East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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On all broken lines in our store. Bargains right arc '
offered. Read these prices:
ladles' kid, turn sole, $5.00, nnw 2.50
Ladies patent kid, turn solo, $5.00, now Jlt.00
Ladies1 patent calf, turn sole, $5.00, now flt.OO
Ladles' kid, turn sole. $5.00, now $:t.00
Lailies' kid, turn sole, Ri.50, now $2.25
Ladies' enamel, welt eoln, $4.00. $2.76
Lndles' kid, welt sole, $5.00, now $2.50
Ladies' kid, welt solo, $4.00, now $2.25
Wc have some rare bargnins in broken lines of men's, boys',
misses' and children's. If wc canftt you in these lines you sivc
big money. Note the prices in our window
Phono Main 1181.
Freshmen, Sophomores, High School
and Lower Grades Will Meet In
Intellectual and Physical Contest
Possibility of Basket Ball Game
Between Willamette University
and Pendleton.
The public schools are on tho ovo
ol n busy time In tho literary and
debating lino. Programs have been
arranged for several overlings, which
promise to be very Interesting and
with which a great deal of pains
Jiavo been taken.
On tho evening of February 9 tho
eighth grade and tho sophomores of
tho high school will have a debate in
the assembly hall, the subject of
which tvIII bo announced later.
February' 12 in the ovenlng tho
eighth grade will have tho hall for
a program of a literary and musical
mature, which promise to bo quite
Tho freshmen and sophomorca
win meet on the evening of tho 16th
for a debate.
The basket ball girls will havo a
Japanese social on tho evening of
the 19th. This event will be ono of
tho social affairs of tho school year,
and Is looked to with a great deal
of expectation by tho pupils. Tho
F. & S.
Cough Syrup
young ladles of tho school nro tak
lng great pains to niako it a success
and undoubtedly will bo able to re
allzo their ambition.
The boys' basket bnll team of tho
high school, and tho ono of tho
Academy, will meet to scttlo their
differences on Fobruary 23, hi tho
evening. This game is of somo Im
portancc, as It will practically settle
tho championship of tho Intcrsohol
istic teams of this part of tho state,
Tho regular high school program
which wos postponed this week, will
bo presented on tho evening of Fob
ruary 26th.
Willamette vs. Pendleton.
Tho management of tho girls' baR
ket ball team of tho high school,
have received a challenge from tho
team of tho Willamette University
far a gamo to bo played in tho near
future, but as yet no action has
been taken In regard to It. Owing
to the great expense It is hard for
a team to be promised a game by
the high school, as it would be hard
to make enough to cover the cost of
Tho Willamette University team is
contemplating a tour of tho Nortn
west, and would like to play in Fort-
land, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla,
Halter City and Pendleton. It 13
thought that tho Pendleton team
would ho able to promise tho val
ley girls a gamo If they could get
them here from Walla Walla. The
expense would ho comparatively
light from that place to Pendleton,
and could bo covered by tho gato re
ceipts. If the Willamette girls so
arrange their Itinerary that .they will
reach this city from Walla Walla, a.
game may reached.
Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent
Russia has ordered 1,000 wagons
from a .Minnesota manufacturing firm
to bo sent via. San Francisco to Port
Vill stop that Cough
Cure that Cold.
It is
Sure to reach
Leading Druggists
Egg -Phosphate
Saves one-third the Eggs
Saves two-thirds the Money
Saves all the worry
One round 2!i cenla. All Oroceri.
! ! .4. . .. .4. .4.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 4. .4.. 4...)
Don't Roast Your Cook
But. See That, Your
Much Coffe is spoiled through, the
carelessness of the cook, hut its
no use to roast her, unless the
Coffee is above reproach. To have
it so always order "Revere."
While our Eastern cousins nro
watching tho morcury descend to
tho awful depths of 18 or 20 degrees
below zero, and enjoying winter
sports nnd festivities, Pendleton peo
nlo are hasldng in tho glad sunshliio,
Tho robhiB havo begun to roturn to
their accustomed places nnd thoro
nro davs that are so much like
snrlnc that at times they cnuso us
to forget It Is but tho foro pnrt of
Fobruary. while tno winter uns
been a very short ono. tho opinion
provallB that it has boon equally
dull socially; but when Its galotles
nro recounted, thero havo been many
social doings although nono on as
nn elaborate scale as somo of last
wintor's functions. Tho smnll and
Informal affairs seem to ho growing
moro steadily In favor.
