DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1904. White Wear Sale This is the Greatest of all Muslin Underwear Sales , ir. i' Kit! IB ll ' , tor ftlll s3n pud i Thursday, Feb. 4th Friday, Feb. Sth, and Saturday, Feb. 6th we are going to make Special Prices for our Opening Sale of Undermusllns. Our large bills or price sheets have been delivered over town, anil If you did not get one, call at the Fair Store and you will be given one, and our salesladies will be glad to show you our assortment, wheth er you buy or not. We haven't space to describe nnd price all the different garments wo have to show you, but the short list below will give you an idea of the range in prices. - Muslin Underwear Coupon This Coupon is good for 50c to apply on any $5.00 pur chase of muslin underwear during this Great Sale at The Fair. Not good on smaller purchases. Each customer can use only one Coupon CORSET COVERS. During This Sale Corset covers worth 10c sell at 8c Corset covers worth 30c sell at 19c Corset covers worth 35c sell a 25c Corset covers wortn 63c sell at 43c All higher priced ones will bo Just as good values as Inose quoted above. DRAWERS. During This Three Days' Sale. Good muslin drawers finished with ruffles nnd tucks 15c Good muslin drawers trimmed with ruffle nnd torchon lnco . . .25c Cambric drawers, trimmed with lace and Insertion 39c Others at 49c, 5Sc, 38c, $1.17 and J1.4S. Children's drawers 10c, 15c, ISc, 25c, 35c, 40c, and 50c. GOWNS. Good muslin gowns, full size, for this sale only 38c Cambric gowns nicely trimmed with embroidery 58c Fine cambric gowns, lace em broidery trimmed 98c Nicer gowns of all kinds $1.15, $1.29, $1.48. $1.98 Children's gowns 25c, 30c, and 50c 6(IRTt. Ladies muslin skirts with ruffles and tucks 49c Ladies muslin skirts trimmed with lace and Insertion 79c Cambric skirts nicely trimmed with lace or embroidery 98c Cambric skirts laco trimmed $1.38 $1.88, $2.00. $2.50, $3.00, $4.00. Children's skirts, 30c, 40c, 50c, and t!5c. CHEMISE. Long chemise, lace or embroidery trimmed, splendid values 58c & 88c Long chemise trimmed with Inser tion and lace embroidery 98c and $1.38. AMERICAN LADY CORSETS. White investing in new muslin underwear, dont forget the corset. A nice ,now fresh corset will add much to the pleasure of wearing new muslins, nnd at no place can you find a bettor lino than here. Wo carry tho Celebrated American Lady Corsets and have a shnpc fur every figure. It your figure Is perfect, our cor sets will fit you. If your form Is .lo fectlvo in any way, we have the cor set to remedy those defects, There is no reason why any lady cannot hnve a good figure. If she can find a store where American Lady Corsets are sold. We will place our fine lino of Corsets on sale with our muslin un derwear, and for tho three days above mentioned will ninko a spe cial Inducement to ladles to pur chase their corsets Here. CORSET COUPON. This Coupon is good for 10 cents to apply on tho pur- chase price of any corset bought during this sale, at The Fair. Each customer can use only one coupon. Wo list only a ,few of the many styles of corsets wo carry. Why should we have better, values than others ofler.you in the aho r Because wc have a buyer in New York who buys in quantities to nnine? LARGE SfORES. His muslin underwear purchases for this season l'l ll immense. Think jof his buying between J40.000.00 and $50,000 00 wnrtt , muslin underwear, nnd you can then understand why manufacturers a anxious to Ret his order, and he buys only after he is certain he has the'6 ' lowest prices that any manufacturer can quote on first class goods. This advantage in buying gives us our muslin underwear at about the same n'"' that jobbers and wholesalers pay for theirs. Ptlc DURING THIS GREAT SALE we arc offering you the benefit ot OV mn nf liiiviiip. hv L'ivini? vou the finest selection of nntli'mmd.,,.. .1 j ..,..., -j 0. j ... 111 me ciiv at prices that others will not attempt to duplicate. Nolo the prices. No. 82 This Is a strong woll Htnyed corset, 4 or 5 clasps, comes In drub, white or black, and Is 0110 of tho most durable corsets In our lino. I'rlco $1.00 No. 410 This corset is short ahovo the waist line, hut long over the hips, being es pecially suited to tho now tight fitting skirts. For tills sale only ... . 400 I.ongfello model as No. 410) 0110 of our best sellers. Durablei comfort-. aulc nnd 475 I.ongfello No. $2.75 (snmo No, elegant modal, $1.00 with hose supporters attached $1.00 No. 255 This corsSt Is shaped much tho samo as No. 400, being long over the hips und short nbove tho waist lino White nnd drab ... . 