DA1LYEVENINGEDITI0N . . The East L '.. Lannr In Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Thursday, occa sional rain or snow. r.Kn7w. of 19)1.. I LrfvWJ y in PENDLETOK, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, EEBKUABY 3, 1904. NO. 4UG2. AP "lupd 50 50 10 10 ?uit Js bo; ating ill cu t uss wish tl ring :eloc pr HOUSE tlAort Will Also Be Expense of TAKEN Lter commission. L H Been In Ser. uf Will be Replaced commission Will w Saving Device in kith Sprinkling -me eflil Street Pumps to considerable Discus- Instruction of Second L Will Soon Need High nf tho city water Iist night the matter of tori for tho year was H was decided that it bid to the building it lk at the pumping the Installation of o stake tne icu u h uhlch Iibb been in Ik past 17 years. I u contempiaieo win to J5.00O and will improvement in the lie wtcm. The old (turndown nnd the new fli nt?r the numns and Um is thov now stnnd. lemlll not ho molested ihomuzhly overhauled i reserre for ubo in time we Watted Water. utoers linvo in hand i b tie wav of water fcto will try early In lull It Is a success will i tit work of tho strest Idfjutmcnt during the !& the Installation of a r Damns at thoso parts pre water Is going to could ho used for Isold reduce tho strain ; it the station, de- Icmnt of fuel necessary ft lessen the operating lie plan and tho wear 4. Ernest Cashel Hanged. Vancouver, n. C, Feb. 3. Ernest Cashel was hanged yesterday for tho murder of a ranchman. Ho confess- ed on tho scaffold. Soon after his conviction Cashel escaped from the mounted police barracks and remain- cd In hiding 45 days within six miles of tho barracks 4..j... TIDAL WAVE GAUSES WRECKS MANY PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES. One-third of French Town Is Under Water Panic-stricken People Flee to Hills for Their Lives Floods Came at Night Number of Dead Not Known, NOW IS TIM 0 E JftPJIN TO STRIKE Russia's Concessione May Not Be Sufficient and War Will Follow. LAST NEGOTIATIONS BEFORE RESORTING TO ARMS, Japs Have Taken Possession of Se oul Railroad They Have Also Taken Possession of the Guns Seoul for the Protection of the Le- gations First Important Advance Already Made Want Final Decls. Ion Before February 10. s s BRITISH METHODS Redmond Demands Home Rule for Ireland in a Fierce Speech. "OUR PRESENT METHODS ARE CORRUFT Irish Gave Statesman a Tremendous Ovation When He Concluded in Speaking on Behalf of Them He Says They Are Governed Against Their Will He Declares the Gov ernment Promises Have Been False. Brest, France, Fch. 3. A tidal wave, last night, off tho coast of Ponmarch, wrecked many fishing boats. Many were drowned hut the number Is yet unknown. Immense damage was canned. One-third f Ponmarch Is under water and inhab itants have fled to the hills. GOVERNOR STOPS REBELLION. Grave Fears Had Been Entertained Over His Arrival In South Africa. Berlin, Feb. 3. A dispatch today announces the Bafe arrival of Gover nor Leutwln, German, to Southwest Africa, at tho coast station and he has successfully ended the trouble with tho rebellious Herroeros. Grave fenrs for tho safety of the party had been entertained during the past fortnight. SENATOR HANNA MAY DIE. bIod could by the use inure save at least Miter formerly used on Fled thus cut clown tho iw-talf, which would be Report That He Was Dead Caused Panic at White House. Washington, Feb. 3. This after noon n rumor which was circulated that Senator Hanna was dead, creat ed a panic In the corridors of the capitol and at the principal hotels. It is announced at the Arlington hotel that his condition since morn ing is unchanged, and he Is still 'r ritniiio nnd wnak. Hlxev Is constant ly at his bedside. Tho latter still Insists there Is no cause for alarm "Couldn't" But Did. Spokane, Feb. 3. In just exact K- ii iinvR from tho day the preach err, voted to close tho ulvcs through iiriapniitiiiif tho vice landlords me 'it during tn niimmrr i vtplnrv is won. The final surrend. Altken closed his dens in tho