DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1904. $iutwj w societies ...mMS AND TRADE8. ALPHmcm. lOFES'"" ...ui.t ARRANGED, PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEY -r n ! i " i n in j I mi) . " oVii "hours. 10 to 12 a. m.: M nimbone : Office, main 1371 ; "i.lo 1381. DESI'AIN I1L0CK. troubles, .rrp-t eve troubles. ca. i u.?.i.n. and Impaired bearlnir. I "Si fitted for refractive er fil'maln 1011. hMI" KJJTT IUNOO. OFFICE OVEIt r'u.. u.iinirn bank. Telenhon ""'..!'-.'.; main mm. r B R A V M v r. t. . . T. a"(&y&?ii5r A LAW. Tn Kr.Si sureeoo. Office In Judd VSmhone: Office, black 1411 ; llick 2 rSujLI.. JUDO BLOCK. TELE- Bfllj resiuovv, " " ttnia In Rnvlnfra Itnnlr RJS i. ufllcc 'phone, main 1411 : I BHD W.AKESLEH, CIIItONIC KfToas diseases uu uiseaHea or. Findd building, corner Main and (trtloB 'nhnnp. mnln TIM . nU.EN IIOONK, OSTEOPATH. ' Th..mnnn street, between Dour futeets. l'lione Black 1021 Nor- tUpec-itm;. DENTISTS. ..mho imut DUlIQlng. . '"bo uuu uuuuing. Itoums 7 ana 8, Association building. 81iaw'MMr' S,i?;'nRC,E' ATTOKNCYS AT nracu'ce n' tii f0? been admitted to h States patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law block." 1Wl 12 ond ". Association FRATERNAL ORDERS. IrtEN. DENTAL HUI10ICON. Office Auiici iii'ic. FflnAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN fcldtDg. ruoue reu inn. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AS- K block, over ecummi a new arug tn red 271. Inks and brokers. IlTlOXAL HANK OF ATHENA, IID11SI, ou,uuu . Hurpius anu lnl..r nil tin... llnnnu... (lortljn and domestic exchange.' H proruHl uiwuum iu. ueury 1 president! T. J. Kirk, vlce-pres-llUOrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, IWEIIS' HANK OF WESTON, . Ortgon. Does a general nuns- m Kxcnnnpe uuugui anu som. j promptly attended to. It, Jam. laldtnt: George V. I'roebstel, Unt; J. it- Kiigore, cannier; ui i: Hirtirian. II. M Johns. T. g D. Draw, J. V. Kllgore, Itob- , U. v. rrocosiei. iHDLirrON SAVINOH HANK, . (jri't'on. urganizeu uarcu l, Iij.ul. JIOO.001 ; surplus, 176, I Ml suoweu uu nil j,uie ueiiutms. bonsht and sold on nil principal I-ptclil attention given to collec- ft. J, mrnisu, presiuent; j. n. y.rtildnl : T. J. Mnrrla. cashier' note;, assistant cashier. RATIONAL HANK OF I'ENDLE- s,ul. iwiio ; surpiut, ana uu- pnlu, 1100.000 Transacts a tiailDf DUlliieH. r.xenunge ana innifen sold on Chicago. Ban I N't Vork, and principal points In sreit. uruis arawn on wnina, japau EHSKescoueciion- on reasonable I Annoy, presltent ; W. F. Mat, resident'. Q. U. ltlce. cashier : Geo Ji.,uitiuat cashier HITECTS AND BUILDERS. 0. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE. NO 2SS orRC.?.V,laj; "?tlu?'.,,t ".n third ThuridaVJ sr.. E. R., ti". E. Benn, Hecretary , ""rlm,n' IinsoitT-VOU AltE INVITED. I rep reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free batb, use of pinicliInK bag and other equipments, in cluding library and reading room? Terms, H.uu to Join und nOc a month dues FOR RENT. NEAT, CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Well loened. Mrs. Btrabou, 3d! Water street! cor. Johnson. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen or two ladles. Call at CIO Willow street. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRAllE ; ONLY eight weeks required; two years saved; posl Hons secured when competent. Catalogue mailed free. Miller Hystcm College, Hau Fianclsco, Calif. MISCELLANEOUS. A STliOr.0 AND WILLING WOMAN WANTS nori. oyineuay Aauresi aic Garden strut AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE 8INGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICr,, 809 uiiege street, nepairs jor an macmnet. I'. A Lovctang, Uanager SEWER CONTRACTORS -REED & LAKLEli make connections with the sower for busi ness nouses and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T C. Taylor's uaruware store F. . MERRILL, SPOKANE, WASH., AOT., liunsmure. Bticonu nanu macnines. suDitiU'i and repairs. LADIES' CAPSULES GARDEB. safe, reliable Absolutelv euarauteed to curu Lencorrlioea (whites) and Female Weakness. Write for Particulars, Laay Agenis wautea. Auuress o. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock Box W, Kansas t:uy, juo. iROL'Tlfi.S', AltCHITECT AND faam Koom VI, JiUd mock, Pen (flieat Association block, Ten, EIBD. ARCHITECT AND SU, it Makes comnlate and rella. ibnlldlni In the city or coun an, juqu nuiiains. KIMLE, CONTIlACTOItS AND l Ullmates fitrnliilii. nn ahort M ork a specialty. Prompt (H on Bluff street, near Main. MJ. CONTRACTOR AN DI1UILD- juies furnished on all kinds (tntnt walks, stone walls, etc. it East Oregonlan office. EE. pi.AHTEttiNn Attn en. itotnt walks a specialty. Es 'jcu iree. nric uuaraoteeu It Badler & Zehner'a clear "uttt. V. U. UOX 1U4. fERINARY SURGEONS. 3DRaEON-I)R. D. C.McNABB is iirug Hiore. piNG AND LODGING. EU, COItNER ALTA AND I, HnJII-fl ho (ha taw nr wpalt. et Kates, 3.7G and I1.7G ri. L. Ncff, prop, l'endleton U tannettnn I , VtT. nro. loo to ti.BO per day. U. I". DRESS -fAKING. CUTTING AND FITTING A specialty. Prompt work. Batlsfactlon guar anteed Miss R. Whitley, 912 Main street. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING De scribed animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of I'endleton, to wit: one black, coming 2 year old filly, Indian brand nn left stille, right hind fuot white. Oi,e bav gelUlng, coming z year oia, wnue stripe In forehead, left hind fo t and forefoot whits, Indian brand on left stille. One bav gelding, ioming2 jear old, white tripe In forehead, right hind foot white Indian brand on right tllle. uue sorrei geiuuis. woiriiiuuuui pounds, white stripe lu foreheid, collar marks. u or h years om, uo visiuic urwiiu. One bay filly, coming 2 years old, heavy blsck mane anil tali, no visible brands. unegrey inaru, o or t yvmo uiu, .,, weight about too p ionds, no visible brands. une par mure, uu wbiuiw umuua, ,Uu.r back, weight about 1000 pounds, 7 or 8 years 'lf said inlmals are not claimed by the ,it.wi tn tliA ,irtauaalnn. OV.nevB or llliC cuiutru i ." I'"--- costs and expenses against tbem paid, and tneu laaeu uvj hiiuiu icu ----date hereof, then at 2 : o'clock D. m. of the arlmal will be sold to tbe highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the city notmd. on the corner of Cottonwood and I i. .1.. fit- nt lnll0tnn. the proceeds of iuch sale to be applied to the iiayment ot aucu cub is nuu wpuo ni.' sale. liateu reorusry.. iwi. , , M.J CAhXKY, City Marshal, I1U81NKSS TAKES YOU Mop i at tbe Hotel Helix. Good r i service. T li. wimpy, 'AND FEED 8TABLE8. I HENRY vwn varti cok. .Ud Ulllth stmts, a. A. Alio. c, coraiortable stalls, rienty i liven careful attention. , "TABLES G. M. FROOME, ftrii, good rigs, bast care given J- "PP. Hotel Pendleton. Phoaa CERY, BOARD AND SALE PI Kennedv. nrnnrlAtors. for . . Stock boarded at reason JjjlW Alt at, PAona Main 701. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOR EN- graved caras, weuuiuc hhki , "i a '.i.uin rr,l with nlate. $1,00; additional cards In future, 1 per bunorea. xue i-usi mrtwi.u. Z AND LAND BU8INE8S UtlS . .1.1. , n -II county. Loans on city .17," V" "uy na " LJ'ste- Does a general bro- I ja laxea ana uun 1, 'i' Bon-resldenU. Reference, tjjAgTUAN. Pre, fett Vic. Pre, LEY Snt tellable pre" and ami fWfipanlea. Offlea vrttb 4iJiRi5 u" B- 1'AND COM. JKfhUj mads of land M- 1 k.,Ti ,rance and collections. lil'Mlng. room 10. !25"AL PARLORS. I S..7T Lkvw'TAitY HAniiEn hiiop. lHj'V0irt street. Beat work. IlltS m?lern Improvements. Bath rooms In con- HO DEALERS. EiVTSrr:... ... Eii !ll'"u IN HKUOND fit "5wS.i!u t '"lr Z ".u uauu lurunuir, let, V sad crockerv. rail and - vourt street. BEE YOUR "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property T. U.Gurdaln, Pawn Broker, Mllarkey build ing, Court street. WM. F. YOIINKA WILL PAY PROMPT attention to all sales and posting bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonable. P. O, box 1!U0, Pendleton. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF YOU want to subscribe to magazines or news papers lu tbe Uulted States or Europe, re mit by postal note, check or send to the EAST Ullltuunian me ucl price of iue publication you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all tne risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk, it iou "re a subscriber to the East Oregonlan In remitting you can deduct . " PerPA"ir from tbe publisher's price. .Address r.AS J OREOONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore. 80ME REASONS. r'endleton People Should Follow ThU VaiuMie acivicc. Because the proof Is In Pendleton. You can easily In.estlgato it. Not necessary to experiment. With some untried remedy. Prodi by the experience of ,a clti- llvos at the corner of Turner and B. streets ; Bays: "I was unable to stoop without suf fering the most Intense pain across tho small of my back and through my kidneys. I got ray first box uow Kidney I'llis at tne urucn ot Co drug store. I was so soro and lame that I could not stoop at the ill to wash. Doan's Kidney P U, did away wltu tne trouuic. . uiu " ,i.ii, v,nt rioan'a Kid- not lioneaiiy un --: noy Pills acted up to tl.o representa. tlnna mauo uy muiu i n ,! t v name to an Indorsement. I know others who have used Douirt Wdney Pills W th ttio same s iu.v. vor sale by all dealors. Prlco CO cents P or box. Hurraio, in DU"' "'ifomombor tho namo-DOAN'S and take no othor. Pioneer Express Carrier. Mr. Frank McBean. of Canyon City, arrived on the stage this even ing, says last Friday's Granite Gem. Everybody who ever goes to Canyon City meets Mr. McBean and nt once becomes his friend. It Is bard to tell what brought him to Granite, but there scorns to be plenty of county seat talk In the nlr. Frank, as everybody calls Mr. Mc Bean, la one of tho first pioneers of Grant county. He says this is '.lis first visit to "Granite Creek" for over 30 years. In 'fib ho used to carry express between Canji-on City and Granite then called Indepen dence. In tho winter In thoso days he made the trip on snowshoes with the express In a pack on his pack from Canyon City to Granite in two days. Ho says it took liim three days to get here this tlmo making the best connections possible by stage and train. We can still bent the stage to Canyon going "bv hand," Grant Comity Kcws. Union up Against' It. The case of William D. Benson, the barber who persists In running bis shop after union hours, presents some strange features. A committee from the trades council Is busy in vestigating the situation. Benson Is not working any of his union em ployes longer than the regulations of the union' allow. The rules ot the barbers are that shops can run from 7 In the morning until 7 nt night and until n on Saturday nights. Benson Is running his es tablishment from C In the morning until 8:30 at night and until mid night on Saturday. He works the extra hours himself and as ho Is n boss he Is not allowed to be a mem ber of the union. The question which the