DAILY EAST ORE QONAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1904. MEN CAPABLE OF EARNING $1,000 to $ J 0,000 a Year TRAVELING SALESMAN, CLERK, MERCHANT No matter what your Present Uusincss I A complete reorganization of the producing department of the Company in this section affords a chance for a few good men. Eight vacancies on the agency force in this rich terri tory remain open for men of character and ability ; you can find out by writing whether it will be worth your while to make a change. No previous experience is necessary. A course of professional instruction given free. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of 'New York Richard A. McCurdv, President Has paid policy-holders over 620 MILLION DOLLARS Address GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superintendent of Do mestic Agencies, 32 Nassau street, New York, N. Y. ALMA D. KATZ, Manager Boise, Idaho. 1M E STEAMER SECOND OF THE TWO LARGEST IN THE WORLD. The Dakota and the Minnesota are Identical In Size, Shape and Carrying Capacity Belongs to the J. J. Hill Pacific Transport Combination Is a Five Decked, Steel Hull and 8lx Hundred Thirty Feet Long. Sunday Dinner -AT THE- HOTEL BICKERS """PECIAL attention is given in the preparation of our Sunday 15 Dinners. Extra service will be given to families. Nothing will be left undone that will help to make our dinner the best to be anywhere for twice the money. MEALS, g5CTS. EACH Dinner From 12 to 2:30 MIXED PICKLES. FRENCH PEAS. BILL OF FARE SOUP. CREAM OF CHICKEN. SALAD. LOBSTER SALAD. CUCUMBER PICKLES. FISH. FRIED COLUMBIA SMELTS. ENTREES. 13READED BREAST OF LAMB. CHICKEN POT PIE FAMILY STYLE. APPLE FRITTERS. ROAST. PRIME RIBS OF BEEF WITH BROWN GRAVY. LOIN OF PORK WITH APPLE SAUCE. LEO OF MUTTON WITH JELLY. BAKED CHICKEN WITH OYSTER DRESSING. VEGETABLES. CORN. MASHED POTATOES. PEAS. PASTRY. CORN STARCH PUDDING, JELLY SAUCE. CUSTARD PIE. CHEESE. WATER CRESS. DRINKS. TEA. COFFEE. MILK. Now London, Conn., Fob. !. tlioro wns launched from tho ways at tho big plant of tho Eastern Ship building company today nno of tho largest vessels ovor built In tho Western hemispheres tho gigantic steamship Dakota, whoso slstor ship, tho Minnesota, went overboard last spring. Jnmos J. Hill and n largo party of guests enmo up from Now Yuri by special train to attend tho launching and other visitors were present from Boston, Now Hnvon nml other points. The public schools were represented by him dreds of pupils and ovory factory and shipyard In tho vicinity suS' nended work for tho tlmo being In orders to nllow the employes an OP' portuulty of witnessing tho launch' I.1K The Dakota nml tho Minnesota nro Identical In size and construc tion. When she Is completed the Dakota will join hor sister ship In the Pacific carrying service of tho Great Northern railroad. Sho will bo capablo of making upwards of 11 knots nn hour, nnd will bo in all re spects, tho peer of any vessel sail ing tho Paclllc. Tho ships dimen sions nro: Length over ail, G30 feet; width, "3 feet six inches; height to upper deck, GG feet; to captain's bridge, 88 feet; to top of mast 177 feet. Sho will bo rigged as a four-mast schooner with pole shafts. Though designed primarily as a freight carrier accommodations on a superb scale will bo provided for several hundred passengers. The hull is constructed of steel and dotiblo bottom extends from stem to stem. There are five decks extending the wholo length of tho vessel, in addition to tho orlops and boat decks. Tho main engines consist of two four-cylinder, quadruple ox panslon engines, placed abreast of each other in separate water-tight compartments. AT THE HOTEL BICKERS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7. H. E. BICKERS, Proprietor MUAR 1 Every woman should tee that tho per iodical function is kept in a healthy con dition. The way is to take an occasional dose o Wino of Cardui. Every woman is subject to conditions which bring on female weakaeiis. Wine of Cardui gives women strength for all the duties of life. It gives them strong nerves and freedom from pains. Wino o Cardui not only cures but guards tho health. The organs quickly respond to tho healing vegetable ingredients of which Wine of Cardui is composed. A healthy woman does well to take this medicine on approaching her periodical sickness. Wine of Cardui cures tho worst cases of prolonged female troubles and has cured thousands of them quickly and completely in tho privacy of home. ' CmcoiiA, Mies., May 1, 1902. Wine of Cardui and Thedford'i Black-Draught far aII fima!n diseases. I recommend .u m. f,;nrl. nnmlimi I on. Five months aao I jour moiubiucn w v - - . could not walk across tho house without great pain bnt I am well again. I hare only taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui but feel better than I hT felt In two years. MR8. N. T. QLIDEWKLL. WINE CARDUI AN EXCITING TIME need not lead you to forget this fact and it is a (act that we can wash your shirt clean, starch it properly and iron it so that when finished and out of our hands you will be glad to wear it. Further, what applies to linen serves toshow with equal truth fulness what we can and will do with anything else you leave with us for laundering. Goods called for and delivered. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY Spo- Catarrh Is Cured. Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Co., Kane, wash. Dear Sirs Catarrh had ro af flicted mo for years that tho senso of smell was destroyed. I Institu ted a vigorous treatment with Medi cal Lako water mado from tho salts. The treatment helped mo from tho first), and after a fow weeks tho sense of smell returned. Treatment was continued for a tlmo and resulted In permanent cure. ' E. Alien Green, Medical Lake, Wash. .CHILDREN'S NARROW ESCAPE. Sumpter Parents Leave Families In House, to Attend Theater, and Fire Destroys It." Sumpter, Feb. G. Tho residenco of A. E. Case was destroyed by. flro yesterday evening, whllo Mr. and Airs. Caso wore attending lodgo meeting nnd tho theater. Two llttlo children, ono belonging to Mr. Caso and ono to Mrs, Hoggs, a sister of Mrs. Case, wore loft asleep In tho house. Tho residenco was discovered to bo on flro, und when tho firemen reached It tho children were almost suffocated, ond firemen wore severe ly burned in dragging them out of tho burning building. Tho residenco was entirely do stroyed nnd was ono ol tho finest In tho city. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrlblo ulcer on tho leg of J. B. Ornor, Franklin (irovo, 411., For four yenrs It dolled all doctors nnd all remedies. Hut llucklen'a Arnica Salvo had uo troublo to euro him. Equally good for Hums, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 2Cc at Tollman & Co.'s Drug Store. CONNECTICUT MACCADEE8. Is Developing Into Powerful Order in That State. Bridgeport, Conn., Fob. C. Tho Connecticut organization of tho Knights of tho Maccabees assembled In annual session in this city today with delegates present from all parts nf the state. Tho reports pre sented by tho various officers and committees showed tho order In Connecticut to be In good condition, both numerically and financially, Tho woman's auxiliary of tho ordor also met in annual session today with a good attendance. Tonight tho visitors aro to bo ontertanled by tho local branch of the order. There is only One Genuine-Syrup of Figs, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Tho full name of the company, California Rig Syrup Co la printed on the front of every package of the genuine! The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, In Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE Louisville. Kjc YIS5'!vJj i jyleplioue eT'miiTII & "i: I, Mi Li iirfrnotl. yM, room 1 (. um' aerv" ,. Jmld I . atrpetB. PV AM. o, 'I no 1 r Btree' ie ft "I lis KK'SN llVAUUll" U building rUASN. I tlltlon bloci Phono i BANKS ma pott cents rataorru 1 fl ' Our Weekly Senatorial Llnhtnlnn 8ketch. Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, lovingly called by his 'Old Qnrden Sass." constituents Says It's a Pleasure. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 3, 1903. "It Is a pleasure for mo to bo able to recommend .TRW as a liquor and tobacco cure, and as a treatment to cleanse tho entire system. P. S. horses will bo hired for tho occasion TO TE8T HARDSHIP8. Drummors Will Organize a Stane Coach Party to Test the Difficul ties of Travel. A party of Roscburg drummers has organized for tho purposo of testing tho actual hardships of stage coach travel as described by tho ploneor members of tho fraternity, anil will rldo In a four-horso coach, over tho mountain roads from Riddles, Ore gon, to the Lowls nnd Clark fair at Portland, a dlstanco of 228 miles. Tho trip will bo ono of a puroly oxporlmentnl naturo, nnd all tho ac companiments of pioneer travel will bo found. A coach of tho old pattern has been secured for tho trip, four Lewis ox-champion champion of tho world. middleweight In ovory Norwegian settlement In tho United States money Is -being raised for tho relief or tho peoplo of Aalesund, a city In Norway which was entirely destroyed by flro a fow weeks ago, leaving thousands destitute. and tho oldest available stago driver In Oregon will bo employed to mako tho trip with them. Tho road from niddlos to Portland is thought to bo roprosontatlvo of tho pioneer stago roads of Orogon, and this trip is to bo mado to test tho voracity of their follow drummers who tell of tho ox tremo hardships of ploneor travol In Oregon. Only... 2 Ways of doinc a thloJ the right and the vrcol Only one, way ol drt it here and that right way. Jewelry Repairlig Requires a specula of skill. Only those a keen eye and delkJ touch can satisfactci perform the necessa work. We do lepairil as it should be done, GLENN WINSLC Jeweler and Optiel Post Office Block A RUNAWAY TE tew. bring your m inner io rfaii'i S to i e, si,0 4 ! tra cnejc.lltd In OUfl "".iliitl W V 1 1J C ni.w- ,. f i1 A r . A In Ika WOIW. 1 My baby had Eczema so bad that ourllnaoi ri- nT irf i Its head was a solid mass of scabs, NRifil.R BROS.. THE. many romodios but none soomod to do any pormanont good unUl I used Do Witt's Witch Haxol Salvo. Tho Eczema Is curod, iuo scabs aro gono and tho llttlo one's scalp is perfect ly clean and healthy, nnd Its hair Is growing beautifully again. I can not glvo too much prafso to DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Frank Farm er, niuff City, Ky. In buying Wlteh Hnzol Salvo look out for counter feits. DoWltt's is tho original and tho only ono containing puro Witch Hazel. Tho namo E. C. DoWitt & Co. Is on ovory box. Sold by Tnllmnn & Co Annual Meeting of the Inland Emplro Retail Lumbermen, Spokane Wash., February 10 to 14. For tho avobo occasion tho O. It. & N. makes a rato of ono and ono third faro for tho round trip on tho cortincto plan. Tickots on salo any threo days prior to tho oponlng day. For particulars, call on or address E. 0. Smith, agent. YOU sn,lr1 havo that best I WOOD DRY and FINE, th you will lino wn P. P. COLU . n T.IEBIG I or writ. MEN