DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 16M. t t m CLEAN-UP SALE On all broken lines in our store. Bargains right are offered. Read these prices: Ladles' Uld, turn sole, 5.00, now 2.fi0 Ladles' patent kid. turn solo, $5 00, now 1.00 , Ladles' patent calf, turn sole, 15.00, now f 3.00 Ladles' kid, turn solo. $5.00, now 13.00 Ladles' kid, turn sole, J3.S0, now $2.25 Ladles' enamel, welt solo, $4.00. $2.76 Ladles' kid, welt sole, $5.00, now $2.50 Ladles' kid, woltsole, $4.00, now $2.25 i We have some rare bargnins in broken lines of men's, boys', i misses' and children's. If we can fit you in these lines you save T big money. Note the prices in our window T DINDINGER, WILSON .& CO. l'houe Main 1181. i GOOD SHOES CHEAP DECENNIAL CENSUS JOB AHEAD OF COUNTY ASSESSOR IN 1935. Particularly Arduous Duties Devolv Ing Upon Assessor of Umatilla County Multnomah County Will Have Forty Deputies Enumera tion of Statistics Required Is Given Below In Part. The comity assessor of this coun ty, whoover that may be, will have a busy time of It when elected to serve the next term. Aside from the regular work of the office, ho will have to hake a census of the coun ty, as provided by the stato law. Every 10 years the assessors of the different counties in the stato are required by law to take "an enumeration of the Inhabitants and the Industrial products" of their re spective counties, the work com mencing on March 10. The last tlmo this was done was In 1S93, which will bring the next census In March, 1905. Umatilla county's assessor will not have as easy a tlmo as some of the assessors In the state, for his work will He over scattered territory through the mountains and out on the ranges, where tho people aro shifting from place to place and con ditions arc ever changing. In Multnomah county It Is estimat ed that the work will require the srevlces of at least 40 deputies, and i F. & S. I Cough Syrup f there the property, products and peoplo are all bunched whoro thoy can bo easily reached. In Umatilla county six or eight men will have to do the work, searching for their data nmong tho hills and mountains, nnd sago brush of tho plains. Tho taking of the census requires a great deal of work. The assessor must ascertain tho number of legal voters In the county; the number of males who are of age, tho number under 10 years of age, and tho num ber between 10 anil 21; tho number of females who aro of age, tho num ber under 10 years of age, and tho number between 10 and 18; tho num ber of acres under cultivations, tho number of bushels of wheat, ba'rloy, oats anil rye raised during tho pre ceding year, and "similar information as to tho production of hay, sheep, hogs, salmon, etc. When tho assessor has completed his census ho sends it to tho county clerk, who makes a copy, nnd then transmits tho original to the secre tary of state. FOR NEW SCHEDULE PENDLETON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION GETS BUSY Monster Petition Asking for Change in Time of the Arrival of Branch Train No. 41, at Pendleton, Will Be Presented to .Superintendent O'Brien Committee Begins Clr. culntlon of Petitions All the Country Towns Are Taking Active Interest. f posited by tho dead man In tho I bank, to tho l-'lrst National Hank of I tills city, and no ono ImB authority to withdraw uio ainouiu. inu ' bank had no right to solid It hero, for no ono bcsldo tho administrator of tho estate of tho deceased has au thority to niovo his money. In tho will left by tho dend man this amount was to go to his mnthor In Iowa, and It will doubtless bo sent there, hut first an administra tor will havo to bo appointed to look after tho property and nialto his -o-port. .WORKED THE WRONG CRANK. Off on a Wedding Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Menzles left this morning fori San Francisco, whero they will spend a month ir more on a wedding trip. They were escorted to the depot by a score of friends and relatives who sent them away on their Journey