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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1904)
DAILY EAST ORE (IONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEPRUARV 6, 1904. A LINGERING COUGH The cough that holds on in spite of all remedies needs energetic and above all thor ough treatment. A mere cough mixture won't do. Root out the cold that causes the cough. How? Scott's Emulsion. Why Scott's Emulsion ? Kecause it stops the irrita tion, soothes the tissues and heals the affected membranes. When? Right away. Scott's Emulsion begins to help with the first dose. WVTl tend you a umple tree upon reqaett. SOarr & UOWNE, a&) Prl Sircil, New YV. GENERAL NEWS. Mm Harkor urn! wife liavo been found timrilorcil nl Klverton. Nub. IMrltor's brother Knuil;, Is under ar- fiunerul John C. lilnck, commander the G. A. It., Is seriously III at Washington, I). C. principally from uervnus collapse from overwork. A 2-year-old baby boy fell out ;t 1 suconil-story window- at Livingston, 3CanLr alighting upon a stone pave ment. H feet below, and was abso Atccly unhurt. Commercial bodies of San Fran tssco are trying to have pneumatic xialT tubes introduced In that city j expedite collection and delivery rf mall matter. James Smith, a wealthy Brooklyn nan, a church member and highly respected, has been detected hand "ifcglave with a finely organized gang tt coin counterfeiters. The natural supply of platinum ill lie United States Is decreasing vorv TtpfillyS Practically the only hope cf a fresh supply is from recent un foveloped discoveries in Central and southwestern Oregon. Chief Two Feathers, of British Columbia, Is looked upon as the umiing world's champion wrestler. ile lately threw the two white chaci ions of Canada at one bout, with x snort rest between clinches. The First Methodist church of Siwkanc has 1.S0O members, being the third largest membership of any Jlethodlst Episcopal church in the United States. Its pastor for two and a half years past has been Dr. A. ft. Lambert, leader of the anti lice crusade. NORTHWEST NEW8. Theodore Adams, a son of well-to-do parents, Is in Jail at Butte, for a rries of burglaries, extending over several months. A skillful forger using the name of J. E. Bonnell, a prominent contrac lor. defrauded Tacoma business men out of ?20Q Friday. Legal action has been taken gainst several dairies hi the heart "Jie residence dlstr'.ct of Walla Ttfallif The unbearable odor is said to cau s'ckttess. An ar1fioJaC lake In Lincoln Park. Tacoma, 'Mf been drained by the work of bT vers, which have under ulntjd the woodwork of the dam and jermltted the water to escape, H. W. Gardner, a prominent street tar conductor of Tacoma, died Fri day of blood poisoning, contracted fcy rubbing a brass railing on his car against a fever soro on his Up. Mrs. Ellen Allen, of Seattle, who tilled Mrs. Laura Graham last No--fember In that city, for despoiling her home and alienating her hus band's affections, was acquitted by the jury Friday. James M. Walters, bellboy of the Colonial hotel, San Francisco, ad mits the theft of $10,000 worth of diamonds from Baroness Radzlwcll, who was a guest of that "hostelry a few weeks ago. The city council of Ashland has passed an ordinance against tho use of slot machines, Owners had been paying 5 per month flues, but tho new council has done away with tho machines altogether. The state board of agriculture will meet at Salem on Monday. February 8, to make preliminary arrangements for tho state fair, to be held next September. Part of the speed pro gram will be arranged at that time. Alexander Jlorrisoy, of Turtle IUver, Mont., narrowly escaped be ing torn to pieces by a pack of IB wolves Friday. Ho slew several of them with an ax and mado his eB capo from the remainder of tho pack by climbing