DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 190. sfoiess Cards and Societies I ,5SI0NS ANB I uno, urnutTTICALLY ARRANGED, I PHYSICIANS. j ATTORNEYS. i -TT nFFlCB IN JUDD U :JSiSS ; 0?U. m..n 1571. 10 to 13 a. m. -TTb; dhsi'ain iilock. Vr .vTrrwtn eye trounies, ca- M-fSST'fltt'SS for refractive er- .. mam ion. - ".vnn OFFICE OVEIt fl" Savins bank. Telephone W'r.-i.niione. main 1001. u. d. noMEornATic d surgeon. O files In Judd T.wohon Office, black 1411; nV PaRRV, ATTORNEYS AT I w "taHdlot FEF" LAW 0FFICE Dl, Ill I.AIM.Y & LOWlXL, ATTORNEYS AT law. OfBce in Despiln block. HALLEIIAY & SIcCOURT. LAVYFI1J ii soclatlon bulldlne. 'ii.i!S. AS- N. It E R K E LE ATTO RX E Y AT I aw Office In Saving, tort building. LAW rZflvVU ROOM IT ASSOC! A ?( Te enboue main 031; tesl- t I"' -tpvnnitSOX. PHYSICIAN It office In Savings , Hank Lnta ufflce 'pbonc, main '1411 ; , BU1B u . . r T' r- Ptinnvip I'iSd bulldlne corner Main aud rslbv 0(e llLon,,' maa '21: ,in - ZTElXS IIOONE. 03TEOPATII. P strnt. between Cour Mu. ''bone BUck 102 Ncr- DENTISTS. . , ctTOnt'nu nfiln KEJ. "J""'"""'" Bill ,uati "- Kcms.,nnsTiBT. orrira in l.'iMm, 'Phone red 1411 L0 DUX'S. UYrt tiuu.Ui.- ....... Pnaoe rru eterinary surgeons. fcCARY SCBGEON DR. 1). C. McNABB hANKS AND BROKERS. NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA, 'ri. Capital. (50.000; surplus nnd r.itAim. interest on time deposits. It (orelira and domestic exchange. Iwi promptly attended to. Henry lu president . T J. Kirk, vlce-pres-Ir 's LeCrow, cashier; I, M. Kemp, tulle IfASUEHS' HANK OF WESTON, , Oregon, uoes a general uuna- loan Kicnanrje uougui una rum. k-XSS promptly Ulieuueu lu. I,, jnui ralilent; lieorpe . .Tueosiei, Iisid'Dt. J. It. Kllcore. cashier! ai- I U. A iiar.uiau. .... .. uuun. . . G. D. uraw, j. r uugore, uoo- liiawii, G. Vi' 1'roebatel. PBDIXTON SAVINGS HANK, felwffl. Oregon. Organljed March 1, r.Mi.' tioo.00) : aurnlua. ktext allowed on all time deposits. -t ionsnt and sold on an principui special attention clvcn to collec- IT J. Furnish, prealdent; J. N. , lofrtildent ; T. J Mn'rli, cannier HlKBfJ, BSSISIUUI IHSUICf. S1TI0XAL HANK OF VENOLE Culal. 170.000 : Bunilua. J05.000. Etm I rneral bunking business. Ex ! tad uiegrapuic iranaiers aoiu uu sii Iranclsco, lorn ana ! . In the Northwest. Drafts lvCblnt. Japan and Europe. Makes on reasouaDie terma. ievi An. b.pi'Jnt W. r Matlock, vice presi k;tl. Klce.caihler ;Ueo Uartman, Jr. : dialer SHITECTS AND BUILDERS. IflOWARI). AJtCHITECT ANU SU- Ind-nt. Makes complete ana rein ta tot bulldlnirs In the cltT or C0UD' Itas 17, Judd building. k C0I.E, CONTRACTORS AND Est mates furnished on snort Job work a specialty Prompt fiop on llluff street, near Main. IllM, CONTRACTOR AN DBUII.D- utlmatni furnished on all Kinqs nt, cement walks, stone walla, etc. irr at East Oregonlan office. I' 4 ll'T'T'll . . . . . w . R?nYS AT ,u ,ttv,ugs nana building. " n. COI.Mr.lt, IWYER. OFFICE Rooms . and 8, Association building. STIM.MAN t I'innpr- iTTn0m- -...!.,lwr ?,tl!lman bas'been admitted to practice In United States patent offices fi" specialty of patent law. Rooms 10. 11, 12 and 13. Association FRATERNAL ORDERS. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 28a Regular meetings Ent nnd third Thursdays ore.ch month All brother vlMtlng In the Jit? moil cordially Invited to attend. Hall In Ubovr nloek. Court Hreet Q a. Uartman, Sr , E. R., C. E. Benn, Secretary. MEN'S RESORT YOU ARE INVITED. I ree reading room. Why not Join and get the advantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, In cluding library and reading room? Terms, $1.00 to join and 50c a month dues. Fuel at Lewiston. Fuel dealers report that a sufficient quantity of seasoned wood has been secured to supply the trade until the cut of this winter Is In a sultablo condition to bo placed on tho market. At the opening; of tho season It was feared that the wood supply would bo exhausted before tho winter had passed but on account of a largo quantity of wood being secured by l.ewlston dealers that was expected to be marketed In tho Palouso coun try, tho dealers will bo ablo to fill all orders with first class fuel. Tho Increased consumption of coal In tho city has relieved tho wood situation to a considerable extent. The 1-owlston Fuel and Ico com pany, who Is the exclusive agent for the Roslyn and Cle Eun coal In this territory, states that tho averago sales in this city and Clarkston win amount to 40,000 pounds dally, which Is an Increase of 400 per cent over tho sales for a similar period last year. The fuel trade will continue well into April, after which a gradual de crease In business will be noted un til the summer trade is reduced to the fuel used only for kitchen pur poses. Lewistone Tribune. TONSORIAL PARLORS. familiar with the various extensive and Important uses now uiado of the automobile, by not nly European countries, but by our own, that a well equipped automobllo lino with moderately good roads and grades Is second to the full-fledged railroad as a means for tho transportation of passengers and freight. limns Items. Boise Joins the League. The movement which was started several days ago to make llolso a member of the Pacific National baseball league. In which Spokane, Butte nnd Salt Ijike aro already members, Is meeting with consider able favor, and it Is likely that. Fresl- dent Lucas of tho league will Issue a franchise for Doiso. There is no longer any doubt but that there is sufficient Interest In baseball in Boise to rals; tho money. As has been previously stated In the Capital News the first thing nec essary is to put up a fcrfelt of $1,000 which will be deposited In a bank as evidence of good faltu. In addition to this it is tho desire to form a stock company with a capital stock of $10.000. Boise capital News. PATTO.VS SANITARY HAREER SnOP, Deipaln block, Court street, lleet work manship. All the modern Improvements. All tools sterilized. Hath rooms In connection. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STROHLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand gooda. It there Is anything you need In new and second-band furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and eet bis prices. No. 'Ill Court street. FOR RENT. POK RENT-NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM lor one or two gentlemen, 104 East lllnff St. NEAT. CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Well loc tied. Mrs, Strabon, ML' Water street; cor. Johnson, FtrnTtENTOODFRONT ROOM, SflTABLE for two gentlemen or two ladles Call at C10 Willow atreet. Auto Line to Burns. The report reaches us from what appears to be authentic source, that the management of the Columbia Southern It, It. is at this time con templatlng the early establishment of an automobile, passenger and freight line betwean Shaniko and Burns. This report, if true means a gret deal to the so-called Inland Empire, and Is the truth of greatest interest to every citizen of Harney Valley, and to more than four-fifths of the entire population of the coun ty. It is true we are scarcely ready TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON Shojlinc and union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally Throuah Pullman standard and Tourltt Wi, lng cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist neepins car aaur to ivanias uuyi inronga Pullman tourist sleeping cars personally con ducted) weekly to Chicago. Kansas City, re clining chair cars (seau tree) to the East daily. DirAat roa Ttmo Scheoliila From l'mulloton Portland 9:10 am Chicago s:u put ChlcafoBpeclal No. 2 Portland 12::tJam TbHKaitl W a m Spokana 9:10 am Shooting Stock on the Range. During the past few months seV' oral head of stock have been shot, some killed and some woundeo. The dead animals were found In the vi cinity of the It.issian settlement northwest of Lind, and those wound ed were known to rauge In the same locality. The stockmen aro of tho opinion that some Russian Is doing this dastardly work and if found out ho will fare worse than If he should run afoul of a whole regiment of Japanese soldiers. AV. S. Knottlngham has had sev saop m Portland Special No. 1 HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In PenrJIetoa and as good as any. anaiTi flaflBsnaTjMsjBKSSHnHRtesastnaHI raoH KSnBBtthlHlrliMirSnKiHssB Th East 9!SUfoKtiOvSl Portland aWWiaTisHSasSW"" 533 pm Malt and Eiprcia No. S The East MrSi in Kail and Express No.S rendition Passenger No 7 (Spokane Passenger No. 8 Pendleton Branch allied Train No. 41 Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No. 42 Portland iXi a m Bpokaar 5:.r, pa I Si p m and willing as yet to concede tho i eral cattle shot, a horse belonging fact that a line like this would any j to Sam Hutchinson was killed and where near serve the .urpose of a, one of J. I.. Hughes' fino mules cams R. R. Into this valley, but It must be home with a bullet hole In Its jaw. admitted by everyone who Is at alj ' I.ind Leader. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE i ONLY eight weeks required; two years saved; posi tions secured t,beu competent. Catalogue mailed tree. Moler System College, San Fianciico, Callt. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOP. EN graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc.; 100 engraved visiting cards with plate, $1.50; additional cards In future, tl per hundred. The East Uregonlan. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE use of these classified columns. If you have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. Yoy may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow aud vehicle nnd want the horse. 1.1c or 25c want ad will probnbly do the business. Portland, Jan. SO. The manufac turers of IJon brakd of pacnage cor fee late yesterday afternoon notified local wholesalers of an advance of 50 cents a hundred in former quotations. This makes the price of Lion $15.73, the same as that of Arbuckle aud Cordova. .The New York coffee mar ket Is still firm and has an upward tendency. Some of the local grocers are becoming afraid of the many ad vances and are buying sparingly in fear of a big slump In the market. They say that the market has become strained a trifle too far. MISCELLANEOUS. If TR0UTMAN. ARCHITECT AND imatenaent. Association btoca, reu L Orf on. 1 KLLEI!. I'f.ARTEttlNfl AND CE- NSif. Cement walks a specialty. Ea. unnsuea tree. worK guarauiveu. l kila street. P. O. box 104. HOARDING AND LODGING. H- L HUNTINGTON UAS I'UR- I tit loriirlnir hnliu, of ivlu Garden -sere she will be glad to see ber a patrons. OLCOTT HOUSE, 818 THOMPSON - uood, well-llghtdd rooms, ah I tirnlaho.1 '... 1 1 Inrstiul Only trom Court atreet. Katea rea ALTA. CORNER ALTA. AND uitreeta. iinnM i, th dar or week. tttlt set. I!. lu. Xit.TA and 14.75 I. lira. L. Neff. DroD. Pendleton lira in connection. U. reii, pro- !IA BOTcr. r cinivn tin-Tier. IN si.uo to 11.00 per flay. u. r, rvyiciur. -.fOflr, nnaiUDHQ mkWa '.Vnft tWIx. stop at the Uotel Helix. ood ioa service. 