DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREQON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1904. A Grand Display of Fancy Valentines from t to $2.95. New Novelties. THE NOLF STORE cent FINE TOILET SOAPS 3c to 24c a box Fine Cn'tlle, Almond, Honey, Oatmeal, New Glycerine Soap AlcKINLEY MUSIC 10. cents Almost 1000 titles toscleot from All mttslo 10 cents. Send or anil for catalogue. If you are mounting pioturej, wo have plenty of now mount board, paste, paste par tout bind ing, etc. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPIES fr-4 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. DaDIIslied everv afternoon (except Sunday) at l';ndlcton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'Phone, Main 11. sunscnirrioN kates. 2MIIjt. one jear by mall JBnllj, all months by malt Oallj, three months by mall Sslly, one month by mall Bally, per month by carrier .... weeny, one year dt man .15.00 . S.BO . i.sa . .50 . .05 . 1.80 . .75 . .50 . 2.00 . 1.00 . .60 VmItIv. lr months bv mall ..... Weekly, tour months by mail ... 9eml-Veekly. one year by mall .. Utml-Weeklj, tlx months by mall itoml-Weeilr. three months by mall The Kast Oreironlan Is on sale at U. II. Xk-h's News stands at Hotel Portland and Sole! I'erklns, rortland, Oregon. Member Scrlpps-Slcltae News Asiocla- 9m Francisco llnreau, 40S fourth St. Chicago llnreau, 900 Security Building. Wasblncton. D. C. Bureau. 501 14 th St., IS. W. altered at I'emlleton po.totTlce as second class matter In the Trllnme will bo ?020, or 200 inches at $2.00 per Inch. Tlicso are the robt facts and no amount of In sinuation, eloquence, Irony or wrath can explain It to tho taxpayers ex cept lo say that It Is a graft. Here Is a chilly comparison which will be Interesting reading to the people who are- digging down Into their pockets to pay Increasing taxes and public expenses: , Hill of the Tribune, 200 inches at $2.00 per inch $ C20 As it would have been If pub lished In the East Oregon! an, 12.", Inches at CO cents per inch 75 I resort and patronized almost exclu sively bv him. Insurance ardors, even, have restrictions as to occupa tion and soon the disreputable ohms will bo Isolated ami society will not be forced to rub elbows with It be cause of tho lodge button It Haunts on Its lapel. Messed Is the peaconuiUer. as an exchange says, M. Delcaaso, tho French minister of foreign nffalrs, Is winning golden opinions in tho world of diplomacy by his elirciency in turning away tho war oloud that has been hovering over Russia and Jap- Ho has been made especially prominent on account of his great ability, and because of His wen- known conservative views; so much so .that he may fairly ho regarded as a sort of friendly adviser by both nations. Certainly the deference paid to blm shows that ho Is (ho man of tho hour, and that nothing can take the place of Just the right I . man In a crisis. Ills position ninkes Franco virtually the arbiter of the question, and the controlling factor for peaco. CAUGHT BY THE RELEASED GRIP. BY PE-RU-NA. Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. A Noted Sculptress Cured. A LASSIE'S LAMENT. Grafted fiom tho taxpayers by the Tribune on one in stallment of tho delinquent tax list $ Ho Tills Is only one Installment of the Are the long green billows still boating tho shore? Does the wild heather bloom as of yore? Does the sea still moan In Its rurlc rune? Ah! laddie, let me come homo to you soon! I'm tired of the fuss and the fashion of Dublin town .My lord's green coat and my lady's onwn delinquent tax list, and Is but -n , ... fl)r tllo oalwuy heath and the (Jalway moon, laddie, let mo oomo small proportion of the total ste.il accomplished by allowing the exor bitant bid of the Tribune. The story will be continued. Ah! homo you soon! U W I o'n g 1 L A O E L .9 .4. The bee that sips her sweets -from tlowers fair, Flying on careless wing, now here, now there, f- With azure skies above, green sward below, And soft south-wind to bear her to and fro, Might seem the soul of self devoted ease, f- Her life a draught of nectar without lees. Not so! Her prime is full of 4 strenuous deed That shames our own in gen- erous