PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1904. New Goods Two of our 1904 Spring lines (or inui ar now in. For the swell dressers we have the Edwin Clapp shoes. They are the acknowledged leaders. The J, E. Tilt Shoe, positively the best shoe for the price, $3.50 and $4-00 ever sold anywhere. They arc made in Vici, Valour, Box Calf and Calf and genuine Reck Oak Soles. 1 DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. r 1.- iipi ask Phono Main USl. GOOD SHOES CHEAP COSTUME ENTERTAINMENT. Conducted by the Ladles Basket Ball Team. Tomorrow evening the ladles of the hlnh school basket ball team will entertain their friends and tho patrons of the school at the assem bly hall with a reception and pro pram . Refreshments will also bo served. " The Indies have been working hard on their program for some time, and great pains have been taken to make It a success. They will receive In Japanese costume, and In fact the whole affair will have an Oriental air both unique and Interesting The program consists of Instru mental and literary selections with a number of specially prepared Jap anese choruses. These latter have been carefully drilled 'and will bo something out of the ordinary. Tho high school orchestra and an im ported palmist will also help to make tbo entertainment a success. proving to bo onloynblo to the stu dents and friends of the school. Tho program to bo given tomorrow is as follows: "America" School. Lecture II. A. Yates. IlecittUlon Miss Ilella Compton. Instrumental solo Miss Olivo Rlgby. Oration C. C. Conner. Heading Kay Warren. Duet Misses Scranton and Mori cle. Reading Miss Vesta Dennis. Kecltntlon Miss Ressie Moricle. Duet Misses Dennis and Scran' ton. Recitation Olen Nixiiorf. Reading D. O. McKenzic. Duet Professor and Miss Jones. Essay llert Whitmnn. Critic's report Professor Jones. ,PARVENU DEBATERS. Program for Interesting Event at the Business College. The Parvenu eDbatlng Society of the Modern School of Commerce, will hold its regular meeting tomor row afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, In the assembly room at the school, on Court street, at' which time an in teresting program will be rendered. The society, though young and of comparatively few members, is full of enthusiasm, and the meetings are Killlan-Orton. Yesterday afternoon, at tho resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rob ertson, on' Vincent street. Rev. Pot wine united in marriage C. V. Orton and .Mrs. Prudence E. Kllllan, both of Vancycle. Mr. and Mrs. Orton left this morning for their future home, where tho groom is a well known farmer. Mrs. Orton has re sided near Vancycle for some tlm!, and Is the owner of valuable proper ty there. Marriage License. A marriage license was Issued this morning to Eugene Hagglns and MUs Docla M, Jones. IF IT IS F. & S. You can depend on its being good and being the right thing lor the ailment. F. & S. Cough Syrup Oil Liniment Liver Pilis Toilet Cream Elixir Cascara Sagrada Sarsapaiilla Quinine Hair Tonic Bitters Healing Oil Manufactured and sold by TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists Thomas Wilson, of Westchester, N. Y., died 12 years ago, leaving nol race of the wealth ho was suppos ed to have auCmulated- Last wei?k .,i,ihtor .-rm across cash, I stocks, bonds and certificates of deposit valued at $200,000, which tin.