DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. siness Cards and Societies joFESSIONS AND TRADE8, ALPHABETTICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. n COLB. OFFICE IN JUDD ' .. limira. 10 to 12 a. m ! Ft .inuone : Orilce, main 1ST1 : i "i.ln IS". CTTo If. II. DESI'AIN I1LOCK KLid correct, eye troubles, .ca- P " ,i.in nnd impaired nesrinc-" " lrKtlJ-firtW reiraciire er blePPOUc ITin BINGO. OFFICE OVER Fv,7.n Kaelncs bank. Telephone RJnce telephone, msla 1581. toriELD, U. D. HOME01TIATIC "Telephone: Offlce, black 1411; . Discs' TucFAULI.. JUDD BLOCK. TELE. , ATTORNEYS, BnJL.P5?lR,Y'. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ton. Or 7 Hrdww 8tore' Penile- JAMES A. FEE, LAWOFFICB IN JUDD UUllUlUg, AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Court street, " " tlAILEY A LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT lay. Offlce In Despaln block. UALLERAY McCOOKT, LAWYERS. As sociation bulldlne. 'V''ER.KEi'E? ATTORNEY ATLAW. Offlce In SaTlngs Hank building. U nCMIUIIiiUA, I'lllSlCIAK nrili In Rnrlnim flunk Koto 1 office 'phono, main 1411 : t Dim iu" IV K. ItLAKESLEE, CnitONIC nous diseases and diseases of udd building, corner Main and lts. Offlce 'pbone, main 721 ; i ALLEN IIOONB, OSTEOTATII. . TBomosou street, between Uour r....i J'hone II ack I0H Ncr. Ls specialty. fnS. M D , DESI'AIN BLOCK, Li oyer Koepp'U's drug itoro. Iillon to akin diseases DENTISTS. kERS DENTAL 8UH0EON. Office S,Juua mai-s. CARTER & HALEY. ATTORNEYS AT !"w- Offlce In SaTl pga Dank building. II. E. COLLIER. LAWYnn. orpirn Rooms 7 ana 8, Association building. STILLMAN AI'IKRCn, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. stlllman bas been admitted to practice In United States patent offices, und makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. r. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODQE. NO. 28s Regular meetings Erst and third 'Ihursdays ore-sen month All brothers visiting lu tho city mm! cordially Invited to attend. Hall In I.Dow block, Court treet Q A Hartman, ar.,K R., c. E. Bean, Secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. I ree reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag nnd other equipments, In cluding library and reading room? Terms, $l.(iii to Join and 50c a month dues. forjAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN lldlDg. 1 none reu nil. kX. DENTIST OFFICE IN AS- l block, over ncumiuc s new arng loot red zii. NKS AND BROKERS. IriOXAL HANK OF ATHENA. i f'nnitHi. tov.vvu . sum us ana uuou. interest on time deposits. ksnliro and domestic exchange. I promptly attended to. Henry jrtaUlent; T J. Kirk, vlce;pres- IEI!S' HANK OF WESTON, lOieiton Hoes a general bank- F, Mrnnngc uuugui uuu sum. promptly attended to. R. Jam- iKIH hcuikc 1. iiucusiri, kt J i: Kiigore, casuicr; ill- It llartnian. M. .M Johns. T. 1 0. raw. j. r. uiigore, non- lG. rroeDstei. IDLE! ON riAVINOS HANK, l Oreston. Organized March 1, lul. Ilio.OOi : surplus, ve-,1 : a owed on nil time uenos ts. fcnglit and sold on nil principal Kal attention given lu coiiec- IJ furnish, president: J, N, reiidiut ; T. J Ainrria, cashier" i7, assistant cashier. HONAL RANK OF 1'ENDLE- II. VD.0X1 aurplus, and liu 9M. I1OI.000 Transacts a tint buiinesa. r.xehanire and bnler! told on Chicago, Ban vort. ma principal poima in Iirilta drawn on China, Japan FMaiei collection on reasonable anianf. nres lent ! W. F. Mat- lidentiU M Ulce, cnhler ; Geo LHMuntcasaier TONSORIAL PARLORS. PATTO.VS SANITARY I1ARHER SnOP, Despaln block, Court street. Hest work nanshlp. All the modern Improvements, ill tools sterilized. Hath rooms In connection. FOR RENT. NEAT. CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Well locued. Mrs. Strahou, 302 Water streot ; cor. Johnson. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE fur two gentlemen or two ladles. Call at CIO Willow street. Hopeful for Eastern Oregon, Mr. Alexander McPherson, who lives at Bridgeport and is one of the best known ranchers and stockmen of the Burnt river country, who was In the city yesterday, was enthusias tic over tho prospects for the stock men this coming season. He said everybody In his section had been obliged to carry most of their stock over during the winter but no one had suffered any hard ships because the winter was n mild one and feed had been plenty. Prices of cattle hnvo been low ex cept where stock has been home fed for market and turned out as "fin ished