DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1904. Business Cards and Societies j PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETTICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. "Za COI.E. OFFICE IN JODD iMItlff UIUCO iiuuto, w m n. uj. , n m Telephone: OrUce, mala 1371; V. n"" STt.nn M. D. DESPAIN I1LOCK. U " .-.i ..afreets eR tranhlea. m. ri conditions nnil Impaired hearing. '. tilted for refractlm - B V"...;.' m.ln 11111 1 f 1 I" - - - tl c 1 1 1" RMIT1I lHilJ. UFl lVU UI Kill E. Pendleton Savings bank. Telephone W. residence telephone, main IBM. "STntmaiiD. M. D. IIOMKOPHATIC Friiclan and surgeon. Office In Judd Kii Telephone: Office, black 1411; K, blackJM. IrT J. McFAULL, JUDD BLOCK. TKLE f"'., on. rn.lripnre. lllack 101. tM" u ftnNDKItSON. I'HYMCIAN Ia iurceon. Ofllce In Savings Bank IV room 1. orUce 'phone, main 1411 ; r ,., i ..ill nce. u TtNN K. rtl.AKESLEE, CIIItONIC j nerrons diseases and diseases of ,t Judd building, corner Main and i streets. Office 'phone, main 721 ; kpce, red l-t-'J. ItENA ALLEN IIOONE, OSTEOPATH ftVSter Sireeis. ruuun uiw ju.t blunt a specialty. . ....... 7 t Tit7aUArkr it, nnr r M.M. 1 1 ii . ' i "-y .... ....... tt street, over Koepptn's dlug store. 1 SUeuWUU w ,,iu uiikuicii DENTISTS. a KKHN. DENTAL BUHOKON. Ultlce 10m li, Judd Block. rAIIOIIAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN bi building. "1'hone red 1411. ifAVN. IIENTI8T. OFFICE IN AS- liitlon block, over Schmidt's new drug Tnone rea , BANKS AND BROKERS. It NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA, mton. Lanital, ou.uuu ; surplus nuu rtlons promptly attended to. Henry 1Q1S. preaiueilli I. .1. Tivciura' I' 8. LeQrotv, cashier; I. M. Kemp, tiihler. PAlIMEliS HANK OF WESTON, SftoD, Oregon. Does n general bnnk- I'jtlness. Exchange bought and sold, ttlons promptly attended to. It. Jam I president ; Oeorge V. Proebstel, Iraldent: J. It. Kllgore, cashier; dl- , 0. A. Ilartcian, at. si. jouns, x. r. l) draw. J. F. Kllrore. Hob- fcneson, (I W. Proebstel. ni'VIU lTfV HAVIVflS TIAKIT Bdletuii. Oregon. Organized March 1. merest allowed on all time deposits. age UOUUI nuu sum uu uu ikiuii.mi Hnecmi aiieniion kivu w tuiiw.-- ilce-presldent ; T. J Mn'rls, cashier I Maluaey, assimaui (,-UHuier. NATIONAL HANK OF PENDLB- CipUl. jru.ox) ; lurplni. and un- binklnir bmlness. Exchange and btalc Innilers sold on Chleaxo, Sua ko, New Yotic. auu principal points in thwML nmlii drawn on China. Jaoan rope Makes collections on reasonable bjjqvi AQitay. presi lent , w. r 01m Ke.prtHiaeni,u. si. nice, caiuier ;-.ieu a, 4T , jWMimm caiaier tBCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. THOUT1IAN. AIintllTECT AND nleodrnt Hoom 12 Judd lllock, Pen- rnteaueat. Association diock, ren Oregon. IBOWAItD. AHCIIITECT AND SU ttndtnt. Makes complete and re 1 la in (or buildings In the city or coun town it. Juuu Duiiuing. K 1 COLE, CONTItACTOllS AND Hen Estimates furnished on short lib work a specialty, prompt fcoop on iiiun atreet, near uain. BUaT, CONTItACTOK AN DI1UILD- I utimatea furnished on an xinas Korr. cement walks, atone walls, etc. I orders at East Oregonlan office. I KELLER. I'LASTllIEINO AND CE- tlo(. Cement walks a specialty. Ea (gralshed free. Work guaranteed, orders at Uadley & Zehner'a cigar uo street, v, u. oox iui. IETERINARY SURQEON8. LS'AKV HUROKON DR. D. C. McNADB lit Ttllman's Dnig Siore. (OARDING AND LODGING. .rm. m..tt. .rm. tun litreeta. Board by the day or week. set. itaies, 9).a idu .iu L frm T. Mrr nrnn PAnfllAtnn fird In connection. L. NetT, pro- Pi HOTEL, LEADING nOTEL IN Fir. ii.uo to fl.su per day. u. i: noprietor. TOUR IlimtNKHR TAKES YOU kill, ttnn mt- thm nnfl I11T. flaAd lid iod service. T II. Wimpy, PRY AND FEED STABLES. I ONE LIVKRY STABLE. COURT ODD. rnnrlhnu RnwDrl .JU Han. uwt;i sood turnouts. Public teales. fJOn 1IKNKV HEED YARD, COR. ana L.1UIIU IMU. a. A. Alio- H. 