East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 08, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
San Francisco, Oct. 6.
To F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy:
Dear Sirs Thoro aro dally occur
rences In this ctty that ought to be
known all over the world. A guile
less old gentleman and octogonarinn,
a distant relative of Itobort Fulton,
of first steamship fame, has saved the
HTee of hundreds (probably thous
and a) after they were believed to be
beyond human aid. His discovery is
undoubtedly the long-sought cure for
Bright's Disease and Diabetes.
This Is not easy of belief, and It Is
the purpose of a number of business
nod professional men of this city (of
whom I am one) to tell the people.
You arc hereby authorized to tea nil
4bose In your city who have oltHor
Ilrlght's Disease or Diabetes, that
nearly nine-tenths of them con re
cover. Among the business men who
Me giving moral and financial sup
port and who would give neither If
the above was not strictly true, nre
Hon. D. M. BurnB, President Caudcl
aria Mining Company; Edward Mills,
President of Bullock & Jones Compa
ny; Captain Roberts, President Boca
and Ixyalton It. R. Co.; Thos. KlrK
Patrick, Capitalist; D. E. Bender,
Capitalist; W. C. Price. Capitalist;
Wm. 8harp, Capitalist; C. W. CJark,
Capitalist, and many others. The
pamphlets herewith nre to be given
to all Inquirers without charge. They
tdve the complete history of our long
and exhaustive Investigation,
Yours truly,
President Pacific States Type Foundry.
Ways of doing a thing
the right and the wrong.
Only one way of do'-r
it here and that' thf
right way.
Requires a special, kind
of skill. Only those with
a keen eye and delicate
touch can satisfactorily
perform the necessary
work. Wc do repairing
as it should be done.
Jeweler and Optician
Post Office Block
is sure to do more or less damage to a
carriage, but whether you need repair
ing from accident or ordinary wearanu
tenr. uuu; juui vemujen iuj.iicbi
"While our leputstlon is widespread for
doing all kinds of repairing in the beat
Bianner at lsweit price, we lure that there
are a lew rood Deoole who don't k ow that we
are nneicelled In our line and we wantlhem to
know We nave Ine Winona and Rex Bogilei,
the beit produced In tbe world. Call and iee
oar line oi ngi.
etaTer OaMllne Engine Sale and reliable
Ir Toa bTnl retro I r, betlthr aTemenl of th
Cwu trr dr. jon'r 111 or will i t. Kmpjwu
Wmw pa, ami b well. (tyrcfn the of Tlo
StMitvbyMoor pill mImu 1 duoKrou. Tit smooth
Mi,4uUtt.nMt'rfac(w7 of keeping lb bowel
. .. ... lUnt. Tut. (Imid. DoGood
IUrr axken. Wkn, or Urlr, If. .. "Of
Cr box. Wrlu tor Irw Miupit, ud booklet
.lth. Addrul Ul
vmusa Kuror cairiir, cmiugo r hit tor.
WE WllA BUVlc.,..sJ,..p
alio Dresiad Beer, blndquartara and
lolm of Bear, Vail, Pork and Poul
try. Wa fill country ordari.
Wholesale Buteben, Portland, Or.
Qoodi taken bwt'ot nam of, Lea to orden a
mmca'i. Phone Mai nizn.
Under tho familiar hendllno "An
other American Danger," tho agra
rian and cOnsorvatlvo ureas in Ger
many Is commenting somewhat de
murely on tho unprecedented Influx
of American apples this season nud
tho extent to which they have filled
and dominated all tho moro Import
ant markets In this country.
Thoro Is not a fruit store or hard
ly a market fruit stall or retail gro
cery shop In Berlin or Its suburbs
that docs not display as a prime at
traction ono or moro barrels of
Baldwins, Pippins, or other standard
varieties, surmounted by a placard
bearing the legend "Kchto Ameri
konor." Not only this, but wagons
piled with tho same attractivo mer
chandise patrol the outlying streets
and peddle the American fruit tt
the uncommonly low prlco of 20
pfennings (5 cents) per pound.
This, at a time when ordinary
cooking apples grown in Germany
and Austria retail for from 6 to 7
cents per pound, has furnished nn
object lesson of comparative cost,
quality and flavor as between the
American and European fruit which
cannot be misunderstood or ignored.