Then and Now.
Tho contrast between tho Amorl
can magazines of B0 years ago and
those of today is so marked that It
will Impress tho most careless read
or. Take a bound voitimo 01 mi
nam's Magazine from tho shelves of
n public library, free It from Its lay-
or of dust, turn Its yellow pages, nnii
lo, you arc confronted with somo of
tho most famous names In tho lite
rature of tho 19th century. Contrast
this treasure of wit, humor, pathos
and sentiment embodied In tho
clearest of Kngllsh prose, In tho
most musical of Kngllsh verso with
the current number of n magazine of
today, .and tho unfavorable gulf lot
iiotween tno two periods win at ouco
lie apparent. Tho great names of 'it
eraturo have given place to those
of men and women who havo gained
n passing notoriety through good or
bad fortune.
Miss Hartman Entertained at Cards
A pretty card party of tho week,
at which Miss Jesslo Hartman was
tlie charming hostess, was given
Tuesday evening at tho homo of her
parents, on East Water street, Miss
Dlanch Horn being the honored
guest. Progressive pedro was play
ed. Tho highest scoro resulted in
a tio between Mlas Nellie Cameron
and I.achlan Macleay, the latter
proving the most successful In cut
ting for It. The invited list included
Misses Nellie Cameron, Esma Saw
toll, Winnie Privctt, Eldcna Homl
ley, Ethel Johnson, Eva Froomo,
Freda rtoesch, Ilcrtha Alexander,
Eleanor nnd Constnnco Dospaln,
Hazel Dickers, Mr .and Mrs. Mac
leay," .Messrs. Fred Iampkln, Ralph
Wade, Al Waffle, Fred Earl, Harry
Thompson, Win Stovvnrt, Charley
Meyers, Dan Smytho, Hoy Itltnor,
Charles Sampson, Ceorgo Hartman,
William Keller, Ilerkioy Halley. Don
Hurroughs,' Charley Cameron, Fred
Hartman, Earl Borlo, Oliver Koisey,
Royal Sawtell, Charles .Marsh, Mark
.Moorhou.se and Will Sturgls.
Dinner and Card Party.
Mrs. Sam Thompson entertained a
fow friends at dinner on Wednesday
In honor of .Misses Lulu nnd Grace
Hagcr, of Hcppner. In tho evening
a fow of tho young peoplo wore in
vited to play pit. Those present
woro .Misses Jesslo Hartman, Bertha
Alexander, Nellio Cameron nnd Efllo
Jean Frazier; Messrs." Win Stewart,
William Keller, Fred Lampkln, Fred
Hartman, Chnrlcs and Fred Bell,
A Series of Parties.
Mrs. Ixiuls Htinzlkcr gavo tho first
of a series of parties on last Satur
day to a number of tho young peo
ple. Tho second ono was given
Thursday afternoon to nbout 35 of
her older married lady friends. The
afternoon was spent very pleasantly
in a guessing contest, nftor which
light refreshments wero served. On
Tuesday ovenlng of next week Mrs.
Htinzlkcr will glvo tho third party.
To this the young peoplo will bo In
vited. Progressive Pit Party.
Mrs. Clarcnco Penlnnd cntertnined
a few friends Thursday evening In
honor of Miss Blanch Horn. Pro
gressive pit waH played, Fred Lamp
kin being tho most successful playor
in cornering the pit, won first prize,
Ralph Wado winning tho consolation
prize. Tho Invited list included
Mlstej Ethel Johnson, Eldenc Hend.
ley, Nolllo Cameron, Esma Sawtcll,
Amy .Mathews, Josslo Hartman;
Messrs. Charles and Bert Bell, Mark
Moorhouse, Ralph Wade, Royal Saw
toll, Fred Lampkln, Harry Thomp
son, Roy Rltnnr, Charley Cameron,
Roy Pcnland, Fred Earl and Bon
Burroughs. s
Miss Van Orsdall Entertained.