'Ua wiHfnMKI. alalia PlAntv given eareiui aiieniion. IUL STABLES O. M. FaOOMJS, nis horses, goud rlas, best care trtvan I . vpp. ssoiei renuiGHMi. ruuss I'SRY STABLE, ALTA 8TRET. OAR. Qond rigs at all tiroes. Cab Una rnons Main 701. ATTORNEY8. BEAN A PKRRY, ATTORNKY8 AT LAW. Office, over Taylor's Uardirart Store, Pendle ton, Or, JAMES A. FEB, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. E. D. IIOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court aUeet. IIAILUY & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Ofllce In Despaln block. HALLERAY & McCOURT, LAWYERS. As sociation building. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Savings Hank building. CARTER & RALLY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Ofllce In Savings Hank building. II. E. COLLIER, LAWYER. OFFICE Rooms 7 and 8, Asaaclatlou building. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT Inw. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United Statea patent ofQcea, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. 1). P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE, N0.58H m-jiuini uimiiUH bill nuu imru lUUnUKfl of each month. All brothers visiting in the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block. Court street. U A Hartman, Sr.. E. It., C. E. Bonn, Secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, In eluding library and reading room 7 Terms. $1.00 to Join and SOc a month dues. TONSORIAL PARLORS. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE PATTON'S SANITARY HARUER SHOP, Despaln block, Court street, ltest work nansblp. All the mouern improvements, vll tools sterilized. Hath rooms In con. nectloa. FOR RENT. NEAT, CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Well locued. Mrs. Strahon, SOi Watur street; cor. Johnson. Boise Is Rejoicing. This city paid the Oregon Short Lino over $800,000 last yenr Tor freights according to figures given out by the company, and certainly a large sum was realized as passenger receipts. Tho freight and passen ger business transacted here by the company makes Boise the second town on the line. Salt Lake Is first and Pocatello third. Tho Importance of Boise as a rev enue producer Is not being over looked by the company. Rates from cAstern and Missouri river points have leen voluntarily lowered s-o that poise wholesale dealers arc now placed on an equality with Salt Lake. A force of men will begin taking up tho CO-pound rolls In a few days west of Granger, In order to replace them with 80-pound rails. The CO pound rails will be put In on the Boise branch to take tho place of the 45-pound rails now In use. The roadbed will bo ballasted between here and Nampa with Sherman gravel and In every way will be the canal of the main line. The 315 en gine which has been used for years on the Boise passenger train, has been replaced by the 405 from the main line. Tho latter is one of the best and swiftest engines on the road. It has the electric head light and all other nn to date Improve- ! ments. Nearly a mile of side tracks have been built in the Boise yards since last fall, and several train loads of cinders have been put In as ballast and for filling In around the freight depot Boise Capital News. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen or two ladies. Call at C10 Willow street. WANTED. WANTED A OnOD SOLICITOR. ROOM 11 Arlington rooming house. M ENTO LEA RN BARBER TRADE ; ONLY eight weeks required; two years saved; posi tions secured hen competent. Catalogue mailed tree. Holer Bystcin Collfge, Kan Fiancisco, Call!. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE use of these classified columns. If you have something you have no use for, offer to trade It fur something that some other body mny have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business, lay may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. 1.1c or 2uc want ad will probably do the business. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOR EN graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc.; 100 engraved visiting cards with plate, fl.50; additional cards In future, $1 per hundred. The East Oregonlan. MISCELLANEOUS. FOUND A BKOWN FOR BOA ON MAIN ST. The owner can havj same by calling at Pen dleton hotel, proving property and paying tor tblaad, BINDER SEWINO MACHINE OFFICK, 609 College street, repairs lor an macninei. P, A Lovetang, Manager SEWER CONTRACTORS REED & LAFLKR make connections with the sewer lor busi ness houses aud private residences. Terms reasonaDie. mavu oruers ai i v, lujiui Hardware stora. F. 8. MERRILL, SPOKANE, WASH., ACT., Densmore. Becond hand machines, supplies and repairs. 8KB YOUR "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property T. B, Ourdaln, Pawn Broker, Mllarkey build. inj, uourt street. WM. F. YOHNKA WILL PAY PROMPT attention to all sales and postlug bills. Correspondence solicited.- Commission rea sonable. I'. O. box U00, Pendleton. DRESS MAKING. CUTTING AND FITTING A specialty. Prompt work. Satisfaction guar anteed Miss R. Whitley, 912 Main street. PEN DLETON STEAM DYE WORKS-730 COT tonwood atreet. Cleaning, dying and repair ing. Coods called tor and delivered. Phone Main Ml. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap- Clng purposes. Old newspapers In large tiodles of 100 each at 25 cents a bundle at the EAST OREUONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. Scott's Suttl-Pejuia Capsules A rMITIVE MME 9or InflAmmAtlAn ar flAtrrb of the Bladder aad Diseased Kldaays. Mo euro no pay. Ouna qaUkly and Penao neatly Ika worst oasw of ClosiarrIMM sad tllMt, Jtosaarurottioirloj0staad' lee. Absalutalr basmless. Bold by draitUta. Prioa 11.00. or b Kill, matsild. THI SAJnALfMM 80, (ItUfOMTMNSU OHIO. Sold by Fi W. Schmidt . Co. NCE AND LAND BU8INE88 lN ATiHTn apt rnuiiANV JelUble abstract of title to ill ' Uoituia county. Loam on city (Vffoperty. Iluys and sells Il Itn.i. "laie. noes a general oro I'Ulaess. Para Isim and makes IfJ for non-residents. Reference, I'M I'endleton. 1 i!A!miAN r'"i I is 'AAl'TMANi JR., Vice Pre. k"uu, oecretary, i5i?TUY REPRESENTS THE r.'nee comDanles. Office with :tnct co: Kt UB. JR.. U. 8. LAND COM- r iitJ19?1" """18 of land HI- Jnru'i '.usnrance and collections. isli building, room 10. HAND DEALER8. tQBLn lliWT iV"AlM" N SECOND- "Wt.i..? 'econd-hand furniture, Wlcei . tfj ?ud "ockery. call and - -i vuuri atreet. CHICHESTER'S PILLS Wjtv Ortcinal and Onlr Genuine. 1(IUUU iNUUDBiiii, Masai, inasisi 11 KU tvud MlUl4 Uu), teftWn! milk klsa rikboo. Tali urn tlar. SUTm HJlw hvmmr I'lllUU A MEN AND WOMEN. Us Bti CI for unnatural u'lfi'heTa'fis'.lnflTpr1 "T, trrtutiooa or ulwratloaa of muttons mcmbraaai, Irniuu Caautias. Painless, and not asuli: r . rt 7 r . mnt nsa MlannOlli. w t u ; cam V HW OBklWtsMd flM I.fll 'or sQt In plsla wrai V warn a a ysam """PI- CiivaUr seat wu ivaeast. MEN The DK. lilEBIG STAFF only SpecialtBts for men, con tinue to oure nil chronic, pri vate .t: nervous ailments. Imnottfnce J akin diseases, rheumatism. caUrrh. etc. Dr. A. C Stoddart, Ph. 0 lor -J7 years medical director. 