DAILY EAST OREGON.AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1904. BECOMING A MOTHER Is nn ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compares with the pain and horror of child-birth. The thought . of the suffering and danger in storo for her, robs the expectant mother I of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her n ! hndow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother nd child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only docs Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning icknec8, and other dis comforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at 1.00 per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. fkm BrastfieM Relator Co., Atlanta, Co. MOTHER'S FRIEND lie that blowoth not his own horn the same shall not bo blown' WhenDinner'sReady 4 4 THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HU8BAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. ..IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR GAINS. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE MOST TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLASS OF PEOPLE HE WANTS FOR PATRONS, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HIS MOST SANGUINE EXPECTA TIONS, THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS IS THE EAST OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN SEND THEIR MESSAGE D. RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOMES OF PENDLETON MOST OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING LET THE BUSINESS MAN SHOW THESE PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HIS GOODS, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN SE CURING THEIK PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BUSINESS. DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? jJUDE OP OMATILTjUjj FOR SUPER TRAVEL MEASURE TO COMPEL THE BUILDING STRONGER CARS. Comparative Immunity of sleeping Cars From Smashing Has Been Noted Railroad Massacres of the Past Year Has Stimulated In vestigation and Attempted Re form, Gigantic Shadow cast by a cigar and a man WashhiKtim, I). C, Fob. 15. Un dor the sunorvlHlon of the Interstate commission a bill Is being prepared which, If It becomes n law, will com pel railroad companies to build stronger coaches and other passen ger cars, with tho exception of Bloop ers. Tht- bill will bo Introduced by Hoprcscntatlvo Each of WIrcoiibIii, nnd will provide that nil roaches and cars for passenger service shall ho constructed with steel Bloopers nnd steel Bills. The American Hallway association has. been asked to submit dotnllB which would bo practical from a rail road standpoint, and ovory caro Ib taken to have tho measure such sir will effect more safety In construc tion, lloforo beginning the draft of tho bill Representative Kseh mndo n lunc Investigation, going thoroughly Into tho history of car construction. Ho conferred also with government nlllclnls who expressed tho opinion that something should bo done to prevent tho further construction of light railway coaches which either telescope or break like egg Bhulls in tho event of n wreck, thereby cnim lug a large death nnd casualty rate. Immunity of Sleepers. It Is asserted that the Immunity from death and Injury which passen gers In sleeping cars enjoy Is due largely to the steel underframo con struction and It Is understood the construction of tho present day sleeping car will bo taken as a standard. In this event, all dny conches, smoking cars, buffet cars, chair and parlor cars will have to bo built with extension steel beams and possibly bo provided with steel platforms and nontelcscopablo de vice. In view of tho unusual number of lives sacrificed In railway wrecks the last year the urgent need of some such legislation Ik appreciated. At the same tlmo the bill will un doubtedly give tho railroads a rea sonable length of time with which to comply with the provisions of tho measure. This time will he suf-' flclent to permit of nil old equipment wearing out. hut It will also provide that oil cars to be constructed after the passage of tho measuio shall bo q( the required standard. Jt, Is tho burpuse to placo tho enforcement 'Jf tho measure In the nanus oi uie in terstate commission, ns Is tho caso with tho enforcement of the auto matic coupler and other measures requiring the use of safety dovlces. Have You Indigestion. If you havo indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Curo will euro you. It has cured thousands. It Is curing people every day every hour. You owe It to yourself to clvo It a trial. You will continue to suffer until you do trv It. Thoro la no other com blnntlon of dlgestnnts that digest nnd rebuild ot tho same tlmo. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by Tnllman & Co. JHiSi' A 1 SUitf fl The "Band is the Smoker's Prottfy OREGON RUSSIAN'S REVIEW OF THE WARMEST FOR ELS The grim power of Russian do potlsm has llnnlly succeeded In car rying nut tho tlrst net of ii groat dranin, or rather tragedy. l)y Kb usual methods of deception it forced Jnimn to appeal to amis to defend nnd ninlntnln her cxlstonco, will ntop In with something llko a repetition of tho famous Uorlln con gresR of 1S78, thu reBiilts of which will bo lliutl und ulimlstakablo. On tho other huud, should Japan come out victorious, as Indications Hccm to point, the world will certaln bowels inttrr .lay. nm'ni III nrviti k. bowelsorum, an.lun won. I'oret.lnuittljy! m"i "t -" i"" ri. m oanzcrciu, TkM ii.omW, !ntr.' r OliMUMj!,'! CANDY II CATHARTIO Tlmt .inimn is fullv able to do so ' ly applaud her achievement, whllo of this, thoro Is no question In llio ! Russia will bo obliged to glvo up all mind of nny ordinary observer of Bho struggled for. Manchuria will the world's doings. It Is truo that I not fall Into tho paws of "tho hear Japan has no standing army ns largo that wulks llko a man," und tho In ns Russia. At least tho syndlcnto , tcgrlty of China will bo prcBorved, articles printed In Bonio of our news-1 whntovor thu outcome of tho strug papers nnd written by Individuals j glo botweon Russia nnd Japan may rnnimlsBlnned to represent here Rub- i prove, and Russia In olthor caso Try "Pendleton Boqaet" and "Pride of Umatilla." Made at home. A. ROHDE, Maker INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Assets Hartford Klre Insurance Caf 12,269,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,030,963 London A, Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,683 North British A Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Iloyal Insurance Co 32,807,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Office Wine and Spirit Review1, San Francisco, Oc.. 12. To tho Bdl tor of the East Oregonlm, Dear Sir: Tho Duslness men of this city who nro now proclaiming to tho world tho discovery of tho euro for Dright's iseaso and Diabetes havo asked mo as one of tho bene' flclarles to write to some of my brother editors. Hence t.ils totter to you. I was at first as skop Ileal as anyone I had reason to be. I had a clear caso of chronic Bright's Dis ease; was ill for a year. "It was not thought I would Hvo thirty days. The prosldent of tho Pacific States Type Foundry told my wifo that tho nowiy. discovered diuretic would save my I life, and against my prlvato convlc ttons I was put on it. in six montns 1 T7 A cT rrXTTQT CT my recovery was complete. J J 2 tiAS I 1UUK I OX. A frlond of mlDOi Dri A j Howe, a prominent physician, was nearly dead i with UrlKht's Disease, un my re covery I told .n a and It acted the . eamo in bis :aso and ho Is now well on tho road to recovery. As a broth or editor I personally assure you of tho truth of tho dlscovory. Thou sands ot lives aro to bo saved and I Schedule of PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage Line Dally trips between Pendleton and , nm writing In tho hope that this let- TTklnli. flxoent Hundav. Btaee leaves Pendleton at 7 a in., arrives at Ukiah at 6 p.m. Return stage leaves Ukiah at 0 a. m., anlve at Pendleton 6 p. m. MudUlon to UklsD, 13. round trip, Si fen dlUu to Alt. 13.76, round iVR'MLiSHSlSyjlk to Bid". IS. round trip, IStOl .Pendleton to t re, I.. round trip, HMI fendleton to ttlol iotk, 11, round trip, II JO. See at Brock ft JlcComas Drug Stors ter will start soma of tucm right. Fraternally yours, II. M. Wood. Editor. Tl.o abovo refors to tho nowiy (lis covored Fulton Compounds, tho first cures tho world has ever sosn for Dright's Dlseaso nu Diabetes. Wo aro the solo agents. Ask for pamph let. F, W, Schmidts Pharmacy JUBILEE SINGERS. Splendid Concert by