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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1904)
ft DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1904. W 1 "G. S. E.,M THE NEW CARD GAME-35c THE NOLF STORE How Aboot A baby Go-Cart ? Only re liable make sold here $11.90 to $19.00 Garden Seeds A fresh stock, that we are certain will prow. Why stnd away for ieuds shen orr home prices arc much lower. New Things Arriving: Butter bowls, 15c, 20c and New curling irons. 5c and 9c Baskets, all styles Lunch baskets, sewing baskets, infants' baskets, etc Bicycles Crescent and Ramblers $22.50 op the cry of his nrturc ngalnst the) curses which led his life downwnrd, and should ring forever In the oars of parents. INDORSES STRAIN. E&EEIMBM C V. Strain, assessor of Umatilla county. Oregon. Bsscssod, tho rail-, roads In that county at 112,000 aj nine nxui nimie ms HKHfKuuiu shi-k , after a hard fight before the county hoard of equalization, In tin able ad dress delivered before the lioard As sessor Strain proved that In most .f the. eastern states railroads earning much smaller dividends than the , roads traversing Umatilla county are nssessed at from 325.0M) to 550.000 n mile. According to a decision of the United States supreme court, he market value of a railroad's stock and bonds may be considered in de termining the value of a mile rf track SETS THE SKIN ON FIRE No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, and bnrns like E-cma llcc-innine; often with n slight redness of the skin it gradually bread's followed bv pustules or blisters from which n gummy, sticky fluid oozes which dries mid scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. Jt np pears on different parts of the body but oftenest upon the back, arms, hands, legs nnd face, and is a 180(J T cxperlollcoa ttt Urae paoho on tlia in. veritable torment at .m. 0 my naniM mm iiciiea ana uurnoa, oautin times, especially at night or when over heated. The cause of Ecze ma is a too acid and general unhealthy con dition of the blood. The terrifying itching and burning is pro duced by the overflow through the glands ami As time want hi- and I oonrinocd that on ways and means asked for bids on nnd this paper made a Items of job printing and publishing legal notices. NEWSPAPER. ! two items of job printing and ' '" f , a on ways and me ifokSt 'he printing an, ' S- 1 bid on the two EAST In Walla Walla county nnd throughout the state, according to an ncroement for uniform assessments The of railroad property made by a state tbe convention of assessors with fre passes In their pockets, the highest iwsslble way connected. No possible trackn ' anA H run8 as ow ns S2 OREGONIAN PUBLISHING 1 comparison of figures from any "ex- imIO per mile for side tracks. As COMPANY. pert" can make a common basis for sessor Strain was also tendered a the price of the two Items. The job Iree 'ass- Dm m sn"e 01 ,lIUU np naa much clUcomfort, ,r r-m' unrRn. anu I ve nBllctra wiin iclimi. l con ml. ml kikVArul tihy siclaus and a niim ber of Bpt-clall'ta, and uod Bftveral ex ternal applications, rsoctvinir but liclit taniporarr relief. In February I decided t j try 8. B. 8., and in le than n month I experienced a chance lor the bettor, and by May all symptoms had dUupponred, nnd I found my aolf entire ly cured, anil havo had no return of Manacer Stockman' AdvortUinjr Ak'ency. Btatlon A, Kansas City, Mo. pores of the skin of the fiery poss w,th which the blood -curreut is over 1 loaded. While external applications, such as washes, soaps, salves ana povvners nresooi ning nna cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or touch "the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S. does, and purifies, enriches, and strengthens the i AN INDEPENDENT .,..,. , . .,..., c.m.i.K I Publication of these notices are In no I uviraimi tivij BiiiiHwvu - 1 1 - j at fendleton. Urtson. br the thin acid blood nnd cleanses nnd builds up me general h-mbu, wnen uie skin clears off and Eczema with nil its terrifying symptoms disappears, cvmi f.,r our free book on the Skin and its diseases. .o charge for Send medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. 