DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1904. PAGE EIGHT. New Goods Two of our 1904 Spring lines for m.n arn now in. For the swell dressers we have the Edwin Clapp shoes. They are the acknowledged leaders. The J, E. "Silt SHoe, positively tile best shoe for the price, $3.50 and $4 00 ever sold anywhere. They arc made in Vici, Valour, Box Calf and Calf and genuine Keck Oak Soles. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. Phone Main 1181. GOOD SHOES CHEAP 1 CONVENTION OPENS FIRST SESSION OF OREGON ENDEAVORERS TONIGHT. IN NEW QUARTERS LARGE IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE AND PLANNED. Force Will Be Increaied at Tele phone Central Extensive Addi tions to Outside and Inside Equip ment Service Will Soon Be as Efficient In Every Respect as in Any City in the State. Ex-Mayor T. G. Halley Will Deliver Address of Welcome on Part of the City Rev. R. J. Dlven Will Welcome the Workers on Behalf of the Churches Illness Prevents Dr. Rust, of Seattle, From At tending First Delegates Arrive. TOMORROW'S PROGRAM ml around, and all is gotten Into Rood worknlg order, another opera tor will be put at the board, to en sure as nromnt answering to calls as is possible, and to take the Btraln of tho busiest hours off the girls now In the office. ' The increase In facilities has bean made In the outside equipment moro than In the offlce Itself. Tho cables have been made much largor, so there arc now ends enough to carry a large addition .to the business, but the board Is not a great deal larger than the old one. It was not thought wise to put In a. large hoard when In a short time tho system will be changed, and the style of board will have to be changed with the sys- The telenhono company has mov ed its central offlce Into the new tem. quarters on Court street In the Mat- There may be still a little delay lock building, and Is fast getting 'n the offlce for a few days, until all everything In shape for Improved and extended service to the public. While the lines have been run In at the new offlce and the boards are un and everything Is working, there is a lot to do yot before the equip ment Is complete. Telephone boxes have to be Installed, partitions put in, and the general details of the furnishing for the place put in place. Miss Moussu, the manager of tho local offlce, Is pleased with her new place, and will be more so when it is -put in shape, for it will' enable her to give added service and more prompt. The old offlce was crowded and the whole system was congested with the work that had to be done. Now provision has been made for handling a large increase In the vol ume of business. As soon as things are stralgthen- ...4..... ...... of the work incident to the change has been completed, but after that the force will be able to handle all the business promptly, giving .is good a service as that In any of the cities of the state, and better t!nn in some. "COLONIAL RARTY.' t 4 t 4 ? IF IT IS F. &, S. You can depend on its being 1 good and being the right j. inmg ior me ailment. F. & S. Cough Syrup Oil Liniment Liver Pills Toi et Cream Elixir Cascara Sagrada Sarsaparilla Quinine Hair Tonic Bitters Healing Oil Manufactured and sold by TOLLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists Costumes and Music of Ancient Days, at Assembly Hall. Monday evening next the pupils' of the seventh grade will have n colonial party in the Assembly hall, to which a number of their friends will be Invited. The party will be In colonial cos tume, in observance of the anniver sary of Washington's birth. A mus ical program will be presented dur-j delivered mg me party, wuicn win De in Keep lng with the spirit Of the entertain ment. Saturday Morning, Feb. 20. 9 a. m. Devotional hour, led by Itev. T. C. Hurd. of Salem, superintendent of de votional work. 10 a. m. I'rogress of tho work; Reports of all state offlcorsj reports of state su perintendents; reports of dis trict presidents. Saturday Afternoon. 2 p. m. Dovotlonnl service (personal work) led by Ilov. I). A. Thompson, of Portland, president of Northwestern district. 2: -15 p. m. School for workers, conducted by Rev. 7.. W. Cummorford, of Prlne vllle. of the SprlngBeld training school. Unfinished business. Saturday Evening. Vestry of Episcopal church, 7: 45 i. m. Reception to del egates by Pendleton societies. The number of ants In a nest var ies from 12.293 to 93.694. These figures are, from a recent count of five nests. THE WHOLESOME CRESCENT Eg -Phosphate CAKING PONDER SAVES ONE-THIRD THE EGGS. SAVES TWO-THIRDS THE MONEY SAVES ALL THE WORRT. One Pound 2' cent. All Growl The delegates to the Christian Endeavor convention, which meets in the Ilaptist church this evening at 7:31 o'clock, are beginning to ar rive In the city for the opening ses. sion and by tomorrow all of them will be here. A few from the county and cities oi fit immediate vicinity nre now In