East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Ihoesands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
How To l'lnil Out.
Kill i liottlo or common glass with your
water ami let it stand twenty-four hours ;
n sediment orsct
tliuginilicatesnn . unhealthy con
dition ot uie Kid
neys; If it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kiil
nev trouble ; tix
frequent desire
to jwss it or rain
in the Kick is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
nil bladder nre out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Koot, the jm-Mt kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the Wk, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every lart of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and s-caliling rain in passing it, or bail
effects following use of liquor, wine or
lwer, and oercomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild anil
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If vou need n medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fiftv-ccnt and one-dollar sues.
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells nil
ilwuit ft iwtii cfMit fnf adffT
by mail. Address Dr. gp$$K
Kilmer & Co.. lling- .Saig
liamtoll, N. Y. WllCll Hoim of Swamp-Root.
writing mention this paper ami don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Uinghamtou, X. Y.
Fifteen hundred and fifty employes
or the American Can Company, of
Chicago, have struck because of n 10
per cent reduction In wages.
Fifteen miners are Imprisoned
alive in an Inner chamber of a gold
mine at Zaruma, Kcuador, by the
caving In of the entrance shaft.
The Yaqul Indians In that part of
Sonorn, Mexico, lying between Ortiz
aud l.us Cruces, are In revolt and arc
perpetrating murder and robbery.
It is probable that "the thumb dis
trict" of .Michigan will be opened i'i
within a tew days at the outside, so
that fuel and provision can be sent
In. '
Expert testimony introduced in a
Chicago law suit Is to the effect
that typhoid germs will not live
more than two days In seepage pol
luted water, nor longer than 10 days
In pure water.
The -Mexican government has .s
si ed an edict that no person may
cross the border into that country
with firearms. It is being enforced
against hunters along the Itio
The courts have awarded Wilson
Frederick damages of $43,000 for
personal injuries sustained a year
ago while traveling on a New Jersey
railroad, although he was traveling
on a pass.
The executive committee of the
International Machinists' Union has
decided that Miss Nellie Ilurke. of
Vilke3barre, Pa., who Is an appli
cant for membership, cannot be de
nied admission on account of her
Prisoners in the county jail at
Walla Walla arc now serving out
their fines by working the county
An epidemic of incendiarism Is
now rampant at Dayton, Wash. Sons
of several prominent families arc
under suspicion.
Chester Wells, an employe of the
Yukon railway, was crushed to death
at Now Westminster, B. C, on
Thursday, by a loaded crane falling
on him.
Lewis Sherman, a Portland news
boy, was held up by a masked rob
ber Thursday morning, but broKo
away and ran home, leaving the
highwayman s-aiidlng on the street
The petitioner calling for the
submission of the woman suffrage
amendment to a vote In- June, failed
to secure 8 per cent of the voters
and the question will not be voted
While waiting at tho depot at En
gene for the Southern Pacific train
Mrs. A. F. Janz was robbed of her
purse, containing $7.50 and three
valuable gold rings, on Thursday
Judge J. II, Scott, of Marion coun
ty, has been admitted to practice
before the supreme court of tho
United States, while In Washington,
I). C, working In tho Interests of
the Good Roads bill.
We nre better prepared than
ever to show you a long list of
dexlrable City and Country Prop
erty at low prices.
I'. 0,1101 3H
none illicit 1111" JOdlce In K,0, Hide
ec y
Differences of Opinion Between
Himself and the Board of Mana.
gers of the Farm, as to Method of
Handling States Seed Crop Led
to His Resignation.
Professor A. H. l.eckenby, who
has been superintendent of the Ore
gon Experiment Itirm at Union,
since the land was purchased by the
stnto has severed his connection
with the state and will return to his
home near Otympin. Washington,
where ho has choice tract of land,
which ho will convert Into n seed
growing farm.
Prof. Leckenby has made the
slato farm what It Is, and leaves a
firm anil well founded basis for his
successor, George Gnmmle, to work
upon. When Prof, l.eckenby took
the state farm It was largely grown
up to wild oats, mustard and weeds,
owing to tho rather slipshod meth
ods of farming employed by many
Orande Uonile farmers. He has
brought the land up to tho highest
cultivation seedeil ninny acres to
now and wonderful grasses nnd
plants, aud had made It a veritable
llower garden.