74 Sixth street, Portland, Oregon ; lit Yesler Way, Seattle, Wash. Call or write, V.IUJ.Ifel.l.lfcW mum yJi Sltadard rsmsdr lor Gleet, Gonorrhoea and llunnlngs IN 41! HOURS. Cures Kid nej and Bladder Trouble!. S sfi) advantages to bo derived directly from It. Most of them live In this county and have a right to ask as sistance for this road. Asotin county has given $2,000 to make a road to Asotin and the busi ness men of that place, Lewlston and Clarkston have given another $1,000 to supplement that of Asotin cortnty. We hope they may get both outlets soon and be able to trade et any point they desire, but It seems to us that local capital will supply their needs of most things at homo when the roads are In such condi tion as to haul goods In over there. Pomeroy Independent. Wallowa Wants an Outlet. We have received the petition of Mr. V. W. Burns, of Grouse, Oregon, which the citizens of that district sent to our board of commissioners for opening a wagon road across the Blue mountains. It shows the advantages to this country and Pomeroy business for the 1,000 people to have! access to our county. If our finances will permit It our board Is perfectly will ing to do what they can to give that people an outlet If there were no Rural Delivery In Baker County. The farmers In the vicinity of Haines, nock Creek and Muddy Creek will undoubtedly be served with free delivery of mall after Airll 1. A special postal inspector is ex pected to arrive In" a few days and look over the situation and estab lish the route. About 100 farmers will be served, within a radius of about 25 miles, and will be greatly appreciated by the patrons of the route, as It will not be necessary for them to come to town to procure letters. The farmers will provide a box at thelr gates in which their mall Is to be deposited. These boxes applied at the. patrons' expense, the kind In general use having a lock and a red flag at tached. When the carrier places the mall in the box he places this !'ttle flag in cn upright position on top of the box, as a signal that there Is some mall therein. Farmers living off the route may be served by plac lng a box at a convenient point on the route, in which they may re ceive their mall and letters. Haines Record. Has the Baseball Fever. Walla Walla promises to be In de mand this spring as training quar ters for Pacific National league teams. Spokane is figuring on com ing here, and McCloskey wants to bring Boise here. The Spokane team wants to put in about three weeks preliminary training. Walla Walla Union. CONDENSED INFORMATION ON THE WAR Toklo, Feb. 10. In condensed form the reader is presented with some Information concerning Japan and Russia in the far east which at this time should prove not only interesting but Instructive as bear ing on the events transpiring across the Pacifier RUSSIAN TROOPS IN THE FAR EAST. First Siberian Army Corps. Southern Manchuria Twentyone battalions of Infantry of 400 men each, nine squadrons of cavalry and 34 guns. Vladlvostock and Port Arthur Two battalions of Infantry; frontier guards, 2G battalions; 25 spuadrons, 2S guns. i Pe-che-li Twelve battalions, 5 squadrons, 44 guns. Semltrcliensk Eight battalions, 22 squadrons, 2S guns. Uza Four squadrons, four guns. Second Siberian Army Corps. t i Tsltslkar Twelve battalions, 24 squadrons, 22 guns. Klrin Twenty-six battalions, 25 squadrons, 102 guns. Detached posts Twenty-one battalions, 40 guns. Principal Railway Lines Available. Fusan to Talku; Chemulpo to Seoul, Korea. Vladlvostock to Port Arthur; Vladlvostock to Kbarbln; Kbarbln to Mukden and Port Arthur, China. In Japan all the Important cities and towns are connected by rail ways. Important Distances. . Nagasaki, Japan to Port Arthur, China, 685 miles. j Japan to Korea, 200 miles. Vladlvostock to Port Arthur, 1,200 miles. Port Arthur to Moscow, 6,000 miles. Japan's Naval Bases. " Vokosuka Arsenal, slip and drydock. Kure Arsenal, slip, drydock tnd armor plate works. Sasebo Arsenal. Maizuru Dockyard. i Nagasaki Three docks, , jT ' Kobe Torpedo repair yards. ' ' t ' 1, Matsouat Refitting yards.. Omlnato Accommodation for small craft. Tokashlka Dockyard. RaiiBhima Dock and coal supply. ' . Russia's Naval Bases in the Far East, Vladlvostock Harbor and arsenal, drydock, floating dock and coal supply. Harbor Is now Icebound. Dalny Harbor and refitting yard and coal supply. Port Arthur Tidal basin, drydock, refitting yard and coal supply. Coaling Stations. Japan Yokosukn, Kure, Malssura, Nagasaki, Tokashlka, Matsoual,1 Kobe, Omlnato. Russia Dalny, Port Arthur, Vladlvostock. Naval Forces in the Far East. Japan Battleships 6, armored cruisers 22, protected cruisers 14, torpedo boats 73, destroyers 9. Russia Battleships 8, armored cruisers 5, protected cruisers 8, tor pedo boats 20, destroyers 12. Largest Battleships of Each Nation In the East. Japan Mlkasa, built 1900; 16,000 tons displacement; main battery, four 12-lnch guns; crew 935; speed 18 knots an hour. Russia Czarevitch, built 1901; 13,100 tons displacement; main bat tery, four 12-Inch guns; crew 732; speed 18 knots an hour. Armament of the Japanese Army. Infantry Midjl magazine rifle, five shot. Depot Troops .Murata magazine rifle, eight shot. Cavalry Sword and carbine. Artillery Field and mountain batteries,- 12.pounder Arlska. Armament of th e Russian Army. Infantry Thrcp-llno magazine rifle, five shot. Cnvalry Sword, rifle baonet and lance. Artillery Three-Inch quick-flre 15-pounders, 28-pounders and Inch howitzers. Japanese Powder Factories. UJI, Itnbashl and Iwnhawn. Arsenals nt Tokoyo and Osaka. Gun Power on Principal Ships. Japan Battleships, 12-lnch guns, 28, battleships, six-Inch CS; crulsois, olght-lnch guns, 24; cruisers. six-Inch guns. SO, Russia Battleships, 12-Inch guns, 20; battleships, six-Inch 84; crtitsors, olght-lnch guns, 14, qiulsors, six-Inch guns, 5C. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON ShojtLuhc ad union Pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Throngh Pullman standard and Tourist sleep ,v f-ra riallT to Omaha. Chlcaro! tonrtsl iMnlnr rr datlr to Kansaa CUT! thronal Pullman tourist sleeping cars personalty con ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re clining chair cars (eeat free) to the East dally. MTIBT re a Tlmo Soueiltile From l'oudlotou ABUTS TBOH Portland Chicago stu pm Portland 12:.10 a m TheKastl s lid a m slx- guns, guns, Spokane ruuim Portland Special No. 1 Chicago Special No. 2 Mall and xpress No. 5 The East 1:00 a.m. Portland fM p m HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Propt. The Best Hotel In PendfetM and as good as any. The East 12 SS a m Mill and Kip rets No. 8 Portland CiSsm Pendleton Passenger No 7 Bpokaas lixspra 8pokane Paaienfer No. 8 Pendleton Branoh Mixed Train No. 41 StSOp m Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No. U J 35 pm No Tconnectawlth No, 2. 1 Onlr walls tor No 1 In caw No. 1 la late not later than so minutes. No. n connects with no. z. Ocean and River Schedule. FBOM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub ject to change. Far Ban Francisco Ball eTeryA days. Columbia Hirer Dally except DUBUBJ , 8:00 p.m. I To Astoria and Way Bsiuraay I tauiDgi. 