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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
:...inrniTinu VI r .11 DAlLYOfENINGEDITION I Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight anil Saturday rnnl or snow; cooler tonight. PENDLETON", UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1904. NO. 4MM. Is to business I ! f ".ninn Power." I H mA I .1 prop I an fc X. iM i ' 1 "" IiWiiWIIII in in I i i illrTI T 16. IIUWii" . nirillTim I n l i ill i u i i ii n i r i i in i,i mi t Ls for Hostilities Are -sing with Speed and T run the Continent Have Home by the Govern- ,.- at London Be i A7nrrl M.1R BfiOn Uav . - i - inrt Emm Feb. 5. Hennott iieur ..namiii (1 nn f nf tnn thin afternoon Arthur nays war propara- CM. I.,,-, . ximui nnva nnvn i commission, hat a nppiiii in ii'uvn lii position alotiK tho Ghlnoso mncii. if EGiiiiiiu. t IU.INn Feb, 5. Minister Hayaehl -111. T 1 Unlf morning. TTic Russian pn lairr hi in iiiiiiii:iiiul( long cipher message. jsninese rcHldnntH in tno mimci id come immeu.- CU. i). I JlIllIJIIlill H tilt; I 111 I1I1W If 1IHHII1 R rmiiv MtWiil nutpi-iYrio H lw-inf-f A Central News dls- lotto says tho Japanese war. Senders' Risks. Kb. &. -A commercial npant ni u .m na Inl. M Korea can bo ac- wo Homior s risk. ICU. Ii A Uhrin irlinl inl. t the aiobo wires that no . I oa utu vluo-iireHluont io-ril have mumorlallzed "'fivmiy incrciianiB 1110 1 nI defuiiHlvo alliance to ffsaln Manchuria. But Not r.nnflrm-H v ji IIUH X Dill V.U 1 " vvvilVlt lluill 11J)- ays war bas been do- "Tien Tslu. REDUCED PATFR. 11 Will Cost to Gn and -" ivuiiu rair. la.i.i ... 'Kelvert a letter from line. to St. Tallin nnH -n. InH ...111 i i-n. ul win coat Df.uu; J"l,cost J72.B0, and from LOUIS nnit rotnrn vln WH $70. ,vv; iu tjnicaRO ana "Sltine tho fnlr. JCE: - mu IIUI'K 1V WILV . 1 1 lt Wilt ho n1aon,1 nn - win oo on saio 'Oces of thn pnmnnnv . - ,, juno, juiy, "f'ember. '"w to bo tho finest Bur rnd to Death. (C rob. C. . ft -Mrs. ... ' .1111.111. Wd . , ,,? thoir rosl- mornlnp. Tho S5M to bo un r. . HE STDI C A ctii-c nrnnonLii . 11111 Tom O'Brien Disappears With Uncle Sam's Precious Mall. Burns, Fob 5. Thos. O'Brien, who hart been driving tho stago to Venator, has disappeared with tho mall, horso, rig and all. He left hero Monday morning ns usual, but -instead of following the regular routo which led by tho homo of Con tractor Hancock ho went via tho Is land ranch, arriving at Lawen af tho right time. Ho had a passenger, ono Ed Levi son, a drunken, dissipated foreign nobleman, who had not boon way billed or paid his fare. Tho stago loft Lawcn hut never turned up nt Venator and nothing has been learned of tho outfit since. Stago Agent Woldonborg Btarted Sheriff Allen after tho man Thursday upon learning tho facts. The shorlff has a warrant charg ing O'Brien with stealing tho horso and rig. It Is possible that when he Is caught Uncle Sam will also havo something to do with him. O'Brien was recently discharged from tho county jail where he Borvert a Bentencc for stealing a pair of spurs, and from his conduct nlnco It nppearB ho was trying to get back in jail again. MISSISSIPPIANS MURDER AND LYNCH WEALTHY PLANTER AND SERVANT WERE KILLED. Mobs and Bloodhounds on the Track of the Slayers, Several of Whom Meet Retribution Leader of the Murderers Not Yet Been Found. Memphis, Fob. 6. A dlBpatch from Doddsvllle, Miss., this after noon states that another of the ne gro murderers of James Eastland, has been captured and lynched by a mob of BOO. Details aro few. A posso Is still pursuing Luther Holhort, leader of tho conspirators, with fresh bloodhounds. Eastland was a well known planter. He and a negro Bcrvant were brutally mur dered in the field yesterday by Hol hort and two other negroes. One" of tho murdorers was shot down by a mob a short time after, and hounds put on tho tracks of tho other two, who separated and es caped into tho woods. CALIFORNIA MINERALS. Beautiful and Unique Exhibit for the World's Fair. St. Unils, Fob. B. California will have one of the most Interesting