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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1904. Ibyth ' E. Mtl 'y. lol 1 IinJ, , J Mile. Y rSilil Ollli tkma. tm f thi bent romi re ct J to res ol ourtl COS. Waistings Sale I . Lrnnfit of the ladies who have tint Yinnn W. .oriirc a handsome silk waist nattern fnr ' Vwe will continve the sale i. n rrfday and. Saturday Iptenty .five different patterns to select from, four .j. m a pattern at $1.29 each JAB, .SEE THE LARGE WINDOW.... EE TEUTSCH'S HG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA PERSOHftL MEHT10H. Brevities er, aet Sunny. at 'loutsch'B. U dally ut Martin's. .repairing at Tuutscn's furnished rooms to rout, s street. I. .rhniil Blioes that wear fnll at Teutsch's. . .t satisfaction at How- Etriy Ueea' cigar Btore. I Ms of cinders tor tuo Ilte Domestic x-uuuuiji. furnished housekeeping rent at hit Aita sircoi. furnished rooms for In W.J. warK " ujr It Kennedy's cab Is at your I ill hours 'Phono main lonr clothes cleaned and lit Joerger's, 12C West Court main 701 when you Fit. Iteady for service at all J. SlcFaul 1ms moved his of- Assoclation block to xne pay you to tako the East In. See page G for terms on i contest. I Ut! cleaned nd blocked, IcJeined and pressed. J. J. , JI2 East Court treet. Mr fill Bet a preesnt of a Iter tired buggy. See page bt Oregonlan guessing con- Innt to pay your subscrlp- ! souths or a year ahead, bread guessing contest nd e put ywir's time if new Iretaels have been built and 4 on tho great lakes with a !ie capacity of 4,7n0,U00. Got Sunny. U C Ilador. Fresh taffy ut Miller's, Court street, New ready made skirts arriving dally at Toutsch's. For Hunt Four-room house near old Academy. Apply at this office. "Hurkshlre" typewriter paper, 'ix cluslvo with us; full count boxes. Nlllf'8. 0. D, Teal of Echo, is In the city for a few days business visit. William Blakley left this morning for a short visit to his farm at East land. Mrs. J. Hreeden, of Ij Grande, is visiting friends In tho city for a few days. J. A. Nelson, of Adams, was In the city for a short time today on a bus iness trip. J. W, Knowles, of I,a Grande, is in the city for a short time on bus iness at tho courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Thomas, of Echo, are visiting with friends In the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pearson of Freowater, were the guests of friends in tho city yesterday. J. W. Swaggart, of Athena, Is in the city for a short visit with friends and relatives and on business. .1. H. Gwlnn is in Sampler and Baker City for a ten days visit in tho Interest of the New York Life company. Miss Ethel Johnson has nccepted a position In the Hartman Abstract office, in the place .of Miss Colla Itenn, who has resigned, C. W. Orton, of Vancycle, is a Pendleton visitor for a few days, on business. Mr. Orton is a prominent farmer of the vancycle country. Conductor C. S. Brown and wife have left Hot Springs, Arkansas, for their home In this city, but will visit a short time n't different places on the way. Woodcraft Photographs. Tho Denver Post of January 28 rontulns the picture of the board of directors of tho Women of Wood cratt, among tho number lens Grand Guardian Mrs. C. C. Van Ors dall, of this city. All the members of the board are as follows: Mrs. Clara Hllllx, J. L. Wright, Mrs. Anna Hawkins, Mrs. Cora Wilson, Dr. Lillian Pollok, Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall and Mrs. Florence Wethqrly. Graduate Osteopath. Dr. Is. Frances Thompson, Os teopathic physician, (graduato of tho American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo.) will treat women and children nt their homes or at her apartments by appointment, un til desirable offices can be secured, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days of each week. 'Phone, Ited 73. 0T A LUXURY is t II "3 0 f-2 n . J -.1 Blrri,mn . .' " r-.-.uiic timepiece is PiitV for tll timlnff nf rV.s business. 