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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1904)
DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1B04. ; i (--, CLEAN-UP SALE On all broken lines in our store. Bargains right are offered. Read these prices: , ' Indies' kid, turn sole, $5.00, nw ,2.50 Ladies' patent kid. turn pole, $5.00, now $3.00 Ladles' patent calf, turn sole, $5.00, now $3.00 Ladles' kid, turn sole. $5.00, now $3.00 Ladies' kid, turn sole, $3.50, now $2.25 Ladies' enamel, welt sole. $4 00. $275 Ladles' kid, welt sole, $5.00, now $2.50 Ladies' kid, weltsole, $-4.00, now 12.25 We have some rare bargnins in broken lines of men's, boys', misses' and children's. 1! we can fit you in these lines you sive big money. Note the prices in our window i DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. Phone Main 1181. COOD SHOES CHEAP TRADES COUNCIL LAST NIGHT ELECTED NEW CORPS OFFICERS. one ilnv eneh year thiit will bo on Pngtr Tinv when Hie spring lint make its debut. TWO BASKET BALL GAMES. Pendleton High School and Weston Normal Teams Tomorrow Nlnht. Two enmes of basket ball will oo the program nt nssembly hall to morrow evening Tho Pendleton bleb school team Its Report Will Determine the Ac' of boys, and the Weston Normal r . ...III ulni- , hn ttruf pntlll. nunc it-aiu win n - in Iip nlnved here this winter. Both Trouble With Miller Grocery Com nany Referred to a Committee I tion Which the Council Will Take. ME CHANGE OF T CITIZENS OF AbAMS PETITION THE O. R. 4 N. Names of 45 Leading Residents and Business Men on a Paper Asking That the Mixed Branch Train be Run Into Pendleton Not Later Than 1 P. M. Other Petitions Coming. Agent E C Smith of the O. R. A N. this morning received a petition from Adams, bearing -12 signatures of leading residents and business men , asking that the lime oi tne ar rival in this city of the mixed branch train, No. 41, be changed to an hour not later than 1 p. m. The language of the petition is as follows: "To J. P. O'Brien. Supt. O. R. & The undersigned patrons uf the branch line of the O. R. & be tween Walla Walla and Pendleton, respectfully request you to make a change In the time of the arrival of train No. 41, at Pendleton, to an hour not later than 1 p. m., in order that we may go to Pendleton, our county seat and trading point and have sufficient time to transact our business in the afternoon, before the departure of No 42 at 6 p. m." Mr. Smith will immediately for ward the petition to Superintendent O'Brien. Other petitions are now being circulated along the branch, The Central Trndes and Labor Council met last night In the Labor Union Hall, and at that time elected officers for the coming term. J. C. Tramplea8ure was elected president of the council, Ed Ebon vice president. Win S. Ilrown re cording secretary, N. G. Madder fi nancial secretary. C. L. McGInnis treasurer, and Clarence Roach Ber geant at arms. The executive com mittee was named as C L. McGln- one at Weston and one at Athena, nls. Win Brown, N. G. Hodder and and they will also be forwarded to Charles Eppinger. Mr O'Brien on their nrnval here. The matter of the controversy be Train No. 41 now arrives In this j tween the Miller Grocery company city 2 35 p. m., and the residents and the Clerks' Union was laid be along the line through Umatilla 'fore the meeting last night and was county complain that they cannot . by the council referred to tho execu- transact their ordinary business at tive committee. This commlttw the count- seat between the arrival j will call on the company sometime .of No. 41 at 2:35 and the departure , before the meeting this evening and tennis are in fine practice aud nn Interesting game is promised. Tho Pendleton boys expect to win the game, and while UiIb Is their flMt public game this winter, tney have not been Idle. The Weston team also has had considerable practice and will come with hopes of carrying off the hon ors of the first gnme. Following the game between the boys, will be a game between the