I'FVENfNG EDITION Jhs . "X 1 0A1LYEVENINBEDITI0N s mtm Kj 1 1 1 mmB00g& 1 Tonlgltt ami Wednesday fair, tnrtav The East I V ii the only paper In; Tun receiving mc news ci , MS" . . wire. ,4fld PL. 1G- Ml POLICY Lr Fairbanks Opens Ar- nent in Favor of Pending fly With Panama. TEE RECOMMENDS ,M TO THE WORLD'S FAIR. to Reimburse Colombia for Lois of 1 errnory, wmcn tit Is Expected to Gain Dem Votes for the Canal Treaty Governor and Vice-Gover. Irf the Philippines Inaugurated Great Ceremony. PENDLETON UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGOX, TUESDAY, FJillKUAllY 2, 1004. s NO. 49(51. STOCKHOLDERS. Large Number Have Gathered To gether at Mitchell, S D Mitchell, S. D., Feb. 2.Thc open Inft of three conventions today has attracted to Mitchell one of the argest crowds ever entertained yy the city The State Butter Makers Association, State Livestock Breed- Zl T ute Poultry associations, are all holding forth In annual ses sion and the three together have at tracted upwards of BOO visitors from all parts of the stale. Tho poultry association In Con ducting a state poultry show In con Junction with Its meeting and the stockbreeders are holding n sale of fanry bred stock, both of which have added Interest to the triple gathcr ng. For each of the gatherings an Interesting program has been ar ranged and many noted agricultural and dairy authorities will be heard during the week. xjton, rcD, -. in tne sen- Fairbanks warily defended liialnlstratlon on the canal (sieved the majority of tho t had been Inspired by pol- linga the subject ought to be jolltlcs and upon tho high It" national duty and honor. Ho ; Colombia with attempting ! up America and the French iKnpany, matting mention or a'l perfectly natural right to , there being no other cour3o : tlarge that tho admlnlstrn- Ira a party to tho revolution lim ahown by the records to i cnlr on vague suspicion, honed assertions and wild con- World's Fair Loan, jenate committee on appro- i today decided to report tho : ticiency bill, including the Iain to the St. Louis expo- IB Sorrow $4,000,000 to be re- lbs the gate receipts. If) Reimburse Colombia. aiions for the payment of k 15,000,000 and $10,000,000 to have it is snld, reached fiuje that they will be con- Mtbln 10 days. For this fie republicans are said to Stswfnr- n nrnttnoltlnn frnm xnts to adopt a resolution ; the president to use his f peace between Colombia Itona and nay Colombia fit the loss of -territory. Tho i asrec If tho republicans iliem, all will then vote for 1 treaty ft Philippine Governor. Feb. 2 Wrlirht. ds covcr- f ' He as vico-govemor, were " with lmiinslnir ceromonv Tkree thousand troops were 1 inaugural address Wright Hi Intention of adhering to Pies of the Taft admin s Ittd urgeu Increased frlondli p lie natives, and asked tho of all Americans for Rthe welfare of tho islands I- tnelr personal gain. TIERS' EXCHANGE." Propose to Back-fire the Trusts. Feb ? uakotas, Iowa, Nebras r niimbcr of other states i today at tho opening of 1 ranicrcnco of tho Amerl 'era' Exchange. Tho pro lch Is com nosed of farm throuehout 1 ccomniih , gy. v-v. v u WUVWHtl ; vnicago rccontlv nnrl tho ll?,efenc0 Ia for th0 Pur iTpiing tho organization I OUT n n an t '"nlzation alms to control n farm produce, tho CATHOLIC PRIEST AT IROQUOIS FIRE FAME FATHER MULDOON HAS REACHED THE POPE. He Was One of the First In the Burning Theater and Gave Absolu tion to the Dying at the Risk of His Life Fell In the Harness of His Holy Office. BELIEVED TO BE CERTAIN This is the View Berlin Takes of the Situation on Strength of Latest Advices. TRANS SIBERIAN ROAD CLOSED TO COMMERCE." Fifty Thousand Reinforcements for Vladivostock During Present Month Japanese Are Hiking Out of Territory Traversed by Russian Railroads Korean Minister Re. called From Pekln Japan Increas Ing Her Demands on Russia. Borne, Fob, 2. The popo today conferred with Goetl, prefect of propaganda, regarding the best way to recognize the heroism of Bishop Muldoon at the Iroquois Arc. The pope Is especially anxious to recog nize the bishop because of the groundless attack on him when he was n candidate for the archbishop ric of Chicago. Muldoon was one of the first on the scene and made his way to the galleries, where he pronounced ab solution to the dying until nearly overcome by smoke and refused to lc.