DAILYEVF.NINGEDITION I (o business Eastern Oregon Weather IfJ, "0 machinery. MmS """"" i '"SUTmmmZ m Tonight and Sunday occasion- rnln or snow, probably coolor "1- Sunday: high winds. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1004. NO. 4005. I!'S 1H BROKEN If past Week Suc- L Soaking Rams Southern Part. OLD OVER LlERN CALIFORNIA. L,, 01 U" - Great Excitement, precipitates a Run- in-NY. B. Ewlng Sen. L Quentln for Fraud- the Malls Had Oper. -?!. fi. A sharp nture accompanied by I " urn f t n . -California by mo "- urcau. Hut iuobo an- Nous will bo ionoweo i south of Toliachapl -k.f -rood urutiumiiu (j this morning. Tho niton amounts to from I, thrce-nuartora of an cloudy In that section Iillfornla was visited by i last night. At day Irous rain set in. Tho expected to contlnuo be day. Il-ailure Reported. 111. Feb. 6. The expect- lie Bank of Savings tht morning failed to I A number of timid cus ?red In front of tlio I hour Moro the doors kheu the sront heaps of n on Ho imyinc tot fcre seen, many loft, con- tunds are safe. But fow llr dtJXJSltB. I tie bank's affairs boing ! condition wuro frooly It nkht. but mot with i kdler Sentenced. Feb C W. H. atenced to 15 months pi and fined $500 by 1 District .liidcrn Delia Ewlng was an ill pel guilty of using tho !ntl many victims on SPOKANE'S CRIME RECORD. Record for January Is a Long and Bad One. SnnVnnn. Fob ft A ' ' - " i unusual Item nnnoarn tn thn mnnihiv ..... " w.tt.Mj IUJIUII of Sergeant Holloway on the work nunu uy mo pouco department dur ing January. Probably not in the history of Snoknnn. at lp-ist tint fnr many moons, has this police report I .. 1. .. .1 ,., , ... uwuu umieiiu wun bucii a weighty matter as eight arrests for renting houses for Immoral purposes. That Item marks a rod letter day. Will thnro be morn of them Is what is troubling many In and about tho report. Tho rcnort makes no com- mont on this item. Tho remainder of tho report Is humdrum. It nhnwe n. rnthnr hlch dogreo of efficiency In the pollco de partment In splto of Mayor Boyd's emergency message declaring tho opposite a fact. There wero 334 arrests In all, 275 hnintr rltv rnnna nnil ctntn Thn various offenses were divided as fol lows: prostitutes, 77; vagrants, 71: drunks, 08: nctlt larceny. 38: disorderly conduct, 31; unlawful co habitation, 7; hold on suspicion, 7 grand larceny, 6; peddling without license, 4; disorderly persons, 4; nssault and battery, 5; robbery, 4; miscellaneous, 3. There wero 50 Blcopors hooked and eight were held for safe keeping for outside officers PIDS X VICTIM OF NOSTALGIA GOVERNMENTAL AND OTHER NEWS American Sailor Killed by San Domingo Rebels, and Other Disturbances. REPORTS HAVE IT THAT WAR BEGINS NO ATTENTION ON ISLAND TO ANY PROPERTY RIGHTS Venezuelan Supreme Court Decides the Famous Asphalt' Case Smoot Investigation Will Begin March 1 and the Committee Promises It Shall Be Thorough Will Also In vestigate the Mormon Church Hanna's Condition Unchanged. Information Comes From Un official Sources and is Not Confirmed. STAKES, $31,000. JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE IMPATIENT FOR FIGHT. HIS HOLINESS' SIGHT HAS BECOME AFFECTED. EfRS DOWN JETTY, tat Tear Out About Iwirty Bents. . Feb 0. Monster up from tho south- r even nir curried twny Ms of tho Columbia Examination of tho e twlco daily and tho Iaiscovorcd when tho Nation was made, Tho lettv nu-nnt away P feet In longth and lo- ulstnneo from the ' the breakwater. It te work, having