A difference arose between Pro
fessor l.eckenby and the board of
managers, some time ago, over the
disposal of tho valuable seed crops
produced on the farm. Professor
l.eckenby's Ideal was to produce
good seeds of all kinds, that would
be safe, healthy, sure nnd well
chosen from tho best specimens ot
plants to be found, nnd sell this seed
directly to the farmers, at actual
cost of production, so tho farmers
would receive a direct benoflt from
the state's efforts at farming.
The board of managers, opposed
this plan, and desired, at least a
portion of them, to sell the entire
output of farm and garden seed
grown upon the farm, to some
wholesale seed house. In Portland
or on the Puget sound, for a lump
sum. thus doing away with the both
er of retailing It out to the farmers
at the station, but causing the farm
ers living adjoining the farm, and
in fact all over the state, to pay the
wholesale seed house a largo profit
for the seed grown by the stale, for
the benefit of the farmer.
This difference of opinion widened
until It has been apparent for some
time that Prof. Leckenby would re
tire, as lie declared he would not re
main In the position of superintend
ent, and see the seed belonging to
the people of the state, aud needed
by them sold to a wholesale houso
which would, in turn, reap the pro
fits belonging to tho people from
the state's own product.
Professor l.eckenby, while super
intendent of the farm lias experi
mented with hundreds of different
grasses, In the effort to find some
thing to replace the hunch grass,
now rapidly disappearing from Ore
gon ranges. Ills experiments were
Incomplete at the time of his retire
ment, but he has made sufficient
progress to convince him. that many
of tho hardy grasses introduced by
him on the farm, will accomplish
this, and if no other moumcnt Is
erected In memory of tho work of
this grand old man, this would lie
Large Number of Delegates to Four-
teenth Annual Convention.
Fayettevllle, Ark., Fob. C. Ar
riving trains this morning broug'it
scores of delegates and visltora to
tho fourteenth annual state conven
tion of the Young Men's Christian
association. The meeting was for
mally opened this afternoon with n
college conference and tho sessions
will continue until Saturday night.
H. M. Ileardsley of Kansas City,
Chancellor Frank Strong of Kansas
State University, Stonewall Ander
son of ilendrlx College and L. W.
Mcfilll, secretary of the Tennessee
state association, are among the
prominent speakers to be heard.
Tho program Is tho best ever ar
ranged for a meeting of the Arkan
sas association and the convention
promises to be highly successful.
Walla Walla Amusement Company
Purchases Opera House.
Walla Walla. Feb. 5. Calvin
Hellg and Joseph McCabe yesterday
transferred their Interest In tho
Walla Walla opera house to the
Walla Walla Amusement company,
articles of Incorporation for which
were filed a few dayB ago In Port
land. Tho Incorporators of tho
now company are Calvin Hellg, Jos
eph McCabo aud John Cort.
Tho change from individual to
corporation management does not
mean any change In tho scheduled
shows, except such as might natur
ally ariso from Internal reasons
nor any radical chango In tho the
ater's policy. Tho Northwest Tlio
utrical association will continue In
control of tho shows coming here.
Notice to the Public.
All persons knowing themselves
Indebted to, D. Kemler & Son will
kindly call and settle nt once, aa wo
need tho money.
Ilrltisli courts hold that tho Cana
dian Pacific railway company must
pay tho government of China 4huv
000 on account of tho sinking of a
Chlneso gunboat with her crow, by
tho company's liner, Empress of
Hotel Pendleton.
II. White, Portland.
U li. White, Portland.
S. I, Ackorman, San Francisco.
M. II. Coffee, San Francisco.
N. 11. Mncklln, Portland.
F. W Watte, San Frnuclsco.
Thomas Huford, St. I.uuls.
John Nlssen, Purtlnutl.
O. C. Weyarouth, San Frnnclsco.
W O. llroodliead, St. I.ouls.
F. A. .Meiules, Portland.
J. Mutch, Portland,
T A. Peters, Portland,
O. S. Mathews, Spolmno.
II. W. Cameron. Spokane.
T. j. Evans, Tioutilale.
( C. Simpson, Portland.
A. II. C.iston, Spuknno.
A. 1). Chase, Portland.
J. II. KloecUner, Hay.
.1. (1. iielfrlch, Spokane.
J. S. (liirnec. Walla Walla.
II. C. Harmon, Portland.
I). E. Mulligan, San Francisco.
F .1. Walsh, Portland.
Hotel St, George,
Morris, Spokane.
Gardner, Portland,
Allison, Portland.
