East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Thursdtxaln or
snow; warmo rtonlght;V high
southwest winds. 1 jSfc,
U Declaration of War By the Czar Who Claims Justification on the Grounds That Japan Ignored the
International Law And " Violated Their Agreement
i to Commemorate
h Anniversary of the
lement of Jamestown.
i Shipbuilding Trust Case Is
land No One Is In the Pen
brv United States Circuit
t Renders a Decision Adverse
Augustus Helnze Another
Lil Bank Failure Senate Is
itcutlve Session.
llngton, Feb. 10. Tho son-
lay passed tho diplomatic con'
Impropriation bill without de
rail of North Carolina made
ih on the Panama canal treaty
bng nhy he -would vote
a ratlDcatlon of the canal
cl introduced a hill appropri
3,0000) for an exposition to
lit in Jamestown, Virginia, In
in tie houso Mnynard Intro-
i duplicate of tho Daniels
lichen on the Stand.
ijton, Feb. 10. Machen,
Ittad today In his own dc-
Itijorously defonded his nee-
nbordlnates affixing his
fit) Initials to vouchers, bo-
He enormous amount ot
ind also asserted the
IraM him by Loronz was In a
transaction involving tho
' oil Hens, haVlnc nothing
to do with tho govern-
Oroff fastonors.
upbuilding Case Ended.
Klrkpatrlcl; today signed a
ItJJudlcatlng tho insolvency ot
iPMlldlng trust, and also ap-
Jirnos Smith as permanent
The court declared all
ended and therefore no
hearings necessary.
Non Against Helnze.
franclsco, Fob. 10. Tho
I'Utes circuit court of ap-
lay denied V. Augustus
I' Tehejlrlnn- antf npnlnnt flip
'Boston ConosllJatod Mln-
In which ho sought to
session of copper property
valued at $3,000,000.
In Executive Session.
Rton, Fob. 10. Tho house
""ned consideration of the
la election contests, in
"H-HowoU fight.
"won passed the sonato to
lapenscs of tho Dietrich -n-
1 irom tho contingent fund.
1 ICOCh Uv Rnnntnr Mc-
Wending tho adrainlstra-
P'rna cannl nnllov ihn nn-
I Into cxecutlvo- sosslon con-
canal treaty.
final Bank" Failure.
Fob. 1ft -Tho pnmn.
tie. currency announces tho
"e doors of tho Equlta-
Uanle nt Knnr York- on
' Ud loans nnd Inlnrilr.lous
, t No nthnr linnkn are
Resources and liabilities
"mate $760,000.
Chicago Wheat.
o. 10. Wheat opened
1 '"n. Corn ononod 54.
t, Involve China.
I it. " J.U. XllV
tw?7. to tho powors ask-
"v-t in tt Bllllllur
will. u J
I In 1 l"u UIHIUU
. ' TtuSHln In nrnnnran
l Kallty" 88 t0 Ohlna.
fe, "m't army hostilities
tho district of
Bank Contends It Was Not a Party
to the Transaction.
The case of Joseph Ramos vs. the
First National Rank of this city, was
heard before Judge Ellis, of the cir
cuit court yesterday, when Colonel J.
H. Raley and Wirt Minor, of Port
land, attorneys for the defendents,
argued a motion asking that the
plaintiffs make their complaint more
definite and certain. The plaintiff
was represented by Ballcray & lie
Court. '
The argument brought out the
main point of the defense which the
bank will make In all of the cases
which have been filed against It of
late. Ramos alleges that he has de
posited at various times slnco the
year 1S9C over $3,239 in the bank,
for which ho was to receive interest.
He has asked the bank for the sum,
which has been refused him, where
fore he sues to recover.
Tho bank contends that It has
never received tho money on deposit
and is therefore not liable. It claims
that C. I). Wade as a private indi
vidual, took tho money from the
plaintiff, and that the transaction
was between him and the plaintiff,
hence the bank Is not liable.
This will be the main contention
of tho bank In all of the suits,
though in some there will be other
points raised. Wade, It is claimed,
took the money for his own use with
tho knowledge of tho parties bring
ing it to the bank, and paid interest
for Its use.
The matter was taken under ad
visement 'by the court, which will
nnnounco its decision In a. fcw-tlays:
Land Fighting Begun and First Engagement Results in Rus
sian Victory and Capture of Chemulpo.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10. Czar Nicholas this morning Issued..
an official declaration of war as follows:
"To all dear subjects: I declare we are anxious to preserve
the peace so dear to our hearts, and did all in our power to..
maintain tranquility In the Far East With these peaceful alms
we declared our readiness to revise the existing treaty between
the two empires regarding Korean affairs.
Negotiations were not carried to a conclusion. Japan, without
4- awaiting our reply, broke off diplomatic relations, without appar-
ently considering what such rupture meant, and commenced war-
like actions.
