East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 19, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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lit9 sold for loss than the cost of the
oth. Yu can tae yur choice of any
15.00, 818 00 or $20.00 tailor made suits for
1 O. 9
Ijgn't describe them, yon must see them to really believe
tjnarvelsoruicianorari mey are and fully realize the
tat values wcarcoHerlngyou. Callaud let us show you
lint. By giving you the greatest values that will compel
Jo purchase now. See display In corner window.
m I a-jV LJal:
Jfintller, of New York and Chicago, positively removes nil laclal lilpmlahei,
BBOX pilllllK", Ulna mtiTKB HI u B?m 'jniru, AKcm wmhcu iu uauuii; urr vnu
. i,tf" rpmpdlfs and hIiIi to htMitv. in Orr?nn. Washington and Idaho.
Inrrltory and big prollta to rcinouilhlo parties, either sex, Call or addren -
I-! McKay Bldg., Third and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon.
tAT RT ATSIK" Write the East Ore
.Ls DAl IVO g0nian for a free cat-
Lf them. A mil supply always kept in stock.
London, Fob. 19. British mili
tary experts many of whom have
an Intimate geographical acquaint
ance with the Far East, are busy
busy figuring out the probable land
moves ot Russia and Japan on the
war chess hoard and speculating as
to the proliable location of Impend
ing conflicts. In the war with China
Japan was nblo to penetrate Into the
very heart of Manchuria with an
army of 100,000 men. but In the
present conflict, with Manchuria
fairly covered with Russian troops,
the conditions are radically differ
ent. With the Japanese troops concen
trated In Korea and the Russian in
Manchuria It would seem likely that
the clash might come near the
boundary separating the two provin
ces, Then, again, the Russian war
authorities might decide that they
wero not sufficiently strong to risk
a decisive engagement where Japan
manifestly possesses distinct id
vantages In being located near her
base of supplies. In this event the
scene of hostilities would probably
be transferred further north, pos
sibly to the northern limits of Man
churia or In the vicinity of the Amur
river, which In the past has been the
scene of many fights between the
Russians and the Chinese.
The Amur river and the Argun,
its chief headwater, from the boun
dary between the two Asiatic em
pires for' nearly 2,000 miles, nil but
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
svery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking 1 add boiling water and set to
cooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
Derry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. jo cts.
the upper reaches or which are nav
igable. Aggressions Upon China.
The earliest Russian advance
across Asia to the Pacific did not
follow this attractive route, for the
Chlneso forbade, and wore strong
enough to enforce their will. In
stead the Russians swept north
ward and eastward" as the river
turned south, reaching the ocean on
the shore of the bleak sea of Okho
tsk. It was not uptil 1868 that Mura
viev by his daring and diplomacy
gained the Amur province and the
left bank of the river from China,
And two years later the Assuri pro
vince feel Into Russian hands, with
the port of Vladlvlstok, right at the
Korean frontier.
The great provinces Just to the
north nnd east of Manchuria there
fore have been Russian hut 40 years
nnd prior to that time wero virtual
ly parts of Manchuria. Russia pos
sesses a number of strongholds in
this locality and the names of these
are likely to figure prominently in
the war dispatches from the Far
East as soon as the land movements
of the contending powers aro well
under way.
Aigun until recently was the
Chinese outpost from which the
Russians were watched. It Is a city
of several thousand inhabitants, and
a military post rather than a trading
point. The scene of battles and
treaties In earlier Ttusso-Chineso
wars, It has figured prominently In
history. It is about 20 miles down
stream from Sakhalin. A Chlneso
telegraph lino extends north through
Manchuria to Aigun and thenco to
Sakhalin which is the terminus.
First City of Siberia.
Further north Is Blagovechensk,
the finest and most modern city of
Siberia except Vladivostok. Found
ed by the Russians when the Chi'
neso yielded the Amur In 1858, it
has been an Important military post
from the first The growth of traf
fic on the Amur and the remarkable
gold discoveries up the Zela, which
flows Into the Amur from the north
at Blagovechensk, have made It a
city ot more than 50,000 Inhabitants,
with a modern opera nous eand ho
tels, wide streets lined with excel
lent brick buildings, and stores In
which are sold European fabrics and
American canned meats, fruits and
vegetables. Tho garrison at all
times numbers several thousand
Cossacks, and In the present war
tho city Is likely to bo made an Im
portant baso of operation.
