DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1904, G. S. E.," THE NEW CARD GAME 35c THE NOLF STOKE How Aboat A baby Go Cart ? Only re liable make sold licre $H.90 to $J9.00 Garden Seeds A fresh stock, that we arc certain will grow. Why stnd away for seeds when oitr home prices are much lower. New Things Arriving: Butter bowls, 15c, 20c and New curling irons. 5c and 9c Baskets, all style's Lunch baskets, sewing baskets, infants' baskets, etc Bicycles Crescent and Ramblers $22.50 ttp cured. This was Rallied1 for a Jo seph Guarnerlus of 1731, while a Jerome Amntl (with certificate by the renowned uuthorlty, Josot Clm' not) fetched JC100. and an A. nnd H. Amatl of lbJO went for X9S, and some excellent old fiddles fetched a little over 5U each. I sometimes wonder that ordinary purchasers do not buy mule at these sales, where, although no great bargains are likely to be picked (i for the dealers would not allow a violin to go to an outsider for much under Its trade worth yet tlu prices nre very great ly below those asked In the shops, and are of course, almost trivial In comparison with the figures' quoted bv some of the collectors. The 3000 fiddle Is in fact a myth. Nothing over 1000 has ever been known. I.0111I011 Truth. ymo WAS BEFRIENDED BY AN EMPERCIff A PASTOR SAVED BY PERU -NA. HEARST'S POPULAR STAND. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. I'ubllshed erery afternoon lexcept Sunday! at IVndletou, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. the bills of the city are Interested In these matters. If the city's business is to be handled in this narrow man ner and no regard paid to economy 1 or even business honesty, the people want to know it. I It is alleged that the editor of the Morning Tribune hold up a member of the city council am. told him env W It. Hearst made a move that will make him popular with the south nnd west when he urged the senators, regardless of politics, to support the treaty by which the, Panama canal would he built. While some of us think the president should take up the Nicaragua route I as provided by law. and that he was . over-hasty In recognizing the repub-1 lie of Panama, yet it is the cnnal we ; want, and If wo cannot get It our' Tbont, Uatn 11. smiscrtuTtos hates. Omllv. one year by mall 15.00 Dally, li months by mall S.8JJ Dally, three months by mall 13 Dally, one month by mall 50 Kally, per month by currier WeeliN, one year by mall I.oO Weekly, six months by mall Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00 faces the city of Pendleton, Beml-Weekly, three months by mall .. .50 i way, let us nave u nis way; out 1 ..l !,., ni,nl n,tll lnt 1IC linV'O till, phatically that if the Tribune was not more delays. it win tane many made the city official paper, regard- years to build It and u not com-1 ... .... ... . ' menced soon, the present genera-. less ot an considerations, mat uiCon wl ,liwe I)asS(,(I nway 1)of()rc editor of the Tribune would begin a ' tne two oceans are united. Tcle- crusade" against the city's gambling , phone Register. and shut off the revenue from this source. That Is the proposition that The East Oregoulan Is on sale at 11. II. Ulcus News Stands at Hotel Portland and Hotel retklns, Portland. Oregon. Member Scrlpn ilcliae News Anocls tloa. San Francisco tlureau. 408 Fourth St. Chicago liureao. S00 Security Ilulldlng. Washington, t). C. tlureau, 501 14th St, W Katertd at fendleton postoBce as seccond class matter. NOTES AND COMMENTS. TWO LULLABIES. I I What shall the lullaby be. Dear? Croonlngs of belted brown bees; I Whispers of wind In the trees; The efforts of the new city marshal Oriole's rune in the hot mldnoon; to enforce the ordinance against spit-' Meadow-lark's melody, lyrical, clear; lowing or In the green I ting on the sidewalks Is commenda-' Cooing of pigeons and - ble. Whatever may be said for or ; cows; "dreamily UNIOMtjgfr;tABEL We dream bright dreams of tomorrow. Our castles are built in air. And with hues sublime of the coming time. We paint us a picture fair. But we never stop to consider That the future flies away. And that there is naught into being wrought Unless It is wrought today. To the cherished haunts of the old time Our eyes are backward cast. And a sweet voice calls through Memory's halls To woo us unto the past. But. however dear are the vis ions. We do not dare to stay; From out of the "gone" we must move on To the duties that call to day. J. A. Edgerton. : -; " A WEAK EXPLANATION. against "Missouri John." it Is one of Shrilling or Katyuius the jewels In his crown that he com-; nongiis, r.ollu.l tho nnmnnmirlv InnfprK whn . ttipple Of brooklet l,ao,,ntii,rd,l tha north vth nlnntlnn I rain to obey that ordinance and thereby made the town cleaner, the appear ance of the sidewalks better and life more tolerable for those who believe that cleanliness and decency are not altogether foreign from a perfect lib erty of life and manners. If the new marshal will enforce this ordinance to the letter and occasion ally throw some of the chronic of fenders in, ns a salutary lesson So those who recognize no influence but that of force, he will be entitled to the thanks of the community. and plash of the tapping thy Did it ever occur to you that there Is such a thing as "too much lodge"? There are men living in this world who live in utter horror of the