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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1904)
L . . - i Mnnnav. inn icr t. ... 1 1 Iv, f7envcrcoat an Ulster In lhe house at prices 'that cannot be equaled in the state. We have on jundoni) u.ul.uis ana desire to close tneni uui ai utiv( rtuu me louowmg price hould bring a rush to our store. OriKoat. and $ 3 7 C f"08 . h j p liters go at P0.5 ! 00 Overcoats and C ?C Ulstersgoat .75 " . d A'lS Overcoats au.l ,i7E ... n,.rmnt8 anil A AH Tilator. ... I jl VK $3 and $3.50 to your Choice $2.00 r i EE 1 PUTSCH S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA PEBSDHflL MEHTIDH. ji ! mmm tv uru vines ijder Get Sunny. lilppers at 'leutsch's. (nit dally at Martin's. i repairing at Tootach'i !t. (cmUhpil rooms to I out. " street l .ail nr i pniRcn s tut satisfaction at How- loads of cinders for the i; the Domestic Laundry. k1j furnished rooms for Ha, W J Clark's, 70S Raley. f nnti ft. n nlf J ftVUUCUJ B IMU . Jf it 11 hours 'fuone mam j-ar clothes cleaned and . . . lor U'oot rr.rf if phone main 701 when you itri. Ready for service at all a J. MrFaul has moved his of tzs Association block to the TT-njnm iiulci uu iuiuiducu. w All furniture eood. 2 lots. Z I Wade & Son. I . .1 i l.t 1. .1 caaea anu preEsea. j. j zz tasi uouri rweei. i 1UL Til 1IHV Villi r hUUKLl 1 1" l Booths or a year ahead. , t i h it .l.n.t. I on har f.J -.11. 1 . .-.! It mis (intra Get Sunny. TJ c Rader. Fresh taffy at Miller's, Court street. New ready made skirts arriving iuuy at teutsch s. Wool dusters, 10c to 90c. Bicycles and bicycle sundrle.. Nolf',. I' or Rent Four-room house near old Academy. Apply at this office. Fine hlch-crade ntnnn fnr sain I cheap for cash. Address US, care East Oregonlan. High grade organ for sale. Will sell at close price. Address 14C, care I bast Oregonlan. ECHO ELECTION TOMORROW. The "Citizens'" Ticket Has No Op position and Will Be Elected. Echo, Feb. 1. The first municipal election will be held In this city to morrow and as the "Citizens'" tick et Is the only one In the field, It will be unanimously elected. There Is no Issue before the city and the election will mean no change In the conduct of the town. Madge McQuarry Adopted. Madge McQuarry, the little girl over whose misfortunes at the hands of her foster mother there was so much excitement a few weeks ago, has been adopted by her uncle, J. II. McQuarry, of Milton, and was taken to his home this afternoon, he having secured the permission of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Portland, to adopt the child. Your Watch and Jewelry Repairing? . j . . uui wc warn 10, ISdlro ...:n ivu vuu niu guaranteed work puces. HUNZKER Advance Jeweler Busy Golconda. James H. Raley Jibs returned from a trip to Sumpter and the Golconda mines, where he went In company with T. G. Halley to look at '.he property. He reports the mines 'o be In good condition and being worked as they have been for some time past. Development work Is being pushed forward, and the place presents a busy scene. Wood for Vice-President. Some of our democratic contempo raries have mentioned the name of Hon, George E. Chamberlain, our present honored executive, as compe tent material for tl e second place on the national ticket. We are not a democrat, and while we believe him a worthy man in every particular, and one who would go down In da feat with as good grace as any one. yet If we were to state our prefer ence for an Oregonlan, who, If the miraculous should occur, would worthily occupy the position of presf dent of the senate, and add dignity and credit to the second mgnesi po sitlon in the gift of the people, as well as honor to Oregon, we snouia name Hon. C. E. S. Wood, ol Pori land. Even his enemies admire his ripe Intellectuality, and his patriotic, consistent course on an great nauuu al uollcles. however much as republic cans they may differ from him on some questions. The Danes wnrou. Icle. A. D. Mclntyre, of Athena, was a Pendleton visitor today. Horace Walker of Helix, was a visitor In the city today. T. V. Standlson, of Pilot Rock, was a Pendleton visitor today. Trof. J. c. Cherry of Adams, was In the city this afternoon. W. E. Brown, editor of the Echo News was In the city yesterday, George Clay, a stockman of North Powder, Is In the city for a few days. F. Ivanhoe, of La Grande, was In the city today on a short business visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker, of Iji Grande, are In the city the guests of friends, J. A. McRae, a prominent resident of Helix, was In ;ho city today on business. William Mills, n well known real dent of Juniper, Is In the city for a short visit. Ed York, a stockman of North Fork, is In the city fo ra short visit on business. Miss Pearl Payne, of Cove, was the guest of Pendleton friends Saturday and Sunday. J. F. McQuary, of Milton, was a business visitor In the city today for a short time. , J. H. Dunham and wife returned home last evening from an extended visit In I-a Grande. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gulllford, or Gur dane, are In the city for a few days on a business trip. W. C. Burgess, superintendent of the electric light plant, was in Walla Walla yesterday. J. I., McCrary, extra passenger conductor, will take the run vacated by W. H. Kelsey for a few days. J. W. Skiles, representing A. Bower & Co., of Chicago, and a brother of Ernest SUIes. of this city. Is here for a few days. George D. Goodhue, of Salem, is expected to arrive from La Grande tonight to look over the creamery prospects here. W. J. Homer, district agent of the Indiana State Life insurance Com pany, will go to Pilot Rock on bus iness tomorrow. Mrs. D. W. Jackson, of La Grande, spent yesterday In the city with her husband, who has been on the yard engine for several days. Mrs. F. E. Sherman who has been In the hospital for some time under going treatment, has so far recov ered as to be taken to her home. William Blakley went out to nls farm at Eastland this morning. He says the prospect for a bumper crop of wheat was nevei better In Uma tilla. The Misses Alma and Nora Tod hunter, of La Grande, were the guests of friends in the city yester day while on their way home from a visit In Wasnington. PACIFIC COAST LUMBER. Strike While the Iron is Hot One feels lucky indeed that could earn 10 per cent on his money and here right now you can supply your wants at a saving of at least 20 per cent and up to 40 per cent-a clear saving and equal to two years interest; at the very lowest reduction we are mak ing. This 17th Annual Clearance Sale is gaining in momentum each day. Satisfied customers are bring ing their friends. Money to be saved in Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Wants More Trib. F Foster. San Francesco, Cal., 2nd, 1903, writes: "Please find L. Feb. enclosed draft for $15U.00f Send me one dozen treatments of Trib.' The druggists here say tney nave orders In they can't get lilled. Why Is this? I took Trib myself last June and never felt better In my life than I do now. I have gone down In weight to 195 pounds and never think of liquor or tobacco any more. I know of 23 cures you could get reference from, if you caro to write for them. Be sure to send me twelve Tribs at once; I want to send them to Honolulu." T ......... HOTEL DE FARMER A.. KUNKEL (8, Co., Proprietors Invested at Welser, Frank Robinson, who recently sold his Interest In the shooting gal lery and amusement parlors on Main street, returned last night from a visit to Welser, Idaho, where he has bought an amusement parlor with a large side trade of soft drinks, can dles and tobacco. He will make ar rangements for removing bis family to Weiser, where they will reside in the future. Not good-enough if Schil ling's Best is not so good as you thought, tell your grocer you want your money. CREAM OF TARTAR We have to keep the chemically pure kind 'r medicine. The same kind is none too Eod for cooking. Many good cooks buy this ar'icle here to, 15, 30 and 60 cent packages. ur aim is to sell drugs and chemicals that a'e just a little better than you find in every drug store. The -Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS Greatest Activity in History of tne Trade In 1903. The Oregon Tlmberman for Jan uarv clu?s the following Interesting resume of the lumber business on ths Padfln roast for the past year: "hie first seven months of 1903 showed the greatest activity In lum- hpr pver known on the Pacific coa3i. The last five months have shown the Inevltab e reaction due to uisturuea financial conditions and labor uneasl- npsK throughout the unitea btaies, eonnlod with an aggravated car short age and overproduction. Despite these unsat sfactory conuiuons ine luiuuei Industry of the Pacific coast has prnwn. Is irrowlner and will continue. Elsewhere in mis issue w found exhaustive and interesting statements concerning every urancn of the lumbering business, treated frnm nil standDolnts. rut of Column a River uasin min for 1903 will approximate COO.000,003, of which Portland cut auj.uvu.uuu a"" Astoria 45,500,000 feet. The cut of the state will approximate 1,000,000, 000 feet. The cargo trade from the Columbia river for 1903 aggregated 171,677,003 feet of lumber, as compared with 134,056,789 feet in 1902, an Increase of 30,920,814. . ., This gain was largely attributable to the shortage of cars. Portland still retains her prestige with 361,000,000 feet as the largest lumber producing tity on the coast. The foreign shipments showed a gain of 12,607,161, and the domestic an Increase of 24.313,653 feet. The foreign cargoes were distributed as follows: srIon- 22pB 23.4t4.277 South Africa 10 JJ.WWM Russian Asia C 13,544,717 Manila c 6,156,827 South America 5 liiAo2 Australia 2 2,346,402 United Kingdom .... 