meed Of work for others' good. Long summer days She builds her golden bouse, with guerdons stays Her Queen, nprears her young, and stores her food Then sudden shuns her For rather by far In a cot by tho sea I spend out my life with a lad like ye To roam with my lover o'er lowland and dune. Ah! laddie, let me come home to you soon. Paul l)u Shay. It is tlie popular custom nowa days to lecture to "women only." A nowspaper should be entitled to give "curtain" lectures, if the ministers do. There 'are mothers In overy city who need and welcome honest, re spectful advice and criticism, Such mothers take It in tho spirit In which sucli criticism Is given. Thoy arc zensv too sensible to get mad, and too lion- "Henry was that, so,' est to deny the need for "outside" Southron, sadly Information. Hprr. In n ivrml In kp. blames Henry His Predicament. Convicted of stealing sheep? And be used to be one of our best clti m The world I L IklsJll JtSjW I to hi wamr-irsssv ZT?swia a recognizes j h cret to every mother of a girl in best citizens said tiio Hut nojiody Iieln one of ouab he was about all the time beln' called on to pahticlpato Henry -Puck. had to do somcthln', Pendleton. If your daughters navel in some lynchin', sub. till ho nach'ly 20 associates each, and each assoei- couldn't 'tend to Ills private hast ate or your daughter has 20 other "e.8?, I Rllh 1 "- ......... i .. . 11. in, . r company is multiplied in this pro portion. You can't see overybody into whose company your daughters I are thrown In the intricate com mingling or young people in society. They touch shoulders with Strang- ! ers overy day. Thoy add new ic- 4. quamtances to tbo list every day ( They hear new versions of human wealth, her home, her ute amI nG... constnictlons on codes Ami kppVr iuw h.lVPn on an " " in mis strange ami uuncnovauie world of youth, all your best thoughts and Influence and your most earnest example, will bo need ed to keep the right ideal before your girl. The tearing down piocess outside of home Is at times strong er than the building up process wlth- haven on an unknown sea, Leaving her life-work to pos terity. Henry Hoyt Moore. j. EXPLAIN THE GRAFT. In the Weekly Tribune of January 21 are 200 Inches of the delinquent tar list of Umatilla county, set in uch a manner that one-fifth of It 13 a clear steal. Instead of setting tho matter "solid," or placing the lines dose together. It Is stretched out by placing the lines so far apart that ne line Is gained in every Ave. Instead of there being 200 Inches ef the tax list in that Issue of the Tribune, there should bo but 16C2-3 inches, If the matter had been prop, erly abbreviated, but with the ab Irovlatfons spelled out, as the TrI bune admits this morning that they wctc, tho amount Is still fully one fourth more than It should be on a basis of 160 2-3 Inches. ff the matter had been set properly, abbreviated properly, with close re' card for tho meaning of the printing contract, this 200 inches of matter would have amounted to but 12S .inches in round numbers. It Is pad ded 7C Inches. Tho East Oregonlan bid IS cents for each land description, for all tho insertions, or a total of 60 cents per inch (as four descriptions make an Inch) for publishing tho delinquent tax list, This 200 Inches of tho tax list as published In tho Trlbuno, would have been published In 12S inches, by tho East Oregonlan, as tbo past publications In this paper will prove. At CO cents per Inch, and with tho 200 Inches concentrated Into 12C by tho East Oregonlan, this printing would have cost tho taxpayers but $7fi, or 12.r Inches at CO cents per inch. Hut tho county court gavo Ui county printing to tho Trlbuno on basis of $2. CO per Inch against a bi of CO cents por Inch by by this papor and the total bill for printing this Installment of the delinquent tax list In the home. The contamination of bad company is more powerful than the purifying virtues of good advice and love. Find out who the girls are keeping company with away from home. Then find out who that company associates with. Follow out CHILL WINDS Are the dread of those whose lungs are "weak." Some fortunate people can rr.Ur,.