from the Reeves lodging house cm the corner of Webb and Cottonwood to the county poor farm yesterday, was Theodore Stemmetz, instead of Konnassig. Mr. Reeves kindly ad ministered to the unfortunate man lor several days, but It was deemed best to send him to the county hos pital on account of the crowded con dition of Mr, Reeves' lodging house. Lost A gold locket and chain, be tween corner of Altn and Thompson street and assembly hall, perhaps In asEorahly hall. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. During an actor's first season us a star he Imagines that he's the whole show. Too many people pray out of one side of their mouths and lie out of the other. Housekeeping rooms for rent. In quire of Merchants' Protective; Agency. The Erie railroad will gradually supplant all women employes with men. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet! . All druggUu refund tbo money II It fallt to cure. B w, OroTe't ilcnature on each box. 250 It is much to be able to get Schilling's Best at your gro cer's; your money goes twice bs far, and comes back if you want it. ' CREAM OF TARTAR We have to keep the chemically pure kind for medicine. The same kind is none too good (or cooking. Many good cooks buy this article here io, 15, 30 and 60 cent packages. Our aim is to sell drugs and chemicals that are just a little better than you find in every drug store. KOEPPENS The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. Cr KOEPPEN & BROTHERS Uston, of Salem; Charles Stavcr, Portland; Will Landrum, Union. Field secretary Rev. David Lop pert, Huntington; Miss Alice Chris tian, Milton; Miss Allco Hutchinson, Portland; Rov. J. K. McOIlvary, Grant's; Ed Mansfield, Portland. Owing to the absence ot Rev. J. O. Rust, of Seattle,, who was to havo tnnnnhnH thf nnvpnt!nn sermon. and who was detained at homo on account of Illness, Rev. E. S. MucK ley, the pastor of the First Christian church or Portland, and recently of Honolulu, was Introduced to make the address. He spoke from the theme found In Matthew xiv, 8: "And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man save Jesus only," delivering a very powerful sermon. At the close of the sermon the convention adjourned for the even ing. Where They Will Preach. The following visiting clergymen will preach on Sunday morning at the various churches as follows: Rov. Z. W. Cummcrford, at the Baptist. Rev. I.. M. Boozer, nt the Pres byterian. Rev. W. S. Strange, nt the M. E. church. Rev. J. K. McGllvray, at the Meth odist south. Rev. F. H. Mlxsell, at the Congre gational. Reports of Officers. The first hour of the convention's time was given this morning to strictly devotional work, after which the reports of the officers ot the state union, and of the representa tive" of the districts of tho state were read, The report of President Rockwood stated In part that tho work of the statu ofllcers for the past year had been directed to the advancement of the district work. There are now organizations In every district In tho state with the exception of the Pa cific district (Coos and Curry coun ties) and the upper Columbia. There havo been quite a number of changes in the state executive committee since the Ashland con vention. A. W. Brookings, of Port land, has been appointed assistant treasurer. Rev. Fergusen, of the cit l?(.nehli and temperance work, has been called to the East to a church, and his place has been filled by Frank H. Mlxsell, of Oregon City. Rev. A. E. Gardner, superintendent of the Christian Endeavor literature has resigned, and Miss Benin Hen kle, of Philomath, hus been appoint ed to the place. , Two new departments have been added: the devotional, with Rev. C. T. Hurd, of Salem, at the head, and the press, with W. A. Dill, of Port land, In charge. Oregon Banner Increase State, A special feature of the work Is the Advance campaign for increas o:' membership, and Oregon Is ho first state In the Union to get an Increase of 10 per cent, for which It was awarded the Chinese banner at the Denver convention. This ban ner will bo granted for two years to the district which has made the big gest Increase since June last, the presentation to be made on Monday next. An invitation has been extended to the Young People's Alliance of the United Brethren church to affili ate with the Christian Endeavor, and it Is thought by the end of the summer all of the societies will work In harmony with this order The state officers have been han dicapped by a lack of funds, and woilc recommend every society to tax each member 10 cents each year for carrying on the state work. The president called the attention of the convention to the value a field secretary for Oregon, Washing ton and 'California would be to the work, and asked the body to give the matter Its consldreatlon, He also stated that there was a strong probability that the next In crnatlonal convention of the Chris tian Endeavor could bo brought to Portland in 1907. Treasurer's Report. H, S. Qlle, the treasurer, submit ted his report, which shows' $13.91 to have heen balance on hand in June, 1902, after the Ashland con vention. Since that time he has re colved In pledges $234.90, and In personal contributions $94.35, mak ing a total of $243.10. The disbursements have been: Expenses advanced to officers, $19." 