10 aw p. 111. iXO p. m, 4 300 p. to, Bonday Wlllninette lilvcr. Boats leare Portland dally, except Bnndsj stage ol water permitting) lor Willamette an Yamhill RlTer points Leaye itlparla Snake RlTer 4 as a. m. Elparla to Lewlston Dally I Excpt Mon Lear Lewlston 7:00 a.m. Dally Kxcpt Mos . C SMITH. Agent, Pendletoa. WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portias J and points on tha Soaatl TIMiC CA1CU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and 8aturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. ljew.lv nana 11.11. usiijm, wuuu. iimi pi tu Arrire Walla Walla dally.west bouud , 10 :to a. m For Information regarding rates and accom modations, call on or address W, ADAMS, Agent Pendleton. Oregon 8. B. CALDEBUKAD, 0. P. A., nana nana, wasnmcton. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocras. Headquarters for Traveling Mai CommodlouB Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $250 Special rates by week or month .Excellent utiisme. Prompt Dlnlngroom wrvloe. Bar and billiard room In oonneotloi Only Three Blocks from Depot MOTEL ST. GEORGE GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. European plan Everything llrst cIbsh. Accommodations tho beat. A'l modern conveniences. Steam heat throughout. Large new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George is pronounced one ol the most modern and model hotel of Oregon. Rooms 50c to $ J. 50 CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. Block and a half from depot THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rBr. PAUL TO, MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FOR5t CROOKBTON WINNKPEG HELENA and BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points Eaat and Booth fnioturh tickets to Jaoan and China, via Taooma and Xortnern radio tUaaBisMp Co. and American line. T1MB SCHEDDLI. Trains leave Fondleton dally excanl taadai at 79)0 p. a. For Inrther Information, time cards, aaaps and. tickets, call on or write W. Adams, raav dleton, Oregon, or A. D. OIIAB1.TOO, iairu ana Morrison du ruruanu. ui Dally East Oregonlan, by carrier, only 15 cents per week. 'lHMdSMffit ssllsfc ''ins J tdra IjjHBHsPVirH Remodeled and refurnished through. out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Steam -oat and electrl lights. Best cuisine. Prompt lerrlesx' H. E. BICKERS, Prop. TH PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Americas Man, J per day aad apa-ai. Hemdauarlcra for touriata and commercial ItM. tiers. Special ratca made to familiea aadsiagaa gentlemen. The manaaemtat will M ctaaai at all times to show rooms and aiva Dricaa. A modern Tarklati bath establishment in tha batata. U. C. BOWKKB. Masar. J. L. VAUGHN Elcctridoa i rrompt attention gls-an and all work axaeutad properly. Slsetrlcal Suppllas of all kinds OFFICE-121 WIST C0UBT ST. (Tribune Building) Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, ISO barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped ri, etc., alwayn on hand. MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIBEME" sHkVfaS This great Vcretablo Vllallser, the proscription ot a famous Freoen phjflolari, wis SfpSBJ A quicktr curoTOU ot all nerroua or dUeafcea ot the generattTeorRans, aucb aa JLuat Msuss P nM. Inaomot s,aklna In lie Jluck. tsculBiU Jmlula., Acrvous sjcbtUsja, MJ JaUafJ l'lmiilci, Vntllaeax to amrry, i;hoiulln llrulas. Vurlcocelc, wad CoaasV tbakidneia, JUl'riElatreiyithon and reiuires. Tbo reason suneren ara not ourod by doouxsi la becauso ninety per cent, ars troubled with ProalittUla. CllrlDilli: Is tba only known rvmedy to euro without an operation. W tastlruonlaU. A written gnarantoa glsen and money nrturoea M a buseado nit eflect a perruanenVoure. fe 1 .o a boi all for SMU by mall, ttond for fre elrootar aa Jillmonlals. i AddroM UJLYUI. atClslOlNsi C1., Sua rfranclseo, ' Sold by T; :rrn & Co., Druggist. , t 11 m 1 n'sM-Xsrosri