Pendleton, but the most of them will reach here this evening on the train from Portland, and tomorrow those from the East will begin to come. Owing to sickness. Dr. John O. Rust, the pastor of the First Daptist church of Seattle, who was to have the convention sermon this evening, will not be ablo to be present and his place will bo filled by Rev. Mulkey, pastor of tho First Christian church 0! TortlantJ. Thomas G. Hallcy, ex-mayor of Pendleton, will deliver tho address of welcome to the convention on be half of tho city this evening and Rev. Robert Diven will welcome the visitors in behalf of tho churches. Rev. A. A. Winter, of Dallas, will make the response on the part of tho convention. The announcement of tho commit' tees for the convention will bo made at the meeting this evening. Mrs. II. O. Meador. of Prairie City, and Rev. Strange, of Condon, arriv ed this morning and woro tho first outside delegates to reach the city. round trip rnto from Chicago to tho fair nnd return for $60, from St. Paul nnd common points $45 and from Denver nnd common points 40. These are 90 day tlckotB nnd are much cheaper than thoso grant ed to the Western people who wish to visit tho St. Louis fair during tho summer. The ulnln contention made or to bo made however is not so much tho price ns to tho stop-over allowed on tho tickets, nnd this matter has been settled. On tho St. Louis tickets tho traveler Is required to reach his destination nt lenst ton days after the Boiling date of Ills fare. In othor words If It takes five days to make tho trip, tho tourist hns five days my-ovor privilege on the first part of the trip. After that, he mny make bb ninny and as long stops ns is nosBlblo In side of tho 90 dny limit. Tho name restrictions will In all probability be placed on tho tickets to tho IjwIb nnd Clnrk fair. However, If the Eastern visitor is desirous of seeing the country horo ho can do so bettor on tho homeseeker's tlckots sold by tho Eastern roads which are Indeflnlto In time limit. At nny plnco west of Pocotello tho homeseekor can stop for any time up to 10 days. Ho is required to register his ticket with the agent where ho stops, nnd enn then get side trips for half faro. If inside of 10 dnys he returns nnd tnkes up his ticket ho can stop nt tho next station for ton days with the same privileges nnd so on until he hns reached his destination. In this way. If there were stations enough nlong the route. It would 00 possible to travel for a year on the same ticket and enjoy half fare rates to all side stations while on the Journey. It Is thought by tho railroad au thorities that the companies will give the northwest ever) ndvantagA In tho way of privileges to those who wish to see tho country on their trips to the fair. SPOOK NIGHT. JOHN SOUTHWELL DEATH OF PROMINENT CITIZEN LAST NIGHT. Indirect Cause of Death Was an Old Injury to His Neck and Throat, Causing Congestion Was 56 Years of Age Was a Progressive, Well-to-do Citizen. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Catholic Fraternal and Order. Insurance NOT GOOD, NOT HERE i The Daily Question j No matter what your appetite may be you can always enjoy, a cup of Revere Coffee Fur breakfast, at lunch or dinner it is perf ctiy delicious. ONCE TKIED ALWAYS USED F. S. YOUNGER. & SON i. ......... .. ,,.,. 1 . . . ........... On Sunday next a now council if the Order of Kiilpbts of Columbus will bo organized at Bakor City, which will In time number In its membership some of tho citizens of Pendleton. This is an order 23 years of age. but It is not before tho public in' n prominent way, mainly on account of its conservative attitude, and is therefore not ho well known, thoush Its membership runs Into tho hund reds of thousands In this country and in Canada. It is a fraternal and insurance order, organized among the nctlve members' of the Catholic church, and is of such a conservative cast that In Portland, where there Is a church membership of 2,500 or moro to draw from, the council numbers but uu mcmners. ine rornanu council Is the only ono in the state and tho one to be organized In Bakery will bo the second, and representative of the entire eastern part of tho state. Tho degree team which will insti tute 'tho now council will be com posed of 60 mon from tho councils of Ilcllingham Hay and Seattle, Wash., and Portland, and it Is thought thero will bo 25 insurance mcrrbors who wilt take tho first de gree on Sunday afternoon. The work In tho Knights of Co lumbus Is much like the Masonic ritual In some parts; and it takes a member eight months to pass through throe degrees. It was tho Intention of Judgo Thomas Fltz Gerald to go to Bakor City for tnttl atlon, but owing to his recent 111 ness he will be unable to attend. FOR CHEAP RATES. Movement to 8eour Them to Lewis and Clark Exposition. The commercial associations of this and of othor cities, and the va rious organizations and men