boon wnmor. Tho damago IJortlon not fully corn- Neither the Climate Nor the Associ ations of the Vatican Agree With Him He Longs for the Simple Life and Companions of Venice. London, Fob. C. A dispatch lo Dalziol's Agency from Rome, reports on authority of a person having con stant contact with tho pope, that tho latter is practically blind, his Bight having been failing over since his accession to tho papacy, owing to tho extremely damp air of tho Vati can. Two celebrated oculists have ordorcd him to rofrain entirely from reading. His holiness' gouoral health is known to bo unfavorably affected, and thoso in his dally company who havo been acquainted with him long est, ainrm that he is a victim of nos talgia that nothing will appreciably roliovo except a ronowal of tho old friendships and associations at Venice. Ho Is much moro cheerful and resigned to his voluntary lm- muromont In tho Vatican when nis i-lntivn- nnil nthnr old associates nrw! frli-mln from VollICO are VlSltlllg him. and ho is known to havo many times oxprcssed a longing lor ine milntnr and moro slllllllo life which ho had for bo many years at Ven ice Washington, Feb. C The govern ment has issued no new instructions regarding action to bo taken in San Domingo, regarding the killing of Sailor Johnston by tho rebels. It is assumed Minister Powell is taking all necessary steps to capture the ttilirrlornra Advices today are that the lnsurg cntB contlnuo tho devastation of nronerty without regard to owner ship. Thoro Is a strong feeling against Americans. Venezuelan Court Decision -Jnchlnf.tn-i Fnl, P. Thn efllto department has cabled advices today Great Britain, believing war be- conflnnlng tho report that the fa- tween Japan and Russia to bo ine- mous asphalt case which two years vitable, is now giving Japan active nrni thvnntnnn'l wnr hptWPPn Amerl- nnfiniirafrniTi01lt Great Impatience in Japan Washington. Feb. C Minister Griscom. at Tokio, cables the state ca and Venezuela has been bciiicq bv unanimous decision of the su nrpmn r-nlirt nf Vnnp7.llola In faVOr of the New York and Bermudese As of the New York anu uermuaese -, ,..nt tho phalt Company,. All the contentions ""J ' o the United States wero sustained Smoot Investigation. Wnchlnirtnn Tfnh fi. Tho trial Of Senator Smoot will begin before tho The dii ITS' CONVENTION. 1 Will be Held at Port- ft March 4. Iwnvcntlon of tho Soc- i uregon has boon cnl- 0B March 4. 1004 nt I organization wilt ha PS deleirntn nt Inrirn nnfl no membors of tho I" bo hold on Fob. 27, 14 of electing dologatos invention. Tho soc Oremn tn 1AAO n,nn R. 14 AHtlmntnJ 1 1 rt' least ?nnn mntrinn u fWlOn nt thn nlntn 1,400 delegates, If la Pntlflnnfl n thn nr. - ....wu iw "1 each nrninlTntlnn FWta of dologatoB. 4. 4. r,r"l Wrecke. fW-LFob. C Throo Wind in Montoroy ino nnnt twn I to tlln l.nll ? in tho vicinity. , "ro picked up wth of Point Pi- ,eBl In Ftnllnnn 'led t ji-. . . thlfrl J.lflAil t. "lu" "u Nonn nf thn tics. Condition Unchanged. Washington, Fob. C At 10 o'clock bulletin shows Senator Hanna's temperature to be half a degree higher than yesterday. - Ur. Ilixey believes the disease is reaching a climax. Ills general condition is un changed, GREAT AUTO SHOW. Interesting Event In Annals of Ma chine Roadsters. Chicago. 