- eld man had hidden. COUNCIL MEETING 8UBJECTS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE CAME UP, North Side Main Street Grade Again Before the Council Drastic Meas ures In Relation to the Poll Tax Condition of Surroundings of Intake Can Be Greatly Improvsd Mr. Kline Wants to Know. THe WHOLESOME CRESCENT E -Phosphate DAKING POWDER SAVES ONE-1'HIRD THE EGGS. SAVES TWO-THIRDS THE MONEY SAVES ALL, THE WORRY. One Pound 3) cents. All Grocers. I.tnuor licenses wore granted to William Rognrd and August Stan- glor. The Htreet committee oponed an old sore with their recommendation that tho grado of Main street Be tween Jnckson and WnBhlngton bo changed and tho residents and prop orty owners along tho block bo fore ed to place tho street on grado. Tho matter was laid ovor to tlio next meeting. This question was a bono of contention in tho council about a year ago. and not bolng ablo '.o sottlo It, tho council rcforred tlio grading to tho residents, with In structions to grado tho street us tlioy pleased. Some of them hnvo not pleased to do anything, hence tho present trouble. It Is tho opin ion of several of tho present coun cil that the city should enforce the ordinance now on tho books, mnko tho grndo and charge tho cost 4o tho abutting property, nnd this mny yet bo done. Relating to Poll Tax. The new administration will see that tho people pay their poll taxes this year, and tho marshal Is not 10 run after them to got the money. An ordinance was passed last night amending the ono now on tho. hooks. Ily Its provisions thoso subject to tho tax must corao to tho offlco of the city marshal heforo tho first rf April in each year and pay tholr poll tax, and In the event of their neglect so to do, tho mnrshal shall nttnch sufllclent of their property nnd sell it, to ralso tho amount of the tax. This now ordinance will be enforced to tho letter. Mr. Kline Wants to Know. H. A. Kline, a saloonkeeper, wishes to know "why It is that all 0? the drug stores can sell liquor 10 all comers and pay no license, while the saloons all hod to do so?" Tho question was referred to tho com mltteo on licenses, which will on- deavor to tlnd the reason and report at tho next meeting of tbo council. The appointment of If, A. Thomp son as a night pollroman, was con firmed. Condition of park Grounds. Mr. Clonton wU8 present, and -addressed the council on tho condi tion of tho land bought by the city some time ago, and which is situat ed near tho intake of tho water sys tem. Ho reports that a barn full of horses stands closo to tho now In tnkc, and is offensive. This will bo torn down, and tho lumber used In making a shed for tho city pound. The matter of clearing up this land was referred to tho city marshal and tho street committee Source of Pollution. J. T. Rrown, the superintendent of the water works, reported having made a trip up tho river. Thcro nro as many as 200 hogs a short dist ance abovo tho Intako of tho water works, and all of tho dralnago nins into tho river. Tho pens nro very filthy and a menaco to tho health of tho city. Tho subject was referred to tho commltteo on health and po lice, and thoy will requlro tho pens to bo moved and the places to ho cleaned up. SOME SCRAP IRON. This Is All That Is Left of Bellko'a New Hack. Robert Rtllko, one of tho promt nont residents of tho Coombs Can yon country, wns In tho city today for a short tlmo on buslnoss. Mr. liollko brought with him tho Irons of a new hack which was caught in tho flood which swept down tho canyon a couple of days after tho Iloppner flood, The hack was a Btrong ono nnd had never been used, oxcopt to drive to tho ranch from tho lmplomont houso In the city whero It wns bought. Whon tho flood Btruck it the vehicle wns standing In tho shed nnd every spoke wns brokon out and awept away whllo tho folllcB and hubs were left In tho vicinity of tho shed. Tho tonguo was broken out and was never found, whllo tho bod of tho hnck was ground up fine. Tho springs, nxlcB and tires woro prac tically all thnt was loft of tho now hack, ami these woro brought to tho Nnglo shop to be used as old Iron. INLAND EMPIRE LEAGUE. Baker City Wants Eastern Oregon Towns to Organize a Rattling Baseball League. Already tho fan Is at work in Ha kerClty and talk of a baseball Icaguo with linker City, l.n Orando nnd Pendleton ns tho chief members, Is rife. Prominent baseball leadors of that city nro agitating an early organiza tion, in ordor to get some good players nnd nrrnngo somo Interest ing ovontB for tho early season. With this in view, tho Raker