GROWING LENGTHWISE You want the children to qrow, but not all lengthwise. When they start that way Scott's Emulsion will help them to grow right with due plumpness and outward proportion, and with inward vigor and good spirits. The Emulsion increases digestive power and strength ens the vital organs to get the best and make the most out of all the other food. It gives a kind of help that every growing child ought to have. We'll send you a sample Iree upon request. SCOTT & BOWNi:, 409 Pel Street, New VotL RIDGE AND VICINITY MRS. SCHMIDT IS QUITE j ILL AT HER MOTHER'S GENERAL NEWS. The government has the comiileto upper hand over the rebels In Una guay. Oscar O, Murray is the new presi dent of the Haltlmore & Ohio rail way. Judge Uohert I.owry, c.vmcniber of congress. Is dead at his home at Fort Wayrie, Intl., aged SO years. There Is no doubt about another revolution breaking out In Macedo nia as soon as spring opens. Mrs. Kntherlne Kendall Steele, a first cousin of President Pierce, is dead at her homo at I.yndeboro, N. II., aged 103 years. Korea has S2.000 square miles almost exactly the area of Kansas and 4.noo,000 Inhabitants, while Kansas has 1,500,000 inhabitants. Sister Phllomena, mother superior of Mercy hospital at Des Moines, has fallen heir to $3,.00,000 from her uncle, John McCormlck, who tiled at Melbourne, Australia. The records and official accounts of ex-State Auditor Merrlam, of Iowa, suspected of grafting off the Insur ance companies, will be examined by a legislative committee. The American lllble Society, dur ing the SS years of Its existence, has printed and circulated f2,000.000 Hi hies In 100 languages. It is hard ip and makes an appeal for funds. E. S. Dlydenburg, on trial at Eldo rado, Iowa, charged with poisoning his wife, Is liable to escape because of the fact that the embalming Mufti used In preparing the woman's body contained a large percentage of arse nic. Harry Brown, aged 13, and his sis ter, Ituth, aged 9, of Venttlra, Cal., thought a burglar was trying to en ter the house. Harry seized a pis tol, which was accidentally discharg ed, killing his sister and wounding himself. Big Dall at Alkali Activity In the ( Livestock Line Sale of Llghtfoot t Farm No Feeding of Livestock at Present T. P. Edwards Is On Sick List. Hltlgo, Jan. 2S. Mrs. Henry Schmidt Is quite sick nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. K. P. Fahronwatd. There was a big ball at tho home of Frances Kouningoux on Alkali, the 22nd. A nice tlmo ami fine attend ance. Wm. Putter, of Uklah, made a trip to Eastland, whero his sons nre car ing for his cattle. ' P. P. Fletcher, of Nye, Is working In Pendleton. W. E. linker is hauling hay from Alba for his cattle. The Cummlngs mothers, of Our dane, were down In this locality m Tuesday after some of their horses to break. J. A. Horseman, (5. L. Horseman ar.d Eugene Cortig, of v,urdane, have purchased 160 acres of J. U Light loot; price. $1,300. Tills formerly be longed to C. H. Horseman, who sold It to W. M. Pierce about six months ago, and Pierce sold It to J. L. Light foot about three months ago for I S1.000. We had high west winds the last of the week and some snow on Sun day evening. Freezes nights, but thaws in the daytime. Snow all gone and nice and clear. Hardly any wind and feeding Is discontinued nt pres ent. T. P. Edwards Is on tho sick list. William Jones, of Milton, Is In this part to get a team ho pur chased of Win bimonton and sons. WOULD ROB THE CHURCH. . NORTHWEST NEWS. Only three Japanese passengers came over on the tndrasahma, on her last trip. Junction City has voted to give a 30-year franchise to the Dooth-Kelly Lumber Company to light tho city. . North Yakima hopgrowers hae been offered 20 cents for the crops yet unsold, the