East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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New Goods
Swo of our 1904 Spring lines for men an: now in.
For the swell dressers we liave the Edwin Clnpp
shoes. They arc the acknowledged leaders.
The J, E. Tilt Shoe, positively the best shoe
for the price, 3.50 and 4.00 ever sold anywhere.
They are made in Vici, Valour, Box Calf and Calf and
genuine Reck Oak Soles.
Phono Main 1181.
Club Directory.
The Thursday Afternoon meets once
In two weeks, Thursdays.
The Current Literature, alternate
The Woman's Club meets the sec.
end and fourth Tuesdays of each
Thursday Afternoon Club.
"Nature Study" was the subject
that engrossed the attention of tlio
members of the Thursday Afternoon"
Club at the homo of Mrs. A. D. Still
man on Thursday. At roll call each
member gave some Incident In ani
mal or bird llfo that hnd come under
her personal observation. As an In
troductory to the work of tho after
soon, Mrs. John Hniley read an ar
ticle from the pen of John Burroughs
the naturalist, on "How to Study Na
ture." Mrs. C. S. Colesworthy de
lighted her hearers with a concise
and well written thesis on "Sea
Life," giving the remarkablo histor
ies of many Inhabitants of the sea.
A quiz, to test tho power of observ
ation among the ladles, created much
amusement and brought out somo
curious features of animal life. A
pleasing paper by Mrs. J. E. Owen
on "Birds and Their Habits," was a
sympathetic study and showed tho
writer's close acquaintance with the
feathery kingdom. Mrs. M. J. Lane
gave an Interesting talk on the "In
sect World," and told many facts
1 SdDeiieHy
F. & S.
You can depend on its being
good and being the right
thing for the ailment.
F. & S.
Cough Syrup
Oil Liniment
Liver Pills
Toilet Cream
Elixir Cascara Sagrada
Quinine Hair Tonic
Healing Oil
Manufactured and sold by
concerning tho social communities
of both ants and hces nnd much
other data concerning beetles, lo
custs, butterflies, etc. I'lnnt and
Insect ltfo was studied with tho liolp
of two microscopes which had been
loaned for tho occasion by Professor
Conklln of the Pendleton high school.
This feature was of unusunl Interest.
Delicious refreshments were provid
Tho next meeting of tho Thursday
Afternoon Club will be at tho home
of Mrs. C. E. Prultt. The subject to
be "Mendelssohn nnd His Music."
Current Literature Club.
iAn intnrpsHnf nftnrnnnn nn tho
history of Ocrninny was held at the
home of Mrs. Moorhouso by tho :
members of the Current Lltoraturo '
Club. Mrs. N. Berkeley was leader
and tho following subjects wore dis
cussed: "Tho Hanseatlc League,"
"Formation of tho Swiss Confedera
cy," with Interesting sketches of
such men ns Arnold von Winkelrled
and William Tell. A delightful pa
per on tho "University Towns" was
read by Mrs. Ernest Sklles. Mrs. j
Edwin Swltzler rendered somo not declined with tho deendenco of
charming piano numbers from mod- tho old fashioned paper lovo token,
era German composers. Dainty re- Valentines, hundreds of them, ire
freshmonts were served. still sent evory year. The messago
they convey Is in every wny ns sentl-
Finishing Matlock Building. mental as that of the cuplds nnd
The carpenters will finish tho work doves of n hundred years ago.
on the interior of tho Matlock build-1 Almost anything pretty and fnncl
Ing on Court street, either this evon- mi makes an attractive offering for
Ing or in the morning, nnd after the the Fourteenth. Many such dainty
finishing touches have been put to tokcnB can lie manufactured nt
the second lloor. tho building will be home. The shops, too, suggest prac
furnished and occupied by Mayor tlcally limitless possibilities,
and Mrs. Matlock as a residence. Many men who observo St. Vnlon-
I tine's day in this more advanced
George Howell (Dem.) sitting age indulge their fancy for-flowers,
member from the 10th Pennsylvania This year violets and potted plants
district, has been ousted ,nntl W. C. a bloom are counted among the
Cc-nnell (Hep.) declared entitled to favorites for these dalntv renicm-
( brances. Exqulslto little baakotH
: anil boxes are on salo for violets and
other flowers. These fastened With
j dainty ribbons, make a valentine
j which can but touch a responsive
chord In any woman's heart.