The dimensions to which the special
Import has grown will he Indicated
by tho fact that only a few days ago
the steamship Main, of the North
German Lloyd Line, landed at Bro
man 22,929 barrels and 1,540 boxes
of American apples, whtcti Is said to
be the largest fruit cargo over car
ried across the Atlantic in n single
From all accounts and the appear
ance of the American apples dis
played here in markets nnd stores,
they have generally arrived in ex
cellent condition, showing not only
that they aro from a sound crop of
good quality, but that American
fruit growers and dealers have
greatly Improved their methods of
picking nnd packing iter export,
Tho point Is provep thnt, glvou a
good sound apple crop in tho United
States, tho standard varieties enn
bo exported with entire safety In
ordinary ventilated barrels without
nny of tho elaborato nnd moro or
less costly pnpor wrappings thnt are
used In putting up apples of choice
quality from France, Italy and tho
This, In vlow of tho high cost of
hand labor In Amorlcn, Is n point of
great economic advantage, but It
does not In tho least modify tho ab
solute necessity of careful hand
picking, assorting, nnd putting
while dry Into barrels with such care
thnt all bruising nnd contusions arc
avoided. Much Is doubtless due to
shipping Jn properly cool nnd venti
lated steamers. Instead of tho hot,
stuffy holds of Blow sailing ships,
piled with other freight nnd with
hatches battened down from port o
The general tenor of agrarian
press comment on tho present Ynn
keonpplo Invasion Is thnt It proves
the Inadequacy both of the Gorman
home-grown-fruit supply nnd of the
existing Iniport-duty rate to protest
thu farmers of tho Fatherland from
this fatal competition. To this is
usually added the fervent hope that
those colossal Importations will not
result in filling tho orclinrJs of Ger
many with the San Joso scale.
The fear Is gravely expressed that
not even the German Inspectors can
scrutinize such cargoes of apples as
are now coming with sufficient mi
nuteness to prevent an occasional
"Schlldlnus" from escaping, and
this, notwithstanding tho assurance
of German scientists can tho San
Joso scale can novcr thrive and re
produce in tho cllmato of Germany,
continues to Inspire apprehension
In certain quarters. Frank H. Ma
son, American Consul at Berlin.
Mayor MeClellan Heads an Investi
gation by the Authorities Ex
cessive Charges for Inferior Gas
Hopelessness of Accomplishing
Anything Through the Legislature.
New York, Feb. 8. Tho high
handed methods of tho gas trusts
have at last exhausted tho patience
of a long suffering public and .the
citizens, thoroughly amused, have
declared war against the trust and
are vigorously upheld nnd supported
by the municipal and the stato au
Mayor MeClellan has taken tho
Initiative and Issued strict orders to
tho municipal authorities to make u
careful Investigation of the numer
ous complaints of tho citizens con
cerning the poor quality of the gas
furnished, by the trust and the high
bills rendered for such inferior ser
vice. Commissioner John T. Oak
ley, of tho department of water sup
ply, gas and electricity, In obedience
to that order has ordered his ex
perts to begin without delay a care
ful Inspection of tho quality of tho
gas furnished to consumers In
Greater New York.
lit lis charged on apparently good
authority that the gas supplied by
the trust is made of tho poorest and
cheapest grado of oil, Is of an In
ferior quality and Is forced through
tho pipes under high pressure, to
n.ako tho biggest posslhlo showing
nn tho dials of the meters.
Owing to the existence of certain
laws which, It Is nharged, the gas
trust secured from the stato login
lat tp with the ('R-lstanco ol llberul
bribes, the authorities are practi-Ml-ly
powerless, as they have no m-iars
of exerting any pressure upon tho
trust Since tho beginning of tho
anti-gas trust campaign several
bills antagonistic to the interests of
tlio trust have been Introduced In
the assembly. Ono of the bills pro
vides for the appointment of a com
missioner to examine tho quality of
gas In New York City nnd report to
the legislature means to correct the
oxlsting uvll. Another bill provides
for regulating the powers of tho
trust and reduces tho. prlco of Ilium'
inntlng gas to 75 cents,
If it is true, as has been charged,
thnt the gas trust spends consider-
able sums of money every session,
to prevent tho pasago of laws In
Imlcal to trust interests, there Is
not much prospect that the two laws
Introduced under the prassuro of
public opinion will ever become ef
fective. Tho Indignation of tho
citizens Is so great, just at present,
however, that the legislature may
come to the conclusion that it would
be unsafe to antagonize public opin
ion at the present tlmo.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why une gcUtino nnd
irjieuu noun soaKing,
aweeteniug;, flavoring
and coloring when
prod aces better result in two minutes?
Everything In the package. Simply add hot
watorandauttocool. I t'a perfection. Awir
prisetothe housewife. No trouble, leas ex
pense. Try it U-dav. In Pour Fruit Fla
vors i Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Bap
ixaij. a grocers. iuc
Ores Found in the United States
Contain the Precious Stuff.
