r DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1904. IN THE JAP COLONY idd Pants Sale LOYAL TO THE MIKADO IN TROUBLE WITH RUSSIA, This week we will place on sale about : m Man'e Dflnlc r.c.m.1..- 1 All Are Willing to Fight, But Too Poor to Go, and They Dread Com pulsory Service of Three Years I,q pan !. ivuiu.i prices, the entire lot out at once you can have lour choice for Greatly Interested In War News and Up-to-Date In Their Informa tion. The local Japanese colony, con- $ 1 .95 elated over the war reports from the tick tor Pec- unent, All of them aro Interested, hut nnnn nf ttmm will mtum nl. 16l Kb rotld'l wait Mgr. best Unci ) cea- jw, let oq OS. T 'EST nitionil L V it trc Tthy St. i Klllerl leatandl inectionl 3ds e inter of lta and ff( 1 wood red l J1S twill do you good to look at our spring Lmples of Men's Tailor-Made Clothing, Iyer 35oo samples on display. E TEUTSCri'Sj PG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA ; Brevities Get Sunny. jers at Totitsch'a. dally at Martin's, repairing at Tontseh' made skirts arriving inch's. furnished rooms to rout, itreet. ( tchool shoes that wear lell at Teutsen's. j for rent. Address East Oregonlan. jet satisfaction at How irly Kees' cigar store, ind Crescent bicycles, $22.50 to $40. Nolf's. Is of cinders lor tuo Domestic Laundry. )y furnished rooms for V. J. OlarK s, rtaiey. Kennedy's cab Is at your ill hours 'Phone main clothes cleaned and boerger's, 120 West Court Ihone main 701 when you Ready lor service at all llcFaul has moved his of- Association block to the Got Sunny. U C Rader. Fresh tnffy nt Miller's, Court street. Furnlchcd rooms at 407 Alta street for rent. Baled alfalfa hay tor sale. Address tiox lzs, penuieton, ore. For Rent Four-room house near old Academy. Apply at this office. Rood secoiul-hanil arenn for sale on easy terms. Address J. F caro East Oregonlan. A fine high-grade piano for sale cheap; must he for cash. Address 113 care East Oregonlan. ASHES FELL WITH RAIN. Curious Phenomena Reported From Baker County. O. R. & N. train crews coming In from the east, say that n curious phenomena was witnessed at Hunt ington and vicinity, on Stufday evening. During a heavy rain storm which extended nil over the country, from Durkee to Huntington, a distance or 20 miles, u cubstanco resembling wood nshes, fell In great quantities. It was Indissoluble, as It remained on the ground after a drenching rain nnd was thick enough on hoards and housetops to make a visible change In the color. ,v tn tkn the East I suusrnnco ." even uppeu.- See wee C tor terms on ance ot belnS aslles- lmu a greasy f&ee page i, tor it-rms uu t , . .lirforont frnni nnv iiliniiniiifMia ever witnessed In that cleaned nd blocked, ,. i,fnr(, in. the sunshine the iea ana pressea. . . though four or five ot them would, u mey were financially nble tn do so. Mnflt nf tlm In ton are young fellows who have not peon nere long enough to make a stako yet, and cannot buy a ticket' home no matter lulu- imilK- thnlr services were needed there. i iiuau ui iiiu japs wnu cuii lcuu English yesterday evening took great delight In reaillnc the East Oregonlan bulletins posted In the streets. As the Interpreters rend of the sinking of the Russian ships by the Japanese navy, the members of the colony exhibited the greatest joy, saying In broken English; "Jap man heap fight: pretty soon. Russia. all the same China, no llkee fight japan." The colony "chips In" and buys extra papers every evening to get the late war news, and the English spoauing niemners rean anil wans late the dispatches Into Japanese for their eager brethren, who can lint rnfwl nr u-i-.ti. Pup-Heli. Several of the "brown boys" have been attending school at the M. E. nlinrf-li illlrlni- tlin ,-lnltii uw,ntl,c and are very proficient In the Eng lish language, reading and writing It with ease. When asked If they would like to go home and fight, several of them said they would If they had the money, but If they did go, would have to serve three years In the Japanese army, as they bad left home before rendering their mill laiv service which is romnulsorv on every boy, niton l eaching the age ot twenty. t East