Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1904)
...,NS AND rmuuo, a.rnt.tTTICALLY ARtlANncn ...I A NR. pff""n ...,,r.t. tv i mm 1 1 - . .. . . mi" in tn iz m. : tiltt """"njH,. m.ln 1871 : V.lrtbO' . nKuniiH nr.npir mIV JlBil.inw bank Te epbone i rntF ATTORNEYS. ,Ai!2ikita: LAW omen in ju5"d AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION LINKS. WW nAILCY & LOWELL, ATTOnPV i HALLERAY & McCOUET. LAWVrns 10 soclat on bnlMin A' iERS- AS- N. III-IIKCLET, ATTORNET AT I aw Offlcc In Saving, llank building -CmTKRSLnK. CHRONIC jmm and dlneaiK of T office 'phone, main 721 ; Mri rffU. CARTER & RALEV. ATTORNEYS AT JajOfflce in Saving. Rank building "' R- COLLIER, LAWYER OFFICF JtoomJana8: As.ocI.tlon building. STILLMAN & PIERcnT ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been idmittrt to and mi- Un,,r1 ,s't Paten?' otflci" and tnaUra a epeclalty of mtent law Room, 1.,. n, 12 aaa 13,1.1100 FRATERNAL OROERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 28 Regular meeting! tut and third Thursdavs oreach month All h.n,... ..Y.T.ii. i' .l tHUSM0 lnvlted 10 "tend. I all " UDow block. Court .treet G a Hantaan. DENTISTS. m V 111.. 1 Oil Wi at .Jitii. UUur . El"'""" ..ircc.FDX-I)K. 1) C. McNABB -.llminM imig aiurc. Sr..K. E., C. E. Beiin, Secretary, MKVS RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not Join and set the advantage of free bath, nae of mine-hint; bag and other equipment.. In eluding library and readjng room? Terms, $LO0 to Join and 60c a month dues. un RcrtHFRs. OF ATUENA, Capital, JMJ.uuu; sunuus ana woo. interest on lime ueposiu. "JLmntiT attended to. Henry video T J. K(rK. Ticires- i UGro casmer; i. m. iriu, ...fni in vi.' itw w i:h i i in. i ' h r. i jw v . . fw'hnvm tmiipht and iinld. .uM. MttoniiMi to. il. jam 7T7F V.-nr W. lrniMtfP.. i i i: m cure, lonu cr ui . G. rroeusiei. mhI iiin.uui ; iuruiu. mtv . i u.iiii i.n on nriiiPMMi I J Furnish, president ; J. N. ia. T J Mittrta PHihlcr itwj, isslstan: ca&nier. iiivm avitrniii inn uiu laUit buiineit. Kxchanice and UtiiittQT. I'teiiaent ; w r. Mat Ji urjunt cathier or BaiiQiDCi in me cut ur vuuu- e IT Judd building. 1 rOLE, CONTItACTOKS AM Cftlmate8 furnlfibed on snort ia work a specialty. Prompt ti.v oo It luff street, near Main. T PAVI'liiiHrnii AV T ill T" I I .IL iiiil ijiaa a :rni i ia i a.u tit Association block, Ten- nripi in lai'iMiivr! ivn pp.. Cement walki a apM--tT' alibd free. Work Ruaranteed. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. Coal by the Acre. Otis Kaiser and George Clark are digging a shaft on Otis Kaiser's place In town, and prospecting for coal. The shaft Is being sunk about iuu yards east of Otis' well, which has a coal bottom. At the depth of 10 feet coal was struck today, and our people are becoming somewhat excited over It, as the Indications point to a solid bed of coal under the town beginning at a depth of from 10 to 20 feet. A joint tock company wll be formed which will keep the men at work. This company ha been offered an option on Mr. Bow en's farm adjoining Mr. Kaiser's place and will accept It. At Dry Hollow mines, II! miles south of here, which are being de veloped by Sumpter parties, hun dreds of tons of good coal have al ready been taken out, and It begins to appear that the mining superin tendent knew what ho was talking about when he said the prospect was far ahead of that near Heppner. Fossil Journal. a private census be taken. Ortnln. ly it would be a good Idea. Times- .Mountaineer. Sumpter School Increase. The school attendance this year, according to Principal Yoder, Is maintaining a steady Incrensc over mat of last year. $H OUTLINE a union Pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleep. lly to Kansas City: througk Ing cat dally to Omaha, Chicago! tourist was about 200, while the average for ,uctw, weekly to Chicago. Kansas city, ra the present year to date is about oi t' " Ka.trf.iiy. "... I sleenlnr ear ine average attendance last car Pullman tourist sleeping cars personally ntriat roi The entire enrollment last year was rfii, and that of this year Is about the same. Before the end of the term the enrollment will go very much be- rortin(i jonn mis. Tho work in nil the de- 9:10 am partments of the school. Prof, Yoder Ttmo Schedule From l'omlletou says, is very satisfactory. Sntnptsr Chicago Miner. s:5tm Portland 12:30 a m Idaho Winter Mild. .1. C. Bernard, of Bernard's Kerry, a prominent stockman of Owyhee county, is In this city today, having The Kasti COme over Inst n tn llotn,, tn tli.i i;im lecture on Christian Science by Judse Hanna at the opera house last even ing. In a conversation with a Capi tal rsews reporter this morntiiir he said that stock was wintering very Spokane Well In (lwvhon nn.l Ihnl tnr lint I '"" rortland Special No. 1 Chicago Special No. a Malt and Express No. & V STROIILE, DEALER IN RECOND band coods. If there Is anything yoo need In new and secondhand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get bis prices. No. 1!12 Court street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-NEWLY F0RNISl!EPR0OM lor one ot two gentlemen, 106 East Bind St. Would Count Noses. The federal census of 1900 gave The Dalles a population of - 3,542. Many believe this fleure Is far short of what the actual population of the ' '"He feeding had been done. Boise city was at that time and others ire . capital .cws. of the opinion that The Dalles has! had a marked Increase In population For Carrying Matches. juuiiiiB me past mree years. They iwcnty boys were suspended from 6:50 pm are jiisuneu m mis belief In the fact i tne Fortland schools yesterday for that about 100 residences have been carrying matches In their pockets, ouui in trie city since the federal census was taken, and also by the fact that school enumerations have Increased, and the voting population Is greater. A good many estimate that the present population of the city Is 5,000, and are desirous that NEAT, CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Will locile.l. Mrs. Sirahon, SOU Water street; cor. Johnson. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE ior two gentlemen or two ladles Call at 61(1 vtiuow street. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE ; ONLY eight weeks reauired: tuo years dived: posi tions secured when competent. Catalogue mailed tree. Muler f-ystem College, San Fiancisco, Callt. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOR E.N craved cards, wedding tnTltatlons. etc. : 100 engraved visiting cards with plate, ; additional cards in future, u per hundred. The East Oregonlan. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE use of these classified columns. If you have something you bare no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. Yoy mav have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. 1.1c or 25c want ad will probably do the business. MISCELLANEOUS. UAKN FOR SALE INQUIRE AT KRASSIO Sharp ,W3 Main strtei. SINGER BKWING MACHINE OmCt, M9 College street, nepairs ior an macninei P. A Lovetang, Manager SEWER CONTRACTORS -REEE & LAFLER make connections with the sewer Ior busi ness homes and private residences. Terms reasonable. Leave orders at T 0. Taylor s store. T. 8. MERRILL, SPOKANE. WASH., AGT., Dentmore. Becono mucmuc., .upi'i .nd repairs. WK DYE TO LIVE.-HAVE YOUR CLOTHES spotiged nd pressed lor tl M month, at the city oieam ic.uiui; uu fjt.n W. All.. Phone Red at. 1 L lifNTINfiTriN II AK FL'lt- m luriiMm- linn. nr C'Jlj ttarden IW( lb. will lu rlnri to Bee her 1LTA mifVlMt AT.TA AND utu lltuirri tiv tli flnv or weeK. lira t. vrr nmn lvndleton ' ' . I. . l.r.AUIIU llKJlfl (tarletor. I0CE IIUHI.NE88 TAKES YOO XCE AND LAND BUSINES8 MIL LI3UUAALL V "svui, urnce in navinn ihdi (lit Moortbouse & Uamllton. aiistiiaot rnpST "liable abatracta ot title to all loatllla countv. Ixiana on city nnmri ju ..11. ll his. tin t.TM atifl maaea ?u ior non realnenta. Reference. In I.n f IUHTMAN, l'rea. i auiiiK, jr.. vice pre. HELD, Becretan. X most reliable. Arc and accl- n rw . . , . f i . j . i. . . . v vuiujauiea. uiutc whm aUtract Co. BilLP.r in rt a t .kin rnt. 7"- opeciaitv made or land Dl- LTAA. , - . . . i .urance BHD coiiccviuup. L' building, room 18. i imo' riKi'l vi CARDE9. .