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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1904)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1904. Opening Sale BECOMING Is an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compared with the pain and horror of A MOTHER Fabrics Silks, Dress Goods, Rcady-to- Wi Xa If nr-TVTa At Q..U nf,: i j . . . cmiiMmth. Thethoutrht I, ;V, m,.u ."nger m store for her, robs the expectant mother 5, MOTHER'S For Spring, 1 904 fbofey Tuesday Wednesday DEPARTMENT STORE 18 PEOPLE 18 Military Band and Orchestra Popular Prices -35c, 5oc. and 75c Scats on sale Monday at Brock & McComas. THE BEST THE M08T WHOLESOME PROPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR The Standard of Excellency. W. S. Byers, Proprietor. French umuig rariore fniehed RoomB in Couectlon rv I i iruu n . '7 vwi YOU eve that beet of Wood find with COLLIER DRY WOOD Kinds sound wood delivered at F Cash. Minimis 4t Nentnnn'e " Store. OltKGONIAN iS"? of , newspapers. CSD M CD- Ljfesyou arc lnviteci to can ana see the latest Eastern in Wash fanncs, suns, uress Uoods, Tailor made j.'.nlo fnr vour insneetinn. nil . . I o3 J " " "tcpiiona'iy t . Ladies Tailor-made Suits, all the new Eastern styles, &t Yon will be wonderfully surprised when you see t0I suits and when you learn how cheap we have priced iLEXANDER'S ---- LAZER THEATRE K. J. Taylor, M(tr. Jtrst One Night, Tuesday, Fefc. 2nd 3. F. STOWE'S Mammoth Scenic Production of Nights in a Barroom N WYCOFF AS "JOE MORGAN" NERS' BEST FLOUR I k I f 1M Will I Hk Villi INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies tand at the head of the list. Asset Hartford Fin Insurance Co 12,2o9,0"t Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,9fi.5 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,68 North British 4 Mercantile c Co ... 19,696,974 RoyaYinsuronce Co 22,897,165 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT U2 EAST COURT ST. Save Money On Your Meat BUI Being a stock raiser on Birch creek I do not have to buy In ferior cattle, but have prime stock of my own raising for the block. You will get better meat and more of it for less money at my shop than any where else In town. S. Warner, Prop. NEW MILARKEY BLDG. West Court Street rbone Main 1981 Schedule of PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage Line tvii rlrw between Pendleton and UkJah except Suuday. Stage leaves arrives at Pendleton 6 p.m. dloion '""l SSS &$, Pendleton to Otfk Brock (C McComas Drug Store m Colonel Hlgglns, who lectures OREGON SHEEPMEN WOOL AT "A subject of great interest to sheepmen is the preparing of wool for market," says C. H. Harding, a wool manufacturer of Philadelphia, in an address which has attracted a great deal of attention In the north west. "When first I began to han dle wool for combing purposes the rule was generally stated and care fully observed that whatever came off a sheep in handling him under the shears must be wrapped in the fleece and go to market with It. "It is not to the rigid enforcement of this princlpi , but rather to acci dent that I attribute the thousands of 'finds' that have come to notice In opening fleeces unwashed pieces from unwashed fleeces, and fre quently of entirely different quality, old shoes, overalls, brickbats, pieces of harness, cobble stones, shears and cow bells. The principle still seems to obtain that fleeces must be so put up that they must carry the sheep's whole wardrobe and perhaps some of his surroundings. "In fact, we are on the level of the growers of Morocco, Thibet. Turkey and China, with one exception. These countries being largely under the commercial Influence of England, have followed, more or less, her practices In putting up the individual fleece and so they are free from the singular confusion of ideas that pre vail. "The value of wool, from a manu facturer's standpoint, is- the worth for bis purpose of a scoured pound of the article he uses; what he may pay for the pound in the grease Is a sec ondary matter. And this raises a most important question as to what can be done at the place of shearing in the way of classifying wool for market, If, Indeed, you can do any thing In this country. I "It has been suggested that we ox amine the method In use in Austra lia, which has also been adopted In South America, without being there carried Into such minute detail. The governing principle is that the aver, age price realized for a properly classified clip Is always more than the price It would bring in bulk, plus the cost of classing at the shearing floor, and I thoroughly believe the same will be the case here when once we pass the experimental stage. "And .now we return to the ques tion of what Is possible and likely to prove profitable here. The points to be considered are: First, can wool be put up at the shearing; point Jn such shape that mills buying in lots or 25,000 or 50,000 pounds can get the thine wanted? Now, they must buy here mostly In bulk and chance the disposal of the unsuitable (how ever good It may be for some other mill) or they must buy from the Eastern wool house. "And It seems perfectly possible that the gray and black, the