stuff." Stockers nnd feeders have brought comparatively low prices, during the winter anil nil who could afford to do so have car ried their cattle over. Mr. McPher son says that It will be months yet before anything like good prices will bo realized, but an early spring Is anticipated and early pastures will be ready for grazing. Mr. McPherson does not think that the Russo-Japanese war, unless carried on for many months, will have any material effect upon tho prices or stock and grain on this coast. Our own markets In the East will before next fall take care of the surplus stock. Baker City i Democrat. idea of turning out all the lights but one, and tho bees gathered around this lone light for a council of war, and were captured and car rled from tho hall In a body Ln Grande Chronicle. Walla Walla Helps the Fair. Senator Ankeny and the other members for Washington In the senate and house of representatives hnve been sent a telegram yester day urging tho passage In tho sen ate of the hill appropriating $l,77r, 000 to the Lewis and Clark ex position, with such amendments ns might be deemed .advisable. This telegram was sent by tho Commer cial club In response to n message received from Henry E. need, sec retary of the exposition at Portland who stated that this action was vl tally important to tho cause of the exposition. Tho Commercial club yesterday received an official Invitation to make a spcclnl exhibit at tho IajwIs and Clark centennial exposition, either In Its own behalf, or In con nection with somo other body, municipal or otherwise Walla Walla Union. WANTED. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED COT- tage. Apply at tliliomce. POSITIONS WANTED Man and wile want employment on much or farm, where man can work und wile on cook Man experi enced utth horses und all klndK ol lurm work. References can be given Address v II. K care hast Oregonlan. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE ; ONLY eight weeks required; two years faved; poel tlous secured v. hen competent. Catalogue mailed free. Muter Hysiein College, Ban Fianclscn. Calif. MISCELLANEOUS. F )UND-ONE GENTLEMAN'S NEW NO 8 slipper. Owner can hale same by calling ut East Oregonlau offlce and paying for this notice. LOST IN THE HIGH SCUOOL ASSEMBLY hall. Fridar evenlne. Feb. V2. black silk um brella. with oearl and silver handle. Reward will be uald for Its return to Edith Johnson. 6.11 Johnson street ECTS AND BUILDERS. ll'TMA.V, ARCHITECT AND kmc Room 12 Judd Block, Ten Rent Association block, Pen- nu. Alil-IITi;i.'T amj wu- Makes complete and rella Ibullillnmi in tbe city or coun P:, Judd building. COLE. CONTRACTORS AND lEitloiates furnished on short ! tork a specialty. Prompt i on Bluff street, near Main. CONTRACTOR AN DHUILD- iitn furnished on all kinds rtsitnt walks, stone walls, etc I II East Oregonlan offlce. IEE, PLASTERING AND CE- ftratnt walks a specialty, lis Mini free. Work guaranteed. it Badley & Zehner cigar pt. I. O. box 104. BINGEtt HEWING MACHINE OFFICK, 609 College street, repairs for all machines. P. A Lovetang, Manager SEWER CONTRACTORS -REED & LAFLER make connections with the sower for busi ness houses and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leavo orders at T C. Taylot's llardwure store. r. B. ME Kit I LI., SPOKANE, WASH., AGT Densmore. Hecond hand machines, aupplles and repairs. SEE YllUK "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money We make loana on peraoual property T. B. (lurdaln, Pawn Broker, Milarkey build ing, Court street. WM. F. YOIINKA WILL PAY I'ROMIT attention to all sales and posting bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonable. P. O. box 1!0C, Pendleton, BINARY SURGEON'S. fiCKG EON DR. V, C. McNABB nu' Drug more. DRESSMAKING. CUTTING AND FITTING A ipoclalty. prompt wora. tsansiaction guar teed Miss R. Whitley, 912 Main street. PENDLETON BTEAM DYE WORK8-730 COT ton wood street. Cleaning, dying and repair ing. Goods called lor and delivered. Phone Main itsi. NG AND LODGING. 11. CORNER ALT A AND Hoard bv the day or week. t Rates. S3.7B and -7S li L. Netf, prop. Pendleton connection, u. yru- f EL, LEADING HOTEL IN iw to 11.50 per day, U. P. UUHINEHS TAKES YOU '.at the Hotel Helix. Good ervice. T u. wimpy, fND FEED 8TABLE8. IUVCKV STABLE. COURT Courthouse. Bowes & Son, lea turnouts. Public scales.. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at ' cents a bundle at the EAST OREGONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. NRY PEED YARD. COR. m Ltllllh ,ll, H a. Alio. I R 'comfortable stalls. Plenty' tlran rarftll Attention. I AH persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their ; their accounts as I need the money. Conrad Platzoeder ; 'Meit Market 1TAULE8-a. M. FROOUK, oud rtss, best care given i "pp. uoiei renmeion. rnone (TABLE. ALT A STRKIT. OAR. P. Prop'ra. livery, feed and rione Main 701. ' st ibsmw eotr 1 itSL AND LAND BUSINESS .ABSTRACT COMPANY S . attracts of title to all county. Loans on city KJtatj. Doe a general bro r lays taxes and makes presidents. Reference, Tit iv . T.uan'. JR..' Vice Pres. oecretary. i2f IIKPUE8ENT8 THE Ajeiianie Are and accl wipanlea. Offlce with ItJeJlSil U 8- LND C0M Xlty mads nf lanrt (11. rWiul",,lce a collectlone. L!"'g. room 16. DEALERS. i IipT. ..7! IN BEt'OND- IN nZ "nytmng you !tci""l nnd turnlture, I V- lad rr..... .11 . " Court street. A BAD FALL. Mldht Have Resulted Fatally Had Help Not Come. A resident of Pendleton has been persuaded to tell the story of se vere accident which befell him. Here Is a losson to be drawn from his ex perience. 0. W. Maker, carpenter, living at Tustln and Aura streets, In Pendleton, says: "A year ago this coming April, while living in Seattle, Wash., I foil from a staging to tho ground, 12 feet below, and struck squarely on my back. I was laid up for five weeks in bed and ever since then my kid neys have beon affected. The secre tions were highly colored and con taincd a sediment like brick dust I had dizzy spells and headaches and a dull aching pain through my loins and kidneys anu dbck. i jiruuumu Doan's Kidney Pills at the Brock & McComaB Co., drug store and have used seven boxes. I cbnsider myself cured. Tho urinary difficulty Is a thing of tho past and I have neither headaches, dizziness, nor pains In my back." !.',- cnin i.r nil ilnalors. Price SO cents per box. Koster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. v., aoio n&uuis iur wo TTnltnrl Qtfltnft. Humorabor tho name DOAN'S and take no otner. Bees Break up a Dance. A swarm or bees put In an un expected appearance at the dance nt Island City Monday night. The dance was given by the Simpson dancing class In tho Lindsay hall. During the afternoon there was ti fire in the hall which warmed into activity a swarm of bees over the celling. When the lights wero turned on at night the busy little bees came out In quest of opening buds of flowers. About the first pass they made was at the orches tra and then they commenced a combined attack on the dancers and stayed on tbe firing line until the Intruders were completely routed. Finally someone conceived the Will Slaughter the Bunnies. The annual rabbit hunt on Illalock Island In the Columbia, will be held February 21 and 22 tills year. The principal delegation will bo from Spokane, as the principal promoters of the Islam! enterprise live in Spo kane. The hunt Is nlso made tho occasion of a pleasant Jaunt for n number of Spokane sportsmen, anil quite a number are expected from that place. A few nlso attend each year from Walla Walla and other points. A drive on Hlalork Island Is dif ferent from a drive tin the Hutter creek plains southwest of lCrho, In asmuch as guns, not clubs aro used nnd the rabbits hemmed In by tho Columbia on either side, have less chance to get away. If there -are sufficient shooters to make any kind of connected line across the IslamL Goldendnle Sentinel. I HEME CHICAGO WHEAT TAKES AN UPWARD JUMP. Portland Looks for a Flour Advance Owing to the Japanese War Veal and Block Porkers In De mand Portland Quotation of Wheat Unchanged. Portland, Feb. 19. Tho receipts of fresh meats today were larger than for several weeks. Hogs and veal were especially In larger arri val hut the excellent demand now ruling cleaned up at the top quota tions. Thero Is not, however, io large a demand for packing hogs and prices are a trifle weaker. Good mutton Is not coming very fast but the demand Is very good at present lists. Block hogs and small veal are wanted as badly as ever. Looking for Flour Advance. Despite the fact that the local quotations on wheat are now show ing much change, higher prices aro being obtained by all of the smaller millers. The quotations arc not be ing held so firm and the demand for flour Is so great that all the millers expect an early advance In the mar ket. Chicago Wheat Higher. Chicago, Feb. 19. Wheat ruled higher today on the