City peoplu will confer with Pendleton nnd l.n Orando, soon, In regard to organizing n league, to tio exclusive ly Eastern Oregon timber, nnd to begin early to have a Bplritcd base ball season for 1904. R. C. Judson's Reports. A large supply of tho reports of Col, R. C. Judson, Industrial agent of tho O. R. and N,, have boon re ceived nt this offlco from General Freight Agent Miller, nnd will btl distributed free to tho farmers nnd stockmen cnlling for them. Tho re port denlH with dry land alfalfa, corn raising, feeding experiments, livestock snles and other vital topics on which the O. R. and N. has been making experiments in Eastern Ore gon ami Washington during tho past five years It Is ono of tho most Interesting bulletins ever Issued in Oregon. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE The Daily Question No matter what your appetite may be you can always enjoy a cup of Revere Coffee For breakfast, at lunch or dinner it is perf. ctly delicious. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED F. S. YOUNGER & SON WHITMAN GLEE CLUB. Strong Combination Will Be In Pen dleton February 25. Word has been received by Rov. Jonathan ' Edwards, who Is manag ing tho coming of tho Whitmnn Glee Club, which will appear In tho Hap list church tho ovonlng of February 25, that the club will bring with it whon It comes to tho city, Professor Pennell, tho director of tho conser vatory of music at Whitman Col lege. Ho will sing baritone. 'Profos sor Fisher, tho head of tho violin department of tho college, and Miss Oraco Jones, tho head of tho piano department, will accompany tho club. With theso additions to the program, tho public will have a mu slcal treat of raro quality. GREAT LECTURE. Dr. Martin Will Speak Tonight on "Spiritualism." Dr. Martin gives his famous leo turo on "Spiritualism" tonight at tho First Christian church. Tho doctor Is an able platform speaker and is said to bo ono of tho best Informed mon on Spiritualism in Amorlca. Evory man, woman and child In 1 Pondloton should hear this lecture. You will bo Interested, instructed and bonofltcd. Tonight, 7:30 oclock. Rev. Holt l In Town. Rov. W. 8. Holt, of Portland, Is in tho city for a short visit with friends of tho Presbyterian chur:, Mr. Holt Is tho aynodlcal missionary for this ntato, and will bo In Eastorn Oregon for somo tlmo. Ho loaves oltbor tonight or In tho morning for La Orando, but will return to attend tho Christian Endeavor convention, on his way homo to Portland. A big fight Is bolng rondo to provo illegal the Issuo of (18,000,000 in bonds for tho lmprovomont of tho city of San Francisco. Action is brought by injunction domandod by heavy taxpayers. Fraud la not claimed. Machinery for New Laundry. Teamsters have been busy today unloading tho machinery for tho now laundry on Cottonwood street, and It will bo put in plnco as fast as possible. Are always "beau tiful" and always I " happy " nccord- ing to the society J reporters, and in this case the rc-J port is mostly true. There may be un happy brides in fiction, but there arc few in real life. But how hard it is to look upon many of the wives we know, nnd believe that thev were once beautiful ami m w happy. Pain, the result of womanly disease, has ninrred beauty nnit umlt.-nmiit.-d happiness. O FOR WOMUN WJIO CANNOT RB CURED. Backed up by over n third of a ccnturr of remarkable and uniform cures, a record inch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietor, of Dr. l'ierc-'s I',ivorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay $soo in legal money of the United States, for any cate of Lcuconliea, 1'eniale Weakness, l'rolap sus, or Palling of Womb which they can not cure, All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. "I have thought for some time I would write you ami tell you of the great improvement in my health since tnkinK your ' Favorite prescrip tion.' says rr II. 8. Jones, of 1'orest, N. C. "When I begun H use f wa a physical