DAILY EAST CREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1904. "ACHUAY LINEN" The Latest and Stylish Writ ing Paper for Spring and Summer. Just Arrived. 35c, 42 and 45c a box Frederick Nolf (8b Co. base ball qoods j Sporting Goods 1IKH lino has reached its J Halls from 5 cenU to 41.00 Striking Hag, f 1.00 to J0 50 Mltt fnml o Cents to $2.03 Iloxln? Gloves 00 cents to 7.50 Glove 10 uenta to $3 5 Vt. Masks 25 cents lo t2.4r Exercisers $1.00 to 11.03 Rambler and Crescent AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAI'Ell. i'ubllslinl every afternoon (cx.cpt Similayl at rntlltou, Orcsjou, by tue EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thane, Main 11. sunSCKiiTio:; it.vrns. lully, one year by mall 53.00 UaHy, six mouths by mall ".''0 Dally, three months by mall 1.-5 Daily, oue month by mall SO Dally, per month by carrier ." Weekly, one year by mall 1.S0 Weekly, six months by mall 75 Weekly, four months by mall 30 Semi-Weekly, one ye.ir by mat! . . . 2.00 Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . . l.oo Semi-Weekly, three months by mall .. .50 The Kast Orcgontan is on sale nt U. 1). K let's .Nes Htnml-s nt Hotel l'ortlanil anil Hotel l'etklns, l'ortlanil, Uresou. Member Scrlpps Jtcltae lion. News Assocla- ban rranelsco Ilureau. 40S Kourth St C'hleaso Ilureau. SOU Security UullJIng. Washington, D. C. Ilureau, 301 Htii Ht., N. V. Entered at l'emlleton postoSlce as second class matter. , Oh I-abor! Your limbs they are hardy and strong; Then why will you suffer op pression so long? Arise! For "the Ages' calling to you "Ye are many, and lo! oppressors are few.' are your Then plenty shall smile on the plains of the West, And" the vales of the East shall he happy and bleat. And the North and the South their hands shall unite To roll back the darkness of slavery's night. George V. Williams. : ' The newspaper war in Grant coun ty is more strenuous than the range wars of that county, with the addi tional sad fact that editors are not so plentiful as sheep there and 't will not take so long to exterminate them. i The Salem Statesman pokes fun at the Union Republican because It said the two republican 'actions "were coming together." The Re publican should have said whether they were coming together with open arms or open knives. From all advance appearances, Umatilla county taxes will be paid immediately, to save the three per cent rebate. There will be but an insignificant proportion carried over on the delinquent list. If general conditions are any criterion. Here are three lines from the Pilot Rock Record, which should bring several colonies into Oregon this year. In Its Issue of Friday It says: "The first snow of the winter fell last Monday (February 8,) and for the first time this winter stock men In this section were forced to feed." If there Is another state In the Union that can present a record to equal this, the people of Umatilla county will take pleasure In listen ing to It. . Under the rules of war, no neutral government can make any conces sion to either belligerent, which will promote his cause. Tho emperor i.f Germany could i.ot permit the Rus sian vessels to pass through tho Keil canal, after war was declared, because that would help RiiBSla and would destroy tho neutrality of Ger many. Germany could havo granted tnat permission before war was do- glared, but Ituwlajnuatiiow-makoirriTniTnT "nvimiiltinn, all her war moves Independent of aid from neutral powers. Under tho same rules of war, no bolllgorent vessel can remain In a neutral port. more than 24 hours, and then only under certain prescribed necessities, recognized by ll,o courtesy of the neutral power. Under proposed reg ulations for the Panama canal, no Bicycles $22.50 Up. balllgcront vessel will lie allowed to nass through the highway In time 01 war. Turkey cannot permit Hua sia to use the Dardanelles, bIiico war has been declared, If Turkey wishes to remain neutral. Nero fiddled while Home burned. The llrltlsh generals wore feasting in a drunken debauch while Wash ltigton was crossing the Delaware, to capture them. The Spanish admiral at .Manila was attending a midnight revelry while Dewy was creeping over the deadly mines of Manila Hay, into the harbor and the Uus- slnns were attending a circus per lormance in comparative safety ut Port Arthur last Tuesday, while the Japanese licet was creeping between the Husslan vessels and the entrance to the harbor. It don't pay to relax vigilance. It don't pay to think everything Is safe, under any c Ire tun stances. The other fellow may bo very busy just at your moment 'if greatest Imagined safety. The heart of the nation goes out lo Senator. Hanna, In his critical 111 j ness. No .matter now for partisan ism, for political differences, for di vided opinions, or other transient human lines of demarkatlon. It Is me man, the brother, the citizen the public servant that Is seen in the person of the statesman, and not tho j enemy or the opponent. In fact, a man Is known by the enemies ho makes. His ability for achievement is measured by the opposition , he arouses, jr Senator Hanna hud no power, politically or financially, and tcok no radical or aggressive steps, the world would not know whether he was sick or