highest offer made there this season. The Albany city council has pass ed an ordinance closing all games and prohibiting open doors of sa ldons on Sunday. A movement is now on foot at Sa lem to build a trolly line from the city of Salem to the Indian school at Chemawa. Multnomah county has sued the First Presbyterian church and the Portland Cracker Company for back taxes, aggregating about l,800. The city marshal of La Grande was arrested on Wednesday for tak ing stolen property out of the pos session of the thief without due pro cess of law. The fire committee of the Tacoma city council Is now making tho firit Investigation over made In the city, with regard to the Are protection of the large buildings. Robert L. Garcia, a Mexican nur seryman, attempted suicide at Sa lem Wednesday by drinking chloro form. Prompt work with the atom ach pump saved him. The safe blower killed In Spokane on Monday, Is believed to be James II. Sims, an ex-convict from me Walla Walla penitentiary, who serv ed a sentence some years ago for burglary. Tho chief of police and night )f fleer of Colfax, arc on trial before tho city council for neglect of duty. The recent disgusting outrage of a young girl, by seven drunken hoodlums In a room In the heart of tho city, Is tho came of the Investigation. Smooth Grafter Works Lewlston Peo. pie on Ticket Swindle. Lewlston, Jan. 2S. A man giving his name as Thomas Slieehau was j arrested yesterday evening by Deputy Sheriff -Monroe on the charge of ob taining money under false pretenses. When arrested. Sheelian was trying ' to negotiate the sale of tickets jii property alleged to bo offered as a premium by tho Catholic church. An Investigation revealed the fact that Sheehan had come Into posses-, slon of the tickets for his own per-' sonal gain, and not for tho hosplttlj fund of tho church, as represented. Earlier in the evening Sheehan bad , been seen trying the door at the . Hethel Jewelry store and when nrroit-1 ed and searched a skeleton key was found In his possession. Sheehan admitted that he had been released from the penitentiary at Deer Lodge, ' Mont., but a few months ago. hut would make no statement of his do Ings since arriving in the city. INDIAN DANCE GOES ON. Clearwater Siwashes Dance and Gamble Their Substance Away. j Clearwater, Jan. 2S. The lilg In dian powwow and dance at the lodse of Three Feathers, on Sweetwater creek Is expected to break up to morrow and the dancing will he -e- sumetl at the Len Henry place at the i mouth of tho creek. The number of Indians at tho conn-' ell and dance is much less than when the festivities were commenced, ns tho greater portion have moved 10 the camp meeting at Kamlah, It Is stated that gambling; drinking and other dissipations have reigned for the past two weeks and tho In dians' money Is now nearly spent. It Is expected that the dance will soon close and the Indians i;turn to their homes. HARRY GOES EAST. I SAMPLE BARGAINS 7 In Real Estate t 3200 acres good wheat land Well watered and improved. $12.50 per acre. 1000 acre stock ranch. All fenced Raises 200 tons of hay; has running water; open range near by, $5000. 10 room house and two lots. Modern conveniences. 2500. All on Easy Terms. E. T. WADE & SON I'. O, ilox 311 'Mioue Black 1111 OSlce lu'f. O, Bldf Former Labor Organizer Will Build Oregon Building at St. Louis. Portland, Jan. 28. G. Y. Harry, state commissioner for tho Ixswis and Clark fair, will leave for St. LauIs Monday to superintend the erection of the Oregon building at tno .Missouri Exposition. Tho re-, malnder of tho material for "Old Fort ; Clatsop" will bo started tonight tor, St. Louis, and according to present, schedule, will arrive In tlmo to r.r-' range for work upon tar. Harry's ap pearance In St. Louis. , The