with the over present shower of rice. " A Dance Social. Tho ladles of l'ocahontas Lodge will give a social dance with refresh ments following, on tho evening of February 10, at Hendricks' hall, to which all Reilmcti aro invited. Will stop that Cough and Cure that Cold. It is Sure to reach THE RIGHT SPOT. A noted doctor states that So per cent of crippled children could bo at least able to work if their diseas es were treated In time. THtr WHOLESOME CRESCENT TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists " Egg-Phosphate, DAKING POWDER aveti une-third the Eggs Saves two-thirds the Mnnov i Pives all the worry Ono round 25 ctnti. AllOrocrM REVERE I COFFEE NOT GOOD, NOT HERE I Cold Medal BUTTER j The Renown of Grocery Excellence r Is built on a tripod of Quality, Prices and service. While we do not claim to sell all groceries, at all times at lower prices than any other store, we do claim and DO meet all honest competition. It is a common practice to offer a few items at cost or less, as a "bait" to attract a customer, and then is the opportunity to overcharge on other goods. That practice has never been followed at this store. It is a common practice to sell groceries of inferior grade for goods of good quality under pretense they are worth more money. That is not done here. There are other kinds of unfair if not dishonest, kinds of com petition we do not try to meet. But when it is a mat ter of reliable groceries, honest weight, good service and fair treatment all round, Then we ore right in the Fight GIVE US A TRIAL Tho committee consisting of Albert Cohen, Hobort Forstor nnd K. P. Dodd, appointed by tho Com mercial association to circulate peti tions asking for tho change In the tlmo of tho arrival of the mixed branch lino train No. 41, on tho O. H. & N to an hour not later than 1 p. m. to accommodate tho resi dents of Umatilla county In coming to Pendleton, their county seat, ho gan active work this morning. Two petitions were prepared anil a largo number of signatures of busi ness men secured today. Tho mat ter will bo pushed energetically thb week, In order that tho monster petitions may bo presented to Super intendent J. P. O'llrlen at the ear liest possible date. Petitions from Weston and Athena aro expected to arrlvo every day and Agent E. C. Smith now holds one from Adams which will be sent to Mr. O'llrlen as soon as thoso from Athena and Wes ton arrive. The Commercial club recognizes necessity for quick action In this matter, as It has been brought to the attention of the business men of Pendleton, that many citizens of Umatilla county living along tho branch lino have been nttracted to Walla Walla, by tho superior train facilities of that city. Residents of 'Athena, Adams, Wes ton, Milton and Freowntor aro tak ing an active Interest In tho matter and It Is believed that a sufllcient showing will bo mado to the officials of tho O. R. & N to warrant thorn in making an Immediate change in the schedule of tho train. At the present tlmo this train nr. rives at 2:35 and owing to tho late ness of this hour It Is impossible for people coming to tho county seat to transact their business before the departure of No. 42 at 6 p. m. The O. R. & N lias novcr denied Pendleton any reasonable request in the past and the Commercial asso ciation hopes to sco the fruition of this effort In a short time. Fully one-half tho population of Umatilla county patronizes the branch lino and If the schedule does not meet the general needs of tho community, It demoralizes business. It Is possible that a regular pus songer train running between Pen dleton and Walla Walla, near tho present schedule of the mixed train, will be discussed with tho company, If such an arrangement would bo more convenient to the company than to change the tlmo of the mixed train, Tho petition to Superintendent O'llrlen Is as follow: "To J. P. O'llrlen, superintendent O. It. & N.: "Wo, the undersigned rfcsldonts and business men of tho city of Pen dleton, In