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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1904)
!rr f-v "V ! DAILYEVENINBEDITION FNINGEDITION ..j. The East " tl,e only pap" 'n '."..ivlna the news of , wire. F RAUDS L Defendants De L to Have an Early L Vindication. jtNISH BONDS THEIR APPEARANCE, L parks, Who Acted in ,nd Clerical Capacity, lunow What the Govern. to Prove Against ; Nature of Charges others Can Only J3e (lie United States vs. Cbarles Cunningham, isa Rayburn, Dallas l Sallng, Sholly Jones, Srd, Kate James, John brd Roe, which was Ipttrday by District At. Hill, will now bo ;nllow- 3 the grand Jury meets led until next ivreek. nlaary hearing 3s hold I states Ciimmlssloner Ik, of Judge G. A. Hart- i H. Parks. i of Hartmiin and line asked lor an im- , tad Glen :Sallng, I jet been served with i tte case, all of the de le pit up bonds for their ((ore the grand Jury. Icilm furnishes bonds k( 12,000, while the rest en i JoOO guarantee lag ltd Parks wore al lot tMt own recogniz ee enmln&tlon, the iu em as yet been sot. kitalting until the re- I Hater, T. G. Halley, ISSimptcr, boforo ho (In the matter of his luled for a bearing as , but will waive his He event that Air. Kim strongly to wait ?of the grand Jury. nails to see In what M'olved In the case. lit the examination In Pnjknow something ue government U- Itaat him, Ho Is ic- f, of having cnnsplr- unninBham In so- 1 1pers fur the lands M'ler lmrtles defend Ring the reading of f parties making tho N, and with having from Cunning p 'or the entry fees wt for the filing on f uiuer Qcienuauts. wd asks that ho bo Of an earlv h.-iirliii- 1 1 mere Is enmich in u 1 1 ra warrant his hnv re the grand Jury, ft fame boat as Mart 'flj wrote thn testl PJ making the fll ' wanks w th tho nn. P nado to tho ques- ' "His nctinir n n He thllfl filnlma t ltll anv rnnsnlr. I' wlating, and will 'ring. u Is nroh. iOt th nrnllmlnn.. 1'vuruary 12. if PENDLETON IT. ' " UUUJNTZ, UlUfiUUN, S AT U It DAY, JANUAltY 30. 1904. 1ST BOMB nmMHn Imn 1.. mho UUUIl JQ V C!)fionn,l besides my ropubllean friends 'have offered every assistance. "Yes, It Is somewhat humiliating to myself and family, but as my con sclonco Is clear, 1 shall lose neither nosh nor sleep over It, but after having lived In the county since boy hood and received many honors. If it 1b as It seems to me, the intention of District Attorney Hnll to humiliate me, ho haB succeeded for a time at least, but I have no fear of the final outcome." CATHOLICS MEET IN DETROIT. Federation of Societies of the United States, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 30. The members of tho national executive board of tho American Federation of Catholic societies, or which Arch bishop MesBmer of Milwaukee. Dlshop McFaul of Trmitnn. nml Henry J. Fries of Erin. in ih. ing spirits, assembled In semi-annual session in Detroit today. Routine buslneBs of the federation was trans acted and plans for the next general convention discussed. Tomorrow tho members of the board will attend a mass meeting which will be uddreBsed by Bishop Foley and a number of the visiting prelnteB. The affairs of the federa tion are reported In splendid condi tion with a membership that is In creasing at a gratifying rate. FRAUDER IS BURIED. Villagers Follow Wright's Body to Grave In Heavy Rain. London, Jun. 30. Whlttaker Wright wns burled at the vallage churchyard at Whitley, this after- noon in a driving rain. A crowd of mourning villagers followed the fam ily to the gravo. EASTERN AND FAR EASTERN Russia's Reply to Japan Fore shadowed by St. Petersburg Newspaper. ACCEPTANCE MEAl PARTITION OF KOREA. Korean Emperor Is Willing to Main tain Position of Neutrality Russia Takes Steps to Fill Up Depleted Regiments London Still Skeptical About War Plot to Rid Canton of "Foreign Devils" 1,000 Privates and 50 Officers Blown Up. STAGE HURLED OYER A GRADE THRILLING ACCIDENT IN THE WALLOWA CANYON. Road a Mass of Ice Sleigh, Team and Passengers Fall Fifty Feet Passengers Cling to Bushes to Es cape Drowning in the River Babes In the Accident Are Uninjured. 