7 , , , DA'LY EAST RE G0N'AN- PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. ,904. PECIAL SUII SALE t m mm th n . w w a II I I I Ulllll s ssssssssssssssssssssssms Suits sold for less than tlo cost of tho cloth. You can take your choico of any 15.00, S18 00 or $20.00 tailor made suits for $10.95 we can't describe tbem, you must see them to rcallv bcliev,. b.t marvels of the tailor art they nre a,i fully rhe tZ greatest values wo are offering you. Call and lot us show you oM Hue. Uy Riving you the greatest values Hint will coiiir-el u to purchase now. See display In corner window LEXANDER'S EPARTMENT STORE . a . ..... T ""-" )od work is the Cheapest Have your sewer connections made and vm,r ,.,.. ....i. be by an experienced man who cuaraiitees his wnrb " w,b Irusted to me is never slighted. J you place voiir iob in I bands it will te done right and at a resonable price. Poor terwork means a continuous expense, while first-class work : a lifetime and causes no trouble or additionnl mctc r. Lime before you give an order for your work. H. F. SHULTZ Ice Judd Building, Room J 2. -Phone Black J 30 1 H .l..t.,1n,.l.,l,l,.ln,.1.,H,1,,.H.4. For Book Lovers Add $1.00 to the regular price of whichever edition of the ;,0" you desire to take and we will send vou the Pnrsnn's bgazine for one year and your choice of any one of the fol- p-inj-DooKs issucu at 51 50 per volume. II you want to take : weekly "Jti. U.," send ?2 50 and you will receive the best itrm Umatilla county lor one year, the Pearson's Magazine yen, and your choice of any one of the fo lowine i. to loks. Subscribers to the dailv bv mail mav semi m lich will pay for the daily six months, the Pearson's one year' nunc jou one $1.50 noon tree. Make you money orders yibtetoEast Oregonian" Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. ir'iSntscriptiun to. PEARSON'S MAGAZINE . . . i.t lloiceof any one of the following books originally issued at 1,50 V CTSU TowNSCND BRADV I LOVE OF COUNTRY "If palr.jlic lalt," nyi ic Outlook. win ui 111s urst. GrOKGC W. ClBtt ftl MARCH, SOUTHERNER lulmi a miry nl I l,e South COWARD Ffifti nrnii THE CIHCUIT K1DER rMiil()jrira Hire," fciys tlw Chrittmn I !HttH I WE ROGUE'S MARCH ptwKftyajuiuim 10 n.iu.intic Ittciuitirr." fillNCMr Ulllia Uniuann fHEGAKDEN OF EDEN UlilUllU ,' iu'itou HfttCOH Richard Mmn.tir. n.t.i IIUEGHCR AND OT11CK SI OKIES i ti m .r tlut uidtle the .tutlior (.11 nous h iul be ut.l o Frank R. Stockton THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN ' His best work.," lioslon AdvtrUttr Frances Hodgson dornitt THAT LASS O LOWRIES A novel of international tt-putailun Clara Morris A PASTEBOARD CROWN A vigorous and (Mipul tr novel of tlic New York Haye Harrison noornTSON THE INLANDER A novel of reiiurkablf power AVh' YtL Uttaid Arthur Ft. Ropcs ON PETER.S ISLAND An f xcltJUjf lUisii.in iimy Molly Elliot Scawcll THE HOUSE OF EGREMONT " Koiiiante tilKii null (In- two uttiit qualitltkof loyal 1 j antt love " Octave Tmanct THE HEART OF TOIL " Nut mil) K"oU but CAt-t-lltotly lo.n I.i'hilt'H JUttfy flt'Wt wit Louis Stevenson ST. IVES ''"Milt . ui hi lineu noxcK Thomas Nrntnu dim PASTIME STOUIES "H'w: r I r II .11. WE - The ncccptaiue nf lin's offer not i"h secures tht publications and lional but it also entitle you 10 the piKilt-gc nf buyinR for one )iar books 'I'liic. as this plan incluilcs pr.1ct1c.111y inc tnuic nciiun uuuuit ui -.i 'ubhshcr. the majjiiitmle of the pmpo'itiun is readily :ipiatint 'TEW WOKDS AUOUT PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR 1904 MAli.VJNK :il.nr:ll. to MUIV niCHlbel of UlC f.'llltlV 111 till" UOUlS Ol It is the easv-lo.ieatl Mairaiinc " llh different ft 0111 any other maKa CLARENCE GAY AND FAMILY WILL RESIDE IN SPOKANE. Badly Fractured Leg Several Have Homesteads Near Pilot Rock Mrs. King Is Seriously Afflicted With a Cancer Reinforcements for the Chrlstlam Church Choir Mrs. Moore Will Arrive Soon From St. Louis. ' Athena, Feb. 5. Mr. and Mrs. William Schrlmiifs little daughter Eva, hart the mlsforttino to badly burn her hand, but it is getting along nicely. Clarence Gay has gone to Spo litinc, whero ho has a position as a painter. His family will follow soon. Constant Duffy was thrown from his horse and got a badly fractured