bellies and loose' locks, the heavy tags, might be taken out, packed and branded, separately. Then it might do to take off the coarse part lying on the hips and shanks of each fleece, sometimes a very small part, and pack separately as 'skirts,' The fine and medium, together or sepa rately could be divided into 'comb ing' and 'clothing,' putting into the former only the sound fleeces with NATURE SPARE8 Tk Stricken Hose From Grief. What a fortunate provision of nature It l, that deprives the rose of mental iufle'rlngi for how polgria nt would be Us grief to discover. In the height of U blooming glory, that a canker fed at Its het and I that Us beauty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature always "pares the sufferings she Is a veritable store-house of pleasing rewards, for those who seelc her aid. In the years t. ratline hair and grayness have cast a gloom over the lives of thousands , of young women, dui iuw w vestlgatlona of scientists the true cause of hair destruction Is now known to be a germ or parasite that burrows Into the hair follicles. Newbro's Herplclde absolutely destroys- this germ, thus permitting the hair to grow as na ture Intended. Bold by leading drug gists. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. F, W. Schmidt, special agent at the Frazer Tonight. MUST CLASSIFY THE SHEARING PENS two Inches or more of length of staple. The medium and low med lum, together or separately, could be divided In the same way, making three (3) inches the dividing line between combing and clothing. Quality, Name and Ranch. "Branding the bales with the qual lty, the name and ranch name of the grower, you have something ready for a market that could take much of It 'as Is,' and at Its value to the mill, if the mills could be put In touch with your market place. But no plan conceived will put all the wool marketed, into all the mills that may use it, so as to turn it into cash on any particular date or any one season of the year. "There will be mistakes and dis appointments, and some failures, In the trials of any new plan like this over so wide an area, by so many different men, but the fact of Its con- I tlnued success elsewhere Is guaran i tee of like success here, when you shall try It with earnest, patient per slstence. And If the next 30 years shall witness a progress In your in I your methods at all comparable to I your progress In the last 30 years In I other matters pertaining to tne wodI 1 clip. Its history will be second to ' that In no other country In the world." How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Itetvard for anr cas.- of catarrh that cannot be cuied by Hall's Catarrh Cuie. r J. CIIILNUV & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We. the underslsned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 ear, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction and financially able to carry out anr obligations made by their firm. WKKT & TliUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALKING. KIXNAN 4 MAKVIN. Whole sale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. . , Hall's Family Pills are the best. GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT. Eastern States Spend Enormous Sums on Wagon Roads. Four states, New York, Massachus etts, New Jersey and Connecticut have In the pa6t 10 years spent a bo it $10 000.000 as state aid for building wagon roads. About $6,000,000 has been added to this sum by the coun ties and towns where the state roads were built, and about 2.C00 miles of state roads have been completed hi these four states. Pennsylvania last year appropriated $0,500,000 for the building of state roads. Wherever state roads have been built the selling price of farm lands haa been Increased from 20 per cent to 50 per cent, and even more The 2.500 miles Of state road already built have been of such benefit to the farmer that tney have caused a great demand for moro good road. EMi-. ctntoa fnnnH it ennd to aid in the building of wagon roads by state appropriations. Why should not the noilnnnl privnrnmpllt fliri In bulldlnR roads In every state of tho union? Congressman Brownlow of Tennessee has answered this question by Intro 4i,.ine ln ,finvri.tii a Mil annrODriat- Ing $24,000,000 as national aid for building wagon roads. This sum Is available at the rate of $8,000,000 a year for three years, and Is distributed to each state according to Its population, except that no state shall receive less than $260,000. The states or counties receiving this money must add a like amount. This appropriation will build between 6.000 and 7.0U0 miles of splendid national road In each state of the union. It seems to many farmers that it Is tlnio for the national government to aid them and they nopo me nm win come a law. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruines, Burns, Scalds. Sore feet or stiff Joints. But there's no need for It Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill tho pain and euro the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Hies. 25? at Tallman & Co., drueE'st"- contatning valuable information Tbe Bradfiold Regulator Co., Atlanta, BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE 880 acres, ?11 fenced; good well, 244 feet deep, windmill; engine; land all broko but 70 ncres. 