1 f the other dofon 'aw. nothlnn. la 1 bat could ho ..r. iwUITlnni- nl.,nn l "to t Portland and neads of some l'1 Jingo llollloger, "" as hnlno. no.!..... L'nr What cnarKOH against L,u"wn and uncor "nod with Inter- Nrtman Thinks. ftKn. asKod about "e charges, said U..r0' a show nf a, "ettoad proofs W ami n 1 h4l a right to '"'ore mo 1... 1r - in 1,10 ' Without sollrl. iC'la"00"- it. r uworo J1 Mr Cl,n- Clflnnif W An I ( tot, ' ,u,u 1 Annoylnn- In 5 C b i. V7o thai thla Ld Grande, Jan. 30. The Wallowa stage, which runs from Elgin to Jos eph, Wallowa county, a distance of CO miles, slid off tho grade on the Wallowa hill, about 25 miles from El gin, Thursday evening, seriously in juring .Mrs. Clinrlcs Henderson, of Elgin, and injuring several other pas sengers, Mrs. Foster, of Lostlne, be ing quite seriously Injured also. Tho stage was going townrfl Jobeiih and a sled la used going through tho Wnllown canyon, and at this point tho roud was 11 mass of lee. The sled slid entirely off tho track and wont 50 feet below, turning complete ly over. The injured were immedi ately tnken to Wallowa for medical aid, and at last accounts are getting nlong as well ns could be expected. Tho latest reports from Wallowa county say that tho occupants of the atago would have mot certain death had they been In a wheeled convey ance Instead of a sleigh. Tho women clung to tho bushes on tho hlllsido to keep fro mfulling Into tho river below, and tho driver was found lying between the horses, ana it wns at first thought that he was dead. Two of the women had babes In their arms, but they wero not In jurod, tho mothers being quite badly auratchud. St. Petersburg Jan. 30 Nove Vrem la says It 1b imposlhle for Russia lo enter Into an, understanding with Japan concerning Manchuria, but re garding Korea, she is willing to give Japan full rlghtB south of the 39th parallel, if Russia Is permitted to control all north of that line. Jap an must, however, agree not to forti fy any part of Korea. This Is to be the maximum of Russia's concession to Japan. Ab the Nova Vremla is fre quently Inspired officially, it is be lieved this publication foreshadows Russia's reply. Filling Up the Army. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30. Tho Nova Vremya today prints a list of 28 re serve regiments which have been or dered increased by battalions, ANARCH SINKS VESSEL Fifty Officers and Men Were on Board the Ill-Fated Ship. I OFFICERS LOOKING FOR KEEPER OF MAGAZINE. i He Mysteriously Disappeared From Vessel Before It Sailed for Toulsn in December He Is Accused jf Placing Bomb In Vessel Transport Has Been Missing for Over a Month Police Making Desperate Efforts to Capture the Criminal. Paris, Jan. 30. Official Inquiry concerning the missing transport, Vionne, reveals evidence tending lo prove that the vessel was blown up at sea by an anarchist's bomb which wr.r. placed in the magazine of the boat before It sailed In December for Toulon. Suspicion Is fastened on tho keep er of the magazine, who suddenly dls appeared from the Vionne. There were 50 officers and men on board. Every effort is being made to locate the keeper. PORTLAND FIRE LOSSES. About $85,000 Lost in School Build ing and Garfield Hotel Fires. Portland, Jan. 3u. The total loss The paper adds that similar orders sustained by this city In the destruc 'been Issued ments. to all other regi- London Skeptical. London, Jan. 30. Despite bellicose reports, the officials continue to as sert they would be much surprised should war between Japan and Rus sia be declared. Threaten War of Expulsion. Canton, Jan. 30. Placards were posted about the city last night Incit ing the natives to burn the European quarter. 'The consuls of the various nntions have demanded an explana tion from the viceroy. Realism In Mimic War. Rerlln, Jan. 30. Advices are said to have come from nn authoritative houron in Russia that during the re cent maneuvers of Russian troops, Grund Duke Serge (also governor general of Moscow) ordered a bridge blown up, forgetting that the super structure was covered with troops. An unintelligent subordinate obeyed the orders and as a result 60 officers and 1.000 men were killed and wound ed. Tho dispatches suppressed the news, and the grand duke's removal from the army and loss of position rs governor is said to be Imminent. tlon of the Park Btreet public schoo building and the Garfield hotel, amount fo about $85,000. The school building was valued -it $65,000 and the hotel at $20,000, with Insurance amounting to 122,000 on the school and $C,000 on the hotel The fire in the Park street school ! was discovered first In tho cupola, 1 and there was no fire In the regular furnace at the time. When the fire was first found It was under strong headway and the roof fell In soon after the department reached the scene. The fire In the Garfield hotel was of Incendiary origin, and was started in the woodshed In the back of the hotel. There were CC guests In the hotel at the time and many of them escaped with nothing but their night clothes on. LOOTED A CAR. RIVALS IN COLLEGE GAMES. RATES ADVANCED. Will relght Cost More to Ship Across the Pacific. San Francisco, Cal., Jan, 30. On nnn after Monday next It will coat morn to shin flour from Pacific CoaBt nnintn m fli Orlont man 11 iue ' " . . loo,l now. unuer an ugruuiuum. Into hy all steamship lines engaged in transpacific trado the rato has been advanced io $4 per ton. Tho agreement provides also that .lirforontlnl In favor of San Fran cisco that has operated to tho disad vantage of millers on tne norm 1 ciflc conat shall to abolished. San Francisco has hod tho benefit of a n oU in ur n SI ner ton. but nio ,irti,,.rn Rtenmslun lines would not follow tho cut of tho China Com raorcial company to that extent, ns tho cost of shipment between Pugot Sound or Portlnuu and San francs- a . i..tA..i in nrnrfpf I IIO CO DOB boon Hiuuuium i"" $3 rato, the additional homo by tho northern millers com poUng with those of California for tho Orlontal trado. Decorate King Charles' Statue London. Jan. 30. - Tho 1 1 ai.. tiirt niniuu ui InTaiSPU-o took place today (tho nnn.vora ry ojtt his OXOCUllon 1" "", --7 ,,,. floral onslBtod of wreaths an? other flora ScirthMni.Un.todj Running Events by Noted Sprinters at Madison Square. New York. Jan. 30. New York ers will have nn opportunity to see the cream of tho college athletes at their best tonight nt the big athletic carnival to bo hold In Madison Square Gerden under the auspices of Columbia university. Tho program will be made up mainly of relay races at ono and two miles. In these events teams from Har vard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania and other ble eastern colleges will be seen, and several western Institu tions will also be represented, Arthur Duffy, of Georgetown, world's champion 100-yard sprinter will be seen In a special event against Archlo Hahn, the crack sprinter of the Uni versity of Michigan, and holder of tho western championship. Stole From Consignment to Kemler & Son, of This Place, A car of goods, consigned to Kem ler & Son, the grocers on AHa street, was broken open at some point be tween Echo and Portland, after hav ing been Bhlpped and a lot of cigars and sardines taken from it. The car was discovered to have been looted when it reached Echo. UNDER THE CAREY ACT. President Approves Contract for Re clamation of 27,000 Acres. Hend, Jan. 30. The contract en tered Into between tho state of Ore gon and the Three Sisters Irriga tion company for the reclamation of 27,000 acres of desert land on the Tumelo river to the northwest of this place, has been approved hy the president. Tnese lands were se lected some time ago but considera ble delay was occasioned In having the segregation passed upon by the Interior department and the presi dent. Tho Three Sisters Irrigation com pany was the name of tho company that first undertook this work, but about a year ago it vns absorbed by tho Columbia Southern Irrigation company and the work of reclama tion has been carried on by the lat ter concern over since. These lands have been In groat demand among prospective settlers and the greater part of them have already been spoken for. DEER SLAUGHTERED. Reported That Heppner Hunters Kill 30 In the Hills Near There. Arlington, Jan. 30. A report has gained circulation In Heppner that a party of pot hunters recently went Into the Blue mountains, south of here nnd slaughtered deer. At this time of the year the deer congregate In herds In tho canyons to browse on shubbcry, being driven down from the mountains and hill sides by deep snow. It Is an easy matter to stalk the unsuspecting animals