main building under his control in tne tenderloin, unfl he ,0180 closed those in tho Paris hallway, controlled uy Mtw Reservoir, of tho conHtriictior Itwrvolr waB discussoi I decided to put tho con until tli rnmlnc- vroir him through a woman L. . .. ..till n Inimiwiun V'i fvn nand would use the Sslonprtl linvn i-..ntl7nl 't that tho canaclt yof I reservoir Iu Inn nmntl p luring tho season when 'avy but at the ores lannni l. n.,tnHnn.l ll Ml next year a now and reservoir will bo built I the north sldo of tho Snnnlv thn ilnmnnrl EtOa thn fiumn Inunl mlih "uo will hold twice as ft! more. Line Tank. JOn IVinfM.Kn 41 ... "Ich they have not yot replying to thoso who On land Mffcnr ihan I.... .. o rir uno. KCMllllAln , ' reaorvolr and pump -"".mun is mot, for the ""oir could not bo con ' the nrnantit avolam . ,'uv,. .'J It 1 lOttnr hnnlnn .1 1-1 ".WHO UlUlIllIlb iuo.ot us water. Whan raaao tho coramisaion -ea io constmct a S tort nt - - - . - - 1. 1 1 1 II l.t.l 1 MMU Up.! ' 1110 "'Ei sorvico L.v.T ' 'ul I'om me In towns similarly , tpuiuij nave oui- LCBU a RVRtnni wnnlfT ' thin tin nnn . W tho city treasurer, "Mlea thn f.,nH I'on, was Axed nt ' 19 will furnlBli In a NKew,Tr,i': Eft u Jnompson, attorneys kC.tHal In tho euporlor Mt " c"mo or arson, fim, 08 B- Palmer, on There are still seven Japanese women in what iu l.nriun n "Jan n lei. ami iutne. with one white woman, have been allowed to remain over night, owing to tho fact Hint as yet the ministers' committee has not caused tho arrest of, the person collecting tne reins from that side 01 tne uuuums. The Colfax Horror. rv,ifnv Wash.. Fob. 3. Paddy n..i. ., nt thn trin arrested In ivitli tho Ida Leo outrage, today entered a plea of guilty to tho charge of selling nnuur iu mi. .... d.iod r.n nnd costs by Jus iwimin Nnrke. vhen first .arrested, was charged with indecent ly exposing the person of another, nnd pleaded guilty to mo L-.m., tho punishment of winch offense s a fine not oxcoedlng 1200 or six . n, onnntv tail. Prose- monius iu vw v .. , .i tin,p Aftnrnev Hanna Uismisseu this charge. uui-ko win . his fine in tho county Jail. Fowls at Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Fob. 3. - Fivo hun- , ...rn In llliirn lflSt night UrOU UII11D ... I"--- - - in Armory hall when the last little corterlo of the fattniui siopiuu among tho cacklors and Quacken who herald tho oponing of the an nual poultry show of the Walla Wal la Valloy Poultry association. This ' '...,. mrn dnlecat OnS 'jf moriuug duic.. ... fancy fowl will arrive and chicken- mon last nignt sum iv " would bo In for tho Judging. Chicago Wheat. ".,in vnh 3. Wheat, 92 93; May corn, 62. Kentucky Hemcmuc." . ..,. v., Fni. a. foday was the annlv aVy 'of the death of Gov ornor William Goobol and in honor of his memory appropriate pxorclses woro hold by tho state legislature i n ' .... ArlHrnnsos OlUOgmui: rtnoclter PubUc deeds of tho dead oxocuuvo -- and b a further mark of rosnect to . . " tmiii chambers of too London, Feb. 3. Letters from leading men of Tokio to friends here state that everything is In readiness In Japan for war and that an out break Is inevitable. Russia's concessions arc not like ly to suffice and this is the last phase of negotiations before they resort to arms. Influential Japanese citizens from Europe, Including noted diplomats, have advised Japan that now Is the time to strike. Have Taken Guns at Seoul. St. Petersburg, Feb. 3. The Seoul Fusan Railway, according to a dis patch to Vladlvostock has been oc cupied by Japanese troops. Japanese soldiers have also taken the guns at Seoul for the protection of the legation. Russia Is Given One Week. Home, Feb. 3. News from the far east today asserts that Japan Is ae- termlned to present an ultimatum to Russia on February 10 If no conclU' sion is reached prior to that date. Has Reached Climax. Tokio. Feb. 3. An important council attended by the mlltado, three admirals and the war minister, ns held here today. It is believed the Russo-Japanese