DAILY EABT 0 REG0NIAN, PENDLETON, onEOON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1904. "ACHUAY LINEN" The Latest and Stylish Writ ing Paper for Spring and Summer. Just Arrived. 35c, 42 and 45c a box Frederick Nolf 8 Co. BASE BALL GOODS 190 line liat Touched ns Halls from f cents to 1.00 Mitt from fi Cents to 2.U3 (Moves 10 centato 3.fV Mnk '.'.") cent-t lo Sporting Goods Striking Bags, $1.00 to 4(1 fiO lloxln? Gloves 00 cents to 17.60 h pair. Exercisers f 1.00 to $1.1)5 Rambler and Crescent Bicycles $22.50 Up. AN INDEPENDENT NKWSl'APKR. Published every afternoon luicept Sunday) at l'endletou, Oregon, by the EAST ODEGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'l'lione. Mala 11. SUHSOltUTlO.V iiati:s. Dally, one year by uiall Dally, six months by mall Dally, three mouths by mnll Dally, one mouth by mall Dally, per month by carrier , Weekly, one year by mall Weekly, six months by mall , Weekly, four months by mall Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .. Semi-Weekly, six months by mall , Semi-Weekly, three months by mall , 3.00 :.50 "5 30 05 .10 75 .30 .00 ,00 50 The East Orcgonlan Is on sale at U. 11. Illch's News Stands ut Hotel l'ortland and Hotel lVrklns. l'ortland, Oregon. Member Scrlpps Mcliac News Association. San Kranclsco Ilureau. 40S fourth St. Chicago Ilureau, BOO Security Ilulldlng. Washington, D. C. Ilureau, 301 Hth St, K. W. Kntered at I'endleton postortlce as second class matter. UNION I ifcijLABEO extraordinary to mnko ,n showing. , Whllo It would scorn impossible lo I elect it democratic president In the face of Roosovelt's Immense popu larity, yet Roosevelt's sailing Is not all smooth. He must remember that tho pow er, money ami lniluenco of the Southernropublh.'ans nrougalust him. Whllo providence has smiled with good craps and outward prosperity, yet tho factory slaves, the mine's slaves, tho mill slaves and tho toll ing masses everywhere, feel the cruel grasp of the trust on their throats and .Mr. Roosevelt's utteran ces on the suppression of the trusts have been empty and Insincere, be cause he has had a republican con gress with him to carry out his threats against tho' combines, had there been any real meaning In his nutl-trnst tirades. Hearst can offset the Hoosovolt enthusiasm. He Is young, energetic. Western, radical and sincere and has a brace of newspapers behind him that can checkmate any republican campaign fund, no matter how long the sack. A They toll at the forges, They weave at the loom, Their plck-axe Is ringing Deep down in the gloom. Earth yields up her treas- u res For life's little span, To the fellows who're doing The best that they can! A pledge to our comrades! Tho' silent their name When history summons The roll-call of Fame, In our hearts we enshrine them With brotherhood's clan The fellows who're doing The best that they can! Frances M. Milne. HEARST IS THE MAN. It the democratic party will take a step 50 years in advance of the times and declare for government ownership of railways, telegraph and telephone lines and nominate W. It. Hearst on that platform, It will stir up such a huzzah of enthusiasm and confidence among the masses that even the glamour of Roosevelt's war program .would pale before It. Hoosovelt Is no doubt the most popular American living today. Ho has qualities of mind and character that endear him to his countrymen, until it is no Immediate causo for party censure to have it said of a democrat that he Is a "Hoosovelt democrat." If the democrats expect to make any showing against such a man, they must center on a radical man of pronounced sentiments and build a radical platform which will appeal to the masses, They must risk something. They must take a desperate chance. Cleveland nor Parker, nor Gorman havo any of tho elements of enthusi asm. Their platforms are tamo. Their names conjure up no dreams of spirited combat. If the democrats wish to offset the seemingly overwhelming popularity of Roosevelt, they must strike a stronger popular chord than ho. They must get down among tho masses, stir them up with something so radical and extraordinary that It cannot bo put aside. Government ownership of rail roads, one cent fares, multiplied con venlences and comforts for tho poor, opportunity for travel, education and enjoyment through cheap govern ment fares, will wed tho