Tho ovouts of next weok will bo
dedicated to that lllsorted pair, good
St. Valentino nnd tho belllgoront lit-
tlo god, Don Cupid, whoso deadly ar
rows will no doubt do dlro execution
right along the lino, as of ynro.
Hearts, true lover's knotR nnd nil
tho Insignia of tho season will be in
evidence at ovory social function, In
every conceivable form. To start
noxt week's pleasures will bo tho
lean year Valentino dancing party,
given 1y the Matrons and Misses (it
Music hall on Monday ovonlng. The
following clovorly composed Invltn
tlon will In a way Impart somo of
tho evening's pleasures:
Saint Valentino sends you his com
pllmonts gay.
And bids you bo present on his birth
At Slusle hall, the fifteenth Is tho
Nine Ik tho hour, pray don't bo Into,
There'll bo danclug nnd music, Ices
nnd cake
Everything Jolly to keep you awake,
Prlnco Cupid will be there with ar
rows nnd bow,
So IndlcR tnke care, 'tis Leap Year,
you know.
There will be dainty missives for
one nnd for nil
Who romp to our morry Snlnt Vnlon
tine ball
So come and bo hnppy and forgot
Saint Valentine's Day nlncteon hun
dred nnd four.
SU Valentine's Day.
Many among us who lovo tho pic
turcsqiicncss of olden tlmo customs
rejoice In tho continuance of St.
Vnloutino's Day.
For the pretty valentine lden has
the nlace. Tho vote to unseat How
ell was 159 to 1-IS.
i Eft -Phosphate
Leading Druggists
One round Meant. All Grown.
J Don't Roast, Your Cook
But See That. Your '
Much Coffe is spoiled through the
carelessness of the cook, bat its
no use to toast her, unless the
Coffee is above reproach. To have
it so always order "Revere."
Propitious for Proposals.
One of tho romantic superstitions
associated with St. Valentino's day
is that because tho 14th or Fobninry
is tho beginning of tho spring bear
ing tho first suggestion of now llfo
wi(b tho chirping and matin of birds,
no other timo Is moro propitious for
lovo making and proposals of mnr
riage. A Jolly Children's Party.
Miss Kathleen nnd Mastor Eldon
Furnish were charming hostess and
host nt a "heart and vnlontlno party"
given last evening nt tho homo of
their parents on Water street, to
about 45 of their frlonds. Tho houso
was beautifully decorated for tho oc
casion. Red hearts wcro suspended
In the arches nnd at difforent places
about tho rooms. In ono cornor of
the dining room a rookery was built,
banked In profusion with green foli
age. Here Iomonado and punch
could bo dipped from tho fount,
which was concealed In tho rookery.
The first of tho ovoning's plnari
tires wns tho hunt for red hearts
400 of them being secreted at differ
ent places about tho rooms. In this,
Shormnn Kunkcl was tho most suc
cessful and won tho prize. Following
this was tho gathering of grains of
corn as they woro dropped on tho
floor by tho gooso lady as sho wend
ed her way through tho rooms. Ed
gar Smith picked up tho greatest
amount and won tho prize. After va
rious other games, refreshments
wore served, when tho guests do
parted, fooling that Kathleen and
Eldon were tho best of entertainers.
Tho children present who formed
tho happy throng woro: Eleanor
Vincent, Una 8mlth, Mildred 'Berke
ley, Mablo Cameron, Lavollo Flor
ence, Hazel Rador, Gonovlovo Hal
ley, Owendolin Smith, Tootslo Cam
eron, Sibyl Clopton, Ollvo Owlnn,
Oraco Colo, Irono Hoxtor, Paraloo
Halloy, Gondvlovo Clark. Ennal
Mann, Edna Thompson, Edna Flor
ence Aneta Slater, I.ucllo, Rador,
Hazol Hamilton, Audra Dutton, Edna
Slater, Beth Smith, Nora Youngor,
Mablo Dickers and Hilda Hold;
Edgar Smith, Llnwood Llvormoro,
Philip Jackson, R!-:liard Thompson,
Cross Sturgls, HarolJ j, Warner, Hob
Llvormoro, Chester Foe, John Dick
son, Shormnn Kunkcl,. Jamott Sturgls-,
l31aIno Burton, Francis Jackson,
Homer Kunkcl, Louis Kunkol, Ed
ward Ellis, Wcstbrook Dickson, Jack
Vlncont and Bobblo Hold.
Delightful Card Party.