'T u. nunpyi FRANCE AND LAND BUSINESS I0RK LIFE INSURANCE CO., JOE - wai stent, oroc In Havinjrs uant "Ith Moo rehouse Uamlltou. JN ABSTRACT COMPANY Umatilla county. Loans on city UO Drooertr. Him ,nil aelll all ' " "al estate. Doe a general bro r sulaesa. . tarn, and make CW'ts for non-realdenti. Reference, r". In Pendleton. V. A. ITlnwuiM Tl A- HAUTMAN, Jit., Vice Pre. J- UELD, Secretary. BAKN FOR SALE INtlCIRE AT KRASSIG & Sharp s, wsaiain sirees. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICC, 509 College street. repirs iur iur.tu.us-. P. A Lovetang, Manager SEWER CONTKACTORS-REED i LAFLER make connections with the sewer lor busi ness houses and private residences. Terms reasonable, wave oruers . v. 4ji Hardware store r. 8. MERRILL, SPUKA.Nfc, ABI1 AUI-, Deusmore. Becond hsnd machines, supplies and repairs WE DYE TO LIVE.-HAVE YOUR CLOIBLS sponged s nd presed lor II 60 A month, at the City Steam Cleaning and Hieing Works, Cu7 SUIISCRIUERS TO MAOAZINES, IF YOU want to-subscribe to magailnes or news iianera In the United States or Europe, re mlt by postal note, check or send to the EAST Altr.tiONIAN the oet publisher a price of we publication you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It wHI save you both trouble and risk. If in remitting ju , paht ,h. nnlil staer s Drlce. Address 1.AS1 OKKGONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, ure. RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. ' Coffee i-ocho and Java, best, 40c! per id.; next grace, 35c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 15c per Ib.j package coffee, 20c per lb. Rice Best head rice, lZc per lb.; next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best SC.50 per sack; do 13 lbj $1. Salt Coarse, 11.10 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B, 13., J4.25 per barrel; Wal ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 14 18c per lb. Ham 17lSc per lb. Coal oil $1.C5 for 5 gallons, $3.1:5 per case. Lard 70c 5 pounds; ?l.4U lu pounas. 'A. .. v,.ii-ciii.nns TO PUT UNDER carpets, on .helves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers I n large bundles of 100 each at -JO cents a bundle at the EAST OREOONI AN office. Pendle ton, Oregon. WM K. YOHNKA WILL PAY .'ROMfT Wfetl to all .ale. and po, tg b .... SST O. KxSoTPen. rKta4AKlN0. CUTTING AND FITTING A Dress '2' ".i.. K.,i,t.ctlon guar- . ,tr"1&..,r Rhltleyrsi-J Ml "t- MEN The DB. LIEBIG BTAFK only Specialists for men, con tlnue to cure all chronic, pri vate 4 nervons aUmenls. impotence or wriiv LL fiENTLEV UEPKBSENTS THE h. uu moflt reliable Ore ana cci- ftnce rommnlM. Office wltb LEri.:t 8, LAND COM- PlM . ""WiailJ UiBUO Ul ,auu building, room 10. AND FEED STABLES. ' BOAnni-'n nv tiiv wvvir nit iff th Ked Bam. WS Cottonwood J teasonablo. M. L. WILLIAMS, Sntt't Sntil-Fif sii GipMlu JrlB0amma410Bpwair t the Bladder aad SlMaMd KluueriTNo cure no pay. Cumb oalskl ana rm- no nutter ft howloag staa J tog. Abwjutelr eainJti. Bold by drojBtB. Prtc tl .00, or by mail, postpaid, l.W,3to0BiH-. THE MlTAl-Ptrail cut CLurONTAINa. OHIO. Soloy F. W. Schmidt & Co. HENRY FEED YARD, COIl, ' ,'ad Lllllth streets- . A. Alio- .1 Ura, MmfA...,.!. .,.11. Ilnntv "Oik, gUon careful attention. I C'CIAL STAI1LE8-0. M. FROOME, b, 'e bones, smni riou. Uint care glreu itt.'S; ."ones, good rles, Iwa care glveu m'XXk, opp Hotel Pendletop. rhone mpn AND WOMEN Usa But O for unnatural Ti..iaMal M l.tiT.... n tniiabxiDCili u atrUtar. vt ann notUuU: Situ Ev-Ufl Chi M' wtto. "'bV lrradi. fIMrjHrUILU.nHsH ( nlaln anifstl k1""" rwaricn - - . r -i 0.0-A. jgm If