mineral exhlbltB at tho approaching World Fair. Ono of tho principal features la to bo a stono arch 23 foot high. This nrch will bo composed, of 'tho leading building Btones of Callfornlo, nnd tho ornaments will he bears' heads and tho state seal. In addition a column of lnpldollts, will graco tho Interior nreas of which chrystals of tourma line will ho a marked feature. Naturally, tho magnificent gold quart!! which played such an import ant part In tho early history of Cal ifornia, together with placer sands nnd their products, will not ho over looked. Cinnabar In its natlvo state and qulckstlvor with tho Indi cations of Us extent and production wilt not ho forgotten, nor will the beautiful oynx of tho San Luis Obispo quarries, and tho blue mar bles of Hlvorslde, and tho building stones of many other districts ho overlooked. Tho magnesitcs of Por torvllle, nnd tho chromo ores from tho northern districts will also ho well represented, togothor with thousands of varied mineral products thf havo mado Cnllfornla famous since tho forties. VOLCANIC ERUPTION. Reported That Hundreds Were Kill ed In a Dutch Java Town. T-nmlon. Feb. B.-A dlflpatch from Amsterdam says cablcrna.m, Irvnm Poland, Java, reports n fatal vol conic eruption In which tho entire town was swallowed by a lava flow. Hundreds woro kllled RUSSIAN DUEL. Courthouse Row According to Mod ern South Carolina . ...... ........ woh R. Svell to st. roiuiBuiiibi - - . . iii irh Imtwnon MatcmliansQ .u. . n drew a revolver and flrod three ni, ll.uw "'... rnrl nnl flrod t mos inoneciuiui. - ---twice, mortally wounding his oppo nent. Ladies to Meet. at In clV- All ladies mvuuu '"""' r in tho leap year P' ';":'.' February lb, MO roquuunm i romUcla. Club to- morrow iw",uu - porfoct arrangomoms. in STILL GRINDING Ex-Postmaster Lorenz Denies, Admits and Explains Bris tow Laid Up Very Sick, HEAVY GUNS BLOW UP WHILE BEING TESTED. Loan to St. Louis Exposition Is In dorsed by the Senate Subsidy for Education in Porto Rico Appro priation to Advance Vineyard In terests on the Coast Special Sen ate Committee to Investigate Sen ator Dlterich. Washington, Feb. B. Ex-Postmaster Lorenz, of Toledo, a witness in the postofllce conspiracy ca6e today testified he received as his share from a half Interest In the Oroff fasteners, SCO.OOO. He denied ever having dlBcussed tho matter with Machen until after he had acquired a half Interest in the business, and was then told by Machen the govern ment had already adopted It. Brlstow Very .Sick. Washington, Feb. B. Fourth As ulRtnnt PnstmaKtfir-Reneral Brlstow Ir vnrv HI with la cranne. He has been unable to appear at the depart ment for two weens. His condition Is said to bo largely due to over work and nervous strain In connec tion with the postofllce Investigation. Blew Off Their Muzzles. Washington, Feb. 5. The navy ilonnrtmpnt this mnrnlnir received tho following from Captain Train, president of the board or inspection ilnt ml FortreRR Monroe: Whllo fpstlnc tho batten- of the Iowa this morning, both guns in tho forward eight-Inch turret blew off their muzzles. No casualties. Loan to World's Fair. Washington, Feb. 5. The senate today voted to keep In the urgent deficiency bill the provision or a loan to St. Louis of $4,000,000. Porto Rlcan Education, Chaplain Hale's prayer opening tho senate referred to Senator Han na The bill providing for transporta tion for not to exceed GOO Porto Rlcan school teachers to the United States and return passed. Senator Mitchell favorably report ed tho Jordan resolution which was afterwards agreed to, calling on Gen eral Payne for full reports of the postolfice investigations. For Vineyard Protection. In the senate ls a discussion 'if the deficiency appioprlations bill. In tho house Is a discussion of the agricultural appropriations bill. Doll, of California, announced be v.xuld propose an amendment pro viding for an Increased appropria tion for pomologlcal investigations. Ho made a strong appeal for tho vineyards of California and the Pa cific Coast. To "Investigate" Dietrich. The