1 ftlOVCmpnta. in cnlirl '.gold.filJed. silver or "cases. HUNZIKER Progressive Jeweler 26 Main Street Guest of Miss Markham. Miss Marguerite Yenny, of Walla Walla, left this morning for Echo, where sho will be a guest for n few days. Shu lias been visiting Miss Annie Markham, of this city, for several days. Christian Church. Dr. Martin preached last night on the "Divinity of Christ." The meat ings continue with Increasing inter est. Subject tonight, "Bellevo in God or Something." Tho public is cordially Invited to attend. Has Charge of Bankrupt Stock. Dan Smythe left this morning for Weston, where ho has been appoint ed to take charge of the bankrupt stock of Dan Ducking, the saloon man, by the creditors of tho saloon. Card of Thanks. I desire to extend to my many friends my heartfelt thanks for their kindness to myself and wife during her long Illness, and to mo In my late bereavement. MADISON JONES. Elks Meet Tonight. Elks meet tonight at 8 o'clock. Everyone come. Important business and Initiation. G A. HARTMAN, E. R. CHAS. E, BEAN, Sec'y. "The mould of a man's fortuno Is in his own hand." Bacon. What does most to promote honest business? Moneyback. Where did moneyback com from ? Schilling's Best at your grocer's. CREAM OF TARTAR. We have to keep the chemically pure kind 'or medicine. Tho same kind is none too good for cooking. Many good cooks buy this "ticle here io, 15, 30 and Co cent packages. Our aim is to sell drugs and chemicals that are just a little better than you find in every d'g store. fOEPPENS The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS REVIVAL AT ATHENA. Rev. W. A. Moore, of St. Louis, Has Taken In 137 Accessions to the Christian Church, Athena, Feb. 4. (Special to tho East Oregonlan.) The revival In tho Christian church In this city, which lias been In progress for the past several weeks, lias developed into the most extraordinary church meet' lug ever held In this city. Rev. W. A. Moore an evangelist of St. Louis, is preaching, and has add ed 137 members to the church dur ing the revival period. The largest number In any one night was 1C. The meetings will continue Indefinitely and the Interest Is increasing. Rev S. M. Martin, now conducting the meetings in Pendleton, held revival services here last year with great results. 1 FORCED TO CLOSE. The Grand Chance to Save Money, Will End Wednesday, February 10 as the Big Sale Closes. The 17th annual clearance sale which has been In progress at the Peoples Warehouse, and which has marked an epoch in money-saving values given, will be brought to a close earlier than originally adver tised, and the last day of this great sale will be Wednesday, February 10. It behooves economical buyers to take advantage of the few remaining days and buy what they need before the opportunity Is a thing of the pnRt. Fix In your mind that next Wednesday the sale closes, and profit by the clearance sale prices while they last. Police Court. The city court was large in num bers, but very small In cash this morning. Nine men faced Judge Fltz Gerald, five of them for drunkenness and four for vagrancy, and out or the lot tho court received nothing, ns all of the men were broke and will stay in the city Jail from two to five days each, Homer Hlndman Dead. Baker City. Feb. 4. W. C. Hind man, of 1931 Fitth street, received tho sad Intelligence yesterday by wire, that his son, Homer H, Hlnd man, had died at St. Vincent hos pital, Portland, on Sunday night. Homer Hlndman, the deceased, was one of the best knqwn cattlemen of Baker City or vicinity. He had re sided here for the past 40 years, having crossed the plains with his parents when he was about one year old. Peculiar Insanity Case. Walla Walla, Feb. 4. Apparent ly quite revcovered from her strange condition, which she claims was the result of a species of epilepsy. Mrs. Laura Gates has been released from the county Jail and has gone to her stopping place at Walker's Landing on Snake river near Page station. Mrs, Gates left hero on the 11 o'clock train Monday night. She was allowed to go Monday after a detention of four ..ays. Contagion at Astoria. Astoria, Feb. 3, Health Officer Pilkington reports that the scarlet fovor and measles contagions are rapidly dying out In Astoria, There are now hut two cases of scarlet, and both patients are well on tho road of recovery. There are 23 cases of measles in 12 hamos. Japan's Postal Service. The cheapest postal service in the world is tlint of Japan, where let tors are conveyed all ovor tho em pire for two sen about soven-tenths of a ponny. This Is tho more won rtorful considering tho difficulties of transport ovor a mountainous and Irregular country, which has less than 100 miles of railway, while wagons can pass over only a few of tho chief roads and tho steamers connect but a small number of coast stations, Strik While the Iron is Hot One feels lucky indeed (hat could earn 10 per cent on his money and here right now you can supply your wants at a saving of at least 20 per cent and up to 40 per cent-a clear saving and equal to two years interest; at the very lowest reduction we are mak ing. This 17th Annual Clearauce Sale is' gaining in momentum each day. Satisfied customers are bring ing their friends. Money to be saved in Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Thinks Trib a Good Remedy. B. F. Gray, Portland, Oregon, July 10th, 1902, writes: "I believe your remedy .for the liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trib,' a good one. I took the Keeley cure and it cost me $1G0. I think Trib Is honestly the best cure of the two. If I ever can he of any assistance to you let me know. I consider you have done much for Sportsmen's Association, Regular meeting Thursday night at the city council chambers. Business of Importance Is to be transacted as routine, and also matters con cerning the Northwest tournament. H. J. STILLMAN, Secretary. COMIr-.G EVENTS. Walla Walla Poultry show, Febru a 3-7. Oregon Christian Endeavor onvei tib'n at Pendleton, February 19-22, 1901. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tableli. All drucgUH refund the money If It Ialt to cure. E W . Urove'i ilgnature on each boi. 25c The Boston SHOE STORE HOTEL DE FARMER A. KUNKEL B, Co., Proprietors MENU A la Barb Wire Leather and Rubber Belting Iwie Poultry Netting Nuts SOUP Hog Wire RELISHES Lace Leather Bolts Cable Jackson Forks BOILED Rubber Tire Buggies with Cushion Tires Carriages with Leather Trimmings Hurrays with Cloth Tilmmliig ENTREES Wilson Moline Buggies with Bhaft Wilson Mollne Hacks with Polo J no. Deere Buggies with Top. Jno. Deere Hacks with Brake Mollne Wagon with Box & Seat. Challenge Wagon with Bolster Springs ROAST Jno. Deere Gang Plow Pie Broiled John Deere Walking Plows Boiled Jno Deere Disc Plows, Caper Bauce Jno. Deere Lever Harrows with Jno. Deere Disc Harrow Fritters Murshroom Sauce Home Dressing VEGETABLES Forks . Hoes Hakes Boiled lluggy Cushions HALAD Wagon Jack Salad Wheelbarrow Salad DESBEKT Mluneapolis Threshing Machine Pie Gelser Threshing Macine Pudding Dcerlug Harvesting Machinery with Cake Bickle Sections. Sickle Knives. Sickle Heads. Rivets. Repairs We also carry Plows, Mowers, Rakes, Binders and Headers. Re pairs In season. Another shipment of the RED SCHOOLHOUSE SHOES ($2.50 pair) just received. $i.2sliot size 6 to 8 $1.50 for size S to H $J.75 for size it to 2 $2.00 for size 2 to 3 We are selling of this shoe two pairs this year to one pair last. Why ? People have found that they wear better, fit better, look better, price better. Better Get a Pair The children want this kind. Toes in wide or narrow style ; low heels, with and without hooks. Sewed with silk. Boston Shoe Store Carnation Extract! are Good Be Carnation Stfre Extreli and " are Call pure For Peerless Mushes Carnation Extracti are Strong When Yoo Go to Yoor Grocery Carnation Extraeti are W holetome Before Putting In Your sewer connection get prices from us on 4 and 6 inch vitrified sewer pipe. Complete line of Closets of different sizes, kinds and prices. Our plumber is the best workman in Pendle ton, and work entrusted to us is done right. GOODMAN-THOMPSON HARDWARE i Company Successors to the Thompson Company 621 Main St. ECONOMY IS THE ROAD TO WEALTH Practice economy in your clothing by having your cast away garments cleaned, repaired, pressed and made as good as new. If you desire the color changed, have them dyed. We are prepared to take your old clothes and make them look like new again. Our steam facilities are first class and our work men are competent. .,,., ,. 1 Our prices are such that you can easily afford it, and our work sucu that you will be saved the price of new clothing. Pendleton Steam Cleaning (3b Dying Works CANTY &. JONES, Props. 730 COTTONWOOD STREET Coodt called for and delivered. Phone ui-Maln 1891, or a poital eartf will bring ut to your door PROMPT, RELIABLE BEBVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS Gooda taVen twit'ol care of, Leate oiflen a TtvnvH'ii. l'honMilul271, ELATERITE fi Mineral Rubber. YOU AV lM UWa"llEJ.MCB A WO..N.OUT "OOF ELATERITE ROOFING TemSfrc for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Quaran teed It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information, teed. It will pay ELATERTE pQOFINQ CO. Worcester Building. iu& "'" 1