I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEDRUARY 8, 1904. Bfei The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Woik. ttolteiluiy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. 3t sl to be considered that only urinary ami bladder troubles were to be iniccu 10 me Kiuucys, but now modem I science proves that ' nearly nil diseases have their IwRinuinc in the disorder of these most itiix)rtant orgins. The kidneys filter and purify thebtood that is their work. Vhiwfnrn. when vourkidncvsare weak rcront of order, you can understand how nfctly your entire Ixxly is affected mid imreTcry organ seems to fail to do its ifiitr- U yoa are sick or " feel badly," bcRin EUiing the great kidney remedy, Dr. Xihner's Swamp-Root, because us soon isyourkiduevsurcwell they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If vtra arc sick you can make no mis take" by first doctoring your kidneys. Jlnimild and the extraordinary effect of Br. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Ifdney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the. most distressing cases, ami is sum n its mertts by all irucjnsts in iiuy-cem aTYuirl .rail one-dollar sue 3urilus. You may au-rea sample bottle nomctawmp-Boot tJr mail free, also a pamphlet telling you 2nw-to find out if you have kidney or iftuliler trouble. Mention this paper w&ku writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiing Eumton, K. Y. I)f -i'I make any mistake, Sot remcmliet the name, Swamp-Uoot, Ute. Kilmer's SwannUoot, and the ad itasB, Binghamtou, N. Y on every bottle. (i PERSONAL HABITS M DR. MARTIN'S LECTURE AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH GENERAL NEWS. The now Central Union depot nt Xew York City will have a tower TTSl feet high. Secretary Hay has completely re lovered from his recent Illness, match was mainly nervous prostra did from overwork. Joseph T. Dodge, the noted civil -ragfneer, Is dead nt .Madison, Wis.. rsed t years. He was especially Trnmlnent In the construction of the ijirthern Pacific. Sadden thaws and warm rains are nrrylng off the tremendous snows is the snowbound 'thumb district" of ilfichigan. which Is now in Imminent linger of Inundation. The Misses l.eona, Katie and Trances Lawrence, sisters, of At Dxata, Ga., well-to-do and prominent people, were all operated upon for tppendicitis February 5, in the same liaqiltal. A secret junta with headquarters Si New York City, has been shipping ntraitlons of war to the San Domin ion rebels. The latest consignment tub captured by the loyalists, which ill to a partial uncovering, of the jjnita. An index relating to the hard times prevailing in the British Isles ik the fact that during 1903 the im ports were $1,103,500 less than in 3W2. and the exports $4,101,500 lesi: lie people's buying and selling ca Hefty arc both decreasing. Denver Is in the thick of a new barter fight, the reform clement rtterly refusing to be either concil iated or stay licked. Another spec ial election will be held March 29. Extraordinary efforts are being naile to rid the registration books ot fraudulent entries. Living Topics Near to Every Home Handled In an Eloquent and Able Manner Bad Habits Were Un mercifully Grilled Will Lecture on "Future Recognition" Next Sunday. NORTHWEST NEWS. An ashy substance fell with, a rainstorm at Huntington, on Satur day. It lay on the ground like white ishes after the rain. Ben Nell and Harvey Wllcott, two wealthy stockmen, are under arrest at Forsythe, Mont., for stealing 300 ahecp from a neighboring sheepman. Frank C. Smith, a prisoner, throw black pepper In the eyes of the of Jeer in charge of him at Seattle, Saturday and made an unsuccessful attempt to escape. Freeman and Norman James, aged 17 and 14, sons of a highly respect ed family, are under arrest at Spo kane for highway robbery. They robbed W. W. Kay of his watch and pocket change Saturday night. Theodore .Meyer, a logger of As toria, was held up and robbed of $22 on the busiest street In that city ut 9 o'clock Saturday night. The hold op was over with so quickly that Meyer thought It was