When, In 1898, It became known
that Russia had obtained the privi
lege of carrying the great Siberian
railway across Manchuria Instead if
following the northern curve of tho
Amur, this fact coupled with the
leasing of Port Arthur nnd Talllen
Wnn gave notice to the world that
Manchuria had becomo virtually a
Russian province. The treaty car
ried with It the right to "police" tho
lino with such forces as should bo
needed to guard It, Russia to bo the
Judgo of necessity. Acting under
that privilege Cossacks by tho thou
sands hnvo been poured into the
province. At the same time tho
Port Arthur branch of tho railway
has been rushed to completion. It
is along this Bpur of tho lino that
some Important military develop
menis may bo looked Tor shortly.
Besides making a great strong
hold of Port Arthur, the southern
terminus of tho road, tho Russians
have strongly entrenched sthem
selves at Mukden, n point not quite
half way from Port Arthur to the
Junction with the main line at Har
bin. Other important fortified
places aro Now Tsurulthaltul, where
the lino crosses from Siberia into
Manchuria, nnd at Onon, where it
urnncnes from tlio Siberian rail
Ly of Pendleton,
lute of Oregon S
Trustee Sale
NOTICE Is hereby nlven that In pursuant of an order given through the members of the New York Aparel Co. The under-
Ined trustees of said company will sell at private sale without reserve or limit for c ash In hand, this stock of MEN'S AND
!l7 Court St Next to Frazers Opera House
Between Johnson ana Cottonwood Streets
Said stock was shipped here on account of the said parties being unable to meet certain partnership shares causing them to
y $4,000 or lose the entire stock. The eaidsharcs of $2,000 each must be paid on or before February 29th. In accordance with
I'd agreement as set forth, order has been given to sell as much stock as wilt cover said amount together with the costs of adver
ting said sale and other expenses.
Sales Commences Friday, February 19
At 8:30 A. Al. Sharp
ltd continues for ten days only. Positively no goods s Id until day of sale. Following we quote you a few of the guaranteed trus
t's price:
h's J2.G0 all wool Sweaters $1.00
ltn'8 $2.50 puro Australian wool Un
derwear i.io
h's $1.00 wool Underwear 45c
fa's $1..C gonuino Buckskin Gloves. .. .95c
Ms 75c colored Madras Shirts, two
couars to match 39c
rW 50c fleoco-lined Underwear 24c
! 11.50 flannol Overshlrts 65c
N's $1.00 Umbrellus 65c
ei's $4.00 long canvas Coats $2.00
ett's $2 Hats in all shapes and colors... 95c
en's $2.50 Hats In all shapes and col
ors, $1.35
tn's $3 Hats in all shapes and colors. .$1.85
"'b $4 Hats in all shapes and colors.. $2.15
' $1.50 worsted Pants 85e
Men's 75c blue denim Overalls 25c
Men's 75c Madras working Shirts 35c
Men's 25c black and tan Maco Hose 8c
Men's 10c linen Handkerchiefs 2c
Boy's 25c wool Caps 10c
Men's 25c Suspenders 9c
Men's 15c 4-ply llnon Collars 4c
Boy's 76c worsted Sweaters 25c
Ladles' 75c ribbed Underwear 22c
Boys' 7Gc Knoo Pants 19c
Men's 50c knit Underwear - 24c
Men's 25c celluloid Collars 5c
Men's $2-50 Pants, in worsted, cash
mere and twoed $1,35
Men's $3.50 dress worsted Pants $1.85
Mon's $4 dress worsted Pants $2.45
Men's $3 calf Shoes $1.t5
Mou's $1.50 calf Shoes, latost shapes. ..$2.25
Men's $5 hand welt, leather lined, vici
and oox calf Shoes $2.65
Men's $10 Suits, fino fitting, sewed
strong turoughout $3.95
Men's $12 all wool choviot Suits, pad
ded shoulders, serge lined $5.95
Men's $1G Suits, In black Clays, bluo
serges, Scotch cheviots, hand-niado
collars and concave shoulders $8.05
Men's $20 fancy worsted Suits, Italian
cloth lined, sewed with silk
throughout $10.45
Men's $30 custom made silk weave
worsted suits $13.45
Men's $15.00 black Raglan cheviot
Overcoat $7.45
Men's $20 mixed cheviot and Kersey
Overcoat $9.45
Boys' $8 long pants Suits $3.15
Boys' $10 long pans Suits $3.95
Boys' $12 long pants Suits $6.45
Boys' $2 knee pants Suits $1.10
Boys' $3 knee pants Suits $1.65
Boys' $5 kneo pants Suits ,,..$2.R5
Boys' $5 Overcoata, ages C to 10 years,, $1.95
Boys' $S three-piece kneo pants Suits... $2.95
Men's $1 felt caps 25c
Them am hunrird of other Items eaually as cheaD. for which we have no soaca to i..entlon. anH u, hiu nuil tnrh nrl-
P't will brlna out the malorltv of Pendleton's population to take advantage of this stuoendous monev-tavlna sale, belnn this sea.