111., Feb. C. Chicago's nnnl,nl nillnmnlilln SllOW OPCHCd in rviiiamtm tm av m a umzn in glory. Tho show follows closely mo recent exhibition in Now York, ,i..,..i, i thn Tinmlier nf exiu ins tho Clilcngo affair Is a llttlo ahead of its Eastern rival. Tho ontiro ground lloor of tho Collsoum and tho annex i.. -i.. t thn n sn av or com- ,,ioi nnra nf all sizes, descriptions nnd prices, wlillo tho spacious gal leries aro used for an oxmuuiuu ui automobile parts and accessories. nil.- ..!,... mill nnntltllin fOT tWO -weeks, during which tlmo thoro will bo hold a numbur or meetings ui automobile manufacturers, good roads advocates and others inter ested dl'roctly or Indlroctly in the Tim nrinnniincu 11110 auto tll"ui. - 7. ,.,! f.,nnn uinn lareo and all Indlca- ttlWi.MUWH . . , , HUilD v- - nres In this particular. BIG MINING SUIT. Iron Dyke Property in Baker County qh.h for Lame Sum. Baker City, Fob. fi. - Conoral Manager Frank IS. Perec, of the .... .i Hironii to Bakor iron uyno iiinio. w-ip City last nlnht from a t P to Erie, Ponnsyivan a, at cipai ownerut ...- tondod ft conioreueu ui -- nt which Plans for tho future do nl.w" . f th., nronorty wero VOlOpilluiil" " outiinuu. tftr Pearco Th a moriiiub - ,n was served with papow in a suit In- Z M080. and another suit to of A: Cli"z. nm, is tho samo mo tg'Ko A l toTlJ "'or Copper Mining company to Wm tor S. X ciaimsTnlho8 iron Mikado's Government Summons Its Citizens Home From All Parts of the World Japanese Minister Is Hiking Out of St, Petersburg, and Both Governments Are Actively Preparing for War Great Britain Will Favor Japan. London, Feb. 0. Tho Echo says tho rumor current that certain Lon ilnn merchants havo received a cable from agents in Japan that a battlo occurred between Russia and Japanese battleships, In which three Russian and two Japanese battle ships wero sunk. Tho rumor is not confirmed. Not Confirmed. Tho .TnnnnpRp pmhaRRV hprG has heard nothing to confirm the report of a battle and gives It no credence. England Encourages Japan. London, Feb. C It Is learned that That Is the Figure to be Paid Out for Twelve Events. Chlcngo, III., Feb. 6, Entries closed today for the twclvo stakes to bo decided at tho spring meeting of the Chicago Jockey club and though the exact figures have not yet been announced by tho club of ficials they aro said to be of n char acter to Insure ono of tho best meetings ever held under the au spices of tho organization. Tho gross value of tho stakes is $31,000. The most important of these Is the Chicago Derby, with $10,000 added, and, with tho fees, It lis eMioctcil to bo worth about $20,000. The Northern handicap, with $5,000 ndded, is tho event next In Importanco to the Derby. Of tho twelve stakes, five aro for three year-olds, and upward, and three for three-year-olds, nnd four for two-year-olds. VIEW CP. STRAIN'S OF THE ASSESSORS MINE EXPLOSION. Lives Lost, Injuries Sustained and Mine Damaged. Scranton, Tn., Feb, C An cxplo' Rlnn of cbr took nlnco In Storra mine this morning. Evan Gabriel was killed, three wero burned and fivo seriously so. The mine is badly damaged. TWO QUESTIONS TO REFERENDUM VOTE feeling obtains in Japan that more than a reasonable period lias eiaps ed since sending a note to Russia, and great Impatience mannests. imats feel that a note is itatlne -that rotations be PETITIONS FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Gives Values of the Principal Roads of Washington as a Basis for Assessment. RAILROAD VALUES SHOULD COMPARE TO OTHER VALUES. More Than the Legal Quota of Names Signed to Each, and It Is Believed That There Will Be Enough Signatures When Elimina tions Are Made, senate committee un uiui-uuua un i prouauio -uiaung -iui. iuiMiiu. v March 1, according to the date fixed tween tho countries may bo broken mis morning- ine c-uniiiiiiifu um- on ui uhj muuicm, ml tn makn a full and complete in-1 D., ,.i.. vestlgation, not only of the specific Ij0ndo Fcb. 6.