East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy KMneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to lie considered that only CALIFORNIA SEEKS RANGE
arinary and bladder troubles xre to be uleulr.TnN
but now modem
science proves uint
nearly all ilifcaswi ,
have their beRimiiiif:
in the disorder of 1
these most important
mid jiurify the blood
tliat is their work.
Therefore, when vour kklneysare wcafc
or out of order, you can uiulerstand how
quicklv vour entire body is affected and
how evefv organ secuis to fail to do its
It vou are sick or :cri . "C"' i
Governor Pardee Wires Governor
McBride That Drought Threatens
California Ranges Would Ship
Stock to Northwest to Prevent
Their Starving.
Olvmnla. Wnsh., Fob. 12. The
state of California desires to send
Its thousands of HtarvliiR cattle Innn I
the drouth stricken regions of that I
state to the ranges of Washington. '
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. j Governor McKride has received the !
Kilmer s vamp-Kcnn , u,. -. f()1,owhl teIo(;ram (rom Governor
as your ktduevs are well they will ucip ft. ,
all the oilier organs to health. A trial j Pardee of California: "Drouth In,
will convince anyone. i Southern California threatens many ;
taktS1 ykXyl: your state adndt clean
Tlie mild and the extraordinary effect of catt le from California under super
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great vis(on of government?" !
X.I.J ........wl.. iV klHtll TttllYfl. I I ' I
stands the highest for its wonderful cures ' Nothing Is known here of details
of the most distressing case, and is sold of Governor Pardee's plans. Press
nn it merit in nil f"-Y" dispatches a few days ago stated
Hotel Pendleton.
N llennett. Tneoma.
J II. 7.eb. Walla Walla.
J. T. Won. Fort Dodgo.
J. W. Wolf. San Frauclsco.
I). Davenport. New York.
M 7.. Cooper, llaltlmore.
A. Sinslielnier. Portland.
11 E Fontaine. Hillings.
j. o. uect. Jr.. San Francisco.
n P. Jorman and family. Echo.
Miss 0. Perry. Echo.
M H. Patton. Spokane.
H. N. Draker. Cincinnati.
A. I). Chase. Portland.
II. A. Seeds. Spoknue
0. 0. Joyce. Spokane.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
Thumas J. .Matlock. Hoppncr.
J. E. Miller. Portlnnd.
0 S. Youngman. Portland.
fi. It Coman. Portland.
W. M. Illce. Walla Walla.
II. C Oregg. San Francisco.
A. W. (lambs. Ilourne.
H. II Catton. Walla Walla.
druggists in fifty-cent
and oue-dollar sue
bottles. You may
that the Rtarvlng cattle would likely
he driven to the northern part of
California, hut the Idea that Wash
ington could take care of a part :-fi
have a sauiule bottle ncewoJSiranp-Soct.
by mail free, also .a pamphlet telling ou them Jg npw ,lore Porgolis ln olvm. i
now to nnu oju you Z Ila who are familiar with the condl-
. - "r H
hamton.N.Y. Dri'tmakcam mistake, ; protest would go up from the stock
but remember the name. Swamp-Root, men of this state against such im-1
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad- j nortation. providetl the cattle were j
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle, j to be fattened here and then shipped j
s i back to California or to market to j
the profit of the California owners, i
GENERAL NEWS ! Probably " objections coidd be,
" ' raised If Washington stockmen saw (
nt to nuy large nerus oi me uauior-.
The prospects are for a heavy ... ,. ... ,. ,
whn.it rmn in Arewillnn Southern ' ",a "" "-
Hotel St. George.
0. S Itankin. North Yakima.
J. F McNanght. Maxweo.
Geo. H. Sutherland. Walla Walla.
F. J Gardner. Portland.
J. A. Allison. Portland.
Dell S. Lashner. Portlaud.
1. W Frankle. New York.
George W. Swan. SMikatie.
C. E. Parsons. New York.
George A. Davis. Snn Francisco.
I). P. Lewis. Portland.
I. II. Todd. SRn Francisco.
It. l.uttke. Portland.
J. J. Hums. Portland.
H. H. Hill. Walln Walla.
George H. Crane. Portland,
j. H. Auderson. SK)kane.
H. It. McNeil, llutte.
It. I). Fulouinn. San Francisco.
A. G Rose. Seattle.
, ranges for their own profit. It !s
. I. 1 .. I ., . . . .1 1. ,l.n nvAonl In
i Humeri viuiiitu.) duir mat uvup. .m i
! two localities of the state the range
Chile and other wheat raising
gions of South America.
ihree thousana laborers are jw, no, support the cattle now on
work clearing debris from the area , them hom additional feed during
of the Baltimore fire. The expense j abom two month8 ,He winter.
win aggregate auout r.jxm.wv. Governor .MeBride said that be
A -V l., ". ri. n. railway iiniif
near Ansonla. Conn., was badly dam
aged by an explosion of dynamite.
Hotel Bickers.
