- , m M mmv W II am -H aaaaV m I a. . BSBSBSBV mm, mm mm m mmmt m m mmm BMm aaaT mam a m i BMnKMH y 'mm. m aw hi virv ir. . w ma " I V ' !L 1 Vll V Vj3(Vg I Eastern 0,e8onWetej j"1"' Jmm-. mmLmmmmaamfmWmW , ; Tonight and Saturday, fair. j !. 1 DTQX , UMATILLA COUNTY, OBEGON, feft L DAY, .fAKUAHY 29, 1904. NO. 4958. .m.mi AllO nib IUHY, I III niniTiniin m linnni Jk. . . I rnuftDATiii atcr DieTni - in hi n ill in iiiiii i iiiiih ill i iiiiiiii ii in i mi i Vw....ri.VH.,..v .i.w.wm. in ii in 1 1 1 ii 1 1 111 IU Jl III I I MOtlVe Of Thru naue C.e.lA- -. I IU I I I 1 II I I I I IU Ilk 1111 K lliV LIIIU UL n UH I I I I IU W III IV II I U 1 1 I I III llllin I III ll.l III IIIIIIII lli.l I U I I I I Href At Italian Artrc F nhtv V a ra I II II . Ill I lllll.l rimrx r ain.Mi.i. i u lj i i - - - ..nifinll Bloomlngton. 111.. Jnn M. Afi,- "' 1 1 nuiiii i iwiv Tnndtinr- nvm- i.ni.i r.r,' i nil nun i in hi in ii ii ii illinium 1 ...nnt in Vininitv 8 U"l J Temple and Theatre. 1 KILLED AND DAMAGE $30,000. j. at Second Day of .1 i nlaokmall Mrs. .b.i comDromlsIng Ad. lt Denies Ail Guilt Witness Is Nervous ntlH Ihe Audi. n a nin nprurred idlolnlng MnBonlc mm ... .nm tm ovnloRlnn ' in.. Mnrv Vnrvn. a a8 fatally burned Rudolph Horiotimy bo, ,tre slightly injurou. thn firth nnd rmcu ncupled by a gas man Damage $30,000. Tbo .j nhtflntrnlnnu in flrn IMonstratt'd, wiion tnoy met until It was almost It the police, Tillbury Trial. .U 29. The Bccnes of nln aamiuunco 10 mu .i rnnnntml thin nent regaruing tno iklch became bo lively iosrned to chamliorB to Thurtton on Stand. i I ...In. V. PIS CVQlCluIItu VI ill! "tu 1 - 11 .. 1 I ..in. .L.--I.... ijicuoiip. . I 1 I I . r. mie sue ioiu oi 1 111- and tlio caiiRCB is cuaiicur. not ni- B pn iv rirnnr wnmnn inc rnnma. Rhn ilo- ma will!. Huin wiicn trmnnov Rhn inrn lin h avcd tlio pieces, lUfiUlllUI llllll kUVU CK I tJ UAUIAH -i ii. imifniii tek of Dest Grades to laiaiiua, ilnuto" adilrosH boforo .vuoi IjIVUMIUUK UHUU- J'll, 8iol(o of comli- Wand In tlio mid-Pa- "II has largo herds of Ulmals. Thero uro 37 IVUU-UIUU L'UUIU neh-Al.. rt i wer ranclips whoro V excollont boof. but 1115111:1 in xiu '"iuk iu mo iact iimi "SISU tUUlllUUllUU. (tie llOal lirnnrlo Wn mmuil navo gooo "Mir volna. Shcnn k'uas In largo hords. - iw 1IU1U III mU.UUU , .uiiVJU, in iiu Hi- n 'wis aro ucattorcd HVai.nl l..t 1 ii 1 imiinus iuui wwallan Kroup. At "'y hlstorv nf thn . tho iBlands tho IDIIhKAM.r .1 t Wt feed of various M alfalfa. In l.nlncr ch an extent that -"tii ioeu ib now r Banquet. . inn nun "SWIiatlnn , ft. ..lur coioorating . McKlnlnv'Q 1.1 rtl. - "aiiijuoi tonight. MurdnoW Drnallln nrifl thn IU bo dollvorod rancs V, Gllfln. , " Way. J?;, Indlctmont V '"1 Bnntnnnn.1 J. M . ' V. I. is.'' .ir mnl. m tn. . AI"0S Is 1 inn nnlni-l. A Motive of Three Days Session of So clety at Bloomlngton. Bloomlngton, 111., Jan. 29. After threo days of papers, addresses and discussions, the TOOOtlng over held by tho Illinois Stato Historical Society closed today with mo diminution of interest ap parent on ino part ot the many par ticipants. Among tho Interesting papers pre sented at tlio concluding sessions hold today wcro the following: "Tho Woman's Club Movement or Illinois," Mrs. E. C. Lambert, Jacksonville; "Tho Destruction of Kaskaslila by tho Mississippi River," J, T. Doug Mb, Chester; "Morris Dlrkbeck and His Friends,' Daniel Derry", M. D Cnrml; Tho Scotch-Irlsh In Illinois," Ilobort A. Gray, Uluo Mound; "Mc Kendroo College," M. H. Cliambcr lln, LI,. D., Ibanon, III. SHOOTING AT ELGIN. Logging Contractor Shoots His Em ployer ln a Dispute Over Settle ment. I.a