cxpriwa. .r0''tK-' rb" OiTand Sweet Spirits of Gdcn - .,., raoinfR tell rrr . ckHv,EB UOAUD AND SALE Are guaratiiec4 iu .""J .y ' tarlS4' Kennedy, proprietors tor uiut sm Money back it tliev "" sum Htock boarded ' at Ka.on- r"Koeppen 4 Bros..9ts. tor VeniMo ,uble, lis Alta st. Pnone Main 7Ut nuoP' MARKET HEfflEWED dry, lO0'12i(.c; mink, 50c each, with a possibility of $1 each It tto size Is good and the condition prime; coyote, 5075c; bear skins, accord ing to quality and size, from v3 to $15; coon, 3540c; horse, $l8f'l.x&; sheep, green, Cc; sheep dry, 714c; lynx or bob cat, 15 0 30 ; 3kunk, 25c; badger, 15030. HOTEL ARRIVALS. VEGETmDLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoes, lc per lb. Garli , 10c per lb. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. Parsnip, lu lie. 25c. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 6c bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallon. Mlpce meat. 12c per pound, Pnfirorn. shelled. 81-3 cents per pound; on cob, 5 cents per pound. FRUIT8. Bananas, 40c dozen. Apples, 75c$l per box. Lemons, 40c doz. Oranges, 40-60c doz. Cranberries. 15c per quart, LIVESTOCK Af.D POULTRY. The followluK urices are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, izyi4c. nhlckens Hens, 7c; $34 per doz en; roosters, 4 to 6 cents. Geese, per oozeu, . Ducks, per dozen, $3.6004. Butter, 600175c, good. Eggs, fresh, 30c. ' CHOICE 3EEF CATTLE, ET Steers, $3.2503.76. Cows, $2.50012.75. Hogs live, 4V4Bc. Hogs, dressed, CV47c, Veal, dressed, CG7c, Sheep, $202.60 HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; l'c per lb. ... Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, 1 cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. Hotel Pendleton. It. K. Porter and famliy, Meacham. J. H. Hall, Portland. V. Neubaur, Portland. H. J. Mannhart, San Francisco, F. McFarland, Portland. W. S. Holt, Portland, George Door, Portland. George Creighton and wife, Moscow C. H. Burgliani, Seattle. F. M. Beaum, Seattle. James Wright, North Yakima. F. W. Walte, San Francisco, George Stevens, Spokane. C. C. Simpson, Portland. William Maher, Portland, C. M. Smith, Portland. J. F. Fisher, Spokane. J. G. Helfrlcti, Spokane, p. J. Walsh, Portland. G. B. Datson, Portland. Miss A. Weatherford, Sumpter. B. " M. Collins, Prairie City. Hotel Bickers. C. A. Itussel, Oklahoma. Mrs. Lena, Hitler. It. S. Clasle, Baker. D. Betturs, Pendleton. . Mattle, Mitchell. H. W. Norton, city. Day Campbell, San Francisco. David A. Cormls. H. A. Iynse, city. Jay Gulllford, Ourdano. O. A. Cannon, Pendleton. J. K, Cannon, Athena. Jerry Stone, Adams. W. P. Jones, Weston. J. H. Walker, I.a Grande. Mrs. J. H. Walker, La Grande. Mrs. McConnell, Baker City. Kdwln York, North Powder. George Clay, North Fork. D. Henderson, Pilot Ilock, No 7 connects with No. 2. 1 Only waits tor No 1 In case No. 1 Is late not later than Si) minute. No. 42 connects ith No. 2. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. 8 W p. m. All sailing dates sub ject lO CDSngQ. Far Ban Fmnclsco Sail every odaya. Dally eicept Sunday s M0 p.m. Saturday 10 DO p. m.i Columbia River To Astoria and Way Landings. 4:00 p. m, 4 too p.m. Honday WHlnmetto Hlver. n. t . I.,.. Dn.l1nJ rf.llw Tint Rnnitt 'stage ol water permitting) tor Willamette an i .11111,1. mirt wui.1 Leave I Rlparla 4S a. m. I Dally i Excpt Monl Bnake River Rlparla to Lewiston Leave Lewiston 70 a. m Dally Excpt Mot E.C BMiril. Agent. Peadletoa. The Hotel l'cndlcton has jusl been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single roc-ma. Headquarters for Travoling Mob uommoulous Sample Kooms. a-BBBBlB Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by wrak or month excellent limine. Prompt Dlnlugroom servlo. Bar and billiard room in oonneotioi Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take tills roiite for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Soutld TIMIICAHU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. lues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally.east bound. 