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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1904)
NINGEDITION DAILYEVENINGEDITION 1 Is to business I n mnnh nnrv. l"im....ilnn Power."- Eastern Oregon Weather nun' Tonight hhiI Tuesday Ibjitj BIIUW, ,ic. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEGON, MOXDAY, PEimUAKY S, 1004. NO. 4i)U6. OF N ASHES Sweep Over Acres in Richest Business District. artment Helpless Though Reinforced From York, Philadelphia and Other Cities, New ted States Regulars ana ponce From Other Cities Are Property All the Great Newspaper Plants Have Been De- uAt 11 O'clock Today One Hundred and Forty Acres of Solid Blocks Had Been Destroyed and the Fire Still Having Its REWARD FOR HOLD-UPS. J. J. Fltz Gerald Gets Pay for Catch ing the O. R. & N. Train Rob bers. Portland, Feb. 8. J. J. Fltz Ger ald, a. railroad detective, who cap tured Hoehn and Harshman, tho O. O. R. & N. train robbers, last Sep tember, has boon paid the full re ward offered for their capture, $300 for Harshman, and $1,300 for Hoehn. Sheriff Al Rlfsboll, of Skagit coun- ij, wusningion, who assisted In the capture of Hoehn, will be paid one half of the reward offered for .lis capture, $CB0. rr;::r:;::iiuncTii mrc nmnrn miv wwincum, Tl II II III! r- i iiiuimn llll II w NUUMLIMLU UI1ULII Wf1l Chicago, Feb. '..Measure ment of the Coliseum today, under the new regulations governing seating capacity of public houses, Instituted rig orously since tho Iroquois fire, shows It can seat but 8,000, as against the old' ca pacity of 11,000, which will al low but few seats to outsid ers attending tho republican convention. Nearly the entire space will be allotted to del egates, alternates, distin guished guestR and tho press. Tho latter alone requires a minimum of 300 seats Feb. S. Flro broko out lornlng In tho wholesale Core of John E. Hurst & ipllns .Flaco, In the heart kess district, with a Berics losions, which woro board parts of tho city, anil !h fearful rapidity and ailing all Inquiry into Its 1 Blocks Burning. Feb. 8. At 0 this :e lames aro still beyond he wind Is blowing a gale. If all the wholoHalo and a of the retail district is at to blocks, stretching a le direction. Is easily 100,u00,000, and 10,000,000, with no relief 1th and lllh regiments of fend militia und regulars Jlenry, and pollco from mil rnlladolpbJa arc I local nowspapor plants trf. Somo paporB urn be torn tho Star and Post tlngton, of engines, men and rushed by special Jersey City, Now York r IHundred Forty Acres. Ij morning tho storm of i ud covers ovorythlns 1 Fayetto street north to I Wit to Liberty, thenco ppklns Place, thenco east '"arf and Pratt street. f 4'rect lino to a point in lirenue, north of Block the its confines. Moro than B0 engines, trucks and crews have been brought from other cities to augment tho lo cal fire department, yet should the wind change probably this groat force of firemen and modern appli ances wll prove inadequate to save represent the largest and 'best bands OREGON'S SHEEP KINGS. Views of a Chicago Man on Northwest Sheep Breeders "Tho biggest ram-raising estab lishments in the United States aro In Oregon, Washington and Idaho," said W. W. Burch, publisher of the American Shecpbreeder, of Chicago. "I saw a unique gathering of sheep men in front of the Baker theater while tho Livestock in session this aftnrnnnn PRELIMINARY HEARING MED the residence section. Two hundred and fifty extra pollco havcnrrlvcd from Philadelphia. Fifty Thousand Destitute, this afternoon tho flames At again threaten to break beyond con trol. Now that the water front Is destroyed tho estimated loss reaches $300,000,000, tho greatest slnglo loss I In the history of tho world. Tho Are 1b now fanned by until a solid mile of water front is ablaze. Hundreds of vessels have been pulled out to new anchorages. At least 50,000 persons are thrown out of employment. Citizens this afternoon are arranging plans to care for tho destitute. Governor Fairfield, after a confer ence with,' the mayor, declared a 1j- gal holiday. Ho has called a speciil session of tho legislature, and neces sary legislation will bo Introduced at Annapolis tonight, to suspend nil business for a week or 10 days until tho city's affairs can be straighten ed out. Martial Law Declared. Baltimore, Feb. 8. Martial law was formally declared at noon, sir oi pure-bred sheep In the United States. There was Colonel Van Houten, of the Baldwin Sheep & Land company of Hay creek, Ore., Charles Cunningham of Pendleton, A. G. Butterfleld of Weiser, Ida., Mr. Boylen, superintendent of the Prinevillo Land & Livestock com pany, It, A. Jackson, of Dayton, Wash., John Seeley of Utah, presi- I UUIlt OI Lne Amprlnnn TTnnY.n..tll..t a southwest wind association, xv a , ; , ... .iuhi.u ui, and Mr. Brown, manager of the W. M. Ladd ranch. LAND CASES GO DIRECTLY TO FEDERAL GRAND JURY. Messrs. Hartman and Parkes Will Not Be Bothered With Preliminar ies, But Will Take a Short Cut to Vindication Give Bond RepresntJ Ing About One Million Dollars- Can Have More Security If It Is Needed. 