special committee of tho sen ate consisting of ollar, Piatt, Spoon or PiiPirnl! Pettus. annolnted on request of Dietrich, of Nebraska, to consider his Nebrasua case on which he was recently cleared from lit. Minrfn nf Rnlllnir nostoffices held a preliminary meeting this morning nnd decided the course or proceaure. It will gather copies of all records and testimony in the proceedings, nnd statements of interested parties. Including tho prosecuting attorneys In Nebraska. Also all facts obtaina ble rolativo to tho appointment of the postmaster at Hastings, Nob. It will probably be tho latter part of hn nnnth hnforn tho commlttco gathers all this information in, when tho Investigation win uegiu u --"-est. No Clew to Robbers. Baker City, Feb. 5. No trace of How Much It Will Cost, to Go and tho Gelaer Grand hotel here on Wednesday night, has yot been Tin Knriirnd J7B from tho night clerk and fled In the darkness. WASHINGTON ASSESSORS MEET IN SECRET Snokano, Kob. B. In secret ses sion at tho courthauso yesterday, the county assossors of Washington votod to add a trifle to tho amount of taxes to bo paid by tho railroad corporations of tho atoto. Fiftoon cents a foot was added to tho assess ment rate of railroads of tho first class, 10 conts to tho socond-claes, HANNA HAS THE TYPHOID FEVER This is the Conclusion of the Latest and Most Careful Diagnosis, CONDITION VERY SERIOUS BECAUSE OF ADVANCED AGE, There Are No Complications, But Mr. Hanna Is Greatly Depressed Funeral William C. Whitney, Ex Secretary of the Navy, Attracts a Large Concourse of People to and Around Grace Church Interment in Woodlawn Washington, Feb. 5. Senator Hanna has typhoid fever. The diag nosis Is confirmed by a complete blood examination reported this morning by Dr. Rehrond. The sen ator rested fairly well last night. This morning his temperature ls 100 and pulse 82. The above bulletin was given out by the senator's secre tary and by DrB. Rixoy and Magru der at 9:30 this morning. The official announcement caused great apprehension among Hanna's friends, who regard typhoid, for a man of his age and enfeebled consti tution, as very serious. The phy sicians, however, continue to express confidence. They advised against sending for the members of his fam lly this morning. Mr, Hanna has been on a milk diet for several days. There is no ailment of the liver, kidneys and heart. The malady ls characterized as a regular typhoid. Roosevelt walked from tho White House to the Arlington hotel to make Inquiry. Constant Depression. Dr. Magruder at 1 this afternoon reported the patient unchanged. It was decided this morning to send for Dr. Osier, of Baltimore, tho fa mous diagnostician who attended Mrs. JlcKlnley when she was ill In the White House. Physicians say the most discouraging feature Is Hanna's constant depression. Funeral of Mr. Whitney, New York, Feb. B. fhe William C. Whitney funeral ceremonies were simple. Four thousand people crowd tho street In tho vicinity of Graco church aud watched the cortege start. A special train went to Wood lawn, where the burial took place. Many distinguished peoplo attend wl, including Rear Admiral Rogers, of the Brooklyn navy yard, and his staff, General Corbln and staff, Rock efeller, Keeno, Whltelaw Held, Perry Belmont, Mayor Van Wyck. The only outward exhibition was rthen the distinguished pallbearers emerged from tho church, a score of photographers pushed their way for ware' repeatedly, to snap their cam cas upon tho mourners. SNOW IN CALIFORNIA. Unusual Amount Has Fallen Adja cent to San Jose, San Jose, Feb. B, Tho heaviest snow that has fallen In five or six years, covers the mountains on both sides of the valley this morning, ex tending far down towards the foot bills. It Is not raining this morn' ing, but Is cold and threatening. Crown Prince Hurt. Berlin, Feb. 5. Crown Prince Frederick was thrown from his horse while drilling guards today, and brulsod, but not terlously hurt Venezuela Award. London, Feb. 5. Tho Venezuela award mado by The Hague tribunal will bo