situation has reached a climax. The highest officials make no .t- fort to conceal their exasperation at the tardiness of reply. WILL SERVE TEN YEARS. George Rose, Embezzler, Gets Heavy Sentence for Looting Bank. Cleveland. Feb. 3. George Rose, cashier of the Produce Exchange Bank, who embezzled $87,uuu, was today sentenced to 10 years. ECHO IS A CITY. yJ L. A. Esteb, Attorney, Elected First Mayor. The vote on the incorporation proposition at Echo yesterday, stood 28 to 10 for, which makes the burg a "city." There were no disturbances dur ing the day, though the feeling was, to put It mildly, intense. The protestants against incorpora tion had "economy" as their shibbo leth, urging the expense of maintain ing a municipal government as a deterrent against voting for the in corporation. The liquor question was a side issue which was recog nized, but which was not organized, and it is understood that the bulk of the strictly "dry" element refrain ed from voting for the only ticket in ni,i whifh. it will be noted, re ceived practically the same vote as did the incorporation prujiumuuu. The only division so far as tho ticket was concerned was on mar shal, and the contest was purely on personal grounds. The vote on candidates was as fol lows: . ...... r. A Esteb: recorder, H. C. Miller; treasurer, W. H. Boyd; marshal, Arthur Hammer; cuum;..- r ttr rinnnhill 31 : John Dorn, 34; C. J. Gulllford, 31; Joel Halstead, 28; W. T. wcrerreu, , R J. Oliver, 28. For marshal, Mr. Hammer received 11 majority over Will Benedict. Colorado Damage Suit, Victor, Col.. Feb. 3. 3ov- crnor Peabody, General Chase and several other officers are defendants In damago suits aggregating $1,000,000, was called to trial before Judge Lewis who expected to sot a date for hearing. The suits grew out of tho recent mill- tary occupation. 4- l- 't' TURKS KILL 40,000 PEOPLE SOLDIERS DESTROY THREE HUNDRED VILLAGES London. Feb. 3. Redmond, in be' half of the nationalists, demanded home rule for Ireland today In the house of commons. There was fre quent cheering, He said the present government had pauperized and de populated Ireland. He said no greater delusion could be entertained until that question could be got rid of. Neither force nor concession could relieve the British government of necessary con sequences of maintaining a system opposed to the will of the governed. He predicted that If the liberals came into power they could get the Irish vote on the promise of home rule. He said: "Our present government is cor rupt. Ireland would rather govern herself badly than bo governed well by another nation. Ireland lags tie hind in commerce and agriculture! art because the education board was Imposed on the country, which was antl-'notlonal, narrow. Incompetent, and should now be swept Into the dust-bin. The government's tttltude on the university educational plan is dishonest. The government's prom Ises have been false." The Irish gave Redmond a tre mendous ovation when he had con eluded. Noted Historian Gives Out State ment as to Facts He Obtained While Recently Traveling Through Macedonia Many of Those Killed Were Aged Men, Along With Many Children. MAY BE COLD WEATHER. City Clock Has the Drags and Peo pie Miss Trains. The town clock Is getting so that it hits the time about as close to tiie mark as the weather man docs the condition of the weather. I-ast week It was seven minutes behind time and this week It still lacks four minutes of having caught up with the standard. People who rely on It for guidance are Just in time to seo their train pull out of tho station or the man with whom they havo or, nntrneflment. vanlBhlnc from sight. Probably tho cold weather has made It stiff in its movements. Sweet Scented Meeting. New York, Feb. 3. The Manu facturing Perfumers' association of tho United States, is celebrating the tenth year of Us existence with a largely attended convention opened today. A two days' program has been arranged. The proceedings are devoted to tho