- Hip summer as It iroes southward. and escape the cold blasts of winter and the chill airs of spring. But for the .nninritv of ncoole this is impossible. j j ,! business obliga tions hold them fast. "Weak" lungs are made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov' cry. It cures the obstinate cough, heals the in flamed tissues, stops the hem orrhage, and r' stores tlie lose flesh to the ema dated body. "I am a railroad .Rent." writes I. U. f TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTmT LA aUIrrE Is epldemio catarrli. it spares no class or natlonalty. Tho cultured and tho ignorant, tho aristocrat and the pauper, the masses and tho classed aro allko subject to la grippe. None aro caempt all aro liable. Have vou tho grip? Or, rather, has tho grip got you? Orlp Is well named. The original French term, la grippe, hs-s been shortened by tho busy Ameri can to read "grip." Without Intending to do so t new word has been coined tbmt exicUy describes the case. Ah If XXXJ clutched u-4 in Its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, wholo towns and cities aro caught in the baneful grip of a ter rible mounter. lWs-ns far Grip Mr. Theophllo Hchmttt, wlto of tho Ex-Secrotary of tho Oermnn Consulate, writes tho following lotter from aU7 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111.: "Isuffored this winter with a sevoro ottook of la grippe. After using three bottles of Poruna I found the grip had oiuu hideous giant with awful dull' had I disappeared." Mrs. T. Schmltt. Mre. Coles to rv,ii . avontin. Ai,rr,. ti, . "" "eatllii . j ...ou 4 n 1 1 . 1 . - -w. a ir. 'viuuniiBH hMi..l. i tho door of ovorv nnJZrr. iiua, u. uovoil. Noted Sculptress Cured of 0Hfc Mrs. M. 0. Cooper, o( w juu, 01 ixndon. if-!.., ...b- "-""'v""BSCuiptorsinrl " "wu. nuusaygt " I tako pleasuro inieeonim.,.-. . 1 , . . '"1 I "mums, ana after iv.... OUobottloOf l'oriiniTnm.-n.., . Mrs. M. C. Coopor. D. L. Wallace, a ehsrt t. ti... ri. ,.,i.. i-,, , """""w r,nm ir. Ttr ... ' u... w ncawiu nvenuc. M Minn.: " I'ollowlntr a govern Itll,.ii. ... u T HHimpfl in In. (f . 1 1 . . iiij-cusiomerswhoturi helped by Perutia ndvlsed and I procured a bottle the sum .now my nonu Is clear, mvinw. steady, I on Joy food and teat & riinn. linn ihpti wnrfi, .. - ... .. mo." u.ii. wnnacc. Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, cl Hi T .. 1" .. I ' T ( Y TlAV-nrt,.. t 1L. . . Army, writes irom Ogdcn, Uttit " Two months ago I wasiuflerinjiri so sovore a cold that I could hirdljijt, "Our captain advised metotrjl runannd procured a bottle fornt,t truly It worked wonders. "Within t weeks I was entirely weUV'-Clul Hunt. Congressman Walla's Latter, Tarboro.NX Qcntlcmcni1 am more IbsoiU fled with I'eruna and Had lttobt excellent remedy lor the xrlo tad turrh. I have used It la my ltd and they all Join me In rrcommcosm! It as an excellent remedy," um tl. WlUte, member otLongrtts. JUrs. T. W. Collins, Treunrer jicudent Order of Good Tempkn, Evorott, Avaslu, writes "After having a severe sttitxrf grippe I continued la a feeble couUsj even after tho doctors called nuns' Mr blood teemed poisoned. cured mo." Mrs. T. W. CoUlai. If you do not derive prompt sad factory results from tb tue w write at once to Dr. HartmuLtli full Htatomcnt of your case udbi bo plcased to give you bis Ylo vlco irratls. I Address Dr. Hartman, Prei The Uartman SanUsrlum, He that blowetli not his own horn the same slitill not bo blown" A. r WhenDinner's Ready bUplcs, Xisq.. of Birrlav. onairc l,o.. Kons.. "and four yearn ago my woric kctpiug roe In a warm roum and fcltpping out fre aurtitlv Into the the chain of association In this way " t' tl and you will find that your daughter g; tit"??&&Y&r.S is touching shoulders with many an gtoa-agM oblectlonablo associate through oth- ,. i 1 had taken the first bottle I was bet ers. She meets and knows people away from home who would not bo welcome In tho home. It Is lncvlta ble, but you can reduce associations to the best circle by taking your child into your confidence Ing her associates. You must them out. . 1 ,ii.r taVinr about four botllra HIT oou'ih wss entirely gone. I have found uo ne- . . . .. .Mi.iv ... 