behalf of tho citizens of Umatilla county residing along the branch lino of tho O. R. & N., be tween Pendleton and Walla Walla, respectfully request that tho tlmo of the arrival of train No. 41, at Pen dleton, be changed from 2:35 p, .11., to an hour not later than 1 p, m in order that tho citlzons of the .county, extensively patronizing this branch line, may como to Pendleton, their county seat, nnd principal trading point nnd transact tholr necessary huslnesit In tho nfternoon In tlmo to return homo on No. 42 at 6 p. m. "Wo respectfully represent that this branch lino Is patronized by a largo proportion of tho population of Umatilla county, and that the pres ent schedule of train No. 41 Is In convenient and unsatisfactory and Is causing many citizens of Umatilla county to go to Wnlla Walla as a trading point, owing to the greater conveniences afforded by tho train schedules for that city. "Wo feel that It Is necessary lor the O. It. & N. to chango a main lino freight train schedulo to provldo better facilities for residents of Umatilla county in reaching tholr county seat, that tho past records and futtiro business prospects of tho O. R. & N. In Pendleton and trlhu lary territory woum Jiistliy such a change." New Weatherman Hasn't Got the Hano of the Machine. Pendleton has n now weather man nt.d today was his first day on tho Job. As a result It rained and tho wind hroko tho record of sonio months, F. O. Mitchell, of tho drug linn of Ilrock & Mediums, received his anointment as local weather proguostlcntor this morning from Illstrlrt Forecaster Edward A. Heals of Portland, and as soon as ho had tho authority, went to work to glvo Pendleton a spell of wenthor. liy sonic nilstako ho got hold of tho wind crank whllo searching for tho haiidlo to the sun, and tho diiar storm was tho result. Tho only way to stop tho dust was to turn on tho rain, nnd Mr. Mitchell did that. From this tlmo on, however, ho promises to glvo Pendleton tho best , in the barrel. SUIT AGAINST FIRST NATIONAL. Seeks to Recover $22,150 With Costs and Disbursements Added, Antonls Voy has filed a suit in tho circuit court ngninst tho First Na tional Hank. In which ho seeks to recover a largo sum of money nlleg oil to bo on deposit and withhold )' the bank. Tho plaintiff alleges that since May 1, 1SBS, nnd prior to January 31, 1904, ho lias put on doposlt sums aggregating $04,372.5;), from which he has withdrawn $42,023.58, leaving In tho bank tho sum of $22,150. This sum Is withheld by tho hank from tho plaintiff, and it Is to recover that tho suit Is brought. Ho asks tho amount with costs and disburse ments of tho action. Hallcray & McCourt aro the attorneys for tho plnlntlff. PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Rolling Horse Breaks Small Doy's Thigh Near the Hip. Fred, the 3-year-old child of Mr. and .Mrs, Fred Andrews, of Echo, was, brought to tho hospital today. Sovcral days ago tho llttlo fellow was playing about a gentle horse m the barnyard, Tho animal was lying down, and whllo the boy was stand ing close to It, commenced to roll and in threshing about n hoof struck tho boy on tho right thigh, near the hip joint, fracturing It badly. Tho bone was set, but owing to tho loca tion of tho hurt tho condition of '.ho boy Is serious, and ho was brought to the hospital. t i Cold Medal BUTTER F. s. Youn & SON REVERE COFFEE GOOD WHEAT PR08PECTS. J. Keller Reports for the Vicinity of Adams. J. Koller, a farmer of AdaniB, was In tho city today for a short visit, Mr. Keller Is ono of tha largo wheat raisers of tho county, and Is much pleased with tho prospects of a good crop this season. Tho rain baa boon plentiful and tho ground Is now In tho best condition for fast growth, last year, owing to tho lack of mols turo, though tho grain was good, tho straw was so stunted that In somo parts of tho county It was Imposst bio to savo tho wheat. This year tho Indications aro for a good growth, and consequently a larger harvest BANK'S MISTAKE. Dead Man's Money Sent Here With' out Authority, Tho coronor Is up against It In tho disposal of tho affects of John T, Drown, who suicided horo a low days ago. Tho Rexburg bank haa sont $85, comprising all of tho monoy do "Farmer" Judson Coming. Col. 11. C. Judson, Industrial agent of the O. It & N. Is oxpected to ar rlvo In the city tomorrow evening on a business trip in the Interest of Ills busy department. 