action of the national govern ment relative to an appropriation for the Lewis and Clark fair is still In abeyance, but Jefferson Myers, of tho state commission, is still In Washington, but will Join Mr. Harry nt mi. iouik prior to ins return iiomc. Farmers and norserti THIS IS FOR YOU V PROF. HAW WILL GIVE ON HORSES AND CATTLE every evening ax p. m., ax j. iijlx-, v, wuiuuitsucing January tor rout Days, at Ureo. rfoome s Livery earn, on Mam street A ?. ...!.!..!. ....II 1... P.. ....wwl ... linponmniio nit mwl nil amirfclrlva munnn 4 1. r 1 .11 linnL- with nil tho 1 net rnntimis ill it.. Willi rpninmos lor 11 (30111111011 UlBOaBeH flllU lamnnOHS 111 hrtrk I,,.... . . .7 V .... - .1 :.. - i..i.i"-lV . .."'"""AW T C J f 1 1 ' . 1 ' m 4il ri. vnn into i Rfthno I R in hn I mttu h tilt Oil ttmcniniT llllfi 8VH10II1. Hie UUUOU IB JbO.UU It vmi nro cat DfU . mi rs. rut - t if rmi r vr iwt t u Iwn Tfyt run nn rial TnPfft tlfl Cnflnrp fnt vnn it Ka Lih.l.J 11 il 11111: 1 iiiil 11 vim ai t; iiiil. iiuiuuiuuui uu w u i - - - - tvm ul iiiiiiiiiii for you are to be the judge. You See It Before You Pay Fo It nrtJtl II n IBS WTF !. fPWAf!W hnw in lirnl- nnlta rirflif Hnw to tironlr n lmrco fmm lrinL-5i i UUIIL Until " - ww . , . ..ww iu mum m m 1 1 ll U W Iah .hi linriwiuti Tlrittf ii Iwitiilr rmwiumv Mtrcina l-I ixt ii hvnnL' cjum f nlnrn UAM i. l lijfic? flml null nt lw itnltnv nt lirwlm T I twv in nrnnl' Itn L'ara lufufa o4 .IUrt.o How to break horses that ahy, tear the blanket, carry the tongue out of the mouth. In fact, I teach how 1 . ! i... l.nt Unl.(n ftf nil 1-itwlr, TTf ( . l.ii,nlr it.lll linllilfU nil lrill11ir i1iirc3 I r afni.,1 .!.!!. V.' ...:n 1 li . ........... i .. 1 1 !.:...,. ,. r. . ,,,..1. c..,..., .......i:.. , k. t, r,...,., tt. ....... . 1 11 . . . .1 1 . . 11 ..I... . .... 1.1 ....I II... I I .. -I ...... I I' I I " ll UU1I Vlllv IbllVl IIU Vll ll VflllliU Ull 1 WilUi .iUII ' IIIV IIUVIIUIO 1UIlV 11. VI UUIUIIV ..!. 1. 1 1 ) 1 1 1 111,111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II1V I nnniii in pnun Minv arn iiiiurp( tiow in rnmnvi! innin hik sn.v in pnw. riow k, nnvii c (inn m unwi sides any numbur of things J do not advert is here. Your boraes and cattle may lie all right today, but you sure they will remain so r Prepare against such emergencies. Come in to the rree exhibition, through the Class. I WW WBBII llll . 1 . I I I I I fc W I I 1 I llk.1 II II III ft. you nothing. l i His Dullness. Stormington Dames I auppoae you have plenty of billing and cooing to do In your new play. Miss Futelltes Yes; plenty of coo Ing; the advanca agents attends to the billing. ..''' ; MILLIONS IN BONES. Estimated That the Bones of 31,000,' 000 Buffalo Have Been Gathered From Kansas Plains, j Barring tho dreadful stampede, which good judgment could avoid and tho occasional charge of an enraged bull to escape his tormentors, or some fretted cow lo protect her calf, tho Idlllng of buffaloes was a sport without peril, and a business void of hazardous Incident, carried on with such ruthless, wasteful and unnecos-1 sary destruction that tho memory of It excites pity, Indignation and dls-1 gust of the present generation. I In KausaH alone between 1808 and 1881, $25,000,000 was paid out i for bones gathered on tho prairies and sold to bo utilized In various carbon worlis. It took 100 carcass es to mal.o one ton of bones, tho j price of which was $8, So this vai)t sum represents 31,000.000 buffalo, or moro than onc-half of tho total num ber of all tho cattlo in tho wholo United States In 1U02, On tho Santa Fo trail and miles awny, too, from tho usual courso of travel, us .Major Innian rclatos. In somo places ono could walk all day long on tho doa boles of buffalo without touching foot to th ground. Exchange. A Very Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although ev ery Joint ached and every nervo was racked with pain," writes C, W. Bel lamy, a locomotive fireman, of Bur lington, Iowa, "l was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to glvo up, I got a bottle of Electric Hitters, and after taking It, I felt as well as I over did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new lifo, strength and vigor from their use, Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by Tallman & Co. Price 60 cents. 