20; printing, $107.82; miscellaneous, $5.95; telegrams, $1.90; postage, $44.85; Rev. Eberman, $80; adver tisements, $4.75. Leaving a balance on hand at this time or $78.69. The resources of tho union are given as $50.50, due on pledges not paid, and $4 on personal contrlbu. tie nc promlsod, making a total ot $03.50. Secretary's Report. Tho teport of tho statu secretary, Miss Martha Case, was rend. It p'aces tho Christian Endeavor mom lershlp In tho United States nt 2,- CtU.COO. Since Novombre, 1902, 3,. 180 new societies havo been organ wod with an Increase of from 20 to 3 Opor cent In 21 states. In Alaska there are 17 societies; Canada, 4.047; Moxlco, 111; Wost Indies, 250; Hawaii, 28; Philippines, 0' Australia, 3.0CO; Japau, 11G; Ko rea, 12, China, 188; India, DOOlll Per sia, 35; Turkey, 75; Africa, 141; Spain, 47; Franco, 90; Switzerland, Good Old Saturday Night Specials Good cashmere hose, black and gray, 25c kind, 2 pair for 25c Fancy sox, 2 pair for 25c The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO "TRADE MEN' SHOES FOR THE MEN BOY'S SHOES NEW STYLES LADIES' SHOES STETSON CHILDREN SHOES HATS em 13; Germany, 232; Great Britain, 9,710. London has the largest city anlen, with 700 societies, and Phil adelphia Is next with 025. The next world's convention will go to Cal cutta. The approximate estimate of the members in tho stnte Is: Active members, 5,809; associate, 2,080; honorary. 945; junior, 3,828; inter mediate, 1,212; making a total of 14,880. The convention adjourned at noon, tho afternoon being devote! to a worker's meeting. I Before Putting In j Demott's Will Close. George R. Demott & Co.'s grocery store will remain closed all day on Fehruury 22, Washington's birth day. GEORGE R. DEMOTT & CO. Get Sunny. U C Rader. Ladies' Introductory SHOE SALE To bring to notice tho new line of low priced shoes received direct from the factory we have made tho following prioes: $1.50. $1.75, $2.00 There is a surprise in ttore for you just as soon aB you ca8t your optics on this meritorious footwear. Your sewer connection get prices from us on 4 and 6 inch vitrified sewer pipe. Complete line of Closets of different sizes, kinds and prices Our plumber is the best workman in Pendle ton, and work entrusted to lis is done right. GOODMAN-THOMPSON HARDWARE Company Successors to the Thompson Company 021 Main St. 4 HOTEL DE FARMER A. KUNKEL (S3. Co.. Proprietors E3 1ST XT A la Barb Wire Poultry Netting Nut The Boston Store Shoes and Clothing Pierce's X S arsap arilla The Spring Tonic Tones up tl e system, clean- J ses the liver and kidneys, purifys the blood, builds up 4. and strengthens the nervous system and imparts new life J to the body. The best remedy made for Catarrh J For Sale by : Brock & McGomas Go Druggists t Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure any caseofRheu mutism Money back If they fall. 1 A.C. Koepuon & Bros.,Agts. (or Pendleton SOUP Hog Wire REIJBHEB ' Leather and Rubber Belting I. ace Leather Bolts Jtope Cable JacKson forks BOILED ilublwrTIre Buggies with Cushion Tires Carriage!) with Leather TrlmmlugH Burreys with Cloth Tilmuilng ENTREEB' Wilson Mollue Buggies with BhafU Wilson Mollno Hacks with Poles J no. Deere Ituggiea with Toiw. Jno, Deere Hacki with llrakeu Mollue Wagou with Box & Seat Ohattauoga Wagon with UoliterBpringa HOA8T Jno. Deere Gang Plow Pie llrolled John Deere Walking Plows Boiled Jno Deere Dlso Plows, Caper Bauoe Jno. Deere Lever Harrows with Jno. Deere DUc Harrow HrltUnt Murshroom Sauce Home Dressing VKaETABLKB Forks Hoes IUkes Boiled Buggy Cushlnus BALAI) Wagon Jack Balad Wheelbarrow Salad DEB8EHT Mluneapolls Threshing Machine Pie UelserThreshiug Machine Pudding Deerlng Harvrotlug Machinery with Oake Biukie secuouB. bjckk nuives. hicsie maas. luvets. i t Anything else hi our Hue furnished to order J le pairs in hmou, lie pairs Its THE BEHT THE MOST WHOLESOME PKOPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR, BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. SPECIAL Manager Taylor of the Frazier Opera House is pleased to announce to his patrons the engagement of HOWARD KYLE in a revival of "ROSEMARRY" THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Which huatliertui rd of the greatest comedy success In the Empire Theatre. New York City Bale of seats commences Tuesday. Feb. 23. l'rices out) to f i.ou as tins engagement promises 10 ue one or me mosi notable of the season it is KUt'stcd (but patrous desiring good loeatlous should secure their seats as early us possible. Free list entirely abolished. .H.'l' t'H' t For sale at the East Oregonlan office Large bundl of newapaper containing ovr 100 big papers, cap be had for 26c a bundle. 4