'PBod, Main 11. J3 00 or t.000 blanks, or specified Items, Y'S. while the advertising Is an entirely sess railroads or the same basis as other classes of property. sunscmiTiox katf.s. Dalit, uue rear br mall Dally, "li month. tr malt n.iiv. an- month hr mail .50 separate item and Is bid on at so wX!or0T-r ma"'"..:.:::: LSOuieh pr inch or line and cannot be Weei.1;. ti months by mall ; connected with the job printing. The Iluhl. .An. m.infh. hr mill 0 . 1 deml-w'eeslr. one jear "by mall " oo ' Tribune's bid on the job printing was state, had the moral courage to sus- S?5'-W.!:!Z ?' th n, 'S' the lower of the two and it should ain the assessment made by Mr i have that work. The Umatilla county board if eqtifli'ation. although tendered t-ih passes Just as freely as they are cu en to county commissioners ' In 'his Tf Vr Orunlan L ea tale at It. R Ulch' Ner Stanrt at Uotel l"ortland and , gonian U1IU 111 IIUI IUU?CUI ,U it, I JMfef,,,,,., Hut the East Ore- bid lower on the advertising Uemtwr Scrlpp Mt-IUe tloa Sw AU'Xll- depriving it of Its just dues. It is - u. ! just a plain business deal and must San KraiKlico llarran. 0 I'oorth St. . Chlcajo liarvau. au'J inrttj Uolldlng. be conducted honestly. Five tents an Waatnnstuc D. C. llureau. 501 Htb St., inch for the advertising is less than w C cents and thore Is no way In which tntrd at 'Dca111SJoaffimce " ,on''-1 the committee can explain Its act. except to admit of a Job. Will the council Indorse this committee's act Strain. Too bad Washington rouUl , not have a Strain in every county to serve as assessor and an extra suit ply to serve as county boards i f equalization Walla "Walla States man. AN EXCITING TIME need not lead you to forget this fact and it ts a fact- that we can wash our shirt clean, starch it properly and iron it so that when finished and out of our hands you will be glad to wear it Further, what applies to linen serves to show with equal truth fulness what we can and will do with anything else you leave with us for laundering. Goods called for and delivered THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY NO CURE FOR PNEUMONIA. UWIONgUjLAbEL "Drug treatment Is useless in cas"s of pneumonia. The medical prore--slon. so far as medicines arc ton cerned. can be of no assistance In the fight against "this disease. The or will It insist on the same common sooner the profession will acknowl hnnwitv In this mnttfr which marks this to the public and se- 'o the council's dealings in alt other business matters? There was a day when a preacher could appeal to his hearer and awaken his heart f to praise ..ecause God had saved him. while thousands , had ben left to perish; but today the hearer would firmly suspend his praise for his own salvation till he knew what , was going to become of other people. Dying people of 30 . years ago were solely con- cerned with the question of what would become of them- selves on the other side: dy- ine men of today forget them- Portland clergymen nor churches are neither unanimous against Sun day opening of the Lewis and Clark fair. They are about equally divided on the subject, showing earnest thought is engaging mlndB. One of the greatest features work to discover -some specific to save pneumonia patients, the l-"tor for all concerned." This startling statement by D; - D. Bevan. who stands high In the profession, has stirred up the mem bers of the Chicago .Medical society at their meeting , Several physicians sprang to ihe.r that deep, feet to protest against this arrain- their ment. All had to niimit. nowever. that there is no definite remedy known, and they based their pro of tne lair wtii be tne euucationai tests solelv on tne contentlon that opportunities it will afford and those they might influence the patient "lie that blowcth tiDt hisotvn horn the same shall not be blown" WhenDinner 's Ready who are denied the enjoyment of these opportunities by closed gates on Sunday will be deprived of the u- selves in thinking of what preme blessing or tne lair to tne peo- wlll become of their wives ; pie of the world. Association and ed and children on earth. Ap- . . ucation are narts and narcels of pro-' and are necessary to pro-' favorably by easing somewhat and by the moral eftect of their presence. CHILD LADOR. for his lordship's He bad played levee. peals to the individual to es- . . . He bad played for nls lauysnip s cape hell with its suffering. ."". whim- to make sure of the joys of sress. If the fair were closed on Till the jtoor little head grew heavy, heaven, have very little effect , Sunday, thousands of poor people in ' And the poor little brain would today. Ian Maclaren. , Portland would know no more of the swim. .:. A ; sreat world and 1,8 beauties and re- And the face grew aniJ cerie , sources alter tne exposition closes, nd tne large A SNAKE IN THE GRAaa, , than before it opens. It will have bright . , ..,. ' no meaning to them, with The base and groundless attack of , closed And eyes strange and -too late "He is the Morning Tribune upon the char acter of Judge Hartman, should make the community shudder to think of the results of a newspa- they said weary He shall rest for, at least tonight. Who will deliver the address of i welcome to the meeting of the State But I one must tell these people of the . moral and spiritual beauty of the city at dawn when waking. As they watched room. With tbe sound of breaking, A something snapped In the gloom. the birds were In the silent a strained cord Christian Endeavor Society, when it per. no matter how small a little cir-jcomeg hefe on February 197 cle of partisans it reaches, in tne hauds of an Irresponsible man. To serve me interesis oi a " , whlch they. have elected to hold noilticians to whom it owes its exis-, . . m,,n -m friomiiv hnnrt . Twas a string of his violoncello tence. It must scandalize and attack. I o enCouragement and good cheer In a facetious and would-be humor- j mim b? elteDde0 t0 thls band ous manner, the character o thin , christlan worker. Some stirring; honored citizen whom the merest And they heard him stir in bis bed, Make room for a tired little fellow. Kind God" was the last he said. Austin Dobson i Vflll' III If 1 1, II I Will Ullll ISfinilllH U1I1ML circumstance has connected with the i h on ,h , ,va, , h j .i .n.,innni n.hf in itc nwn , 1 There is no one like the assessor pitiful factional fight in Its on ( melropo8 of Easter Oregon. Tnej. make one forget tnp Party- ! should le made to feel welcome and he learned at mother's knr Judge Hartman witnessed some af- j PenlJle.on must lmpre8S Uself so In : ficiavits in the unfortunate govern-1 Aemy upon tbe,r mndg tnat ,hey JMjj HaT6 Kidn6T mo,, tntirl ripals made bv the Cud- i ""-" ( win go ) wiin me ueieriuiu-iiuu T.-ll J (., P.,- 11 ningham employes last summer. Het0 retur and enjoy the n08pltallty II0IB16 iM -BSPfiCl IL did not pass upon the character o. of tfae cUy Iuture conventlons, the affldavlts, was in no posioie way connected with the filings, except Bow To Find Oat. Till a bottle or common glass with your that the register of the land office j senators are paid 20 cents per mile di'tcted him to take the affidavits going and coming to and from Wash of tbe homesteaders. Ington, on their official duties, each Taking advantage of this trivial session of congress. Because this circumstance, the Tribune falsely In regular session of congress was pre slnuates that Judge Hartman is ! ceded by an extra session, a bill was guilty of some part in the Cunning-1 presented by which the members ham land difficulty and would be- were to receWe double mileage, al smirch his name and bring humllia- j though not one of them left their tion upon his respected family, at the -seats In the halls of congress while ,. TI,, o,... water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; Congressmen and United States ns'iim,tnrt- tliniindicatesan unhealthy con dition of tbe kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the .back is also convincing proof that tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To So. n., ... f l...,tutr,n GA command of Its bosses. In hopes that tbe clock was striking the extra ses- ofle expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's its slanderous attack will elevate it 'slon out and the regular session In. Swamp-Root, the' great kidney remedy, in the eyes of a few politicians whose' It is pleasure to say that the bill fulfills every wbu in curing rheumatism, ' , ' , , , , ' . c.j i pain ill the lack, kidneys, liver, bladder patronage It must have to exist. was defeated on Saturday evening, yery 'o urinary passage. Knhnrir accuses the editor of the I not a single vote being cast In its n rorrects inability to hold water favor. The popular outcry against It and scalding jam in passing it, or oau ... .. . effects followinu use of liquor, wine or was so inner mat even its auvocates . , . ovwnu. that t unleasai 4 4 THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. . IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR. GAINS. BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE MOST TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE. WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLASS OF PEOPLE HE WANTS FOR PATRONS, WILL BRING' HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HIS MOST SANGUINE EXPECTA. TIONS. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS IS THE EAST OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN SEND THEIR MESSAGE 'DI RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOMES OF PENDLETON MOST OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING LET THE BUSINES8 MAN SHOW THESE PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HI8 GOOD8, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN SE. CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BUSINESS. 4 Tl of a houle pnrchaJ LO Oner-,,. 1 oi oak, p. $3ooo, and she plv Per month ' PlntoJtonBi;.-.,J?,M ii n.... ...u.mnWIlllt 'RIHORN&SwS "nuiotucJ RonlD,T,,i(R1 E. D. B Has Real EstafcW REAL ESTATE raging from most modem udl Plllllniwxl TT-an.U.. 1 iu the litnlu of IhJ of t'eudltton.udlJ farm of a fewiiJ cood alfalfa Uj tliniwnfifta nf . wheat laud. Callo Address C. D. BOYD. Ill I AIM Pendlktox, 0n Residence and oS:tl Block. Phone Red ipl Our specialty F and Extracting. I T Tribune of writing the vllllfylng edi torial on Judge Hartman. It was beyond his ability. But he certain ly authorized its publication after having it written by some hireling who has been busy in other climes looking for "hush" money all these years while Judge Hartman has been devoting his life to rearing and pro viding lor an honored family and building up the institutions of Uma tilla county. The East Oregonlan asks for plain, unvarnished justice at the bands of lieer. and overcomes that unpleasant lie- did not dare place themselves on rec- ccssity of being compelled to go often ord for it. during the day, and to get up many times uuring wic mum. auc um u H,.rv pwt i,1B. ilPfnr lmlne the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root 1i7m1. It stands tbe h'lL'hest hansed In Salem last Friday, said: for jU WOmlerful cures of tbe most dis "Take me as a mark. Keep your tressing cases. If you need a medicine children off the streets and above all. ttX2 out of the saloons. Bad .alslng and y,m may iiave a kamplc bottle and a .-. .. I tlmt IlU nil fTJK'' cause of my downfall." Facing eter- nil)-, couhcIoub of the enormity of Kilmer & Co,, liiiiK' It Ik rrlmna n nrl rortltv inn. th nuff:it liamtOU. N. Y. WllCU llimt)t BnmfVcU. .,...,!... i , ... . ..... i writing mention this paper and don't lienalty. he was about to pay. hg- ,.. i 'nlemw tlie the council apd will be satisfied with i bert's tragic sermon from tho Bcaf- name. Dr. Kilmer's SwamjvRoot, and nothing less. The council committee fold camo from his heart It was the address, Uingliamtou, N. Y. I Good Work is the Cheapest Have your sewer connections made and your sewer work done by an experienced man who guarantees his work. Work entrusted to me is never slighted If you place your job in my hands it will be done right and at a resonable price. Pooi sewer work means a continuous expense, while first-class work lasts a lifetime and causes no trouble or additional costs. Con sult me before you give an order for your work, ' H. F. SHULTZ i Office, JuddBaildlng, Room J2. Phone Black J30J m mni4mii i mm i utfi im ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. YOU MAY 1N IKNII IIUILUINO orllnii It necewMiry to ltKJ'LACE A YVUIIX-OUT IlOtIK ELATERITE ROOFING lakes tn, place of shingles, tin, iron, tar aad gravel, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay Tempert for all climates. Reasonable In cosL Sold on merit Ouaran teed. It will pay to ask for pricoBand Information . .... THE ELATERITE ROOFINQ CO. Worcester Building. Portland Building Mate OfallDescri j Sash, Doors Isn Made to order paper, lime, cemeni and sano wouu b-i barns and dwelling talty, Oregon Ltj Yard Alta St, Opp- Court! CANTY'S Amusement a nlpasant place .tol " ' ....r snare timl Pool Shoottog ' Bov And other P MUSIC EVERY ' r k i ion M4 V T7 UH IS THt yr Bear rJTSuA need vf&Vga Inte . and - KOU1UJ - niir kow Kure w bles. r I'aPS r:t Arentfor W"-- Thi ?!'7rrvW TOUnu