Searson and wife, Freinvnter
Alexander, La O range.
Glenn Hlte. Now urk.
Ilert II. Harris. Taconia.
Max Jackson, North Yakima.
W. S. Smith, Portland.
William Mosgnno. Atlionn.
A. G. Oglltree. Portland.
F. Wellington, San Francisco.
J. Hums, Portland.
P. Campbell, Hums,
Jacobson, San Francisco.
P. Hayden, Portland.
1,. Kemplnnd, lloisc.
1). Hoyd, linker City.
Abrahms, San Fuiucisco.
James Smith, Now York.
H. W. Clandeck, Elgin.
C. A. llonnett nnd wife, Hums.
J. I). Gregone, city.
Hotel Dickers,
J. W. Nelson, Adams.
Hubert Finch, Chicago.
A. F. Hernard, Portland.
(I. P. Crnlg, New York.
Mrs. M. F. Kelly, Dale.
Dennis Nichols, Grass Valley
M. Heedor.
Frank Nelson, city.
Ed Welch.
T. J. Ennis.
C. W. Orton. Vancycle.
Albert Harald. Adams.
G. 11. Hlrrls and wife, Sumpter
C. A. Vincent nnd wife, Salt IxUe
O. II. albbs, .Milton.
John E. Cleghorn, Echo.
J. W. Porlngcr, Adams.
Escaped an Awful Fate.
.Mr. II. Haggins of Melbourne.
Fia.. writes: ".My doctor told mo I
had consumption and nothing could
be done for me. I was given up
to die. Tho offer of a freo trial bot
tle of Dr. King's Now Discovert- for
Consumption, induced me to try It.
Results were startling. I am now
on the road to recovery nnd owe all
to Dr. King's New Discovery. It
surely saved my life." This great
cure is guaranteed for all throat and
lung diseases by Tallmnn & Co,,
druggists. Price 50c nnd $1.00.
Trial bottles free.
Twelve million pounds worth of
leather Is required every year to
provide boots aud shoes for the In
habitants of Great Hrltaln.
Much That Every Woman
Desires to Know
About Sanative Antisep
tic Cleansing
And about the Care of the Skin,
Scalp, Hair and Hands
Too much stress cannot be placed on
the great value of Cutlcura Soap, Oint
ment and Resolvent In the antiseptic
cleansing of the mucous surfaces, and
of the blood and circulating fluids, thus
affording pure, sweet and economical
local and conatltutlonal treatment for
weakening ulcerations, Inflammations,
Itcblnga, IrrltatloDB, relaxation, dla
placements, pains and Irregularities pe
culiar to females. Hence the CaUcnrft
remedies have a wonderful Influence In
restoring health, strength and beauty
to weary women, who have been pre
maturely aged and Invalided by these
distressing ailments, as well as such
sympathetic afflictions as anaemia, chlo
rosis, hysteria and nervousness.
Women from tho very first have fully
appreciated the purity and sweetness,
the power to afford Immediate relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent
cure, the absolute safety and great
economy which have made the Cutlcura
remedies the standard humour remedies
of the civilized world.
Millions of women use Cutlcura Soap,
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for pro
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, for cleanslmr the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, nnd the stopping of
falling hair, lor softening, wnitening
and soothlnu red. rouirli and soro hands,
for annoying Irritations and ulceratlvo
weaknesses, ana lor many sanative, an
tlsentlo Durnosos which readily suggest
themselves, as well as for all the pur
poses ox tne touct, oatn anu nursery,
Mali (hMMihAl lb- world. Cutitiure lUwtlraoL AOO. fin
bin of CbotuUUCMU4 ttllj. po. D !! o OO), Ol.t-
mat,. mp, IM. lpo
Bq.l Pub. Hiu it U Wi Itoilo". W ,Ooi
. roiur Onick Ckm.(,p..li PrvytUHn.
This Is tho form of recolp't which will bo Issued In tho East
OroBonlan guessing contost, wherein somo ono of tho subBcrlbors
of the East orogonlan will rocolvu a $100 buggy nhBolutoly freo:
East Orogonlan from ....