Il't nroduetlnn. nlvlrtn vou an onnortunltv to make your dollar bUV two dollars' worth of merchandise.
WomomkaH that time ls a factor of these prices. We must raise the money, this will
PVvIUcIIlDcr cjive you an advantage to buy your merchandise for less than local merch
ants have to pay for the same. Remember this sale starts
Friday, February 19, at 8:00 Sharp
217 Court St. Next to Frazer's Opera House, bet. Johnson and Cottonwood Sts
Looks In Distrust on Movement of
the Unitdd States to Acquire St.
Pierre and Mlquelon, In the St
Lawrqnce River Thinks This
Country Also Covets Greenland,
Our Canadian friends continue to
be somewhat alarmed about thu
French Islnnds of St. Pierre nnd
Mlquelon nnd the Danish Island of
They fear that Franco will sell to
the United States the two little sen
tlnel rocks of tho Gulf of St. Law'
renco and that ono of these days
wo shall buy Greenland from Den'
mark, thus getting control of the en
trance to Hudson's bay. So they say
tho Canadians must establish a sort
of little Monroe doctrlno of their
own to the effect that If the little
Islands or thu big ono ever chnngo
hands it must be to come into Can
ada's possession.
The chief defect of this doctrlno
will bo that It will- conflict with the
original Monroe doctrlno which haH
row been maintained intact for
some SO years. Howover much Can
adians may refer to themselves ris a
nation with a big N the fact remains
that they are only part of tho Brit
ish emplro. Now the Monroe doc
trine opposes thu transfer of any
American territory from ono Euro
pean power to tho other not In ho
niuny words, but In effect and inter
Thus, so long as wo stand for thu
Mourou doctrine, thu French uud
Danish possessions will have to fly
tho flags they ily now, unless they
bo replaced by tho Stars nnd
Stripes. To acquire St, Plorru nnd
Mlquelon would do us little good
and would deeply offend the Cana
dians, who would conslilor thnt wo
took tlicm only to menace Cnundn.
But Greenland Is different. Out
side of the Ice cap of that country
there Is said to bo about 10,000
square miles of good country and
the mineral resources may bo great.
An expanding nation of more titan
80,000,000 people may vury properly
require such a source of raw mater
ial In its busincBH.
A I,iaaoii III the IJae of Nllllllu Term.
Ill Ldlrr Wrlllue.
A few months ago the sou of n rail
way director was through his father's
influence given u position of some Im
portance on a large railway. Ho was
fresh from Cambridge, uud In the or
ders which he from time to tlmo Issued
to the men under Id in always made use
of the longest, most uuusiul words.