4C0 acies crop. Halanco to bo sunnuor fallowed. Three-room house- Cistern, 10x20 feet, built on high ground. Machine shed, 14x40 feet. Bam, 14x40 feat. Wheat shed, 12x20 feet. Adams County 9 miles of N. P. R. It. Down hill road. Inquire of C. W. CRABILL Connell . . Wash. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. W. Houser, city. It. D. Fulton, Portland. George F. liobertB, Portland. H. W. B. Smith, Baker City. Pearl Payne, Cove. W. Lewis and wife, San Francisco. Jennie McKlnney, Walla Walla. Alma Todhunter, l.a Orando. Nora Todhunter, l.a Orande. T. O. Hllbourne, Chicago. F. J. Tllden, Denver. D. C. Compton, Walla Walla, B. L. Norden, Portland. John Beaton, Kansas City, A. I). Chase, Portland. E. Marks, Portland. J. A. Luckrcl, Portland. II. M. Wolf, New York. F. A. Peters, Portland, E. Golden, Spokane. A. J, Hafl, Spokane. It. II. Caston, Spokane. F. M. Farland, Portland. W. D. Marks, Spokane. B. U Tatum and family, city. C. W. Cotton, San Francisco. E. It. Apt, Kansas City. F. Ivanhoe, I.a Grande. Hotel Bickers. T. V Standlson, Pilot Hock. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Walker, l.a Grande. Mrs. McCornell, Baker City. Ed York, North Fork. George Clay, North Powder. W. E. Brown, Echo. C. J.. Cole, Sealtlu. A. 1). Mclntyre, Athena. V. S, Williams, Portland. Jap Guilford and wife, Gurdane. O, A. Cannon, Athena, J. E, Cannon, Athena, George I). Fordham, Portland, MrB. G. W. Hamond, Denver. Miss Mazlo Huinoiii, Denver. Mrs. M. A. Cochran, Uenver, Cyril Gagnon, Walla Walla. Grace Dewoy, Michigan. Edward Helm, Portland. J. A. Mcltae, Ilellx. N. V. Conned, Seattle. Mrs. Spenso and family, Umatilla, E. Wolf, Portland. Clyde Baker, Portland. Hotel St. George. George T. Coyne, Portland, J. D. Scharff, Portland. J. It, Fulllnlnder, Spokano. William Taylor, fShoshono. A. W. Hall, Asbury, J. J. Burns, Portland, Otis Turner, Weston. W. O, Ilrldgeman, Halt Lako City, Harry C. Moore, San Francisco. Max Jackson, North Yakima, Charles Gould, Portland. C L. Dament, Spokane. William Damo, Portland. Joe Dodson and wife, Spokano, H, P. Jackson, Portland. J. II. Dayton, Portland. Mergles, wana wanu Dell 8, I-ashet, Portland. ii.j. ... 1 .... ..laatliii, WMtllH tin all right W) long as tho other fellow bad some or uie say in giving i order. Drink ream It Is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY free. Ga. T .El Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. To tho Pcoplo of Pendleton: As San Prnnc'sco druggists person ally acquainted whu tho facts wo aro asked to certify to you tho curability of chronic Bright's DUease and Dia betes, and however unreasonable- It may seem to you, yet such Is tho fact. Up to n year ago wo novor heard of a gcnulno case of chronic llrlght'B Disease or Diabetes recovering. Now It Is a common occurrence In this city. A great dlsvovery has undoubt edly been made. Many prominent pco plo horo havo recovered and every one of us whoso names nro appended hereto havo cither uad recoveries among our customers or huvo genu ino chronic cases now recovering. And tho percentage ' of efficiency seems to bo very high, for thcro aro very few failures. Yours, etc., Ferry Drug Co, Lion Drug Co. i Ittalto Drug Co. E. W. Joy. C. F. Fuller. Green & Whlto. Kllboumo's Pnurmacy. Hamuli's Pharmacy. A, Dl Nola. A. O. Schmidt. Kltblor'H Pharmacy. Owl Drug Co. Central Pharmacy. Dopot Pharmacy, Potts Drlg Co. II. H. Dlckhoff. F. A. Gny. C. I). Zello. C. B. Foolur. N, Schwartz. A, E. Scamtnell. and many others. Tho nbovo refers to tho newly dis covered Fulton Compounds, tho first cures tho world has over seen for Bright's Discnso and Dlabotcs. We nro solo agents. Ask for paniphlcL F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy. 8TR0NQ TE8TIMONY. This Is Pendleton Testimony and Will Stand Investigation. If you should doubt tho following and wish to Investigate, you haven't to go to some other state In tho union to prove It. It's not a long story pub lished In Pendleton newspapers about a nuldent In Kalamazoo, Mich., or Tampa, Ha. It's about a rosldent ol Pendleton and given in his own woroi. No stronger proof can bo bad, II A ThfimhHnn r,,flr,ri whn livps on Stonewall Jack'sou street, tays: "My kidneys troubled mo by spells ftr 10 wnra nnd nt nllrh tlmns with a steady dull aching across my back. I used largo quantities of various kinds of medicines said to bo good for It, but tboy nover benefltod mo nn that I muld notice It. Fi nally I got a box of Doan's KIdnoy Pills at the Jirock ac Mcuomaa to. drug store and J found thorn to be tr what I nnoded. Thov went right to tho spot and not only rollovod my backacne, but curea it perranueuHj. I will l.n nnlv ton nteesed to toll others about the merits of this reme dy." . For sale by an oeaiers. rnce ou ccntB per box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y,, aolo agents for the United Statos. Remember the name DOAM b and take no other. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It lead and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. It Is th advertlslng med.Jm of this section.