consideration of matters of Interest to the trade only. FIRST WOOL AT WAREHOUSE. Rugg Brothers Lead Shearing Indus try This Season. The first wool of this season's clip, was brought into the Furnish warehouse today, when tho firm of Ti,,n,r Tlrnlhnrs lirnneht 75 Sacks Of now wool in from their ranch near the city. They have not yet nnisueu shearing. This Is a pretty early date to shear sheep but the firm has sold a t..n pinmhnr in .Tames Wrlfiht. the North Yakima sheepman, who wants them for the wasningion uiamc.a, fnr Immediate deliv ery they are being clipped before thoy are loaded, in oraer uii owners will bo able to save the wool, Will Be Burled Friday. v-tr mat. It Ik exnected Whitney's funeral services will be held Friday. CONGRESSMAN JAMES MAKES ROUGH HOUSE Fflh. 3. In tho house i today Congressman Olle James, the. now congressman irum hta mm maklne extraditions njjiu " - of Indicted criminals botweon states obligatory. H. created l a storm rovlowing tne uuuum .""' fairs. . . ..... i Ho ridiculed hoobovoiib mum"" on oxtradltlon from forolgn countries ( when there is so much to bo doao at home. Ho referred sarcastically to the recent attempts to extradite millionaire Zelglcr from New York to Missouri. Cnimpacker,. of Indi ana, undertook to defend DurblnB action regurmuK tlon Tho discussion became bo warm that tho Kentucky members were on heir feet most of tho time .. onabr with OU6S- interrupting iu . , t tlons and denouncing tho statements ae untrue. Berlin, Feb. 3. Pressowalsky, the noted Balkan historian, who ha: Just concluded a six months' tour through Macedonia, asserts that In 1903 Turkish reeulars razed 300 vil lages. He also says they massacred 40,000 people, mostly aged men anu women, along with many children. DIFFERENCE IN AGE. CUT-THROftTS ARE CAPTURED Queen of Gang Also in Coils of the Law. Implicated by a Letter. WOULD MURDER MONTANA MEN. They Consist of the Most Desperate Band of Criminals Ever Known in That State Led By Ruby Taylor Were to Receive $8,000 for Two Murders Were Regularly Organ ized for a Killing Business. Ex-Postmaster James Marries Young English Lady. London. Feb 3. Former Postmas ter-General Thomas James, of the" United States, today married Edith, daughter of Alderman Colbourno, In Shakespeare's church, Staford-Avon-. Tho bride Is 30 years old and James 73. Only relatives and close frlenls were present. MAY "RAISE" RAILROADS. Butte, Feb, 3 Tho police today ar rested tho most desperato gang ot criminals ever known In Montana, nnd Intercepted a letter written to a woman known as Ruby Taylor, disclosing n plot to murder boiuo well known Butto man nnd nnothor at Helena, for which the gang was to receive $2,000 and $5,000 respec tively for doing tho Job, to bo paid by some unknown party. Tho police have tho names of tho conspirators and Intended victims, but refuse to mnko them public un til other arrests aro made. Ruby Taylor Is in Denver. Tho men arrested hero gavo tho names of Harry Taylor, John Iaw, Charles Mooncy, C. L. Warner and William Harris. Also a woman known as Lysle. Another mombor of the gang, known as Lynch, was cniititriil In Anaconda after a dos- perate tight. His two companions were arrcBtcd. The police Bay they havo evidence of a most startling character, to show that lao gang has lcgularly organized for the business oi com mlttlng murders, for a money consideration. Their Assessment Likely to Be In creased In Washington. .Olympla, Wash., Feb. 3. Members of the state board of equalization started for Spokane yesterday to meet with the county assessors who will hold their annual convention In that city, beginning Wednesday. Tho state board of equalization Is com posed of State Auditor Atkinson, State Secretary NIcIioIb and State Iand Commissioner Collvert. Ono of these state officials predicted that one of the results of tho annual con vention will bo to mako a higher as sessment of all railroad property In the state. Tho stato board, while having no vote in the coming convention, Is