leg. Fred rtosenzwelg spent Sunday in Walla Walla visiting his son Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deck left for Holdman, whore Mr. Beck will again take charge of his school. W. C. Miller spent Thursday in Walla Walla on a business visit. Dr. Y. C. Ulalock, of Walla Walla, spent Monday evening hero to at tend the Caledonian society, in which he takes an active part. President James Main Dixon of Columbia College at Milton, spent Monday here and delivered the prin cipal address to the Caledonian so ciety. Charley Drown is sick at his home. Mrs. l.eland and daughter or Wes ton, who recently moved from Hepp nor (they were in tho Heppnor flood,) were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Keglnet and little daughter of Hood Hlver, are guests here. Mrs. Rcglnet Is a splendid singer and has como to help the choir of the Chris tian church during tho protracted meetings. Rev. Moore the evangelist at tho Christian church, telegraphed for his wife Wednesday morning nnd she will be here Saturday. They will return to St, Louis as .soon as tho revival closes. Out to Their Homesteads. Archie Mclntyre, Grover Picket nnd Edward Kilgore left Monday for Pilot Rock, whero PIcTiel and ' Mc- Intyrtf will spend a few weeks on their homesteads. Afflicted With a Cancer. Grandma King Is very sick and not expected to live. Her cancer has began to spread, and she is In a most critical condition. HI Headlights of the remo You see them everywhere the signal of en joyment and satisfaction that shines brightly from the face of every Cremo Smoker 5c Largest Seller in the World. The Hand is the Smoksr's Protection. PAUL GILMORE TONIGHT. Put, bv tint ,1, , ..I.i 1. 1 ... .1 li.is taken iis nlace amonust t' ...u.j , .lllHUilll I lll.ll' . ' 1 sellers. Its field is a (jener.il one of wholesome entertainment and 'inj are four nf ili. tii,.,-! il f.-mnrs for 1004 STR.EET METHODS TOM NAST, CARTOONIST Hv ALHE'RT TUGEL.OW TAlvc fllu.lr.in.il l.y llu ilwiti.t nl Hie ur U-Uinuut cirluon il tin- "I"1 lu' ""eribtd trt.ltltt KlohUr of fuHU VI IIIO'I " " "' The I) ivraphy ol Nat i lenubly u nrW pic lure nl tlie tiniex when history ai uim in the TIo Ovortlirow of (he Tweed Kln Tho Civil Wr J'erlod The Honors of Slavery Tho Kofons jructlon Pe riod Tho Greeley Presidential Cm. palnn The Garibaldi Campaign lr Ilaiv Tho Great lleenan-bayers Kiflht In London The Illalne Pres- ,itl52W&!i?!Kt h.linS.T.n .11. I he nne f six or cm lit l's hunt. THE REVELATIONS OF AN INTERNATIONAL, SPY Which ran in I'hakshh's through Ihc lirt in .con thiol li will he resumed ill January. 1004. ir lit response o the demand; of lhouia.,ds ol jeaders w ho resetted the lerninulion ol the first SriM. 'I he author still stipuUles thai hisnams rumt remain a secret F "FINANCE' WMKy GEOHCE. Jr. I0! I'M "tcoiinti nl tomr nf the Wall lV urli. I. tl .1 Plaint. 1 , M"i" " me niany NlKr1lM,UfV 'l"1.avf"liS ol Ihe E'tt nl .1. . .. ,"c I 'I" wiMiiiiii "SI the Ue (;OVeriior llmwell ! loirnii'i,0 ''"nit ' "keep your ERN INDIAN WARS TOWSfsEtV 2-RADV ft1w.!l'rill'"'r M'tory of Ihe ll.atlle eniaT.V ".' yea, iiuiiie justice to C?,?' ,uchmens Milks, Imwttn, W,'"ton. Davis, Suixv 1tllv,!iTul',nlt Indian fiiihts out f L: siory book! and d un Iv ne ' Prope, place In the history nf our ""'suorelshtankUs. Mummy and the Humming Bird" at the Frazer This Evening. Edward Everett Hale once said, Det on the country, because one of its mottoes Is 'Get the Best.'" This get tho best" principle is just as applicable to a play as to a senator or a president. American people know and understand this innately, and therein lies tho answer to the phonomenal popular success and popular means at once financial and artistic of "Tho Mummy and the Humming Bird," the attraction to bo seen at tho Krazer tonight with Paul Gllmoro In tho leading role of Lord Jack Lumley, It Is a good play because its com ponent parts for the four cardinal principles which make greatness In play: laughter, tears, thrills, ap plause. To continue with Mr. Hale: "We must see that the country has good water, good air. good wood, good coal, good men, good women, good newspapers, good books and good plays." The good Lord and many enter prising men have seen to it that we have all these; and