Miss Carol Van Orsdall cntortaln
cd a niimboi of tier friends at her
home on Monday ovenlng. Music
and games woro tho evening's enter
tainment, after which refreshments
woro served. Those prcsont wero;
Edith Johnson, Josophlno Camoron,
Rachel Vogol, May Taylor, Mablo
Johnson, Laura Wyrlck, Pearl Har-
hlr, Clara Boylon, Clara Wilkinson,
Fred Koes, Elmer Story, Clarence
Bollorman, Qlen Johnson, Nowton
Johnson, William Camoron, Earl
symons, Frank iPlerco, Fordfo
Ono of tho prettiest wedding of
tho now year took placo nt tho
Church of tho Redeomor, Wednesday
ovtmlng, Fobruary 3, at 8:30 o'clock,
when Miss Maudo Rosallndo Swag
gart was united In marrlago to Mr.
Gordon MonzloB, of Walla Walla,
Wash. Tho church was beautifully
docoratod with palms, carnations
and ferns. Lone boforo tho appoint
friends of the contracting parties.
Tho Lohengrin wedding march
was played by Mrs. Vf- C. E. Prultt
and during tho linpresslvo Borvico,
"O. Promise Mo" was softly romlor-
nd. The beautiful ring ceremony
wag performed by the Rov. W. Ii
The bride looked very beautiful
nnd was a wlnsomo plcturo In a
gown of cream silk organdy over
whlto silk, en train. Tho wlilto
nnliiHlinrniicli hat added much to
Mm effect. Tho brldo carried a show
or boiinuet of whlto carnations and
mnldonhnlrf fern from which hung
long spraks of smllax. Sho was
given In mnrrlago by hor fnthor, B.
F. Swaggart. Tho maid of honor,
MIrs Ethel Swncgnrt. slstor of tho
hriilo. was becomingly attired in
turnunlse blue organdy with whlto
trimmings, and a wlilto plcturo hat.
She carried a princess bouquet of
nlnk carnatloiiB.
Mr. Harry McBrldc, of Weston,
acted as best man, and tho ushers
woro Mr. Wesley Matlock nnd Mr.
Arnold Schourmnn.
Immediately after tho ceremony,
tho bridal party was driven to tho
homo of tho bride's parents, whoro
a reception wns hold.
Tho gifts wero beautiful nnd nu
The contracting pnrtles aro wldo
nnd favorably known. Tho brldo is
tho eldest daughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs
I) T. Swaggart. Sho Is a graduato
of the E. O. S. N. S., Weston, Oro,
class of 1902.
Tho groom Is a popular conductor
on tho O. R. & N. Tho happy conplo
left on tho midnight trnln for n two
months' tour of Oregon, Washington
nnd California. They will ho at homo
to friends nt tho nacres hotel, Walla
Walla, after April 1.
A Surprise Party.
Miss Fay (llbson wbb tho victim "f
a surprlso party last evening, when
a party of about 3fi of hor friends
walked In on hor at her homo. Dif
ferent games wero played through
out tho ovenlng nftcr which light re
freshments woro served, Those wno
formed the party wero Mabel Cam
eron, Nona Jolinsop, Eleanor Vin
cent, l.ucllo nadcr, Uma Voglo,
Audry Rust, Hazel Radcr, JcsbIc
Folsom, Una Smith, Edna Story, Oor
trtldo Jordan, Hazel and Flora
Shcek, Besslo Marsh, Florcnco Davis,
Alice Lang, Maud McCarthy, Hazel
Borkoloy, Maggie Ogle, Delia Dan
nor, Harold J, Warner, Ralph Bollor
man, William Bollons, Androw Hoi
Ions, Donald Radcr, Walter Cres-
well, Fordlo Taylor, William Lang,
Nathan Wells, Clint Buzan, (lien
Sturdovnnt, Mnx Hopper, John and
Brook Dickson and Sherman Kun-
Personal and Social Notes.
Mrs. W. E. C. Pruott will enter
tain ono day i.eat week nt a musical.
Mrs. A. D. Stlllman entertained a
fow ladles at cards on Monday ovenlng.
-- 1
Miss Bona Ferguson is confined to
hor homo with a sovoro attack of tho
Miss Lavollo Florcnco Is qulto se
riously III nt tho homo of her aunt,
Mrs. Thomas Ayors.
Kathleen nnd Eldon Furnish havo
Issued invitations for a party at
their home, Friday ovonlng, Fobru
ary 12, at 7 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Macleay
left on Wednesday evening for El-
leiisburg, ami from thoro thoy will
go to their homo at Tacoma.
Mrs. Victor A. Chastaln, of Mil
ton, grand chief of tho Rnthhono
Sisters of the state of Oregon. Is the
guest of Mrs. J, W. Mnlonoy.