announced to the powers Ftbruary 27. Chlcano Wheat. Chicago. Feb. B. Wheat opened 96. closed 9B. Corn, B6. Wheat slump due to failure of war to ma teralize. Spanish officials have Invited mnmirnptnrnrfl tn Install an exhibit of agricultural machinery :it Cordova. mi inn to tho third-class. There oi- n.,ntiia in this state. m i. ...Annettlnn tn nntabllsh a unl . . . ono nn nn, mltn nn first state oi ' , .. .i ..rtia nnnrnvnn class raurouu nmo n by tho representatives of but 14 ' theso counties, two moro than one- tlilrd ol too vrnoie buiuum. TO EXHIBIT MOTOR BOATS. Will be 30,000 afloat by the end of Next Season. New York, Feb. B. Arrangements were completed today for tho exhi bition of motor or power boats which will bo held for two weeks, beginning next Monday. In the Her ald Square Exhibition Hall. The exhibition, which will bo tho first of Its kind held In this country, will be under the auspices of the Nation al Motor-Auto Boat Exposition. Some of tho best known Ameri can manufacturers of marine mot ors, hulls, auxiliaries and complcto power boats will exhibit their new est products. There wero 75,000 motor boats In American waters In the yachting season of 1903. From tho talk and correspondence of tho manufacturers who aro Interested in the motor-auto boat show there will bo 1B.000 new ones afloat before tho middle of next summer. Tho unique Engclhnrdt collapsi ble lifeboat Is entered for exhibition. This new device for the safety of the public when traveling by water occupies but one-third of tho space filled by an ordinary lifeboat on nn ocean steamer, though it weighs 1, 300 pounds. It enn bo launched collapsed and receive Its human freight In that condition and be opened In a few Bcconds. THE MORMONS' NEW TABERNACLE LA GRANDE TO HAVE FIRST OUTSIDE OF UTAH. Elegant New Structure Now Under Contract Will Cost $30,000 Will Be Equipped With Monster Pipe Organ To Be Main Place of Wor ship for Union County Mormons. La Grande, Feb. B. C. R. Thorn ton, a La Grande man, has the con tract and ls tho architect for tho $30,000 Mormon tabernacle which will bo erected In La Grande In tho early spring. The building will be entirely of stono and brick from tho quarries of Union county, and about 50 men aro already employed In hauling lumber and stono aud many of them are cutting stone on tho site of the building. Tho Assembly hall, Sunday school rooms ami heating apparatus will be on the first floor, and tho main an dltorium and gallery on tho second floor, and will bo tho finest place of worship In tho city when com pleted. Arrangements ure also be ing mado to put a plpo organ in tho building shortly after It Is completed which will cost several thousand dollars. This will bo the only Mormon tab ernacle outside of the state of Utah aud will bo onu of tho Suest struc tures in Eastern Oregon. Tho building committee and pro moters of this building are F. S. Brannvell, chairman; C. W. Nlbley and George Stoddard, all prominent members of the church lu this val ley. This will be the main placo of worship for the church In Eastern Oregon. PROMINENT FARMER DEAD. Frank Romogoux, of Alkali, Passed Away This Morning. Frank Romogoux, of Alkali, who has been dangerously III for soma days with pneumonia, died at his home this morning at an early hour. He was BS years of age, and has been for many years ono of the prominent residents and farmers of his part of tho county. Tho deceased was a member of tho Woodmen, and tho funeral will prob ably be held tomorrow afternoon under tho auspices of that order, though definite arrangements havo not as yet been mado. Ralph Fol som, of tho firm of Baker & Folsom, went to Alkali this morning and will return with the body this evening. Tho funeral will bo under tho aus- pices of tho Woodmen. FIVE CHICKEN THIEVE8. Epidemic of Hen Rustling In Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Feb. B. The pollco arrested Marvin Glaspy, Thomas Vernon and Oliver Bergman Oils afternoon for stealing chickens. This makes five chicken thloves confined In tho city jail. After