first and second girls' teams of the high school, which will not bo less scientific or Interesting than the boys" game. CHRISTIAN CHURCH REVIVAL. of No. 42 at C p. m. Representative K. of P. L R. Stlnsun of Salem, the grand .keeper of the records and seals of the Knights of -ythias of Oregon, left for The Dalles after a short vis it in this city, where ho was regist ered at the Hotel St. George. Mr. Stinson will attend the convention at The Dalles, after which he will re turn to his home in Salem. By Their "Home" Names. Tom Hailey and Jim Haley, as they are known among their friends, but the Hen. Thomas G. Hailey. and the the Hon. J. H. Raley, of the same place, as they are known in Oregon, came up from Pendleton last even ing and registered at the Geiser Grand. Baker City Herald. View and Survey Road. J. W. Kimbrei. A. Zueske. William Hessian and S. K. Yates Saturday surveyed a road from Stage Gulch in to the city, has been author ized by the countji court. attempt to come o some agreement with the proprietors of the store. and fnlling in this will lay their findings before the council, when some action will be taken. It is probable that the council will take some decided action in the matter, as the store has continued to violate the agreement regarding the early closing entered into some time ago with the Clerks' Union. LECTURE ON BOOTH-TUCKER. Forty Acres Sold. George Eastman and wife have sold to William A. Ferguson for 13, 500 a tract of 40 acres of land in the ! edge of Spofford. F. & S. Cotigh Syrtip Amos Hague. W. R. Hennlng and W. R. Wells, three prominent cattle- 1 men of the Yellowstone Valley, have been arrested for killing a, Veliow- stone Park elk They claim the elk I was outside the park limits ! 4- - 4 4 t 4 4 4- 4 4 4 t I Will stop that Cough and Cure that Cold. It is Sure to reach THE RIGHT SPOT. j V . I ! , ! I i ! I THE WHOLESOMC CRESCENT Colonel Mrs. Higgins of the Salva tion Army at the Frazer Tonight. Colonel Mrs. Higgins, of the Sal vation Army, in California, will de liver an Illustrated lecture tonight, at the Frazer. on the life and work of Colonel Emma Booth-Tucker, who was killed in a train wreck on the Santa Fe near Topcka last October. The lecture will be accompanied by a musical program, and beauti ful views of the life, work, and .v perlcnces of the dead leader. Mrs. Higgins comes highly com plimented by papers in Boise City, and other cities where she has de livered the lecture. The local corps of the Salvation Army has made every preparation for the reception of the noted lec turer and great interest has been shown by friends of the organiza tion in the matter. As people come to know and un derstand more of the great work carried on by this remarkable wo man, her importance in the United States will be more thoroughly appreciated. Large Audience at Every Service Special Topic Tonight. The revival meetings at the Christian church under the direction of I)r S. M. Martin, are still the most widely talked of services In the city Yesterday afternoon the wo men's meeting drew 429 ladles lo the church to listen to the talk y Dr Martin, and the church was crowded in the evening to listen to the music and the sermon. Mr. Martin has been suffering from a severe cold for a couple -if days and yesterday was quite sick, but today is better nnd will be able to meet with the people as usual this evening. The subject of the sermon this evening will bo "Holl." R. C. JUDSON'S REPORTS. Supply Will Be Sent to the East Ore. gonlan Office for Distribution. R. H. Miller general frolght agent for tho O. R. & N. lias sent a num. ber of tho reports of II, C, Judson, In dustrial ngent or the O. R. & N., to this office for distribution among tho farmers. The reports glvo tho detailed ex periments of Mr, Judson In dry land alfalfa growing, stock feeding, corn growing, and other valuable informa tion on his department. COMING EVENTS. Wnlla Walla Poultry show, Fobru a.y 3-7. Oregon Christian Endeavor onvo-i-tlon nt Pendleton, February 19-22, 1904. Rcssia Backs trovcrsy with V econ , j i- nun -u General. hi "tine vm, UfAt, . Try sippw . 