1 tir rl t rii.l r." Rnmetimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious . medicines, will offer the customer a substitute as being "just as . , ffood" as the "Discovery." and study- 0 You get the People's Common Sense must weed Medical Adviser, the best medical work ever published, Jrce by scnuing stamps, tr. nv nnnue of mailinir oulv. Send - .anna fnr fmrkV in nawr " ""-' mvrru. nr ti atamos tor cioiu-Dounu voi- snoweu a very narrow provincialism 1 ume, to JJr. K. v. riercc, jjuuuio, n. x, In opposing tho Iewls and Clark fair and the St. Louis exposition in tho senate. Tbo South has had her share of government aid In harbors, federal buildings, and Internal Im provements and no Western con gressman or senator over denied her these needed blessings. Oregon and tho "Oregon country" havo been slowly and tediously developed with out government aid until tho nation al irrigation act has passed and it was a aelflsh spirit which prompted and Extracting. ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Oregon. Residence and office Despain Block. Phone Red 1581. Our specialty Painless Filling .1... a.. .,,1. ...... .1,1. ... . tlnrntt . ... ., 1)0 ( nheumallim, Neuralgia, Constipation In tho commemoration of tho achieve- yon J Dizziness, (lout. Mllouiness.Mek inonts of Thomas Jefferson. rUll Dvll 1IJU,, lllllVU.uni lllAVIMand Nervous lleadaclie? Pon't sell your furniture or pawn jour Jewel- Soon the dlsroputablo man will bo err to buy remedies ,or "ie, disorders It Is not necessary. completely barred from tho blessings i, TJjH'g Rheumatic Pills " .,1 uv,,..m, . Cost only a cents, and have cured thousands secret organizations aro drawing tho during Hie last hundred years lines tluhter and tlahtor. A fow Mb, O.A, IllW- Last summer I was irouftled nuufl iibiiiLr unij iibmur. A ' if IthVheumatlim so badljr 1 was tlltabUd from, yearn ago nearly every tinhorn work, but ft of your pills cured me so that I am . , ., ' , am a Umber as I was at IS years old. I liav. Sported tho emblem Of somo first' In Wisconsin but two months, and wit 1 one and a nan coxes 01 your puis 1 navo vurea jours iruij-. i 4 r THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. ..IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEA8T OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO 8HOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HI8 BANQUET OF BAR. GAINS. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEA8T, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE M08T TEMPTING REPA8T EVER 8PREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG. OROU8LY BLOWN IN THE COL. UMN8 OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEW8Y NEWSPAP ER THAT GOE8 AMONG THE CLA88 OF PEOPLE HE WANT8 FOR PATRON8, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HI8 M08T SANGUINE EXPECTA. TION8. THE VERY BE8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANT8 18 THE EA8T OREGON. IAN BECAU8E THROUGH IT THEY CAN 8END THEIR ME88AGE D. RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOME8 OF PENDLETON M08T OF WHOM WANT TO BUY 80METHING LET THE BU8INE38 MAN 8HOW THESE PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HI8 GOOD8, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN SE. CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICI0U8 nLOWIMR OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BU8- mtiuu. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPi DL'U Lliin ill VMS " Kow Kuro for your cu bles. r. I- n PRWOHu East AltaSt. A iron i. Mir UDUB J4V- to C0A Let us fill your bin with . fsjr.nl AnniUP il VIII'B XKKIHI1 11 nuui ui '"w v 1 ,nct RCOnOlUl"" sr aro nrepaicu ,,.1. Willi VU" ' ' , , -ol nr WOU" - IIIU, narl ni 111c aa j Mil as am. .a Main Street class lodge. Today nearly ovory cases door Is barred against him, oxcept lu special orders founded as a last At Your Prifctsts 41. u. niruui. tlresnleel, sunn .Br.hTin? inn ITi0" 0rean,an office Laroo bundi of nevv.pPr, ontalnlng over 100 big paperi, can be had for 2Bo a bundle. The Cofomfcii Lod trine Hoitf . . 1 sK1 w" ' ..id. rooms. where ILinill Itn . ....-an nit" .InPtf lfK" . . m.aai. Webb s'- fTx. SctePP nl.aliniai'".' si fall to cure -.AP'" A, C. Koepi"-