Tho said payment being solely nnd In full voluo for tlio said news
paper, mid for no other consideration wlmtovor, Tho publishers
hereby give outright to tho porflim In whoso nnmo this receipt Is
Issued an opportunity, It they desire lo nvnll themselves of tho
GUESSING CONTEST, nnd hereby ngroo to donate outright, and
without consideration whatuvor on his part, tho rubber.! Iretl buggy
montlonod In THE Hi ST OREGONIAN GUESSING advertise
ments, to the persoiiB guessing nenroHt that unknown numbor,
Including tho numbers 012 and 0S7, and nil numbers between tho
said numbers. OREGONIAN PUHMSHING 00.
$ Iy
How's This?
Wo offor Due Hundred Dollars Howard
for nnv cam of cninrrli that cannot bo
cuimI liy Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. CHUNKY .t CO., Prop. Toledo, O.
Wo. the unclemlwied. Imve known V. J.
Cheney for the lnt IT, yenrs, nnd believe
him netfeetly honorable In nil business
.... finntn-iniiv nhlo tn enrry
out any obligation made by their tlrtn.
W A ?. lVl N ( 1? K t N N A N A MAKYIK. Whole.
sale DruKulsts, Toledo, ().
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
nctint. illrortlv nnon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, l'rlee 7ftc per
Lottie, boiii ny nil urujcxuia, i"""' -
Hall's I'nmlly l'llli, are the Ixnt.
All persons knowing themselves
Indebted lo W. T. Hoynton will kind
ly call and settle at once, sih I ned
the money W T HOYNTON
"Every man Is the architect of his
own fortune."- Sallnst
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain und horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the uso of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens und renders
pliable all the parts, and
assists nature in its sublimo
work. By its aid thousand,
of women have passed this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at fi.oo per
bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless
value to all women sent free. Address
BfuariELU ncauLATOR ot Atum. am.
880aores, all fonccd; good well, 244 feot deep,
windmill; engine; land all broke but 70 acres.
400 acres crop. Balance to be summer fallowed.
Three-room house- (Diatom, 10x20 foot, built on
high ground.
Machine shed, 14x40 feet.
Barn, 14x40 feot.
Wheat shed, 12x20 feot. ,
Adams County, 9 miles of N. P. R. R. Down
hill road.
Inquire of
Connell Wash.
Three Da.vs
Monday, Feb. 1st,
u,vijuiiiiL tliai. 13
days and the prices reduced. Commence rieht now ana m-
tnings you need In black
the three days mentioned
Black dress goods, silks, etc., 20 per cent off
because of their color
Shoes reduced 10 per cent because they are
Rubbers and overshoes, to per cent off for
three days
Black shirts, shirtwaists and black ribbons, all
Black suits and overcoats, 20 per cent off from
regular price
HP -err
Pondloton, Oro.,.,,
nuhscrlpttou to tho
Carnation Carnation
Extracts Extracts
are are
Uood Call pU.e
Peerless Mushes
When I
Carnation Yofi Carnation
Extracts Go Extracts
aro to ars
Strong Yofif Wholoiome
Is the joy of the household, for without
it no happiness can bo complete. How
sweet tho picture of mother nnd babe,
angels smile tit and commend tho
thoughts nnd aspirations of ttic mother
bending ovor the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and RttlTering that
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
of 5?otra U ktt BLACK GOODS,
MM ' - li .
uiuck II II I SLUCK Will LTV
goods of any kind, and come w
and vou will save money on every item.
If vnn wain is
w.ivs below others' prices
y warn trv v'u
nn., '18 ran i.
.Ve.can train vn7""'
uuu at mull . "
r..ii i '. L inT ....
r Civil ii.if'etMci.
w n, ; : '"9w n.
Box 799
CPn a it
M IM I fill .
tun on n
hup i ur n t . t
rmuiletan nr. -p"I
aa. Ml
U all deBcrlptloM,
Doom, Blinds.
I.... 11. .ll.ii.. . . '
R ft -i nr Dill i
law i m i i .
Grays Harbor
Opp. W: & C. R.
neuame toni
That pay their
stand at ineneaaci
Murtrnrii Kim inflimnM
Alliance Assurance
lrfindoii a ijaucasain
Insurance Co
iwyai lUHumuw w..
n i t
17D X Nil U
nnuiin i i
iui i m mn
. i. . 1...
w IM meet w
i. nvnne
You alwy v.
your order.
Don't mte the
.... - em
found on '
VT eoncow 1 -
" i : RLACK,
come during this sale anu -
.,, n,.r recular prices. '
OUR WHITE SALE will begn
nn,i rnntinue until Saturua) ."b
Muslin Underwear and Corsets
,i ..i. Watcliforourn.-