1 J-J'SJ? British India j 100$- Oceanla 1 542.J23 Total 52 C4,680,2S1 Of the domestic shipments 35,100,- 000 feet went to lower taiiiiiri points and some 72,O0U,uuu teei 1 oau Francisco, an Increase of a little over 10 000 000 feet for San Pedro and dls. trlct, and about 14,000,00 for San Francisco. ,, Of the lumber shipped from the Co lumbia river 40,909,045 feet wer3 from lower Columbia river points, and the remainder, 60,088,177. from Portland. Of the foreign, all but 907.571 feet was from Portland." Rockefeller Will Now York. Feb. 1.- Resign, -It Is under stood on the street today that at the meeting of the steel trust tomorrow Rockefeller will resign from the board, leaving his Interests to he managed by his sou, Working for Another Firm. Sol Baum, who for a long time has been employed In the Alexander De partment stoie, has accepted a po sition with the E. M. Lyons .Mercan tile Company, and will be found hereafter In the clothing department of that place, Grand Chancellor In Town. Emll Waldman, wiu grand chan cellor of the Knghts of Pythias of Oregon, Is in the city for his official visit to the lodge. He Is on his an ual tour of Inspection and will meet with the lodge this evening. MENU A la Barb Wire Poultry Netting NtlU SOIU' Hog Wire ItKIiIHHKS Leather anil Rubber Belling Lacu Leather Bolts ICope Uaule JacKson f ork BOILED Rubber Tire Buggies with Cushion Tires Ciirrlngea with Leather TrlnmiiiiKH Hurrays with Cloth 'dimming ENTKEE8 Wllsnn Moline Buggies with Shaft Wilson Mollne Hacks with Pole Jno. Deere Buggies with Top. Jno. Deere Hacks with Brake Moline Wagon with l!ox&S;;t. Challenge Wagon with' U 1 tirHprluca ROABT Jno. Deere Caug Plow Pie limited John Deere Walking Plows Boiled Jno Deere DUc Plows, Caper Hauce Jno. Deere Lever Harrows with Jno. JJeerc Disc Harrow Fritters M until room Sauce Home Drawing VEGETABLES Forks Hoes Rakes Boiled buggy Cushions HA I, A I) Wagoji Jack Salad Wheelbarrow Salad DESSERT Minneapolis Threshing Machine Pie Uelitcr Threshing Maclne Pudding Deerlng Harvesting Machinery with Cake Sickle Sections. Sickle Knives. Sickle Heads. Rivets. Repairs We also carry Plows, Mowers, Rakes, Binders and Headers. Re pairs in seatou. Cutlery... Had the Grip. E. M. Lyons, of the St. Joe Store, Is out again after a short and severe attack of the grip. While he Is yet under the weather, he Is by an ef fort, at his desk In the store. Gray Horse W nted. James O. Reeves Company want one work horse; samo must be gray. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Uiitlit Bromo Quinine Tablet!. All dnurrliu refund tb. mon.r II It fall to cure E n. uroTe'i iifniinr. on wji ac Keen-cutting instruments that keep their odges. Carving Sets, Butcher Knives, Broad and Oake Knives. Largo lino of Pocket KniveB, all sizes, plain and fancy handles. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Helpfulness Is happiness. 1 i 621 Main St. The Boston SHOE STORE Another shipment of the RED SCHOOLHOUSE SHOES ($2.50 pair) just received. $J.25lfor sUc 6 to 5 $.50forsfee8to 1 1 $1.75 for sfce U to 2 $2.00 for size 2 to 3 We are selling of this shoe two pairs this year to one pair last. Why ? People have found tnat . .. I I. they wear uetter, 111 ucuci, iuu better, price better. Better Get a Pair The children want this kind. Toes in wide or narrow style ; low heels, with and without hooks. Sewed with silk. PLUMBING Out Work and the Bill Will stand comparison with the best of 'em. The work is as near perfec tion as humans can attain the price therefor as cheap as anybody should expect. We do all kinds of sani tary plumbing and gas fitting, and charge you not immoderately, Let us estimate on your next necessity in our line. W. J. CLARKE & Co. jTFurt Street DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Boston Shoe Store Made at home Try "Pendleton Boqaet" :nd "Pride of Umatilla." A. ROHDE, Make