wreck and had despaired of ever having any health agsln. Could not sit up all day, and was so weak 1 could not walk one quarter of a mile. I noted a great Improvement In my health be. fore the first bottle was used. Was suffering with almost every pain that a woman Is subject to; had Inflammation of ovaries, painful and suppressed periods, and other symptoms of female disease. After taking six botHea of 'Favorite Prescription.' I felt like a new per son. Can ride horseback and take all kinds of exercise and not feel tired." If you are looking for a perfect laxa tive try Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Tellets. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS lAAB k..t .1 t uwi. Mioii ..... ui euro uii ueatve- oruersa Iitoch'i. Phone Main 1271. DEMOCRAT8 WILL MEET. State Central Committee Will Hold a Meeting In Portland on Feb. 22. A mooting of tho" democratic Btnto central commltteo will bo hold In Portland on next Monday, Fob. runry-22, for tho purposo of calling tho stnto convention nnd arranging for tho coming campaign. It Is tho intontlon of tho com mltteo to cnll tho atato convention somo tlmo Inter than tho dato of tho republican ntntd convention, , on April 14, In ordor to take advantago of tlio woalt points In tholr stnto tlckot, if thoro bo any, In nominating tho domocrnttc candidates. ,Colonol E. D. Boyd, who Ib con fined to his room with Borlous Ill ness nt tho present tlmo, 1b tho Btnto committeeman from' Umatilla county, nnd If ho is unnblo to at tend, will appoint a proxy to go to tho convention, in ordor that Uma tilla county may bo roprosontod. Tho romarkablo echo at Englo'B Nest on tho banks or Klllarnoy, Ire land, ropoatB a buglo call 109 times, each clear and distinct. 4. j. . ' T T . . ' T S A . oeviM .x .. JaPan and b"t eve tirt" fca'ul .Ja' S it ( homes where ne ' Cher's Pride i Coffee..... members' oMk !fr ? ' feel f,De. the ' OWL TEA HOUSE jST. JOE STOR? Closed For Inventory Oa doors are locked for a few days. Will fee opened soon. nfl Titian tnatlatn ltfntall. P.-.n.n.. . A wiiu., ni luuiatM. Micr HAVE' and Nmoui Headache? Don't it 11 Your farnltnr nr rmum An. i ery tobay remedies for the dUordert Itli HUi UvWIiai) "Hill's Rheumatic Plfls Cost onlv24 cants, and have cured thousand aurinE me iasi nunaraa thu Mb. p. A. Him, Last suminar I was trouMsd wllli rhtiiowiltm so badlr 1 waa ill-ablsd Irom woilc.butool your r Ills cured mem that 1 m am as limber as I was at 18 yrais old. I have "vyu.iii uui two nonius, and with one and a halt boxes of your pills I have cured t.,.VVMV lUlJI.IIIUV, II 1). Btront, Oreenleaf, Minn At Your Druggists Rheumatism Positively dured l!v Oil and Sweet Knlrlt. r 11.1 Money-back Goods. A. C. KORPPUN DROS., Sole Afeuta for Pendleton. & LYONS MERCHANTILE CO, NEW HATS AT THE BOSTON STORE See our new hat' week. On the road now. The Boston Store SHOES AND CLOTHING WASHED I CLEAN, iw . n f us? rk'OPFSB Y. 1-tjc nnwiRSTlC TWfcyfrn STEAM LAUN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT 1 A... ..,rl-cl0thtS Wl K's-sra the "veiiow r ,-.,. I starch ,0 give .-r- the rig., sort u. . ir0 ats, cutis anu sum - , Do you get it? INot.wWJ that is the sort oilaundtnng oi Work cailtd lor-"- 1 Leave orders at .Newman's Cigar Store ...GET DRY WOOD... . im in We have on hand a very large stocK 01 wood of all kinds ("not hall seasoned green wo ; dry wood, which burns and gives out heat. prepared to deliver this good wood promptly A trial order for our wood will make you want mo when you are out of fuel. W. C. MINNIS Phone BUCK W W . .A si in. rat Rubber. lELaiEHllt l m.. - . - ,-. noOJ SJU A1 Id I r.fll IIUSI.Jir ....... wR A Wiw" ' .m. I ninn,i ir. niwAwuiry iu um . m. rini t -r-fr-.1-1-1-" on unn ..rfrf. r"7r travel. "1 rooflnEB. For lint nnd iitoen surfaces, gutters, v meru Tempore for all climates. IleMonnble In 1 cow. , teed. It will pay to tik for pneosuuu '"'pa CO. THE El.!"" - ' Tho Orogon Dally Jonroal en b (onnd on