East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 08, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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8, 1904.
' ' ' "
tailor Made Clothing
We have just, received over 3500 samples
fromthoBd V. Price Tailoring Company of
Chicago, ranging in price from $15.00 to
$35.00 per suit.
Mr. George Alferd Ferguson who has taken
orders for us and has done all measuring for
the past two years without a single suit being
rejected, is still with us and would be pleased
to thow you the line of samples
All Fits Guaranteed
i ulul-iiiiii iiruT inn t
er. uet tuuny.
Ippcrs at Teutsch'8.
hit dally at Martin's.
repairing at Tuutsch's
dy furnished rooms to rout,
i street.
L. irhnnl uliocH that wear
fiell at Toutsch's.
ret satisfaction at How-
Ferly necs' cigar store,
loads 'of cinders for tuc
it the Domestic Laundry.
Icelf furnished rooms for
In W J. uaru s, vus iiaiey.
It Kennedy's cab Is at your
it ill hours 'I'lione main
kir clothes cleaned and
It Joerger's, 12G West Court
I ii motn 7m wlmn vnti
lb. Ready for service at all
p. McFaul has moved Ills of-
Association block to tuo
I pay you to tako the East
See, page G for terms on
lor, Designer, Elite, I.a
k., new fashion impels lor
tils cleaned nd blocked,
femed mil pressed. J, J.
l!!2 East Court troet.
fj will get a preesnt of a
kr tired buggy. See page
I Oregonlan guessing cou
nt to nav vnur suhscrin-
BlMfha nr n von r nlinml
Iti read guessing contest nd
nro wildcat was hilled
lliithln the city limits nf
I The animal weighed C
Got Sunny. U C Under.
Fresh tafty at Miller's, Court
Furnished rooms at 40" Alta
street for rent.
Haled liny for sale. Address Box
123, Pendleton, Ore.
Good piano for rent. Address
Kenter, care East Oregonlan.
For Rent Four-room house near
old Academy. Apply at this office.
Good second-hand organ for sale
on easy terms. Address J. F., care
liusl Oregoninu.
A lino high-grade piano for sale
cheap; must be for cash. Address
ii.. care last urogoniun.
Curate timeoiece is a
(y tor the timing of
"hltham, Dueber and
pavements, in solid
pa.nlled. silver or
Impairing at moderate
tessive Jeweler
New Order Supposed to Be a Back
Fire Against Labor Unions.
The -union men of the city are dis
cussing the organization of the
American League of I ndependent
Workmen, which took place at the
courthouse on Saturday evening.
When the matter was discussed
among people of the town In the
first place, it was supposed that the
league was a new fraternal body
springing into existence, but from
what the union people say of It, it
Is a sort of an "Anti-union union."
J. C. Tratnpleasure, president of the
Trades and Labor Council, said of
tlio new order today:
"It is claimed by the unions that
the organization was formed In the
Urst instance at Chicago some
months ago, with the help of the em
ployers, who were havlug trouble
with the unions, and wished to band
tlio opposition to them together for
greater strength. From that place It
came West, lighting at Butte, when
the trouble between the copper
tureen was at its height. From Butte
It went to Spokane during the recent
labor troubles there, and now has
come here to sooth the wounds of a
fow who are out of favor with the
union men.
"Out of the list of officers ele-t-ed
Saturday, all but one or two are
on the black-lists of the various
unions In the city, and these people
think that they have cause to believe
that the organization. here was form
ed to fight them."
Joe, Bailey, of Echo, Is In the city
C. E. Cochran, of Union, is In tho
city for a short business visit.
E. C. Scott, a prominent farmer
of Helix, is In the city for a short
Mrs. M. A. Radcr Is visiting
friends In Walla Walla for a few
Mrs. n. Slater, of Union visited
relatives in the city Saturday and
H. Connell, of the O. It. & N it
Umatilla, was n business visitor In
the city today.
Frank Rack, n writ t-nnn.., rnrmm-
of tlio Echo country, is In the city
a uusiness visit,
Ban Smytho was a visitor in Wes
ton today, where he went to look
nrter legal business.
William Jlosgrove, one of tho
prominent residents of Athena, Is in
the city today "for a visit.
James Lleuallen, a prominent res
ident of Adams, is In the city today
for a short visit on business.
Will M. Peterson, the Athena law
yer, is In tlio city for a short busi
ness visit at tho courthouse.
Mrs. J. H. Montgomery, of island
City, was the guest of friends in tho
city yesterday for a short time.