'ill Kill T DEWING Japan Makes First Breakaway and Captures Russian Trading Vessels on the Korean Coast. British Navy Will Be Mobillied to Meet Emeraenciet Flri Ora n.t. tie Will Be Naval and Take Place Off Port Arthur-Diplomatic Re lations Are Broken Off-France Will Offer to Mediate, With Moral Support of Other European Nations-Japan Is Buying Steamshlpi of the Canadian Pacific. N. TO CHANGE THE TIME. Strong Petition Sent to O. R. & Officials by Business Men. J. It. Dickson has sent the petition signed by SO representative business men of this city, asking that tho time of the local Walla Walla train be changed to a time earlier In the day, to J. P. O'Brien, superintendent rf the O. It. & N The netition renre- sents both the neonle nf tho Mt- nnri the residents nf ti,Q vw,ii .i,' .. ' bwearcugon, " - v ..V...JVJ twin USC the train. Mr. Dickson also called tho attnn. tlon of tho company to the cancella- porsedlng tho pollco regulations. All ' tlon of tne permits formerly issued the saloons are closed. A dozen ar- to those who camo to tho city from i i ...... TTmntllln nml T?l, ml luoit uuvu uecn immu iur luuuug. NU He etirvoy, In giving out wement of area, says It F acres. estimato of losses to p Is $125,000,000 which, contents, brings tho Foing to flro underwrite i quarter billion mark. TNtlnucs. Loses $60,000,000. H Arc dotachmont of h six hoso rcolB and six H 8 o'clock nml lm. pred tho fight. 1 la now in full nlinrirn assisted by regulars. fk insurance eomnnnv 1 tores its losses at 1 Paper Survives. firtilTinn ftimniimVinil krenoon to tho terrific "elr places In many P'? by citizens. fireman Elgonfrltz, a roliof crow frnm 1 fOUnd nt nnnn In Ihn 'ng, whoro ho trlod 16 pf hoso. Presidont witlmoro stroot rail- Union established 1 With 20 wird i.t 1 and Knrntn.. ... l irameiilntni.. j.i., -i Nter, ' I Is bolnif Evening World, n 'IS bllllfllno on,1 'Wrrouna tho office. ,w Isauod as fast as Whfl Furnace. "3r front Is now a Great mills. ' long rows of W n f i 1 . ah.. ills M,U"U"BUH uiiou l Int. "" iront eooh l iMest8 of this soa 1 C0mntt ..... kn.i ul uostruction in, " B unaor con- h:(, mai unless rie. T "amoa cannjt death other than that of Fireman Ilglnfritz, has yet been reported to tho police. In the Lumber District. At 3 o'clock, homo on tho winds, naming brands from the lumber yards, have carried tho conflagration across Junes' Falls, which tho fire mnn predicted, might bo the limit of tho liro-swept area. Other lumber yards nro in line and offer good ma terial for tho spread of the flames. Hack of tho lumber yards Is a dense ly populated tenement district, tho inhabitants of which aro now fleeing carrying nil possiblo worldly goods. After consulting with their attor neys, it has been decided by Judge G. A. Hartman and Joe H. Parkes to waive their preliminary hearing In ine cases urougnt against them and others by the government, charging conspiracy to delraud the govern ment, and this morning both of tho gentlement furnished bonds In tho sum of $2,000 each to insure their appearance before tho federal grand Jury when it meets In Portland. It is thought that tho jury will meet some time during the next month. Judge Hartman's bond was signed by W. F, Matlock, T. C. Taylor, Rob ert Forster, W. D. Hansford, W. J, Furnish, Frank Frazler, Thomas Thompson, Frank Curl, T. D. Taylor, il. Alexander, C. E. Hoosevelt. E. L. Smith, J. H. Italey, H. J. Taylor, V. II. Ciopton, J. R. Dickson, W. H. Jones, E J. Sommcrville, W. P. Tern pie, W. H. McCormach, W. E. Brock, J. V. Tollman, T. W. Ayers, T. B. F. W. Vincent. J. M. Fcrgusen, and Gnorgo Perlnger. ' Judgo Hartman at first wished io have his hearing as soon as possi ble, but has changed his mind after consultation with his attorney. Ho said today: "It Is too much lo ask the district attorney to como uiiiuiiiia nnu iicno. Tnese nersons formerly could return tn timi,- homes on tho afternoon freight ;,ut wa yup hero to conduct a prollmln this privilege has been taken from 1 ary liearll)K' 60 I will offer tho abovo them, forcing them to remain over 1 hoti lllstCIu- It represents about night In Pendleton, when perhaps W0,000. and I will givo a mortgage their business demanded but a few to indemnify my bondsmen on DW, minutes tlmo hero. Mr. Dlrksnn nKi.