East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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flj f,rmAE.PraiaiAlij I J ft 'ill nlflLil '
u i usdicrteco it ii inn iiumMK
The flrnnd-NleCC of MassT.asV -T
i i . n..i..... ttAM ruha.ia..a up Unrinff nf fHlipr Wnmpn
II1UULCU III ICtlC IICI LiAl'Ml IbllUf " " , . .j, .
" I)eak Sins. Pinkiiam : I luivo been married for nearly two years, una so mr toavo "J
not Itton blessed with a child. I have, howovor, suiTered with a complication of fomolo
troubles and painful menstruation, until very recently.
" Tho valuo of Jjj iliu K. IMnlclmm'M Vegotnblo Coiiiitmmd was called to my attention
by an intimate friend, whoso life hud simply been a torturo with inflammation and tdcor-
ntion, and a few bottles of your Compound cured hor ; sho can hardly boliovo it horsolf
to-day, sho enjoys such blessed health. I took four bottles of your Compound and con
sider myself cured. I am onco mora in lino health and spirits; my domestic
and ofllcial duties all scorn easy now, for I feel so strong I can do thrco times
whatl used to do. You have a host of friends in Denver, and among tho best count,
Yours truly, Mits. Ida L. ItoaKit, S20 E. 18th Avo., Denver, CbL"
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
seems to 1kj the universal woman's medicine for tho high awl low, rieh and poor; siad "why not?
Tho organism of all women is nlikc, avid tbs r-uekty woman is just as Buscoptlblp to tho ilia of
womankind as are licr less favored sisters, Imt owing to their inherent distaste for nlvertiwd
articles will resort to all other methods for a euro first. Yet it is a fact worth recording that
Mrs. Pinkham is constantly receiving letters from women of high social position, Baying as a
last resort and without any faith, thoy tried Iydin 13. IMnklinm's Ycgstnlilo Compound and
woro completely cured by it. Sho uctually has thousands of such letters.
Mountains of frold could notpurulia.so riioIi testimony or tnko t.lioplacoof thn health
nnd liappliiess which Lydia 15. l'inkliain's Vegetulilo Compound brought to these
women. Xo woman should suffer with suck a remedy at hand.
Prom a vast oxpcrlcnco In treating female Ills, extending over 20 years, Mr. Plnlr
hani has gained a knowlodgo which Is of untold valuo to
every ailing young woman, licr ndvico iu very sure to help.
If you need such help, write her. Sho will ho glad to
answer you confidentially nnd free of charge.
Address, Lynn, Mass.
AW Ul ' is'.."
National American! Women Suffrage
Association to Meet in the Capital
City on Feb. 11-17 Many Promi
nent Speakers to be Present All
the Phases of the Work to be Reviewed,
I City, president National Consumers
Charlotte PerklnB Oilman, Now
York City, author anil lecturer
J. Ellen Foster, Washington, 1).
C, chairman Woman's National lie
publican association.
Mrs. Walter Lister of Australia,
secretary Victoria National Council
of Women.
Mrs. Harriet Stanton Hlutcli,
Ithaca, N. Y. daughter of Elizabeth
Cady Stanton,
Mrs. L. Annls Pound, Lansing,
.Mrs. Evelyn H. Belden, Washing
ton, D. C, former president Iowa
J Suffrage association. Mrs. Annlo
Tho 3Gth annual convention of tho;!- Msgs, who has been studying In
National American Woman Suffraqo ' llustr'al Prutemf hi Europe for the
... ... , , A. , past two years will arrive home In
aHboclatlon. which meets In tho Na.;tm , 8I)ea); at ths convcntlon.
tlorial Itlflos' Armory hall, Washing-! uev. Mary A. Safford, of Des
ton, I). C February 11th to 171H in- Moines Iowa, will preach the con
rliiHivo win im mn nf tho mnt in. vention sermon on Sunday In the
Salmon Crop For 1903 in Oregon
Valued at Over Three Million
Dollars Oregon's Oyster Crop
Amounted to 92,960 Pounds.
terestlug over held by this associa
tion. One afternoon and evening will l.o
devoted to speakers from Colorado
who aro prominent along the various
Jlnes of activity In which they aro
Among them will be Hon, Alva
Adams, ox-governor of Colorado;
Hon. I. K. Stevens of Denver who
will tell of the rosuits of woman suf
frage after ten years experience:
Mrs. Helen Lorlng (irenfoll, of Den
ver, state superintendent of public
Instruction; Mrs. Mary C. C. Brad
ford Hrlghton, president State Fed
eration of Clubs; Mrs. Helen Del-
ford, Denver, chairman Democratic
Centra, committee; Mrs. lna
Thompson, Denver, chairman Re
publican Central committee; Mrs,
Ellis Meredith, a prominent news
paper writer of Denver; Mrs. Isa
belia Churchill, prominent club wo
man or Oreely; Sarah Piatt Decker,
of the State Hoard of Charities and
Correction, Denver; Mrs. Minerva
C. Welch, Denver; Mrs. Catherine
Cork, Hrlghton, Colo,
The other speakess will bo Dr.