-A dispatch from charges against the senator, but alao poter8UUrg this aftornoon says as to tho practices of the Mormon ,... m,nlg,e, Kuln, is mak- church, Its connection witn poiyg.a- preparations to leave, my and alicbed Interference in poll- "h ' 1 Him-nnnrp. Fob. C. The new Jap anese cruisers, Nisshln and Kassago sailed from hero this afternoon. Reply Received, rntin fi. Thn Russian renly wns received today through tho Rus sian minister, DerroBcn. Ciphers Prohibited. xt.,. Vnrir Poll r. Thn Commer- ..ini fniiin Piinuinnv todav anounced it has been advised by tho Japauese government that Secret language is prohibited In all private messages to Japan. Japanese Called Home. tjnn Ti-rnnclKril Feb 0. Tho Jail- ftnnen pnnRll 1 todav confirmed tho re port that the Japanese governmnt has issued a first call to all citizens nf that country res ding in foreign lands. Tho call Includes Japanese Salem, Feb. C W. S. U'Rcn, of Oregon City, yesterday evening filed petitions with tho secretary of stato for direct primary nominations, bearing the names of 8,538 voters, and E. O. Miller, secretary 01 me Btato prohibition alliance, filed peti tions for local option, . bearing b,hu names. The legal requirement of eight per cent of tho voters on both of those would bo but 7,018, and it Is thought that there will bo sufficient actual voters on the petitions after tho miontlnnnhln ilium's urn eliminated. to Insure them a place on tho olllelul ballot. It will ren.ii re several days for tho secretary of stale to go over tho list of names and Cetcrmlno tho bona fldo voters, but both tho direct pri mary pcoplo and the prohibitionists feel that their petitions aro safe. ORGANIZE NEW ORDER. Chicago Wheat, Chicago, Fob. C Wheat opened 959i. closed 94. May corn opened GCHs, closed 5494. A. V. NYE AT HEPPNER. Has Captured Thirteen Deer Skins From Parties Who Had Violated the State Laws. Tinnntv rJnnin Wrrden A. W. Nyo. uho has been Jt Heppner for sever-1 Q haV(J comi)ietC(J services In tho al days in scares of violators of Japanese army within the last four Hintn name laws, lias capturtti to inn. ul.-Inu from nartles who violated tho gamo laws and Is now on tlio trail or nuutuio m iui ii.. . . . , a larco number of ueer nas oeeu wnnrted killed in tho hills near ii.nnnnr nnil Mr. Nyo will not return ,,m im illRcovers and brings to Justice tho violators of tho law. STORE ROBBED. years. Somo will sail weanesauy. r.nlden Rule Broken Into and some Cash Was Taken Thn Golden ItUIO Store wb uiur-iim4w" rjv." , T?0.. .... ..iiZ ,, , fn tilr-kles mer seized a woman. Tho gendarmes CO mid IUBI Ulb"l "-,"-"- I .,l.,ln flnn TlllRRlfln WBB U11U u 1 1.' - - Tho .-.nil nrnatpil Intenso excite rtcnt In the local Japaneso colony, where it is tanen to mean tuai jun nn C about to declare, or has :il ready declared war. Sacrificing Property 1Mr!lvnatrwl.