Tho hospitality of tho Hartman
homo, which has long boon known
to tho residents of Pondloton, was
again vorlflod on Thursday ovonlng,
when a numbor of Judgo and Mrs.
Hartraan'H frlonds responded to tho
Invitation to spend tho ovonlng with
thorn and play whist Mrs, Nor'
bourno Berkoloy provod tho most
proflclont player among tho guests,
anil scored tho honors, rocolvlng n
lovely bunch of cnrnntlons. Aftor
the gnmo wns completed, delightful
refreshments woro sorvod. Thoso
present woro Messrs. nnd Mesdames
T. C. Taylor, F. W. Vlncont, E. D,
.Marshall, Frank Clopton, J. R. Dick
son, T, C. Wnmor, T. J. Hnlloy, C. J.
Smith, C. E. Roosovolt, John Vort,
Norbourno -llorkoley, Mrs. S. P. Stur
gls and Miss Novn Lane.
Miss Lane Entertained.
Miss Nova Lano was hostess on
Inst Snturdny night for a Pit party,
when sho cntortnlncd n numbor of
her Intimate friends. Tho ovonlng
wns niorrlly Bpout playing tho gnmo.
John Lnmhrith being tho wlnnor,
captured first prlzo. Tho Invited
guests wero Messrs. nnd Mcsdnmos
G. A. Hartmnn. C. J. Smith, T. C.
Tnylor, T. G. Hnlloy, C, E. HooBovolt,
F. W. Vlncont, Mrs. C. S. Jnckson
anil J. T. Lambrlth.
An Informal Gathering.
Miss Nolllc Camornn cntortnlncd n
few lady friends Informally Inst ovo
nlng In honor of Miss Blanch Horn.
An enjoyable tlmo wns spont by
those present, who woro Misses
Ethel Johnson, Esma Sawtell, Win
nlo Prlvott, Eldenn Hondlcy nnd Jes
sie Hartman,
A Dinner Party.
Friday being the birthday nnnlvor
snry of F. W. Vincent, his wlfo in
vited a few of his friends to nn ele
gantly appointed dinner party nt
their homo In tho ovonlng. Thoso
who enjoyed tho hospitality of Mrs.
Vincent wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C.
Tnylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rooso
volt, Mrs. C. S. Jnckson and Mr. An
derson, of Phllndolphla.
Mrs. Hunzlker Entertains.
Tho Inst ono of a sorles of parties
given by Mrs. Louis Hunzlker, took
place Tuesday ovonlng when Misses
Jessie Hartmnn, Bertha Alexander,
Efllo Frnzlor nnd Nelllo Cameron;
Messrs. Win Stownrt, Royal Sawtell,
Fred Lampkln, George Hartman,
Chnrloy Myers, William Kcllor,
Messrs. and Mesdames L. O. Frazlor
nnd Sam Thompson, woro Invited to
be tho guests on this occasion. FIvo
hundred was played, Miss Bertha Al
exander winning tho Indy's prlzo nnd
L. G. Frnzlor tho gcntloman's prlzo.
the consolation going to Roynl Saw
tell. Tho evening proved a very en
joyable one.
Mrs, Ayers Was Hostess.
Mrs. Thomas Ayers proved n do
Ilghtful hostess to a party of young
peoplo who happened In on Thurs
day evening to play cards. Those
present woro Misses Ethel Johnson,
Nelllo Cameron, Jesslo Hartman,
Mnmlo Stott, Messrs. Fred Lnmpkln,
Harry Thompson, Win Stewart, J. H.
Horron and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Person.il and 8oclal Notes.
Mr, Ross Knhler Is tho guest of
his aunt, .Mrs. Walter Plorco.
Tho .Monday Whist Club mot this
week with Mrs. O. A. Hartman.
Mrs. E. P. Mnrshnll was hostess
for tho Wednesday Afternoon Whist
.Mrs. C. E. Roosovolt wns hostess
for nn informal dinner party on
Monday ovonlng. ,
Mrs. Honrv C Itarmnn. whn lino
lcon sorlously 111 tho past week, is
now convalescing..
Mrs. Norvnl Jones returned homo
from Walla Walla Wednesday, aftor
a visit of two wcoks at that place.
Mrs. Vert, who has been sorlously
Indisposed tho pnst two wcoks, with
tonsllltls, Is ablo to bo about again.