Orande, Jan. 29. Dan Ross, a logging contractor, shot Robert Ra sor, his employer, In the Bhouluer and wrist last night In a dispute ovor a settlement, at a sawmill nonr Elgin. Ross alleges thut Rasor attacked him first with a heavy pcavy, or cant hook, and that ho shot Rasor In Bolt defonse. Rasor's wounds are not considered fatal, but ho Is ln a pre carious condition now. Ross is under arrest, having given himself up to an oincer immediately aftor the ahoot lng. Roth parties are well known. ANTI-GERMAN WAR. Blacks Attempting to Exterminate Their Teuton Conquerors. Rcrlin, Jan 29. Dispatches from Gorman Africa today Btato all the tribes of tho country have combined with tho rebellious Heroros In oper ations against tho besieged places, with plans for the complete extermi nation of tho whites. COMING G. E. CONVENTION STATE SECRETARY MUCH PLEASED AT PROSPECTS. Attendance From Willamette Towns Promises to Be Large Minor Changes Will Be Made In the Pro. gram Union Meeting February 21. Approachment of Russia and Exposition Authorities After I f" .! l I l r i-?t ii ip nun Japan on Essential Issues Very Probable. THE FORMER'S FINAL REPLY FORTHCOMING. J A. Rockwood, of Portland, state secretary of tho .nrlstian Endeavor Society, was In tho city this morning for a few hours, between trains, look ing over the held for the coming ln this city of the convention on Febru ary 19-22. Ho Is well pleased with the pro gress being made by the various committees, and Is sure that this will ho one of tho most entertaining con ventions ovor held by the society, as tho attendance from the Willamette valloy towns promises to be large, and the Interest very great. Whilo in tho city Mr. Rockwood conforred with Rov. Dlven, who has ..I,,,-..., r,r tim work, as chairman ot tho general committee, until re cently, nnd expressed entiro satisfac tion with tho plans as now tormu latcd. ,, , , Somo minor changes wilt be mado lu tbo program, which was published In tho East Orogonlan several days ago. E. C. Uronaugh. a prominent attorney of Portland, will deliver an address on 'Young Peoplo ana Train ing " and Mr. Rockwood suggested as ono now featuro that rousing men's mooting ho hold under tho auspices ot tho Men's Resort on Sunday after noon, February 21. With this object in view, ho con ferred with io members of the Men's Resort organization and this mooting will probably be carried out as suggested by Mr. Rockwood. LEWIS THREW HIS MAN. Put the Australian Down In Two FallsTime, S2 Minutes. All Rakor City lovers of true sport mado a good crowd Inst night at . tho Armory to witness tho wrestling match botwoon Professor Lewis, of BaC atTund Joo Watkins , of Aus tralla, for 200 a side and gate money, says tho 1- . fln0 Both aro good mon m uno coition. Lewis throw tho Aus ml Jan tho first time by a rolling Nolson hold In aovon and a half minutes. Tho so ond timo ho throw Watkins in ono fnlnuto by a log and arm lock. nnliini- tliom WttS U lllin,miiv..i. - nuot son by President Roosevelt quoi Bum. .- (.onsorvatory. M?sm McKlnloy visited tho tomb this ornlng ami "personally od tho nrrangumont of tho norm tokens. oul.n. Whn.lt Ch.cago. Jan."" 20'.-Wheat oponod Japan Will Recognize Russia's "Spec ial Interests" and Withdraw Objec tions to Her Continued Occupation of Warm Sea Ports, and Will Not Ask Her to Evacuate Eastern Ter minals of Her Great Transportation System. Four a'nd a Half Million 4 More Dollars. WOULD GIVE LIEN ON GATE RECEIPTS AS SECURITY. f 1 London, Jan. 29. Tho Japaneso minister, Hayashl, today said tho Russian reply had not yet left St. Petersburg, and he had not the Bllghtcst inkling of its contents. Japan Makes Concessions. 