nnd kill them In largo num bers. It Is said -.iat most of tho meat was jerked and some of It wns sold In Heppner. ASSEMBLY HALL WAS CROWDED BOLD HEART OF GITY Robbejs Enter J. B, Damain's Saloon, One Block From Main Street. CASH REGISTER SMASHED WITH LEMON SQUEEZER. Proprietor Had Been Sleeping at Sa loon for Two Weeks, But Went Home Last Night, Being Sick En trance Gained by Breaking Window Thieves Leave No Clue What, ever Police Working on Case. JAMES REEVES AND EARL ARCHIBALD WIN THE DEBATE. PLEADED NOT GUILTY. Culllna and Toon Say They Didn't Smoke Opium. Frederick IJ. Culllns, who Is In the county nail to answer to the charge of opium smoking, was arraigned tni morning and pleaded not guiuy. waiving his preliminary examination. Ho was held In $250 bonds anu win remain in jail until tho meeting cf the court on February 15. Toon, the Chinaman who was ar rested last night on the charge or nmoklnir ODlum, was placed under $250 bonds, but was unable to furn ish them, and went to tho county jail. He will be tried on Monday. The heaviest recorded snowfall In Alabama was January 27-28, at At lanta and Birmingham. Eight Inches on a level fell. THE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION WILL ASK FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT As soon as tho throe vacancies In Pendleton churches aro niiea, mo Ministerial Asociatlon of this city wll bo reorganized and active reform work again taken up. At tho presdnt time tho association Is disorganized and has not held a meeting for some time. Rev. R. W. King Is president of tho association, and Rov. Potwlno socrotary, and both hnvo resigned tholr pastorates in this city, and there Is really no Interost now being taken In tho or ganization. Rov. Warnor, of tho M. E. church, however, nald today, that It would bo rovlvod and reorganized as soon as liermnnont ministers arrived to fill iiio vnonncica now existing In this Probably one of the first matters to como before the association, on Us reorganization, will bo the great in crease of tho gambling evil In this city, and Its recognition by the city officials. It has como to tho notice of tho members of tho organization that a great amount of gambling furniture has recently been imported Into tho city and Is now In use In different places In violation of tho law, In tho knowledge of the city council, city marshal and tho district attorney, and as thero Is a law pro viding for tho arrest of officials who knowingly permit tuls ovll to bo prac ticed, a rigid enforcement will be asked by tho church peoplo and the Ministerial Association, Further Annexation of Territory Is Not for the Best Interests of the American People Earl Makes His Maiden Speech and Brings Convic tion of Judges Remainder of Pro gram is Excellent. The assembly hall was filled last night with patrons and friends of the public schools who had gathered to hear the regular weekly program as presented by the pupils of Iho high school. Owing to tho crowds more chairs had to be brought in from tho main building anil oven then tho seating capacity of the hall was taxed. The most Interesting part of the program was the debate on the ques tlon, "Resolved that further annex' ntion of territory Is not for tho best Interests of the Americun people. Tho affirmative was represented by James Reeves and Earl Archibald while Ed Forrest and Francis Jack son defended tho negative sldo of the argument. Tho debate was won by the speech or Earl Archibald, a new student at tho school, who maJo the argument of the evening and gained the decision of tho Judges by his efforts. Tho rest of the program was good, both in rendition and selection nnd tho whole performance was a treat to the peoplo who visited tho hall to witness the entertainment. WILL START MARCH 1. Repairs at Woolen Mills Delayed Through Sick Engineer. The woolen mills will start up again March 1. It was thu Intention of C. J. Fcrgufcon, tho superintendent of the mills, to start by tho middle of February, but owing to tho Idle ness of Engineer Herbert Wilkinson, who haB been confined to his home with rheumatism for some time, It was Impossible to overhaul the en gine room and this has put off the date of resuming work. Mr. Wilkin son Is able to be