-. 000 Jack rabbits and all tho wild ed that the privilege of using the!'eso tllat lly over the land lmtion. Feb. S. Thn rvntni News Bureau reports a strong Jap anese fleet has gone to Chumtilim Korea, and cveral Russian trading sicnmcrs navil been solzetl. -Minister Hayashi this morning Buys inai as a stalo of war actually exisU, it Is possiblo there will bo no further declaration. Tho British foreign office receives a constant stream of cablegrams. Tho British navy Is preparing 'or mobilization on a moment's notice freight trains bo granted as former ly. There is astonishing concert cf purpose and action by all tho native tribes of tho German South African districts to get rid of their German rulers, and revolt, murder and arson ducted at the house this afternoon at aro common. l o'clock, Babe Dies of Pneumonia. Lester, the 3-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes, died yester duy morning at tho family homo on Lillcth street, after a short attack of pneumonia. Tho funoral was con- I ' Off Port Arthur, Toklo, Feb. 8. It is expected hoto the first battlo between Russia and Japan will occur off Port Arthur, where tho harbor Is inadequato to protect tho entlro Russian fleet rho Japanese licet Is now bollovod to be proceeding thero from Naga saki. The Japaneso plan a great torpedo campaign in tne coming war. Diplomatic Rupture Reported. London, Feb. 8. Secretary Doug las, In tho houBo of commons today announced that he had officially re ceived news that all diplomat c re a- Hons between Russia and Japan aro broken on. Tho foreign ofllco Is advised that Minister Kurlno has left St, Potors- burg and Minister Do Rosen will leave Toklo tomorrow. ino cabinet met at noon to consid er tho Eastern situation. An agent of tho National Publishers dis patches from Toklo that a declara tion of war Is momentarily expected by a meeting of tho council of elders under tho chairmanship of tho mi kado, which is in progress. Prospects of Mediation. Ijndon, Feb. 8. Tho Paris corres pondent of tho Exchango Telegraph is informed in oillclal quartern that Franco Is determined to make an lm- medlato and supremo effort to medi ate between Russia nnd Jupun. It is stated tho other great jiowors havo assured Franco of moral sup port. Tho Pall Mali Hnzetto usserls Franco and England arc agreed ns to Far Eastern policy. Neither will Intervene until a dcclslvo cngago ment, when they will offer to medi ate. Japan Buys Ocean Carriers, Vancouvor, U. C, Feb, 8. Tho big Canadian Pacific MeamshlpB, Tartar and Athenian, about 3T.O0O tons tho Japanese government. The stenmshlps will bo used as freight nnd passenger carriers between Brit, leh Columbia nnd tho Orient. Japan Is Defiant. Paris, Feb 8. Tho Japaneso min ister In an Interview, snys Japan will reject ull attempts nt modlatlon by Franco. On tho Bourso is tho most serious slump In 15 years. Gonornl panlo exists In all stocks, but Russian se curities hpvit suffered the moat. Franco has agreed with tho other powers to land troops in China Im mediately upon tho outbreak tuition In order to Q8auro tho trnllty of tho Mlddlo Kmnlro. A counsel of ministers n socrot eos slon was held this morning. Dolcas so announced ho would docllno (a answer Inquiries regarding tho Ori ent, beyond that Fianco would bo neutrnl. Korean Cable Cut. Purls, Feb. 8. Tho Janunuso havn cut tho cablo between Japau and Korea, according to nilvices rccelvod this uvcnlng by tho French foreign ofllco. Tho supposed object Is to pro vent news of operations of Japanese renchlng the Russians. Great Military Activity, Berlin, Feb. 8. Tho Cologne Ga zette says Admiral Von Kiiaun. com mander of tho Austrian navy, has re ceived a dispatch from tho comman der of tho Austrian legation at Po- kln, that Japan has emhurkod fnur regiments of guards, and two army divisions on 40 steamers. Tho dls pulch adds tlint a Russian cruiser with a division, has sailed from Port Arthur, anil a naval battlu Is oxpect ed hourly. LAND OFFICE TO OPEN 800N. Register E. W. Davis Awaiting Final Instructions From Washington Many Homesteaders Have Come Long Distances to Make Final Proof During the Suspension of Business, to Return Disappointed at Great Expense. HOW TAXPAYERS ARE GRAFTED ON COUNTY PRINTING Hero aro two samples of fragments