trades council Is Invest! gating Is whether a man who Is not allowed to he a member of the union, can be forced to work only as the union shall dictate. Spokesman-Review. In the following dispatch from Crip pio Creek Is a former Baker City ooy, a son of Joe KInnlson. He was ueputy sheriff under Conde Steve Andrews, W. F. Davis, Chas. KInnlson, Thomas Foser and Charles McKlnney, charged by tho military with having caused the Vindicator mine explosion by which two men were killed and with hav ing plotted to wreck a train on tbe riorence & Cripple Creek railroad, will bo tried at this term of court. iney nave been confined In tho mili tary Jail for more than two months." Baker City Herald. No right on Earth. Judge Brown, the Cnlneso com missioner, is hearing the cases of four Chinamen, charged with illegal residence In tho United States. Al fred Hampton, the chief Immigration Inspector, A. F. Ebcy, assistant and the government interpreter, arrived from Helena this morning to take charge or the work. N. M. Kulck Is prosecuting and S. W. Moody :s defending tho Chinamen. Tho prls oners are l.em Bok, Louie Gar Woh anil Ah Woh Of Wefopr nnrt tin Tin of Silver City. Holse Capital News. Baker City Boy In Trouble, Tho Charles KInnlson mentioned New Instrument of Torture. When a Hood Hlver pupil dares to Call Ills Instnirtnr a "riihhni- nr.nl." he is then a fit candidate for Initia tion inio the mysteries of the rubber tube, It having been decided by the bOat'd Of dlrertni-R rf thn nnhnn, i that place that In administering cor poral punishment a rubber tube is to be used Instead of. tho old time switch. The Dalles Chronicle, I One Hundred Stamp Mill. On the authority of a prominent Malheur mine operator, who has been Identified with the work at tho Black Eagle, The American can say that Manager J. F. Mclkle, of that famous pioperty, Is now arranging for Installation or a 100-stamp mill, In addition to the 20-stamp plant now there. Blue Mountain Ameri can, MARKET REVIEWED GREAT LOSSES SUSTAINED IN CHICAGO WHEAT PIT. Puyers of All. Cereals Feel the Touch of War's Uneasiness May and July Wheat Up and Down With Feverish Irregularity English Consols Decline Seriously In Price. Chicago, Feb. 8. A storm of liquidation swept over tho grain pits In spite of the critical situation In tho Orient. Sharp losses were sus tained In all cereals. The market was unable to rally and closing prices were near tho low point. May wheat being ottered lc from Satur day night's close. May corn clos-.'J lc lower, while oats were down 22ltc. Provisions were practical ly unchanged. Strength and activity marked the initial trading In wheat. That the war outlook was of a serious nature, was evidenced by a decline in the price of English consols. Shorts were active buyers at the start and bid up the price of the May option USJe above Saturday's close, the opening quotations being at U51,' 95c. July was a shade to c higher at 8C(Q8C. But these prices lasted only a mo ment. There was such a quantity of I wiiat for sale that within live min utes the price of May had fallen to J yic ana Juiy to au-uc uie selling craze was soon partly exhausted. On support from tbe leading long, tho market quickly recovered part of the early loss. May rallied to 94c and July to 8fic. Trading was com paratively quiet during the remain der of the day until the last half hour. Oranges, 40-50c doz. Cranberries, 15c per quart. livestock a;,d poultry. The following prices are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, 1214c. Chickens Hens, 7c; $34 per doz. en; roosters, 4 to C cents. Geese, per dozen, $9. Bucks, per dozen, $3. GO 4. Butter, D075c, good. Eggs, fresh, 30c. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, ET Steers, $3.2503.76. Cows, ?2.5062.7G. Hogs live, 40c. Hogs, dressed, C7c. Veal, dressed, CG7c. Sheep, J22.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lc per lb. Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, 1 cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton, Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. The following are tho prevailing average prices for hides in this mar ket; beef, green, 4c per lb.; beef, dry, 104J12'4c; mink, EOc each, with a possibility of $1 each if the size Is good and tbe condition prime; coyote, 50075c; bear skins, accord ing to quality and size, from 3 to $15; coon, 35040c; horse, $101.25; sheep, green, Cc; sheep dry, 7c; lynx or bob cat, 1530; skunk, 25c; badger, 1C30. RETAIL GROCERY PRICE8. Coffee i,.ocho and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade, 36c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 16c per lb.; package coffee, Z0c per lu. Rice Best head rice, 12Wc per lb.; next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best$6.t.u per sack; do 13 lbJ $1. Salt coarse, 11.10 per iw; tame. $2.60 per 100. Flour B. B $4.zo per narrei; wai ters' $4.26 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 14318c per lb. Ham 1718c per lb. Coal oil $1.05 for C gallons, $3.25 per case. Lard 70c b pounas; ii.iu iv puuuue. VEGETmCLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoes, lc per lb, Garli , 10c per lb. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. Parsnip, 1U lbs. 25c. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, Gc bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallop. MInco meat, 12o per pound. Pniirrirn. shollcd. 8 1-3 cents per pound; on cob, B conts por pound. FRUIT8. Bananas, 40o dozen. Apples, 75c$l per box. lemons, 40c doz. AWFUL. There Is a little maiden Who has an awful time She Iibb to hurry awfully To get to school In time. She has an awful teacher, Her tasks are awful hard; Her playmates all are awful rough When playing in tno yaru. She has an awful kitty Who often shows her claws; A dog who Jumps upon her dreas With awful muddy paws. She has a baby sister With an awful little nose With awful cunning dimples And such awful little toes. She has two little brothers And they are awful boys With their awful drums and trum pets They make an awful noise. Do come, I pray thee, common sense, Como nnd this maid defend, Or else I fear her awful life Will have an awful end. Boston Budget. Annual Meeting of the Inland Empire Retail Lumbermen, spoxanc wn., February 10 to 14. For the nvobe occasion the O. It. & N. makes a rate of one and one thlrd faro for the round trip on tho certifloto plan. Tickets on sale any throe days prior to tbe opening day. For particulars, call on or address E, C. btnitn, agent. Salem will vote on a high school In June, TRANSPORTATION LINES. DM OREGON $H OUTLINE akdUivion Pacific iwo rrainB to tne East Dally Thmtirh Pilllman itatirlar.1 x-,. .... Ing cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist Pnllmnn tourist sleeping cars personally con. dncted) weekly to Chlcsso, Kansas City, re clining chair cars (seati fr) to the East dally. Dinar Time SohtNitile Asaivi roa rrom i-oiiuiotou raois Portland t) :10 am Chicago Diupm Portland 12:.y a ra The East) a m Spokane s:iu a m tQpn Portland Special No. 1 The East 9:00 a.m. Chicago Special No, 2 Mall and Eipress No. S fortune 55 p m The East a m Mall and Express No. (I I'endleton Passenger No 7 (Spokane Passenger No. 8 Pendleton Branch Mliod iraln No. 41 Walla Walla Branch MUM Train No. t! Fortune UUam Spoken 53JP3 2 as p m No "connects with No.'