Troupe Having International Fame. Regarding tho Flsk Jublleo sing ers who are to give ono or tnoir famous consertB at tho Frazor the ater Tuesday evening, tho Ultldo- ford, Me.. Evening Times says: The most caustic critic could find but little chnnco for his work In tho concert given by the Jublleo singers last evening. Their songs were rendered In a manner that ovon the most captious author could not havo failed to enjoy. Purity, camettness and depth of feeing characterized their whole work. Tho gentlo music of a tender strain can ho brought out by no other peoplo In tho world like the colored people. TWO LETTERS ADOUT TRIO and Man Who Was Willing to Try Was Convinced. A, S. Burroughs, JJnlior City, Qro., Doc. 15, 1902, wroto: "1 havo boon a very hard drinker for twonty years, few peoplo drank moro ' than I. If your TItlll Is a curo I wont.lt." On May 15, 1903. Mr. Burroughs wroto: It Is a pleasure tor mo to recom mend TRIB as a curo for tho liquor habit. It has now boon six months slnco I completed a curo with TRIB I have never had bottor health. I eat well and sleep well. I bollovo It is tho host curo for tho liquor addic tion yot placed upon tho market." Commendable Custom. C. L. Whltnoy lias Just finished planting a park at tho county fair grounds, consisting of 70 shado and ornamental trees or Norway ana w vcr maplo. broad leaved llndon, Car olinn nonlar. American elm, tulip, box older, Russian olive, golden ar bor vltac, Australian plno nnd Colo rado blue spruco. He lias also planted avenues to locust trees along tho drlvo ways and In front of tho stables, a featuro ,4 which will Boon afford good shado for lioreos and men. Tho park will also mnko a cozM nook for prlvato picnics and for visitors from tho country to lunch during tho fair when tho troos mature. Walla wans union. sin's Interests have spread tho idea of nn nrniy larger than that of all the combined armies of Europe. In this, of course, thoro Is no truth it Is only a bluff, though ot tho two contending powers Russia's army Is, of course, tho larger. Never theless the advantages nro on tho side of Japan, which can place every available man In the Hold, whllo Russia could not begin to do any thing of the kind. Indeed It Ib very doubtful whether Russia could placo oncflftli of her nrmy In Eastern Asia. Internal Foes Everywhere. Nut nnlv aro thoro strong rumors of Balkan complications and who In tills world has a more just griov, nnco against Russia than tho Turk ish empire which necessitate a large army in Houtliorn mm aiiiun eastorn European Russia, but It is nrnlmblv the on v Imperial power to day whose Intornnl foes can bo found In ovory part ot mo utiniimuua. There Is scarcely a well populated provinco In that empire whore thou sands of peoplo under somo pretext or another havo not been driven to desperation by tho brutality of that relentless power. Thoro !b scarcely one peasant out of a hundred that has not been re-, duced to poverty by tnxnttnn, oxtor-' tlon and general plunder, as carried on by thnt ollgnrchy. Thoro la scarco ono homo out of fiu whore a son or a .daughter, o Bister or a brother, has not been Imprisoned in her dungeons, exiled Into Siberia, or hanged for participation real or supposed in tho revolutionary move ment ugnlnst tho imperial govern ment. I Dccaiiso of these und many other similar wrongs tho greater part of Russia's army must be kopt at homo guarding her own subjects. Such Is tho actual condition thnt provnlls In that empire. Tho world further knows that Rus sia Is tho only power today whoso solo policy Is that of conquest and should that monstrous absolutism In man-bimte guise succeed in this war, It would mean tho dismemberment of China and in duo courso of events It would only becamo a question of time as to who should bo Its next victim. Japanese Fighting for Civilization. This Is tho history of Russia, and this Is why tho wholo world Is In full sympathy with tho heroic effort of the Japanese peoplo, who, strango as It may seem, are lighting for civili zation against a Caucasian race who throughout tho wholo of Its history has boon the uncompromising enemy ot ovory cardinal principle on which modern civilization rests. This Is why tho wholo world Is in sympathy with tho horolc effort of tho Japaneso people, and herein Is the actual sourco ot that firm con viction In ovory human breast that should Japan fall in dealing that ig noblo 'aggressor tho mortal blow It so Justly deserves, tho great powors would not gain what sho now ex pects to gain. Tho wholo world is against hor. W. II. Qalvanl, of Port land, In Oregon Dally Journal. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY I n.M.nt. ralitnlilr, robrl.Tut.dool. M Hover nickm. Weaken, or iirli. IP.IS. millil wr hot. Write (or (n, iimpl. tnl SMUaj nouiiu. .iijurvH 'i tkkusu ULnrni coarm, otitKOw inn KEEP YOUR BLOOD tit For Book Lovers Add Si. oo to the regular nrice of whichever cdittoa of tie " E. O " you desire to take nnd we will send you the PearsMi J Magazine for one year nnd your choice of any one of tMr-i lowing hooks issued at Si 50 per volume. If you wanttemf the weeklv "E O.." send 2 and vou will receive tlttet I nanor in Umatilla countv for one vear. the Pearson's M.fiiR one year, and your choice of any one of. the following Jiy hooks. Subscribers to the dailv bv mail may send fojo. which will pay for the daily six months, the Pearson's one year and eive you one $1.50 hook free. Make you money orders payable to "East Oregonian" Pub. Co,, Pendleton, Uregon, 1 A year's Subscription to. .,,. ,,yi ' PEARSON'S MAOAZINK . ... Your choice of any one of the following books originally issued at 1.50 Drink DESCENT REAM PFFEE It Is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SCALED TINS ONLY CYHUO TOWNSCND OWADY FOK LOVE OF COUNTRY "Amr.tenly lutriotic ule," t.iy Ihc Outliok. One of 1, is beat. Clonal W. Cablc JOHN MARCH. SOUTHERNER A celebrated ttory of the South Edwaiid EGaLClTON THE CIRCUIT IUDEK "Frth and vivid iwrim lure," uy llie Christian Unto Z. VI. HORNUNO THE HOCUE'S MAKCH ' A itutewortny addition to romantic literature." -CAIoif TrituHt niNCHC Willis Howard THE GAKDEN OF EDEN "A f4iunalin. ierf il novel. "Uiln IUmc iiicimro Harding Davis CALLEGIIEK AND 'OTIIEH STORIES Gillesher" u llie otory thai made the author famous noacnT Louis Otcvinion ST. IVES Mis last and sne of hu Imeit nqvtU Thomas Ncison Padc PASTIME STORIES The old VimmU llavor lould not be used to liner elteci" c.u. n. STOCKTON THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAM .l!W.torl '-BlU'"'u" FHANCCS HOMIOK BltWlTt THAT LASS O' L0WB Annvrlol iolerMlioMlitP"""' ClARA MCI . . ..TrnnillD CROWK A"li V i A ,i8oro, and popular oLl .' W I HanattoN Roit'" THE INLANDER A novel of remaikr.yc t-,-,vl tf(falJ AnTHu R. " ON PETER'S IStAND aiim the p ,r0i Knmanie """V, ,d lo" OCTAVI THT mi? A IT OF T0II Tilt. Il&r"" . . --, . .... .h. nublicltta? NflTR .The nrre-ntrince of th S Offer noi oniy y"-,fDrMeJWa books mentioned, but it nlso entitles you to the privi lege .Iin;tD product ' .1:. a. .1.:. InlnilMnract cally the v'...nt. American Publisher, the magnitude of the propcoltioii Isreauny ir .ncnU'C MACAZIW- . ...-Afdltl A FEW WORDS ADOUT rVrtnsw"- --- lt)V""- .1 I'KAHSON's MAOAZINK appeals to ttarjl a itibscrlbcr. " It Is the easy.to.read Mngazine.' ,alen i0 pU line, and by that quality, although less man ii tnietu'" it.. ...... 1.... 11I.. t.. a.i.i (a n ni-neral one 01 instructlveness. following are four of the special features lor 1 caRTOON'51! wai.i std r-r MVTMnns TOM NAST, oU, f AfJl OF "FINANCE" "By HEJVTiy CEOHGE. Jr. A number of true accounts of some of the Wall Street "deals" by which the savings of the many have been sacrificed to satUfv the cravings of the lew. Head these articles and reallte the wisdom of the advice nf the Late Governor Koswell I . Flower to a party of his friends to "keep your money n your pocket." MODERN INDIAN WARS By cynvs1 TowjrsEfv hhaW A brilliant and thrilling history of the hostile foe bioaraphy ' V" . frontier nf the past forty years, lilvlnj justice to the public sertlceof such men as Muss, La wton, Chook, Kuksytiis, Ousts Cahhinoton, McKlHIH. IIOWAKP, WllUATON, DAVIS, SUILY. Haxsk and others; taklnjf Indian fights out of the category of boys' story books and dignifying Its 10 with their proper place In the history of our nation. A series 0 sit or eight articles. ,ure of the lim . wr,u THE REVELATION J INTERNA Ka Which ran m P, .,oraca JS.iil lo, in rPe '..,, t ths !" "udit Kl "ri.r'"ih.."i'li,,,ur "..V;,mainascci"- LEGAL BLANKS ilortte of them. A ffl pply r