-ve his post until dragged away by the police, when he continued ad ministration In an adjoining restau rant until he dropped from fatigue. NEW NIGHT POLICE. tUiailntr thnt fUr. n.n.lu lUted by nthpm Ihnn tho ' ""a that tho rnrmoro rn. "mt of tho transaction 'T Shorn. nn cir. Feb, 2. Tho ma- PS II tl,n tin .l ft A. 'M Cnlnml.l, . r. ratltL-n.. - "111 l;uuBni pro fW d urH,nE- Tho on- ' w nrnvont .ii i 0 saved aovoral rjMualile machlnory. Z..Lss, $10,000. But ,,,, UI lilU T t ""I havo boon fc- H. A. Thompson Succeeds Ethan Houser on "The Force." Ethan Houser, who has been the night policeman for nearly a month, has resigned and Marshal Carney has appointed H. A. Thomson to serve In his place. Mr. Thompson's appointment will bo placed before the council Wednesday night, when It will doubtless be confirmed. Mr. Houser took the position in duced by the higher wages paid by the department, but found the night work not to his liking, and when his former employes offered to raise the wages In his old position to what he was receiving on the police force, he resigned to resume work In the meat market, Mr. Thompson, who takes the place on the force loft vacant by the reslKiiatlon of Mr, Houser, is an j old resident, and has been employed for some time by the Gray's Harbor Lumber Com natty. Ho Is well known In tho city, and will make a good officer. Berlin, Feb. 2. The Schlesslcne Zeltting, a conservative newspaper, asserts today that war between Jap an and Bussla Is certain, and an early outbreak Is imminent. The paper adds that at a recent council where the czar presided, orders we're Issued to stop all traffic over the. trans-Siberian railroad from Moscow eastward save trains for military uses. Goods awaiting dispatch at Moscow were returned to the send ers. The paper states these facts created excitement on the St. Pet ersburg bourse. Because of the Zeltung's high rep utation for veracity, business cir cles of Berlin are alarmed. The for eign office has no notice of a crisis and the railway managers say they have received no Intimation of a stoppage of trains carrying Siberian traffic. War Preparations. St. Petersburg, Feb. 2. Fifty thousand additional Russian troops are expected to strengthen Vladivo stock garrison during February. Or ders for a mobilization of reserves throughout the far east are also ex pected. Dispatches here are to the effect that Japanese are Intriguing to ere-1 f- . , under a forest of umbrellas Japanese In alarm are leaving the country traversed by the eastern Chinese railroad. Sinister News. KING SPEECH PARLIAMENT Edward Files His Opinion on the Issues of the Day at the Opening of Parliament. HOPES FOR CONTINUATION OF PEACE IN THE FAR EAST Friendly Tone Toward United States, But Has His Regrets Con cerning the Boundary Award Urges the Development of Cotton Growing Capabilities of the Em pire "Guy Fawkes Day" Observed According to Old Custom. 1-ondon, Feb. 2. The king opened the last session of the present parli ament in a speech today from the throne. lie uwelt at length on the pro gress of arbitration. The scene In the house of lords was brilliant, the floor and galleries being packed with nobility In full regalia. The king and queen left Buckingham at 1:30 and passed from the robing room at 2. Ho ex pressed hope of continued peace be tween Japan and Russia. After friendly utterances regard ing the United States, the king re ferred to the Alaskan decision, say ing that on some points he favored, while on others he was adverse. Much as the last circumstances is to be deplored. It was nevertheless a matter of congratulation that the misunderstandings which ancient boundary treaties made possible when based on Ignorance of geo- graphical facts have In this case been finally removed from the field of controversy. Colony Cotton. Ho referred to the shortage :n cotton by urging that the empire take all steps to Increase its culti vation In British possessions. An Immense crowd stood outside In a downpour of rain. Although the pageant was sadly enched, none of the time-honored features were lacking, Including the search of tho vaults for conspirators. Paris, Feb. 2. News are received Minister