month Drowsily. pane Voire of the forest, the hills, nnd the sea. These all these shall thy lullaby be! II What shall thy lullaby be. Dear? Merciless passing of feet Down In the wearisome street; Discord of cries Irom the alleys that rise; ' Voices of barter and anger and fear; ! Rumble of wagons along the rough i stones; Jesting and quarrelling, laughter' and groans; j Drink-gendered ravings and curses ; and songs; Rar. H. Stubonvoll,of Klkliorn, Wit., is pastor of the Evangelical Xntlieran St. John'n Church of that place. Iter. Stil;uvoH is the jKxneHnor of two bibles presented to him by Einimror Wililum of Germany. UjhiU the lly leaf of tmo ol the blhles the Emporor has written in bin own handwriting a text. This' honored pastor, in a recent letter to The l'eruua Medicine Co of Colon bus, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Peruna: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen : I had hemorrhages of the lungs for a Jong time, and all despaired of me. I took Peruna and was cured. It gave me strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. It Is the best medicine in the world. It everyone kept Peruna in the house It would save many from death every year." H. STUBENVOLL. Thousands of people ha vo catarrh who would be sui priced to know It, lecaunc it has been called some other name than catarrh. The Tact is catarrh irf catarrh wherevor located; and another fact which is of equally great importance, Is that Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive jirompt and satis factory results from tho ue of l'eruua, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving n full statement of your case and ho will Iks pleaded to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of Thu llartmuu .Sanitarium, Columbus. O, Tl, ,i . , V "uuve IS tUt uj - v.. uaKer Citv $3ooo, and she paysY per month ' Very ilciltsble MO ,.,. plenty ol runnlnif w.'H """"" ""i faut, 0IM RIHORN & SWAQOad ARenUfor theCoom, "oom 10, Tsjlo-m Has Real Estate for J REAL ESTATE tft r Kinds and descrlpli ran chip frnn, i residence to one of t most modem anH k equipped mansion. ift ill the lltiiltii nf tin, .1. of Pendleton. nnH fm3 farm of a few miss o Kooii airaira hid I thousands of sent Wheatland. Call or Address E. D. BOYD. Ill Court! AD ly calls of the butcner and baker, and Shrieking of trolleys and clanging of yet in some unknown way they rustle enough money to gain admission Into every new "order" that rears its crest ! among us. Why. if some of those fel- 1 lows should come forth decked in all the panoply of the various lodges that claim them, the holiday attire of a barbarian chief would sink into gongs Sleep, if thou canst. nursery! These all these shall be! I Marian W. Wildman body's Magazine, In this grim 'thy lullaby n Every- The Tribune's attempt to explain the city printing deal, makes the matter only appear worse for that pa per and the two members of the ways and means committee who are guilty of the Jobbery. Both papers made a fair and square bid for the city printing. The ' Tribune's bid on job printing was lower than that of the East Oregon ian, and it was entitled to the job printing. But the two members of the ways and means committee who took the matter in hand, saw that the East Oregonian bad secured the city ad vertising and immediately went to the Tribune and told it to change its bid on advertising. This dishonest action is without precedent in business transactions. It proves on the face of it that there was a job In it. Why did these mem bers dictate to the Tribune the amount of Its bid? Why did they take a personal interest in seeing that the Tribune changed Its first bid? Is this an honest business method? Is this the practice of sen sible business men who -advertise publicly for bids? Even after these members told the Tribune to make a Becond bid, they still allowed the Tribune to do the city advertising at G cents an Inch, over the bid of S cents an Inch from this paper. The Tribune admits this dishonesty this morning. What fur. thor evidence do the taxpayers ask? It is only a beginning of a campaign of graft and has made a bungling, disgusting start. The taxpayers will be kept inform ed on every question that concerns them. The city government needs some good hard thinking and some straight, honest business principles to get' it out of the "hole," and if the people's!; money, Is to be squandered in rewarding partisans, the debt will grow larger mouth hy month, Instead of smaller. The taxpayers the business men who dig down In tholr profits and pay utter inslgniacance by the side of It. I believe thoroughly in the lod?e Idea tn a certain extent. I think H , Is perfectly proper that any man . should belong to at least two good orders, one for its social and frater- 1 nal features, and to another for the Innnrnnnp features and the nrotectlon thereby afforded those dependent up ' on him. But It is not hard to overdo . almost everything and as I contem- plate the spectacle of communities I gone lodge mad, of feke organizers 1 for little Jim Crow orders" without either foundation or future, and of that wild array of Irresponslhles for ever rushing through the portalB of whatever Is new, I am reminded of those words of our good friend Puck, "What fools these mortals be." Have you read "The Lions of the Lord"? If you