Fred Andrews, of Echo, is in the
city at tlio bedside of his son, who
Is in the hospital with a broken
E. D. Boyer, the cashier of tho
First National Bank of Walln Walla,
accompanied by Mrs. Boyer, spent
Sunday In the city.
Conductor C. S. Brown, who has
been laying off with erysipelas of the
face for the past three months, went
out on his run last evening.
H. Martin, of Weston, one of the
new road supervisors for that pail
of the county, was a Pendleton visit
or Saturday on a business trip.
W. W. Mnrkham left this morning
for Portland, where lie goes on a
business visit In the Interest of the
Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Com
npny. Ho will be gone several days.
Mrs. A. C. Howson, of Grnngevllle,
Idaho, left this morning for a visit
with friends In Portland and Arling
ton, utter a short stay In this city
at the home of Mrs. Charles J. Fer
guson. Clifford Bellinger has returned
from n visit with relatives and
friends in Portland and Salem. Mr.
Bellinirer wns frirmprlv n rnclrlfml nf
Salem, and visited for a week with
relatives mere.
Card of Thanks.
The family of Frank Roumagoux
wish to extend heartfelt thanks to
the friends whose sympathy and
deeds were so kindly and unselfish
ly tendered them during the last Ill
ness of their husband and father,
and In assisting after his death.
Take UxktUe Bromo Quinine Tkbleti. All
. .TTl mAnav if it full tn rure.
rv ututc inuvi -
A business school Schil
ling's Best that teaches how
to do business so as to make
every man and woman you
deal-with your friend.
Your grocer's; moneyback.
;am of tartar.
Vp 1, ...... t tl,n Mimrlirilllv 1)'.
llftVC IU KCCJJ (Mb ...... j i
Or ni.. .. ,nt is none tOO
' medicine. The same kind is none too
tOnrt f..- i rnnllE IlllV tlllS
iui tODKing. WlUUy I,""" www..- -j
"'icle here 10, 15, 30 and 60 cent packages.
Our at : 11 rlimrucals that
"Illl IS IU SCll UUS "'" w..
,te just a little better than yon find in every
drim ...
W W.W.W.
a :
The Popular Price
Plumbing and Heating of the Bow
man Building.
The contract for the plumbing and
heating of the Bowman building w.is
let Saturday evening and work will
commence on the piping at once.
The Goodman-Thompson Hard
ware Company was successful In
landing the bid for the plumbing at
$2,770, and will hurry the work
through to the finish with all the dis
patch possible.
The heating plant will be Installed
by the Garden-Kendall Company, of
Portland, they having offered to do
the work for $3,800. 'Bade, Jacobs
& Company, of Portland, G. H. Suth
erland and Lynch & O'Uourke, f
Walla Walla, also bid for the work,
but their bids were higher than the
As soon as the piping Is put in
place the finishing work will be done
and it Is the Intention of the con
tractors to ' have tho building ready
for occupancy by the first of May.
Sulililul- For Kuliuer.
The so called "grcusewood plaut" of
the Rocky inouutuius, it Is said, has
been found to yield a good substitute
for rubber. The young shoots of this
plant contain 11 milky fluid and the older
wood a resinous gum. In making the
rubber, It appears, the former lire
bruised between rollers and the lutter
crushed, the whole muss belus; uftcr
ward placed In a mechanically agitated
vehhul and subjected to the uction of
carbon bisulphide, carbon dlsulphlde,
naphtha or other India rubber solvent
When this bus been continued for some
hours, heat being applied If necessary,
the liquid is strained off. This Is placed
In a closed vessel and the olutlle mat.
ter driven off by heat. That part which
will not volatlze is then washed with
either cold or hot water and subjected
to repeated rollings.
Zinc Sails In Fruit.
The export of various forms of dried
rem,, tiite pnuntrv has bucn con
siderably hampered of late by the dls-
covcry that a lurge pari 01 u is con
iiii vim- milts. It was at
Ilrst supposed that the presence of the
zinc was due to tue zinc iruys iu wwi-u
.1... u-nu .lrli.il mill tbelr Ube was
II1U " ' "
abandoned. The zinc, however, con
tinued to appear in tue rruu. uerr
uti,.ii. nf Cnrlitz has recently con
ducted au Investigation to determine,
Its bouice. He" tltius unit 11 ziuc in
prcheiit in the soil or atmosphere .It Is
rnnrlllv flllciMI llll liv the nlauts and
fruit trees, and us 11 couslderablo por
tion of the ordinary fertilizers comaum
..1..,. ...iiu u lu vim'v nrnliiible that thu
Jotter nre responsible for the coutuui
looted fruit.