Choate Is ill, confined to hero this afternoon of the sinister his home and unable to attend. Import that Japan has Increased her demands on Russia. Korean Minister Recalled. -Pekln, Feb. 2. Disquieting news regarding conditions In Korea con tinue to be received by the Korean legation. The Korean minister has been recalled and will leavo, Pekln In a few days. TO IMPROVE RIVER. TILL AFTER LENT. Postponement of "Blbl, the Comedy of Toys." "Dibl the Comedy of Toys," which was to havo been presented at an early date by a number of young people under tho direction of the ladles of the fansn aiu, hub ui-t portioned for a time owing to the nroximlty of Lent. There are some hard scores in tho music, which could not rccelvo sufficient drill In iiiD iimn inft hefoio the ploce should have been presented, and it Is there fore thought best to postpone n mi ni oftor- iiio Intcn season was over. Th nomnns who are In the cast . .. . j u are fast learning weir pans, uuu will bo but a short time wnen taken up until the ladies will be ablo to present It to the public. K. OF P. AT ADAMS. Will Organize With Seventeen Char. ter Members. r VrlAnv next the Knights of Pythias will Institute a lodge at Ad- 26 or more. Seventeen havo already signified their intention of joining llitf order mat nignt. ouu monies will bo mauo a grem. .n. Tho members of the lodge hero are making arrangements for a spec ial car Friday evemus. thought that about 25 people will go , hnro i. w. Maloncy will have charge of the ceromonles at Adams, and will Induct tho now ofllcers Into their duties, America was tary White. icpresented by Secre- BASKET BALL. MERCHANT TAILORS. Annual Convention In Session at At lantic City. Atlantic City, N. J Feb. 2. Dele gates numbering several hundred, and representing all tho chief cities In tho .United States, are attending tho annual convention of tho Mer chant Tailors' Natlonnl Kxchang.J. which opened hero today. In his an nual address. President Harvey A, Patterson, of Now York, reviewed the work of the last year and told of tho plans being made for tho sx change's exhibit at tho St. Louis exposition. The report of Samuel H. Spring, .f Boston, secretary of tho association, showed n gratifying Increase In membership, and Treasurer Richard C. Notbohme, of Milwaukee, report ed a good balance In the treasury. Rochester and several other cities are In the Meld for next year's con- vcntlon of the exchnnge. DO NOT FORGET THE TIME LIMIT ALL SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY JULY 1, Householders are Dilatory and are Laying up Much Trouble and Ex pense for Themselves Danger of Smothering Cesspools Instead of Cleaning Them. Congress Asked to Appropriate $50,- 000 for Salmon River. Lewiston, Feb. 2. Copies of peti tions addressed to congress and asking- for an appropriation of $50,001 . , . . . c .. i 10 luipruvB ic game wlU bo yed between !!CCX? ed... ." L,e,"1St. 'r"flrst and second girls' teams of nas oeen seiuneu. H ., ,,. rowrtrt ,i,ia nv(.n. Similar petitions are now being l , ' . ,,,, Prospects for an Exciting Game at Assembly Hall This Evening. The members of tho Weston bas ket ball team reached the city this afternoon, and are In good trim for the battle this evening with the boys of the city high school. Great Interest is being taken In the game by tho members of the schools and their friends and an ex citing time Is expected, with a close score. Preliminary to tho game be tween the boys of the schools, a the tho school. It is expected that Asseu circulated in Lemhi and Idaho coun ties. The benefits to result to a vast country by the Improvement are cited in detail In the petition. MAY LOSE AN EYE. Ing when the game is called. The plumbers and engineers who have been granted licenses to mako connections with the sewers, are be ginning to get Impatient because the people think thcro Is too much time ahead of them to bo In any hurry to make tho connections to the general system. The plumbers think that there is enough work ahead to keep them busy until after the time limit of July 1, set by tho council, at which time all tho houses In tho sewer district shall be connected to the system. Providing they wero to begin to work now It would take them until after that tlmo to get