W. T. llalley. Manhatton.
M. H. Reeder. Athena.
Harriet Edwards. Heppner.
.Viable Jolyison. Walla Walla.
C. 13 Hartwell. Omaha.
Charles llanuett and family.
would have to Investigate the matter j ington.
hriirp he muiM frame an answer to ! L. It
Governor Pardee's inquiry.
supposed to have been placed by dis
charged laborers.
Mrs. Rosalie Blaise has come from
Hub. Dngsburg. Germany, a distance
of 10,000 miles, to testify at San
Francisco against her brother. Leon
Soeder, who is charged with murder.
The war has already advanced the the efforts of Senator Dubois
price oi Japanese suks iu per cent.
It is sate to guess that all raw silks
"imported" from as far as Easte-n
Kansas, will bear a Japanese brand
until a treaty of peace is signed.
Cigarette users seldom expector
ate. It Is because the glands secrot
ing saliva become atrophied and re
fuse to do business. But most peo
ple would as lief be spit in the face
as to be infested with second-hand
cigarette smoke.
The stage road between Grant's
Pass and Crescent City Is complete
ly blockaded with snow, and travel is
The annual convention of the Bak
er county district of the Knights of
Pythias, will be held In Sumpter on
February 20.
Olympia is the first Pacific Coast
town to aid Baltimore, the citizens of
that place sending J2u0 to the strick
en city, on Thursday.
Albert Backman, who killed his
sweetheart. Welen Kelly, at Butte,
last October, admits his guilt and
says he wants to hang.
Daniel Garvey. a 14-year-old boy.
is under arrest at Butte for a series
of burglaries, his thefts reaching
several thousand dollars.
District Weather Forecaster Deals,
of Portland, says a rise In the Wil
lamette river Is Inevitable and warns
those interested to be on the alert.
The total value of Portland's lum
ber output for 1S03 was J4.333.608, or
3G1.I34.260 board feet, which would
reach nearly 7,000 miles. If laid end
to end.
After It was learned that the citi
zens of Corvallls had secretly ar
ranged to turn the electric light sud
denly upon a seance of some travel
ing spiritualists, they left town and
refused to hold a seance.
Governor McBride, of Washington,
has commuted the death sentence of
John Reynolds, to Imprisonment for
life. Reynolds killed a man in Kings
-county two years ago, and the case
has been In the supreme court ever
We have some propositions in
real estate which are worth your
time to Investigate. Come In and
talk them over with us.
E. T. WADE &. SON',
Office in E. O. Building. 'Phone
Black. Ull. P. O. Box 324.
Goodi taken beat of i-w nl, Lote ordetn
Smith. Now York.
W. It. Johnson. Chicago.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
'Ore Prochard. Portland.
Arthur Vail. North Yakima.
Arthur J. B. Lecha, Vancouver
H. A. Faxon. McKay.
W. R. Parker. Umatilla.
E Achilles. The Dalles.
a! J. Patten. Elgin City.
W. M. Hnllot. Baker City.
Henry M. Kerfmur, Denver.
Mrs. Vannle Kindeman. Iji Grande
F. V. Ragsdale. Spokane.
S. McArgue. Seattle.
Oregon Man Gets' Indian War Pen
sion After 46 Years.
Washington. Feb. 12. Alomo P. J
Turner, of Haiiey. Idaho, through '
shortly come in possession of $46.55
that Uncle Sam has been owing him I
since 1SDS for services ns a soldier j
for 5(i days during an Indian out- i
break In Oregon during the months '
of May and June of that year. The Deafne!S Can Not Be cured
sura includes J20 as pay. a like sum ! ,,y Iocal appcat0I. M ,hey rannot ach
plus 40 cents for the use of a horse ihr cllieanwl portion of the ar. There l
during that period and an item of nlpr on Tiar.to fu datneM. and that
.1.1.1,1 " . ., U br constitutional remedies. Deafness U
$6.40 for clothing. If the govern- cause,) bj an Inflamed condition of the
ment was in the habit of paying In-! mucous lmlnjr of the Eustachian Tube.
llrMl nn sup!, minis Mr Tnrnnr ' "' thl tube Is Inflamed jrou have a
ttrest on sucn sums .Mr. l urntr , rtml)In ,onml or ImpI.fect hearing, and
would become the recipient Of the when It Is entirely closed, Deafness l the
tidy sum of J300. That Is figuring , "?ult. and unless the Inflammation can be
.,., i , . , . ., ,, i.tnken ont nnd this tut- restored to Its
on an animal interest of 10 per cent. norniaI condition, hearing will be de
the rate usually paid in that section. , strojed forever: nine cases out of ten are
cansed by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an inflamed condition o: tne mucous sur-
We will die One Hundred Dollars for
Francis Romanoux Left No Will naT ' Iwafnesn tcausd by catarrh)
t-rancis Momagoux Leu no win . (hat connot cnnd bJ lMVlt CataTJh
Estate Will Be Divided.