Court 'troet. Iilll get a preesnt of a larpri liitpf-v. Ren naee Oregonlan guessing cou nt to pay your subscrlp oitii nr a venr ahead. I read guessing contest nd f A LUXURY 'ite timeniece is a lot the timinir of business. "Itbam, Dueber and Jtments, in solid ruled, silver or i. hiring at moderate KZIKER pessive Jeweler Mairv Street dried un and disappeared, leaving a slight trace of dust which bad a taste of burned powder In It. No one attempts to explain the strange phenomena. Farmers com ing In for miles told of the same substance falling with the rain that evening and It seems to have been generally distributed over that section. SPRING '04 Dress Goods, per Yard 50c See Large Window Display These Goods Represent Early Spring Styles. You are Invittd to Call and Examine Same. The Peoples Warehouse WHER.E IT PAYS TO TRADE General Organizer W. of W. Mrs. V P. Pardllllan, of Seattle, who has been In the city for a short time In consultation with Mrs, Car rln Van Orsdall. the nrand cuardlan of the Women of Woodcraft, left this morning for Portland, where she win remain in the Interest of the order for some time. Mrs. Pardllllan Is a general organizer of the Women of Woodcraft and has been nt Payetto foi a time, Miss McConnell Seriously III. Miss May McConnell, of Republic, Is sorlously 111 with peritonitis at the Hotel Illckers, and her mother, Mrs. Eustlce, of that city, has arrived to he with her. Miss McConnell has been employed at the hotel for some time, and her condition Is consider ed to be critical. Thursday Afternoon Club. The regular meeting of the Thurs day Afternoon Club will bo held -it the residence of Mrs. A. D. Stlllman tomorrow afternoon. The subject for tho meeting will bo "Naturo Study." Snow at Kamela. Thrnu font of new snow has fal len in tho mountains In the vicinity of Kamela and Meacham, during the past few days. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tke Laxative Btomo Quinine Tablet!. All K. W. Orofe't iltnatur on each box. 2So The dealing in Schilling's Best tu bVlncpowl r.tr. m AiYorin,; extracts is like the goods: good-enough. lplc oda 'AM OF TARTAR. We have to keep the chemically pure kind mpfti.:A TM. . 1,:m,1 ic nnnp too miuiiic. jt lit; auiiiu ivniw i- -- for cooking.. Many good cooks buy this 'ie here to. it, -jo and 6o cent packages. m is to sell drugs and chemicals that iust a little better than you find in every tu store. 1 h PENS The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. DROTHERS , Mrs. T. M. Lowe Is 111 at her home on High street. Mrs. C. H. Ueltel leaves In the morning for Pilot Rock. Frank K. Wells, of Milton. Is in the city for a short visit. Dr. W. G. Cole was a visitor In Athena this morning on business. Miss Mollie Green Is 111 with mala rial fever at her home on Thompson street. Will M. Peterson, the Athena at torney, Is In the city on a short bus iness visit. T. D. Taylor, the sheriff, went 'o Milton this morning to transact bus iness for his office. Professor T. C. Salt, of Milton, Is In the city In attendance on the teachers' examination. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Anderson, of Athena, are in the city the guests of friends for a few days. T A TilnK-lev was a visitor In Athena today on business In connec tion with the sherltrs onice. P A Wnrthlnctlin. the deputy United States marshal of Portland, Is In the city on a business visit. Professor J. E. Cherry, of the Ad ams schools. Is In the city In at tendance on the teachers' Institute. imnna Pm-nlsli. nf Cold Snrlngs. a prominent stockman -and farmer, Is In tho city for a short visit on bus-- lness. Mica nnlia Crleler left this morn ing for her home at Milton, where she. troes to visit for a time and re cover from nn attack of the grip. Miss Mabel Swearengen left for I.nmn In U'lintCOItl last nltllt. after an extended visit In this city with her brothers, T. H. swearengen and N. D. Swearengen. Horace Walker, the county com missioner from Helix, Is In the city to attend the session f the county court, which meets today to revise the list of Judges and clerks of. elec tion, should there be any changes necessary. FIRST RECORDER OF ECHO. H. C. Willi. Founder of American Hare Canning Industry to Walla Walla on a visit. U, c. Willis, the first recorder or ,i. nf Rchn ne.comnanled by his wife, was in the city today en route to Walla Walla on a lew wukhb .". i , oftor the lone and wear!