at his post once more however, and will commence the work on the engines on Monday morning. As soon as that Is done and tho rest of tho minor repairs' completed, the mill whistle will blow again. FIRE AT YOUNGER'S. Overturned Lamp Does Damage to Books and Papers. The flro department was called out at 11:30 today, to answer a call from the Younger grocery store, but be fore tho teams had responuca mo flrn had been nut out by the efforts of Fire Chief Witheo and Henry Har rison, ono of the ciorKS in mo sioru. mIkb iw Younger accidentally overturned a lamp In the office which sot flro to the hooks and papers, which wero partly burned Aside from tho burning of somo brooms, thero was no damage done. Pennsylvania Is tho greatest ship building state, Now York second and California third. J, 1). Damnln's saloon, on Court nnd Cottonwood streets, wns entered this morning nnd $32.50 tnken from the cash register. Tho remains of the register wero left on tho floor rf a back room. Tho front door was broken open so that tho robbers could leave tho building nnd no cluo wns left to the Identity of tho loot ers. For tho past two weeks Mr. Dam nlu, tho pioprletor of tho saloon, has boon In the place night and day, hav ing a bed there, whero ho sleeps after closing the houso about 1 o'clock in the morning. Ho has had his meals brought to him hy his son nml has spent all of his tlmo In the Baloon, which has been undergoing a course of overhauling. I-nst night, howover, tho proprietor wns tcellng under tho weather and went homo for n good night's sleep, leaving the saloon In tho care of the night bartender, who locked tho cash register about 2 o'clock this morning, closed up tho saloon nnd went iiome. When Mr. Damn In came to work this morning, he found that a back window had been broken open nnd tho cash register taken from tho bar room to n small room In the renr of the saloon, whero it had been broken into with n largo Iron lemon squeez er. Tho money hnil been taken out, nftcr which tho robbers broke In thn small door In tho front room and made good their escape, leaving no clue for tho police who aro working on the cubo. 2,000 Out of Work. Palerson, Jan, 30. Two thousand peoplo wero thrown out' of work by the burning nf the Ashley llulley Silk Mills, here, this morning. Tho loss 3 extremely heavy. Wounded Man Dies. Elgin, Jan. 30. II. F. Hons, who was shot by Kaser, nt this place, yesterday, died lust night of his wounds. SMASHED THING8 UP. Blsslnger's Team Made Lively Runa way on Court 6treet. Tho tenui belonging to O. T. Ills- slngcr, of South Cold HprlngB, took fright thla morning whllo hitched to it post In front or tho Owl 'feu house on Court street and breaking away, ran down thn street to Main, whero thoy poked Iho tongue of tho buggy Into a telegraph polo In front of the Ilrock & MtComas drug store, break ing tho tongue and thu harness and twisting thu buggy up to a slight ex tent. Ouu of tho horses fell on tho cement sldowalk and slid over under tho show-window, whero ho was caught as lio scrambled to his feet. The plato window had a narrow es cape. Aside from tua uroKon tongue and harness and a few bruises on the horses, no damage was done, SUIT FOR $61,177. Seeks to Recover on Deposits In First National Bank, . Josenh Voy has filed a suit against tho First National Hank In which ho seeks to recover $01,177, alleged 10 bo duo him on a doposlt and wan- held by tho bank. Tho nlalntlff alleges that ho has slnco tho first day of January, 1808, and prior to tho first day of January, 1904, deposited In tho bank the total sum of $139,311, from which ho has drawn $76,107, leaving a balanco !n his favor of tho amount asKeu 101, which ho seeks to recover. In Memory of Prince Rudolph. Vienna. Jan. 30. Tho fifteenth nunlvorsArv nf llifl traelc death of Crown Prince Rudolph was observed today. Thero was. tho usual memo rial service In tne uapucnin cuurcu, rblch was attended by jsniperor .losenh. the Archduchess Mario Valerie, his daughter and oth er members of tho Imperial family. For covcral minutes tno vonerauie emperor nnd those who accompanied him knelt and prayed beside the wreath-covered tombs of the crown prince and his murdered momer, me Empress Elizabeth. - I city, " MUlca! kingdom,