a joke. Pomeroy, Wash., has passed two ordinances, one abolishing all music, concerts or other amusements in sa loons, the other prohibiting the sale of liquor where there is a lunch counter or restaurant in connection. After the secretary of state count ed off all the questionable names on the local option and direct primary petitions, It was found that tho pri mary petition bore 8,74 C, and the lo cal option 8,816 bona fid a signatures, enough In both cases to place the amendments on the official ballot. The Christian church was filled to the doors yesterday nftornoon by those wlib wont to hear the remark able lecture on "Personal Habits" by Dr. S. M. Martin, the evangelist. Ho th men and women wore admit ted to this lecture. On two pre vious Sundnys Dr. Martin had . lec tured to men and women separately, but on this occasion had volumes good, cheering, spirited ndvicc for both in common. Dr. .Martin took up "Personal Habits" and scored them down tho entire line, grilling the bad and lauding the good in an able man ner. "Lying," "profanity," dress" "In temperance," "tobacco," "gambling," and habits of personal unc!eanl!nc3S were vividly portrayed in their lit tleness mid vlclausness and the lec ture was filled with wit, sarcasm, and eloquent arraignment of Incor rect habits and customs In both men ami women. Dr, Martin Is n dramatic speaker. His lectures are thrilling and elec trifying, so vivid are his compari sons and so pointed nro his climax es. With few words, filled with glowing thoughts and vitalized with n magnetic personality, ills address es carry conviction to the listener. He puts tho truth beforo tho nud lence so simply yet in such an un answerable manner, that men and women must embrace his highly practical theories ot religion and morals. In concluding one of the most in teresting lectures ever listened to In Pendleton, Dr. Martin summed up the Christian character in a dozen words anil repeated his definition with the audience several times, He said: "A Christian Is a per son of correct habits, inspired by a faith In Christ." That embraced the entire creed over which volumes and libraries have been written. Ho impressed his definition on the au dience by causing It to be repeated lu concert soveral times, Such a lecture should bo repeated in every Pendleton church once each month, to keep the cardinal points of right living constantly in tho minds of the people. Clean habits, pure language, un selfish actions, regards for the rights and comforts of others, tem perance, truth, reverence for God and for the aged, respect for wife and husband and respect for moral, physical and sanitary laws were tho cardinal points discussed, and they were discussed as is seldom heard. On Sunday Dr. Martin will lecture to both men and women on "Future Recognition. " HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. D. W. Hellmnn. Portland. H, O. Dean, St, Joo. O. M. Swartwood, Paluso. D. Davenport, Montana. John P. Kink, Portland. J. J. Fowler, Portland. O. H. Nutting, Chicago. A. Nylnndor, Portland. M. II. Pntton, Spokane. H. Nngaroda, Spokane. P. W. Wnlte, San Frnnclsco. A. J. Hall, Spuknno. .1. P. Fisher, Spokane. O. 11. Prnol, Portland. p. C. Holland, .Portland. M. 11, Travis, Chicago. John 11. AHhton, Chicago. O. W. Huckman mid wife, Chicago. F, N. Hlrchoff, Salt ljikc. A. D. Chase, Portland. Oeorgo T. Williams, Portland. P. F. llrennan nnd wife, Now York, K. Hoyor and wife. Walla Wnlla, C. C. Cose, Wnlla Wnlla. A. O. Hlllon, l.ewlston. C. A. Carlisle, Portland. W. A. Hill, Chicago. N, F. Jensen, Cornish. C. J. Freese, Spokane. P.. (lolden, Spokane. A. Is. Moroy, Spokane. H. A. Seeds, Spokane. P. L. Tatum and wife, Now York. F. A, Ford, Portland. F. J. Lockott. Portlnnd. William Mahor, Portland. William Mnhcr, Portland: William Mahor. Portland. C. M, Smith, Portland. TO CURE ANY DI8EA8E. The Caue Mul be Removed, Sam War With Uundruff. Kill the cerm that caues dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, and your hair must crow luxuriantly. Nuwbro'a 'Herplclde not only contains the dandruff germ destroyer, but Ills also p most delight ful hair dreislne for regular toilet ue. No other hair preparation Is on thU scientific basis ot deatoylne the dandruff germs. It stops all Irritation, keeps tlu calp sweet, pure and wholeaomo. Re member that something (claimed to be "Sunt n good," will not do the work of genuine Herplclde. Hold by leading drugglats. Send 10c, In stamps for sam ple to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. Better Than Gold, 'i was troubled for soveral years with chronic indigestion and ner vous debility," writes F. J. Clreen, of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped mo until I began using Elec tric Hitters, which did me more good than all the medicine that I over used. They havo also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Klectrlc Hitters are just splen did for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and lnvigorator for weak, run down women.- No other medicine can take Its place In our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman & Co. Hotel St. George. George Williams. Walla Walla. Goldo Sharp, Walla Walla. T. 1), Kltthan, I-a Grande. C. K. Cochran, Union, H. A. Wcls, Portland. William Margrove, Athena. Georgo McGlthney, Spokane. William Dunn, Portland. William M. Peterson, Athena. K. l.ce Yarns, Portland. W. 1). Rowland, San Francisco, C. II Knsmusscn, Seattle. II Connell, Umatilla. J. J. Burns, Portlnnd, Miss H. M. Sumner. Portland. It. Is. Metcalf, Walla Walla. Georgo Harris, Portland. James P. Kelly, Salt Italic. P. E. Cadwcll. Portland. H, II. Mtinsnu, Portland. W. H. Holmnii. San Frnnclsco: George I,. Smith, Hncine. Charles H. Itasmusscn, San Fran cisco. Samuel E. Brown, Seattle. M. Is, Sanderson, Denver. Hotel Bickers. C. B. Hartwell. Omaha. Ed C. Allen, Fox. R. H. Simpson, Baker City. J. W. Lemon, Umatilla. C. W. Haley, Colorado. W. G. Dubois, Colorado. J. M. Matt. R. C. .Iloberts and wife. Boise. - F. J. Hanor, Portland. E. J. Norvell, city. Mrs. J. H. Montgomery, Island City. Dr. M. S. Itenn, city. J. S. Cunningham, Portland. E. C. Scott, Helix. S. S. Gill. Spokane. J. W. Cronler, Meacham. .Mrs .Cronior, Meachnm. Miss Alyco Croner, Meacham. Frank Rack, Echo. Mr. Huklll, Starbuck. . .Mrs. M. F. Kelly. Dale. W. T. Shelton, San Jose. S. Yorgar, Hllguard. A. E. Austin, Woodburn. W. M. Fraker, city. is. S. Clark. Baker City. W. E. Brown, Echo. G. Craig, Now York. Robb Finch, Chicago. W. S. Gilliam. Walla Walla. BAKER COUNTY HANGINGS. Pleasant Armstrong Not the First to "Stretch Hemp." While Pleasant Armstrong was tho first man ever legally hanged in Baker county, it was not Baker county's first hanging, by any means. One of the most noted early day "hemp parties" in Baker county was In 1860, when three horse thieves were overtaken In what Is now called "Thief Valley", 18 miles southeast of Union, and hanged to a cottonwood tree on Powder river. These "rustlers" had stolen all the stock belonging to an Immigrant train camped In Powder river val ley. The Immigrants had been set "a foot" by the thieves, hut the old pioneers residing in the vicinity took up tho chase, captured tho stock and left tho thieves hanging on what Is now J. F. Mitchell's farm in Thief Valloy. That was beforo Union county was cut off from Baker and Is on the southern border of what Ja now Union county on the banks of Paw- der river. MIGRATORY PRINT 8HOP. Will be Stored on the Farm 'Till the "8plrit Moves." ,,T. Nat Hudson Is In town today, Rhinnine his printing plant to Uls farm near Baker City, whoro ho will storo It until such time as it may bo needed, when ho will move It to such place as It will do the moat good, says tho Sumptor Roportor. ir politics should this year got so torrid that tho wot blanket of truth widely disseminated should bo need ed, ho will have the stuff necessary to spring an independent papor at a moment's notice Should somo aspiring town take a fancy to tho county seat, ho will havo tho ma chinery necessary to move tho samo for a stipulated price. Mysterious Circumstance. One was palo and sallow and tho other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's Now Life Pills to maintain It. By gent ly arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25c at Tallman & Co., Druggist. We have some propositions in real estate which are worth your timo to investigate. Come in and talk them over with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Offico in E. O. Building. 