.'. t Onlv waits tor No 1 In nu Sit. 1 ts latA not later than 3ii ralnntes. No.izconnectsnith No. 2, Ocean and River Schedule. FltOM PORTLAND. 8:00 p. m. Dally eacept Sunday 8 Km p.m. ntiuraar 10 Ml p. lll.l All sailing dates sob-l ject io "nanre. Far Ban FrancUco Sail every S days. Columbia Hirer To Astoria and Way Landings. ia50 p. m, 4:00 p. to, Banday YVIllnmottti HIvor. Boats leave Portland dally, eirept Bnndaj 'state of water nermtttlnirl for Willamette an Yamhill Klver points. Leave Klparta 4:03a.m. Dallv EicptMon Snake Klver Klparla to Lewlston Leava Lewlstoa 7:00 a. m. Dally Esept Met E. (' SMITH, Asent, Pendleton, WASHIHGTOH COLUMBIA RIY&R RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points Bast and South Portlaad aad points oo tn Sound t:mh card Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. rp. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m, Leave Walla Walla dally.east bound, llrOOp, m Arrive Walla Walladally, vest bound, 10:45 a. m Vnr Information reaardlnc rates and sccouv uodatlons, call on or address W, AIUVIH, Agent Pendleton. Oregon 8. B. CAI.UKKHEAD, O. Y. A., nana nana, nasniuciuo. HOTBL. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as tood as any. The Hotel Pendleton has jusl been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and firo alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Msi Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Bpeclnl rates by week or mouth Excellent Cullne. Prompt Dlnlngroom Mrrict. !III7r.WIt -4. Bar and billiard room In oonneotlcl Only Three Blocks from Depot MOTEL ST. GEORGE GEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. European plan Everything HrsU class. Accommodations tkn best. A,1 modem conveniences. Htcum heat throughout. Large new xample rooraa. The Hotel Ht. (Icorge Is pronounced oaa ol the most modern anil model hotel of Oregon, Rooms 50c to $t.50 CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8, Block and a half from depot THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street TO RUNS Pullman Sleeping Can, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Br. PAUjj MINNKA-TUliln DDLUTH VARGO GRAND FOBKfi CROOKOTON WINNEPEO HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOBK BOSTON and all point Eaat and South ri..nh tickata tn jaean and Oalaa, via TaMina and Northern KaelBe auansalp C. aad American line. T1MI SCHIDULI. Tialns leave I'endleton dally eiotpt SsusSaf Vofforther 'n'rB'l0?.vH?i,i fl2 andUciet.callon or write W. Adams, 's dletou. a;d'nyMotrlon'gS:. FortUndTot. Tt) Dallv East Oreoonlan, by carrier, only 15 cent per week. iakaHaCvn BA 'CESnafsKOfT SbSbSbSbSbSbSbSIi Remodeled and refurnished through out. Everything neat, clean and ai to date. Steam licat and electrics lights. lest culsloe. Prompt servlc H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Mao, Is per day and apwerat. Headquarters for tourists and commercial trat Urs. brcUlrUs mads to families aad ssasjlf gealUmto. The naoageuicat will be plassasl at all limes to show rooms aad give prices. dcra Turkish bath establishment la the hats. II.C.OWKKI,Waaaef, J. L. VAUGHN Electrician rrompt attention given aad all work eiscuted properly. let trleal Supplies or all kinds orrici-izi WIST COURT ST. (Tribune Bnlldlng) Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged (or wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped JfMi, etc., always on band. H MANHOOD RESTORED IMuil'lra, UuUlnB. (o uurry, -a;,,Wa!furit;. irblclilj not checked lessSs T1T5mw nlnotr per cent, tal!!8Z"5JJ:KZ .uarinlie siren. and wooer ' nlarnep is tucurOYmhoatanope ntonmis.. Aurua - Sold by Ts!!rr..".n A Co., Drugglete. I 1