Mr. Jules jiur ry In particular has seen to It that wo liavo good plays: for In present Ing Mr. Paul Gllmore as tho dear Mnmmv In "The Mummy and tho Humming Bird," ho is presenting one of the best heroic comedy actors on the American stage in tho best modern comedy of the present day. "The Mummy and the Humming Bird" is as full of wit as an egg Is of meat. EAST OREGONIAN UNKNOWN NUMBER GUESSING CONTEST Every Subscriber to Have an Oppor tunity to Guess 611 a $100 Rubber Tired Buggy We Will Give Away, Absolutely Free, a Cushion-Tire Buggy, now on Exhibition in the Show Window of the A. Kunkel & Co. implement House, Two Doors South of the East Oregonian Building. Tho East Oregonian has purchased from the A; Kunkle Implement Co. a $100 cushion tiro buggy. It Is a beauty, strong, servlcablo and well finished. For each year's subscription to the Weekly at $l.r0 or for every Schedule oi KblHTON-UKIAH StlCrff. T Im. li.!?.Jtween pendletou and iT." Sunday. Binge leaves i 1' ft. Ill nlu of TTlrlnh ,ffn stage leave Uklah $Jk2t8.! Pendleton 5 p. in. Ibjrvw. rouna trip, iji eu- IT-", round irin MirPni1laiin rnft.KiW) rendition to I'ilol trTI." St., -rifi.pu, F McCfim.. n.iit, Bo w t A. T All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market Annual Meeting of the Inland Empire Retail Lumbermen, Spokane Wash., February 10 to 14. For tho avobe occasion the O. R. & N. makes a rato of one and one third fare for tho round trip on the certificate plan. Tickets on sale any threo days prior to the opening day. For particulars, call on or address E. C. Smith, agent. Trlb Is a harmless Positive Cure. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept, 3, 1903. I can most heartily recommend Trlb to any no desirng to quit tho uso of tobacco. I tried many so-called cures. I can truthfully say TMB has cured me of all deslro for To bacco in any form. TIUB Is a cure. Z. K. Straight, 119 Main street. Tollman & Co. local agonts. Lecture by Poet Laureate. London, Feb. 5, Alfred Austin, tho Poet Laureate, made his debut as a lecturer before a large and fashionable audience today at tho Royal Institute. Mr. Austin took as his subject, "Tho Growing Dis taste on tho Part of Many for the Higher Kinds of Poetry." Ton drunken cowboys shot up the Mormon church at Burlington, Wyo., about 100 pistol shots being fired In to It from tho Inside. All then took a drink In the pulpit and srnashod their bottles against tho altar. similar amount paid on the daily or numbers wero tJalctl up In 10 differ cum l-H'onlr 1 r i Yi onricirHini. Is n tit It rr ' 110 envelopes wero placed In a hat led to one guess at an unknown num- and tliorouKlily shuffled and shaken, her or three figures, that will be Threo mc,I)l)erH of tho committee placed in a sealed envelope. This is tllon took ollt on(, (.VeIo.o each, not a drawing, lottery, or gift cuter- wnich wcro mnriiod (m0, two, threo, prise of any kind. ln tho ori)er j wilIc,, n,oy woro formed by putting together tho threo numbers In tho order as marked, ono, two, three, on tho envelopes on which they are contained. Tho unknown number will not ho nsncmblod until tho guessing contest Is completed, hence no ono will know what It Is to ho until It Is publicly announced to ent envelopes by tho committee Tho , subscribers. uimncu iompciinon. The iiumhor of rccolptH Issued In Itader. tho furnlturo man, E, T. Wade, the real estate dealer, C. A. Itobbllts, propilolor of tho Owl Tea House, Glenn WInslow tho Jewoler, and A. Kunkel, the Implement man. Ten numbers from one It) naught wero cut from a calendar. Thcso How to Participate Each receipt for $1.50 for the Dally, Weekly or Semi-weekly East Oregon Ian, to any address, the person to taken out. this contest will ho limited to the number cf guesses posnlhlo In the range of tho numbers between 012 and 987, as tho unknown number must bo composed of u flguro within Those three envelopes wero thon ' 1,1030 Ilnils- 'rl10 ""known number placed In a larger envclopo and seal ed and a wax seal placed on tho flap whom the receipt is issued, will be I and delivered to tho chairman of tho given an opportunity, absolutely with out cost, to havo a guess at tho un known number, nnd the person or persons guessing nearest that number will receive as