Japan ordered torpedo boats to attack our squadron at Port
Arthur. After receipt of the report we ordered the governor to
reply with arms. We hereby make knowpour decision In a firm
trust and help from Almighty God and assurance in the unanl.
mous readiness of our true subjects to stand with us In defense
of our fatherland. We call the blessing of the Lord upon our
brave army and fleets.",4.4.4,4,
Adjourned Session Will
March 9.
Tho county court met this morn
ing in ndjourned session for revis
ion nf tim Hut nf Indues and clerks
nf nlnr-tlnn. A fmr nf those annotat
ed havo taken up government claims,
moved Into other precincts, or ny
other means made themselves ineli
Commissioner T. I', onuianu, 01
ITL-Inli n-no itnnhle to bo nresent.
In llm ftlrkness of his little
daughter, and the session was held
by Juugo 0. A. Hartman ana uoraco
Most of the business was done at
the morning sitting, though the
court convened this afternoon to
i-inti im hnslnnss. after which an -id-
journment was taken until the next
regular term, wnicn win uegm
March 0,
Bad Blood Has Existed Between Fac
tions In Interior Town Charge of
Dynamite Throws Contents of
Newspaper Office Into the Street
"Gun Talk" Has Been In the Air
For Some Time.
. n.i, svih 1V nvnamite.
supposed to havo been placed by en
emies of tho Long Creek Ranger,
tho oldest paper here, completely
wrecked tho office of that paper on
Monday uigni.
Tho explosion was heard all over
tho little burg, and when peoplo
rushod down to tho scene typo
cases, machinery, chairs, tables,
, ,. ,! nil tho movables in tDO
UCBnB uuu v
office wore lying in the streot.
Tho pross was 1101 uiunu ...
. ...no tmrilv dnmaced
and will probably be replaced by a
new ono. Tho butwing iwou
; destroyed by wo expiuoiu",
, olrln bolne blown out and the
roof shattered.
Bad blood has oxistod betwoon the
editor of tho Ranger and a cortain
faction in Long Creek for some timo
and something desperate has boon
..j .... if ...no fhnnirtit tho en-
SETS the odUo? would take ro
nllv. and con-
vongo on "" ,v.- --.
seauently thoro has been considers
o "gun milt ui '. ,
f. i i rino to tho dy-
naralters, tho editor of tho Rangor
wUI swear out warrants for several
wl r.. .in.... hn nltncnn. whom
Kolspects'of complicity In tho do
struction of hlsofflco.
London, Feb, 10. An official ac
count' of the Chemulpo- battle has
been received by tho Japanese em
bassy here.
It says the Japanese squadron, es
corting transports to Korea, was met
on the way to Chemulpo by the
Russian gunboat Korletz, as the lat
ter was leaving Port Arthur. The
Korletz assumed the offensive and
fired on tho Japanese torpedo boat.
The latter replied, firing two torpe
does without effect.
The Korletz then returned to her
anchorage In Port Arthur harbor.
Early next morning Admiral Irln,
for an Important fleet action rt
Pot Arthur.
"The Russians vessels will proba
bly lie close beneath the land bat'
tcrles, but by going to tho Chlniso
side our ships by high angle fire can
shell them out. The Russian adml
ral may possibly, like Cervera, antic'
ipate his fate and come Into the open
of his own accord
"Present events merely show the
utter uselessness of Port Arthur
from a strategic viewpoint
Speaking of tho Hays note, he
says Japan will mott certainly agrco,
but so long as Russian troops are In
Manchuria Japan cannot regard It as
' neutral territory. While Japan Is
f anxious to assist and maintain neu
trality In China proper, sho has
commanding the Japanese, formally j every Intention of waging an aggros-
demanded that the Russian vessels give land campaign in Manchuria
leave the port, adding if they did '
not comply by noon he would be
compelled to attack them within tho
The Russian men-of-war left port
at 11:30 and battle was Immediately
given outside of Polynesslan IslanJ.
After an hour's engagement tue Rus
sians took refuge among tho Islands
and towards evening tho cruiser Va
ring sank.
About 4 o'clock February 10, the
Korletz was sunk by her own crow,
who, finding her disabled, blew her
up. Tho officers and men of the two
vessels then took refuge on the
French cruiser Pascal.
There were no casualties on the
Japanese side.
Japanese Victory Confirmed.
London, Feb. 10. Tho Japanese
legation confirms the report of a na
val battle at Chemulpo and capture
of two Russian cruisers.
More Fighting Imminent.
Cbefoo, Feb. 10. A Russian tor
pedo flotilla is reported to be nt
Thonton, Haven Island, GO miles sea
ward from Port Arthur, and a bat
tle is momentarily expected.
A Russian land force Is concen
trating on tho banks of the Yalu,
where a big assignment of field guns
and ammunition recently arrived.