A number of Walla Walla peoplo
aro expected to attend tho dancing
party at Music hall on Monday even
ing. R. E. Paslny, of Walla Walla, was
tho guest of Mr. Norval Jones yos
torday, whllo In tho city on routo to
Mr. and Mrs. Bon Holt, of Walla
Walla, will bo tho guosts of Mrs.
Charles Borkoloy thn torn nnrt nf
noxt weok.
Mrs. Koollnor leaves tomnrrnw
morning for Bnkor City to Join her
nusoana, wno has accopted a position
at that placo.
Mrs. C. S. Jackson, accompanied
by .hor two sons, Francis and Philip,
loft for Portland last ovonlng for a
visit, of a fow wooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlos Epplngor
will soon ho nt homo at tho rpsL
donco Jormcrly -occupied "by Qeorgo
Foil, on Collogo stroot.
Miss Blnnch Horn, who has boon
visiting frlonds In tho city for tho
past fow weeks, will return to hor
homo at McKay creok, tomorrow.
Mrs. Harry Johnson ontortalnod nt
a dlnnor party last ovonlng. Covors
woro laid for eight, which Included
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Clopton, Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. P, Marshall as guosts,
outsido of tho Immedlato family,
Tho ladles of tho Parish Aid will
glvo a social nnd suppor at tho
homo of Mrs. Jack Robinson f uoaday
ovonlng. Thoso who upont such nn
onjoynblo tlmo nt tho last ono, given
at MrB. Thomns H'alloy'a, will look
forward to this event with great
A young people's club has boon
formed to moot ovory two wooks on
Saturday ovonlngs, at tho homos of
Its mombors, tho ovonlngs to bo do
votod to soclnl pleasures. Tho first
mooting will bo hold tonight at tho
homo of Mrs. Joseph Tallman, when
hor nloco, Miss Hazol Hamilton, will
net ns hostess.
Ono of tho most delightful dlnnnr
parties of tho past wook was tho ono
glvon by Mrs. J. H. Robnlson on
Wodnesday ovonlng to frlonds who
formed Btich n congonlal party this
past Btimmor on tholr outing to Vic
toria. Tho guests woro MrB. G. A.
Hartmnn nnd dnughtor, MIsb Jesalo
Mrs. S. P. SturglB nnd son Cross, and
Miss Bortha Aloxnndor.
Lot Purchased.
Ed C. Allon and wlfo have sold to
Edwin Rodford for $2,600 a lot on
tho cornor of Lowla nnd Mill streets
In this city.
Tan-... . . .
honM where ne"l
J Mother's Prijj
. v.
Is served. 1.. .
feci fine. ""U
Just Received from New Yott
New embroideries, all widths, new laces ,u
iiraua, uuw mums' collars, tliev atp n
new tinsel braids, all colors, new buttons all.'"''
uiuaiui uiiurrwcar, new dress mT
Voites, Etamines, plain and Melrose effects, CeciE'
plain and figured new suitings. Prices most J
able. If you wish to see the newest and latest
tics, visit our store.
Spring Shapes of the
Are here and ready for inspec
tion and sale. All sues
and colors
The Boston Ston
xt c-vwrrur. Til
need not lead you to forget thisl
and it is a fact-that we caal
jour shirt clean, stares"
and iron it so that when finished!
f i,,n,u vou will M fi'l
wear it. Further, what PP'1
linen serves to show wlh equal tri
fulness what we can ano"'""!
IttUllUGl 111(3 v I
We have on band a very large stock of solid dry
wood of all kinds (not half seasoned green wood)
dry wood, whick burns and gives out heat. We
prepared to deliver this good wood promptly for c
A trial order for our wood-will make you want more
when you arc out of fuel.
Phone Black 107' I
Leave orders at .Newman's Cigar Store. rnuu i
( Itheurastlim, Nanrnlil, Comtlpstlon
j Dl"lneii. (lout, Hlllouineu, Hick
and Mervoui JIedchoT
Don't tell your Jutnliuro or ptirn lour iowel-
ery tobny ramadlu for theio dliordars It It
not neconary.
"Hill's Rheumatic Plffe"
Ccit only 24 csnt, and havo aurtd thouiandi
"M.,g ,nV iM uunarea years
-?.'?'.?' "" lt umrnr I waa tronMiKj
nni.LH'i.'c?.";ln,,,,.,W0 mnniha. nd with
iiii r iiiiiw.
II D.Birout,
OrNDleat, Minn
At Your Drutslals
Hlgn Grade toM
nr b kes o'""ZT
" ... .rfltreet i