. , nll., UncA PinlllflnV
ueguiar hiuuiiub .ww
No. C, Tuesday night, 7:30, Febru-
n.i. n. ti... niiv nnntipll rooms.
ary win, l"u ., ------
All members requested to nttoud.
JV.lll'O w.
H. E. COOK, Pres. Secy.
t...i..Ii. ..lll,ta nf lllltfp.
2 Days More 2
17th Annual Clearance Sale
The Peoples Warehouse
You certainly can
not make a dollar
easier than to save
it. Reduced prices
for these two days
Sale Ends
Feb. 10th.
Inut-iiluiiH l.lfp ltnft.
A simple niid Ingpuluus life raft re
sembles the ordinary cork ring life pre
server, but Is larger and more "shlp
tliape." A transverse band t-erves ns a
seat, so that ouly the low er part of ihe
body is luimeied. The craft is provid
ed with a knotted rope, down which
the passenger clumbers after the boat
has beeu thrown overboard; also with
paddles and an automatic alarm bell.
Culur or Ten.
A bulletin of the Tokyo agricultural
college says that the color of green tea
is not cauted by copper salts necessa
rily, but Is due to the fact that green
ten Is made fruin leu en dried as soon
us they are picked, while black tea Is
allowed to ferment Urst. The fermenta
tion neutralizes fcouie of the tannin;
hence black tea is not so Injurious as
Graduate Osteopath.
Dr. L. Frances Thompson, Os
teopathic physician, (graduate of tho
American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksvllle, Mo.) will treat women
and children at their homes or jt
her apartments by appointment, un
til desirable offices can he secured,
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days of each week. 'Phone, Red 73.
A. KUNKEL (St, Co., Proprietors
Of tlio 1,250 Southern Pacific loco
motives, 600 are oil burners.
A la Barb Wire
Leather and Rubber Iteltlug
Hog Wire
Lace Leather
Jncksou Forks
Poultry Netting
ItolU NuU
Kubber Tire Buggies with Cushion Tires
Uarringes with Leather Trimming
Murreys with Cloth Ti limiting
VVllsou Mollue lluggiett with Shafts Wilson Mollne Hacks with I'olin
J no. Deere Buggies witli Tops. Juo. Deere Hacks with Brakes
Mollne Wagon with Box t Seat Chattauoga Wagon with Holder Hprlug
Juo. Deere Gang Plow Pie Drolled John Deere Walking Plows
Uolltnl J no Deere Disc Plows, Caper Sauce
Juo. Deere Lever Harrows with Jno. Deere Disc Harrow Fritters
Mushroom Sauce Home Droning
Forks Hoes Itakes Boiled Buggy Cushions
Wagou Jack Salad Wheelbarrow Salad
Minneapolis Threshing Machine Pie
Uelaer Threshing Machine Pudding
Deerlng Harvesting Machinery with (Jake
Sickle Sections. Sickle Knives. Sickle Heuds. Rivets. Repairs
Anything else In our line fiiruUhed to order
Repairs In season.
The Boston
Another shipment of the RED
pair) j'ust received.
$t.25r sfce 6 to 8
$$.50 for size 8 to J 1
$1.75 for sfce it to 2
$2.00 for size 2 to 3
We are selling of this shoe two
pairs this year to one pair last.
Whv ? People have found that
they wear better, fit better, look
better, price better.
Better Get a Pair
The children want this kind.
Toes in wide or narrow style j low
heels, with and without hooks.
Sewed with silk.
Before Putting In
Your sewer connection get prices front us on 4 and
G inch vitrified sewer pipe.
Complete line of Closets of different sizes, kinds and
prices. Our plumber is the best workman in Pendle
ton, and work entrusted to us is done right.
Boston Shoe Store
Successors to the Thompson Company
621 Main St,
The French
Best 25 cent Meal in the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant Furnisltfti' .Rooms in
633 Maiu Street
The Expense of Having Your Suits Cleaned and
Pressed is Light If You Join Our Club
To be a member of our club and we keep your clothes
looking neat, clean and well pressed. Its no trouble to you,
we call for and deliver your clothing. Telephone us Main
1C91 or drop us a card and our solicitor will upon you
Steam Cleaning (3b Dying Works
CANTY &. JONES, Props.
Good, called for .nd d.llv.red. Fbone ui-MId t69l. .r a poiUI .r
will orinn ui i jvui- vv.
rELATEFUTE "lMlnerl Rubber.
VOU .MAY Wnfn kkI'JjACK a womk-out hoof
are'js paV to -H?B-jggia co. w M
Worcester Building.
Mayor riiuiuK -.
will bo Impeached for violation of
Ills ooui as iiiwjvi,
, nvaBF