It is predicted the hostllo armies
will first meet at Ping Veng in North
ern Korea, as was tho case In the
China-Japanese war.
Japan Captures Russian Troops.
London, Feb. 10. A dispatch from
the Toklo correspondent of the Cen
tral Nows, says threo transports in
tho Russian volunteer fleet, conveyi
ing about 2,000 troops, havo been
capturod off Asan, Korea, by tho
Quite Inconsequential,
Paris, Feb. 10. Tho official ver
sion of tho battlo of Port Arthur yes
terday received here declares '.ho
fight was inconsequential. Merely a
few sheila wore exchanged and two
Russian officers and 80 soldiers wore
killed. The cruiser Pallada will be
available for servlco within a week.
Just What Japan Expected.
London, Feb. 10'. Ministor Haya
sbl this morning said: "Engage
ments at Port Arthur and Chemulpo
aro meroly in accordance with plans
of long Btnndlng, Aa soon as our
forces landed in Korea wo lookort
Chinese Gratification.
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho Chinese
minister called at tho stato depart
ment this morning and expressed
China's gratification, at tho Hays
note Issued yesterday to tho neutral
powers. When the minister came
from Mr. Hays' office ho said ho un
derstood Prince Chlug has Issued an
edict to tho various viceroys of
China commanding them to observe
the strictest neutrality.
Minister Casslnl, of Russia, called
at tho stato department and notified
It of tbo official declaration of war
and yesterday's battlo.
Russian Victories.
Vladlvostock, Feb. 10. Private
dispatches received hero stato that
tho Japanese forces on the Valu
river were completely routed by the
Russians, and also claims Chemulpo
has been captured by tho Russians,
who are now occupying that porf
Chinese Neutrality,
Washington, Feb. 10. Secretary
Hay still declines to make public the
text of bis note to tbo powers. He
wants it known, however, America
wants China entirely neutralized,
even if it becomes necessary to eject
Russia from Manchuria.
Japanese Troops In Korea,
Paris, Feb. 10. A telegram from
Toklo states the Japanese landed a
large force at Masampbo, Korea
which is but a short distance from
Fusan. one of the terminals of the
Japanese Fusan-Seoul railway, which
leads to tho Mancfaurlan border.
Russian Claims of Victory,
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10. At 3:30
the "newspapers issued extras claim
in Russian victory at Port Arthur.
Three Japanese warships and four
torpedo boats aro reported serious
ly crippled. One report says tho
Japaneso battleship Shlkisbima was
sunk. The people are demonstrating,
but there is no official connrmauon
of tho latter report.
Japanese Very Hopeful.
Rome, Feb. 10. The Japanese
minister hero today said official ad
vices show Japanese plans were so
carefully made it is safe to predict
that Japan will be complete master,
and havo troops pursuing the Rus
slans through Manchuria within a
All Standing Walls In Baltimore
Must Come Down.
Baltimore, Feb. 10. An army ot
men Is clearing the streets. Sever
al aro now open to wngon traffic,
Tho mayor and business men will
meet this afternoon.
The engineers sny all standing
walls will have to come down, as
reconstruction would bo unsafe.
Tho vaults of the ruined Conti
nental Tr.ist Company building were
opened at noon. Two hundred thous
and dollars In currency and bonds
wore found undamaged. Tho bank
will do business, despite tho 10 hol
idays. Assistant United States Treasurer
Drydcn, after communicating with
Secretary Shaw today opened a sub
treasury, making $12,000,000 availa
ble for the local banks If wanted.
Rcneral Rlggs, of the stato militia,
Governor Warfleld and Mnyor Mc
l.atn, nro in consultation at noon ir
rauglng preliminaries for action.
They will meet again this evening.
No public meetings will bo held today.
Twenty-Nine Applicants for State
and County Certificates.
County Superintendent J. F. Now
lln, assisted by Professor J. E. Chor
ry, principal of tho Adams schools,
and Professor Frank K. Wells, prin
cipal of the Ferndalo schools, Is en
tertaining tho school teachers of the
county today with tho regular exam
inations for state and county certi
ficates. !
A 'large number of- applicants aro
on hand nnd will bo tho guests of tho
examiners for another day before
the list of subjects Is exhausted.
Tho following teachers nro taking
the examination for county certifi
cates: Nettle Cannon, Athena; T.
L. Chllders, Milton: Myrtlo Hudson,
Milton: Oertnido (lalaher, Weston;
Francis Caldwell, Cold Springs; Nel
lie F. Prouty, Pendleton; M Inula
I.eo, Milton; Anron Hcfloy and Iona
Marsh, Weston; I). L, Gubsor, Pilot
Rock; A. F. Hughes, Walla Walla;
Eudora E. Cnrtwrlght, Milton; lloda
Carlstrom, Adams; Nellie Darr,
Adams; I.llllo Perccfull, Milton; Ada
Percefull, Milton; Daisy I;o, Mllto'i;
Anna IJngonfelter, Pendleton;
Thomas C. Salt, Milton; Simlo
Knowlton, Pendleton; Retta An
drows, Dalo,
Thoso applying for stato papers
are: Belle Reed, Weston; W. E.