50c No. 324 Straight front corsot, medium weight, and length. A very com fortable corset . . .$1.00 No. 446 Tho now I.ongfello model being very strong nnd durable and hnving hoso sup porters attached . . . $1,75 No. 270 A new style corsot just in, long over the lilps light weight, with hoso supporters at- '""-'"'I 65. No. 501 American 1-ady tape girdle. N0110 better1 nt tho price ji No. 161 A now girdle corset of high grade, being light weight, hut strong and durablo and having hose supporters nt ""-'I'd i.M Our "Cutnwny" corsot fills a want long felt for a strong, comfortable corset that will not break over the lilphlp. This corsot Is cut tip high over tho hips and will not break on tho side. I'rlco Extra sizes 32 to 36 in samp nr. ut $U5 Misses Corset wnlBtB and corsets, all sizes 50 HOSIERY. Special prices on hoso during auoTe snlo Ladle's 50c cashmoro hoso to close out 38c pr Ladle's 35c enshmcro linso to closo out 27c pr Ladle's 25c wool hoso to close "lit 20c pr Misses wool hoso 35c grade to close out 27c pr Misses wool hose 25c grade to close out 20c pr This sale offers you an opportun ity to buy the finest wear In town at the lowest prices. Don't overlook the coupons. They nro ns good as money. THE FMIR MISS H. I. VALUE and MR. L. O. PRICE Our Best Salespeople NEWS OF ftTHENA Aur.us Mcdonald DIED JANUARY 30. Was a Prominent and Highly Re spected Citizen, and a Resident of Athena Nineteen Years Marriage of Popular Young Folks Thos. Ogle Is Recovering Visitor From San Francisco. Athena, Feb. 3. Augus McDonald died Saturday evening, Jan. 30, at the home of his sister, Jfrs. Hugh "Worthington, in this city after a two weeks Illness. Mr, McDonald was taken sick at Glenwood, Colorado, about two weeks ago, but fortune favored him to llvo long enough to get home, where he gradually grew worse. Mr. McDonald was born in On tario, Canada, Aug. lu 1859, and MEN ARE P0WERLE88 Tm Ptaht Airataai Disease Tfaless Thar Strike at the ITnderljiaK Cause. To treat Dandruff, and Falling Hair, Kith Irritants or oils on which a para altlo germ will prosper. Is like scooplnr water from the ocean to prevent the tldo from rising. Tou cannot accomplish a. satisfactory cure without having a right understand ing of the fundamental causes ot tbo trouble. Tou must Kill the Itondruff Germ. Kewbro's Uerplclde does this because It specially made to do that very thing. When the germ is removed, the hair has no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10a In stamps for sample to The Derplcldo Co., Detroit, illchx F. W. Schmidt, special agent AH persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their .accounts as I need the money, Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market came to this section of the country in 1885, where he resided tho rest of his life. Ho had no family, but leaves three brothers and two sis ters, besides a host of other rela tives and friends to mourn. The funeral was conducted at 11 o'clock at the Christian church, by Rov Armfleld. One thousand or more attended his funeral. He was buried under tho auspices ot the K. P. Lodge. Mr. McDonald was well-to-do, and left Insurance in both tho K. 1'. and Woodmen lodges, of which he was a member. Miss Areta Saunders is at home visiting relatives. Thomas Ogle, who has been sick for a month or more, is getting bet ter rapidly. Miss A. I). Stone spent Tuesday in Walla Walla. Mrs. Chas. Wilkin, mother of Leo Hltcman, of San Francisco, Is visit ing at the Hltcman home in this city. Gerking-Beck. Miss Winnie Gcrklng and Itoy K. neck, both of this city, were mar ried at the Christian church Sunday at 1 o'clock, Itov. Jenkins, pastor f that church, officiated. The bride was beautifully costumed In white, while tho groom was dressed in black. There was a large crown present to witness tho ceremony. The bride is one of Athena's most charming young ladles, and tho groom one of Umatilla county's best teachers. Electric Company's Lawsuit. Dolse, Feb. 3, The financial troubles of tho Boise-Payette River Electric Power Company Is likely to break out fresh within the next day or two. The Interest on tho company bonds falls duo April 1, and so far thero Is llttlo likelihood that tho company will be able to meet tho payments. Just what action is to bo taken is not ascertainable at this time. It Is moro than probable that tho affairs of the company will again be aired In court and a fight to the fin-, fslt follow