til of tho work done, If they were to put all of their time and men at the work, and yet tho people aro all waiting until later to begin tho work. Another thing that Is agitating the minds of those of a sanitary turn Is tho practice of tho peoplo who have already made the connections, of simply filling In tho old cesspools nnd vaults with earth without clean ing them. This practice, It Is claimed by the engineers, Is detri mental to tho good health of the community. It has como to tho pass now that tho wells ire fnst by Ing contaminated by the seepage from theso sources, and tho water is becoming dangerous to use. It Is claimed by them that all other cities, when they put In a sewer system, require tho cltlzciiB to havo the vaults and cesspools pumped out nnd cleaned before they are filled In by the owners, and It Is hinted that the matter will be brought before the city council nt an early date. In the Interests of the public health. ROAD PETITION IN CIRCULATION Attempt to Effect a Cutoff of a Mile and a Half and Avoid Two Tiresome Hills. LITTLE OPPOSITION HAS DEVELOPED AS YET. Proposed Change Would Be an Es pecial Favor to the People of Ad. ami, Athena and Other Northward Points Will Effect a Perpetual Saving of Time and Concrete Ex penses The Only Deterrent 'is the Probable Heavy Cost. NEW FURNITURE FIRM. in Taking a Daughter to Portland Hopes of Saviflftlfc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SfPllllams, of Mountain Home, were ,in the city yesterday while on their way to Portland, where they are taking their daughter to receive treatment for an accident to her eye. Some days ago, while chopping a piece of beefsteak, a small piece of bone flew from It and lodged In the young lady's eye, working clear into tne Interior. Mr. and Mrs. Williams brought me sufferer to Pendleton, where they were advised that the member wouia have to bo taken out. Wishing to save tho eye, It was decided to go to Portland In hopes of finding some one who would undertake to do it. For Stay of Execution. The case of E. L. Smith vs. D. Taylor and A. Nelson is being trle'd today before the circuit court. It Is an action brought by Smith for a stay of execution. In the first place Nelson claimed that he was owed a certain sum of money by Smith, which was denied, but never theless a writ of execution was se cured and given to the sheriff to 6erve. The present suit Is brougat to bring a stay In this proceeding. Fine Stock Association. Pullman, Wash., Feb. 2. The third annual meeting of the Inland Empire Registered Stock Breeders' Associa tlon will be held in Pullman Febru ary 24 and 25. A largo attendance and profitable meeting Is expected. The meeting will be held in the new livestock pavilion of the Washington Agricultural College, which will be formally dedicated on this occasion. T. C. TAYLOR IS APPOINTED RECEIVER Portland. Feb. 2. (Special to the EaBt Oregonlan.) On tho applica tion of the creditors, Judge Bellin ger, of tho United States court, to day appointed T. C. Taylor, of Pen dleton, receiver or me u. a. estate until such a timo as t(io cred- t.. i.iiln Flvnn. of Chicago, is dead at tho ago or iw. " i,orB of tho estato Bhall appoint trus. .1 onnrnfll P It II 1 1 IIUU luu uuw l - - - - . live mm u.b. --- - . , hn(i n tne business. of her mental faculties um.. -u bIqco the time the matter was taken from the bands of the trustees appointed oy Mr. Wade, there has been no one legally in charge of the property, and this appointment is simply to provide for some responsible person to hold the property In safe keeping until such a time as it will be brought before the courts tor seU tlement. Baker City Man May Open a Branch House, Buying Out Basler. M. Michaels, of Baker City, was In the city on Saturday last looking over tho field In this city with a view of location here In tho furnl ture business, Mr. Michaels Is one of the firm of Michaels Brothers i.t Baker City, who own tho Standard Furniture Company thcro, nnd th'oy are desirous of establishing a branch house in this city. Mr. Michaels left Sunday morning for Portland and is expected back In a short timo, when he will open further negotiations fur a location here. While hero Mr. Michaels Inter viewed Joseph Basler, and it Is