'Phone Black, 1111. P. O. Box 324. Carnation Bxtracu are flood Be Sore and Call For Carnation Extracts aro Pure Peerless Mushes Carnation Extract! are Strong When You Go to Your Grocery Carnation Bxtraeli are Wholoiome MALARIA Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps and marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found. PoisoitoiiR vapors and pases front sewers, and the musty air of dump cellars are laden with the Terms of this misernblo disease, which arc breathed into the lungs nnd taken tip by the blood and transmitted to every part of the body. 'I hen you begin to feci out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause. No eiwrgy or nppetitc, dull licndnehes, sleepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer tion, arc some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady. As the disease progresses and the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, bolls nnd abscesses and dark or left to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in the blood, Liver nud Kidney troubles nud other serious complications often arise. A3 Malaria begins nnd develops in the blood, the treatment to be IT ,,,at hnrfin thnrr Inn ,lni-t-.,... the genus ami poisons nnd purifies the polluted blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is .. .. ir nil ui..u -.r t,io ,i...,Fn. .u.. S. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and harmless. Write us if you want medical advice or any special informa tiou about your case. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm J FRED KAUFFMANNS Chicago, U. S. A. jfl guarantees to fit you perfectly or no sale v J BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE 880 acres, all fenced; good well, 244 feet deep, windmill; engine; land all broke but 70 acres. 400 acres crop. Balance to be summer fallowed. Three-room house. Cistern, 10x20 feet, built ou high ground. Machine shed, 14x40 feet. Barn, 14x40 feet. Wheat shed, 12x20 feet. Adams County, 9 miles of N. P. K. R. Down hill road. Inquire of C. W. CRABILL Connell Wash. BaIariesbvfu!cteN yvh can trt r "ura HI, B1I1&1I Aut r5 "-"8 po&ittons . 'Ul Mr W1VI1 tJ . . "icai aw Bdx 799 SCRANT0N,PA, ur eau on our Iumi . ua supply WITH Building i 'Jin1 i iiir "I IULW If (Mint KMnrfn l nig, ijuiiuinir and Tu w Rrtnor Vnnr Rill 4n 1 -1 JUV II J I II III I II 111 CI f.1 IIFII lllll I .11 J - Opp. Wt & C. R. INSURE IN ininiir. Lin. k That pay their crnnrl at lhf hpannllh Hartford Kire Insurant London & Lancashire It fnmintnM (7n North British 4 MercMtili Co ...... Royal Insurance Co... nn vtyt n ni ji kk ANK K 111,11 i iv ii .iniir ABENT ti2 EAST C0UK MIESCKE'S Mr at MARK muni m""" win uirei imw . I.IIIMI'IT iiv nil,""-- . MEAT when Miejcie your order. 316 COURT Don't njlwtfaepl"4- Th oreapn - found on aaie r, BIG BLACK SALE nee uays ot Specials in BLACK. UUi Everything that is Black in our stock will be on sale for the aj. IUT O uuvh ana me ortcen rrliiroH r,s tu- nnri maKc a - v.. wuiuiiibute iigni. tt imngs you neea in black goods of any kind, and come to our the three days mentioned and you will save money on every item. Black dress goods, silks, etc., 2o per cent off because of their color Shoes reduced to per cent because they lllfinlr J are Rubbers and overshoes, io per cent off for three days Black shirts, shirtwaists and black ribbons, all reduced Black suits and overcoats, 20 per cent off from regular price ' m aCK, don't' If what you want is BLAU,' m . . ... .,! save ir"m 10 come during tins sai - , .1. a 1 nfir"i, Tf f - per cent over our regular pns ways below others' prices OUR WHITE SALE will beg''" and continue until Saturday night. Muslin' Underwear and Corsets lines on sale. Walch for our will bills THE PAl