BOTH THREATENED MEN CAPABLE OF EARNING $J,000 to $(0,000 a Year TRAVELING SALESMAN, CLERK, MERCHANT No matter what your Present Business ! A complete reorganization of the producing department of the Company in this section affords a chance for a few good men. Eight vacancies on the agency force in this rich terri tory remain open for men of character and ability ; you can find out by writing whether it will be worth your while to make a change, No previous experience is necessary. A course of professional instruction given free. The Matoal Life Insurance Company of New York Richard A. McCukdy, President Has paid policy-holders over 630 MILLION DOLLARS I Address GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superintendent of Do mestic Agencies, 32 Nassau street, New York, N. Y. ALMA D. KATZ, Manager Boise, Idaho. He that blowcth not his own horn the same sholl.not bo blown" WhenDinner'sReady 4 THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. ..IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR. GAINS. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE MOST TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLASS OF PEOPLE HE WANTS FOR PATRONS, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HIS MOST SANGUINE EXPECTA. TIONS. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS IS THE EAST OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN SEND THEIR ME8SAGE DL RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOMES OF PENDLETON MOST OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING LET THE BUSINESS MAN 8HOW THESE PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HIS GOODS, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN 3E CURING THEIIi PATR NAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BUSINESS. 4 4 4 DEMOCRATS MUST STAND PAT WITH THE POPULISTS. People's Party Conference nt St. Louis Will Lay Down n Line for the Democratic convention to Toe Will Make Demands Terrifying to Eastern Democracy. St. Louis, Mo., Fol). JC. Far sighted politicians nRreo that thoro is more In tlio People's pnrty confer onco to bo held In this city next week thnn nppenrs on the surface Tho ostensible purposo of tho con ference 1b to prepare n call for tho nntlonnl convention, but In reality, so It Is said, tho conference will pre pare a tontntlvo platform which tho democratic convention will be asked to Incorporate In Us platform. In tho event of the refusal of tho demo cratic convention to do so tho popu list lenders threaten to brenk awny from tho democrats and run their own ticket. The movement will have the sup port of nil of thoso leaders of tho party who supported Wllllnm J. Bryan and bis silver propaganda, nnd in thu event of the consorvntlvo or nntl-Drynn democrats securing control of tho Democratic National convention tho populists count upon enrolling under their own banner tho entire radical or free Bllver clement of tho democratic party. Radical Demands. According to tho statements mado by prominent leaders of tho party tho populists nro not inclined to bo to Insistent upon tho incorporation of a silver plank, but nt tho same tlmo they have other views in ro gard to the resolutions that aro ex pected to keep them apart from tho Eastern democrats. (Among other things thoy will in sist upon the strongest kind of an anti-trust plank, notwithstanding tho general belief that tho democratic leaders must this year look to Wall street for the greater part of their campaign contributions. The popu lists also want tho democratic con vention to adopt plankR declaring for an inheritance nnd income tax, for postal savings banks, for tho government ownership of railway and telegraph lines, for the aboli tion of tariff on all trust products and for the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. There is only One Genuine-SyrUp Of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full name of the company, California Pig Syrup Co., In printed on the front of every package of the genuine. L-ltOtlAf V I I expect people to know what nVww sUa I SmJ you have to sell If you don't ine new more csn never ue m r f i ' f known unless It advertises " sw V S fx ljfc f INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Aieeta Hartford Fire Insurance Co.fl2,26U,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,030,963 JLondon V Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,688 North British A Mercantile Co 19,696,074 Boyal Insurance Co 22,897,163 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT it2 EAST COURT ST. Schedule oi PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage Line Sally tripu between Pendleton and TJkLali, except Hun day. Htage leaves Pendleton at 7 a.m., arrives at Ukiah at 6 p. m. Return stage leaven Uklah at 6 a. m arilvtw at Pendleton 6 p. m. Pendleton to UkUa,t3. round trip. Mi Fen etlatoD to Alb, 12.76, round trip, S: Pendleton to Illdce, U. round trip, ISM; Pendleton to I y, I W0. round trip. riioj Pendleton to Pilot Bock, 1, round trip, I1.W. OBce at Brock & McComas Drue