- uiiu icti ----- - some task of founding and placing in Its present proportions the Ameri can Hare Cannery and Cold Storage i.,,ol,,,.uo nt Echo. Mr. Willis started In one year ago In March to formulate plans for or .n,ii.ini this eomnany and without a dollar of capital except his energy, .. i. ,.,,i,.i in nntnlillshlnc: the 11U uuo niiw . Invpstlncr ovor $0,000 in building' and equipment, has paid ....., .initn,- nf Indebtedness and tho 11,1-lJ ,,v.t- . ,niiv now has $3,000 worth of canned prpduct ready for market. xi.. lunllo l, no until nut his control Ing Interest and has retired from tho management. Ho will engage In other business nt Echo, U there Is nlso u tlivorco microbe, It might bo in bettor business. Miss Summer to Portland. Miss Ilertha M. Summer left this morning for her home In Portland, after a couple of days spent as tho guest of .Mrs. Carrie Van Orsdall, discussing plans for the prosecution of the 'work of the Women of Wood craft. Miss Slimmer will leave In a short time for San Francisco, whero she will woik as a general organiz er for the order throughout Northern California. K-Wt ! Before Putting In Your sewer connection get prices from us on 4 and 6 inch vitrified sewer pipe. Complete line ot Closets of different sizes, kinds and prices. Our plumber is the best workman in Pendle ton, and work entrusted to us is done right. GOODMAN-THOMPSON HARDWARE Company Successors to the Thompson Company 621 Main St. No Profit In Importing Apples. F. E. Thompson, of the firm of Davis & Company, of North Yaki ma, returned to his homo this raorn nf nfipr a short visit In the city. Mr Thnmnson Is Interested In the fruit business and was here wishing to ship In n carload of apples from Washington, but founu tne rate i in rpnta n hundred was more than he could pay and make anything on the transaction. The Boston SHOE STORE HOTEL DE FARMER A. KUNKEL (B, Co., Proprietors m: b isr tt 1: A la Barb Wire SOUP Hot? Wire IlKI.IHIIIf.H .eather and Hubber Helling I,aee Leather Holbj jlojie VvUiJie duuAiMFii rut. I1UI llli-ll Poultry Netting Nil hi Another shipment of the RED SCHOOLHOUSE SHOES ($2.50 pair) just received. $J.25lfor sUe 6 to 8 $J.50 for sUe 8 to J 1 $t.75forsfce J J to 2 $2.00 for size 2 to 3 We are selling of this shoe two pairs this year to one pair last. Why ? People have found that they wear better, fit better, look better, price better. Better Get a Pair The children want this kind. Toes in wide or narrow 6tyle j low heels, with and without hooks. Sewed with silk. Boston Shoe Store Rubber Tire lliiggles with Cushion Tires Carriages with Leather Trimmings Hurreys with Cloth Tiimmiug KNTHKKH Wilson Mollue Buggies with Hhafls Wilson Mollne Hocks with stole Juo. Deere Huggles with Tops. Jno. Deere Hack with Drake Mollne Wagon with JJox 4 Seat Clmttauoga Wagon with Holster Hprlng Jno. Deere Gang Plow Pie Hrolltd John Deere Walking Plow Boiled Jno Deere DIho Plows, Caper Hauoo Juo. Deere Lever Harrow with Jno. Deere Dine Harrow Fritter Murshroom Sauce Home Dreeing VKGHTABLKB I . ,, Forks Hoe Bake Boiled Buggy Cushlun HALAD , , , Wagon Jack Halad Wheelbarrow halad Mlnneaoll8 Threshing Machine Pie 1 GelerTlirehlug Machine Pudding Deeriug Harvesting Machinery with Oak Blukle Sections. Blckle Knlve. Sickle Head. BJveU. Repair Anything ele In our Hue furnished to order Repair In season . The French Restaurant Best 25 cent Meal In the Olty Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. 63J Malu Street BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE 880 acres, all fenced; good well, 244 feet deep, windmill; engine; land all broke but 70 acroa. 400 acres crop. Ualance to be summer fallowed. Three-room house- Cistern, 10x20 feet, built on high ground. Machine shed, 14x40 feet. Barn, 14x40 feet. Wheat shed, 12x20 feet. Adams County, 9 miles of N. P. R. R. Down hill road. Inquire of C. W. CRABILL Connell . Wash- l 1.- t irna hundl Of n0WPP' ..Mar.- s ar... s