'London, Jan. 29. The Central News today Bays It Is authoritatively informed that Japan is not anxious to deprive Russia of access to warm water seas, does not ask the evacua tion of Port Arthur and, Dalny, and is ready to recognize Russia's special Interests in those places and ln Man churia. Reply Expected Soon. Washington, Jan. 29. Tue stato department received a dispatch from Toklo that Russia's reply Is expect ed there tomorrow. Russians Excited. Port Arthur, Jan. 29. A telegram was received here today Informing the Russian authorities that mobili zation of Japan's army continues. The effect of the telegram was to renew preparations for dispatching tho troops already .ordorieo north,' but whoso departure was delayed owing to the peaceful aspect of affairs. The authorities today act as though war is inevitable. PORTLAND TO THE RELIEF. Heppner Flood Surplus Will Be Sent to Pennsylvania. Portland, Jan. 29. Tho local relief committee with $15,000 funds left from tho Heppner flood disaster, has decided to turn tho amount over for tho relief of the Cheswlck sufferers, and tho mayor of Cheswlck has been notllled to that effect. Bodies Recovered. .Cheswlck, Jan. 29. Ono hundred nnd thirty-two bodies had been recov ered at 1 this afternoon. Hourly fun erals are being held. The Indiana legislature has mado it a misdemeanor for a railroad to per mit mon In tho oiieratlng department to work more than 1G hours consecutively. Senate Deep Into Panama Question, Passes Resolution Asking for All the Correspondence With Colombia "Carnation Day" Is Observed Is Considered I Urgent Deficiency Bill Russell Transferred From Cara cas tn Panama. 1 Washington, Jan. 29. rhe St. Louis Exposition authoritls want to borrow $4,600,000 from the govern ment. TlH'l propose to give as se i urlty a first lien on receipts. Gov ernor Fiancls headed the delegation of buBlnes. men which this morning presented trie proposition to tho sub committee ijof the senate committee on appropriations. No action was taken. i r "Carnation Day." Washington, Jan. 29. The White House observed carnation day. Roos evelt and Loeb wore immense bou quets and gave each visitor a houton- nierre. In Senate and House. Washington, Jan. 29. The house members are today nearly all wear ing carnations. In the Benate only the president pro tern and chaplain woie the' flower. The Benuts resumed the Panama discussion relative to the resolution asklne the president for all facts. The housej as a committee of the whole Is considering jne(urgeni ue ficiency appropriation, "After Inside Facts. Tho senate passed a resolution that the president be requested to Inform the Benate wlietner ai. correspond ence with Colombia over Panama af. fairs had been sent to the senate, and If not that all be sent unless Incom patlble with public interest. Transferred From Caracas. Washington, Jan. 29, Russell, American charge d'attalrs at Caracas, lias been ordered to take charge of the American legation at Panama during the absence of Minister Bu chanan, who leaves for Washington next week, lt Is believed Russell will succeed Buchanan as minister. ACETYLENE EXPLODED. Great Italian Actress Eighty Years of Age This Day. Rome, Jan. 29. This was the clghty-second birthday of Adelaide RIstorl, tho famous Italian tragic actress. During the day she re ceived a flood of congratulations, personally, by telegraph and by mall. from all parts of tho world. Several felicitous messages were received from the United States. In which country she has many friends and admirers as a result