haven't, do so, by all means. I am not running a book store, have no acquaintance with the author, and do not advocate the prac tice of attempting to absorb all the late fiction, because I hold that to do so would be the veriest waste of life and conduce to the utter weariness of spirit. But this book Is really worth the reading. I remember that the first and only time I ever saw the inside of a pen! tentlary It was a beautiful spring day and I was with a very pleasant crowd In spite of the fact, I was chilled 'o the marrow and I wondered why more people brought face to face with a term in prison uid not commit suicide. So the suicide of Whitaker Wright, after his sensational trial In London, Is not so very surprising. after all. To a man who had lived a life like his, It 'must have seemed a good deal worse to look forward to seven years at hard labor than to the death agony and what lies beyond, The mistake Wright made was in op erating on English soil. If he had only conducted his operations on this side of the water he would have been worshipped as a money prince and had his schemes failed he would have had no difficulty to And a lot of wo men to weop over his misfortunes and men willing to condone his of fense on the ground that he bad been a good fellow. In a little while he could have braced up and gone on to pastures new and lived on to a good old ago tho Idol of that "toady" olo ment of which this old world furn ishes such an unceasing supply. Pendleton, Jan. 30. J. ONE LUNG May be gone and yet the remaining; lun; will be amply sufficient to sustain a vigor ous vitality. As a general thing fewpeo Vile make more use of both lungs than is equivalent to a healthy use of one lung. These facts are all in the favor of the man or woman with weak lungs, even when disease has a strong gnp on tnem. Many a person liviug in licalth to - day has the lungs marked by the healed scars of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover- makes weak lungs strong. It cures obstinate, deep seated coughs, bronchitis, bleed ing lungs and .other conditions, which, if neglect ed or unskilfully treated, find a fatal termination in consumption. "I had been troub led with lung dis ease and pleurisy for a number of years and the trouble had almost become chronic," writes A. 8. Hlam. of Howe. Is. nd several kinds of medicine from different physicians without much benefit. At Usi wrote lo Dr R. V. Pierce, and trot his adrice. and began aslor his 'Goldca Medical DtscoTery.1 1 ha osed twenty-Bre rm When t commenced laklor it 1 had so do smMtlon to ao anytnina. now i ieci bottles. run-down. appetite, my system was compute better than 1 did be tore I got sick. Have a food appetite and am able to do my work. I sin cerely recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical IMscorery to all who are afflicted as I was." Those who suffer from chronic dla eaue are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist tht action of the " Discovery." FANCY PRICES FOR VIOLINS. The test of the auction room is still antagonistic to the exaggerated prices which tho violin fanciers would have us hclieva show tho true worth of old violins. Some excel lent specimens woro sold last week, and they were nearly all purchased by dealers, so that their authenticity may almost be takon for granted, but 200 was tno highest price ae- COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING COAL Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot He that blowetli not his own horn the same shall not be blown" WhenDinner 's Ready! A i THE FARMER'S WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. . IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR. GAINS. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE M08T TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIG OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLA88 OF PEOPLE HE WANT8 FOR PATRONS, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HIS MOST 8ANGUINE EXPECTA TION8. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS 18 THE EA8T OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN 8END THEIR ME8SAGE Dl RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOME8 OF PENDLETON M08T OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING LET THE BUSINESS MAN SHOW THE8E PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HI8 GOODS, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN SE. CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BUSINESS. ffc 4 Pf.nui.ei on, Orecoj. Residence and office ft Block. Phone Red 1581. Our specialty Painless? and Extracting. YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and you will not be bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on your work. BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET Building Materii OfallDescriptk Sash, Doors & w.! . nrHrr Buildll paper, lime, cement, Dt and sand wood gutters barns and dwellings a sp lany, Oregon LombJ Yatd Alta St. Opp. Court Houl CANTY'S Amusement H A pleasant place to iH r cn9,r tune. I Pool Billiards Shootioe 1 Bowling' And other Past! MUSIC EVERY EVE Raiment, under ; Wj r fVflOl ttt: OUST Bear tbli Bnf,to low"! need poultry ' "maUonJ and ask tor the m . CJ Poultry od ""oV cow W vn Kure tor Ju' C. F. Coleswof ... Q East Alta it'.. J Agent" 'foV'Lean Th OrBpn O-'Srf.rtW found on l r