inter ested in tho development not only of this state but of the ontlro north wost bavo been bestirring them selves for somo tlmo in tho interest of cheap rates and good stop-over privileges in this section during tho Lewis and Clark fair, and from tho action taken at tho mooting of the t radio managors of tho Eastern roads held In Chicago It would aoom that their wishes are to bo given somo consideration. It is stated that tho roads lead ing Into the northwest have made a Tntin Cmitlianll nnn nf (Via Prnm inent residents of the rnnntv. died in this city last night nftcr a short, illness at the age of 56 years. Sir. Southwell was ono of the well-known stockmen of tho county. and had been In business on Birch creek fur nany years. He was n great friend cf tho public schools, nnu was one or the prominent mom hers of tho school board In tho dlB trlct In whlnh ho llvoi! Early In the winter ho moved his family to this city In order that nis children could have tho better school advantages, and It was while visiting hlB children that ho died. On Saturday last Mr. Southwell came Into town nnd unnn nftnr his arrival was taken sick, having been ior several days threatened with the grip. Tho Immediate cause of nis uenth was lung congestion, though tho deml83 was Indirectly brought about bv nn niii ii, in- Some years nco. while wnrklnr- with a threshor, ono of tho belts How off a pulley near whoro Mr. Southwell was standing, nnd struck him nnm. the reck, cuttlnir a rrent i-tiul, in 1.I0 throat. This Injury nearly cost tho iimn ins me, nnd slnco recovering be had never boon ablo to raise phlegm from his throat or lungs so inai wnen tne mucus formed dur ing tho attack Of fhn irln M, Southwell was unable tn th ami tno congestion wns formed. Arrangements for tho funeral have not been made, but will bo an nounced later. The total tax roll for Union county Tim,rau ur .ju.diju more tnnn innf year. DON'T NEGLECT Your Stomach and Bowels. So much depends upon them. Your health, happiness, and oven your life is con- wum-u migui oy ineso organs. It Is thereforo very important at tho first nvmntnm nf th r, it, 1 . oiuuiuun tie- coming wcaluor tho bowols const!- j.u.vu, turn juu uhc a tew noses f Hostottor'B Stomnch Bitters. It Is thn hnat Rtnmflnli n n .1 V. 1 , , 7 . uuwm mem- rlnn In nvlotn,,. ...... . ... ,vi,, uuu jjuniuuoiy cures Heartburn, Indlnestlon, Dys. neDfla. Confttlnntlnn -inrl ii.i..,. ' - r-..w,. nnu ,TIIMrA. Try It, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTEFS. LARD Good and Pure Kettle Itemlerfd At prices as low ns the lowest. MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET 36 COURT ST. Dr. Martin Destroyed Spiritualism at Christian Church. Dr. Martin's subjoct Inst night at tho Chrlstlnu church was "Spiritual Ism: tho Devil Is In It." For an hour and a hair tho doctor discuss, oil this subjoct, and whon ho had finished tho audlonco was fully con vinced that Mr. Martin was inform ed on Spiritualism. Tho largo audi once present wns entertained, In structed and greatly benefited. Services ovory ovonlng, 7:30. Sub ject tonight. "Tho Ingrafted Word" Country Roads Are Dad. J. A. McLaughlin, of Ourdano, is In tho city nftor supplies for hlo lumber camp and mill hands. Mr, Mclaughlin owns tho Ourdano saw mill, 45 miles Bouthwcst of this city, nnd reports tho roads in bad condi tion most of tho way out. Tho snow Is drtftod In tho ronds in many places and they aro washed out badly. Ho carrlod ovor about 250, 000 foot of lumbor this winter, and will start tho mill again, ns Boon ns the mnrkot demands. JaPan ar,A n , .. - ."".nusii. ... "it ev."el hm where " M Mothpr'c n... 0 rriQe , Coffee Is served, n , -1 members l 'eel fine. " "ailil ST. JOE STOR Closed For Inventory, kju aoors are locked for a few days. Will be opened soon. LYONS MERCHANTILE COJ NEW HATS AT THE BOSTON STORE See our new hat confoimerid week. On the road now. The Boston Stoi SHOES AND CLOTHING WASHED I CLEAN. AND RONED opeIrlV. vnn KNOW WE YOU WANT . UnP unrk dot!5 111 iaunvi . . clean, j.-st enough , bto "I the "yellow su"., starch to fi.v Lodyand poJ the right sort ol 'f Jars, cuffs and shirts hold Ul Do 0.1 get it f Vr'7,nel that i. the sort ol lionjenngl us? Work cailtd for and dl tup noi STEAM LAWD ...GET DRY WOOD. We have on hand a very large stock of si J wood of all kinds (not half seasoned grn 1 I dry wood, which burns and gives oui prepared to deliver this good wood prompt I A trial order for our wood will make you when you are out of fuel. W. C. MINNIS - i..H Phone W"" Leave orders at Newman's Cigar Store. J . m ..1 Rubber. ELATER'R """"" " , lOUMAVIN IKMUlUIIUINO I ACg Jl ffOltKJ; orllu-i It nooei'imry to Hr.i 'VT- " C 1 1 ibkos tn, place of shingles, un, iron, r- Talle7. '"l-ftl Tempore . ior all climates. Reasonable In ' l00 leca. it will pay to ask ior pncoD" g RooFlNO THE EUATfcni wofctttif Building. The Oregon Dally Journal eas N (oand on ! j