masses In separably to tho party that starts this popular battle cry. , Hearst's papers havo said that tho only remedy for cheap cars and hor rible wrecks is government owner ship. Tho democrats can afford to take up this slogan. Hearst means what ho says. His popularity Is widening as tho power of tho press scatters and disseminates tho radical and timely uttcrancos of himself and 111 great papers. Tho democrats must do something; Tho East Oregonlan commends the two amendments, the local op tion and direct primaries, to the se rious thought of the voters. They are steps In the right direction. Ono of them stands for social cleanliness. If chosen by a community, the other for political cleanliness. The local option amendment will give every community tho right to say whether It will tolerate liquor trttfllc or whether It will bar It. The primary amendment gives to every sovereign citizen tho opportunity to exercise his choice In selecting candidates for office. It will relegate to the rear the political convention In which tho will of tho masses is usually discre g.'ftittl and In which candidates nro nominated by tho enthusiastic ora tory of a few leaders. It Is tho peo-pl- 'h greatest boon If they will but embrace It. It will make every voter a delegate to select candidates for office. It will give the voter a chance to kick before election, In stead of afterward If tho candidate ilr en not suit. Think of it. It gives every citizen credentials to nominate ..amiulntes. If every puhl!? official In Oregon had the same conception of tho law and backbone that Judge Ellis pos sesses, violators of tho 3t:ilutes would be tioro timid In their crimes. When ho fined the 35 gamblers brought before him last Saturday evening, he told them l.i unmistaka ble Kn sii that thoy vere not buy ing a license to further violate the laws by paying their fines In his court, but that he would suppress gambling If possible, and would Una them heavier every subsequent tlmo thoy appeared before him. Some of tho gamblers had been misled by tho action of the city authorities, and thought tho court would tako fines regularly and permit gambling to proceed openly. Judge Ellis mado it plai ntliat he was not tampering with the laws of Oregon In that man It plain that ho was not tampering man every day If broueht before him for .breaking tho law. rommlttco of skilled physclans. and If thoy decide that tho llfo Is a wreck, that recovery Is Impossible, on tholr decision tho silfforor will bo put to death." Thoso expressions wore brought out bv tho contemplation of tho rl vnls whom tho Standard Oil com pany lmd driven out ot business killed Industrially. Men who talk Uko this do not real ly think. Thoy do not realize to themselves what tholr words meaii. Suppose Dr. Andrews should have born to hi ma crippled daughter. Is It conceivable that ho would con sent to lmvu hor chloroformed? Or If ho did consent, Is It thlnltnblo that ho would gain In manhood by hor ex tinction' What would tho protect ing love and caro given through years to tho afflicted child do fur him? Enlarge his heart, awaken his sympathy with all sufferers, soften and elevate his whole nature. That Is what bonovolonco tloes for tho race. l)y caring for the sick, tho aged tho Insane, tho poor, wo gain more than thoy do, for It Is moro blessed to glvo thnn to receive. Were wo to lmltnto thoso snvnges who, In what thoy deem kindness, club to death tho old who are no longer able to hunt nnd fish and fol low tho trail, wo should do what Dr. Andrews recommends. Hy ridding ourselves of the burden of the natur ally feoblo and tho wounded In llfo'1) battle, wo should harden oiirsolveo Into brutes, and lose that most char astlc gain which our civilization has mado over tho older civilizations that preceded It tho capacity for sympathy. t ii,,v semi of girls ami womon who work, work, work for $3, $4, 5 n week," Haiti tho jirobutloit oilloor. Only horolnoH could enduro tho pri vations that many working girls But for In tlilB city nnd resist tho temp tations that mo thrust nt them." FEBRUARY. The higgnrd sun, on frosty mom, Throws long beams through . tho stubhlo corn. Against the sunset, united trees Weave nmglc biodes anil traceries. From woodman's ax tho splinter bounds; The Dicker's cheery tapping sounds', lco thaws, ami In the quickening Hood