Samuel narrows, Now York City,
necretmy Prltion Reform associa
tion. Anna (iarlln Spencer, .Now York
City, director National School of
Mrs. Maud Nathan, Now York
TTVrn It Is Free DMdraff, It Grow
IIlr preparations and dandruff cure,
a rule, are atlcky or irritating affairs
that do no earthly good. Hair, when not
diseased, grows naturally, luxuriantly.
Dandruff la the cause of nlne-tentba of
all hair trouble, and dandruff la caused
by a germ. The only way to cure dand
ruff la to kill the germ: and, so far, the
only hair preparation that will positively
destroy the germ la Newbro'a Ilerptclde
absolutely harmless, free from grease,
sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs.
It allays Itching instantly', makes hair
(lossy and sort as silk. "Destroy the
cause, you remove the effect." Sold by
leading druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps for
ample to The Herpicido Co., Detroit,
F. W. Schmidt, special agent
The lirst evening will bo occupied
by tho National ofllcers who will
each mako a brief address anil tho
president will give her annual ad
dress. llov, Anna H. Shaw will give the
closing address on Wednesday even
ing. Hotel Headquarters "Sliorcham."
One and one-third railroad fare.
An Early Riser.
A strong, healthy, actlvo constitu
tion depends largely on the con.ll
tlon of tho liver. Tho famous lit.
tlo pills known as UoWltfs Llttlo
Early Risers not only cleanso the
system but they strengthen the ac
tion of tho liver and rebuild tho tis
sues supporting that organ. Little
Early Risers are easy to act, they
nover gripe and yet thoy aro abso
lutely certain to produco results
that aro satisfactory In all cases.
Sold by Tallman & Co.
Old Tablet Belonging Auburn's
Lodge Unearthed at Sumpter.
A strango old tablet of absorbing
Interest to masons was found yes
terday In Ike Williamson's yard,
and turned over to Frank Jowott,
worshipful master of Tom McEwcn
lodge, says tho Sumpter Miner. It
Is of polished stone, a sort of vol
canlc ash conglomerate, 12x2x3
Inches, bearing tho letters, B. M. L.
which unquestionably stand for Blue
Mountain Lodge, In the opinion of
tho masons here,
This tablet has an interesting his
tory. It was tho property of tho
Masonic lodge at Auburn in tho ear
ly CO's., When that onco flourishing
placer camp became indeed a "de
serted village" this tablet was se
cured by tleorgo Hall, the first sher
iff of linker county, a rosident of
Auburn and a member of this iodgo.
Mr, Hall died about nvo years
ago. Ho resided for several years
at Bourne. In some
Salem, Feb. 5. Master Fish
Warden H. CI. Van Duscn yester
day nfternoon filed his annual re
port of tho condition of tho fish In
dustry of tho stnto of Oregon, with
tho state lish commissioner during
the regular monthly meeting. Tho
report covers the year 1903, and
deals particularly with tho great
salmon industry. In which the state
of Oregon now lends all others.
It Is an elaborate report and cov
ers over 100 pages of typowrltten
matter. It shows the condition of
tiio fish Industry, so far as this stnto
Is concerned, from tho year the
propagation of salmon first began,
1889, up to tho present time.
According to this report the total
output of salmon from nil tho hatch
eries In' tho state during tho year
was 53,531,0'JB, nearly doublo that of
last year, which was 26,993,002, and
51,000,000 more than tho first year's
product, which was only 2,500,000.
Tho total salmon product of tho
Columbia river and of the coast
streams for the year Is given nt 29,
!l2.rj,r,7l, and tho estimated value of
tills product was $3,012,313. This Is
an increase over that of tho year
1802 of 5,168,377 pounds. Tho sal
mon product of tho Columbia rlvei1
alono was 25,376,069, nn Increaso of
1,021,495 pounds over last year,
while the product of tho coast
streams was 4,549,685, or nn Increaso
of 1,116,882 pounds.