of her four visits there. RIstorl was born at Cnvldale, Italy, In 1S22. On her appearance in Paris in lSoa she was harshly criti cised for posing as the rival of Rach el, then at the height of her fame. RIstori won popular favor, however. nnd her receptions In other countries especially In the United States, were enthuslnstls. Among her leading parts were Francesca da Rimini, Maria Stuart, Phoedra. Judith and Lady Macbeth. Tho last character she played In America with SJwln Booth. She retired from the EiieIMi stage In 1&73, but has since appeared before the footllght In Italy occasi onally. McKINLEY BANQUET. Annual Observance at the Waldorf- Astoria. New York, Jan. 29. Close per sonal and political friends of Senator Hanna deny the rumor that tho Mc Klnley Day banquet to bo given nt tho Waldorf-Astoria tonight Is to bo made tho medium for launching a Hnnna presidential boom, On tho contrary, eulogies of President Mc Klnley and not political addresses will occupy the larger part of the evening's program and tbo speakers will Include n unmber of prominent republicans closely allied with tho Roosevelt administration. James J. Grant, of Canton, will de liver the eulogy of the lato president, from the standpoint of a personal friend. It is expected that Governor Odell and Senators Piatt and Depow will be present, in addition to other lepubllcan leaders, local and nation al. CITY OF ATHENA'S . STEADY GROWTH PDOSPEROUS AND WELL BUILT COUNTRY TOWN, A Highbinders' War Has Bro ken Out and the Factions Are Skirmishing. WHITE MAN WAS SHOT DURING A FUSILADE. Preliminary Hearing of Leon Soeder, Charged With an Insurance Mur der, Is In Progress His Former Sweetheart Gives Damaging Testl. mony Soeder Had. Insured the Life of tho Dead Man, Who Was His Brother-ln-Law, Ten Were Killed and Five Seriously Hurt In France. Paris, Jan. 29. Ten were killed and five seriously hurt by an explosion of acetylene in a village near Avignon today. WARRANTS ARE SERVED ON PROMINENT PENDLETON CITIZENS Four Brick Business Houses Will Be Erected This Spring The Place Has Two of the Finest Church Ed Iflces in Eastern Oregon. ,rk iTnii.wi states of America vs. G. A. Hartman, Charles Cunningham, Joo H. Parks, Asa Rayburn, Dallas O'Hara, Glen H. Baling, Shelly Jones, Mark Shackelford, Kaio jarnea, jum. Doe ana mcumu . . i.nmh thnt John 11. THIS WUB IIW ., -,,. .. .. ,ti.i atntna illntrln.t attor- nall. tno uiiiiuu owu . ----- ney exploded In this city this after noon, when ho served papers on tho defendants named above In a brought by the government charging . . --.!. . .,..niranv to defraud "united" States" by'akins fraudu lont land entries and conniving at tho fraud attempted Not an or mu imm v... 1 .. . .i ,hn worn hero the city, out muou :r Jr., this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to plead to mo imwu. 1 - l..A.,f,l,t nn nn am. Tlio caso wub uiuub..v -.- -davit filed by Special Agent A. II. Groon, who makes tho specific ClTheglBt of tno allegations brought bv tho government Is that Rayburn, u Hhnrklford. u liara, ouiHiia, James. Doo and Roo made falso en tries on land which they wished to tnke up at tho Instance and request of Charles Cunningham, who wisncd It for his sheep ranges, and that these peoplo neither knew where the laud was, or Intended to live on It, or had over been on lt. Joe Parks and G. A. Hartman drew tho papers for tho parties and trans acted the clerical work for them. Parks Is now at Alba, but will be in the city this evening. Tho case Is tho outcome of the Asa B Thompson trial, and is the last ef fort of the government to probe Into the