(. rellabl Absolutely guaranteed to cure Leucorrhoea (whites) and Female Weaknets. Write Ior o. Prop. Pharmacy, Lock Box art, Kansas City, Mo. Sl'IiSCRIHERS TO MAOAZINES, ir YOU want to auuscrlbe to aiagailnea or news papers In the United States or Lurope, re mit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OKEOOXIAX the net publisher a price of ue publication you desire, ami will have It sent )oa and assume aU the risk of the money being lt In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. II iou ire n subscriber to the East Oregonlan fn remitting you can deduct .10 ' Pr cent from the publisher's price. .Address EAST OREOOXIAN PUH. CO.. Pendleton. Ore Mall and Express No. A.atvi FROK HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pesdletoa and ai good as any. Tbe East KUa.m. Portland 55'Jpm The East MM am Portland i:iitm Pendleton Paisenter No 7 (Spokane Paawifer . No. 8 Pendleton Branch Mixed Train No. 41 Walla W.lla Branch Mlxe.1 Train No. U Spokaie ln 1 :3S p m The Hotel I'endleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths tn suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Travollng Men uommoalons Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $250 Special rates by week or month PJxcellent Lillsllie. Prompt Dltilngroom eervloa. Bar and billiard room in oonneotioi Kn T rniinieliu'llh Mn. !). The destruction of Park school I OntywaUa lor No i In case N. Thursday night led to Investigation. n0con"ec.s wUh No. 2, 11 is sum mat practically an 01 tne educational exhibits for the St Ivouls exhibition were destroyed, and it Is not thought they will be replaced. The Dalles Chronicle, Is late Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND, MARKET PORTLAND TRADE EXPER. IENCED HEAVY MONTH. Large Shipments of Produce to Cal ifornia During the Month Im ported Goods Have Fallen Far Be low the Usual Amount Eggs Are Weak at 25 Cents. ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon liaise per lb. Ham 1718c per lb. Coal oil $1.63 for 5 gallons, $3. per case. Lard 70c S pounds; $1,40 10 pounds. 8:00 p. m. All sailing dates sub ject to cnanre. Far San Francisco Sail every 5 days. Dally except Bandar 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10 30 p. m.l Columbia Rlvsr To Astoria and Way Landings. iMJ p. m, i 3X1 p.m. Sunday VEGETmLLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoes, lc per lb. Rarh , 10c per lb. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. Parsnip, Id lus. 25c. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 5c bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallon. Mince meat, 12&c per pound. Popcorn, shelled, 81-3 cents per pound; on cob, 5 cents per pound, Wtllnmetto Ktver, Boats leave Portland dallr. excent Sunday 'stage ol water permitting) lor Willamette anc i amniu Kirer points. Leave Rlparla t Ja. m. Da lv Excpt Monl Snake River Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Lewlston 7:00 a. m Dally Excpt Mos K.C BMini, Aleut, l'eadlston. FRUITS. Bananas, 40c dozen. Apples, 75c$l per box. Lemons, 40c doz. ... Oranges, 40-50c doz. Cranberr!e3, 15c per quart. Portland, Feb. 1. Wholesale groc ers of the city report a lively Jan uary. Heavy orders from the inter ior have been the rule all month and the list discloses large ship ments of goods to Seattle and Taco ma, contrary to the, report that PorT land had lost the trade of Puget Sound. 1 In produce lines the Oregon-grown ' have shown a lively movement, many bags of potatoes and onions having found good market in San deaIerE t the producer: Francisco. In California produce, Turkeys 1214c however, the Portland market has i chickens Hens, 7c; $34 per doz not oeen satisiactory as usual tins en. roosters, 4 to C cents. January, ine ury season in mat Geese, per dozen, $. state lias caused prices to rise in such articles as celery, green beans, peas, cauliflower, cabbage, etc., while the goods come Into competi tion with cheaper vegetables at home. Importers of California vege tables say they have made little tr no money this month, and some even say they have met with losses. Poultry dealers report small ie ceipts the past week, and a light de mand. This product closes "weak," but a better market is predicted for next month WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD In dressed bogs tue smaller sizes ' Pe lb' Take this route for LIVESTOCK AJ.D POULTRY. The foilowiug prices are paid by Chicaco. St Paul, St. Louis. Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omalia anil All Points East and South Portland and point on the Sound TIMKCARl) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m, Leave Walla Walla dally.east bound. 11 o p, m Arrive Walla Walladelly,est bound, I0:U a. m For Information regarding rates and accom modations, can on oraaurc.s W, ADAMS, Agent Pendleton, Oregon 8. B. CALDERIIEAD, P. A., Walla nana, na.Biuc.uu. ET ' Ducks, per dozen, $3.604, Butter, 50 75c, good. Eggs, fresh, 30c. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, Steers, $3.2503.75, Cows, $2.502.75. Hogs live, 405c. Hogs, dressed, C7c. Veal, dressed, CG7c. Sheep, $202.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lUc Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8. CEO. OARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half Irom depot! Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75c, $1.0C THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each nt 25 cents a bundle at theKAST OREGON! AN offlce. Pendle ton, Oregon. WM. F YOHNKA WILL PAY HOM T attention to all sales and posting bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonabie. I' O. box 20G, Pendleton. meet good demand, but the larger carcasses are of slow sale. The small hogs are considered better '.or making breakfast bacon, while the large are fit only for lard, which at present Is cheaper than formerly. Oregon eggs are weak at 25 cents today, and a further reduction Is an ticipated. The cold storage article has been pretty well cleaned up, and city fiiERS4AKIN0. CUTTINO AND FITTING A foeclaltyV Prompt work. Satisfaction guar m?d. MR. vfhltley. 912 Main streeu COAL Let us fall your bin with .... RY AND FEED STABLES. JOAHDED By"tHEWEEK OR iTV tteo Barn. TB Cotiontaooa r1 teasunAi.iM vr t. wiii.tamh. iti. ...... 'e. COm(Ortahl .tall. PlentV given o.r.f.,1 .l,.ll..n 'las hn.... vpp Hotel Pendleton. Phone htari.vjsi u mnnilE. t care given ton. ru . fci. vi Lwnrtieu kl icwwm-i "M l. 1IH . 11. .. U.... U.lnHII t ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most e:onomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot IAL PARLOR8. RlVlIti . ........ fia-ajtia i TJf"-. Court street, lleat work iTJIiii nioUern Improvementa. i "Willed. Hath room Id con- WE WILL BUVj . cV,V.f try. Wo fill eountry ordars. SMITH BROS. Wholesale Butehen. Portland, Or. Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, Vh cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. The following are the prevailing nWac rnr tililnH In this mar-1 only a few cases remain In tlie i uet ; beef, green, 4c per lb.; beef, dry.' 1012,4c: mink, 60c each, with a possibility of $1 each If Ue RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. size is good and the condition prime; nffoo nr-im mil Tovn hoot irtf , rovote. 50eJ7Dc: bear SKins, accoru- per lb.; next grade, 35c per lb; lower, Ing to quality and size, from ,3 to. grades, coffee, 26c to ice per lb.; , flu; coon, autfirei uui, ,..., package coffee, 20c per lb. sheep, green. Cc; sheep dry, 7V4c, nice Best head rice. 12&c per lynx or bob cat, 15 0 30; skunk, 25c, lb.; next grade, 10c per lb. badger c.. r.n rnn rrra niiiaiod nacr x i. r.ii per sack; do 13 1b3 SI. ! Even the typewriter KMtW Salt-Coarse, $1.10 per 100; table, ; marrying her boss discovers tha she $2 50 per 100 u'd not l"10" nlm lialf 08 we" Flour B. B $4.25 per narrei; vvai- sue tuuugm ". RUNS Pullman Sleepiug Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Br. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FABQO TOI i GRAND FOBOP ' 1 ........... nU T WINNEPEO HELENA and BlTTTE. TTlROIIfiH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK UOHTON and all oiuU Et and Boutb Itrough tickets to Japan and "t"l". l Tacoma and Nortnern raciat oi...-ik and American Una. TIMS SCHIDULB. Iralui leave Pendleton dally except BBa at 7S0 p. m. . t.,1,. sum anYtlcxeuTcall on or ritt W. tfffijg Aiun. Oreron. or A. D. t!UAKi,iui, Third and Morrison gu,.rottianu.r. nallv Eaat Orteonlan, by carrier, I . . ' . . . .T...I. only 15 cents per ween. ltaUllaxujEaMr aoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBV flaaamamaBaammmBSiBmr2aV Itemodoled and refurnished through ouL Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Steam heat and oloctrlo lights. Best cuisine. Prompt servlc. H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American plan, fj per day and "PW" lleadauartcra fortourlil. and commercial trae elers? Special ratea made to families and ataglj aentlcmea. The management will be please at all times to show rooms and give prfcee. A saoitrn Turkish batheaublishmeotln the koial. II, c. BOWKBB, J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed properly. Electrical Supplies of all kinds OFFICII-121 WEST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Ktti, etc.. alwaya on hand. TO DE SURE. "Say, Pop, why do they call a prize-fieht a mill?" 'Because it gives work for the hands." Sold T. v - n C;., Druggli ta.