11 HO p, m Arrive Walla Walladally, west bound, 10144 a. va For Information regarding rates ana accom modations, call on or address W, ADAHH, Agent Pendleton, Oregon B. CALDERHEAD, O. P. A., Walla Walla, WaiMngton. Cured After Sufferlnq 10 Yean, n. v Hare. Sunt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Mlddletown, O.. suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and with doctors without receiving any permanent benefit. He says: "One night while feeling exceptionally bad r oi.nn, in throw down the even ing paper when I saw an Item In the paper regarolng the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 concluded to try i. an, i whlln t had no faith In it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been In years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble. Sold by Tallman & Co. The Scalp Industry. tin. .r tlin lile imliiBti lea of Owy i nn,,ntv in Kealn hunting. Tho last year nearly 2,000 royoto scalps were taken for which the county paid ... n-r tlm sheen bounty tunil wrhlch Is collected at ouo cent a head ., !.,, in the county, which would vu o..- i- ---- -- oor. in,iir-ni that tnoro aro at icaoi " 700 sheep In tho county or an aver ' e r.o sheen for each per T' ' ..nimtv. Owyhee Ava. nun of ' lanche. The dahlia was Introduced Into Uu TheUong are the,, prevailing , rope for tho vajue itbulb SStS lb r SS. ' U when baked. GEO. DAIiVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot) Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75o, $1.06 THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Care. HT. PAUIj MINNEAPOIjIli DUIiUTH FAUGO TOI 1 GRAND FOMiU- uituunn i" WINNKPKO HELENA and BUTTK. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAUO WAflHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOKK BOHTON and all poluta Eat and Bouth rh.nh tlckeU to Japan and China, via Taooroi and Wortbern Pafllflo BUmsnip v.. and American line. TIHB SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally eioept an4a VorJin'rt?.r Inlormattou, time cards, MM an'd'JllJ&'lou w,.t. W. . Atogj P anion, ureiou. u, - iz-r.,..,,, 1 oira u -" ' ' ' Dallv East Oregonlan, by carrier, only 15 cents per week. Itcmodeled and refurnished through out Everything neat, clean and up- to-date. Steam heat and electric lights. Dost culslno. Prompt some. H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE f OBTLAWD PORTLAND. OREGON . - pi... tt tr dav and upwaia iiruluuarttia for lourlts and commercial trey iUrs. special raUs uiad to raniit ta asui gentlemen. The management will be jplBMW it all limes to show rooms sod glf P'a. modern Turaun Dainew.u,u..... - DfiuVU. War...... J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention alyen and all work exeeuted properly. Blselrleal Supplies of all klndi OFFICE-121 WMT COUHT ST. (Tilbune Building) CHICHESTER'S PILLS cTvfcrJ Uvula ii4 ui" :? Vso w tirsii". TeMi-MW; ''rrvri M uatM.NBwai'.PIIIt-AMrA. uAuunnn RESTORED UCUMDEIP, This areat Veretable .Vila sef. v'i- SfrallT.orKBMucu mb.. ouitkly eurayu. or ; "ilirk. temll ...a Vi hood, inwaau -,-;,.; .-j:muttu.llir BraiS rr'.rw :.Vb5cked le iMmpwa, uu.-". -,--rr D, si. ur i,nu r",l."S ilinPi i; cteniuw. ilw Htm, ra;au;,TO;.ti!;s Oold by Tallman & io., uiuga1. jlcbllllr. - " H 4 Hi .BV