This habl' led to some rather expen
sive blunders, mid, the matter coming
before the general manager, ho wrote
tho young ofilclul thu following letter:
"In promulgating your esoteric cogl.
tatlons and in articulating your suer.
flclal sentimentalities and amicable phil
osophical or psychological observations
beware of plutltudlnous ponderosity,
Let your conversational communication
possess a clurlfled conciseness, u com
pacted comprehensiveness, u coulcs
cent consistency and a concatenated
cogency. Eschew all conglomeration of
flatulent garrulity, Jejune babblement
and asinine affectation. Iit your ex
temporaneous descautings and unpre
meditated eipaliatlon have Intelligibil
ity and veracious vivacity, without rho
domontade or thrasonical bombast.
Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic pro
fundity, ventrlloquial verbosity and
vaniloqueut vapidity. Shun double en
tendre, prurient Jocosity and pestifer
ous profanity, obscurant or apparent.
In other words, talk plainly, briefly,
naturally, sensibly, purely uud truth
fully. Don't put on aire; say what you
mean; mean what you suy, and don't
use big words,"
Tho young otllclul took the gentle
hint nnd changed his style. London
Milk Crust, Scalled Head,
Tetter, Ringworm
and Pimples
For Torturing, Disfiguring Humours,
From Pimples to Scrofula,
From Infanoy to Age.
Tho agonizing Itching and burning
of tho skin, as in eczema; tho frightful
Healing, as in psoriasis; tho loss of hair
and crusting of tho scalp, as in scalled
head) tho facial disfigurement, as In
pimples and ringworm; tho awful suf
fering of Infants, and anxiety of vrorn
out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and
salt rheum all demand a remedy of
almost superhuman virtues to success
fully cope with them. That Ciitlcurs.
Snap, Ointment and Pills are such
stands proven beyond all doubt. No
statement Is made regarding them that
Is not justified by tho strongest evi
dence. Tho purity and sweetness, tho
power to afford Immediate relief, tho
certainty of speedy and permanent
cure, tho nb9oluto safety anil great
economy have mndo them the standard
skin cures nnd humour remedies of the
civilized world.
Complete treatment forevcry humour,
consisting of Cutleura Soap to cleanse
tho skin, Cutleura Ointment to heal tho
skin, and Cutleura Hesolvent Pills to
cool nnd clcanso tho blood may now bo
had for ono dollar. A single sot Is often
sulllclent to euro tho most torturing,
disfiguring, Itching, burning and scaly
humours, eczemas, rashes and Irrita
tions, from lufaucy to age, uheu all
else fails.
Soli throughout th. world. Cutleorn.MlTnt,50B.(la
tbrm ot Chorol.t. CoatM mil., SAO p.r .lit or ), Olnl
mtnt,M)o , Bo,p, llo. Itrnot., Iiondon, tt Ch.rt.rhoiu.
t r.rli.0 ltu.it. I. l'.lll llo.toii, 137 Columbu. At.
etltr lru C'h.m. Coni , Hoi. 1'roprlnori.
rw S.Q1 for How to Cur Kt.ij Humour.1
A Wonderful Medicine.
Bilious and
Nervous Disorders
Sick Headache, Constipation,
Wind and Pains in Stomach,
Impaired Digestion,
Disordered liver and Female
ibiimreimjhly ay Tinij-noritiKTon,
Thomas Bectham, St. I Idem, Eng.
SoU by all Druml.ta In United States.
In boica, I Uc. and 23c.
Don't lie rmtirtllt'tl to iiinvo
nlong in tile Hume old uny for
low wages. v run help ytm
curve nut n miectwtful ritreer.
Thou-amls liuvi ImieiiMtl Uleir
siihttli'H hy fiillowiuu our plan.
Wu cuu (ruin .yon In bpuie time
unil ut small t'o t fur any of tip)
follow lug immUIohs ;
Meclmtlcill, ICIectrlcul, Ht.ntn,
or Cfvll ICrtuliiuui, ICIealrtultin.
Hitrvoyor, Arulilieat. I iriirt
llliin, HfHiliU ujiui, Htmmur pit
or, Tmicttur, Hliuw Cunt Writer
Wlniluw llrttiuwr, or Ail, Writer
Box 709
Or call on our local represents
tlve, T W, Bracking, 127 Lee street
rendition, Ore,
Should have that host of
DRY and FINE, that
you will find with