Mr. and .Airs. B. M. Lyons enter
tained Dr. S. M. Martin, Rov. N. H.
Brooks and W. H. Hawloy at dinner
on Friday nftornoon at tholr home.
Misses Lulu and draco Hacor. of
Hcppner, who havo been vlsltlnir
their aunt, Mrs. Dr. McFaul, for tho
past fow weeks, lefj for tholr homo
Invitations havo been received hv
many In this city, to a danclnir nartv
at Walla Walla on February 10th, to
uo given oy mo Married Pooplos'
Club for tho ofllcers and ladlos of tho
Miss Jesslo Smith entertained n
number of hor young frlonds nt hor
norao on Johnson street. Thnrminv
ovonlng. Tho gamo of pit was tho
ordor of tho ovonlng, intormlnglod
with Instrumental and vocal music.
Journal Representative Here.
H. W. Brooks, a representative of
tho.Orogon Dally Journal, arrived In
tno cny una morning from La
drando and other Eostorn Orogon
towns. Mr. Brooks has found tho
Journal to bo constantly growing In
pupumruy unci circulation in ovory
placo ho has visltod. In most of tho
towns of Eastorn Oregon It has n
largor Hat of dally subscribers than
1110 Toiegrnm anu Oregonlan com
bined and tho train snlos nro pho
nomonal. Ho will romnln In Pondlo
ton for several days.
Sho found hor fnthor much bottor
than sho had oxpoctod from tho tol
cgrnms alio had rccolvod, and loft
hint recovering his health.
Miss Conklln Has Returned,
Miss Lucrotla Conklln hna rntnm
od from a visit to tho homo of hor
fnthor In Earlvlllo, 111.', whoro sho
was called by hln sorious Illness.
Grand Chlof Chastaln.
Mrs. V. A. GhaBtnln, tho grand
chief of tho Ruthhono Slatora, mot
with tho uamona lougo of this city
last night for hor regular visit of In
spection, Aftor tho mooting a rocon
tlon wns tondorcd tho visiting offic
er nt tho linll. Mrs. ChBBtnln re
turned to hor homo In Milton this
Returned From California.
Sam Polsor, who has charge of
tho grocery dopartmont ,of tho Alex
ander storo, has roturnod from a
trip to San Francisco nnd othor Cal
ifornia points, .whoro ho has boon
Hpondlug 11 vacation of sovoral
Tho Oregon food commissioner
has placed tho bnn on Jollies mado
by Oortz BrothorB, of San Francisco,
and grocers handling tho aamo will
ho prosecuted, Tho Bluff does not
contain tho Ingrodlonta advortlRcd In
tho formuln.
and Tan. .
2NE'S AFPaii,
1 nat'a the Bu.
Pendleton ,r.here 'u
overused gne wlo
I ter's Pride
f wuilCC
' to ,MHl.
"ier and all ; "
rve the pUB(?a"
hesitancy. 'ghes(
l-n -r m
01. ) u u o T ORE
Watch this space for new arrivals which will be coming jinoi,
uany until our stock is complete
jus.1 rctcivuu iouay irom m. corn a uo. our spring same!
Gentlemen, conic and let us tnkn vnr , va
. . "-"buio ioratr.1
custom tailor suit, and send into th
You will be pleased with the fit. wear, and tr!mm:
most reasonable. We have represented this firm for 8 wT
(mi KMuiuiitci; auuaiubuuil lll uycry rGSpcCt.
Dry Goods Stock
Upstairs, where we frept the Shoe Stock,
and have moved the
Shoe Stock
Downstairs where we kept the Dry Goods formeth; I
The Boston Store
P. S. The Dry Goods are being Closed Oat
at ridiculously low orlces. DON'T FOKblii
Closing-out Sale of my, entire stock of Rugs, Art
Squares, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Matting, Fine
Pillows and Feathers,' Pictures and Frames. All
must go regardless of cost. Call and see.
You can get a flno Volvot Bug, 0x12, for 125.00; worth 1
You can get a flno Administer Rug, 0x12, for 122.60; VorthfSjl
Near the Bridge
Manufacturers of Rigby-Clovo L
Structural Iron for Brick
Buildings, Sash Weights
& Castings of all kinds
Repair work on all kinds of
nchinery, and general black-nithing,
Intersection of Webb and Alu ttreeto
i ,ti;ic
id & j m M mm - w
I . . -lore to Paa
v .,r snare tune.
Ana otner
iroBV r.