Eliza Romagnux, the widow it
Francis Romaguux. who died Febru
ary 4. yesterday filed a petition in
the probate court asking that she
be appointed administratrix of the
estate of the deceased, which is val
ued at tSAOTt,
There Is no will left by the de
ceased and it is the wish of the pe
titioner to divide the estate among
the eight children surviving. The
petition was granted and papers or
dered to Issue on her filing her
Cnre. Send for circulars, free.
F J. CimXKY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. "Sc.
Hall's family l'llls are the best
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to W. T. Boynton will kind
ly call and settle at once, as I need
the money. W. T. BOYNTON.
C. A. Galbraith, associate justice
of the supreme court of Hawaii, has
resigned to take effect Iu June, and
will return to Oklahoma, his former
Better Than Gold.
"I was troubled for several years
n'lfh rthmntn Inrlloaotlnn nnl nn-
vous debility." writes F. J. Green, """ Tb'k" n
of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy I """'p ti"" sh' Cu,e" BdB'
helped me until I began using Elec-1 Cleanly woman has an erroneous Idea
trie Bitters, which did me more good hat b curln the scalp, which re
than all the medicine that I over mov the dandraff scales, abe la euriije
h ti,.,. i . .. . .,, i the dandtufT, Bhe may wash her acalp
used. They have also kept ray wife ,very da. nnfl yet have dam,ru(r he'r
In excellent health for years. She ! ,lfe Ion). accompanied by falling hair,
says Electric Bitters are Just splen- too. The only way In the world to cure
did for female troubles; that they : dandruff Is to kill the dandruff germ,
are a grand tonic and Invlgoratorl and there is no hair preparation that will
for weak, run down women. No 0 'h?1 b"',ewbr?' 1'erp'cld' "rpl'
,k .iii M ,. .... i . clde by killing the dandruff perm,
other medic ne can take its p ace In J 'the halrBfree to grow nn healthy
our family." Try them. Only 60c. . Mature Intended. Destroy the cause
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallmaniyou remove the effect. Kill the dan
4: Co. I draff eerm with Ilerrdclde. Sold by
I leading drugrrlsts. B-nd 10c, In stamps
I for sample to rue iierplclde Co., De-
Revival of Business.
An Indication that there is an Im
provement in business conditions
here may be gathered from the fact
that within the past few days there
has been a very decided increase In
the Sumpter freight receipts. Sump
ter Valley officials say, too, that the
passenger traffic Is also picking up.
The dullest season In the year
here, as In most other places Im
mediately succeeds the closing of
the- holiday trade. For a fow weoks
it Is expected that business will be
stagnant to a greater or less extent,
nnd this year has been no exception
to the general rule. Early In Feb
ruary signs of a revival presaging
the spring activity are to be ob
served. Sumpter Miner.
Back to God's Country,
F. W. Kelil, manager of the Pay
etle Lumber company, returned to
Boise last evening after a month's
visit to his old homo ln Wisconsin.
He ruturned much sooner than he
expected on account of business mat
ters which needed his personal at
tention. Ho expressed hlmsolf as
being glad to get back to Boise
where the weather Is not unite so
strenuous as It Is In the Badger
state. Mr Kohl says the mercury
registered from 25 to 45 dogrees bo
low zero ovory day ho was there.
Boise Capital News,
trolt, lilch.
F. W. Schmidt, special 'agent.
Mists' Supplies
If you are interested in Oil
Painting see us-. Our line
is complete
We make a specialty o( fram
ing pictures. Newest stock
of frames
T Ojiera House Block t
'"ai uemc
HIS smart Mntt
nil ir IV Mill
" " "II
onnt A
j vubl A
1-4 '1 cniniwikl. .
comfortable co
ful inspection
convince, the
U !
III r. II II I hr
A? . 1 i i I.
Ill I I 1 I III VI
VII IIW. I I 111 L
r'liii cum iv
This is Lace Curtain week at The Fair. The following
pons are a special Bonus for this sale only
thic riiiPON IS GOOD FOR
20 Cents
50 Cents
To apply on any purchase of Lace
Curtains amounting to $5.00 or more.
Two coupons may be used on a tio purch
... odrchse
in nnniv uii I 1 -n
t -j
aj lie
Don't throw away the above coupons, for they are money if used this wee
a'""u' i'-co uii timains are uelow ail competition, yet we arc u.o
ceut better on the curtains ami or, nnr .1... 1
V. I' -1 W1.ll, UII llIC IdLCa, .
-.1.(1 wc
WHITE SALE CONTINUED Our muslin underwear sale was so success
unue 11 uuougn tins wek. Last week prices are good for" all this weeK.
Outing Flannel, 9c, i0c and nc grades, all go at 8c per yad.
All woolen underwear at 20 per cent reduction, Ji-oo wear at 80c.
Men s (lrnss shirts r 1 r... , 1 . . ; t,.rl lor
-1 j muu iui uuc ooc Ktnu ior a;c. i uo "
fpi -cqr "cn