more compli cated -war news and the large buy ing operations which are supposed to be for Armour. May opened at 98c, was low at 99V&C and closed at 99c, the high point. This was an advance of lc sln?e yesterday. July opened at 90c, was high at 91c, the closing figure. This Is an ad vance of lV4c. May corn opened at 55c, was high at f)Cc and low at C5c. The close was at 55c, and advance ofc. July opened at C3'ic, was high and low at &3b3c. The close was at fi3c, an advance of V'sC Wheat Open. Close. May 98 99 July , 90 91A RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. Coffee mocho and Java, best, 40c per lb.: next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, 20c per lb. Illco Best head rice, 15c per lb.; next grade, 12c per lh. Sugar Cane granulated, best 16.50 per sack; do 13 lbj 1. Salt Coarse, 11.10 per 100; table, $2.60 per 100. Flour B. B- J4.25 per barrel; wui- ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 1418c per lb. Ham 1718c per lb. Coal oil $1.05 for 5 gallons, $3.25 per case. Lard 70c 5 pounds; l.4W lu pounas, VEGETmDLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Parsnip, lu 1'uS. 2Ec. Potatoes, lc per lb, Garli , 10c per lb. Cabbago, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. Radishes, Ec bunch, Green onions, 5c bunch. Walla Walla spinach, Cc lh. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 5c bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallon. Popcorn, shelled, 8 1-3 cents per pound; on cob, 5 cents per pound. FRUITS. Bananas, 40c dozen. Apples, 75c$l per box. I-emous, 40c doz. Oranges. 40-50O doz. Cranberries, 15c per quart. LIVESTOCK A?,D POULTRY. The following prices are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, 12 14c. Chickens Hens, 8c; $3T4 per dozen; roosters, 4 to Cc. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen, $3.504. Butter, 505? 7Ec. good. Kggs, fresh, 25c. CHOICE 3EEF CATTLE, ET . Steers, $3.253.75. Cows, $2.50 02.75. Hogs live, 45c. Hogs, dressed, GV47c. Veal, dressed, CG7c. Sheep, $202.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lc per lb. Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, lVi cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. The following are the prevailing average prices for hides in this mar ket; beef, green, 4c per lb.; beef, dry, 1012c; mink, 50c each, with a possibility of $1 each if tLe size is good and tbe condition prime; coyote, 507Cc; bear skins, accord ing to quality- and size, from s3 to $15: coon, 35640c; horse, $101.25; sheep, green, Cc; sheep dry, 714c; lynx or bob cat, 15030; skunk, Zbc; badger, 15030. Says it's a Pleasure. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 3, 1903. "It Is a pleasure for mo to be able to lecommend Tltlll as a liquor and tobacco cure, and as a treatment to cleanse tbe entire system. F. S. Lewis ex-champion middleweight champion of the world. All Odd t'ullrt'tiuu. All etitertalnei who vlxltrd the FIJI (Simula und gave his rfoi'iiiiiiice be fore the liatlvf had the following n cflpts for one night: Four Micklng pigs. X cocoa nuts. l.UOO of it coiuiiinii elus'i of moonstone collected on the ImwIi, 40 pearls. 23 model cinioi s. JW yunlfc of nutlve cloth. 4'J FIJI rmttimes 3 whale's teeth, limulivdM of flinrks' teeth, one or two cart loads of beauti ful coral, war linpleiuetitH, puoh as ppears. knobstick und knives, native mats and pillows nnd f grog bowls. A Natural Sllsupprrlirnsluu. "You sny the uudlencc laughed when you recited 'Marco Uoz.nrls' In Chica go'" "Yes," answered .Mr. Stormlugton lliiriie-4. "You see. when I came to the lines beginning 'Strike!' the people thought it was a local allusion. Washington Star. When a mnn will kill himself because a woman refuses to marry him It In conclusive evidence mat mo woman was right. -Baltimore Herald. TRANSPORTATION LINKS. Oregon Shojline aud union Pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman aUndtrd sml Tourist sleep ing csrs dally to Omaha. Chicago; tomtit aleeplng ear daily to Kansas Cltr: through ralfaan tourist sleeping csrs personally coo durted) weeklr to Chicago, Ransaa City, re clining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. osrsaT roa Tlmo Sohtxltilo From l'ouilloton Portland :10 am Chicago .1;ts pm Portland 12::0am The Eaat h: a m Spokane u:ju a m 6:50 p m Portland Special No. 1 Chicago Special No. 2 Mall and Kxprcaa No. S Mall andKxpressNo.6 Pendleton passenger No ; (Spokane Pnsienger No. 8 Pendleton Branch Mixed Train No. U Walla Walls 11 ranch MIxtHt Train No. ASIUTI ritox The East 9:00 a.m. Portland 5::pm The East I 'Jr.'Sa in rortUnd 4S1S a m Spokant, 5uv, pu 2 M p ni No 7 connects with No. 2. 