Store Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Office Wine and Spirit llovlow, San Francisco, Oc 12. To tho Edi tor of tho Bast Oregonlw. Doar Sir: Tho Business men of this city who aro now proclaiming to tho world tho discovery of tho euro for Bright's disease and Diabetes have asked mo as ono of tho bene ficiaries to write to somo of my brother editors. Henco tula letter to you. I was at first as skoptical as anyone I had reason to bo. I had a clear case of chronic Bright's Dis ease; was 111 for a year. It was not thought I would live thirty days. Tho president of tho Pacific States Typo Foundry told my wlfo that tho newly discovered diuretic would savo my lite, and against my private convic tions I was put on it. In six months my recovery wao complete A friend of mine. Dr. A. J. Howe, a prominent physician, was nearly dead with Bright's Disease. On my re covery I told .11 a and It acted tho same In bis :aso and ho Is now well on the road to recovery. As a broth er editor I personally assuro you of tbo truth of tho discovery. Thou sands of lives aro to bo saved and I am. writing In tho hope that this let ter will start somo of Uom right. Fraternally yours, It. M. Wood, Editor. Tie abovo refers to the newly dis covered Fulton Compounds, tho first cures tbo world has evor seen for Bright's Disease . nd Diabetes. We aro the solo agents. Abb: for pamph let. F. w. Schmidts Pharmacy An Early Riser. strong, healthy, active constitu tion depends largely on tho condi tion of tho liver. The famous lit tle pills known as uoWItt's Little. Early Iliscrs not only cleanse tho system but thoy strengthen tho ac tion of tho liver and rebuild tho tis sues supporting that organ. Little Early Iliscrs aro easy to act, thoy novor gripo and yet thoy aro abso lutely certain to produco results that aro satisfactory in all cases. Sold by Tallman & Co. CHINESE NEWSPAPER. The Genuine-' Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get Its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE (AUF5RNIA m 4 1 nucx wry cents rat bottle rtewYork. and will bo devoted to a thorough discussion of tho tumpcrnncu prob lem In all Its phases. Including n c view of tho past work of tho stnto organization and tho outlining of plans for tho future. Tomorrow overling tho convention will be nd dressed by John G. Woollcy of Chi cago, at one tlmo prohibition candi date for president. A New One Has Been Started in New York City. Now York City. Fob. 1C. On tho ovo of tho Chinese Now Year tho first real Chinese newspaper to bo published In Now York mado Its ini tial appearance In Chinatown today and was a subject of much discus sion among the nlmond-oyed deni zens of tho Mott street district. Tho financiers of tlo ontcrpriso aro Leo Lick Yue, Joo Chuo and John Chantz, all of whom, arc mer chants with stores or olilces in Pell street. Thoy havo secured tho ser vices of Tong Chow ns editor, and a force of suven Chinese compos! tors has been Imported from San Francisco. Tong Chow, tho editor, recently arrived from Yokohama, Japan, whero ho graduated at tho Dal Tong Hal; college. His complexion Is of a tnio .Mongolian yellow, though whether his journalistic propensi ties run to tho samo color cannot bo Judged from tho initial issue of his paper. What appeared to bo "scare" headlines of tho yellow Journal var iety adorned tho page, but Chincso readers asserted that thoso wcro moroly war bulletins from the fair East. At present the paper will bo Issued as a weokly, but If enough ad vertisements aro received It will bo come a dally. Have You Indigestion.' If you havo indigestion, Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure will euro you. It has cured thousands. It Is curing peoplo every day ovory hour. You owe It to yourself to glvo It a trial. You will contlnuo to suffer until you do try It. Thoro Is no other com bination of dlgestants thnt digest and rebuild nt tho samo time. Kodnl does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by Tallman & Co. Any young man knows It Ik more satisfactory to got n smllo from n girl than to get tho laugh. Bnawwvwvwwvvwwwvvh Real Estate Of All Kinds Relief In One Minute. One mlnuto Cough Cure gives ro ller in ono mlnuto, bocaso It kills tho microbe which tickles tbo mucous membrane, causing tho cough, and at tho same tlmo clears tho pblogm, draws out tbo Innamatlon and heals and soothes the affected parts. Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo strengthens tho lungs, wards oft pneumonia and Is a harmless and never falling euro In all curablo coses of Coughs, Colds and Croup. Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo is pleasant to tako, harmless and good ollko for young and old. Sold by Tallman & Co, TEMPERANCE WORK Hundreds IN KANSAS Workers of Enthusiastic at Topeka. Topoka, Kas., Fob. IC. Tho opening proceedings today of tho an nual convention of tho Kansas Statu Tcmporanco Union wcro marked by a great .display of enthusiasm. Tho delegates present represented nearly ovory county of tho stato ana In ad dition there woro among tbo visitors a number of promlnont tcmporanco and anti-saloon workors of Iowa, Nebraska and other states. Tho sessions will last two days Including city and country property, also fine brick build ing situated on Main street. INSURANCE Collections a Specialty Merchants' Protective AGENCY Despaln Block Room 43 ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Okkoon. Residence and office Dcspain Block. Phone Red 1581. Our specialty Painless Filling and Extracting. FOR RENT High Grade Sewing Machines Have your bikes cleaned, re paired and nut in shape for tho approaching season. Keys made 1 Garden & Edmtsten 811 Court Street For Book Lovers Add $1.00 to the regular price of whichever edition ollhe " E. 0 " you desire to take nnd we will send you the Pearson1! Magazine (or one year and your choice of any one of the fol lowing books issued at $150 per volume. If you want to take the weekly " E. O.," send $3.50 and you will receive the best paper in Umatilla county for one year, the Pearson's Magazine one year, and your choice of any one of the following books. Subscribers to the daily by mail may send I3.50, which will pay for the daily six months, the Peirson's one year nnd give you one $1.50 book free. Make you money ordtn payable to "East Oregonian" Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon, ; A year's Subscription to. " " " PKAKSON'S MAGAZINE . . . 1 Your choice of any one of the following books originally issued at 1.50 Cyrus Townsend Draoy FOK LOVE OF COUNTRY " An intensely patriotic ule," says the OutUtk, One of hii belt. OCOKClt W. Cable JOHN MARCH. SOUTHERNER A celebrated story of the South Edward Egoleston THE CIRCUIT RIDER "Fresh and vivid iuttr.i lure," uyt the Vhriitian Unten E. W. HoRNUNO, THE ROGUE'S MARCH "A noteworthy addition to romantic literature." Vhhtt Triiitnt Blanche Willi Howard THE GARDEN OF EDEN "A fascinating, Hitvcrfiil novel." yitct Uttucn Richard Harding Davis GALLEGHER AND OTHER S i OKIES "Gallegher" is the story that made the author Union IIobcrt Louis Stevensoh ST. IVES Hit last am! one of Ins finest novels Thomas Nelson Paoe PASTIME STORIES ' The 0I1I Viritinl.1 flavor could not be uetl to finer effect" UA1MJ . ft. ... .,.!- fT.- . nnlu ei-tlfr 1 r, . -i iic acceptance ni mis unci . f iKwks mentioned, but it also entitles you to the prtvileKe of '"K''JtolcftTJ it discount prices. As this plan includes practically the entnc fiction ptouuci American ruuiisiier, the macnituue ot tne proposiuuii a icu,., A FEW WORDS ADOUT PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR IMJ , , a .iu,Azmr. appeal 10 evcijr : , . othtr Bs' a subscriber, " It is the easv-toiread Macaiine." It is difTerent Iron f X 0, , ine, anil by that quality, although less than five years 010, ri "...jlnrntot the very liesf sellers. Its field Is a r-eneral one of wholesome enleriaw Frank n. 8tociitc THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN " His lt work." Il Aivnlim Frances Hodgson buakett THAT LASS O" L0WR1ES A novel of iulcrrutioiiil repotatk Clara Momis A PASTEUOAltD CROWN A viitorous anil iiopuUr iioel of theKrtVml Mage HARRUON noAERTW" THE INLANDER A novel of remailiWe power - M Arthur n. Rout ON PETEH-'S ISLAND AneieitiiigKuuunHcirr MOLLY ELLIOT StAWtll THE HOUSE OF ECREMOST 'Jiomance filled llh the lo frt loyally and love Octave Thanit tiitt HEART OF TOIL Not only good, but tMiU"ljfcilj Si easv-to-rcad Macaiine. 11 is 'i,,.amotfl' ine, and by that quality, afthoimh less than five years old, has taken ' F , ,0d mic very ijcsi s instructlveness, Following are four of the special features for 1904 : WALL STR.EET METHODS OJT "FINANCE" Hy HEA'RV CEO-ROC. Jr. . n-mitNIST TOM NASI. rJV.nWrAtfit B, ALBERT OCftOJJSj, A number of true accounli of tome ot the Wall Street "deil" by which the uvingi of the many have been lacrificed to utlify the craving! of the lew KeAdiheKartlcleaandrealiM the wjadom of the advice ot the Ute Governor Koincll I', r lower to a party ot hit (ricndi to "keep your money In your pocket." MODERN INDIAN WARS By Cif-RVS TOWfSESV WRAVy A brillunt and thrilling hlitory of the hostile frontier of the pan forty yean, giving iuilke to the public jervice of luch men a SIilsj, Lawtoii, McKsHtm, Howakii, Wh.aton, Davii, Sully IUkbh and oth.r.. ,.LIn e...v.V. .... nl .1 fi "V "T toon and dlgniiyuwr them with their proper place in the history of our' "lion. A lerlea of i or eUht artltlei. lllutiraico uj iv V 'iTj: eniieKn;"i: cartooniof the roan rtyrl"" !. bloirraphy of Nail n?!2. iWi'M a q? ."":,--," u,iod-ino "oi. The wivii .r:. -.mci?".T of 8lvry-Tri ""'.idintU'1 lo3-Tho GrooIfV OTVSms Tlu. l.arluoi". s. are. few of the l"'' ""' "ir.T.oiT- Fight In Lonopn-- the aeries 01 i or . r-- ,N THE REVELATIONS Of A INTERNATIONAL &r it Whkh r.n lo I"' So ennths of IW1 ?'VrakVlaH,is5 ttir in response to the "nsais leaders who regretud erI( jjs series. T iim"' aaiui remain a -r?af-l a r av rr Mfs tie EM1 v , S tent to st0l aptte of them. A foil sttpply aJwaya kept Always, Remomber I JsUBUVe Urtber the KuU JNarao lOnelW CiCt a n OaaColdinOneDfry.Gia Mtvsrr