If. DAILY EAST nnrnoNIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, PHIBAY. FEBRUARY 0, 1904. G. S. E.," THE NEW CARD GAME-35c THE NOLF STORE How About A baby GD-Cnrt ? Only re linblc make sold here 90. to $19.00 Garden Seeds A frcsb stock, tbat we arc certain will prow. Wby send away for seeds when onr home prices are much lower. New Things 1 Arriving: Butter bowls, 15c, 20c and 25c New curling irons. 5c and 9c Baskets, all styles I.unch baskets, sewing baskets. infants' baskets, etc. Bicycles Crescent and Ramblers $22.50 op AN INDEl'ENDKNT NEWSPAPER. Published every nfteruoou (except Sunday) at l'enilleton. Oreiron, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. PBone, Main 11. iuiiacitirrioN hates. Ully. oue year by mall 5- Daily, ill monttu by mall . rt.ll nnu mrtnt I hv mall Du Dal I nar montll Dv carrier Weeiiy, one year by mall Weekly, all months by mall weekly, rour uiumu. uj .... Seml-Weeklj. tlx mouths by Btml-Weekly, three month! by mall mall OS 1.30 50 2.00 1.00 .60 The Uast Oresonlan Is on le t 11. B Rtcn'i Newt Stands at Hotel Portland and Uotel Perklna, Portland, Oregon. Member Scrlpps-Ucltae tloa. Newi Auocla- dan Francisco Uureau. 40S Fourth St. Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington, l. C. Bureau, G01 14th 8t, W. ; Catered at Pendleton poatofflce as aecconq claaa matter. Discussing Herbert Spen- cer's ouinlon that woman's nilmt should not be cultivat ed, but should remain purely Instinctive, Mr. Bourgeois, the philosophic statesman of France, is quoted as follows: He would be ri(?ht if an Intel lectual education warped those Instincts. Hut does it? 1 think not, and I regard the man who, in his intellectual pursuits, finds a companion in his wife, as the happiest of his sex. Mental freedom is griovously crippled when a husband has to keen, in the society of the feminine mem bers of his family, the best and finest side of his mind closed as if by a water-tight compartment. Because the petitions asking for the submission of the woman suf frage amendment, to a vote of the people, failed to secure enough sig natures to place It upon the ballot, is no sign that Oregon Is against the women. Its existence In that city In return for the privileges granted by the franchise. In addition to this pay ment to the city, the company has given Baker City an express sys tem of telephones, the best possible service, and has shown by continued improvements that It appreciates highly the opportunity to do busi ness there. The .company turns Its books over to the authorities of Baker City, every six months, and the total amount of tho receipts nt the local office Is determined, and tho city treasury Is enriched by re ceiving five per cent of this amount. As the business of the company in creases the taxpayers of tho city will be relieved by these payments. Agents for outside grocery firms I aro now scouring Umatilla county. nlcklnu tin orders hero and there from the unsuspecting residents, who have not been bitten before. These "cheap" groceries are cheap. Indeed. It has only been a short time since the state food inspector confiscated the entire shipment of groceries sent to I.a Grande, by one of theso firms, because of the adul terations In them. Pepper, mus tard, ginger, and sugar were found to be adulterated at least fifty per cent, and the humbug was nipped tho chief roads nnu ino mcuiuein connect but a small number of coast stations. MOTHERS AND MOLDERS, Horn of Revolt, with Juatlco for ii Sire. All young Republics glow with free dom's fire, Hut half way to the promised land they tiro. The glorious motto, "Equal Rights for nil," No longer echoes llko n puglo call. And Greed drives Purpose, weeping, to the wall, There Is no laud of Freedom on the Earth. Houst not to mo our great Repub lic's worth, Nor yet (vaunt Kings degenerate from birth. Docked out In silly crowns and robes of state, Monnrch8 are merely puppets nul mate VW pauperize their subjects soon I or late. When "all for self" becomo sa Na- J tlonal thought, When power is purchased, or opln-1 Ion bought, j l.o, then the ruin of land .is wrought The old conditions aro no more to! be, So near tho change prophetic eyes may see Hut men, not laws, must keep a country free. Not change of systems do we so J much need, . i As men no system can corrupt with greed. .Mothers and Mulders of mankind, take heed! Ella Wheeler Wilcox CHRONIC SORES Signs of Polluted Blood. There is nothing so repulsive looking and disgusting as an old sore, there is iiu h Vrui rr0Ws weary and work with it uutll the X.cciS p.uicnccis .lcsnoiu cut and desperate. PlrtAch . T m...... flint vniircousiiiuiiou in uicukuik tiuwu uiuicr and i.upovcr.si.cum -'""r.'-,v.lp ttM.. of 8tl.(mir lcdiciucs. like the cllccts ot some :",,,-mui vitiate the blood and ini. and uclt to keen down the innnmnmtiou nu.i c.cnnseu.c pi re, u win , c nmne utly till the blood itself 1ms been pur.l.cd nud lie deadly poisous destroyed, and with S. S. S. tl.is can be ncconiplishcd-tlic u poisousuw , i , Js iflctl nllll mvignmtcd, and when rieh.pure blood isagain circulating freely throughout the body the flesh around the old sore begins to take on n natural color, the discharge of mutter ceases and the place licals over. S S S is both n blood purifier nud tonic ; that tints your blood in order 1 Pat the same time tones up the system mid build up the genera health. I? you have a chronic sore write us. No charge for medical advice. THE SWiFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CA. Its TI1H HBST THK MOST WHOIiKBOMK 1'1101'KIUiY MU,iii:i WITHOUT A HUPUUIOK BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor. I "ANN'S" SUCCESSOR. In the bud. It Is worse than a waste ot money to buy such stuff. It Is poison and filthy, and half tho cheap stuff Is put up by Chinese labor. In foul quarters, Into which a food In spector never looked. Your home merchants obey the laws ot tho state by handling pure food which is clean and wholesome, and they aro located permanently In your midst, as a guarantee of their good faith and honest goods. You may Justly expect to be defrauded, every timo you buy of a transient peddler. And more especially is this true, when you buy your food stuffs from such sources. "Irrigation Hill" Reedor of Kan-; sas, In diligent search for good jokes to make his constituents laugh ...1 k ... I. ..a,. l.lo titll'n )YUt;il nv fe-ia uatii ... ......... j heath, has found something which he thinks Is funny. ' "It was handed to me," said "Ir rigatlon Hill" yesterday, "by n real friend." Tho funny thing, which. In tho estimation of the witty Kaiisau. beats the "How Old Is Ann" racket all to pieces Is a bit of doggerel, as follows: , If Johnny Jones has seven dogs And every dog is white; And fourteen cats come chasing round, And The Installment plan home buying institution has been declared fraud ulent by the postofflce department, but the "bucket shop" still sends Its circulars through the mall. The ways of the postofflce department are beyond tho comprehension of the uninitiated. Tim creamery project for this city has now advanced to that stage where there must be some assurance that Pendleton grocers and business men are willing to patronize such an , institution. In preference to an out l,lo creamery. If these -men will handle Pendleton butter, and Pen dleton ice cream, in preference to that from outside points, a creamery will bo built. If this disposition Is not exhibited, there Is no use for creamery here. The Baker City Doatofflce is to have an all-night service to accom modate the business men In the way of hurrying mall to Its destination, As it Is at present, a great amount of the mall dropped In the office after eloslnc hours, is delayed 12 hours, and is causing serious incon venlencc to business. It will bo noticed that whatever Baker City goes after, In tho way of better ser vices and public conveniences, she generally lands. She will soon havo an elegant federal building that will be an ornament to the city, and now sho will havo a night clerk In the postoflico to see that Baker City business Is given all possible des patch. The taxpayers of Umatilla county may bo Interested In knowing how they have been robbed on tho print ing contract with the Tribune. In printing the delinquent tax list, tho Tribune has spelled out tho land de scriptlons, instead ot following tho copy furnished by the sheriff, In which the land descriptions were abbreviated. This fraud has more than doubled the amount of printing in tho list thus run. Where tho sheriffs copy would read, "S. W." tr S." for southwest or south, and all tho descriptions alike, the Tribune had spelled the words out in full, in creasing the number ot inches, and wantonly defrauding the taxpayers, Another fraud practiced in the list Is In "leading" tho tax list, that Is setting the lines so far apart that it adds one line In five, thus accom nlishlng a steal of one-fifth more than the actual cost of the printing, The Kast Oregonlan merely men tlons this matter at this time, In or der that tho taxpayers may know what it costs to keep partlsanlsm I office. Tho matter will be fully shown up. Samples of' tho tax list as printed by tho Tribune and as should bo printed, and as it has beei printed In tho past by this paper, will be published, showing the oxtent of tho graft. Tho bid of tho Eait Oregonlan for tho county printing, waB lower than that of the Trlbun but tho county commissioners, against tho wishes of Judge Hart- man, awarded the printing to that paper and tho taxpayers are now paying tho bill. Tho same condition prevails In tho cjty printing. Tho bid of tho Kast Oregonlan was ono cent an Inch lower than that of tho Tilbuno, but tho taxpayers aro rich and can stand all such grafts