Aro vaguo, fond hopes of lenf mid buil, When, lol Uko lleck of living sky Full-songedr a bluebird sweot lilts by! Sara A. Hhafer In Tho Outlook. "BILLY" HEARST IN COSTON. Tho doslro of W. It. Hearst to ou ter the lioston field will probably bo realized within tho next month, when It Is expected that he will start an evening paper In thnt city. Mr, Hearst, within the past year, has ne gotiated with two nowspaper pub lishers In lioston with tho Intention of purchasing their properties. Iloth of these negotiations Tailed some time ago nnd It was then thought that ho had abandoned tho lioston Idea, mnko Its nppoaranco before Aurii i H. Iloo & c are building tho nr... which will bo tho largest of tho Wn5 In tho world. Tho natno for tho n. por has not boon solocted l.m i. said tho. morning issue, will probably, bo called tho Examiner, nmi .il i.... .i... t The movement of Mr. Hearst last spring to purchase tho lioston Jour nal and tho Washington Times fiom Frank A. Munsoy was tho talk of Park How for ninny days. The deal And morcv better bo- fell through, howovor, owing to .Mr. than would slaying all Munsoy's obstlnnto attitude, that, If Hearst wnntod his lioston nmi pness brotherhood upon hu- wnsmngton papers, no mum inmj manlty. purchase his Now York paper, the Dr. Andrews' Standard Oil phllos-; News at his own figures, which wore Chrlstlnnlty is better than Pagan Ism. Doing unto others as we would bo done by Is wiser than cold blooded solllshneas. comes men whoso weakness makes tho claim oti.Mr. Heart helpness brotherhood upon hu-. Washlngto ophy does not belong to the more en lightened future, ns ho supposes, hut to tho dark and barbarous past. Chicago American. UNRECORDED STRUGGLES. Tho Now York World tolls tho fol lowing pitiful story of a working girl In that great metropolis: "Weakened by a three weeks' struggle with hunger after a double operation for appendicitis. Georgln Schneider stole $15 nnd a diamond ring worth JCO. It was her first crime, she tearfully declared; she repented It bitterly she was hun gry, she wanted money to buy food, Most womon will believe Miss Schneider, when thoy loam that sho throw away tho diamond she took and kept only tho money. Miss Smith the probation officer of tho Yorkvlllo police court, belloved her. "I was very ill and very hungry," she told -Mlglstrnto Ommen, In a voice broken by sobs. "I have not been strong lately. Twice I havo been operated on for appendicitis In Ilellevuo hospital and I have been out ot employment and havo had very little to eat. I never, never did anything llko this before. I don't know what possessed mo today." "This Is only ono of many cases considered somewhat cxhorbitnut The attitude of tho lioston papers towards Mr. Hearst's Invasion Is whole hearted nnd liberal. Tho lioston Advertiser predicts success If ho starts a papor In 'that city. Tho Concord, N. II., Monitor calls atten tion to the fact that tho lioston field In tho past has been nnythlng but encouraging to now newspaper ven tures. The only papers started In lioston during the Inst 15 years wore ihe News, backed by Governor Atl dlcks und.'itho Standard, fathered by tho. -As 'P.' (A. Hoth were disastrous failures, MM 8. S. Corvalho has given out a statement that tho newspaper will EPITHELIOMA Covering One Side of Face and Reaching to the Eye CURED BHUTICURA Which Acted Like a Charm After Doctors and Hospitals Failed. Hero Is another of thoso remarkable cures of torturing, disfiguring skin hu mors dally mndo by Cutlcura Ilcsolv ont, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment and Soap, after pbyslclRns, hospitals and all clsa had failed. " I feel It my duty to try to help thoso suffering from skin diseases. My casa was a very bad ono, covering all of ono stile of my fuco and hud reached my eye, I had two or thrco doctors pre scribe without any relief. Thoy said my disease was Epithelioma. I was then advised to go to ono of our hos pitals, which I did, taking their treat ment lor somo tuno. l nnd given up all , hope when my husband asked me to try ! tho Cutlcura Remedies. My face being in such a very bad state, I used the w war Af .,.11 rv 111 111 I Inf.. Ull iirv nan,, i." rvi urn ... na. T V.C barns an .. - -win ialty, Alta St. 0$ A HE IS THE l-WWlUJInrtri f C PL " A ITOTIT t An T.J t Miini.tt - Cutlcura Soap with luke-warm water and a small silk sponge and then applied tho Cutlcura Ointment. 