- t'nli fi. All JaDall ese aro leaving in uaste, uibiiuoiub of their goods at 5 cents on tno aoi lar clnhtlnn In Korea London, Feb. 6. A Seoul dispatch savs Russian soldiers encouuturuu Knrnan cendarmCH becauso tho for Ister. As 1M as can ue torn ul una is nn further loss. The limu i"i - . thieves gained an entrance to tho store by prying open the back doors. have no dUO BS tO WDO did tho deed. n.j,.tnK Hrnun Returns. rt n H nrown. of the O i- ,M MtnrnDii ttllS mOrulUK WULU n prtpnilod visit at Hot Springs, Thn Wnreans declare. Russia win thnli- nniintrv. An insurrection nas DroKen out w miles north of Seoul, ana tno pro feet's house has been destroyed. R. C. JUDSON IN TOWN. Has Distributed 1,300 Pounds mii fa Seed In F ve WeeKS. .t nr, Mm. n C. Judson wero an extended visit at ot P"DBB' tb ' 8ts of the Hotel St. George Ark., where ho went in search o we gu yesterday and to- health. He returns greatly improv ed and will soon rcsuiuo jub iwu COUNTY COURT. .i... i irn Granted A. o. Ortiuwii ' - . ci.nh.nc Amournea I in dV. I . .1.1. mnvn. Rlll.'ll 11 VJ nu " " " ... Tho county court mot ' month ag0, and is daily be lui " v , . .. day. Mr. Judson is on ms " .,rno ,hnrn hn will assist In vvauu vuii, timv.w - - m nf tho Northwost Livestock Association, which is now under consideration mere. w ij.n. hno nlnnnned of Over 13,000 pounds of dryland alfalfa sood Tin wno in LUU UlLY vww ing for tho purpose . of gr anting tn , otters from all ovor the CCDn8, 1' Tho paper 'i0 f "n ZTonnd to be in proper shape the merits this time, and the license was gran . morn,ng tr In t0- ed. Tho court then adjourned until in ' mado the trip this far Monday, when It will moot for tho day. nav g bonoflt 0, revising of the list of Judges and with m Independent League of Workmen Will Be Organized at the Court house Tonight, i.iitlier llolromb. nresldent of tha American league of Independent Wdkmen from Spokane, will nrrlvo i ii. n .Itv thta nvpnlni. anil will or gtuilzo a league of that order at tho courthouse tonight, tho meeting do- ing called for 7:30. Th,. Ainnrlpiin Inuue of Inde pendent Workmen, is an order mado up of employers ana employes anu its prlmo object is to promote, peace nnrl hnrmnnv hntwppn WOrklllKmeU and their employers, Thoro is no in surance or risk benefits in tno or der, and It Is solely ono of social and Industrial advancement. Tho branch at Spokane now has over 400 members, all classes of reputablo people holding member ship. It is mado up of largo employ ers and workingraen in an stations of llfo and has outstripped all strict ly labor unions in that city. TROUBLE WITH HOBOE8. Held Up Train Crew and Get Free Ride Into Pendleton. Thlo mnrnint- tho nlcht IKllICO re- i -.! n mpRR-iirn from Gibbon ask. int. thpm tn meet tho westbound pas senger train at tno switcu, as more were four hoboes aboard who wero .. ,i imithin tn I lm train crow. Tho messago was delivered bo Jato that by the tlmo the pouco roacuou , ,inn thn train was In and tho men had gotten off at the switch above tho city. It Is reported that tno uraKoman i, r, tn nut thn men off tho train abovo Gibbon and they refus ed to obey, drawing a gun on mo trainman and afterward standing tho conductor up until they reached tbo city. The police nave no trutu vi th-j men. If the Value of $7,292 Per Mile Cor- responds to Other Property Values It Is consistent Says Washington Assessors Laid Themselves Open to Censure by Discussing Vital Public Issues Behind Closed Doors, C J'. Strain, county lusoasor of Umatilla county, whoso high assess ment of railroad property In this county Is inrgely rcspoiiBlblo for tho present agitation for higher as sessment In tho stato of WnBhlng ton, Bald this morning to tho East Oregonlnn, in regard to tho results of tho meeting of tho Washington as sessors at Spoknno: "At tills distance I enn only guess nt tho way property Is assosscd in tho Btato of Washington. "Tlio threo principal roads of tho state of Washington nro tho North ern Pacific, Groat Northern and tho n ii m Annnnilii-r thnt railroad Investments aro worth S per cent above operating expenses, tno Northern Pacific, west of iuauo, is worth an nvorago of $39,812.60 per mllo, nnd tho Great Northorn is worth $25,895, por mile In tho samo territory. "Thcso figures nro basod on tho nvorago earning capacity of tho roads during a period of fivo years r ions m l nni Inclusive. Tho t J (1.11 lonu i " , - . nvorago annual earnings of tho Northorn Pacific aro $3,io6 per mnu nnd tho Great Northern $2,07l.-0 per mile. , , 4 "Tho O It. ft. N. is viiiuuu . f"-.-823.85 per mllo basod on tho earn- , ..l!., tn n norlnil Ilf flVO years from 1898 to 1903, Inclusive and Its avorngo incomo per muo an 8 per cent Investment woul Lo $3,005 por mllo. "These figures aro arrlvod at by, way of tbo unit rnlo, thnt is by .itc Ing tlio enllro vnluo of tho property, ...i .11. .1.11.,,. II ho thn niimlior of miles of trnck In tho systom, Local assessments nro maiio on lorminm grounds, and water craft, at tho principal ports, and I would Buy that I l.itvo not ascertained tlio valun of tho water craft ami terminal grounds, of tho Great Northorn or tho Northorn Pacific, nnd am thoro foro not qualified to say Just how much of a deduction should bo mado from tlio total property of tho com panies to nrrlvo at tlio right valito or their roadbed and roiling stock. "However, tlio pilncipal valuo con. slsts In tho roadbed and rolling ui,.ni nml thn valuo of tho wntor craft and lermlnnl grounds would not materially reduce tho values por mllo as given abovo, 'According to tho publisiii'il ro- ports of tho assessors' convention, now being held in Spokane, thuy propose to assess first class roadbod ut $7,292 per mile, which probably closed Freewater Saloon. t r Tnvinr has returned from a X, V J -svnnuintpr. where ho went to ... nnnnM In the attachment case (JUl IU iuyr of Kelly & Kelly, the saloonkoepers of that city, who navo gottou imo . , ...in, a wlinlnRaln houso which has boen furnishing them with liquor .... ,hioh timv have noglocted to pay. Tbo saloon is still closed. Lni nm iniirn than U tho AC- I UJH Lxniim ..... ...... . - tual vnluo of thn roads. If thoy aro taking other property at v i actual value, then their railroad as sessment is consistent, 'It Is to bo presumed mat an mo assessors are acting with noncm purposes, in this manor, uui -cussing Bitch a vital public Ujuo. behind closed doors, they havo laid themselves open to pumio u which is probably not deserved. O. R. & N. Loses Case. iti.. 1.-..1. r. in thn caBO of II. UIII"U M. l ... ih,. n. k. & N. compa- uy, for $30,000 damuges, tho Jury has returned a veraict ior i,v. mi.. nnnn-,vlinnln KlirllltV Of NOW I I1U I IIIH1""- York, organized In 1899, has moro than 500 memuors , ., Bacramonto, Fob. . Stato Vetorlnarlan Bloraor return- ed from a trip of Invostlga. tion made by request of south- crn cattlemen, to abolish tho quarantine lino. Ho gays ho hopes noniiurn tuiu-u will withdraw their protests against abollsmng tno uno, b conditions now omer irom .ono mliAn thnrn w&B no law for inspection, callio can t now bo inspected and pass north safely. Tnousanas o t cattle aro starving in tho BOUth. To 8uspend Quarantine. ciorua ior mo ww6 - al AMin ninnrinn. i .- buildings, ui"'- - lanoons oaulpraent.