well and the people of the United States would uot be listening for the latest bulletin from the sick room. A man with no hearty opponents has very little pow er for either good or evil. Since the present city council went Into power, at least $3,000 worth of gambling furniture has been import ed Into Pendleton. Games have been running In the front rooms, wide open, and the city has been full of the toughest class of transients over seen here, all of them coming as the result of open gambling. What the people would now like to know is this: Why was tho arrest of the gamblers delayed, until all the transients had received the tip, and left town? Why, Instead of the ar rest of a few men who reside n Pendleton, was not the gang of tran sients arrested and fined? Why was this matter delayed until the last day before circuit court?' Ten days ago, every one of the CO warrants issued could have been served on the persons named, and thoy would now be Ip court, on equal footing with the boys who live and maintain homes In Pendleton, Fear of censure from the mam mon supported clergy of the East, drove the senate to vote for Sunday closing for the great expositions. It was not reverence for the Sabbath. It was not sincere regard for the sa credness of the day nor the cause "f Christianity. Now let us cast up the result. The ten thousand working men In Portland and vicinity who cannot leave their tasks on a week day, on account ot the necessity of their employers, and the public, will perhaps succeed In getting a week day off, with tho understanding that they work on Sunday. Not one per son will bo added to tho church at tendance by that act, not one man will feel a greater reverence for the day, nor for the state or nation, and at least 10,000 workmen, driven ! necessity, will desecrate tho day, .'n order to get a day off during tho week, that they may visit thlsgreat with their families. Tho dives will be open and tho fair closed, Tho worklngmoii will work and tho visitors loaf. Thoso who would attend church will do so from natural Inclination, and thoso who cannot attend the fair on Sunday will bo tempted by tho un speakable corruption of the north end, BALTIMORE'S PRAYER. In nn editorial tho Baltimore World, tho only paper In tho city not burned out, says: "God he merciful to those who suffered front tho awful calamity that swept down on Hnltlmnro. "Tongue falls; pen Is Inadequate and refuses to comprehend the ox lent of tho disnster that has over taken us. We have heard of awful calamities to others; In fancied se curity we hnve looked on In sym pathy while others have nurtured. Now the pain, the nnxlotyr tho Buf fering is ours and we stnml appalled, tumble to realize tho Immensity of the terrible affair. "The World Is the only newspaper ofllce In the city that Is standing. Onco It was on lire nnd was sawd only by the earnest, valiant and courageous work of the World em ployes ami tlie goodness of God. To our suffering contemporaries wo ox tend tho grentest sympathy and lo the hundreds of other sufferers also, For those thousands who nro thrown out of work In tlie dead of winter with sorrowing ami suffering staring them In tho face, our heart Hindis with a feeling flint we cannot .- press. All we can say Is 'God help ! them." " THE ONE BROTHERHOOD. The day will come, crowned us Earth's paradise. When freed mankind will hnve oue hope, one aim, Dm. trii,, nml ti.trfimt ..rli.nl. .In .1... W... ...... .....1 , iiivijiii., tin- same 1 Fountain of living waters, pure and free, , Anil one Bpnn of life, eternity: One rule alone of love nnd this nil wise. This day will come, crowned as earth's paradise. i The day will come, crowned as earth's paradise. When bitter tears will nil ho wiped awny ; With the sweet peace of spirit ' When the sway , Of human hate Is passed, Love's reign is come. And men hnve learned to call Love's temple, home This day will come. with each thought purified, .Mankind will waken, strong and glorified. Agnes F. NChnlniers. ', Speyor & Co.. of Now York, havo contracted to take the entire Cuban loan of ?35,000,000. nt 92, which Is 2 per cent above the lowest govern ment bonds of any nntlon quoted m the international markets. Bargain Babies. If babies were for sale the most trivet- eiatc bargain-minting woman in tlie T world would not look torn bargain baby. T She would want the best baby that could J be bougut, regardless ot price. livery woman naturally craves a healthy, handsome child, and her crav iuc can be Gratified if she will but re member that the child's health is her own gift, and to give health she must have It to Rive. Mothers whose babies have lieu weak and tuinv have nursed in strength their first strong child alter using Dr. Pierce's ravorite I'rescnplion. it is the best preparative for maternity, encouraging the appetite, ?uieting the nerves and inducing re reshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give .her child, and makes the baby's advent practically painless. "lly wife bad been sick nearly all her life." says Mr K. K. Fticke. of Petersburg. Menard thing I could think of I maile Up my mini to TV I'aTWlllC . I Cnl I J I lull, 1 KV. l& uuitiu, ithtch mv vrlfe took, a tablcDoonful three time a day until the baby came. She felt belter after taking the first bottle, and when baby was born be weighed nine and a half pounds. To day he is six months old and weighs twenty-two pounds. He Is as good a child as any one could wisn. me uocior say nc is as ncannyas any baby could be. and also says the use of your ravomc iTcsciipuun was inc iauc ni such healthy baby." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the beat and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. Real Estate Of All Kin4s Including city and country property, also fine brick build ing situated on Main street. INSURANCE Collections a Specialty Merchants' Protective AGENCY Dcspaln Ulock Room 43 Money BackKK fall to cure Rheumatism, for Sate by A. C, Koeppen & Bros, Agts, for Pendl'u. J V HAPPY AMD HEALTHY. A Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh of tho Lungs by Po-ru-na, Miss Florence 11. Kennh, -131 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., write " A few months ago I caught a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently thatJ became alarmed. J took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and buck began to ache severely and frequently. ' was advised to try Peruna, and although 1 had little faith I felt so sick that I was read' to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt that 1 had the rlsrht medicine at last. Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed pevfeci health since. I now have the greatest faith In TITOJIEN should bowaro of ronrruot- W lug catarrh. The cold wind nnd rain, slush and mud of winter nru espe cially comluclvo to catarrhal derange ments, lew vromon escnic. Upon the llrst uymptoms of catching cold I'orunn should bo taken. !lt forti fies tho system against colds and ca tarrh. Tho following letter gives ono yonng woman's exjierlcnco with Peruna: JI iss Itoso Gerbiug is u jKiptilar society woman of Crown l'ohit, Intl., and she writes tho following: "Recently I took a Jong drive In the country, nnd being loo thinly clad I canghtn bad cold which settled on my lungs, nnd which I could nut H-cm to shako off. I had heard a great (leal of for una for colds and catarrh und 1 I II I 1 I I I II IIH HI I I 1 I I I 1-1- A Carnegie Library WlNDL,UTON lias not been favored by Andrew Gnrneete his contributions to establish libraries, but it has what j is far more valuable, more convenient and more up-to- I date. It lias Frazier's Circulating Library Which places within the reach of all the citizens, all of the best books, including all of the popular works pf the day just as soon as they are issued. Our circulating library is conducted on the simplest plan imaginable. No initiation fee or membership dues, all you have to do is to select the book you desire to read and pay 25 cents for reading it. Any book in our immense collection is at your command. By our circulating library you read all the late books and keep up with the times at a very small expense. Some books are to be bought to be read and kept, but the most the reading of them suffices. Some of the new books ready for you to read are: THE CALL OF THE WILD UNDER THE ROSE THE MAIN CHANCE THE FILLIGREE BALL LOVE TOKENS Friendship greetings, rembrances to those you hold dear, f and comic valentines. Our brightest, freshest, prettiest, original of the year. All 1904 Frazier's Book Store $ Become a Member of huh Always Remember the Fill! jN0mo y axative gromo Qummo CureCoCoWlnOnoDay, CripTn 2 Dayj MISS FLOISKNCI' KEXAH. j Peruna. " F. E. KENAN. bought a bottle to try. I nra plcaned flint 1 did, for it brought speedy relief, H only took about two bottles, and I considered tills money well spent. " You have a tlrm f rloud In mo, and I , not only itdvixu Its use to my friends, but lmvu purchiHed Kevernl bottles to give, to 1 those without the meauB tn buy, and' have noticed without exception that It has brought about u speedy euro whore evor It lias been used," Miss Hoso Gerblug. If you do not dorlvo prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write nt once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stutement of your case and ho will no plciircd to give you ills -valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, Prewldont ot The Ilurtmuu Haulturlum, Columbus, O, I' l-M i l 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 11' selection of valentines is the neatest, swellest and most designs. Our Circulating Library on every yxmrxf box. 35c Mat fsfllr, i "u uoors h Made to rut.. and m.j ' ctei h;n;:""'.od, A,,aSt'pp.c FRAZERTHH Tuesday, F,t, atsc'dotj BENEFIT OF RESORT "They sine the touched the hewtolttll Thirty-third year 0 ( Same management Years T"E ORIGIKaJ FISK JUBILi SINC Charles MniroiD, Reserve seats, 75c; GJ com Recognized as Ik i and most econonaolfi We are prcpaitJoa tract with youirn winter's supply. Ftl liver coal or mii part of the citj. Laatz Bi Main Street THEBES! is THE Dear tbla In vki need poultry uai"i ool- fnr tie Inttn Poultry and Stock WHl Kow Kure for J0"' bleu. C. F. Golesworl I27 129 East Altta Agent for The Colnffllta LodirinHoe ...tt ...niilited.Sti comfortable fo"05 heds. " ,J where best I ,A Mam on-"' block between m Propfiet01 AllKtofc which. . reasonable V- MINN W. c. i... at Pp Leave CiB Store.