Woods, Waterman; Ella Wall, Do'la
Wall, Mabel Urowrool, jcnuio not
terley, Annlt Barnes and Agnes Bui
finch, all of Weston.
Judge Frazer Surprised to Hear For.
ger Ask for Maximum Sentence,
Instead of Begging for Mercy
Given Five Years With the Admo.
nltlon That He Reform on Hli Re.
lease From Prison,
Portland, Feb. 10. Thurlow W.
Parker, tho forger, who was chased
all over tho Northwest, was finally
captured U bis homo In Deor Lodgo,
Mont., and later cscapcu irom ueiec
tivo Joe Day, on an O. R. & N. train
near Arlington, was ycsicraay nun-
tenced to flvo years In tho peniten
tiary for hlB crimes.
Before sentence was passea, rar-
ker made a speech to tho court, and
instead of begging for mercy, aBked
.Tinleo Frazer to impose tho maxi
mum sentence on him as be realized
that ho was guilty of more than an
ordinary crime, In view of bis aver
ago intelligence and family relations.
He lamented mat no naa causou
tho court and his relatives such a
great amount of trouble, and said
that by receiving a long sentence.
he would have sufficient lime in
which to think over the error or 111s
way. . .
Tho maximum sentence ior uib
crime Is 20 years, but Judge Frazer
hilM this was too lone a time ior a
man to serve for forgery, as it would
deaden and remove all his capiblll-
fifla nnd would leave him a ueipiess
machine on his releaso, and that he
would give Parker but flvo years in
hopos that he would become a bet
ter and more useful man.
Secretary of War Says Graft
of Sultan of Sulu Should
Favors Abrogating the Treaty hy
Which the Sultan of Sulu Draws a
Regular Stipend From the United
States Senate Public Land Com
mittee Recommends a Bill Donat
ing Five Per Cent of Land Sales
to the State In Which Land It
Sold. Jn
Washington, Feb. 10. Taft was
beforo tho house commltteo on Insu
lar affairs today. Ho expressed an
opinion on tho Patterson bill to abol
ish Blavery In tbo Philippines and
to abrogate tho treaty mado with tho
Sultan ot Sulu by (leneral Batos.
Taft said: "By tho constitution,
as well as tho law, shivery Is abol
ished and a congressional aqt would
offer no solution.
"Tho question Is of enforcing In
stead of making law. Ho favored
nn expression of congress, howovor,
toward tho nbrogatlon of tho Sulu
treaty, so tho payment ot tho regu
lar stipend to tho sultan might
cease." Taft's suggestion was adopt
ed and an amended bill was Intro
duced by Patterson.
Donation to the States.
Tho scnato committed on public
lands today mado n favorablo report
cm the bill proposing to glvo In each
stato B per cent of tho not proceeds
of the Hales of public land In tho
This, It Ik estimated, will Involvo
tho expenditure of $8,000,001), A
total of $8,000,000 derived from this
Hoiircn Is now held by tho states if
fecled, and tho bill proposes to al
low thorn to keep thli money.
Says He Is Working Hi rd on Re
tention of Fort,
Word was received yostorday by
the Commercial club from Athona,
Ore., Bliowlng that town alio has re
sponded to tho request of' tho local
club to inako representations to tint
Oregon senators In favor of retain
ing Fort Walla Walla, says tho
Walla Walla Union.
In a letter addressed to the presi
dent and tho vice president of the
First National bank of Athena, Sen
ator Mitchell Hays ho and Senator
Foster havo boon unablo so far to
Induce tho secretary of war to con
form to their wlshos, and montlons
Senator Ankeny's amendment to the
appropriation bill. Whllo promising
to do ull In his power to havo the
pout retained, ho says that tho war
department Bonis Impressed with bo
lief in ita abandonment.
Traveling for Her Health,
Mrs. Mary Thompson, accompan
ied by hor daughter, Miss Ethel
Thompson, loft yestorday for Port
land and Eugeno, where they will ho
the guests ot relatives and friends
during a month's visit for tho ben
efit of Mrs, Thompson's health.
Ten mills mako a rent unless they
aro steol mills; then they make ft
Asiatic Squadron,
Washington, Feb. 10. Ad
miral Evans, commanding tho
Asiatic station, has been or
dered to take tbo cruisers of
tho squadron to a point on
the Chinese coast about 400
miles from the Philippines,
and keep the battleships of
tho squadron in the Philip
pine waters. This means tho
cruisers wi go to Hong Kong
or vicinity.