2 J 1 l?' "- Aou wlU-hTJ - " ill Ml' , hihta I . ' u a k n ia hl '"lerwl n. . - " ' null i na ,,i k . ,1,1, ..,- I'WJIIM u vnu vrm. . war. reading To Attend uawsulL Conductor W, H, Keisy, Brakoman and Kolly and Bert Huffman will leave for Union In the morning ,A ...l. !.-.. U - 1 1 .1 ... - niiuit' uiiv uutu ut'uu uiuuu nn wit nesses in the case of H. Maynard, of . Union, ngnlnst the O. R. & N for ilnmnceR for nllncnrl Inlurlnp. rnnniv. I ed In a wreck in October, 1902. . nilfl Tn in.. . I n a. n umi u it i 1 1 h mm BIG Remnant Sal i ; . . i, we nave just completed our invoicp nnH i . ...(w.iww Mb..w...... 11 . ui ikviijuiiiiis. Mil i.innc 1 , - - - - -..ud u, L'unni m... T -" ..,b, uuicuB, jicks, Btieetinrc: P-l.- " T-. , ., . -o-f -"unu LllL'A. 1A.I IIUUI1S. Mill! ii IllIlllSilTIFl Zt Tl M nnt ,,l,. I.' .l , v,, 1 New Principal Arrives. Miss Grace I. Dewey, of Benton Harbor. Mich., the new principal f the high school has arrived in the city and took her position this morn ing, relieving Cecil Wade, who has been assisting Professor Conklin since tho departure of Miss Shep- ard DEATH OF MRS. STEPHENS. Coil. TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists IM -Phosphate BAKING POWDER 4- The remarkable increase in con- 4, sumption demonstrates ts superl tive merits and who lesomeness. ONE POLAND 25 CIS Passed Away Yesterday With sumption In This City. May Stephens, the wife of Thad deus Stephens, died yesteruay morn ing at the home of her father-in-law. A. B. Stephens, of Garden street, between Bluff and Tustin, after a lingering Illness of con sumption. Mrs Stephens was 24 years of age a' the time of her death, and has lived In this city for tho greater part of her life, boing the daughter of garauel Thrasher, a well known anchman of Butter Creek, who died n this city last year. She has been I! for a long time and for several months It was known that her con dition was hopeless. I The funeral was conducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the res ilience of A. B. Stephens, Rev. Rob ert Warner of tho .Methodist church, conducting the services. Has Appendicitis. George W. McDowell, foreman for O. E. Hult. In the water service of the O. R. & N., has been sufforlng with stomach trouble all summer, and it has recently developed into appendicitis. He will leave In a few days for St. Vincent's hospital, at Portland, to undergo nn operation. Iin nn CU.. Is III at Home. Pete Smith, the genial day man ft the Hoiel St. George lir. Is at his home for a few days laid up with the grip and a slight attack of fever. Ill With Tonsllltls. Two of James A. Fee's children. Chester and Doris, are ill at tlilr home on Thompson street, with tonsllltls. Alec Shepard. a laborer. Is under arrest at The Dalles r breaking In to tho Dufur Dry Goods Company's store and stealing $15 belonging to the Portland Baby Home fund, col lected by the proprietor COME AND BUY THEM CHEAP We will also during this sale make a great clean of all grades ; CLOTHING WILL ALSO GO VERY $i8.5o Suit will go at $i3.oo 17 5o Suit will go at 12.50 16 50 Suit will go at 11.50 i5.oo Suit will go at 10.00 12 5o buit will go at 8.5o And so on as low as $3.50 per suit bnnnc it has be fin our nleasure to show ;inr Inmtinrt in p.. rlltnn. anrl wr mnct ?nL- mnm frr thnm ...a frppli fnr tr.r nrvt turn w L-c en rA lu .. f nM If line hiin trt tnnct ciirrncpfnt itanv 1H4!. - " . J -...