1 took ono tea spoonful of tho ltesolvcnt four times a day. Thoy acted llko a chnrm, and In one week's tlmo my face was cured en tirely and has remained so. I certainly can recommend tho Cutlcura Remedies as Infallible." MRS. A. G. SMITH, 2400 Catharine St., Feb. 9, 1903. l'hlludelphla. T in mtfltv nn.l uiunotnuau I in innrA. . - ' to afford immediate rellof, tho certainty Structural "W oi spceuy aim permanent cure, inc an Holuto safety and great economy havo made Cutlcura Remedies tho standard skin cures, blood purlUcrs and humor remedies of the world. , MANUFACTURING 1 . muuuiaauarsol COMBINED i m a u 0- n f 8oM throughout Ut worM. rvtleuri lUtoivtat. JMe. (In rm afChocoUto CuilM Villi, 24c. pr vUl oftiU), Otnttnrat, a"e..Bop,4e. DtpnUi Ixiudon,; Cbirtff. nouMiHtji I'ldt, AKud U I'tUt llutton, 137 Colata bu Avr. Voiur Inijc Chvm tVarp., Mole tropritto. avtknd (erUov to Cur hvtry Humour." Repair work oa smithing. . intprtpninn ni win The shlppcis of the Southwest fool tho grasp of tho tmsts. Kifty-nlno railroads havo just been sued by tho Texas Live stock Association for charging Illeg al freight rates on stock. What do tho stockgrowers think of the Hoos ovolt crusade against tho trusts. Soon Umatilla county stockmen will begin to buy tho season's salt. Thoy will bo called upon to pay 100 per cent blood monoy because n trust controls tho output. Its all tho way tho voter makes It. STANDARD OIL PHIL080PHY Dr. K. DonJamln Androws, presl dent of tho Nebraska Univorslty (to which Mr. Rockefeller has promised a donation,) Is tho latest to advo cato tho putting to death of tho "un lit." "I bollovo." ho says, "thnt as so clety bocomos moro enlightened, such cases will bo referred in a f TtTTtlTTlTTmTfTtIit 17 COURTING DANGER It is courting danger to stand under icy eaves. Not a few have learned this to their cost. Kvery winter injury and even death are reported as the result of this carelessness. Iiut there is a far more popular way of courting danger, Kvery' man or woman who neglects a cough is inviting sickness, und many n fatal sickness lias its beginning in a flight cough. The timely use of Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure the cough. Even when the cough is obstinate and there is hemorrhage witlt emaciation and weakness, "Golden Medical Discovery" always helps and almost always cures. " I nan Iroublfd with a bad roll. which Kttlrd on my luogci and Itfl rar with a mlwrablr amyh," wntts Mr. Joiwph I), Burns, ot jil Huc.lU Mrrtt. Ithaca. New York, "I uieil two bottles of your 'Golden Medical Diwov cry, after which my cough dlnappearcd entirely. I can Dot recommend your medi cine too highly. " Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery." There is nothing "juat as good" for dis eases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. Sub stitution means a little more profit to the dealer but a loss to you. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent Jree on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to my expense of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. falo, N. Y. Tierce, Uuf- 1)0 r Rheumatlim, Neuralgia, Conitlpatlou vou untineii. uoui. ninouineii,icit 1IAVK ' aud Nervous Headache? Don't sell your lumllure or pawn your Jewel erytobuy remedies for these disorders It la not necessary, "Hill's Rheumatic Pills Cost only 24 cents, and have cured thousands during the last hundred years Mb, O. A. Hill. Last summer I was trnutled wtlli rheumatism so badly I was disabled from work, but fi of your pills cured uie sn that I am am as limber as I was at IS years old. I have been In Wisconsin but two months, and wltli ono anu a nair boxes or your puis 1 nave curca Ynnrsiniir, I ABSOLUTELY UINR1VAL0 three cases. II I). Blroul. Oreenleaf, Minn At Your Druggists Dally Eait Oregonian only 15 oenti a week. by carrier, 1 mi . ... . i . .. .1 irnnh fl8 anu v;- J MO iU U 11U1 U11LIII1 III .11 ilLll II Mil 1'lUllD M r -jtT Li in 0V and Salmon in tho Northwest which equals MUNurv and quality. J) Ask Yo Gocef For Th Most first-class grocorB carry MONOPOLE A " J C Ratal! P0Wfl viauwu uuuos, opices OyrUjVf " Coffee. Etc. lit JL . im&? II WW 9 M M m n (lrBnrk . ,.'.. m-m. ssusb mm m m mm MnnnnnlA fiMLffih lrv Coffee RoOStefS DflDTT AKm ' - ""-vn v- M .i v ?j