like' ly that In tho event of his coming here ho will buy tho business or Air Basler and put In a larger stock of furniture in that room. )r no takes the business Mr, IiaBler will add two stories to his building, all three of which will bo used by the now firm. They consider this to bo a flrst clais opening. DIRECT PRIMARY PETITION8. They Must Be In the Hands of the County Clerk This Evening. The direct primary petitions are meeting with a cordial reception from the people of the county, who seem to be willing in all cases to give them their support. All of the petitions have to bo In the hands of tho county cleric this evening, that ho may certify to tho names sgned in timo to get tho pe titions filed with tho secretary state by Fridey night, which Is he timo limit placed by law for thcil reception by the state department. Only 363 voters registered in Sa lem during tho month of January, which number Is 10C larger than during tho same month In 1902, Them Is a petition out among tho citizens of this district to tho east ward and along Wild Horso crook, asking the county court to grant permission to build a road down Wild Horse Into town across tho Leo street bridge, making a saving of about a mile and n quarter over tho old way, and doing away with the two long nnd tlresomo hills that aro now so much In tho way of thoio who have to haul cither Into the city or out. Disadvantages of Present Route. Tho rond ns It runs nt present goes out to tho eaBt of town, crosses tho river near tho railroad brldgo, and thenco goos over tho hills and onto tho Wild Horso grade through Adams and Athena nnd the other llttlu towns along tho crock. After getting out of this city a fow miles It Is an easy grado, but close In it makes a swing fiom tho crook bed nnd Hlmbs up a couple of high hills nnd down ngaln, making n hard route for tho farmers who have to haul grain Into tho city and hay or other produce. Theso mon always have to hitch moro horses to their wagons than aro necessary on tho grenter pnrt of tho road, so that thoy will havo power to climb theso two hills when thuy get near Pendleton, or so thoy can get out ngnln with tho return load that It Is generally tho custom to tako to tho ranches when thoy start for homo. By making tho now rond as wish ed, the builders will cut off from tho present rond whoro It crosses tho Willi Horso soverul miles abovo towp, and follow tho bed of the stream down the creek to where It omplloH Into the Umatilla rlvor a short dlHtanco abovo tho city, when they will follow tho rlvor down 'fi tho Leo street bridge and so Into the city. Possibly Expensive. There Is but ono drawback to tho scheme, anil that Is after tho road strikes tho river. Hero the banks aro high and rugged, and It will bo necessary for tho builders to blant tho roadbed fiom tho solid rock for some distance. This will, of course, bo expensive, and this expense will bo tho only thing that will deter tho county court from grnntlng tho peti tion. Tho estimates of tho cost vary to a great extent, somo of tho men interested placing it as high as $10, 000. This amount tho court will not consider, but if. on H'o "th"r hand, It Is found that tho work can be done for less, It will bo given seri ous consideration. Fifty or More Petitioners. Tho petition will havo CO or moro BlimatiiroB by tho timo tno court meets, us all those who have to haul Into tho city from that direction will bo glad to seo the change, Tho only opposition that has been heard w r.ir Is from thoso who live In tlio vi cinity of tho race track, who will bo nut nit from tho country road by thn change ,as tho road branches u nh'irt distance abovo mom. flovornor Ilalloy, of Kansas, will n. stand for a renomlnatlon. The republican party In that state Is rid died with strlfo and rolton with tho record of tho past two years. Genator Clark Sold Out. Salt Ie, Fob. 2. It is scmi-offlclally stated that Senator W, A. Clark has transferred his holdings In the San Pedro, Ijos Angeles & Salt Lako road, now build ing, to tho Harrlman Inter ests. Construction has prac tically ceased, and It Is be lieved Harrlman will not complete tho building. This Is at least a temporary flnls to the much-talkcd-of Arizona Canyon short lino from Utah. 1 tICIOro nur ucoiM,