closely allied with tho county as sessors, for tho reason tho equaliza tion of stato taxes Is based upon the returns made by the county assessors. DEMOCRATS HAVE ADJOURNED. Will Meet April 10 to Arrange for Reserved Seats. St. IjuIs, Feb. 3. The democratic national committee adjourned nt noon today to meet again April 10. It decided to mako no reservations for seats until tho April meeting, when newspaper men will bo ap pointed to tako charge of tho mat ter. It has reserved tho entire Jef ferson hotel for convention head quarters. Ministers May Pay Full Fare. Spokane, Feb. 3. There Is a sus picion that ministers of thogospol In Canada will not entirely approvo tho new railway legislation in tho province, under which tho commis sion began work yesterday. Begin ning yesterday preachers havo to pay full fare when they travel, In stead of tbo usual half rates hereto fore allowed. Notification to that effect has been sent out by all the Canadian roads to their ticket offi ces everywhere. Forty New Flat Cars. Astoria, Feb. 3. Forty new 41 foot flat cars for uso on tho Astoria & Columbia River railroad are en m Aoinrln from Baltimore Md. These cars aro considered tbo finest of the kind mado and liavo a capa city of 40 tona each, Tho now cars were purchased because of tho great amount of loog stuff bridge- Urn bers, etc., haulsd over tho line. IT WAS THEIR THIRST. Now They Will Have to Be Satisfied With Water, John Johnson and John Taylor, two of the transient residents of tho city, who were afflicted with a large thirst, were fined $5 by Judge Thorn T7t. in.oii thla mornlne and 'n default of the amount are mw In the city Jail, where mey for three days.' Several Persons Killed. Halifax, N. 1!., Feb, 3. The Cana dian Pacific express, on tho Inter colonial railway, was wrecked near hero this morning. Sovon porsons aro reported to havo been killed. USED MAILS WRONGFULLY. William Ewlng Is Found Guilty -of Defrauding Standard an compa ny. Km. i.'rnnrlHro. Feb. 3. William E. Kwlng was found guilty today ot using tho mall to dcrrami tno bocto i,,r nr ili Klnndard Oil Develop ment Company. He was accused of gathering several thousand uunur from Investors throughout tho Count region. It developed that ho had very little properly to back up his glowing promises. MURRELL TELLS THINGS. He Says Butler Is Guilty of Boodl. Ing, Fjilton, Mo., Feb. 3. In tho But ler trial today John Murrell, former member ot tho Ht. Imls boodllnn combine, who returned from Mexico, turned stato'H evidence. Ho describ ed tho delallB of haggling over the price with Butler. Ho filially receiv ed 2.G00 Bhares out of 47,600. John Helms followed Murrell and testi fied of repeated boodllng conversa tions with Butler, seeing lilm hanllo money. Labor War In Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Feb, 3. Unless something unforseon Interferes Walla Walla may eo a bitter wr. ,..rr. .,.,., i i.ntwnen tho bulldora and contractors of tho city and tho local carpenters' union, uio .. .,in iiirni.LPli its oincors today served public notlio on overy con tractor and builder In tho city that on and after April 1 of tho presont year members of tho union, repre senting tho majority m i '""V'"," les of Walla Walla would positively ... . .nv ,i,m anv IjulldllltC reiuutt tw ,pv where non-union men are employed. More Telegraph Lines. nT.ii., v.... in. P Sm th. superintendent of tho construct on , ' -. . f ii.n Wrmtorii Union Telegraph company, Is in the city making an Inspection of the lines j ,.,, nt tliii rnmnany In tills section of tho country. While here It is understood thai ,Mr. n n,,, superintend tho construction of ad- dltlonal lines aiong iu , and the Northern Pacific railroads. Fined Fifteen Dollars. La Grande. Feb. 3.-K. W. Bart lett appeared before Justice of the Peace Grant this morning and paid a flno ot $15, tho lowest provided by the statute, for trespass In the way of going on a farm near Island City for the purpose of shooting wild game. .JUL gtr IT"?" " V