a present and without any compensation whatever, ana merely as an expression of good will on the .part of tho East Oregonian toward its subscribers, the $100 cushion tired buggy advertised In this nauer and on exhibition at A. Kunkel & Co's.' Implement house two doors south of tho East Oregonian building. For each $1.50 paid the holder or the receipt will have an opportunity of making ono guess. For trample If you send $1.50 for one year's sub scrlotlon the Weekly or $2.00 for one year's subscription to the Semi- weekly you are entitled to one guess. If you pay $5.00 for one year's sub scription by mail to the Daily you w 11 eet threo guesses, ir you pay $7.50 for one year's subscription to the Daily delivered by carrier you will got Ave guesses, or If you pay 13.76 for six months of tho Daily by carrier you are entitled to two guesses. Nn commission Is allowed to any tcont or solicitor for securing sub scribers undor th.s offer, and the person so subscribing does It with the iinrlnrnlnnrilner that the Ea?t Oregonian Is accopted as payment ln full for the money paid. Unknown Number How Kreparea. Mnnilnv. .Tanuary 18. the following committee of businoss men mot at tho office of v" ast Oregonian and formed the unknown number that will got tho $100 rubber-tired buggy. Tho committee couwuivu ui commltteo. M A. Itader to keep un til tho day tho buggy will bo drawn. Tho remaining seven envelopes con taining the other numbers were then burned In tho prnsenco of tho com mittee, thus Insuring an absolutely unknown number. Each and ovory one of tho commit tee was thoroughly satisfied with tho absolute fairness of the method or selecting ti.o unknown number, and signed the following stntemont: "We, tho undersigned, wero pros ent at the East Oregonian office Mon day afternoon, January tho 18th, and assisted In forming tho unknown number according to tho plan pub lished, to bo used in the East Ore gonian guessing contest. "Under the rules of forming tw number, It Is Impossible for anyone, not even tho mcmbcis of this com mittee, tho publls.-.ers of tho East Oregonian, or anyono elso to know what tho number is. (Signed.) E. T. WADE, A. KUNKEL. M. A. RADER, GLENN WINSLOW, G. A. ROBBINS." ifnon tho day when tho envelope Is to be opened and tho buggy award ed to the person guessing nearest to the number, the numbers will bo as sembled In tho ordor ln which tho envelopes aro marked. It may be sis low a number as Oiz or as nigu ts 987. As a matter or course, it must bo three different figures, as no ng- tiro was used twice. Somebody will get a splendid $100 present when the 975 receipts nave Deon given out. The unknown numbeis will bo cannot bo less than 012 nor more than 1187. To bo a perfectly fair and legiti mate gticsslns uitcst tho number to bu guecHod at must bn ami remain absolutely unknown. Thoro must be no chance for tho East Oregonian, the rommlttro, or any subscriber to know tho number ami this plan will InHtiro that result. Tho receipts for this guessing con tost will ho numbered In duplicate, but (he stub will bo only for tho pur poso of Identifying tho subscriber who is tho successful guessur each Hiihiirrihcr writing tho guess number on tho back of his receipteach one making his or her own guess at the unknown number. As soon as tho re rolptB aro all sold tho guessing con test will ho over and tho nearest num ber awarded tho buggy. How the Guesses are Made. On securing a rocclpt for $1.60 the person wishing to guess will write his guess on the back of tho receipt In ink or ndcllblo peucl, writing only ono guois on each rocelpt, and de Igniting tho same In the scaled ballot box provided at the East Oregonian office for that purpose. Subscribers out of town will bo allowed to make their guess In the same manner, and send the same In a sealed envelop plainly marked "East Oregonian Guessing Contest," and they will be deposited ln the box. The seals on tho box will not be broken until all tho receipts In the guessing contest aro sold 976 receipts In all. Subscribers can now get their guessing coupons. Subscribers by mail can send in their money and with the receipt a guessing coupon will bo mailed to them. Old sub scribers are entitled to guesses on renewals as well as new subscriber.