bottom of the land conditions here. There Is nothing now In toe jAnlni,mftnla nnd the COV- ernment has no evidence other than that brought out ai me inw iu in land. Judge Hartman, though an- i .v.n. hn ahnuM hn drawn Into the affair, claims to havo had nothing to no in me mauer w 1B3UO the papers sworn to by the men filing on the lands. Ho will ask for an immediate examination In order that his connection with the Infor matlon may be made plain. It s thought that the rest will waive he r examination and give bonds for tbolr appearance beforo the United States jury In Portland, HARRY EGBERT HANGED TODAY AT SALEM Snlom, Jan. 29.-Harry Egbert, ali as Jack Frost, was hangod at 12.30 p. m. today for tho murdor of two omcors, John G. Saxton and Jack West, who attempted to arrest him for assault In Harnoy county, on Oc tober 4. ' Egbort was a dosporato charactor and was regarded as tho most dangorous prlsonor ovor lncar- , .1 C.Un. nrlcnn coratcu in uiu oem;." i" He was kept undor tho closest watch for tno past iwu muutun, fed an 1 shaved with his hands man- ilu " ..j .lnwnfall to aciou, o ui.vwuim .. - ---- ,ni.. i tho nrot nvniMitlnn women, iuid i - under tbo now Btato law requiring . . tn hn hanecd conaomnuu iiimu..u.0 ... .I.. nlann wftll witnin u" jmiou" -. Athena Is urging steadily n, the front. Atliena has always been con sidered a good business town, but this spring is showing moro than her usual activity. Especially is HiIb so In tho line of building operations. The Methodist church, which Is of brick and stone. Is nearlng cum Dic tion; $1G,000 Is the cost of this struc ture. This church and the Christian church, which cost almost as much, gives to Athena the honor of having two of the finest churche edifices In Eastern Oregon. Tho prospect is that four now brick hlockB will go up this spring. Brick Is now being hauled for a new two-story building 35x40, which is being erected by John E. Fioomo. Mrs. J. H. Stab), of Wnlla Walla, has let mo contract for a brick building 60x90 on the comer of Main and Third streets, Tho First National Bank will put up a brick hiiliiiin,. HiIk Hiirlnt- on (ho corner of Main and Fourth streets, and tho Odd Fellows have In contemplation tho erection of a brick building, work mi u-hlph will nltia commence this spring. In addition to theso buBiuoBS blocks, many private resiucuces win bo erected this spring. Athena Is en Joying a steady and solid growth. HONOR TO BRITISH MINISTER, Banquet at New York Attended by Notables, Uftu, Vnrl .tan. 29 Thrf nOW i.i, lot, i.-miinuondnr sir Henry Morti mer Durand, camo from Washington today to be the guest oi nonor uv the banquet to bo given at Delraonl co's tonight by tho Pilgrims of tho United States, a society which has for Its object the cultivation and ex. tension of Anglo-American friend ship. General Joseph Wheelor, Bishop Potter, Cornelius N. Bliss, August Belmont, Kicnaru mivnuu Glldor and General Henry C. Corbln - nmn thn wpll lillOWIl IlfirSOnB actively Interested in tho affair. The Pilgrims, In their existence here of less than a year, havo given ...,.1 Imnsirlnilt lllllIlLTB. tllO fiTSt to Lord Charles Breseford In Febru ary last, another to me into aiui-ub-sador Sir Michael Herbert In May, and ono to Sir ThomaB Upton In Soptember after tho Internatfonal yacht races. RESISTING MILITARY DUTY. Rioting Over Attempt to Rescue Conscripts In Austria. Vienna, Jan, 29. An attempt at Egorszng today to rescue four reserv stV who wore arrested for refusal to perform military duty, resulted In a gonoral riot, In which many were se riously injureu. l.