as this. Tho Pacific 8tates Telophono com pany appreciates tho opportunity t do business in Haker City, to a largo degree. When tho company was granted a franchise by that, city, entered into a contract to par Into tho city treasury, tho sum of fivo per cent of tho gross earnings the local office after the fifth year of Irrigation Bill" has a humorous answer to this propareu, nut uu n- refuses to divulge It until ho gels on the stump in Kansas. If the wicked newspapers should tell do foro he arrived, reasons Mr. Reedor, would there be of telling the joke anyway. To "cinch" it he proposes i. consult w ill Representative .lonn Ciardner of New Jersoy, who is very wise nbout "catch" problems. and who works them out In nls sleen. to see If his consluslons are logical. Washington rost. L. " a. t t? v rTTTMr' TITUfC need not lead you to forget this act - and it is a fact that we can wash oiir shirt clean, starch it properly and iron it so that when finished and nut of our bands you1 will be glad to wear it. Further, what applies to linen serves to show with equal truth fulness what we can and will do with nnvtliini' nlse vou leave with us for laundering. Goods called for and delivered. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY f He that blowoth not his own horn the some shnll not lie blown' Each one as black as night: cats havo eighteen each two lives. Less three destroyed by rats, low many lives must three take Before they kill eight cats? dogs WhenDinner'sReady THE IMMIGRANT. Wo ' miiRt make the hundreds of thousands comlnc from a lower soe lal condition In the old world leei that nrniudlce against the govern ment Is tut e and unnecessary, anu that they have a large share of tho resuonslbll ty for the wlso ornei lmr of business conditions. All this takes time. Coming to us unlet tered and untaught. It remains for us to show what wo can do for tho next generation, and It Is to them wo muso look to properly assimilate and carry out tho American Ideals of trade and industry. From "Soc ialism and tho Labor Unions," by Senator Marcus A. Hanna, In Feb ruary National .Magazine, i. Tho cheapest postal service In tho world Is that of Japan, where letters aro convoyed all over tho empire for two Hen about seven-tenths of a penny. This is tho moro wonderful considering tho difficulties ot trans portation over a mountainous and irregular country, which has loss than 100 miles ot railway, which wagons can pass over only a tow of Cut the Can and compare the quality of Economy Brand Evaporated Cream with any of its imitations,! mole the dlllerence. bee how I I smooth and appetulng ourl product 19, owing to its I heavy consistence, which I Keeps ine Duller lat equally aisiriDuiea, in contrast with I the cheap and thin Imlla- I lions which allow tho but- itor lat to rise and lorm unsightly clods. 4 THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. ..IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR. GAINS. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE MOST TEMPTING REPAST EVER 8PREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLA8S OF, PEOPLE HE WANT8 FOR PATRONS, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HI8 M08T 8ANGUINE EXPECTA TIONS. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS IS THE EA8T OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN 8END THEIR ME88AGE Dl RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PR08PEROU8 HOME8 OF PENDLETON M08T OF WHOM WANT TO BUY 80METHING LET THE BUSINE88 MAN 8HOW THE8E PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HI8 QOOD8, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN 35- CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOU8 BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BU8 INE88. .J DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Try "Pendleton Boqaet" and "Pride of Umatilla." Made at home. A. ROHDE, Maker Build 4 lHfy aie; vuHucscrip Sash, Doors & Wi, Jinue to order hi and V ' ." barns and'dweiliJSl Yatd Alia St, Opp. Cou,t FRAZER 1 loesday, FjfetJ At 8 o'clock BENEFIT OF RESORT "They sine the soiJ touched the heart oltJ Thirty-third year ol Oil Same management fori Years THE ORIGIN FISK JUBIL SIN( Ciiaki.es MumfordJ Reserve seats, 75c, Gil AM DE Pf.ndi.kion, OrkI Residence and office-l Block. Phone Red 15S1I Our specialty Painlej and Extracting THEBI IS THE CI Dear this In mtilil need poultry and ttakl and ask wr ine iw Poultry and StocK i Kow Kuro for your t bias. C. F. Goleswo 127-129 East Altai Acrnnt for Lee 8 UK9 CO Let us fall you bin with ROCK SP Rpcoenized as thd .wimnst economics ... nrnared tl tract with you N ..'e ennnlv. I i:.,r r-oa or wood I part of the city- Laatz Bi Main Street LodffincHotf! 11r.ll ventiU'' "minrtabiroo4 ,."ic Barincol where best gl served. Moin Street, block between Webb s"" F. X.SchefflPP Proprietor T.rUl BKIAU .1 J. BE HAUUNGJL1! tiruTcni. r