Tho following table shows tho en
tile product of each species of fish
(other than salmon) caught In tho
Columbia river and other Oregon
waters, during tho year 1903:
No. of lbs.1
Sturgeon S6.150
Shad 100,775
Smelt 102,000 j
Catfish 39,300 1
Tom-Cod 2,850
Unas " 370
Herring 19,050
Flounders , 21,500
Porch 21,400
Carp 5,400
Total 339,395
Estimated valuo, 116,969.00.
Tho entlro product of aboil Ash
taken in Oregon waters during tho
yenr Is shown by tho following tablo
and also tho estimated valuo of tho
entlro fish product of tbo stato:
No. of lbs.
Oysters 02.960
mysterious Clams , 176.410
way the stone disappeared. Lntor Crabs 211,600
his widow removed to Sumpter, but
no iraco or tna missing tablet was
ever discovered, until yesterday It
turned up as stated.
Crawfish 8,650
Total 489,020
Estimated valuo, 914,088.00.
Summary of Fish Product:.
Estimated value of salmon
product . . . ... $3,012,313
Estimated value of ilah,
other than salmon . .. 16,969
EHtimntcd value of shell
fish product 14,088
Total $3,014,000
Tho total number of Ilcivnl niilrmnl;
salmon turned Into and to bo turn
ed Into tho Columbia river by the
different hatcheries Is given ns 70,
613,076, of which number Oregon
furnished 37.597.58.1. nr mnrn limn
the stato of Washington nnd tho
government hatcheries combined,
which iiiriiisncii ivh-.zuu anu 23,
573,891, respectively. Whllo of tho j
other varieties r salmon Oreg-m i
propagated 2,988,965, nnd Wnshliig-1
ton, 3,516,000, making a total or C,
835,813. Thero were 211,137 cases of sal-'
mon packed on the .Oregon sldo of
tho Columbia river, while tho num
ber of pounds of fresh, salt and
smoked salmon, shipped and con
sumed locally, amounted to 9,660,826.
There worn 57,655 cases of salmon
packed from tho coaHt streams of
Oregon, and 744,015 pounds of fresh,
salt and smoked salmon shipped ami
consumed locally. !
There aro mnny Indications of a
general drop in ocenn freights from
Pacific Const points to nil parts of
the world.
jftlw It Is Fine
IN t and 2 LB.
Nearly Forfeits His 'Life.
A runuway almost ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of
J. II. Omer, Franklin Orovo, III,,
For four years Jt defied all doctors
and all remedies. Hut llunklcn'B
Arnica Salvo had i.o trouhlo to cure,
him. Equally good tor Hums, j
Hrulses, Skin Eruptions nnd Piles.
25c at Tallman & Co.'s Drug Store.
Institute of Two Weeks at Agricul
tural College, j
Madison. Wis.. Feb r, Th,,-,.
was n JarKe attendn
at tho opening of tho two weeks'
iarmers- courso at tho Wisconsin
Stnto Collego or Agriculture The
courso has been
tlnua jfor two weeks. Resides the
uBuiui inuiuanuio, mo college has
empioycu seven exports to assist in
Ilvo stock Judging, land drainage,
Special attention will bo paid to
stock Judging, corn Judging nnd to
tho study or carcasses of various
farm anlmnls slaughtered nnd cut
up by nn oxpert especially for class
To look well
your blood must be pure to give
your complexion that peculiar fresh
ness which enn only be obtained
when your system is in good work
ing order. Beecham's Pills will put
you in condition.
To feel well
you must bo well. Your digestive
organs must bo doing their work
properly. Beecham's Pills act like
on on machinery, nnd will give you
the snap nnd vigor that only comes
wmi ponect neaitn.
To keep well
every organ must bo doing its duty
niuiimcii, nver anu Kidneys must
each be in thorough working order.
If you are not as well as you ought
to be
Take a small dose of
Thoy will sot you right.
Sold Evorywhoro
IO Conts and 25 Cent
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises iu tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pro.
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water nnd set to
cool. Plnvorsi-Lemon, Orange, Hasp,
perry and Strawberry. Get n lickaco
at your grocers to-dny. 10 eta.
All Kinds
I have good sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
For Cash.
Icave orders at Ncuman'o
Cigar Store.
Ways of doing a ItitH
the right and the wret
Only one way of doiti
it here- and that's til
right way.
Requires a special kmc
of skill. Only those wttf
a'lecn eve anddelicat
touch can satisfactorily
norform the neccssatl
work We do repairml
as it should be done.
Jeweler and Optlcll
Post Office Block
IsHureto.do more .or
Jng from accident or oK-
te?r, bring KlM
Wh in our reputation "'Vthl
are a low I ' I0?. ! .ni nf ?L!
Should have that best'
you vr"