Announcement recently made at a
meeting of the Technology Club that
radium had been extracted from
American ores has brought from
Prof. Alexander H. Phillips, of
Princeton university, who conducted
the experiments, the statement that
this latest discovery by scientists
will soon bo so plentifully produced
in the United States as to be within
easy reach of all branches of
science. The ore used in the ex
periments came from Utah,
"The specimen was between ?5
and SO pounds in weight," said Prof,
t-uillips. "It was not the pitch
blend used by tho Curies in tho
manufacture of tho French radium.
It was carnotltc, an oro of canary
coior, containing as I found after
experimenting with it, oxide of ura
nium and vanadium combined with
other oxides that produce radium.
In extracting the radium I used tho
Curio method, which I took from
tneir paper, and I claim no credit.
"As a result of this first extraction
of American radium arrangements
have been mado by certain persons
In Buffalo, who own several mines of
carnotite, to manufacturo radio-active
agents on a largo scalo; and in ny
opinion It will soon bo so plentiful
that it win easily be within the
reach of all branches of science.
Tho increased production will nat
urally decrease its cost and there
need bo no fear of exhausting tho
American source of supply, for I tm
informed It is practically limitless.
"There Is not tho slightest doubt
that American radium can bo mado
as strong as tho Curio product and
equally avanablo for all scientific
McKenna'a Reply,
Hero is a yarn that Melvln Chan
man, the well known lawyer and ox
mayor of Oakland, tells of tho Into
Attorney Georgo W. Tyler and Jos
eph McKenna, tho lattor now ono of
tho Justices of the United States su
preme court.
Tyler onco went to Fairfield, Cal
to argue a demurrer to a complaint.
After Tyler had talked to tho court
for two weary long hours, McKenna,
In that gentle manner for .which ho
has always been famous, suggested
that ho thought ''counsel had failed
utterly to discuss the essential fea
tures of tho matter." Tyler retorted
in his gruffest tones: "Mr. McKen
na, what you don't know about law
and what I don't know would Oil
a very largo volume." Sauvely but
instantly tho llttlo gentleman io
torted: "Yes, Judge Tyler, and that
Is the work from which you havo
been quoting all morning." '
The Kansas Way,
A farmer of Neosho county, Kan
sas, is running his farm by gas. A
well sunk for oil yielded gas, and
now bo keeps six stoves going in his
house, lights overy room, Including
hall and cellar, has gas heaters in
his coops and hog pens, a furnace
out of doors for cooking food for his
live stock, a gas engino to shell
corn, grind feed and pump water,
turn grindstones and work tho
churn, a gas light with reflector to
light tho barnyard, a contrlvanco to
Illumlnato tho barn whon ho opens
tho door, heaters for water tanks In
field, so that his cattle may drink
tepid water all tho winter, if they
want It. This might bo called
"light farming."
.Cured 20 People.
Sorgt. C. C. Ilummol of tho 26th
United States Coast Artlllory writes
from Fort Flaglor, Wash.. Trlb is
doing ory fine work among tho poo-
pio noro. i know of twenty persons
hero who wcro cured of tno Drink
Habit. I toko pleasure in reconv
mending it as a euro for tho Liquor
and Tonacco Habits.
Sold Every Minute
41,640 every hour, 1,000,000 every day. The largest
selling brand of cigars in the world. You owe it to your
self to find out why so many people smoke the Cremo.
5 cents invested in a Cremo will explain it. Sold in every
store, in every town, in every State.
The 'Band is the Smoker's Protection,
Every Subscriber to Have an Oppt
tunity to Guess on a $100
Rubber Tired Buggy
As an Expression of Our Good Will Toward
Subscribers and to Increase our Sub
scription List
We Will Give Away, Absolutely Free, a Cushion-Tire
now on Exhibition in the Show Window of the A. KunW
& Co. Implement House, Two Doors South of the
' East Oregonian Building.
The East Oregonian has purchasad
from tho A. Kunklo Implement Co.
a $100 cushion tiro buggy. It is n
beauty, strong, scrvicablo and well
finished. For each year's subscription
to tho Weekly at $1.60 or for every
similar amount paid on tho dally or
semi-weekly tho subscriber Is entit
led to ono guess at an unknown num
ber of three figures, that will ho
placed In a sealed envelope This is
not a drawing, lottery, or gift enter
prise of any kind.
How to Participate
Each receipt for $1.60 for tho Dally,
Weekly or Scml-weokly East Oregon
ian, to any address, tho person to
whom tho receipt Is Issued, will bo
given an opportunity, absolutely with
out cost, to havo a guoss at tho un
known number, and tho person or
persons guessing nearest that number
will recolvo as a present and without
any compensation whatovor, and
merely as an expression of good will
on tho part of tho East Oregonian
toward Its subscribers, tho $100
cushion tired buggy advertised In
this paper and on exhibition at A.