they wero arrested tho boys admitted that they had been engag ed some time In stealing chickens all over town. They would go to a chicken house and take several of tho fowls and then trade them off at a Chlneso noodlo restaurant. They pleaded guilty before Justice Huff man and wero flnod $26 and costs each. East Reno, Nevada, was struck by a cyclone February 8, which wrocK' nri Revoral buildings which woro nniiRtantlal and of good size. No ono was injured. F Weather, Business and Indus trial Affairs of Moment and Importance, RAIN FALLS ALL OVER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. More Precipitation Predicted A Change tn Organization ol Pacific Coast Electrical Employes New Order Includes Arizona and Brit ish Columbia Stock Brokerage Firm Falls, With Two Officials Ac cused of Falsifying. San Frnnclsco, Fob. B. Southern California is rejoicing today. Rain though not copious, fell throughout night Hint section below Tehachapl last night nnd this morning, and moro Is expected tunlght and to me r. ow. Tho storm that struck Los An Ho les last night continued southward, going as far as San Diego, whero up to B this morning n precipitation uf .14 of nn Inch Is lecnrdcd. Conditions throughout tho stato are cloudy and unsettled, especially In tho northern portion. Showers aro predicted for tonight in tho ter ritory visited by Friday's rainfall, with frost In tho northeastern por tion and a cold snap In San Joaquin valley. Affairs Electrical Workers. San Francisco, Feb. B. Tho West ern Conferenco of Electrical Work ers went out of oxlstenco this morn ing, a now organization, known as tho Pnclflc Council of Electrical Workers of tho Sovenlh District tak ing Its place. The work wns accom plished at this morning's session of tho conferences. Tho new organliutlon Includes all Pacific Coast states, British Colum bia and Arizona. Tho change was mado according to plans dovlsod by the International brotherhood at (to last nntlonal convention. The following ofllcors woro oloctod today: i'rcslileiit pro tern, II. I- Worthlngton; socretary-tioasuror, J. 1 4. Cook; organizer, B. A. Holden. Shortage and Failure. San Francisco', Feb. B. Creditors of tho grain nnd stock brokorago firm of Bolton, Deruytcr & Co., which closed Its doors yesterday, met mora hers of tho concern this morning to discuss plans for a settlement. Tho lirm still promises to settle dollar for dollar, Richard doming, mnnagor, and Daniel O'Connol, bookkeeper, who nro accused of falsifying tho ac counts to tho extent of $100,000, were present and denied tho charge. No action will bo taken against them, ns their alleged nctlon Is con sidered only n breach of fuith. Storm at. San Diego. loiter advices front Ban Diego, re ceived by tho local weather bureau, placo tho rainfall tliero at .38, whllo In tho mountains nt 10 tho precipi tation had reached half an Inch and Is still raining. Wind at Ban Dlugo last night reached a velocity of 36 miles per hour, tho highest eluco 1887. PETITION8 TO O. R. 4 N. Eighty Business Men Sign Request for Change In the Time of No, 41. Tho monster petition (o tho O. It. & N asking for tho chango In tho llmo of tho schedule of train No. 41, now contains tho signatures of 80 business men of Pendloton, Not half of tho business and pro fessional men havo been seen, but it Is thought that sufficient names havo now been obtained to secure tho change In tho time of this train if It Is posslblo for tho company to do so, Tho committee circulating the pe tition met with tho heartiest recep tion, and could havo secured four times tho number of subscribers U the paper, had It been desired to1 send In a long petition, rather than ono representing tho business Inter ests of the city, Tho petition will probably bo sont to Portland by a special committee from tho Commorcial Association, Six Burned to Death. Pottsvlllo, Pa., Fob. B. Flro this morning destroyed 12 frame houses occupied by foreign miners. Flvo men and ono boy wero burned to death, and hundreds were compelled to floo for their lives. rtrrrvF..,