'It's wonderful, Isn't It. that they can make policemen's clubs nut uf paper? Happing paper, of course " Life and Health TO TiTe HAIR. ON 9K AT All DNUOGItTS Genuine told unlv 111 I'-iekagu bearing this tr rit murk IS IMPARTED U lSE OF THE FA MOI'S MEDICAL LAKE SALTS For shampooing. Par ticulnr people u them because they have no equal in producing jt Abundant Exquisite Hair Leaves no trace of D- n draff on the calp. The Salts are healing, sooth log, and for real Hair Luxury stand nlone j 26o, GOo and $t Paokagos send for I'tee Dooklei 4 Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Go, Modloal Lake, and Spokane, Wash CRIPPLED DOG. Blooded .Spaniel Rurv Over by Pas senger Train. F. P. Rounds, of tho O, R. & N., Is mourning tho crippling of ono of his II 110 Cockor spanlols by tho train this morning. Ho has raised a litter of bh woll-hrod pups us can bo found In this part of tho stato, and this morning ono of them rnn In front of No, 1 nnd hnd part of Its hind log taken off. R. A, Seeds, a mall clerk 011 the Spoknno run, In attomptlng to savo tho dog, narrowly escaped being run down by tho engine, throwing hlmsolf nut of tho way barely In tlmo. Visiting His Brother. F. J. Mlllor, of Sonttlo, was tho guest of his hrothor, II. M. Mlllor, of tho Hotol Pondloton yostorday. Mr. Mlllor was formorly ongaged In bus iness horo, hut Is now traveling for Swnbachor & Company, of Scattlo. Ho left this morning for "Walla Walta on a business trip. Savings bnnks In Now Jorsoy hold unclaimed nmountB nggrccntlng $98,-135. '.1 iTT "" i. Russia oacks cold bv Tnllman & f!n. lnniiinn- druggists, nnd A. O. Kooppon & Ilros. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure any caseofRheu mat ism-Money back If tlley fall. A C. Koeppen A Dro$.,AgU, lor I'endleto Yo will fiH Tr8'l talkinc B.l"" ,ne.'i Bcnenla. I war. WhXpat'nS reading h'le Trv BlnnIr:A? WS howmuch J!" wtl n. o. Is with thnVi UKnm voura forWlv "1 jM,, ST. JOE STORi New Spring G ....ARRIVING DAILY.... ,,,SV,LBeo.t.,l:,.NT, ,81llrt w.it Bun, ....... j.,,,- ,(j,Uvn)n,iniU1i( prices, Muslin.rjiidd wear, Kinbrolderles. A large line of tlio celebrated K; niw fn, ...n.. ... . V7U ren Just received. Not u day hut wc are getting in good from the largest nianufaoturore of the eastern mrt,i. so visit our store and bo tho first to see the new thh. ns they come In. " i LYONS MERCHANTILE C( jisnsfo Issing ' 1(0 WE HAVE MOVED THE Dry Goods Stocl Upstairs, where we kept the Shoe Stocfc, and have moved the Shoe Stock Downstairs where we kept the Dry Goods formei The Boston Ston P. S. The Dry Goods are being Closed 0a DDN'T F0RGE1 THIS. m TIMRING Oer Work and the Bill M. tl,jl Will stand comparison win. "j ... Ti.. ...,r teas neat 01 cm. 1 """ aHain the tion as numaiis u therefor as cheap as anybody sh A7 lo all kinds of tary plumbing and gas fitting, charge you not immoderately, us estimate on your nextnecess. our line. W. J. CLARKE & Co. 3nCmirtSt YOT TP? TTTJMBING Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and "Jf'Bj be bothered with bad breaks. " ""-. ir-otni BEOK. THE PIhXJMS COURT STREET R1GBY-CL0VE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of RigbyClovc COMBINED HARVESTERS BARLEY CRUSHERS Structural Iron for Brick Buildings, Sash Weights & Castings of all kinds Repair work on all kinds of machinery, and general black-smithing. Intersection Of Webb and Alia treet r.ANTVS Amusement H A Pleasant p..- end your spate Pool Billiards Shoottog Gall Bowltog Aad other P MflSIC EVERY EV n,ment. UpeL, 1 the Ho llomati Las lind T Ll Cat 1 at S Via lie! I bo 1 .. . 4. ... .. .......4-r''