Kunkel & Co's. Implement houso two
doors south of tho East Oregonian
For each $1.60 paid tho holder of
tno receipt will havo an opportunity
of making ono guess. For txamnlo
if you send $1.60 for ono year's sub
scription tho Wookly or $2.00 for
ono year's subscription to tho SomI
weekly you aro entitled to ono guess.
If you pay $6.00 for ono year's sub
scription by mall to tbo Daily you
will get threo guosses. if you pay
$7.50 for ono year's subscription to
the Daily delivered by carrier you
will get flvo guesses, or if you pay
$3.76 for six mouths of tbo Dally by
carrier you aro entitled to two guoss
es. No commission is allowed to any
gent or solicitor for securing sub
scribers under tL.s offer, and tbo
person bo subscribing does It with
tbo understanding tbat tbe Eait
O.rogonlan Is accepted as payment in
full for tbo monoy paid.
Unknown Number How Prepared.
Monday, January 18, tho following
committee of business men mot at
the office of "ast Orogonlan and
formed tho unknown number tbat
will got the $100 rubber-tlred buggy.
Tbe committee consisted of M A.
Rader, tho furniture man, E. T.
Wndo, tbo real estato dealer, G. A.
Robbins, proprietor of tho Owl Tea
Mouse, Olonn Winslow tho Jowolor,
and A. Kunkel, tho implement man.
Ten numbers from one to naught
wore ,cut from n calendar. Theso
numbers wore (.jalcd up in 10 dlffor
ont envelopes by tho committee. Tho
10 envelopes woro placed In a hat
and thoroughly shuffled nnd shaken.
Three members of tho comraltteo
thon took out ono onvolopo each,
which wcro marked ono, two, three,
In tho order In which thoy woro
taken out.
Theso threo envelopes woro thon
placed In a larger onvolopo and seal
ed and a wax seal placed on tho flap
and delivered to tho chairman of tho
commltteo, M. A. Rader ti keep un
til tho day tho buggy will bo drawn.
Tho remaining sovon envelopes con
taining tho othor numbors woro then
burned In tho presonco of tho com
mitted, thus insuring an absolutely
unknown number.
Each and overy ono of tho commit-
too was thoroughly satisfied with
tho absoluto fairness of tho method
of solectlng tno unknown number,
and signed tho following statomont:
"Wo, tho undorslgnod, woro pres
ent at tho East Orogonlan offico Mon
day aftomoon, January tho 18th, and
assisted in forming tho unknown
number according to tho plan pub
lished, to bo used In tho East Ore
gonian guosslng contost.
"Undor tho rulos of forming tho
numbor, It is Impossible for anyone,
not ovon tho mombors of this com
mittee, tbo .publishers of tho East
Oregonian, or anyone olse to know
what tho numbor is.
Upon tho day whon tho onvolopo
Is to bo oponod and tho buggy award
od to tho person guosslng noaroat to
tho numbor, tho numbors will bo as
sembled in tho ordor In which tho
onvolopos aro marked. It may bo ks
low a number as 012 or as high fis
087. As a matter of courso, it must
bo throo dlfforent figures, as no fig
uro was uaod twlco. Somebody will
get a aplondld $100 presont whon the
076 receipts havo boon given out.
The unknown numbota will bo
. . ..t tivfttW I
lormeu ny piiwub -j
numbers In the order mbij
two, three, on the enrelopescl
they are coniameu. -w
number will not be asseml j
the guessing comi " ".l
honeo no one win "" J
UO Ulllll li- a l'""" -
subscribers. I
Th,. number of receipt' jj
tbls conies: w. r;7
numiier cr s'"-00" r V,,-!
range of tho number! i
. n,n unknown I
ami an i us ,
must be composed of ans 1
those limits Tbe j" I
cannot be less than 012 aornl
mate guc3sir5 u'""; .na
? . B"rt There I
absolutely F,,t oi
know the number wd u
Insure that rcsu It. ,
Tho receipt fori 4
test win do fori
but the stub wii " '
pose of MenuwiM. rz
lo is wow
TOwcn a receipt-
on me out n
making bis or h Jf,
unknown numbor.
ccipts are an " re setH
test will bo over ane
bcr awarueu iu. .
How the Cue." J J
On 8CC..rlDrTareM
person 'MhBM
nl8 sums OB
I Ink or liblo pen
ono gnesa uu , the esji
Une tbo same in tB , 01
box provided o - 8,U
out of town pjm
their guess In IM eeaIed
send the samo in , oS
send the sy.E,,t 0
plainly bw nd tbir
finessing Contest.
. In tDO " n
tho box w ll As Fiel
tho receipts in l tB n ij
nre boW-976 re j
.i.v, rhi reccy.
; bemslled t
scrlbcrs n.w
renewals on "0 "