1 Onlr wslta for No 1 In case No. 1 la lato not later than S mtnutei. No. 42 connects with No, 2, Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. IWP.D All sailing dates sub-l l jeci io cnange. For San Francisco I Halt eTery A days. Dally except 1 Sunday 1 SOp m. , Baturdar 10 ao p. in., Columbia Hirer To Astoria and Way Landings. 4aO p. m. 4 p.m. Sunday Wlllnmottu Itlver. Boats leave Portland dallv. except Bund) 'stage ol water permitting) lor Willamette an mui itiTcr pumi. Leaye Klparla Snake Hirer 4 Mi a.m. Klparla to Lcwliton Dallv Excpt Monl Leave Lewlatos 7 KX) m. Dally Kxcpt lit os K. C BM1T1I. Agent, Pendleton. WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD - Take thia route fdr Chicago. St Paul. St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and AH Points East and South Portland ad polnti oo tbe. Sound TIM 12 CA1IU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11,45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally.eaat bound. II XO p. in Arrive Walla Walladally.vest bound, 10:43 a. m For Information regarding rates and accom inodationa, call on oraddreas W, A I) A MB, Agent Pendleton. Oregon B. B. C'ALUKRHKAD, C), P. A., nana nana, vvasnington. HOTELS, HOTEL RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. r sr. Paul MINNEAPOIilo DULUTH VATtflO TO ) GRAND KORKU UlttJUkUfl'UM WINNEPEO HELENA and I BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points East and South Ihroush tlckeu to Jspan and China, ns Tacoua and Northern PaclSo Steamship 0. ana American line. TIM SCHBDULK. Trains leave Pendleton dally ezcepl Suadat at 7 AO p. m. For further Information, time cardi, aaape and tlckeu, call on or write W. Adams, Pen dleton, Oregon, or A. D. HHAKLTON, I aura sna ssomaon oi,, rvrwaau, vra. Dallv East Oregonlan, by carrier, only 15 cents per week. PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendtettw and as good as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout, Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters Tor Traveling Me Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Speclnl ratoa by week or mouth Excellent CuUltio. Prompt Dlnlugroom orTloe. Bar and billiard room in oonneotioi Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE CEO. DAnVEVU. Prop. Ettropean plRtt Everything llrsU elnsa. Accimimoriutloim the best. Al modern conveniences. Htcnm heat throughout. Large new muuplo rooma. The Hotel St. Georgo In pronounced one ol the most modern ami model hotels of Oregon. Rooms 50c to $J.50 CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 818. Block and a half from depot THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street Remodeled and rofurnlsbed through out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Htcnm l,eat and electric lights. Heat culalno. Prompt aortic. H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American plsn, j per dsy and npsrsnt. Headquarters for tourists aud commercial Im tlsrs. bpedal rstca msds to families sndaU(t gentlemen. The msnegement will be plcssseal t all times to show rooms aud glvs price, a taodera Turkish bsihcsUbllshmeutin the tMtet, If. C. UOWHltB, Msnagvt J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention glvsn and all worksxseuttd propsriy. Bleetrloal Supplies of all kinds OFFICII -121 WEST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) , Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, ISO barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped JTsaeT, etc., always) on band, Mormon Bishops' PU nv w-u m uurer w;uni;uu iui.nu ClmicBaWlbelr lulKCrnu IWtinlr cures Ike vunt cue. luoiaiJia ygunif jrUlnil Iron. Impotenoy, Lost Power, NlBht-Loesos,8permutorrhoal Insomnia, PuTni nUnok. Evil Desires, Seminal Emissions, Lame Back, Nervous Debility. . "r.-!...?? 1 1 n .. m n asnrrw. LniiofSaman. mmm Vartoooele. or Con hl'J nu, Tiwltnnlntf nf Ktlmillatrs tile Uilu mUir reiOer.. 4UU IKH. 0 ror SiWi.T mill. A wni- w,ii,.i.,,.w wmJJieci ittfsKM". eirx.uiar.iree. Address, Bishop Remedy Co.. 8an F ranolsoo. Cat. stipatlon, Stops Premntureness, Stops Nerv Evellds. KllwB ie ImuieiTlalfc liujuirt vlor and tlim. K."t sol itiiilKiliUnit.af urel, athancI.Kestorea suiall. Sold by Ts::rr:n & Ci., Druggists. "A i1