from tho delinquent tax list, taken from the Weekly Tribune of January 21. Tho flrat samplo In which the descriptions aro abbreviated, Is set Just as the delinquent tax list has always been set by the East Orcgooian. It Is condensed as closely as possiblo, and every word is abbreviated to make just as 'ittio cost on too taxpayer as possible. Tho second sample, Is sot Just as tho Weekly Tribune has set the delinquent tax list for 190L Every word is spelled out In full, the iin nro cnt n distanco anart. to make all tho Inches posslbb out of the list, and one inch set as It should be set. In tho first sample. Is .t.ntot.n.1 tn mnltn nxnctlr two inches In the Tribune. Thn tctual fncts aro oven worse than pictured In this paper on Saturday evening. Instead of there being 125 Inches of actual tax list, set ns It should bo there were but 100 inches of bona fldo matter In the 200 inches published by tho Tribune, on January 21 Bean, Timothy. Southwest quarter northeast quartor and west half southeast quarter, section 12, township 1, north of range 31, E. w. M Boan, Timothy. Northeast quarter southwest quarter and southwest quarter northwest quarter, section 12, township 1 north of rango 31, E. W. M . Bean, Timothy. West half southwest quarter and south east quarter southwest quarter section 12, townBhlp 1, norti of rango 31, E. W. M 3.36 Beck, B. F. Lot 2, block A, Jacob's addition, Pendleton. Oregon 16.45 Ono inch of tho tax list as enlarg ed into two Inches In tho Weekly Tribune. , t nA nt h ?no Inches at $2 60 nor inch, or a total of S520 for printing this list In tho Tribune, tho actual expense to tho taxpayer for prlnUnilM "8t Bhoul,i havo lUt '0' r 10 'nCheS f """ 6 " " ' 88 East Orogonlan to the county comJalaBloDcrs permitted a graft, by which tho Tribune Is gettnlg t4C0 of Bean, Timothy SV NB and W V, BW Sec. 12, Tp. N of It 31, E. W. M.. ......... Iipnn. Tlmothv NB M BW nnd BW NW Yt, Bee 12, Tp. 1, N of 11 31. E. W. M. ........... llcnn, Timothy W Vt 3W U and SK U BW W, Sec. 12, Tp. 1, N of II 31, E. W. M. ........... Deck, II. F. Lot 2, 111 A, Ja cob's Add, Pendleton, Ore 3.S0 2.24 8.30 10.45 La Grandn, Fob. 7. Tho United StntoB Land olllco which has been open only for tho Information of tho public for tho past thrco months on account of tho suspension of Ro celvcr Asu II. Thomson, will nitaln each, havo been purchaser: or char-1 to' business tho early part tered from tho Canadian Pacific byi!" l'!,H wcek' , J' " Alexander who huh uui-ii iiiJjHjimuu io succeed Tlios. McNiitt as inspector of tho office has entered upon his dutlos, and A. A. Roberts, tho now rocelvor ap pointed to succeed Asa II. Thornton, Is ready for work and Is moving his family hpro from Portland. Register Davis BayB It Is Impos sible to say Just what day tho offlco will bo opened as final Instructions form Washington must bo recolvod. Mr, Davis has In readi ness for buslnoss and ih prenarod lo euro for tho great rush that lio fcolt must grcot tho opening aftor such a Jong period of stagnation. Tho neo- plo In somo parts of Enstern Oregon havo been greatly Inconvenienced by tho suspension of business at the land ofllco. Many homoatoadors havo brought their witnesses to make final proof, not knowing that tho offlco was closed to such busi ness. Many of thorn camo from great dlstancos, as far away as Lost Prairie, Orouso and Pradlso In Wallowa county and Huntington In Baker county, tor tho purpose of completing title to their land, but wcro sent back disappointed, the heavy expense bill of tho long trips being a clear loss to them. 3.36 2.24 Ono inch of tax Hat as It should be -setr tho taxpayers' money, ior f t"r"""kB joudor tnan nny wordfli an,i are submitted to tho taxpayers of Umatilla county, as a spoken oi Thoso sa mplos ' of tho t Hst speak Idor Jg Lo'on worse than this, and samples of the city legal notices as lubliahed in L'and'Jn hZenorml Tr.buno. wTli bo "prlStod ll Ttlfo near future for tho edification of tho property owners who aro paying tho bills. Women's Club Incorporates, Tho Woman's Club at Union has filed Incorporation papers with a capital stock of 600, tho Incorporat ors being Mrs. Bell M. Wright, Mrs. Clarissa Hall and Mrs. D. Pearl Warren. Political and official circles la England have no doubt that a gen eral Balkan war will break out In tho spring, which may involve nil Europe. An era of railroad building has boon Inaugurated In South America. Thoy aro largely capitalized hr tt. "I UOI1T1.1I ng on tho ...... , . . . mmnintmimiiitt ' Americans and Germans. eootlon and