4i t t This Is tho form of receipt which will bo Issued in the East Oregonlan guessing contest, wherein somo ono of the subscribers of the East Oregonlan will receive n $100 buggy absolutely freo: No l'eiidloton, Oro 1904 EAST OREGONIAN GUESSING CONTEST. .Dollars, .subscription to the East Oregonlan from, lflo to .190. The said payment being solely and In full value for tho said nows paper, ami for no other consideration whatever, Tho publishers hereby give outright to the person In whoso namo this receipt Is Issued an opportunity, If they iloslro to avail themselves of the same, to OUESS THE UNKNOWN NUMBEHS IN THE SEALED OUESSINO CONTEST, mid hereby agree to donato outright, and without consideration whatever on his part, tho rubboMlred buggy mentioned In THE EAST OUECiONIAN OUESSINO advertise nieiits, to the persons guessing nearest that unknown number, Including the numbers 012 nnd 987, nnd nil numbers between tho said numbers, EAST OUEOONIAN PUni.ISHINO CO. Bv ... .. . .j. The Columbia Lodein? Hotru wliere best gooii served. Main Street, cents Webb Streets. F. X. Setoff Pr opfletof Olympla Beer Olympla Ceer, The most popular brand for family use. On draught at Anton Nolte's. Ho also bandies the oottled beor In any quantity desired. Gray Horse W nted. James O. Hooves Company want ono work horse; samo must bo gray. It Is difficult In Germany for a pro fessional roguo to enter a family ns a domestic servant. There every ser vant has n cbaraclor book, in which tho mistress must enter tho dates tf the cording and leaving of tho ser vant, with her character whllo In tho sorvlco. This tho girl is obliged to take to tho nearest police station and have It dated with tho nillclal stnmp, thus preventing tho manufacture of fake recommendations. Clearance Sale Continued St... C? ! a i - - ... . . I nflP or uu' oeuii-ttnnuai Clearance aaie will oe coniinueu iui or two weeks yet so long as there Is any demand forth neavier goods. Clothing Prices Mens' suits are reduced 20 per cent and more Boys' suits are also reduced 20 per cent Boys' and men's overcoats reduced 20 per cent Shoes and Overshoes Men's high top shoes, $3.23 value, now only 2 75 ! ' Men's felt shoes, $2.50 values, now only S1.85 Ladies felt slippers and shoes reduced 20 per cent ' Men's oveishoes, 1 -buckle arctics, now 90c Ladies' fleeced lined Alaska defenders, now'jee All warm overshoes reduced in price Bedding 1?! 1 . . riiic tom ans, our S2 50 kind, now.,,,t,8, Fine comforts nnr tf. ... i.:.i , J , . nlllUl ow.... SI. -to Fine comforts, our 1.50 kind, now. . . . $1.20 Bed sheets, the 65c kind, each, now only 55c Cal Jap niurAnx Soecials ..In, House linen, any quantity, for 0De ( Outing flannel, 9c, icand iieg ' .Bleached muslin, Cc and 7u"" ' .0. '"r40t.. .,UC ico, all colors, 10 yai - t ,e jd 1 ailt all rmors. lor w : t. ,nt Lace curtains, U 00 grade, fyw "" ' Furnishes Men's double-front work shirt, 5 one day, 39c grades, fr Men's dress shirts, all 7SC day, 60c , fDfonfiil'yi Men's shirts, all Ooc. grades, or ,ot Men's and boys' tics, all j day, 3S0 aii .reduced Ladies' dressing sacques cent nn day reduced jo Ladies' wrappers, for one W cent nr tt th -m a t 1 This is a money-saving opportimity for yotf