-rnnnliir-d Inn. 5!!. Ill n deft- imrntn 1 1 1 l.hhl Mi1,l- U'llr fflllellt In Chinatown nt 8 this morning, two were wounded In nn exenango oi in shots. Thomas Sttllmnu, n watchman, was shot in tho thigh, but not danger ously hurt. How You, a Highbinder, was shot In tho leg by Stlllman. You nmi tuwi ffimnntilmiR Htnrlod out to clcun up somu Hop Slug, and en couiuenng one, ucgun biiooiiuk. mu fire was returned nnu a running uai tlo continued until their man appear ed. A bullet booh put him down and the Highbinders wcro about to kill the man they were alter, wnen Stlllman arose and shot You, who wn. nrr.wtml Thn others escnned. Further trouble Is expected. No Clues to Blackmailers. San Francisco, Jan. 29. With prac tically no clues to work on the Pink ertons and other detoctlvcs assigned I,. Ihn Smilhnrn I'lW-lllc 111 lirk III 111 1 1 II C case, uro ready to admit thero is no further necessity ror continuing mo Hoarch, believing the publicity given the matter lias scared tho conspira tors away. No additional advices uffcctlng.tho caso havo been received from Fres no today beyond a general denial of the leport that a Biipposed dynamit er was discovered prowling around the tracks at Madera and was fired upon by the watchman. Managor u,. nihil, nf tin, I'lnliprlnn acency. de clared tho report absolutely founda-ttoniess. Supposed Murder for Insurance. U,.u Inn. "ft. HtmHlltloll- al Testimony wu'b given today In tho preliminary hearing of Ion Soedor, accused or tlio muruer oi jom-im Illalso, his lirolher-lii luw, by Knth crlno Flalley, Soder's former sweet heart, Shu admitted Boeder wroto her many lovo letteru and gavo ner valuable piesents. Her inotl damiig lng statement was that Soeder told her ho expected lo receive 110,000 or mini' fiom an estate In Germany. The Btato will aueiupt 10 onuw mm c, riniiiv iimieitecl to receive the greater poitloii of tills Hum thlough Insurance he placed on uiais s me. NEW LUMBER MARKET. Texas Railroad Ties Will Be Laid In Africa. Kf..... Vi.rl in, i H Tnhn TT Klrhv tho Texas lumber king, who Irf now In New York, states that tho British government will build 20,000 mllos of railroad through Afrlcu, carrying out tho long-cherished scheme of Cecil Rhodes. Tho cross ties for tlio road, hays Mr. Klrby, will havo to como from tho Soulh and principally from Texas. 'i hn i out rnrt Is suru to bo awurded this year, ho say, am Is bound to i-nma in Amnrlrii. for nn other coun try in tho world can supply yellow plno In suulclent quantities, 11 is es timated that a contract of such pro- ..,rllnn I. llllll wilt til III) all tllO yellow pine iiiIIIb of tho South ull their time lo fill. Tho work of build ing tho railroad will bo performed by 1,000,000 Chinese and cooly laborers Imported for a porlod of threo years. Clubs to Give Penrose a Dinner. Dlilhwh.liililn Pa . Jan. 29. TllO republican loaders of tbo Keystone Btato havo rounueu up nuro jor mu purpose of attending tho great ban quet to bo glvon in Horticultural hall tonight in honor of United States Senator Penrose, but also as a Jubi lation over tho republican victory in Pennsylvania at the Novom'ber elec tion, Senator Quay, Governor Pen uypacker, former Governor Stone, i.layor Weaver and scores of other prominent members of tho party havo accepted Invitations to be pres ent. Jewelry Window Robbed. 4. fhlr-npn. inn 29. Earlv this morning thieves smashed tho O. tnuinlrv window nt Mnlldell'S department Btoro, on Stato street, in the heart or tno ciiy, t and escaped with ?G00 worth of watches, rings and studs. Tho robbery was effected by ono man with no vislBlo ae complices. ' . 01, cloaea mo "" - T T T