for possession of tho company. Land Office Business. Salem, Feb. 3, The stato land offico has received during tho month of January tho sum of $36,840.12 on account of tho suveral funds In Its possession, and this sum was Sat urday afternoon transferred to tho state treasurer. I.lttlf Hoy niiirk. Little Hoy Black Kit half the day On the steps of the old red house. Watching the little white boys at play. Like a poor little frightened mouse. He wondered why they passed him by. With never a kind look back, And why they'd play all a summer day, Hut never with Little Hoy Ulack. Little Hoy Mack was five years old; His father and mother were dead; Ills granny fought on" hunicer nnd cold Ami gave him his milk and bread. The boys would scan her little man An the old fence he peeped through And run uway as they'd hear him say, "I wlh I was Little Hoy Hlue!" Little Hoy Mack's small hands are crossed On hlH little white shrouded breast, And nevermore will his heart be tossed On tho waves of his deep unrest. His sobs and sighs, his sad, wet eyes Are silent and calm tonight; tils loul has llown to n fairer zone, Where Little liny Illack Is white. John Krnest McCann. I'cipiiltiK ('urn. And there they sat, a-popplng corn John Htyles and Kusan Cutter John Styles as fat as any ox And Husan fat as butter. And there they sat and shelled the corn And raked and stirred the tire And talked of different kinds of care And hitched their chairs up higher. Then Susan she the popper shook; Then John he shook the popper. Till both their faces grew as red As saucepans made of copper. And then they shelled and popped and ate. All kinds of fun a-poklng, While he hawhawed at her remarks. And she laughed at his Joking. And still they popped, and still they ate John's mouth was like a hopper And stirred the flro and sprinkled salt And shook and shook the popper. The clock struck nine, the clock struck ten, And still the corn kept popping: It struck eleven and then struck twelve. And still no signs of stopping. And John he ate, and Sue she thought The corn did pop and patter Till John cried out: "The corn's afire! Why, Busan, what's the matterT" Bald she: "John Styles. It's one o'clock; You'll die ot Indigestion. I'm sick of all this popping corn; Why don't you pop the question?" Nearly Forfeit HUr Life; A runaway almost ondlng fatally, started a horrlblo ulcer on tho leg of J. n. Orner, Franklin Qrovo, III., For four years It defied all doctors and all remedies. nut Bucklen's Arnica Salvo had no-troublo to euro him. Equally good for Burns, nruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 2Iic at Tallman & Co.'h Drug Store. The Orogon Dally Journal can be found on sale at Frazler'a book ator. The World Loves a Lover. ' .Miss .May llondcll, twenty-two years old, of Torre Haute, Ind., liasj failed In her effort to enlist at Fort 1 Sheridan as a privato in company 1. 1 Twentieth United States Infantry. which Is ordered to go to the Philip pines as soon us it readies the maxi mum number. Sho wanted to bo with her sweet heart, Carl Pllaum, a member of tho company. .Miss Ilnmlcll was at tired as a natty young man, with her long tresses hidden under a derby hut 8ho was told she would havo to submit to a physical examination. Assuming tlie gruff tones of a I man's voice, the girl asked wetherl, mis pun in ine oriiciu 01 enlisting was necessary. When told that It wns sho broke down. "Then I can never enlist, for I am n girl," she said. Pllaum know nothing of her at tempt to go with hint until ho was summoned Into tho sergeant'B quar ters. Ho recognized the girl Instantly mid she sprang Into his arms ns booh as ho entered the room. The girl has been sent back to her homo In Terro Haute. " '' Mrs. Dixon How do you like my now ralny-day skirt? dolug'oD'XOnJUd8lDB 'rm l0nBth 0t " yOU raust b0 "PMHng BEST FOR TH BOWELS 11 tou l.n't rlr.hHr Ja Milt phf M ur inn ""'"''w-i ? ktuljljl Ulfr .CANDY gmjP CATHAH iiu -w - i.rr flNDY KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAM Are You Bilious? It interferes with work, nna nappme ;vt.,j .jfe, times; in many cases it makesiw t in, fmitt Is with the stonpak liver and lefdn vs. An dose of pills will remove the era you take BeechafflS Pills , Sold Everywhere. In joM COAL Let us fill you' bin with . ROCK SPRING COAL Recognized as the best and most economical fueb Wc are prepared to con tract with you for winter's supply. We " liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Near DeJ jhwd ante. Sili! lliu 191? ,.ro. IIXK 11" Ji: