DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1004. i t I t t CLEAN-UP SALE On all broken lines in our store. Bargains right arc offered. Read these prices: Ladle' kid, turn sole, (5.00, now 2.60 Ladles' patent kid, turn sole, $5.00, now JJJ.OO Lndles' patent calf, turn sole, $5.00, now fl.OO Ladies' kid, turn sole. $5.00, now $3.00 Ladies' kid, turn nolo, $3.60, now (2.25 Ladles' enamel, welt sole, $4.00. $2.76 Ladles' kid, welt sole, (5.00, now $2.50 Ladies' kid, weltsole, $4.00, now $2.25 Wc have some rare bargnins in broken lines of men's, boys', misses' and children's. If we can fit you in these lines you sive big money. Note the prices in our window DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. I Phone Main 1181 COOD SHOES CHEAP CITY BADS MEET PRINCIPAL BUSINESS IS TO ALLOW BILLS. Expenses Are Expected to Be Light That City Printing Question Will Come Up and the Recent Jobbery Will Be Discussed Minority Re port May Be Submitted. The city council will meet this evening for the regular meeting ot the week and will consider the hills for the month Just passed. Owing tc the fact that the business was closed up on the flrst of the year, and there is nothing but the running expenses of the city to meet at the present time, it is expected that the expense account will be light in comparison to some of the months of last year when the sewer was be ing constructed. There is one measure on the table that has never been finally settled and that is the resolution which 13. E. Kennedy tried to railroad through the council some time ago concern ing the city printing. On tho action of the council on the report of the committee on ways and means, which should be heard this evening; concerning their award of tho con tract for the city printing depends the fate of this resolution. It may be that the resolution will bo allow ed to die and will not arpear In tho record of the city's business by the simple adoption of tho report of tho committee or its rejection as tho case may bo. A minority report may bo brought in. There is some discussion among the councilmcn as to the action of tho committeo fixing the bid of the morning pnper and afterwards awarding tho work to them nrbitrnr Ily as it was done, and it is possl' hie that the report of the committee will not bo adopted without somo discussion on tho part of tho council as a whole. Some of the councllmen are not in favor of the job as it was handled and if thoy do not tnko a stand against the action of the com mittee it will be from the fact that their personal feeling of frinedshlp for those who took tho unfair stop will prevent them discussing tho matter In a public way. MISS DOLLIE BENTLEY WEDS. I f 4. f . 4 F. & S. Cough Syrup Daughter of J. M. Bentley Marries Washington Railroad Man. Miss Dollle Ilentley and William Pierce, of Ellensburg, Wash., wore united in marriage at 4 o'clock this afternoon at tho residence of tho bride's father, J. M. Bentley. Judge G. A. llartman performing tho coro mony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Plerco will leave on the evening train for El lensburg, where thoy will make thjir future home. Mr. Pierce is an em ploye of the Northern Pacific. HE IS BETTER. 0 IT IS J. L IS ELECTED PRE8IDENT OF COMMERCIAL CLUB. Members Start a Move Which Af fects All Railroads In Oregon and Washington Want Visitors to Portland Fair to Be Allowed Stop, over Privileges This Will Great ly Advertise the Country Will Assist In Construction of Wild Horse Creek Road Want Earlier Train From Walla Walla. McCarty, right forward; Hoynton, center; Knight, right guard; Aloxan dor, left guard, Willis l.o Masters, roforoc, and S, L. Harnett, umpire. "MUMMY AND HUMMING BIRD." False Report Was Circulated That Mr. Romoguox Was Dead. Frank noniogoux, a resident living a short distance from the city, who has been suffering from an excep tionally severe attack of pneumonia, is reported better today. A false re port had been circulated that Mr. Homogoux had died. Will stop that Cough and Cure that Cold. It is Sure to reach THE RIGHT SPOT. THe WHOLESOME CRESGENf !! 1 i Egg -Phosphate BAKING POWDER TALLMAN & CO. -j Leading Druggists 1 The remarkable increase in con lumptton demonstrates its superla tive merits and wholesomeness. I ONE POUND 25 CTS REVERE COFFEE 41 4 f f ! m fr NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Cold Medal BUTTER The Renown of Grocery Excellence Is built on a tripod of Quality, Prices and service. While we do not claim to sell all groceries, at all times at lower prices than any other store, we do claim and DO meet all honest comp tition. It is a common practice to oiler a few items at cost or less, as a "bait" to attract a customer, and then is the (opportunity to overcharge on other goods. That practice has never been followed at this store. It is a common practice to sell groceries of inferior grade for goods of good quality under pretense thuy are worth more money. That is not done here. There are other kinds of unfair if not dishonest, kinds of com petition we do not try to meet. But when it is a 'mat ter of reliable groceries, honest weight, good service and fair treatment all round, i Then we are right in the Fight GIVE US A TRIAL Cold Medal BUTTER F.S.Y0UNGrR&SON REVERE COFFEE The annual meeting of tho Com merclal Association was hold last ovenlng in tho rooms of tho asaocla- tlon at which time tho ofllcors for tho ensuing year were elected and other business transacted. J. A. Itorle was elected president; C. E. Roosevelt, vice-president; J. F. Uoblnson, secretary; nr. F. V. Vincent, treasurer; trustees, A. I Knight, Ernest Younger nnd J. It. Dickson. The condition of the association financially nnd numerically was dis cussed nnd it Is tho Intention of tho members to make a canvnss and at tempt to bring tho organization back to its uld-timo place of prominence in tho community. For somo tlmo tho association has been deponent Ing In Influence as tho Interest in its deliberations waned among those who belonged to it, until It has como to the pass whore a fow men of tho city are hearing tho wholo weight nf the organization on their shoulders, while the hulk of tho people who nro benefited by its actions for tho bet terment of the city havo nothing M do with tho labor. It will bo tho ef fort of tho men in tlio association now to chango this condition of things if It is possible nnd infuse now life into tho body by bringing new members Into tho fold. There were two important meas ures discussed nnd acted upon at tho meeting last night. The first, and perhaps the most important of tho two was a resolution Introduced by Dr. r. J. Smith petitioning tho great trans-contlucntnl roads of tho coun try to allow stop-ovor 'privileges to nil persons visiting tho Ixiwis nnd Clark fair. As tho resolution was in troduced. It included only tho state of Oregon, but on motion of T. C. Taylor It was amended to include the state, of Washington, as that stato would bo equally interested In a movement of tho kind. Tho reso lution was passed and the secretary of tho association will confer with all of the commercial bodies of the two states asking their co-operation In petitioning tho roads of the coun try who carry visitors through this stato and Washington to and from tho fair to allow stop-over privileges both going and coming that the peo ple of tho East may havo a chance to see tho resources of the country and Its advantages of climate and resources. The other measuro was of local Interest and had to do with tho pro posed road down tho Wild Horse creek, an account of which was pub lished in this paper last ovenlng, T. C. Taylor, C. E. Uoosovelt and F. W. Vincent wero appointed as a com mittee to bring tho mattor before the county court at tho next meet ing and use their influence to sec that it had tho favorable consldora tion of tho court. Tho petition for the road is now in tho hands of peo ple of tho county who are interested in its construction and as it is known that tho court will bo in fa vor of Its building provided the ox penso will not bo excessive tho com mittee will have but little trouhlo with that body unless the cost gets beyond their inclination when It will tako some persuasion to causo them to authorize Its construction without help being given to tho county. Albert Cohen, K. J. Foster and El mer Dodd wero appointed as a com mittee to circulate a petition among tho citizens of tho vicyilty asking for tho tlmo of tho arival of tho mix ed Walla Walla train to bo changed so that tho train will reach tho city at 1 o'clock as In tho past. This pe tition will bo passed among those who aro Interested In .tho change, and then sent to tho superlntcndeat of tho company, Powerful Creation Splendidly Pre sented, Friday Evening Next. "llrlglit with oplgrnnintlc dialogue, strong In original conception nnd ciovor of Interpretation is "Tho Mummy nnd tho Humming Illrd.' which handsome nnd polished Paul Ollmore nnd supporting caBt gavo to Salt 1-ake theater patrons Inst night. "Tho part of 1ird Jack I.umloy, that ho essayed last night was nl most ideal la the raso and natural ness of its portrnyal. "It is worthy of nolo that tho three principal exponents of modorn English comedy nro Charles Wynd ham, John Drew nnd Paul Ollmoro. Then It Is n peculiar rolncldonco that each of these three should havo achieved his grcntest success, first In "Tho Tyranny ot Tears," and then In "Tho Mummy and tho Hum ming Illrd.'" The above is nn excerpt from n half-column review In tho Desoret News, of tho presentation of "Tho Mummy and tho Humming Illrd," tn Salt I.ake City, by tho same troupe which presents It at tho Frnzor tho ovenlng of Friday, February (i. Not merely is it "tho samo troupe," ns to the leading characters, but in every detail of the personnel, from Mr. Ollmoro to the Imggago rustier. It Is, in every particular, ono of tho strongest casts in the Northwest this season, striking tho highest average of dramatic excollcneo that has como before tho Pendleton public. From start to finish tho produc tion has artistic finish: of acting, scenery and general effect. It is something to laugh at, weep over, study, astound nnd ndmlrc, and above all, to remember with pleas ure. It Is in n class by Itself also as regards plot. At the Frozcr Feb ruary 5. Lady Maccabees Will Meet. .. All Lady Maccabees are requested to meet at tho I.a Dow hall nn Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock o iliscuss business of Importance MRS. I.AUIIA YATES. Lady Commnnder. Graduate Osteopath. Dr. L. Frances Thompson, Os teopathic physlclnn, (grndunto of the American School nf Osteopathy, Klrksvlile, Mo.) will treat women nnd children at their homes or jt her apartments by appointment, un til desirable ofllces can be secured, on .Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- City Property Transferred. Mrs. H. S. Hlxby nnd husband havo sold to W. J. Stockman for $1, 775 one lot on the north side of tho river on Jackson street. Sportsmen's Association. Regular meeting Thursday night at the city council chambers. Business of Importance Is to be transacted as routine, and also matters con cerning tho Northwest tournnment. H. J. STILLMAN, Secretary. PENDLETON'S GAME. Fell Down In First Half Second Half All Their Way. Tho basket ball game between tho Weston Normal school and tho Pen dleton high school teams was a vory closo and exciting ono. In tho flrst half tho visitors wero ahead of tho gamo with a score of 8 to 4, but when tho last part of tho gamo was played tho Pendleton boys got Into their strido and ran away from tho Weston lads, winning with 11 points to their credit against 8 for tho vis Itlng boys. v There was good playing on both sides of tho field, and no ono de serves more mention for tho way ho handled tho ball, than his opponent. Tho flrst and second teams of tho girls of tho high school played a preliminary gamo which was won by tho flrst team with a scoro of soven points. Tho second team was una bio to scoro against tho flrst. After tho games wero ovor tho vis itors worn tondored a rccoptton by tho pupils of tho high school, at which a musical program was ren dered. ' Tho lino-up of tho boys' teams was as follows: Weston Whlto, right guard; Strichlin, left guard; Ross, contor; Marsh, right forward; Drumback, left forward, Pondloton Wyrtek, loft forward; VICTORY Over Htomnch, Liver and Kidney Com plaints i3 very decisive when you use Hostetter'u Btmimih Hitter". TIipii why will you continue to duller when it is umifcessary. Gat a !nttlc today from your druggist and see how much good It will do you. It lifvcr falU in eases of Poor Appetite, luiliite-itioii, Dyspepsia, Constltmtion, Kidney Ills. Chills, Colds, onMalaiin, and lumlwen endorsed by physIciutiH for fiO yeurs. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, 11 i t u 'FiguhinhoiiaHewSuit? Let us help you. Smart Styles Good Workman ship Low Prices. A rare combina tion. Sullivan, Bond Fred Kauffmann'a Local ReprewaUUvo FRED KAUFFMANN Tbc American Tailor Chicago, U.S.A. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS Good i taken beit'of cure nf. T 111 POUND tub fom.owi.no" DT scribed animals bare been taken iip bj -- - . v. .CMUKIUU. lu wit: . Ona black, coming J year old Ally, Indian branao left itllle, tlli hind foot white. . . " , i ""f. "'"'"'K f year no. wn to strlMlnlorsliMd, left hind lo.,t and torn foot iflhlta I flfl La n haanil An lall afli( Onsbav xeldlns, comlnw year old, whlto brand on right title. a hi. i', Abont jono or lico U or H jean old, no vlalble brand. One bay fllr, coming 1 jeara old, heary black nana and tall, u.tlilblo brandi. Onairay mare. 6 or 7 yeara old, with colt, welihl about MKJ p modi, no vlilbln brand). One bar mare, no vlilhle brandi, lump on back, wafght about 100U pounda, 7 or 8 yeara old If aaid tnlma'a are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the poeamalon, ,1 int I.,", 1 i"m iMiiii, ono . .. v" (,,(, it ten un vi irom trie date hereof, then at 2 o'clock d. m. of the Klfteenlh day of February, not, the ild arlmal will be Bold to the htgheat bidder, at public auction for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood anil Webb atreeU, In the City of Pendleton, the proceed of such aale to bo applied to tho payment of euch coats and expenaea of mak ing aale. uaiea reoraarys, ivoi. M.J, 0AHir,CltyMarihat, W. L, Maple at Nyssn. W. h. Mnplo, mnnngor of tho Maplo Loaf Croamory nt Pnyotto, was a business vlsntor nt Nyssa yea torday, Tho Maplo brothers aro largely In terested In tho croamory business In Idaho, and aro always nn tho lookout for a larger Incronso for their business. Mr. Maplo Btatod that thoy will bo willing and aro anxious to soctiro nil tho buttor fat that the farmers of this section havo for sale, and will buy It of thorn at the best figures tho mnrkot quotes. Wltllo hero Mr. Mnplo sold a cream separator to Ira M. Ilutledgo, and mado arrangements with that gontlomnn to havo all his httttnr fnt shipped to tho Pnyotto crenmory. Mr. Maplo will uso his Influonco with tho Pnclflc Express Co. to havo an ngout nppolntcd at Nyssa to look aftor tho milk shlpmonts. Nyssa (Malheur Co.) Progress. FIvo business houses nnd five res idences havo boon burned by Incon dlarles In l)s Angeles during the past three months. Aggrcgntc loss, $200,000. Occni)lnnnii.. - trover;; .1 '? 'he con. will find lEi " talkine Peace aV generals1 ptepa f '. whiiep z :r reading y u ife m . WAR mw. rVn'P'" . ?P of it ri i in - Alanine, v llltl.l . "r's-ni fe,i . rfl i n i ia n uimn II M IIMII - - mmt IIUUI1 ST. JOE STOR lUAlir VlSMINA. tOaJ I ....ARRIVING DAILY.... Como and see them. New Duchess Bhlrt Waist Bulk ! Wash Knbrlcs-all grutles, styles mid prices, Mu8lin,Und- T wear, I.mbroiderles. A large line of the celebrated Brown Shoo Company's 6 Htar 5 Shoes for men, women and child ! Nren Just received. Not a day but wc are getting In sen T 'good from the lnrgest mnlittfaoturers of the eastern marked so visit our store and bo the flrst to see the new thln 1 as they come In. LYONS MERCHANTILE CO. WE HAVE MOVED THE Upstairs, where we kept the Shoe Stock, and have moved the Shoe Stock m. nHa m avov xr&VBm. rw m m. aTBjja jr. lut uiy uuuua oat- ""B . i tt. .1 rrvMT TTnRfirl at rioicuioustv low vrices. THIS. " PLUMBING mff i ...lenn nilh the will Diauu tuiiij. of 'cm. me worn i tion as humans can attain- t . J.. therelor as etieap as exuect. We do all linds of .1 itjv iiiiwn inrv n nmnini; mu h chartie vou not immoderate.). , .-PS our line. xvr r -i-r a mww o- t - TTrrnurt htrec W . I . I .1 .Ann n ,0 an YOUR PLUM BIN u-.. . e-:.:r. Plnmher and you be bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on y BECK, T3E3CE3 PXjTJJVl C O U K j, D a i RIGBY-CL0VE MaNUFaCTURINC COMPANY Manufacturers of Rifiby-Clovc COMBINED HARVESTERS BARLEY CRUSHERS Structural Iron for Brtefc Buildings, Sash Weights & Castings of all kinds Repair work on all kinds of machinery, and general black smithing. Interjection of Webb and Alt tret Amusement n your spare time. Pool E Cf,nntiue G TJlllfTIV nil rr -o 1WTTSIC KYC - 11