a small tree. Two hounds with him were hilled and taten by tho hungry wolves. NIP IT IN THE DUD. First Appearance of Daiidruff a Fore runner of Future Ilaldneni. That such is the case has been con clusively proven by scientific research. ITof. Unna, the noted European akin specialist, declares that dandruff is tho turrowed-up cuticle of tho scalp, caused ty parasites destroying tho vitality in the hnlr bulb. The hair becomes lifeless, and, In time, falls out. This can be pre vented. Newbro's Iferplclde kills this dandruff nerm, unci restores tho hair to Us natural softness and obundancy. HerplcMe Is now useit by thousands of peoplo nil satisfied that it Is the most wonderful hair preparation on tho mar ket to-day. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. In fctnmps for sample to Tho llerplclde Co., Detroit, Mien. F. VV. Schmidt, special agent. OF C, PLANTS SEVERELY ILL WITH PNEUMONIA. Severe Case of Rheumatism School Has Closed on Couse Creek W, A. Dannlster Has Returned From Missouri Infant Died From Pneumonia Wood, men are Experiencing Revival, and Hold a1 Social. Milton, Feb. 5. Miss l.eln Sam uels who has been hero visiting with Air. nud Mrs. .). U Frazler, lert Tues day for Dayton, In response to n message announcing the Illness of her mother. Miss Itltu Ituders, of Walla Walla has been the guest of Mrs. H. L. Krazlor. Conloy Plants Is unite 111 of pneu nionln, nnd Is under the care of Dr. .1. II. Kennedy- Miss Florence Stevenson has gone to Walls Walla for a visit. Mrs. Anna Forsytho Is suffering from an attack of rheumatism and Is confined to her room. Miss Bertha Long has just com pleted a term of school on Couse Creek and yesterday departed for her home at Pomeroy. W. A. Hnnnlstor returned this morning from Missouri, where he went several weeks ago to see his father, who was injured by a fall. When -Mr. IJannlster loft, his father was greatly Improved. -Mrs. D. C. Sanderson took her de parture this morning for her home at Pomeroy after a two weeks' visit here. .. , 0. A. Cowl arrived home from a ten days' hunting expedition. I-ast night A. W. Connett, an or ganizer of the Woodmen of the World, delivered an address to n large audience In the I. O. O. F. hall. After the address a social time was indulged in. Death From Pneumonia, The Infant child of Mr. nnd .Mrs. H. I.. Archer died Tuesday night of pneumonia, and was burled Wednes day. Hev, U. W. EaK'en conducted the funeral services at 'he home Wednesday. Have You Indigestion? If you have Indigestion, Ko'dtM Dyspepsia Cure will cure you. It has cured thousands. It Is curing people every day every hour You owe It to yourself to give it a trial. iou will contimm to suffer until you do try It. There is no other com bination of digestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by Tallman & Co. LOST HIS HOME. N. B. Johmon's New Farm House Destroyed by Fire. Tho now dwelling of Nels P. John son at his foothill farm two miles southeast of Weston was totally de stroyed by fire, with all Its contents, between one and two o'clock yester day morning, says tho Weston Leader. Two little boys and a baby were In the house, besides the parents, and one of the boys had to jump from a second story window In ordor to escape." Mr. Johnson's other five children were at Weston attending school. Mr. Johnson got out with nothing to wear save his under clothes; and had to borrow outer garments from a neighbor, 11. Wad dingham, at whose house the home less family wero Teceivcd. Mrs. Johnson saved nothing from her wardrobe except a thin wrapper, In which she escaped. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr, II. Ilagglns of Melbourne, Fla., writes: "My doctor told mo I had consumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. Tho offer of a free trial bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Induced roe to try It. Results wero startling. I am now on tho road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's Now Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure Is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Tallman & Lo, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free, POLITICS AT ATHENA. City Ticket Nominated to be Voted on March 8. Tho following ticket ha3 been nominated by a non-partisan mass meeting at Athena, to be voted upon at the annual election on March 0. Mayor, David Taylor. Councllmen. T. J, Kirk, C. A. Bar- rett, O. W. dross, P. O. Ilogers, Dr. A. U. Stone. Recorder, O. O. Chamberlain, Treasurer, David Williams. For mayor, Mr. Taylor's selection was a renomlnatlon, nnd ho is tho present Incumbent. Ho was chos' en by acclamation. Thompklns, Chamberlain nnd Williams wero also nominated by acclamation. There wero slight contests over tho other places. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteivard for any caiu of ent&rrb tint cannot be cured by liairs caiarrn uure. V. J. OIIUNHV 4 CO., 1'rops., Toledo, O. Wp. thA iinriertflvneri. have knuwn V J, Cheney for the last in years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any ooilxations maue uy lueir nrui. WENT & TIlUAX, Wholesale Druggists, taIa,1 n WAMHNQ. KtNNAN & MAItVIN. Whole. sale Druggists, TOieuo, u. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, scllnir directly UDon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. 1'rlce 70c per bottle. Hold by all druggists, Testimonials Hall's ITamlty Tills are the best. MILTON HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendloton. 1). Davenport, Montunn. C. E. Selvage, Louisville. 0. S. Youngmnn, Portland. K. B. Coniun, Portland. A. Oppenlielmer, San Francisco. Paul Ollmore nnd wife. Now York F, .11. (larrlsou, Cleveland. J." Brunswlger, Chicago. .1, S. Onrnee, Portland, .1. F. Clarke, Portland. II. K. Hellls, Cincinnati. C. U. Cook, Portland. .1 A. minor, San Francisco. K, L. Hart, St. Louis. IV. E. Newton, Seattle. D. McKay, San Francisco. S. Pelser, San Francisco. 1. 11. Kit Inge, Itochostor. W II. Drake. Seattle. William Maker, Portland. C. .11. Smith, Portland. W. M. Fltzgerahl, Portland. W. .1. Moore, Spokane. IV. 1). Marks. Spokane. S. A. Frans, Spokane. J. 1..' Baker. Chicago. A. Blnnard. Kansas City. A. It. rirunt. Portland. I. K. Levy, San Francisco. William Ulmnary, Dayton, J. J Clellnnd, Portland. II. Hamilton, Eaton Rapids. P. Knbyrk, Eaton Itnplds. C. E. Bade, Portland. IV. H. A. T. Wallace, Portland, (i. D. fliilley. Portland. II. F. Slnshclmor, Portland, W. H. aiendcnlng, Portland. Hotel St. George. Thomas II. Shannon, Chicago. A. M. Hamlin, St. Louis. It. C .ludson, Portland. J. P.' Corent. Seattle. C II. Keldel, Now Alaska. Newton Philips, San Francisco. C. H. I.oinroy. Adams. H. A. Weiss, Portland. Max Jackson, North Yakima. IV. S. Sterling, Portland. .William Fitzgerald, Portland. W. J. Heany, Chlc;iso, . . -lint II. Moscrovo, Milton. M. E. Callurllng. W. II. Cnthermait, Echo, - C. L. Downer, Spokane. (Jeo. H. Sutherland, Wnlla Walla. Bert Wiley and wife. Walla Wnlla. Charles T. Sears, Chicago. E. U .Marten, Portland. Julian M Kessler, New York. A. W. Hall, Spokane. Howard II. Hogan, Chicago. George Lousa. Butte, Mont. Hotel Bickers, ' D. P. lllcks and family, Weston. I). Nichols, Crass Valley. J. T. Knnls. Harris Walker, Helix. U. C. Ileeder, Nye. . V. Itomngoux, Nye. N M. Ileeder, Oiirdanc. C. W. Orton, Vancyclc, llenj. Mathews, Portland. .1. T. Thoroy, Caldwell. , . - It. N. Adams, city. George D. Cioodhuc. Portland. McHague, Chicago. W. H. Johnson. Walla Walla. -Miss Nora Totliunter, La CI ramie. C. H. Hartwell, Halter City. .Mrs. I.ctherman, John Day. K. H. Hunt, city. .Mrs. W. Martin, Pendleton. II. L. Smith. .Miss .May McConncll, Notice. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to W. T. Iloynton will kind ly call and settle at once, as I need the money. W. T. IIOYNTON. Wo have some propositions in real estate which are wortli your time to investigate. Como In nnd talk them over with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Ofllcc In E. O. Hulldlng. 'Phono Hlack, 1111. P. O, Box 321. Be Sore and Call For Carnation Extracts are Good Carnation Extraets are Pure Peerless Mushes When Yob Go to Yoor Grocery Carnation Bxtraots are Strong Carnation Extraets are Wholesome All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. I Conrad Platzoeder J Meat Market -M- A Carnegie Library ENDI,ETON lias not been favored ly Andrew Carnegie in his contiibutions to establish libraries, but it has what ( t is far more valuable, more date. It has Frazier's Circulating Library Which places within the reach best books, including all of the as soon as they arc issued. Our circulating library is conducted on the simplest plan imaginable. No initiation fee or membership dues, all you have to do is to select the book you desire to read and pay 25 cents for reading it. Any book in our immense collection is at your command. By our circulating library you read all the late books and keep up with the times at a very small I expense. Some books are to bo bought to be read and kept, f but the most the reading of them suflices. Some of the new books ready for you to read are: THE CALL OF THE WILD UNDER THE ROSE THE MAIN CHANCE THE FILUGREE HALL LOVE TOKENS Friendship greetings, rentbrances to those you hold dear, and comic valentines. Our selection of valentines is the brightest, freshest, prettiest, neatest, swellest and most original of the year. All 1904 designs. Frazier's Book Store m t iTHiiiHmmnH BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE 880 acres, all fenced; good well, 244 feet deep, windmill; engine; land all broko but 70 acres. 400 acres crop. JJalance to bo summor fallowed. Three-room house- Cistern, 10x20 feet, built on high ground. Machine shed, 14x40 feot. Barn, 14x40 feot. Wheat shed, 12x20 feot. Adams County, 9 miles of N. P. It. R. Down hill road. Inquire of C. W. CRABILL Connell LEGAL BLANKS L?L0:Z tloptse of them. A foil supply D1U DLAIIV OAb Thxez Days of Specials in BLACK GOODS, Monday, Feb. 1st, T MAP Ct 04 Everything that is Black in our stock will be on sale ion.. days and the orices reduced. Commence ricrht now and make a ... things you need in black the three days' mentioned Black dress goods, silks, etc., 20 per cent off because of their color Shoes reduced 10 per cent because they are black Rubbers and overshoes, io per cent off for - three days Black shirts, shirtwaists and black ribbons, all reduced Black suits and overcoats, 20 per cent off from reRular price T" TT convenient and more up-to- t of all the citizens, all of the ;; popular works of the day just 1 1 i Wash. always kept In stock. atire goods of any kind, and come io uui and you will save money on every iiem per cent over our regular p"'"' mi,o lmlnw others' prices Muslin Underwear - lines on sale. Watch for oat TH TP A 1 "U1K.F Vn,J T . . . wM b lip "usj ; ;"W."i, m D lean... .Hr. u ... Or imH . . , - v..M Un fin, i. i enaieton, Ore, " I RT itc ... "111 Buildk i M nl I 1 n I f Oil .IJ.L . wviiuun T . Bring Your Bill fiat r.. TV Grays' Harbor ipp. wt a c. INSURE That pay their Hnrttoril Hire iiwimn Alliance Awuranceu. London & iMxmm Insurancu Co Co Iloyal Insurance Co. FRANK n. AOEHI n DlvT I. II vi i caijnij RICAT MA muni mi 111 Ul" - You always OET your order. 316 COURT found on sais Vreoneboy t t .., wnnt is BLACK, U come uunnK mm . ... , .... ..r- Tft OUR WHITE SM . :i qfltiirdayfllB1"- anu continue u ,, Corsets vin bills