-w .wwM..M& , your cny. Again thanking one and all, ST. JOE STOR Leaders of Low Prices in Pendleton WE HAVE MOVED THE KEVERE COFFEE NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Cold Medal BUTTER The Renown of Grocery Excellence Is built on a tripod of Quality, Prices and service. While we do not claim to sell all groceries, at all times at lower prices than any other store, we do claim and DO meet all honest comp tition. It is a common practice to offer a few items at cost or less, as a "bait" to attract a customer, and then is the opportunity to overcharge on other goods. That practice has never been followed at this store. It is a common practice to sell groceries of inferior grade for goods of good quality under pretense they are worth more money. That is not done here. There are other kinds of unfair if not dishonest, kinds of com petition we do not. try to meet. But when it is a mat ter of reliable groceries, honest weight, good service and fair treatment all round, Then we ore right in the Fight GIVE U$ A TRIAL Cold Medal BUTTER F.S, YOUNGER & SON VICTORY Over Stomach, Liver nnd Kidney Com- idalntH is very decisive when vou use Hontetter's Stonindi Hitter. TIipii ! why will you continue to miller when t it is uniKccsaur. tint a bottle tcxlav from your drnggiot and nee how much good It will do you It never falU in caoes of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, DyHpepbitt, Constioation, Kidney Ills. Chills, Colds, or Mulaiia, nud has lieen endorsed by physleiaus Urc 50 years. DIRECTORS' MEETING. I the the the Important Business Ahead for Men's Resort Tonight. The board of directors of .Men's Resort will meet at rooms of the resort this evening when they will elect officers for the year and transact the routine busi ness of the month. This Is the first meeting of the now board recently annointed bv the different churches who aro back of the resort, and they enter into me uiscnaree of the r dut es with the intention of making the placo one of tho features of the' city for me narmiess and beneficial enter tainment of the young men of the place. Those who are now on the board arc H. N. Robinson, Dr. R. E. Rlngo, H. F. Warner. Gerry KImbrel, Fred Oster and P. M. Howard HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, HATS OFF IN CHURCH. Custom Is Adopted by First Chris, tlan Church in this city. Following the agitation begun by this paper some weeks ago for tho removal of the women's hats in church, tho First Christian church has adopted this custom. On tho wall Just to tho left of the pulpit Is posted a neat modest Pla card, reading: "Ladles will nlcase jrnmovo their hats." That is all that Is necessary. At the oponlng of tho service every hat comes off and there Is no stretching of necks and tiptoe ing In tho scats to seo tho minister. It is the first notlco of the kind cvor posted in a I'endloton church and Is regarded as a precious docu ment by those who liavo grown tal ler by aoveral Inches, In reaching up ward to seo tbo man In tho nulnlt. ovor the waving plumes in front. If tho women Insist, this notlco Carnation Extracts are Good Be Sure and Call For Carnation Extracts are Pure Peerless Mushes Carnation Extract! are Strong "When Yoe Go to Yoor Grocery Carnation Extracts are W holstoroe xiiiiii iiniiim All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. Conrad Platzoeder i Meat Market PitOMi-T, KEUAULE 6EKVJCE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF ALL KINDS Goodl tAkftn hatnf (AMI dxt I a . av r er j am m w m marw k - -w, m m a m n w v awn arm nmej.i & mm.wmj Upstairs, where we Irept the Shoe Stock, and have moved the Shoe Stock ! mm m bx a mmw. Til W av iiuiuuiuDsiv low prices. WUil THIS. ECONOMY IS THE ROAD TO WEALTH T .! , .L- l... l.o.Mnlt VOUf Csl i tai-iibc economy m your cioiiung vy -o j - 1W3V frarmontc lnn.,t ! 1 ,.rr..A onrl made SS gOV" " j nHawo wiwuiiuu, icjirtjlb-u, iii.0a.u , i . t new. u you aesire the color changeo, nave n. "'rT ujie new again. Our steam facilities are first class and our ' men are competent. . , .k ,ucU at you can easily allora it, suu price of now ciottiing. Our prices are such that you can that you will be saved the price of no Pendleton Steam Cleaning (2b Dying Works riMTv jr manrc VratA. 730 COTTONWOOD STREET 0cl called (or and delivered. Phono ns-Maln ! or ,iK Ma tu jour aoor YOUR PT.TJMBINU u.. ? j . . .... n,i vou will no' nave ji none dv a bcientiiic rtumuci worK. be bothered with bad breaks. Let tis figure on -yi -tdiUCJi, THE PIjUJ will be turned to the wall for just COURT STR EET